TAC Vista
TAC Xenta® 121-HP
Programmable Heat Pump Application
TAC Xenta 121-HP is an easily programmable controller intended for heat pumps, with or without re-heat. It can be configured for
use with 1, 2, or 3 compressor heat pumps and for a multitude of re-heat types, such as electrical and gas heaters. The controller has
different types of fan control and advanced fan control functions, including on/off delays, boosting, and conditioning.
The sequences for cooling, heating, and fan are completely user-programmable, allowing for numerous applications. For energy
savings, the controller has built-in economizer functionality. Use TAC Xenta 121-HP with any TAC STR (1.8 kohm) room unit.
Set-up is done using the programming tool TAC ZBuilder, which can be run stand-alone or as a device plug-in to either TAC Vista®
or an LNS-based tool. Using Vista or an LNS-based tool, the configuration settings are downloaded into a TAC Xenta 121, prepared
with the necessary basic application software.
The controller is a LonMark® compliant device aimed at communicating on a LonTalk® TP/FT-10 channel. It is able to operate both
as a stand-alone device and as part of a system. In- and output net work variables can be monitored via the TAC Xenta OP, but
programming relies on the use of the TAC ZBuilder.
Supply Voltage
HP/24 .....................24 V AC ±20%, 50–60 Hz
HP/230 ....................230 V AC ±10%, 50–60 Hz
Power Consumption
Controller with TAC Xenta OP ....................5 VA
Digital outputs ..................max. 4×19 VA = 76 VA
Total...................................max. 81 VA
Controller with TAC Xenta OP ....................5 VA
Digital outputs, individual outputs, and total ....max. 12 VA
Total...................................max. 20 VA
Ambient Temperature
Operation ................0 °C to +50 °C (32 °F to 122 °F)
................ –20 °C to +50 °C (–4 °F to 122 °F)
Material................................ABS/PC plastic
Enclosure rating
Flammability class, materials
Dimensions, mm (in.)
Weight, kg (lb..)
Inputs X1–X3
Voltage across open contact .............23 V DC ± 1 V DC
Current through closed contact
Minimum pulse input duration
Inputs for Sensors B1–B2
Thermistor type ..............NTC, 1800 W at 25 °C (77 °F)
Measuring range
Universal Input U1
As temperature input..................... same as B(1–2)
As digital input
As analog input
Input R1
Type ........................10 kW linear potentiometer
Adjustment range
..................max. 90% RH non-condensing
.................................IP 20
...................UL 94 5VB
...................................... gray/red
............. 122×126×50 (4.8x5.0x2)
....... HP/24: 0.3 (0.66), HP/230: 0.6 (1.3)
.....................4 mA
................... 250 ms
.........–10 °C to +50 °C (14 °F to 122 °F)
.............................±0.2 °C (±0.4 °F)
.........................same as X(1–3)
............................ 0–10 V DC
.................. software configurable
Triac Outputs V1–V4 for heating/cooling valve actuators, 24 V
AC Internally Supplied
Maximum load per output...... HP/24: 0.8 A, HP/230: 0.5 A
Total output load
Relay Outputs K1–K3
Maximum voltage
Maximum resistive load
Relay Output K4
Maximum voltage
Maximum resistive load
Voltage Output Y1
................................... 0–10 V DC
Maximum load
Indication LED Colors
Power ........................................green
Standard ................. TAC Xenta 121-HP conforms to
o n Ma r k Interoperability Guidelines 3.4 and
o n Ma r k Functional Profile: 8503 SCC – Heat Pump
Communication protocol
Physical channel
Neuron® type
Agency Compliances
Emission: CE ............EN 61000-6-3, C-Tick, FCC Part 15
Immunity: CE
Safety: CE
RoHS directive
UL 916, C-UL US, Open Energy Management Equipment (TAC
Xenta 121-HP/24)
Approved for plenum installations
Part Numbers
Contr Zone TAC Xenta 121-HP/24 .............007306310
Contr Zone TAC Xenta 121-HP/230
Plug-in Terminal Blocks TAC Xenta 100
Adapter RJ10 to Terminals
............. HP/24: 3.2 A, HP/230: 0.5 A
........................... 250 V AC
............................ 3 A
.......HP/24: 24 V AC, HP/230: 250 V AC
.......... HP/24: 3 A, HP/230: 12 A
.................................2 mA
......................TP/FT-10, 78 kbps
......................... 3150®, 10 MHz
............................EN 61000-6-1
................................EN 61010-1

Window sensor
1-, 2- or
3-speed fan
Wall module
Occupancy sensor
Discharge air sensor
Reheating stage
Outside temp. sensor
Water temp.
Control sequence heat pump (example)
-100 -83 -50 0
0 33 100
Primary Heating
Secondary Heating
TAC Xenta 121-HP can be programmed
to work with 1-3 compressors and an
optional second heating device, which
can have multistage, pwm, analog, or
increase/decrease control.
A Heat Pump unit can have a reversing
valve and an isolation valve (Fig. 1).
An electrical heater is common as the
second device.
The user defines the sequence; there are
no restrictions that a specific device be
activated first, in parallel, in series, or so
Fan control outputs are always multi stage
output (1, 2 or 3 stages) or an analog
Economizer control using an outside air
damper, as well as CO2 control and %RH
control are available.
When the temperature in the zone increa ses, the heat pump effect decreases,
see Fig. 2. If there is still a cooling demand, the reversing valve changes, the
heat pump effect increases, and the fan
speed increa ses in steps until the highest
fan speed is reached.
This sequen ce is reversed when the temperature drops.
Figure 1: HP with isolation and reversing valves
Figure 2