Sirona inLab MC XL Operating Instructions Manual

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inLab MC XL
Operating Instructions (not valid for USA)
Operator Manual
Table of contents Dentsply Sirona
Operating Instructions inLab MC XL
Table of contents
Dear Customer,........................................................................................................ 5
General data............................................................................................................. 6
2.1 Identification of the danger levels.................................................................. 6
2.2 Formats and symbols used ........................................................................... 7
General description .................................................................................................. 8
3.1 Certification ................................................................................................... 8
3.2 Intended use ................................................................................................. 9
Safety ....................................................................................................................... 10
4.1 Basic safety information ................................................................................ 10
4.1.1 Prerequisites .................................................................................... 10
4.1.2 Maintenance and repair ................................................................... 10
4.1.3 Modifications to the product ............................................................. 10
4.1.4 Accessories...................................................................................... 11
4.2 Opening the processing chamber door during the machining process......... 11
4.3 Wireless phone interference with equipment ................................................ 11
Installation and startup ............................................................................................. 12
5.1 Transport and unpacking .............................................................................. 12
5.2 Disposal of packaging materials ................................................................... 12
5.3 Installation site .............................................................................................. 13
5.3.1 Installation site without strong incidence of light .............................. 13
5.4 Commissioning.............................................................................................. 13
5.4.1 Functional elements ......................................................................... 14
5.4.2 Standard accessories....................................................................... 15 Instruments........................................................................ 15 Calibration pins.................................................................. 15 Torque wrench .................................................................. 16
5.4.3 Display description ........................................................................... 17
5.4.4 Illumination of the processing chamber............................................ 17
5.4.5 Inserting the grinding chamber sieve ............................................... 18
5.4.6 Connecting the bar code reader....................................................... 18
5.4.7 Installation ........................................................................................ 19 Connecting to the PC via LAN........................................... 19 Connecting the unit to the power supply ........................... 19 Installing the unit ............................................................... 19
5.4.8 Filling the water tank ........................................................................ 20
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Dentsply Sirona Table of contents Operating Instructions inLab MC XL
5.4.9 Switching the unit ON and OFF....................................................... 21
5.5 Repacking .................................................................................................... 23
5.6 Scope of supply............................................................................................ 23
5.7 Storage......................................................................................................... 23
Operation................................................................................................................. 24
6.1 Configuration (inLab MC XL)........................................................................ 24
6.2 Calibrating the unit ....................................................................................... 25
6.3 Production process....................................................................................... 27
6.3.1 Process types.................................................................................. 27 Grinding............................................................................ 28 Milling ............................................................................... 28 Milling models................................................................... 30 Permitted instrument combinations .................................. 30
6.3.2 Preparations.................................................................................... 31
6.3.3 Starting the machining processes ................................................... 31
6.3.4 Ending the machining processes .................................................... 32
6.3.5 Information on the seal of approval................................................. 33
6.4 Entering the bar code................................................................................... 33
6.5 Manual block clamp...................................................................................... 34
Service..................................................................................................................... 36
7.1 Changing the water ...................................................................................... 37
7.1.1 General information......................................................................... 37
7.1.2 Changing the water ......................................................................... 38 Procedure for all materials except for base metals .......... 38 Procedure for processing base metal materials ............... 39
7.2 Instruments................................................................................................... 42
7.2.1 Overview of materials/instruments .................................................. 42
7.2.2 Changing instruments ..................................................................... 42
7.3 Care, cleaning agents, and disinfectants ..................................................... 44
7.4 Cleaning surfaces......................................................................................... 44
7.4.1 Disinfecting...................................................................................... 44
7.4.2 Protection against medicaments ..................................................... 44
7.4.3 Cleaning .......................................................................................... 44
7.5 Replacing the main fuses............................................................................. 45
7.6 Changing the filter ........................................................................................ 46
7.6.1 Procedure for all materials except for base metals ......................... 46
7.6.2 Base metal operation or mixed operation with base metal and other
7.6.3 Changing filters on the external tank............................................... 47
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Table of contents Dentsply Sirona
Operating Instructions inLab MC XL
7.7 Removing water from the unit ....................................................................... 51
7.7.1 Procedure for all materials except for base metals .......................... 51
7.7.2 Base metal operation or mixed operation with base metal and other
7.8 Using the tank cap opener ............................................................................ 52
Technical description................................................................................................ 54
8.1 System requirements .................................................................................... 54
8.2 Grinding and milling unit................................................................................ 54
8.2.1 General technical description........................................................... 54
8.2.2 Technical data.................................................................................. 55
8.2.3 Controller board ............................................................................... 55
Disposal.................................................................................................................... 56
Index......................................................................................................................... 57
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Dentsply Sirona 1Dear Customer, Operating Instructions inLab MC XL

