Silvercrest SEKD 400 A1 V2 Operating instructions

Silvercrest SEKD 400 A1 V2 Operating instructions




















Egg Cooker SEKD 400 A1

































Egg Cooker

Operating instructions

R Fierbător de ouă


Βραστήρας αυγών Οδηγίες χρήσης



ID-Nr.: SEKD400A1-06/10-V2

Kuhalo za jaja

Upute za upotrebu


Ръководство за експлоатация



SEKD 400 A1








Egg Cooker


Read the operating instructions carefully before using the appliance for the first time and preserve this booklet for later reference. Pass the manual on to whomsoever might acquire the appliance at a later date.


Kuhalo za jaja



Ove upute sačuvajte za kasnija pitanja – i prilikom predavanja uređaja trećim



osobama obavezno priložite i ove upute!


R Fierbător de ouă





Citiţi cu atenţie instrucţiunile de utilizare înainte de prima utilizare şi păstraţi-le pentru o consultare ulterioară. Dacă încredinţaţi aparatul unor terţi, ataşaţi şi instrucţiunile de utilizare.



Прочетете внимателно ръководството за експлоатация преди да използвате уреда за първи път и го запазете за по-нататъшна употреба. Когато предавате уреда на трети лица, предайте и това ръководство с него.

ВсбуфЮсбт бхгюн


ЦхлЬофе бхфЮ фзн пдзгЯб гйб есщфЮуейт рп х иб рспкэ ш пхн бсгьфесб – кбй уе ресЯрфщуз рбсЬдпузт фзт ухукехЮт дюуфе фзн ерЯузт уе бхфпэт рп х иб фзн брпкфЮупхн!



Lesen Sie die Bedienungsanleitung vor der ersten Verwendung aufmerksam durch und heben Sie diese für den späteren Gebrauch auf. Händigen Sie bei Weitergabe des Gerätes an Dritte auch die Anleitung aus.

- 1 -

Egg Cooker

1. Intended use

This appliance is intended exclusively for cooking and keeping warm chicken eggs in private households.

It is not intended for use with other foods or other materials. It is also not intended for commercial or industrial use.

2. Technical data


220-240 V ~50 Hz

Power consumption:

400 W


Max. 6 eggs

3. Appliance description

q Lid

w Egg holder e Cooking bowl

r Operating switch (position “ “: cook) (position "O": off)

(position " ": keep warm) t Rolled-up cable

y Measuring cup

u Egg pick (integrated in the measuring cup)

4. Safety instructions

DANGER! Electric shock!Risk of fire!

Only connect the egg cooker to a properly installed and grounded socket with a main voltage of 220 - 240 V ~ 50 Hz.

Always pull the power plug from the socket when you move or fill the device, in event of problems, before cleaning the appliance and while the cooker is not in use! Never pull on the power cord, only on the power plug. Never touch the appliance plug with wet or moist hands.

Never submerge the appliance in liquid, never subject it to moisture and never use it outdoors.

If the appliance does fall into liquid, immediately pull the power plug from the socket. Then refrain from operating the appliance until it has been inspected by an approved service company.

Do not use the egg cooker if it is located on a wet surface or if your hands or the appliance are wet.

Position the power cord so that it does not come into contact with hot or sharp-edged objects.

Do not kink or crush the power cord and do not wind it around the appliance.

Arrange for defective power plugs and/or cables to be replaced as soon as possible by a qualified technician or by our Customer Service Department to avoid the risk of injury.

Do not use an external time switch or a separate remote control system to operate the appliance.

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Danger of injuries!

Never leave the appliance unattended during operation.

Do not allow individuals (including children) to use the appliance whose physical, sensorial or mental abilities or lack of experience and knowledge hinder their safe usage of it if they have not previously been supervised or instructed in its correct usage.

Tell children about the appliance and its potential dangers so that they do not play with it.

Be careful with the egg pick u on the bottom of the measuring cup.

The casing surfaces become very hot during operation. Therefore, only grip the lid q and the egg holder w by the grips provided when removing them.

CAUTION! Hot steam escapes from the steam hole and upon opening the lid q

Danger of scalding!

Always open the lid q by lifting up with the grip and removing it to the side. Avoid letting the escaping steam contact your hand and arm.

Remove the egg holder w only once the steam has completely escaped.

5. Starting up

Before starting up the appliance, make certain

that ...

-egg cooker, plug and power cable are in good working order and...

-all packaging materials have been removed

from the egg cooker.

First clean the appliance as described under 8.

6. Cooking eggs

Pick a hole in the top or bottom side of the egg with the egg pick u.

Place the eggs on the egg holder w with the picked side up.

Fill the measuring cup y with the required amount of water. The amount of water depends on the number of eggs and the desired degree of hardness.

Explanation of the symbols on the measuring cup:

hard medium soft

Attention! Property damage!

