Schneider Electric TAC Xenta 120 Technical Data

TAC Vista
TAC Pangaea
TAC Xenta 120
Technical Manual
TAC Vista
TAC Xenta 120
Technical Manual
Copyright © 2011 Schneider Electric Buildings. All rights reserved. This document, as well as the product it refers to, is only intended for licensed users. Schneider Electric Buildings owns the copyright of this
Do not use the product for other purposes than those indicated in this document. Only licensed users of the product and the document are permitted to use the document or any information therein. Distribution, disclosure,
copying, storing or use of the product, the information or the illustrations in the document on the part of non-licensed users, in electronic or mechanical form, as a recording or by other means, including photo copying or information storage and retrieval systems, without the express written permission of Schneider Electric Buildings, will be regarded as a violation of copyright laws and is strictly prohibited.
Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
TAC Xenta, TAC Xenta 120 Contents


1 About this Manual 11
1.1 Structure..................................................................................................................... 11
1.2 Typographic Conventions.......................................................................................... 12
1.3 Prerequisites............................................................................................................... 12
1.4 Terminology............................................................................................................... 13
2 Planning the Project 19
2.1 Folder Structure.......................................................................................................... 19
2.1.1 Creating a Project Folder ........................................................................................... 19
2.2 Case Study.................................................................................................................. 20
2.2.1 Description of Facility................................................................................................ 20
2.2.2 Device Description and Naming Convention ............................................................ 21
2.2.3 Devices in the Example.............................................................................................. 22
2.2.4 Network Structure and Naming Convention in the Example..................................... 23
3 Creating the TAC Xenta 120 Configuration 25
3.1 ZBuilder Example Overview ..................................................................................... 25
3.2 Starting ZBuilder.......................................................................................... .... ..... ..... 25
3.3 Selecting a Template.................................................................................................. 26
3.4 Adjusting the Configuration....................................................................................... 26
3.4.1 Adjusting the Heating/Cooling Parameters................................................................ 27
3.4.2 Adjusting the Fan Parameters .................................................................................... 29
3.4.3 Adding a Room Unit.................................................................................................. 30
3.4.4 Adding an Occupancy Signal..................................................................................... 31
3.4.5 Adding a Window Contact......................................................................................... 32
3.4.6 Adjusting the Control Parameters for the Fan............................................................ 33
3.5 Specifying an Exception Mode.................................................................................. 34
3.6 Changing the Inputs/Outputs configuration............................................................... 35
3.7 Documenting and Saving the Configuration.............................................................. 37
3.7.1 Documenting the Configuration on a Printout........................................................... 37
3.7.2 Saving the Configuration File.................................................................................... 38
4 Installing TAC Xenta 120 in a Classic Network 39
4.1 Adding and Configuring the TAC Xenta 120............................................................ 39
4.1.1 Adding a LonWorks Group........................................................................................ 39
4.1.2 Adding a TAC Xenta 120 .......................................................................................... 40
4.1.3 Configuring a TAC Xenta 120................................................................................... 42
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Contents TAC Xenta, TAC Xenta 120
4.2 Commissioning and Downloading ............................................................................. 45
5 ZBuilder - the Configuration Tool 49
5.1 Usage.......................................................................................................................... 49
5.2 ZBuilder Overview........................................................................................ .... ..... .... 49
5.3 Templates and Applications ....................................................................................... 52
5.3.1 Selecting a File ...........................................................................................................52
5.4 The Configuration Window........................................................................................ 52
5.5 Documenting the Configuration................................................................................. 53
5.5.1 Printing the Configuration Parameters....................................................................... 53
5.5.2 Associating a Graphic with the Configuration........................................................... 54
5.5.3 Saving the Configuration............................................................................................ 55
6 TAC ZBuilder as a Plug-in 57
6.1 As a Plug-in in TAC Vista.......................................................................................... 57
6.1.1 Starting ZBuilder from TAC Vista............................................................................. 57
6.1.2 Resetting a Neuron ..................................................................................................... 58
6.2 As a Plug-in in LonMaker.......................................................................................... 58
6.2.1 Starting ZBuilder from LonMaker ............................................................................. 58
6.2.2 Configuring a TAC Xenta 120................................................................................... 59
6.2.3 Updating a LonMaker Device Shape ......................................................................... 60
6.2.4 Registering ZBuilder as a Plug-in ............................................... ............................... 61
6.2.5 Resetting a Neuron ..................................................................................................... 62
7 Application Types (Configuration) 63
7.1 Terminal Load and the Heating/Cooling Sequence.................................................... 63
7.2 The 4-pipe Fan-Coil ................................................................................................... 64
7.3 The 2-pipe Fan-Coil ................................................................................................... 64
7.4 The Heat Pump........................................................................................................... 65
7.5 Different Control Signals ........................................................................................... 66
7.6 Peripheral Units and Additional Functions ................................................................ 70
8 Fan Control 71
8.1 General ....................................................................................................................... 71
