Sirona Intego, Intego Pro Service Manual

Service Manual DARWIN low/DARWIN high
Table of contents Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Service Manual INTEGO / INTEGO pro

Table of contents

Structure of the document........................................................................................ 7
1.1 Identification of danger levels........................................................................ 7
1.2 Formats and symbols used ........................................................................... 7
1.3 Symbols ........................................................................................................ 8
1.4 Abbreviations ................................................................................................ 9
General safety information ....................................................................................... 10
2.1 Qualifications of service personnel ............................................................... 10
2.2 Power connection.......................................................................................... 10
2.3 Modifications and extensions of the system.................................................. 10
2.4 Radiotelephones ........................................................................................... 10
2.5 Electrostatic discharge .................................................................................. 11
2.6 Protective ground connection........................................................................ 11
2.7 EMC interference suppression...................................................................... 11
2.8 Operating the treatment center with HELIODENT Plus unit model............... 11
Prerequisites ............................................................................................................ 12
Technical data.......................................................................................................... 13
4.1 Operating, transport and storage conditions ................................................. 14
4.2 Weight and packaging................................................................................... 15
Important information ............................................................................................... 16
5.1 Storage location for system- and user-specific data ..................................... 16
5.2 Installing the treatment center software ........................................................ 17
5.3 CAN BUS ...................................................................................................... 23
5.3.1 General ............................................................................................ 23
5.3.2 Measurements on the CAN BUS ..................................................... 24
5.4 S-COM .......................................................................................................... 25
5.4.1 General ............................................................................................ 25
5.4.2 Measurements on the S-COM bus................................................... 26
5.5 RS-485 .......................................................................................................... 27
5.5.1 General ............................................................................................ 27
5.5.2 Measurements on the RS-485 interface .......................................... 27
5.6 CAN, S-COM, and RS-485 wiring diagram ................................................... 28
5.7 Safety switches ............................................................................................. 29
5.8 Water heater in the water unit ....................................................................... 30
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Table of contents Service Manual INTEGO / INTEGO pro
5.9 Overview of signal paths for camera control ................................................ 32
5.10 Acoustic feedback from the treatment center............................................... 32
5.11 Connecting the motors and turbines in the dentist element ......................... 35
5.12 Chair movement self-test ............................................................................. 39
Overview of modules and boards............................................................................ 40
6.1 Locations of modules and boards ................................................................ 40
6.2 Patient chair ................................................................................................. 44
6.2.1 Locations of boards......................................................................... 44
6.2.2 DSA board – Patient chair control ................................................... 45
6.2.3 DSS board – DTC unit memory....................................................... 52
6.2.4 DSL board – LAN interface.............................................................. 53
6.2.5 Board DSU - USB-HUB chair.......................................................... 54
6.3 Dentist element ............................................................................................ 55
6.3.1 Locations of boards......................................................................... 55
6.3.2 DAB board – Dentist element control .............................................. 56
6.3.3 Board DAT - EasyPad..................................................................... 59
6.3.4 DAK Board - EasyTouch user interface .......................................... 61
6.3.5 DAR board – Relay module............................................................. 63
6.3.6 DAI board – Instrument light supply ................................................ 65
6.3.7 DAU1 board – USB HUB................................................................. 67
6.3.8 DAU2 board – USB HUB................................................................. 68
6.3.9 DAP board – Instrument control ...................................................... 69
6.3.10 Board DAPm - instrument control.................................................... 72
6.3.11 NAA board - Apex locator................................................................ 74
6.4 Water unit..................................................................................................... 76
6.4.1 Locations of boards......................................................................... 76
6.4.2 DWEm board compact water unit control........................................ 77
6.4.3 DWE board – Comfort water unit control......................................... 80
6.4.4 DWB board – Compact water unit control ....................................... 84
6.4.5 NWM board - Automatic tumbler filling............................................ 87
6.4.6 DWV board – Air Venturi, LEDview................................................. 88
6.4.7 DHI board – Instrument light supply ................................................ 89
6.5 Assistant element......................................................................................... 90
6.5.1 Locations of boards......................................................................... 90
6.5.2 NOP board - 5 V power supply ........................................................ 91
6.5.3 DHI board – Instrument light supply ................................................ 92
6.5.4 DHT board – Standard user interface.............................................. 93
6.6 LEDview ....................................................................................................... 94
6.6.1 NLV board - LEDview control.......................................................... 94
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Replacing components............................................................................................ 96
Table of contents Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Service Manual INTEGO / INTEGO pro
7.1 General: ........................................................................................................ 96
7.2 Removing the cover ...................................................................................... 97
7.2.1 Patient chair ..................................................................................... 97 Removing the connection box cover ................................. 97 Removing the rear covers from the base of the chair ....... 97 Removing the localizer cover ............................................ 98
7.2.2 TS dentist element ........................................................................... 99 Removing the arm cover sections..................................... 99 Opening the dentist element ............................................. 101