Never place the appliance near heat sources.

Never open the housing. If the housing is opened, the safety of the device is no longer assured and the warranty becomes void.

Only use the accessories included and never use the appliance without the egg holder w in place.

Let the appliance and the accessory parts cool down completely before cleaning and storing them.


Depending on the size of the egg, to obtain the desired hardness you may need to vary the volume of water used from that detailed by the scale markings on the measuring cup y. If the egg is too soft, use a little more water (about one mark on the measuring scale). The cooking time will be extended. The egg will be harder. If the egg is too hard, use a little less water the next time (about one mark on the measuring scale). The cooking time will be shortened. The egg will be softer.

Now pour the water into the cooking bowl e.

Place the egg holder w in the cooking bowl e and place the lid q on top.

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Press the operating switch r to the left (position “ “) to turn the appliance on for cooking.

As soon as the eggs are cooked, a signal sounds.

Push the operating switch back to the position “O” to turn the appliance off.

After cooking, peel the eggs under cold, flowing water.

7.Keeping eggs warm

Use the keep-warm function only for hard boiled eggs.

After boiling, rinse the eggs under cold flowing water.

Push the operating switch to the right to activate the keeping warm function (position " ") after cooking the eggs.

Push the operating switch back to the position "O" to turn the appliance off.

8. Cleaning and care

Life-threatening danger of electrical shock:

Never open the egg cooker housing. There are no operating elements inside.

Never immerse the egg cooker components into water or other liquids!


When cleaning the measuring cup, be careful of the egg pick u. Danger of injury!


Never use cleaning agents or solvents. This can cause damage to the appliance.

Cleaning the appliance:

Pull the power plug out from the power socket.

Let the appliance cool off.

Then clean the cooking bowl e and the power cord with a slightly damp cloth.

Remove calcified residue with a solution of vinegar and water.

Afterward, operate the appliance only with clear water to remove the vinegar smell.

Always dry the appliance well before using it again.

Cleaning the accessories:

Wash the lid q, the egg holder w and the measuring cup y with soap under flowing water.

The egg holder w, lid q and measuring cup y can be cleaned in a dishwasher.

9. Storage

Let the egg cooker cool off completely before storing it.

Wind the power cord around the cord winder t on the bottom of the appliance.

Store the appliance in a dry place.

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10. Disposal

Do not dispose of the appliance in your normal domestic waste. This product is subject to the European guideline 2002/96/EC.

Dispose of the appliance through an approved disposal centre or at your community waste facility. Observe the currently applicable regulations.

In case of doubt, please contact your waste disposal centre.

Dispose of all packaging materials in an environmentally friendly manner.

11. Warranty & Service

The warranty for this appliance is for 3 years from the date of purchase. The appliance has been manufactured with care and meticulously examined before delivery. Please retain your receipt as proof of purchase. In the event of a warranty claim, please make contact by telephone with our Service Department. Only in this way can a post-free despatch for your goods be assured.

The warranty covers only claims for material and maufacturing defects, but not for transport damage, for wearing parts or for damage to fragile components, e.g. buttons or batteries. This product is for private use only and is not intended for commercial use. The warranty is void in the case of abusive and improper handling, use of force and internal tampering not carried out by our authorized service branch. Your statutory rights are not restricted in any way by this warranty.

The warranty period will not be extended by repairs made under warranty. This applies also to replaced and repaired parts. Any damage and defects extant on purchase must be reported immediately after unpacking the appliance, at the latest, two days after the purchase date. Repairs made after the expiration of the warranty period are subject to payment.


Tel.: 0871 5000 700 (£ 0.10 / minute) e-mail:

Kompernass Service Ireland

Tel.: 1850 930 412 (0,082 EUR/Min.)

Standard call rates apply. Mobile operators may vary.


CY Kompernass Service Cyprus

Tel.: 800 9 44 01


12. Importer



D-44867 BOCHUM

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Kuhalo za jaja

1. Upotrebna namjena

Ovaj uređaj je isključivo predviđen za kuhanje i održavanje temperature kokošjih jaja u privatnim domaćinstvima.

Nije predviđen za uporabu sa drugim namirnicama ili drugim materijalima. Takođe nije predviđen za uporabu u gospodarskim ili industrijskim područjima.

2. Tehnički podaci

Napon: 220-240 V ~ 50 Hz

Snaga: 400 W

Kapacitet: maks. 6 jaja

3. Opis uređaja

q Poklopac w Držač jaja

e Zdjela za kuhanje r Pogonski prekidač

(Pozicija “ “: Kuhanje) (Pozicija “O“: Isklj)

(Pozicija “ “: Održavanje temperature) t Namotač za kabel

y Mjerna čašica

u Bodež za jaje (integrirano u mjernoj čaši)

4. Sigurnosne upute

Opasnost! Strujni udar!Opasnost od požara!