8.2 Analog Control........................................................................................................... 71
8.3 On/off and Multistage Control ............................................... ..... .... ..... ...................... 72
8.4 Fan Hysteresis ............................................................................................................ 72
8.5 Other Fan Parameters ................................................................................................. 72
8.5.1 Boost........................................................................................................................... 72
8.5.2 Conditioning...............................................................................................................72
8.5.3 Cooling delays........................... ..... .... ...................................................... .................. 73
8.5.4 Heating delays ............................................................................................................ 73
8.5.5 Feedback..................................................................................................................... 73
8.5.6 Interlock...................................................................................................................... 73
8.5.7 Run in deadband................................. ..... .... ...................................................... ..... .... 74
8.6 Fan Control from STR Wall units .............................................................................. 74
9 Connected Devices and Network Parameters 75
9.1 Room Unit .................................................................................................................. 75
9.1.1 STR Modules: I/O Usage ........................................................................................... 76
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TAC Xenta, TAC Xenta 120 Contents
9.1.2 STR Modules: Additional functions .......................................................................... 76
9.2 Occupancy sensor....................................................................................................... 76
9.3 Window Contact......................................................................................................... 77
9.4 Air Quality Equipment............................................................................................... 77
9.4.1 OAD, Outside Air Damper ........................................................................................ 78
9.4.2 CO
Control......................................................................................... .... ..... .............. 78
9.4.3 Dehumidification, %RH............................................................................................. 78
9.4.4 Economizer ................................................................................................................ 79
9.5 Free I/O ...................................................................................................................... 80
9.5.1 General....................................................................................................................... 80
9.5.2 Push-button Signals.................................................................................................... 81
9.6 L
ON Properties.......................................................... .... ..... ......................................... 82
9.6.1 Node........................................................................................................................... 82
9.6.2 SNVT ......................................................................................................................... 83
9.6.3 Common SNVT Properties .......................................................................... .... ..... ..... 84
10 Control Issues 85
10.1 Room Temperature Setpoints..................................................................................... 85
10.2 PI parameters........................................................................................... ..... .... .......... 86
10.3 Cascade control.......................................................................................................... 88
10.4 Master-Slave Considerations ..................................................................................... 89
10.5 Actuator Resync and End-points Adjustment............................................................ 90
11 Exception Modes 93
11.1 General....................................................................................................................... 93
11.2 Exception Mode Activation ....................................................................................... 93
11.3 Status when Active..................................................................................................... 95
11.4 Reset Condition.......................................................................................................... 96
11.5 “Other events” explained ........................................................................................... 96
11.5.1 Compressor Lock-out................................................................................................. 96
11.5.2 Fan feedback failure................................................................................................... 96
11.5.3 Flow feedback error ................................................................................................... 97
11.5.4 Loss of space temp input signal ................................................................................. 97
11.5.5 Loss of water temp input signal ................................................................................. 97
11.5.6 Bypass button used as on/off set to off ...................................................................... 97
11.5.7 Exception Mode status............................................................................................... 97
11.6 Some Exception Mode Examples .............................................................................. 98
12 I/O Setup 103
12.1 Hardware Platforms ................................................................... .... ............................ 103
12.2 Digital Input Polarity.................................................................................................. 103
12.3 I/O Ports ..................................................................................................................... 104
12.3.1 Default Usage.............................................................................................................104
12.3.2 Re-arranging the Ports................................................................................................ 104
12.4 Functions Bound to SNVTs....................................................................................... 104
12.5 Temperature Offsets................................................................................................... 105
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Contents TAC Xenta, TAC Xenta 120
A Setpoint Calculation 109
B SNVT-lists 113
B.1 The Node Object Inputs and Outputs (nvi, nvo) ........................................................ 113
B.2 The Control Object Inputs (nvi)................................................................................. 113
B.3 The Control Object Outputs (nvo).............................................................................. 117
Index 121
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1 About this Manual

TAC Xenta, TAC Xenta 120 1 About this Manual

1 About this Manual
This manual describes a particular process. For information on certain products, we refer you to the manual or the Help for the product in ques­tion.
For information on how to install software, we refer you to the instruc­tions delivered with the software.
For information on third party products, we refer you to the instructions delivered with the third party product.
If you discover errors and/or unclear descriptions in this manual, please contact your TAC representative.