Dear Customer,

Thank you for your purchase of this inLab MC XL® unit from Dentsply Sirona.
This device enables you to produce dental restorations, e.g. from ceramic material with a natural appearance (CEramic REConstruction).
Improper use and handling can create hazards and cause damage. Please therefore read and follow these operating instructions carefully. Always keep them within easy reach.
Also pay attention to the safety instructions to prevent personal injury and material damage.
Your inLab MC XL team
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2General data Dentsply Sirona
2.1Identification of the danger levels Operating Instructions inLab MC XL

General data

Please read this document completely and follow the instructions exactly. You should always keep it within reach.
Original language of the present document: German.

Identification of the danger levels

To prevent personal injury and material damage, please observe the warning and safety information provided in these operating instructions. Such information is highlighted as follows:
An imminent danger that could result in serious bodily injury or death.
A possibly dangerous situation that could result in serious bodily injury or death.
A possibly dangerous situation that could result in slight bodily injury.
A possibly harmful situation which could lead to damage of the product or an object in its environment.
Application instructions and other important information.
Tip: Information for simplifying work.
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Dentsply Sirona 2General data Operating Instructions inLab MC XL 2.2Formats and symbols used

Formats and symbols used

The formats and symbols used in this document have the following meaning:
1. First action step
2. Second action step or
Alternative action
➢ Individual action step See “Formats and symbols
used [ → 7]”
● List Designates a list.
“Command / menu item” Indicates commands, menu items or
Prompts you to do something.
Identifies a reference to another text passage and specifies its page number.
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3General description Dentsply Sirona
3.1Certification Operating Instructions inLab MC XL

General description



CE mark
This product bears the CE mark in accordance with the provisions of Council Directive 2006/42/EC (machinery directive). As such, the following standards apply: DIN EN ISO 12100:2011-03, DIN EN 61010­1:2011-07 and DIN EN 61326-1:2013-07.
CE mark for connected products
Further products which are connected to this unit must also bear the CE mark. These products must be tested according to the applicable standards.
Examples of CE mark for connected products:
● EN 60601-1:2006 based on IEC 60601-1:2005
● EN 60950-1:2006 based on IEC 60950-1:2005
● UL 60950 second edition 2010
EAC certification
Mark of conformity of the Eurasian Economic Community
GOST certification
RoHS compliance
This symbol indicates that this product does not contain any toxic or hazardous substances or components above the maximum concentration value set out in the Chinese standard SJ / T 11364-2014, and can be recycled following disposal and should not be carelessly discarded.
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Dentsply Sirona 3General description Operating Instructions inLab MC XL 3.2Intended use

Intended use

This unit produces computer-aided dental restorations, e.g. from natural­appearing ceramic material.
This unit must not be used for any other purpose. If the unit is used for any purpose other than the one mentioned above, it may be damaged.
Intended use also includes compliance with these Operating Instructions and the relevant maintenance instructions.
Follow the instructions
If the instructions for operating the unit described in this document are not observed, the intended protection of the user may be impaired.
For the USA only
CAUTION: Federal law (USA) restricts sale of this device to or on the order of a physician, dentist, or licensed practitioner.
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4Safety Dentsply Sirona
4.1Basic safety information Operating Instructions inLab MC XL



Basic safety information

4.1.1 Prerequisites

Important information on building installation
The building installation must be performed by a qualified expert in compliance with the national regulations. DIN VDE 0100-710 applies in Germany.
Restrictions regarding installation site
The system is not intended for operation in areas subject to explosion hazards.
Do not damage the unit!
The unit can be damaged if opened improperly.
It is expressly prohibited to open the unit with tools!