7.2.3 CS dentist element........................................................................... 102 Removing the arm cover sections..................................... 102 Opening the CS dentist element ....................................... 104
7.2.4 Comfort assistant element ............................................................... 106 Removing covers............................................................... 106
7.2.5 Compact assistant element.............................................................. 108 Removing covers............................................................... 108
7.2.6 Comfort water unit............................................................................ 109
7.2.7 Compact water unit .......................................................................... 111
7.3 Replacing boards .......................................................................................... 113
7.3.1 Important information when replacing boards.................................. 113
7.3.2 Removing a board from the CS dentist element .............................. 113
7.3.3 Removing a board from the TS dentist element............................... 113
7.3.4 Board removal in the assistant element Compact............................ 114
7.4 Mechanical components ............................................................................... 117
7.4.1 Support arm brake ........................................................................... 117
7.5 Hydraulic/pneumatic modules ....................................................................... 118
7.5.1 Releasing the pressure in the water unit.......................................... 118
7.5.2 Mixing tank....................................................................................... 118
7.5.3 Disinfectant tank............................................................................... 119
7.5.4 Replace SPRAYVIT, 3-way syringe and hoses ............................... 119
Mechanical adjustments........................................................................................... 120
8.1 Adjusting the comfort assistant element brakes............................................ 120
8.2 Adjusting the brakes...................................................................................... 122
8.3 Adjusting the support arm and support column brakes on LEDview............. 123
8.4 Adjusting other joint brakes........................................................................... 124
8.5 Checking and setting brakes and spring force on the dentist element.......... 126
8.5.1 Checking the spring force of the flexible support arm ...................... 126
8.5.2 Setting the spring force of the flexible support arm.......................... 128
8.5.3 Adjusting the brakes......................................................................... 130
8.5.4 Removing/fitting panels on the support arm..................................... 131
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Diagnostic information............................................................................................. 135
9.1 Overview ...................................................................................................... 135
9.2 LED concept................................................................................................. 135
9.3 Function pad concept ................................................................................... 136
Service and configuration of the treatment center................................................... 137
10.1 Setup with EasyPad user interface .............................................................. 137
10.1.1 Standard EasyPad user interface.................................................... 137
10.1.2 Setting the time and date ................................................................ 138
10.1.3 Presetting the timer ......................................................................... 139
10.1.4 Setting the purging time for the purge function ............................... 139
10.1.5 Setting the purging time for the autopurge function ........................ 139
10.1.6 Adjusting the cleaning agent mixture for chemical suction hose cleaning
10.1.7 Coupling suction to the 4-way foot switch. ...................................... 140
10.1.8 Switching afterblow on/off ............................................................... 140
10.1.9 Switching the key sound on/off........................................................ 141
10.2 Service settings with the EasyPad user interface ........................................ 141
10.2.1 Opening the Service domain........................................................... 141
10.2.2 Software version.............................................................................. 141
10.2.3 Display of the next maintenance due date ...................................... 141
10.2.4 Amalgam test .................................................................................. 142
10.2.5 Set the opening time of the cuspidor bowl valve............................. 142
10.2.6 Assigning an instrument to holder 2................................................ 142
10.2.7 Assigning an instrument to holder 3................................................ 143
10.2.8 Assigning an instrument to holder 4................................................ 143
10.2.9 Assigning an instrument to holder 5................................................ 143
10.2.10 Safety switch test ............................................................................ 144
10.2.11 Fixed button and LED test............................................................... 144
10.2.12 Packing position .............................................................................. 144
10.2.13 Factory setting................................................................................. 145
10.3 Service settings with EasyTouch user interface........................................... 146
10.3.1 Opening the Service domain........................................................... 146
10.3.2 Entry dialog ..................................................................................... 147
10.3.3 Instrument allocation for tray 2 and 3.............................................. 151
10.3.4 Instrument allocation for tray 4 and 5.............................................. 151
64 57 316 D3543 D3543. 06.2015 Save to SD card ............................................................... 147 Amalgam separator test ................................................... 148 Calibrating the touchscreen.............................................. 148 Fixed button test............................................................... 148 Display service code list ................................................... 149 Display service information............................................... 149
Table of contents Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Service Manual INTEGO / INTEGO pro
10.3.5 Default settings ................................................................................ 152 Set the opening time of the cuspidor bowl valve............... 152 Display of the next maintenance due date ........................ 152 Packing position ................................................................ 152 Factory setting................................................................... 152
10.4 Reading service codes.................................................................................. 153
10.5 Service support with the PC.......................................................................... 153
10.6 PC connection, networking ........................................................................... 154
10.6.1 Control via SIUCOM plus /SIVISION connect................................. 154
Biofilm removal......................................................................................................... 155
11.1 Approved resources for biofilm removal........................................................ 155
11.2 Preparation.................................................................................................... 155
11.3 Execution ...................................................................................................... 157
11.4 Re-processing ............................................................................................... 159
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 1Structure of the document Service Manual INTEGO / INTEGO pro 1.1Identification of danger levels