1.1 Structure

We are continuously improving and correcting our documentation. This manual may have been updated.
Please check our product documentation site at for the latest version.
The manual is divided into the following parts:
The Introduction section contains information on how this manual is structured and how it should be used to find information in the most efficient way.
Getting Started
The Getting Started section contains a step-by-step description of how to engineer or carry out different tasks. It also gives you guided instructions on how to complete a sample project. If you want more information, see the corresponding chapter in the Ref­erence section of the manual.
The Reference section contains more comprehensive information about various parts of the Getting Started section. It also provides you with information on alternative solutions not covered by the Getting Started section.
At the end of the manual we have collected some detailed descrip-
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1 About this Manual TAC Xenta, TAC Xenta 120
tions and lists. This information may be useful during special cir­cumstances, but is normally not required.

1.2 Typographic Conventions

Throughout the manual the following specially marked texts may occur.
Alerts you that failure to take, or avoid, a specific action might result in physical harm to you or to the hardware.
Alerts you to possible data loss, breaches of security, or other more serious problems.
Alerts you to supplementary information that is essential to the com­pletion of a task.
Alerts you to supplementary information.
Alerts you to supplementary information that is not essential to the completion of the task at hand.
Alerts you that the following information applies to complex tasks or tasks restricted by access.

1.3 Prerequisites

To be able to profit from the contents in this manual, it is recommended that you read the following documentation:
TAC ZBuilder Programming Tool for TAC Xenta 120, Datasheet, 0-003-3010.
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TAC Xenta, TAC Xenta 120 1 About this Manual
TAC Xenta 121-FC Programmable Fan Coil Application, Datasheet, 0-003-3057.
TAC Xenta 121-HP Programmable Heat Pump Application, Datasheet, 0-003-3058.
TAC Xenta 121/24 24 VAC Hardware Platform Installation Instruction, 0FL-4234.
TAC Xenta 121/230 230 VAC Hardware Platform Installation Instruction, 0FL-4235.
TAC Vista IV Engineering Classic Networks, manual, 0-004-7841.
TAC Vista IV Engineering LNS Network, manual, 0-004-7842.

