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“Native Instruments”, “NI” and associated logos are (registered) trademarks of Native Instruments GmbH.
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All other trade marks are the property of their respective owners and use of them does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement by them.
Document authored by: Brian Smith, Chad Carrier, Patryk Korman, Christian Schulz
Version: 2.9 (08/2015)
Special thanks to the Beta Test Team, who were invaluable not just in tracking down bugs, but
in making this a better product.
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Index ........................................................................................................................
Welcome to the TRAKTOR KONTROL F1!
Document Conventions
1Welcome to the TRAKTOR KONTROL F1!
Dear Native Instruments customer,
Thank you for purchasing the TRAKTOR KONTROL F1, and for your continued trust in Native
Instruments products.
The TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 is a dedicated add-on software controller, specifically designed
for using the TRAKTOR Remix Decks. The TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 offers the best possible
level of control over the Remix Decks, allowing you to quickly load, set up, and tweak Remix
Sets. Even more importantly, the F1 gives you complete performance control over the Remix
Decks so that you can create and modify remixes on-the-fly as you are playing your set in front
of an audience.
TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 controls Stem Decks
Whereby the TRAKTOR KONTROL S8 and TRAKTOR KONTROL D2 controllers are specially
designed for Stem Deck control, the TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 controller brings the basic controls which are required for controlling a Stem Deck as well. This enables Stem Deck control
also for TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 users.
For more information on how to control a Stem Deck using the F1 controller, refer to chapter
↑3.8, Using F1 for Stem Deck Control.
Document Conventions
This document uses particular formatting to point out special facts and to warn you of potential issues. The icons introducing the following notes let you see what kind of information can
be expected:
Whenever this exclamation mark icon appears, you should read the corresponding note
carefully and follow the instructions and hints given there if applicable.
This light bulb icon indicates that a note contains useful extra information. This information may often help you to solve a task more efficiently, but does not necessarily apply to
the setup or operating system you are using; however, it's always worth a look.
TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 - Manual - 10
Welcome to the TRAKTOR KONTROL F1!
Names and Pet Names for Software and Hardware
Furthermore, the following formatting is used:
• Text appearing in (drop-down) menus (such as Open…, Save as… etc.) and paths to locations on your hard drive or other storage devices is printed in italics.
• Text appearing elsewhere on the screen (labels of buttons, controls, text next to checkboxes etc.) is printed in light blue. Whenever you see this formatting applied, you will find
the same text appearing on the screen.
• Important names and concepts are printed in bold.
• References to keys on your computer's keyboard you'll find put in square brackets (e.g.,
"Press [Shift] + [Return]").
Single instructions are introduced by this play button type arrow.
Results of actions are introduced by this smaller arrow.
1.2Names and Pet Names for Software and Hardware
In this manual, we will often refer to the TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 also as the "KONTROL F1,"
or simply the "F1." Likewise, the TRAKTOR PRO 2 software will most often just be referred to
We also refer to F1's buttons with both their primary functions capitalized, and their secondary
functions capitalized and in parentheses. For example, the upper left button just under the
left-most fader is the SYNC (MASTER) button.
1.3The TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 Documentation at a Glance
The Setup Guide
A Setup Guide is available on the TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 registration page. It will guide you
through the software and hardware installation of your TRAKTOR KONTROL F1. This should be
your first step before going any further. Find a link to the registration page on the registration
flyer, which is included in your TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 box.
TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 - Manual - 11
Welcome to the TRAKTOR KONTROL F1!
The TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 Documentation at a Glance
That's what you are reading right now! After reading the Setup Guide and following its instructions, you should be ready to go. The next step is to read this document, the TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 Manual. The Manual gives an overview of the Remix Decks and how the F1 is perfectly tailored to operate them. Along with the general hardware reference (↑4, TRAKTOR
KONTROL F1 Reference), it also provides a number of step-by-step tutorials and workflows,
which will help you integrate the F1 into your way of DJing (↑3, Tutorials and Workflows).
↑1.3.2, In This Manual will give you an overview of the content of this manual.
The TRAKTOR 2 Manual
For in-depth information on all features provided by the TRAKTOR PRO 2 software (especially
the Remix Decks), please refer to the TRAKTOR 2 Manual. You can access the TRAKTOR 2
Manual via the Open Manual… entry from the Help menu in the TRAKTOR software.