Structure of the document


Identification of danger levels

To prevent personal injury and material damage, please observe the warning and safety information provided in this document. Such information is highlighted as follows:
An imminent danger that could result in serious bodily injury or death.
A possibly dangerous situation that could result in serious bodily injury or death.
A possibly dangerous situation that could result in slight bodily injury.
A possibly harmful situation which could lead to damage of the product or an object in its environment.
Application instructions and other important information.
Tip: Information on making work easier.

Formats and symbols used

The formats and symbols used in this document have the following meaning:
1. First action step
2. Second action step or
Alternative action
➢ Individual action step see "Formats and symbols
used [ → 7]"
● List Designates a list.
"Command/menu item" Indicates commands, menu items or
Prompts you to do something.
Identifies a reference to another text passage and specifies its page number.
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1Structure of the document Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
1.3Symbols Service Manual INTEGO / INTEGO pro


TS dentist element
CS dentist element
Assistant element Compact
Assistant element Comfort
Water unitCompact
Water unitComfort
Patient chair
Electrical foot control
Pneumatic foot switch
X-ray image viewer
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 1Structure of the document Service Manual INTEGO / INTEGO pro 1.4Abbreviations


DE Dentist element AK Connection box ASE Assistant element DTC Dental treatment center BL Bootloader BL motor Brushless motor UI User interface CS INTEGO with swivel arms DLM Download manager DNA Dürr wet suction system DUMC Dental Unit Management Console
(PC program for service support) EBL Extended bootloader PCB Printed circuit board/board FS Foot control GND Ground HW Hardware L Cable LED Light emitting diode MV Solenoid valve PC Personal computer RÖBI X-ray image viewer S Switch SBL Standard bootloader CH Patient chair SW Software TS INTEGO with hanging hoses VDC DC voltage WU Water unit X Connector
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2General safety information Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
2.1Qualifications of service personnel Service Manual INTEGO / INTEGO pro

General safety information


Qualifications of service personnel

Installation and startup may be carried out only by personnel specifically authorized by Sirona.