4.1.2 Maintenance and repair

As manufacturers of dental instruments and laboratory equipment, we can assume responsibility for the safety properties of the unit only if the following points are observed:
● The maintenance and repair of this unit may be performed only by Dentsply Sirona or by agencies authorized by Dentsply Sirona.
● Components which have failed and influence the safety of the unit must be replaced with original (OEM) spare parts.
Please request a certificate whenever you have such work performed. It should include:
● The type and scope of work.
● Any changes made in the rated parameters or working range.
● Date, name of company and signature.

4.1.3 Modifications to the product

Modifications to this product which may affect the safety of the operator, patients or third parties are prohibited by law!
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Dentsply Sirona 4Safety Operating Instructions inLab MC XL 4.2Opening the processing chamber door during the machining process

4.1.4 Accessories

In order to ensure product safety, this device may be operated only with original Dentsply Sirona accessories or third-party accessories expressly approved by Dentsply Sirona. In particular, only the power cable also supplied or the corresponding original spare part may be used with the unit. The user is responsible for any damage resulting from the use of non-approved accessories.

Opening the processing chamber door during the machining process

Instruments that continue to run
When the processing chamber door is opened during the machining process, the instruments could continue to run for a short time.
➢ Be careful not to touch the instruments with your hand or any other
object during this time.
➢ Avoid opening the processing chamber door while the milling and
grinding unit is in operation.
➢ Before you open the processing chamber door, end any actions that
are running by pressing the grinding unit or in the application software.
button on the milling and

Wireless phone interference with equipment

The use of mobile wireless phones in practice or hospital environments must be prohibited to ensure safe operation of the unit.
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5Installation and startup Dentsply Sirona
5.1Transport and unpacking Operating Instructions inLab MC XL

Installation and startup


Transport and unpacking

All products from Dentsply Sirona are carefully checked prior to shipment. Please perform an incoming inspection immediately after delivery.
1. Check the delivery note to ensure that the consignment is complete.
2. Check whether the product shows any visible signs of damage.
Damage during transport
If the product was damaged during transport, please contact your carrying agent.
If return shipment is required, please use the original packaging for shipment.
The unit must be drained prior to shipment (if it has been operated). Removing water from the unit [ → 51]
Transport without packaging
Damage to the unit or risk of injury during transport without packaging
There is a danger of the unit falling down if it is grasped by its plastic housing.
➢ The unit should always be carried by two persons. ➢ Do not grasp the unit by its plastic housing. ➢ Always grasp the unit by its chassis next to its feet.

Disposal of packaging materials

The packaging must be disposed of in compliance with the relevant national regulations. Please observe the regulations applicable in your country.
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Dentsply Sirona 5Installation and startup Operating Instructions inLab MC XL 5.3Installation site

Installation site

Install out of the reach of patients!
Do not install or operate the milling and grinding unit in the vicinity of the patient (place it at least 1.5 m away from the patient).
The milling and grinding unit requires a level Approx. footprint: 700 x 420 mm (W x D). The height of the milling and grinding unit is:
● with the processing chamber door closed: 425mm
● with the processing chamber door, open: 570mm
Install the milling and grinding unit in such a way that it is not difficult to operate the main switch.
Make sure that the ventilation slots underneath and at the back of the unit remain unobstructed. The distance between the back of the unit and the wall must at least be 10 cm.
Note that the unit weighs 43 kg!
The unit must not be installed at sites with a high level of humidity or dust!
Installation in a cabinet
If the unit is installed in a cabinet, you must provide for adequate heat exchange.
The ambient temperature surrounding the unit must be between 5°C and 40°C.

5.3.1 Installation site without strong incidence of light

Impairment of the scanned result due to sudden incidence of light.
A sudden, strong incidence of light may falsify the scanned result.
Set the unit up so that the grinding chamber is not located directly in the beam path of an extreme light source and is not exposed to direct sunlight.