1.4 Terminology

TAC Xenta Devices
All programmable T AC Xentas, 280/300/401, will be called Xenta devices throughout this manual.
The Xenta 422, 452, and so on will be referred to as I/O modules.
LonWorks Devices
All other devices will be called LonWorks devices, including the Xenta 100.
Classic Network
•A Classic Network refers to a TA C Vista system with a Lon- Works network, TAC Xenta devices and/or LonWorks devices, using an LTA port connection/communication to the network and no LNS database. A Classic Network does NOT use any SNVT bindings.
LNS Network
•An LNS Network refers to a TAC Vista system with a LonWorks network, TAC Xenta devices and/or LonWorks devices, using an LTA port with a VNI as the Network Interface (NI) application, LonMaker 3 and an LNS database. This type of LTA port is referred to as an LNS port in TAC Vista IV.
TAC Vista Modes
Engineering Mode. This mode is used when commissioning the network. In this mode, you can send information to the network devices as well as service pin each device.
Operating Mode. This mode provides full communication between the server and the network device. If the connection between the server and the device on the network is disrupted, you will receive an alarm.
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1 About this Manual TAC Xenta, TAC Xenta 120
Some useful terms and abbreviations regarding the zone controller's application and network communication are explained in the table below.
Term Description
ASC Application Specific Controller CCD Climate Control Device CFR Configuration record, a file included with the
XIF file for devices with many configuration
parameters. Example: TAC Xenta 120 series. configuration Procedure to design the software for an ASC DAT Discharge Air Temperature device plug-in TAC Vista: controller configuration tool
LNS: application to provide custom user inter-
face for devices. FB Functional Block Exception Mode Special, configurable behavior of the controller
triggered by certain events. hardwired an I/O that is physically connected, as opposed
to a SNVT binding HP Heat Pump FC Fan Coil I/O Input/Output LNS L
ONWORKS Network Servic es; network man-
agement software for L
ONWORKS networks
MS MultiStage nci configuration parameter; variable that gets its
value from a configuration tool and keeps it
during a power failure Neuron A microprocessor optimized for control net-
works. Neuron chips have three 8-bit inline
processors: two are dedicated to the communi-
cations protocol and one is a general-purpose
applications processor. nvi variable that normally gets its value from
another unit on the network through binding
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TAC Xenta, TAC Xenta 120 1 About this Manual
Term Description
nvo variable that is sent to another unit on the net-
work OAD Outside Air Damper OAT Outside Air Temperature PWM (Pulse Width Modulat ion) One type of actuator
control signal SCC Space Comfort Controller scpt Standard Configuration Property Type sequence dia-
A diagram with the Terminal Load on the x-
axis and the (symbolical) controller output sig-
nals on the y-axis. The principal usage of the
TCDs depending on the TL value is shown. SPID Standard Program ID SNVT Standard Network Variable Type STR Room temperature sensor (STR series) stand-alone The T AC ZBuilder does not run directly ag ainst
a controller or as a plug-in. Generated configu-
rations can only be saved to a file, not down-
loaded to a physical controller or saved to a
database. TCD Temperature Control Device - Heating and/or
cooling equipment template A standard configuration file that can be used
as a starting-point for a specific ZBuilder appli-
cation. File name: *.zbt. TL,
Terminal Load
Terminal Load is a value in the range –100% to
+100%. The value indicates the amount of
power (<0: heating, >0: cooling), needed to
reach the required temperature. ucpt User Configuration Property Type XFB-file / XFO-
When the XIF-file is imported to L
Integration Tool it is compiled into two files:
the XFB-file and the XFO-file. XIF file eXternal InterFace file is a file that, in short,
describes which network variables the device
can handle.
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1 About this Manual TAC Xenta, TAC Xenta 120
Term Description
.zbc File name extension for ZBuilder configuration
.zbt File name extension for ZBuilder template
files. See also template.
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2 Planning the Project
3 Creating the TAC Xenta 120 Con-
4 Installing TAC Xenta 120 in a
Classic Network

TAC Xenta, TAC Xenta 120 2 Planning the Project

2 Planning the Project
Planning the LonWorks Network in advance saves a lot of time and effort later in the process. Issues like network structure (groups), device-naming conventions, and so on should be considered before actually creating the network.

2.1 Folder Structure

Another consideration is the location(s) on the hard drive where files are stored. A well-organized project requires a well-organized file struc­ture.
2.1.1 Creating a Project Folder
When starting a new project, you should prepare a directory containing folders and subfolders as shown below. In this example, we call our project ACME.
A short description of their intended use and content:
DeviceDescr – *.mta-files and *.xif-files for the LonWorks net-
work devices.
Documentation – subfolder with more general information. For
example, useful manuals, data sheets, and technical product infor­mation (TPI). I/O-lists, functional descriptions, and other files cre­ated by DesignBuilder could also be saved here.
Reports – reports from Vista Server.
VistaDb – the Vista database.
VistaGraphics – Vista graphics files. Once the engineering work is finished, the complete project folder is
transferred from the engineering PC to the site PC. Save the folder structure as a compressed file (*.zip) to avoid problems with the read­only attributes when storing on a CD.
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2 Planning the Project TAC Xenta, TAC Xenta 120