Power connection

Shock hazard
It is essential that you switch off the power supply PRIOR to beginning the installation. There is a risk of electric shock. People can be injured or electrical components of the unit destroyed.

Modifications and extensions of the system

Modifications to this unit which might affect the safety of the system owner, patients or other persons are prohibited by law.
For reasons of product safety, this product may be operated only with original Sirona accessories or third-party accessories expressly approved by Sirona. The user assumes the risk of using non-approved accessories.
If any devices not approved by Sirona are connected, they must comply with the applicable standards, e.g.:
● IEC 60950-1 for data devices (e.g. PC, Ethernet Switch, Ethernet Hub, Ethernet Converter, USB Repeater, Ethernet Router, USB Switch, HDMI Repeater/Amplifier, audio sources, Display Port Repeater/Amplifier etc. and their power supplies), as well as
● IEC 60601-1 for medical electrical equipment.
The treatment center monitor must fulfill the requirements of the IEC 60950-1 standard.
The loudspeaker port of the monitor may be connected only to a device that complies with IEC 60950-1 (e.g. a PC) or IEC 60601-1. Under no circumstances may it be connected to a stereo system or the like.
If a system is created during the installation process, the requirements of IEC 60601-1, 3rd edition, must be fulfilled. The person assembling the system assumes responsibility for ensuring conformity, e.g. acc. to Directive 93/42/EEC.


Mobile RF communications equipment can affect electro-medical equipment. Therefore, the use of mobile wireless phones in medical office or hospital environments must be prohibited.
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 2General safety information Service Manual INTEGO / INTEGO pro 2.5Electrostatic discharge

Electrostatic discharge

Use an ESD wrist band. Connect it to the protective ground wire.
Please comply with the usual precautionary measures for handling printed circuit boards (ESD). Make sure you touch a ground point to discharge yourself prior to touching the components. Otherwise, electrical components of the device can be destroyed.

Protective ground connection

The building water supply is at protective ground potential and must not touch the electronics of the chair.

EMC interference suppression

Loss of device approval
The removal of interfering components (such as ferrite cores) leads to a loss of device approval.
In addition, faults may occur on the dental treatment center and neighboring electronic devices.
➢ Do not remove any interfering components.

Operating the treatment center with HELIODENT Plus unit model

Shock hazard
Shock hazard
The HELIODENT Plus unit has its own mains supply.
This is the reason why mains voltage can exist in the distribution box when the treatment center is switched off.
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3Prerequisites Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Service Manual INTEGO / INTEGO pro


Always remember to take the following with you on customer visits:
● Service Manual
●SD card
The following manufacturers and cards were tested:
– Kingston 8GB, 16GB and 32GB
– Transcend 8GB, 16GB and 32GB
– SanDisk 8GB, 16GB and 32GB
– Verbatim 8GB, 16GB and 32GB
● Spare parts list
● Wiring diagrams
● Service notebook with DUMC
You will need the DUMC (Dental Unit Management Console) to read out/ display the service information on the service notebook and update the treatment station software.
The LED displays and the function pads can also be used for fault diagnosis. Nevertheless, the service codes of DUMC will provide more detailed service information in most cases.
The technical documentation and product software are subject to constant updates. Download the current versions from the dealer area of the Sirona home page on a regular basis.
Always refer to the DUMC when performing service work.
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 4Technical data Service Manual INTEGO / INTEGO pro