Uređaj za kuhanje jaja priključite isključivo na propisno instaliranu i uzemljenu utičnicu sa mrežnim naponom od 220 V - 240 V / 50 Hz.

Kada pokrećete uređaj, u slučaju smetnji, prije čišćenja ili ako ne koristite uređaj, uvijek izvucite mrežni utikač iz utičnice! Nikada ne povlačite kabel, nego uvijek samo za mrežni utikač. Ne dirajte utikač uređaja sa mokrim ili vlažnim rukama.

Uređaj ne smijete zaroniti u tekućine, izložiti vlazi ili koristiti na otvorenom.

Ukoliko je uređaj ipak upao u tekućinu, odmah izvucite mrežni utikač iz utičnice. Nakon toga uređaj više ne pustite u pogon, nego ga prvo dajte prekontrolirati od strane autorizirane servisne ispostave.

Uređaj za kuhanje jaja ne koristite, kada se nalazite na vlažnom tlu, kada su Vaše ruke mokre ili ako je uređaj mokar.

Mrežni kabel provucite tako, da ne dođe u dodir sa vrućim ili oštrim predmetima.

Ne savijajte i ne gnječite mrežni kabel, i ne motajte ga oko uređaja.

Oštećene mrežne utikače ili oštećen mrežni kabel neizostavno dajte zamijeniti od strane autoriziranog stručnog osoblja ili servisa za kupce, kako biste izbjegli nastanak opasnosti.

Ne koristite eksterni rasklopni sat ili odvojeni daljinski sustav, da biste pogonili uređaj.

- 6 -

Opasnost od ozljeđivanja!

Uređaj za vrijeme rada ne ostavite bez nadzora.

Ovaj uređaj nije namijenjen, da bude korišten od strane osoba (uključujući djecu) sa ograničenim fizičkim, senzoričnim i mentalnim osobinama i nedostatkom iskustva ili znanja, osim ako ove osobe stoje pod nadzorom druge osobe zadužene za njihovu sigurnost, ili ako su od nje primili upute za ispravno korištenje uređaja.

Djeca bi trebala biti pod nadzorom, čime treba biti osigurano da se ne mogu igrati ovim uređajem.

Oprezno rukujte sa bodežom u na dnu mjerne čaše.

Površine kućišta u pogonu postaju vrlo vruće. Stoga hvatajte isključivo poklopac q i držač za jaja w na za to predviđenom rukohvatu, kako bi iste uklonili.

Oprez! Iz otvora za paru i prilikom otvaranja poklopca q izlazi vruća para!

Opasnost od ozljeđivanja vrućom parom

Otvorite poklopac q tako, što ćete ga nadići na rukohvatu i bočno ukloniti. Izbjegavajte kontakt ruke i šake sa izlazećom parom.

Uklonite držač za jaja w tek onda, kada je para potpuno otišla.

Oprez! Predmetne štete!

Uređaj nikada ne postavljajte u blizini izvora toplote.

Nikada ne otvarajte kućište. U tom slučaju sigurnost nije garantirana i jamstvo prestaje važiti.

Koristite isključivo u obimu isporuke sadržane dijelove opreme, a uređaj nikada ne koristite bez umetnutog držača za jaja w.

Ostavite uređaj i dijelove opreme da se potpuno ohlade, prije nego što ih očistite i spremite.

5. Stavljanje uređaja u pogon

Prije nego što uređaj stavite u pogon, uvjerite se u

to, da ...

-su uređaj, utikač i kabel za napajanje u besprijekornom stanju i ...

-da su svi materijali od pakiranja odstranjeni sa uređaja.

Prvo očistite uređaj na način opisan pod točkom 8.

6. Kuhanje jaja

Sa bodežom za jaja u zabodite po jedan otvor u gornju ili donju stranu svakog jajeta.

Jaja postavite sa zabodenom stranom prema gore na držač za jaja w.

Napunite mjernu čašu y sa potrebnom količinom vode. Količina vode ovisi o broju jaja i željenog stupnja tvrdoće.

Objašnjenje simbola na mjernoj čaši:





Ovisno o veličini jaja može se dogoditi, da odstupajući od skale na mjernoj čaši y morate napuniti veću ili manju količinu vode, da biste postigli željeni stupanj tvrdoće.

Ako je jaje premekano, umetnite nešto više vode (približno jednu mjernu crticu na skali više). Vrijeme kuhanja se produžava. Jaje će biti tvrđe.

Ako je jaje postalo pretvrdo, prilikom slijedećeg postupka kuhanja umetnite nešto manju količinu vode (približno jednu mjernu crticu na skali manje). Vrijeme kuhanja se skraćuje. Jaje će biti mekše.

Sada vodu umetnite u zdjelu za kuhanje e.

Postavite držač za jaja w u zdjelu za kuhanje e i postavite poklopac q.

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+ 18 hidden pages