The Controller Editor Manual
Aside from using your TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 hardware controller together with the TRAKTOR
PRO 2 software, you can also use it as a versatile MIDI controller to pilot any other MIDI-capable application or device. This is made possible by the Controller Editor software, a little application that allows you to precisely define all MIDI assignments on your TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 controller when operated in MIDI mode (see also ↑4.12, MIDI Mode). The Controller
Editor should have been installed during the TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 installation procedure.
For more information on the Controller Editor and MIDI mapping, please refer to the Controller
Editor Manual; you can access the manual via the Open Manual… entry from the Help menu
in the Controller Editor software.
Recommended Reading Order
Because the F1 is an add-on controller, we assume that you are already a TRAKTOR user and
are somewhat familiar with how TRAKTOR works. If not, the TRAKTOR 2 Manual explains each
and every detail of the TRAKTOR 2 software.
If you want to jump right in, go to ↑3, Tutorials and Workflows. Working through the tutorials
will get you going quickly. For more detail on each and every element of the controller, refer to
↑4, TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 Reference. This chapter will also be your main reference for the
TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 - Manual - 12
Welcome to the TRAKTOR KONTROL F1!
The TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 Documentation at a Glance
For most people, the best way to learn their way around the F1 is to work through the tutorials
while at the same time referring to relevant sections in ↑4, TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 Reference.
Above all, don't forget to try things out for yourself and to have fun!
1.3.2In This Manual
Here's an overview of what's in the TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 Manual:
• ↑2, TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 Overview: This chapter gives you an overview of the F1, including a brief introduction to the concept of Remix Decks and an overview of the buttons, knobs, and faders on the F1. For a detailed description of the Remix Decks' interface elements, please see the relevant chapters of the TRAKTOR 2 Manual. You can access the TRAKTOR 2 Manual via the Open Manual... entry from the Help menu in the
TRAKTOR software.
• ↑3, Tutorials and Workflows: In this chapter, we'll walk you through a number of typical
tasks and workflows in order to familiarize you with operating the F1. Don't miss out on
this section of the manual!
• ↑4, TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 Reference: This is the chapter you'll want to refer to when
you have a specific question about a particular function or feature. Used along with ↑3,
Tutorials and Workflows, this will give you the knowledge you need to become an expert
F1 user. We will go through every one of the F1's modes, starting with Performance mode
and ending with MIDI mode.
• ↑5, F1 Preferences: Here we will explain the various options you have in TRAKTOR's preferences for changing various settings relating to the F1.
TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 - Manual - 13
About Remix Decks
On the following pages, you will find a summary of the most important aspects of TRAKTOR's
Remix Decks and the TRAKTOR KONTROL F1.
First of all, you should know that as the proud owner of the F1, you have the ultimate controller for manipulating and performing the Remix Decks. Although you can use the F1 as a MIDI
controller, it was designed principally for one thing: controlling the Remix Decks. This is why
we call it an add-on controller and assume that you are using another controller (such as the
X1, the S2 or S4) for other TRAKTOR software functions such as transport, scratching, FX setup and performance, and so on. Note that you can also control and scratch the Remix Decks
using Timecode control with TRAKTOR SCRATCH PRO 2.
2.1About Remix Decks
If you are dealing with TRAKTOR's Remix Decks for the first time, please check out the chapters about TRAKTOR's Decks, and specifically about the Remix Decks in the TRAKTOR 2 Manual. But we know that you are burning with impatience, so here's a quick rundown.
TRAKTOR's Remix Decks might seem like an improved version of the Sample Decks from previous TRAKTOR versions, but they are much more than that. Here is an overview of some of
the most important aspects:
A Remix Deck consists of 4 Sample Slots, each holding 16 Sample Cells to be loaded with
Samples from the Browser, or for capturing Samples live from Track Decks and the Loop Recorder.
TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 - Manual - 14
A Remix Deck in the TRAKTOR software.
The Remix Deck is a proper Deck: It is completely independent with its own tempo, timeline, transport controls, sync, and can be scratched using Timecode.
A few more specifics:
About Remix Decks
• A Remix Deck can hold up to 64 Samples: This is provided by the new 4x16 Sample Grid,
which is the "playground" area of the Remix Deck.