Technical data

Model designation, power rati ng s
Model designation: INTEGO / INTEGO pro Power connection: 100 – 240 V AC ± 10%
50/60 Hz
Rated current: 3.3 A–1.5 A at 100–240 V
also max. 6 A for external devices
Type of ground connection: TN-C-S system or TN-S system
(acc. to IEC 60364-1) Overvoltage category: 2 acc. to IEC 60664-1 Average power consumption
(for dimensioning an air conditioning system):
Power consumption when switched off:
Main building fuse: Type B automatic circuit breaker
Unit classifications, without HF surgery
Protection class: Class Idevice Device class in accordance
with Directive 93/42/EEC: Degree of protection against
electrical shock:
100 W
0 W (power switch present)
100 - 115 VAC: 20 A slow-blow
220 – 240 VAC: 16 A slow blow
Class IIa equipment
Type B applied parts
External intraoral camera SiroCam F /
AF / AF+. Namely:
Applied part type BF
Degree of protection against ingress of water:
Year of manufacture
Year of manufacture:
USB port: corresponds to USB 2.0 standard
Minimum PC requireme nts
Ordinary equipment (without protection
against ingress of water)
The foot switch has an IPX1 degree of
protection against liquids (drip-proof).
(on the rating plate)
Minimum requirements for PC
See document "Installation instructions and system requirements for PC configuration," (REF 61 94 075 SIVISION digital.
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4Technical data Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
4.1Operating, transport and storage conditions Service Manual INTEGO / INTEGO pro

Operating, transport and storage conditions

Mode of operation
Mode of operation Continuous operation with intermittent
loading corresponding to the dental mode of working.
Drive motors for chair operation: intermittent use, max. 2 minutes on and 18 minutes off
Permanently connected unit. Operation is not permitted in mobile vehicles.
Operating and transport condit i on s
Transport and storage conditions:
Operating conditions: Ambient temperature: 10 °C – 40 °C (50
Installation location: ≤ 3000 m above sea level
Temperature: -40 °C – +70 °C (-40 °F – 158 °F)
Relative humidity: 10% – 95%
Air pressure: 500 hPa – 1,060 hPa
°F – 104 °F)
Relative humidity: 30% – 85% no condensation
Air pressure: 700 hPa – 1,060 hPa
This treatment center is not suitable for operation in areas subject to explosion hazards.
Pollution degree: 2 acc. to IEC 60664-1
Load capacity of the patient chair
Load capacity of the patient chair:
140 kg (308.6 lbs) or 185 kg (407.9 lbs), depending on the model
The max. load capacity is indicated on a sticker next to the rating plate of the treatment center.
Media pressures and flow rates
Local pressure (min./ max):For details see page Requirements of the supply media
Air: 5.5 / 7.5 bar
Water 2.5 / 6 bar
Suction air: p
min. 0.12 bar (1.7 psi),
max. 0.18 bar (2.6 psi)
≥ 500 l/min
Water flow: For details see page Requirements of the supply
Water absorption max. 3 l/min
Residual water max. 3 l/min
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 4Technical data Service Manual INTEGO / INTEGO pro 4.2Weight and packaging

Weight and packaging

Weight, packaging
Weight (with packaging / without packaging):
Dimensions of the packaging Dentist element
Dentist element
CS: 36 kg / 24 kg
TS: 37.2 kg / 24.5 kg
Assistant element
Comfort: 13.2 kg / 6.2 kg
Water unit
Compact: 52.2 kg / 42 kg
Comfort: 56.8 kg / 43 kg
Chair: 77.2 kg / 59 kg
Upholstery: 8.5 kg / 5.5 kg
LEDview: 12kg/8kg
Support column: 4.9 kg / 3.9 kg
Support column with monitor adapter:
6.4 kg / 5.6 kg
LEDlight: 13.7 kg / 9.9 kg
Support tube: 2.4 kg / 1.9kg
Support tube with monitor adapter: 5.6
kg / 4.6 kg
Accessories: 62.6 kg
CS: 120 cm x 80 cm x 88 cm
TS: 120 cm x 80 cm x 68 cm
Assistant element:
Comfort: 87 cm x 40 cm x 82 cm
Water unit: 82 cm x 56 cm x 116 cm
Chair: 165 cm x 63 cm x 68 cm
Upholstery: 80 cm x 60 cm x 36 cm
LEDview: 98 cm x 60 cm x 42 cm
LEDlight: 118 cm x 38 cm x 23 cm
Support tube for lamp without monitor
adapter: 128 cm x 20 cm x 20 cm
Support tube for lamp with monitor
adapter: 128 cm x 38 cm x 20 cm
There are 2 types of accessory boxes:
120 cm x 80 cm x 54/78 cm
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5Important information Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
5.1Storage location for system- and user-specific data Service Manual INTEGO / INTEGO pro

