The information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a
commitment on the part of Native Instruments GmbH. The software described by this document is subject to a License Agreement and may not be copied to other media. No part of this
publication may be copied, reproduced or otherwise transmitted or recorded, for any purpose,
without prior written permission by Native Instruments GmbH, hereinafter referred to as Native
“Native Instruments”, “NI” and associated logos are (registered) trademarks of Native Instruments GmbH.
Mac, Mac OS, GarageBand, Logic, iTunes and iPod are registered trademarks of Apple Inc.,
registered in the U.S. and other countries.
Windows, Windows Vista and DirectSound are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation
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All other trade marks are the property of their respective owners and use of them does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement by them.
Document authored by: Native Instruments GmbH
Version: 04/2012
Special thanks to the Beta Test Team, who were invaluable not just in tracking down bugs, but
in making this a better product.
Native Instruments GmbH
Schlesische Str. 29-30
D-10997 Berlin
Native Instruments North America, Inc.
6725 Sunset Boulevard
5th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90028
The TRAKTOR KONTROL S2 box contains the following:
▪ The TRAKTOR KONTROL S2 controller
▪ A power supply and region adapters
▪ A USB cable
▪ A registration flyer with your TRAKTOR PRO 2 software serial number, your TRAKTOR
KONTROL S2 hardware serial number, and a link to the hardware registration page, where
you can register your hardware and download the TRAKTOR software
▪ A double-sided overview poster
▪ A TRAKTOR keyboard shortcut overview card
▪ A safety instructions flyer
▪ A TRAKTOR sticker sheet
1.2About this Setup Guide
This document will guide you through the basic steps of setting up your TRAKTOR KONTROL S2 system. After reading it, you should be able to start using your TRAKTOR KONTROL S2 controller with the TRAKTOR PRO 2 software. We recommend that you take the time
to read this guide in its entirety.
TRAKTOR KONTROL S2 - Setup Guide - 7
Document Conventions
1.3Document Conventions
This section introduces you to the signage and text highlighting used in this document. This
document uses particular formatting to point out special facts and to warn you of potential issues. The icons introducing these notes let you see what kind of information is to be expected:
Whenever this exclamation mark icon appears, you should read the corresponding note
carefully and follow the instructions and hints given there if applicable.
This light bulb icon indicates that a note contains useful extra information. This information may often help you to solve a task more efficiently, but does not necessarily apply to
the setup or operating system you are using; however, it's always worth a look.
Furthermore, the following formatting is used:
▪ Text appearing in (drop-down) menus (such as Open…, Save as… etc.) and paths to loca-
tions on your hard drive or other storage devices is printed in italics.
▪ Text appearing elsewhere (labels of buttons, controls, text next to checkboxes etc.) is
printed in blue. Whenever you see this formatting applied, you will find the same text appearing somewhere on the screen.
▪ Important names and concepts are printed in bold.
▪ References to keys on your computer's keyboard you'll find put in square brackets (e.g.,
"Press [Shift] + [Return]").
Single instructions are introduced by this play button type arrow.
Results of actions are introduced by this smaller arrow.
TRAKTOR KONTROL S2 - Setup Guide - 8
Setup Overview
2Setup Overview
This section provides a quick overview of the various steps required to get your TRAKTOR
KONTROL S2 system up and running: hardware registration and software download, installation,
activation, updates, and configuration.
▪ Hardware registration and software download: Register your hardware and download the
TRAKTOR software installer as instructed on:
▪ Software installation: locate the downloaded setup file on your computer and double-click
it to start the installation procedure. Carefully read and follow the on-screen instructions,
accept the license agreements, and enter the password for your computer if prompted
(Mac OS X only).
▪ Activation: Activate your product using the Service Center application. Online and offline
activation methods are available.
▪ Update: Download the latest software updates using the Service Center application. Then
browse to the download folder and install all downloaded updates.
▪ Hardware installation: Attach the TRAKTOR KONTROL S2 controller to your computer as
explained later in this document.
▪ Configuration: Connect external devices such as headphones and active speakers.
Suggestions for further reading as well as tips for troubleshooting and FAQs can be found in
the subsequent chapters of this guide.
TRAKTOR KONTROL S2 - Setup Guide - 9
Software Installation
Read Before Installing
3Software Installation
3.1Read Before Installing
Before starting the TRAKTOR software installer, here are some points to be aware of:
▪ Make sure you have downloaded the TRAKTOR software to your computer by following the
instructions on the registration page:
If you have already registered your device but need to download the installer again, you
can find the relevant downloads in the "My Account" section of the NI website:
▪ Please carefully review the installer screens and the suggested installation paths in order to
avoid that any unwanted folders are created on your hard disk.
▪ Moving any folders related to Native Instruments software after installation is not recom-
mended. Future software updates rely on the directory locations set during initial installa-
3.2Installation on Mac OS X
At the end of the installation process you will need to restart your computer. Please save
your work and close all applications before proceeding.
3.2.1Locate and Start the Installation Program
1.Locate and unpack the downloaded installer package file on your computer.
2.Double-click the Traktor 2 Installer.mpkg file to start the installation procedure.
3.Follow the on-screen instructions.
TRAKTOR KONTROL S2 - Setup Guide - 10
Software Installation
Installation on Mac OS X
3.2.2Select the Components to Install
After you have accepted the software license agreement, the installer window displays the
components available for installation. This installer screen also contains information about how
much disk space the individual components will use.
The components selection screen of the installation program.
It is recommended to keep all features selected unless you have a specific reason to deselect a feature (such as if this feature is already installed on your computer, or you know for
sure you will not use the device).