• Samples are color-coded: The colors for each Sample Cell are selectable, and they are reflected on the pads of the F1. The color on the F1 will always be the same as the color on
the Remix Decks in the TRAKTOR software. Naturally you can also assign colors from the
• Each Sample has individual playback parameters: Customize trigger, play, and loop behaviors for each Sample, alter tempos and Sample starting points, and choose if Samples
should be synced to their Remix Deck or not.
• The contents of the Remix Deck can be saved as a Remix Set: Reload Remix Decks via a single-line-item in TRAKTOR's Track Collection, and include Remix Sets in playlists.
For a detailed description of the Remix Decks' interface elements, please see the relevant
chapters of the TRAKTOR 2 Manual. You can access the TRAKTOR 2 Manual via the OpenManual... entry from the Help menu in the TRAKTOR software.
TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 - Manual - 15
About Remix Decks
2.1.1The Remix Deck: A Full-Featured Deck Flavor
A Remix Deck behaves like a Track Deck: you can pause, play, cue, loop, and scratch with
Timecode control. You can also beat-match Remix Decks manually or let TRAKTOR do the
work for you via the new SYNC and MASTER buttons.
2.1.2Remix Deck Terminology
With the new Remix Decks, we need new ways to describe things. Here is a list of some of the
main terms that specifically relate to TRAKTOR's Remix Decks and the F1:
• Remix Deck: TRAKTOR's Decks can be operated in different modes, called Flavors in
TRAKTOR terminology. The Remix Deck Flavor is what the F1 is all about. A Remix Deck
behaves just like a Track Deck, but also gives you additional possibilities to load, capture,
and remix with Samples on the fly.
• Remix Set: This is what the F1 controls so elegantly! TRAKTOR let's you load one Remix
Set into any given Remix Deck; since you can use up to four Decks in TRAKTOR, you can
have up to four Remix Decks if you decide to use only the Remix Deck Flavor. Remix Sets
are stored like normal Tracks in TRAKTOR's Track Collection. Make sure to regularly
check the website for free Remix Sets provided by NI. Also there is an increasing number
of third-party producers making Remix Sets for TRAKTOR, but you'll probably want to create your own Sets as well. We'll explain that in ↑3, Tutorials and Workflows.
• Sample Slot: There are four Sample Slots in each Remix Deck. Each Sample Slot contains
a Slot Player and sixteen Sample Cells, but only one Sample can be playing in one of the
Sample Slots at the same time. You can see the physical arrangement of the Sample
Slots by the four vertical channels at the top of your F1 controller. Each Filter knob and
Volume fader controls the respective parameters of a single Sample Slot. In addition, the
Pad Matrix on the F1 provides a secondary function (obtained by pressing SHIFT) which
activates the Sample Slot parameters (see ↑4.1.2, A Word on Sample Slot Parameters for
further information).
• Sample Grid: The entirety of all Sample Slots' Sample Cells amounts to the Remix Deck's
Sample Grid. There are four Sample Grid pages in a Remix Set. Each page contains sixteen Sample Cells (four per Sample Slot). A Sample Grid page is represented by the sixteen pads on your F1. This means that there are sixty-four Sample Cells in total per Remix
Set. You'll get the hang of it quickly...
TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 - Manual - 16
Hardware Overview
• Sample Cell: Each Sample Cell can hold one Sample, and has its own playback settings.
You can load the same Sample into different Sample Cells, and give them unique settings
so that the Sample plays back at different speeds, direction, or pitch in each Sample Cell.
• Operating Modes (or just "modes"): The F1 controller offers various modes for configuring
settings of Sample Cells, loading and manipulating Remix Sets and Samples, etc. All
these modes are accessed from the controller's Mode buttons in the middle of the controller. The main mode that you will be using with the F1 is the Performance mode, which
also is the controller's default mode (read about the different controller modes in ↑4.1.1,
A Word on Modes).
2.2Hardware Overview
As an add-on controller, the KONTROL F1 is designed to provide controls which the other NI
DJ controllers do not provide. The F1 controls the "inner" aspects of the Remix Deck, such as
triggering individual Samples, scrolling the Sample Grid, and adjusting Slot volumes and filters, while a traditional Deck controller (such as an X1 or a Timecode record) controls the "outer" aspects of the Remix Deck, such as the general playback of the Deck, its tempo, scratching, and so on.