Important information


Storage location for system- and user-specific data

The treatment center features a central unit memory, which is permanently connected to the center. Consequently, data does not have to be backed up and written back if the board is replaced.
Composition of DTC data
The DTC data is made up of the operating data, the service log, the device configurations, the DTC settings, and the dentist data.
DTC data General definition Example Operating data Recorded operational periods, operating states
of service/maintenance-related functions, and registered maintenance and service operations
Service log Service information from the "info", "warning",
"error" categories and user information (always provided in conjunction with the time when it was recorded)
Device configurations It is always the most recently detected
configuration that is saved. This consists of all the boards that can be detected by the SW (together with serial numbers and detectable options/versions, where applicable)
DTC settings All the settings for functions that are
independent of the dentist
Dentist data All the settings for functions that are dependent
on the dentist
Sanitation, purge and auto-purge logs; lifting and backrest motor duty cycles; amalgam separator filling level; Sprayvit vent
Module (DWE, DAB, etc.), serial numbers (treatment center, boards)
MSBV opening time, IP address, etc.
Flushing time, tumbler filling time, instrument setting, chair programs, LED lamp, etc.
The DUMC displays service information only.
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 5Important information Service Manual INTEGO / INTEGO pro 5.2Installing the treatment center software

Installing the treatment center software

Users can install the firmware via the PC program (DUMC) in two diff erent ways. They can either install it directly using the optionally available Ethernet interface or they can copy it onto an SD card and then transfer it to the treatment center.
During the software installation via LAN, no SD card with activated download process may be inserted at system start.
Installing the software via a LAN
The treatment center is switched off.The connection box cover on the patient chair has been removed
(see Removing the connection box cover [ → 97]).
1. Use an Ethernet cable to connect the service notebook to the RJ45 socket on the DSL board.
2. Switch the treatment center on.
For details of how to use the DUMC to install the latest firmware on the treatment center directly via a LAN, please refer to the "Dental Unit Management Console Service Manual" (DUMC) with order number
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5Important information Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
5.2Installing the treatment center software Service Manual INTEGO / INTEGO pro
Software installation via SD card on EasyPad
For details of how to use the DUMC to prepare the SD card for the software update process, please refer to the "Dental Unit Management Console Service Manual" (DUMC) with order number 6194497.
The treatment center is switched off.The connection box cover on the patient chair has been removed
(see Removing the connection box cover [ → 97]).
The SD card has been prepared for the firmware update process
using the DUMC.
1. Insert the SD card in the SD card slot on the DSA board.
2. Switch the treatment center on.
The SD card is detected.
The firmware update for the individual boards (nodes) has started
and is in progress. dL.1: DSA dL.2: DSL dL.3: DAB dL.4: DAP dL.5: NAA dL.6: DWE dL.7: NLV dL.8: DAK The number after the text "dL." stands for the board ID. It does not necessarily reflect the update order.
The firmware update has been successfully completed.
1. Remove the SD card.
2. Reattach the connection box cover.
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 5Important information Service Manual INTEGO / INTEGO pro 5.2Installing the treatment center software
In case of an error
The update for the separate CAN nodes (DSA) could not be completed successfully.
The treatment station software no. in the download request is invalid. The download manager performs a reset.
A serious error has occurred during the download procedure. The update process is terminated.
If the download for a specific CAN node (board) fails, the error displayed in the margin column is shown. The number stands for the ID of the board (in this example, board NAA) where the download failed.
Board IDs: dL.Er.1: DSA dL.Er.2: DSL dL.Er.3: DAB dL.Er.4: DAP dL.Er.5: NAA dL.Er.6: DWE dL.Er.7: NLV dL.Er.8: DAK
No valid associated application could be found. Unable to start the download manager