TRAKTOR KONTROL S2 - Setup Guide - 11
Software Installation
Installation on Mac OS X
Basic Installation: This installs the TRAKTOR software along with its documentation. This component cannot be deselected. It also installs the Service Center application (required for activation of your product) and the Controller Editor application, which allows you to configure the
controllerʼs MIDI assignments for using the controller with other applications than the included
Audio 8/4/2 DJ Drivers: This installs drivers for the AUDIO 8 DJ, AUDIO 4 DJ and AUDIO 2 DJ
audio interfaces by Native Instruments. If you do not intend to use any of these audio interfaces, you can deactivate the checkboxes.
Traktor KontrolS4: This installs the driver for the TRAKTOR KONTROL S4 controller. If you do
not intend to use a TRAKTOR KONTROL S4 controller on your computer, you can deactivate
the checkbox.
Traktor Kontrol S2: This installs the driver for your TRAKTOR KONTROL S2 controller. Make
sure this component is selected as the controller will not work properly without its driver instal-
Traktor Audio 2/6/10 Drivers: This installs drivers for the TRAKTOR AUDIO 2, TRAKTOR AUDIO 6 and TRAKTOR AUDIO 10 audio interfaces by Native Instruments.
Traktor Kontrol X1: This installs the driver for the TRAKTOR KONTROL X1 DJ controller. If you
do not intend to use a TRAKTOR KONTROL X1 controller on your computer, you can deactivate the checkbox.
Background Components
These components are not displayed in the installer window, but are installed depending on
your system configuration:
Controller Editor: The Controller Editor application allows you to configure your Native Instruments hardware controller (e.g., TRAKTOR KONTROL S4 or X1) for use as a MIDI controller
with applications other than the TRAKTOR software. This component will automatically be installed if you install one of the controller drivers (unless a newer version of Controller Editor
already exists on your computer).
Service Center: The Service Center application is required for activation of the TRAKTOR software. It will be installed independent of the selected drivers (unless a newer version of Service
Center already exists on your computer).
TRAKTOR KONTROL S2 - Setup Guide - 12
Software Installation
Installation on Mac OS X
Control Panel: The Control Panel is an audio settings configuration tool, installed with the driver of the TRAKTOR KONTROL S2, and it allows for settings relating to the controller's built-in
audio interface. For further information on the Control Panel, please consult the TRAKTOR
KONTROL S2 Manual.
It is strongly recommended to install the TRAKTOR software to the default location. If you
still need to change the install location, click on the folder icon in the Location column and
select the desired folder.
After you have customized the installation as required, click Continue and then follow the
on-screen instructions.
3.2.3Enter Your Password
Before installing the selected components, the installer will prompt you to enter your Mac OS X
password. This is a standard behavior on Mac OS X that makes sure you are aware of the
changes the installer is about to make.
The Mac OS X user account you are using needs to have Administrator privileges.
The Mac OS X password prompt.
To proceed, enter your password and click OK.
The selected components will be installed.
TRAKTOR KONTROL S2 - Setup Guide - 13
3.2.4Complete the Installation
After the components have been installed, you need to restart your computer.
Software Installation
Installation on Mac OS X
The final screen of the installation program.
On the last screen of the installation program, click Restart to restart your computer and
complete the software installation.
Your computer will immediately restart.
After your computer has restarted, continue reading in chapter ↑4, Product Activation
with Service Center of this Setup Guide for information about product activation.
TRAKTOR KONTROL S2 - Setup Guide - 14
Software Installation
Installation on Windows
3.3Installation on Windows
If you are installing the TRAKTOR software on Windows Vista or Windows 7, you may need
to turn off Windows User Account Control (UAC) before you can proceed. See chapter ↑8.2,
User Account Control and Internet Security in this Setup Guide for detailed information on
how to turn off UAC. In addition to this, it may be necessary to disable your anti-virus software during installation.
3.3.1Locate and Start the Installation Program
1.Locate and unpack the downloaded installer package file on your computer.
2.Double-click the Traktor 2 Setup.exe file to start the installation procedure.
3.Follow the on-screen instructions.
3.3.2Confirm the Features to Install
After you have accepted the software license agreement, the installer window displays the features available for installation.
TRAKTOR KONTROL S2 - Setup Guide - 15
The components selection screen of the installation program.
Software Installation
Installation on Windows
Basic Installation: This is the dedicated TRAKTOR software for your TRAKTOR KONTROL S2
system, along with its documentation. This component cannot be deselected.
Background Components
These features are not displayed in the installer window, but are installed depending on your
system configuration:
Controller Editor: The Controller Editor application allows you to configure your Native Instruments hardware controller (e.g., TRAKTOR KONTROL S4 or X1) for use as a MIDI controller
with applications other than the TRAKTOR software. This component will automatically be installed if you install one of the controller drivers (unless a newer version of Controller Editor
already exists on your computer).
Service Center: The Service Center application is required for activation of the TRAKTOR software. It will be installed independent of the selected drivers (unless a newer version already
exists on your computer).
TRAKTOR KONTROL S2 - Setup Guide - 16
Software Installation
Installation on Windows
Control Panel: The Control Panel is an audio settings configuration tool, installed with the driver of the TRAKTOR KONTROL S2, and it allows for settings concerning the controller's built-in
audio interface. For further information on the Control Panel, please consult the TRAKTOR
KONTROL S2 Manual.
Click Continue and then follow the on-screen instructions.
3.3.3Confirm the Application Installation Path
The software installation path screen of the installation program.
It is strongly recommended to install the TRAKTOR software to the default location. If you
still need to change the install location, click Change to open a Folder Selection dialog and
select the desired destination folder.
You will be asked to select and confirm an installation path for the TRAKTOR software.
Click Next to proceed.
TRAKTOR KONTROL S2 - Setup Guide - 17
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