2.2.1Top Panel
The top panel of the TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 consists of three main areas, as you can see below.
TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 - Manual - 17
Hardware Overview
The top panel of the F1 with its three main areas.
(1) Sample Slot Filter Knobs and Volume Faders: The four Filter knobs and the four Volume faders make up the upper part of the F1's top panel. The functions of these controls do not
change in the different controller modes! For example, even when changing a Sample's speed
in Speed mode, you can still tweak the Filter knobs and Volume faders in each of the Slots
(read about the different controller modes in ↑4.1.1, A Word on Modes).
TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 - Manual - 18
Hardware Overview
(2) Browsing and Modes: The central part of the KONTROL F1 consists of the Browse and Mode
buttons, along with the SHIFT button and the dual function encoder knob (rotary and push).
The MODE buttons are all dual-function. The function written on the surface of the buttons is
the "main" mode that occurs when pressing them, while the name of the "secondary" mode
(when pushing SHIFT at the same time) appears just below the buttons. For example, the SIZE
(SPEED) button will do just that when you push it: activate the Size mode. But if you press the
SHIFT button at the same time, then you will call up its secondary function, Speed mode. In
this manual, the buttons are referred to by both functions. For example, the middle button on
the second row of the F1 is referred to as TYPE (PITCH) button.
(3) Pads and Mute (STOP) Buttons: The biggest part of the F1's control sections contains the sixteen pads and the four Mute (STOP) buttons below the pads. The primary function of the pads
is to trigger different Samples on the Sample Grid, while the Mute (STOP) buttons either mute
the sound of the associated Sample Slot (the Sample continues to play, but the sound is muted) or stop the playback entirely (when pressed together with SHIFT).
In addition, the pads have a set of secondary functions, governing the Sample Slot parameters,
which will be described in section ↑4.2.11, The Pads.
2.2.2The Back Panel
The back panel consists of:
• A sturdy USB connector, providing a firm grip on your USB cable.
• A slot for a Kensington lock to secure your TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 hardware.
2.2.3Types of Control Elements
There are six types of control elements on the F1's top panel.
Mode Buttons
A Mode button on the F1 with its primary and secondary function (The BROWSE (MIDI) button in this case).
TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 - Manual - 19
Hardware Overview
With the exception of the SHIFT button, the F1's buttons have two states, which means that
they have both a primary and secondary function. The secondary function is attained by pushing the SHIFT button at the same time as the targeted button. In this manual, each button is
named by both functions, with the secondary function written in parentheses. For example, the
top-left button in the middle section of the F1 is called the SYNC (MASTER) button. The F1's
Mode buttons are:
All Mode buttons govern certain modes of the controller. See ↑4.1.1, A Word on Modes for further information on the controller modes.
One of the four Volume faders on the F1.
TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 - Manual - 20
Hardware Overview
The four Sample Slot Volume faders at the top of the F1 control the volume levels of the four
Sample Slots. Usually you will want them all the way up, but if a Slot (or just a Sample that is
playing in that Slot) is too loud, you might want to bring the Volume fader down a bit. See
↑4.2.2, Volume Faders for further information on the Volume faders.
SHIFT Button
The SHIFT button.
The SHIFT button modifies the behavior of other buttons on your TRAKTOR KONTROL F1, giving you access to those buttons' secondary functions.
For further information on the SHIFT button, please refer to ↑4.2.8, SHIFT Button.
One of the four Filter knobs on the F1.
The four Filter knobs at the top of the F1 control the filter settings of the four individual Sample Slots. See ↑4.2.1, Filter Knobs for further information on the Filter knobs.
Encoder Knob
The F1's encoder knob in the middle of the controller.
TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 - Manual - 21
Hardware Overview
The encoder knob has several functions, e.g., scrolling through the Sample Grid pages of a Remix Deck, or changing the controllers focus from one Remix Deck to another. The encoder
knob is an endless rotary potentiometer. By turning it, you can dial a value for the parameter
relatively to its current value in the software. The encoder knob has a step-by-step (incremental) movement.
Additionally, the encoder knob has a “push” action available: pushing the encoder knob can
trigger some other function, such as loading a Sample into a Cell. In certain situations, pushing SHIFT while turning the encoder knob will activate a secondary function. See ↑4.2.7, En-
coder Knob for further information on the encoder knob.
The Pad Matrix on the F1.