2.2 Case Study

The following chapters describe how to configure and add a TAC Xenta 120 to a LonWorks network using TAC ZBuilder. Our network exam­ple is based on the case described below.
2.2.1 Description of Facility
We are creating a system for a fictional company that we call ACME Inc.
The facility is a typical, small two-story office building, served by pack­aged rooftop equipment. The first floor area serves Marketing, Accounts, Senior Management and the entrance lobby. The second floor area serves Engineering and Customer Support.
Within the first floor area, the Accounting area is served by a constant volume rooftop air handling unit. This unit has central station cooling and central station heating. The space is divided into control zones; the Accounting area and a conference room with secondary air handling. The Marketing and Senior Management areas are served by a single rooftop variable air volume (VAV) air handling unit. The first floor lobby area is served by a rooftop constant-volume single zone air han­dling unit.
On the second floor, the Customer Support area is served by a single zone, rooftop constant-volume air handling unit. The Engineering area is served by a Rooftop VAV air handling unit. A laboratory within the engineering area is temperature-controlled by a fan-coil unit. The staff can supervise the system from a PC-based presentation system.
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TAC Xenta, TAC Xenta 120 2 Planning the Project
Conference Room
Marketing and Management
2.2.2 Device Description and Naming Convention
Within the first floor area, the rooftop unit serving the Accounting area is controlled by a Xenta 301, called RTU1.
The secondary air handling unit serving Marketing and Senior Manage­ment is controlled by a Xenta 281, called Conf_Room.
The rooftop unit serving Marketing and Senior Management is con­trolled by a Xenta 401, called RTU2, using four I/O modules.
The air handling unit serving the lobby area is controlled by a Xenta 104, called Lobby.
Within the second floor area, the rooftop unit serving the Customer Sup­port area will be controlled by a Xenta 104, named RTU3.
The rooftop unit serving the Engineering area is controlled by a Xenta 401, called RTU4, using five I/O modules.
The fan-coil unit in the engineering lab area is controlled by a Xenta 121-FC, called Engr_Lab, configured with TAC ZBuilder.
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2 Planning the Project TAC Xenta, TAC Xenta 120
First Floor Second Floor
Xenta 301
Xenta 281
Xenta 104
Xenta 104
Xenta 401
Xenta 401
Xenta 121-FC
The PC where the presentation system is installed is called VistaSRV1 (in some pictures called VistaSrv_1, but the character “_” should be avoided) and is located in the Support area.
2.2.3 Devices in the Example
In our example, we use a part of the above network to illustrate how a Xenta 120 is added.
On the second floor, we have selected the engineering lab fan-coil unit to illustrate how to configure and install a TAC Xenta 120.
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TAC Xenta, TAC Xenta 120 2 Planning the Project
First Floor Second Floor
Xenta 121-FC
Xenta 401
LTA Card
I/O Modules
(1 & 3)
LonWorks Group 1st_Floor_LW
Xenta Group 1st_Floor
Xenta Group 2nd_Floor
LonWorks Group 2nd_Floor_LW
We work with the following device:
2.2.4 Network Structure and Naming Convention in the Example
When adding the Xenta 120 using Vista Workstation, the name of the network is the name of the company – ACME_Inc. Since the building has two floors, the network is built with the devices divided into two Xenta groups called 1st_Floor and 2nd_Floor.
Xenta devices placed on the first floor belong to the Xenta group 1st_Floor and Xenta devices placed on the second floor belong to the Xenta group 2nd_Floor.
The Xenta 104 is a member of the LonWorks group 1st_Floor_LW and the Xenta 121-FC is a member of the LonWorks group 2nd_Floor_LW.
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2 Planning the Project TAC Xenta, TAC Xenta 120
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TAC Xenta, TAC Xenta 120 3 Creating the TAC Xenta 120 Configuration

3 Creating the TAC Xenta 120

3.1 ZBuilder Example Overview

ZBuilder is a software tool designed to create a set of configuration parameters for a specific application, for example a fan-coil with an electric reheater or a heat pump with a reversing valve.
The parameters are saved in a configuration file which is used by TAC Vista or LonMaker to install and commission the corresponding TAC Xenta 120 controller.
For a thorough description of the tool and the working methods, please refer to Chapter 5, “ZBuilder - the Configuration Tool”, on page 49, and the other chapters in the Reference section of the manual.
In this chapter you will learn how to use ZBuilder to:
Start ZBuilder stand-alone
Select a configuration template
Adjust the Configuration
Specify an Exception Mode
Configure the Inputs/Outputs
Save and Document the Configuration

3.2 Starting ZBuilder

ZBuilder can be run stand-alone, but can also be started as a plug-in from TAC Vista or L
To start ZBuilder as a plug-in, the Xenta 120 must be added to a Lon­Works network:
For more information on how to start ZBuilder as a plug-in from Vista Workstation, see Section 6.1.1, “Starting ZBuilder from TAC Vista”, on page 57.
For more information on how to start ZBuilder as a plug-in from LonMaker, see Section 6.2.1, “Starting ZBuilder from Lon­Maker”, on page 58.
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3 Creating the TAC Xenta 120 Configuration TAC Xenta, TAC Xenta 120
In the example, we start ZBuilder stand-alone to create the configura­tion file before the Xenta 120 is added to the Lonworks network.
To start ZBuilder as a stand-alone tool
Click Start, point to All Programs, point to T A C, point to TAC ZBuilder, and then click TAC ZBuilder. The TAC ZBuilder Select File window now opens.