A software inconsistency between a CAN board and the complete software of the treatment center has occurred.
Board IDs: Err.1: DSA Err.2: DSL Err.3: DAB Err.4: DAP Err.5: NAA Err.6: DWE Err.7: NLV Err.8: DAK
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5Important information Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
5.2Installing the treatment center software Service Manual INTEGO / INTEGO pro
Software installation via SD card on EasyTouch
For details of how to use the DUMC to prepare the SD card for the software update process, please refer to the "Dental Unit Management Console Service Manual" (DUMC) with order number 6194497.
The treatment center is switched off.The connection box cover on the patient chair has been removed
(see Removing the connection box cover [ → 97]).
The SD card has been prepared for the firmware update process
using the DUMC.
1. Insert the SD card in the SD card slot on the DSA board.
2. Switch the treatment center on.
Downloading the update files has started.
The updates of the individual boards are performed
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 5Important information
Service Manual INTEGO / INTEGO pro 5.2Installing the treatment center software
If the update process is successful, the treatment center starts
and the start dialog is displayed.
If there is an inconsistency between software statuses during update, a message is displayed. However, you can start the treatment center by pressing the Start button.
If there is an inconsistent software status on a board, the extent of the treatment center's functions may be restricted.
LAN configuration via SD card
Users can copy the LAN configuration to an SD card for subsequent transfer to the treatment center.
For details of how to use the DUMC to configure the LAN in conjunction with the SD card, please refer to the "Dental Unit Management Console Service Manual" (DUMC) with order number 6194497.
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The connection box cover on the patient chair has been removed
(see Removing the connection box cover [ → 97]).
The SD card has been prepared for the LAN configuration process
using the DUMC.
1. Insert the SD card in the SD card slot on the DSA board. After approx. 3 seconds, the LAN configuration is transferred to
the treatment center.
5Important information Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
5.2Installing the treatment center software Service Manual INTEGO / INTEGO pro
If the IP configuration on the card is incorrect, the treatment center writes a valid IP configuration to the SD card. This is signaled by two beeps.
2. Restart the treatment center to apply the new LAN configuration.
3. Reattach the connection box cover.
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 5Important information Service Manual INTEGO / INTEGO pro 5.3CAN BUS


5.3.1 General

The CAN runs all controllers of the treatment center, all software updates, and all service support cases.
On the S-COM, the PC software functions are performed for the user interface and the user interface software is downloaded via FTP.
Query and Setup dialog bo x
After the treatment center is switched on, all components and software are queried and displayed in the setup dialog.
Error due to missing connection to the central error log
The error LED of any node that loses its CAN connection to the central error log on the DSA board flashes cyclically 2x. Check the CAN connection in this case.
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5Important information Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
5.3CAN BUS Service Manual INTEGO / INTEGO pro

5.3.2 Measurements on the CAN BUS

Measurement on the CANBUS
In each CAN network there are 2x 120-ohm resistors that, measured in parallel on the CAN line, result in 60 ohms. If you measure 120 ohms on the CAN line with an ohmmeter (when the dental treatment center is switched off), there is a disruption in the line. In the case of a disruption, measure the connections between the connectors.
The CAN bus should always be checked for missing components.
Example of a CAN measurement
Examples of CAN measurements
Resistance = 60 ohms
Cable run OK
Measurement of CANH → CANL
Resistance = 120 ohms
Fault in the cable run
Measurement of CANH → CANL
Resistance = 0 ohms
Cable run OK
Measurement of CANL source → CANL target
Resistance = 240 ohms
Fault in the cable run
Measurement of CANH source → CANH target
The individual boards feature special measuring points for CAN bus measurement. These are described in Chapter: Overview of modules and boards [ → 40] .
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 5Important information Service Manual INTEGO / INTEGO pro 5.4S-COM