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Hardware Overview
The pads are obviously where you'll be triggering your Samples and building up your remixes.
But they also have secondary function, which is activated by pushing SHIFT. The secondary
function names are written along both sides of the Pad Matrix. See ↑4.2.11, The Pads for further information on the pads.
2.2.4Visual Feedback
The TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 is not only designed to give you complete control over the Remix
Decks — it will also give you constant visual feedback, so that you will know what's going on at
a glance. Obviously, the positions of the Volume faders and Filter knobs show the relative positions of their equivalent controls on the TRAKTOR software. But the buttons and pads on the
F1 go much farther and feature an intuitive illumination scheme, keeping you constantly informed on what's going on in the Remix Decks.
SHIFT Button Illumination
The SHIFT button can be either continuously on, blinking on and off, or dim.
BROWSE (MIDI) Button Illumination
The BROWSE (MIDI) button is either dim (not active) or blinking on and off (active). Also note
that it is the only blue-lit Mode button, making sure that you know it is active so that you don't
accidentally load a Sample or Remix Set during a session!
The Dual-State Mode Button Illumination
When the secondary state of a button is active (for example, in Color mode, Pitch mode, Delete
mode, etc.), both the activated and the SHIFT button will flash. In their primary states, the
buttons will flash alone (without the SHIFT button).
The Pad Matrix Illumination
The individual pads have a number of illumination states:
• Brightly lit in color: the Sample associated with that pad is playing.
• Dimly lit in color: there is a Sample in the Sample Cell, but it is not playing (and not about
to play).
TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 - Manual - 23
Hardware Overview
• Pulsating in color: the Sample associated with that pad is about to play — typically when
quantize is on and you've fired the Sample (by hitting the pad), but the Quantize Value
hasn't been reached yet and the Sample is not yet playing.
• Bright white: this only happens in special cases, such as with the Overview function (see
also ↑4.2.7, Encoder Knob).
• Dim white and pulsating in white: these are also "special-case" states, and described in
↑4.2.11, The Pads.
• Off: no Sample is loaded.
Mute (STOP) Button Illumination
The Mute (STOP) buttons have just two illumination states: lit (orange), and unlit. When the
button is lit, you can hear the corresponding Sample Slot. When the button is unlit, the corresponding Sample Slot is muted.
You can adjust the levels of the on state and dim state brightness of the F1's buttons and
pads in the Traktor Kontrol F1 section of TRAKTOR's Preferences. See ↑5, F1 Preferences
for further information.
TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 - Manual - 24
Tutorials and Workflows
3Tutorials and Workflows
In this chapter, the idea is to walk you through a number of typical workflows that you'll need
for getting proficient at using the F1. We've organized this from the very basics — such as navigating and loading — to more sophisticated manipulations for masterful live performance using your F1. We'll also show you how to build, set up, and save your own Remix Sets and give
you a general overall feel for using the F1.
Keep in mind that the F1 is really about getting into the guts of TRAKTOR's Remix Decks and
controlling every aspect of them. On the other hand, the F1 is built to be an add-on controller.
In other words, we assume that you already have another way of controlling the more global
features of TRAKTOR, especially concerning transport control, cueing, and FX management.
Although it is possible to switch the F1 between its normal Remix Deck control mode and MIDI
mode (or use it with it in the User Map mode), you'll probably want to use it as a completely
dedicated Remix Deck controller.
You might want to periodically refer to ↑4, TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 Reference in order to have
more in-depth understanding of some of the features we will introduce to you here. The main
objective, however, is to make you very comfortable at using your F1!
3.2A Note to the Impatient!
Of course, the first thing you want to do with your F1 is to PLAY it! You probably don't want to
work your way through the handbook before getting your fingers all over your new piece of
hardware. We understand. If you want to load a Sample into a Remix Deck and get it going,
you need to:
1.Set the Deck Flavor to Remix Deck (see ↑3.3.1, Setting Deck Flavors).
2.Make sure the F1 is controlling that Remix Deck (see ↑3.3.2, Setting the Current Remix
Deck Focus on the F1).
TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 - Manual - 25
Tutorials and Workflows
3.Load in a Sample or entire Remix Set (see ↑3.4.1, Browsing Through the Tree and Load-
ing the Tutorial Remix Set).
4.Trigger the Sample, making sure that volume is up on that Sample's Sample Slot.