3.3 Selecting a Template

To simplify the configuration procedure, you start with a template or another configuration file similar to the application that you are going to create.
For more information on how to select files, see Chapter 5.3.1, “Select­ing a File”, on page 52.
In the example, you will start with a template for a 4-pipe fan-coil.
To select a Template
1 In the Select File dialog box, make sure the Select from a list of
Templates option is selected.
2 In the templates list select the required template. In the example,
FanCoil 4-pipe.zbt.
3 Click OK.

3.4 Adjusting the Configuration

Normally you need to adjust the default configuration for the current application.
In the example, we will adjust the settings to achieve the following:
The fan will always run for at least 30 seconds when the second heating stage is turned off.
When the window is opened, the controller will be turned off.
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TAC Xenta, TAC Xenta 120 3 Creating the TAC Xenta 120 Configuration
The secondary heating will start at 80% Terminal Load.
The second fan stage will start at 70% Terminal Load in cooling.
The Occupancy state will be signalled via a SNVT; all other inputs/outputs will be hardwired, that is, physically connected.
3.4.1 Adjusting the Heating/Cooling Parameters
For more information on the control sequence, see Chapter 7.1, “Termi­nal Load and the Heating/Cooling Sequence”, on page 63.
To adjust the Heating/Cooling Parameters
1 Click the Configuration tab. 2 In the tree structure, select Sequences\Cooling. 3 In the Cooling area, in the device type list, select the required
device type. In the example, Increase/decrease
4 Make sure the Hardwired output checkbox is selected.
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3 Creating the TAC Xenta 120 Configuration TAC Xenta, TAC Xenta 120
Increase/decrease actuators need to be resynchronized. This can be done towards the open or closed position. The specified direc­tion will be used for all active increase/decrease actuators in the configuration. The default value is Resync actuator towa rd closed position. For more information, see Section 10.5, “Actua­tor Resync and End-points Adjustment”, on page 90.
The Cooling icon in the tree to the left has been changed to a green I/O icon.
You will now have a blue sloping line, showing how the valve will open with increasing Terminal Load (increasing need of cooling).
5 In the tree structure, select Sequences\Primary heating. 6 In the Primary heating area, in the device type list, select the
required device type. In the example, Increase/decrease.
7 Make sure the Hardwired output checkbox is selected.
Note that you will get a red sloping line, showing how the valve will close with increasing Terminal Load (decreasing need of heat­ing).
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TAC Xenta, TAC Xenta 120 3 Creating the TAC Xenta 120 Configuration
8 In the Fully active at box, enter the required value. In the exam-
ple, “80”.
9 In the tree structure, select Sequences\Secondary heating. 10 In the Secondary heating area, in the device type list, select the
required device type. In the example, On/off to include the On/off reheater.
11 Select the Hardwired output checkbox. 12 In the Activate at box, enter the required value. In the example,
“80”, to determine at what point the reheater will turn on.
13 In the Hysteresis box, enter the required value. In the example,
“15”, to determine the hysteresis before the reheater is turned off.
3.4.2 Adjusting the Fan Parameters
In the example, we use the template’s 2-stage fan, but adjust the on/off delay times and the deadband.
To adjust the Fan parameters
1 In the tree structure, select Sequences\Fan. 2 In the fan type list, select the required fan type. In the example,
2 stage.
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3 Creating the TAC Xenta 120 Configuration TAC Xenta, TAC Xenta 120
3 Make sure the Hardwired output checkbox is selected. 4 In the Activation of cooling stages, Second stage box, enter the
required value. In the example, “70”.
5 Select the Show heating/cooling sequence checkbox, to superim-
pose the heating/cooling sequence on the fan sequence.
3.4.3 Adding a Room Unit
Several types of room temperature sensor units can be connected to the TAC Xenta 120 controller series.
In the example, we want to add the STR 106 to the controller.
To add a Room unit
1 In the tree structure, select Connected devices/Room unit.
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