5.4.1 General

On the S-COM, the PC software functions are performed for the user interface and the user interface software is downloaded via FTP.
If the S-COM connection has been established, the S-COM LED lights up on the DSA and on the DAK. If this LED is flashing, the connection is being established or a malfunction has occurred. However, there is a line connection. If the LED is off, there is no data connection. In this case, it must be assumed that there is a disruption in the line.
The board DAT has a 100 Ohm terminating resistor for the S-COM so that the line is closed if a board DAK is not fitted.
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5Important information Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
5.4S-COM Service Manual INTEGO / INTEGO pro

5.4.2 Measurements on the S-COM bus

In the S-COM network, there are 2x 100-ohm resistors that, measured in parallel on the S-COM line, result in 50 ohms. If you measure 100 ohms on the S-COM line with an ohmmeter (when the dental treatment center is switched off), there is a disruption in the line. In the case of a disruption, measure the connections between the connectors.
The S-COM bus should always be checked from the perspective of the missing component.
Examples of S-COM measurements
Resistance = 50 ohms
Cable run OK
Measurement SCOM + → SCOM -
Resistance = 100 ohms
Fault in the cable run
Measurement SCOM + → SCOM -
Resistance = 0 ohms
Cable run OK
Measurement SCOM - source → SCOM - destination
Resistance = 200 ohms
Fault in the cable run
Measurement SCOM + source → SCOM + destination
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 5Important information Service Manual INTEGO / INTEGO pro 5.5RS-485


5.5.1 General

Communication between the DSA and DHT boards takes place via this interface.

5.5.2 Measurements on the RS-485 interface

In the RS-485 network, there are 2x 100-ohm resistors that, measured in parallel on the RS-485 line, result in 50 ohms. If you measure 100 ohms on the RS-485 line with an ohmmeter (when the dental treatment center is switched off), there is a disruption in the line. In the case of a disruption, measure the connections between the connectors.
Examples of RS-485 measurements
Resistance = 50 ohms
Cable run OK
Measurement RS-485 + → RS-485 -
Resistance = 100 ohms
Fault in the cable run
Measurement RS-485 + → RS-485 -
Resistance = 0 ohms
Cable run OK
Measurement RS-485 - source → RS-485 - destination
Resistance = 200 ohms
Fault in the cable run
Measurement RS-485 + source → RS-485 + destination
64 57 316 D3543 D3543. 06.2015
5Important information Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
5.6CAN, S-COM, and RS-485 wiring diagram Service Manual INTEGO / INTEGO pro

CAN, S-COM, and RS-485 wiring diagram

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 5Important information
Service Manual INTEGO / INTEGO pro 5.7Safety switches

Safety switches

SS_2 (SS_MB) - cuspidor safety switch
LED flashes 2x: DSA SS_CODE (red)
SS_3, SS_3a (SS_HR) - lifting frame safety switch
LED flashes 5x: DSA SS_CODE (red)
SS_4 (SS_ASE) - Safety switch, assistant element
LED flashes 10x: DSA SS_CODE (red)
SS_5, SS_5a (SS_HV) - back cover safety switch
LED flashes 6x: DSA SS_CODE (red)
SS_6 (SS_FA) - footrest safety switch
LED flashes 7x: DSA SS_CODE (red)
SS_7 (SS_RL) - backrest safety switch
LED flashes 8x: DSA SS_CODE (red)
64 57 316 D3543 D3543. 06.2015
5Important information Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
5.8Water heater in the water unit Service Manual INTEGO / INTEGO pro

Water heater in the water unit

If the temperature control of the water heater fails, a reversible temperature fuse on the heater housing switches the heating current in the heating current circuit off directly. The temperature fuse can be reset by actuating the safety switch on the heater housing. The water heater is optional on the INTEGO.
The safety switch may still be hot if it was only recently triggered.
Always replace the temperature controller after the safety switch has been triggered.
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