5.Once you've done that, come back to this tutorial section to learn more.
At first, we need to prepare a few things to:
• enable a Remix Deck in TRAKTOR,
• and set the F1's focus to it in order to control it.
3.3.1Setting Deck Flavors
To make one of TRAKTOR's Decks a Remix Deck, proceed as follows:
Click on the Deck letter of the Deck you want to use as a Remix Deck. For the purpose of
this tutorial, let's pick Deck B and set it to Remix Deck.
You can also change the Deck Flavor via File > Preferences > Decks > Deck Flavor. If you
have an S2 or an X1, you might want to designate either Deck A or Deck B as your Remix
Deck, since you'll be able to control the transport of either Deck with your controller. If you
have an S4, this doesn't really matter, since you have transport control over all four Decks.
3.3.2Setting the Current Remix Deck Focus on the F1
If you have more than one Deck set as a Remix Deck, you can quickly switch between Remix
Decks with the F1 by changing its Deck focus:
1.Press and hold the SHIFT button.
TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 - Manual - 26
Tutorials and Workflows
2.While continuing to hold SHIFT, turn the encoder knob to the left or right one notch —
the Pad Matrix is divided into 2x2 squares, and the square representing the current Remix
Deck begins to flash. At the same time, the 7-segment display indicates the current Deck:
"dA" is Deck A, "dB" is Deck B, and so on.
3.As you continue holding SHIFT, keep turning the encoder knob to skip from one Remix
Deck to another until you land on Deck B, which is the one we want to control. Each
notch on the encoder knob will move to another Deck, if more Remix Decks are available.
If there is no Deck set to the Remix Deck Flavor, then the F1's 2x2 quadrants will not
light up.
4.Release the SHIFT button.
TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 - Manual - 27
Tutorials and Workflows
The display showing "db" and the upper right quadrant of the Pad Matrix lighting up to indicate focus on TRAKTOR Deck B.
If you just want to check what Deck the F1 is currently controlling, press and hold SHIFT.
The display will show the Deck as explained above.
TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 - Manual - 28
Tutorials and Workflows
First Steps With the F1
3.4First Steps With the F1
Now you're all ready to go! Of course you don't need to use the Remix Sets that we provide for
you — the idea is also to build your own, once you get your chops. But for now, it's a good idea
to gain some experience with a pre-built tutorial Remix Set so that you can get a feel for using
the F1 to quickly and easily navigate and load the Remix Sets as well as individual Samples.
3.4.1Browsing Through the Tree and Loading the Tutorial Remix Set
As a TRAKTOR user, you already know that the Track Collection (also "Collection") is organized
within TRAKTOR's Browser Tree (also "Tree"). With the F1, in addition to the files in your Collection, you can also navigate through your entire computer file system. But let's start with the
1.Hit the BROWSE (MIDI) button on the F1 — it should start blinking.
2.Rotate the encoder knob and watch the selection move up or down in the Browser List (on
your screen).
3.Now press and hold SHIFT while moving the encoder knob. Notice that you can now move
up and down the Tree on the left side of the Browser. While still holding the SHIFT button, navigate to the "Track Collection" folder, and push and release the encoder knob once
to expand the node in the Tree.
4.While still holding the SHIFT button, scroll the selection down to the "All Remix Sets" entry.
5.Release the SHIFT button. You are now back in the Browser List on the right side of the
6.Turn the encoder knob to scroll until "Remix Deck Tutorial" is selected.
7.Push the encoder knob once. The Remix Set is now loaded into the Remix Deck.
8.Push the BROWSE (MIDI) button once to leave Browse mode.
TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 - Manual - 29
Tutorials and Workflows
First Steps With the F1
Congratulations! You've just loaded a Remix Set into a Remix Deck!
Make sure the Deck speed of the Remix Deck is 130 as this is the speed the tutorial Remix Set was designed for.
3.4.2Triggering the Samples In a Remix Deck: Start and Stop Playback
For the sake of this tutorial, we will refer to the F1's 16 pads as a grid with four columns (corresponding to the Remix Deck's Sample Slots), A, B, C, and D. We'll call the rows 1, 2, 3, and
4. So the top left pad is A1 and the one just below it is A2, while the one in the same row as
A2 but all the way to the right is D2:
TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 - Manual - 30
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