Important information on initial startup
Observe the software installation instructions!
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5Installation and startup Dentsply Sirona
5.4Commissioning Operating Instructions inLab MC XL

5.4.1 Functional elements

Unit overview
Overview of the grinding unit
A Grinding chamber D ON/OFF switch B Grinding chamber
door catch
C Display F Water tank
Ports on the back side
A Main switch
I = ON, 0 = OFF B Fuse cover E This connection is not used C Power connection F Bar code reader connection
D LAN port
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Dentsply Sirona 5Installation and startup
Operating Instructions inLab MC XL 5.4Commissioning
Grinding chamber
Grinding chamber
A Instrument set 1 D Ceramic block B Instrument set 2 E Workpiece spindle C Motor mount

5.4.2 Standard accessories
The following instruments are available for milling and grinding purposes. When replacing instruments, ensure the permitted instrument combinations are used (see "Permitted instrument combinations [ → 30]").
Calibration pins
The calibration pins are used when calibrating the instrument sets (see "Calibrating the unit [ → 25]“).
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5Installation and startup Dentsply Sirona
5.4Commissioning Operating Instructions inLab MC XL
Torque wrench
To insert or replace the instruments or calibration pins, use the following torque wrench.
Instrument REF Usage Torque wrench Clamping format of
the force transmission
Step Bur 12 S 62 40 167 Grinding Triangular
Step Bur 12 62 60 025 Grinding
Cyl. Pointed Bur 12 S 62 40 159 Grinding
Step Bur 20 62 59 597 Grinding
Cyl. Pointed Bur 20 62 59 589 Grinding
Cylinder Bur 12 EF 65 35 186 Extra-fine grinding
Cylinder Pointed Bur 12 EF 65 35 178 Extra-fine grinding
Shaper 25 62 99 395 Milling
Finisher 10 62 99 387 Milling
(wet and dry)
Calibration pin (AiO*) 62 41 132 Calibration
Shaper 25 RZ 64 33 440 Milling
* All-in-One
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Dentsply Sirona 5Installation and startup Operating Instructions inLab MC XL 5.4Commissioning

5.4.3 Display description

These operating instructions describe how to operate the unit by executing and confirming commands via your PC.
You can also confirm commands such as
directly on the display of your milling and grinding unit.
Possible commands are then shown above the corresponding button on the display. In the example shown, button 1, (A) would confirm the command
A Button 1 E Command B Button 2 F Display C Button 3 G ON/OFF switch D Button 4
and button 4, (D) would confirm the command
"Start" , "Stop" , "Cancel"

5.4.4 Illumination of the processing chamber

The lighting of the processing chamber depends on the machining operation involved:
Machining operation Lighting color Milling and grinding White Operation completed Green Error or
button pressed Red
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5Installation and startup Dentsply Sirona
5.4Commissioning Operating Instructions inLab MC XL

5.4.5 Inserting the grinding chamber sieve

Risk of injury on instruments
Be careful not to brush against the instruments with your hand.
Risk of blockage in the cooling circuit
If chips enter into the cooling circuit of the machine, there is a risk that the cooling circuit will become blocked.
➢ The sieve is suitable for all restoration and material types. It is
absolutely essential that no chips enter into the cooling circuit when milling models.
1. Remove the screen from the packaging.
2. Wet the underside of the sieve with water before insertion and press it firmly against the floor of the processing chamber.
Make sure the milling cutters are used correctly
If the milling cutters are not used as described below, this may cause damage to the grinding unit.
➢ Use the Shaper 25 and Finisher 10 milling cutters only in inLab MC
XL grinding units, as of serial number 120 000 or in inLab XL grinding units that have been upgraded using the motor upgrade kit for inLab (REF 6338631).
➢ Use the Shaper 25 and Finisher 10 milling cutters only for
manufacturing models from the inCoris S model (REF 6299361) and inCoris L model blocks (REF 6299379).
5.4.6 Connecting the bar code reader
Tool holder
➢ Insert the block clamp tool on the left and the bar code reader on the
Using the block clamp tool
When milling models, the block clamp tool with 1.6 Nm is required. This block clamp tool is also part of the milling model starter kit (REF 63 20

Connecting the bar code reader

➢ Plug the bar code reader into the serial interface to the rear of the
milling and grinding unit and secure with screws.
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+ 42 hidden pages