Native Instruments Traktor DJ Studio 3.0 Operation Manual

The information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of NATIVE INSTRUMENTS GmbH. The software described by this document is subject to a License Agreement and may not be copied to other media. No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced or otherwise transmitted or recorded, for any purpose, without prior written permission by NATIVE INSTRUMENTS GmbH, hereinafter referred to as NATIVE INSTRUMENTS. All product and company names are ™ or ® trademarks of their respective owners. Furthermore, the fact that you are reading this text means you are the owner of a legal version rather than an illegal, pirated copy. It is only through the loyalty and honesty of people like yourself that NATIVE INSTRUMENTS GmbH can continue to develop and create innovative audio software. On behalf of the entire company, thank you very much.
Written and revised by: Irmgard Bauer, Friedemann Becker, Robert Kotok (Version 3)
Other valuable input from: PhilL, Hobbes, Quartz, AudioRapture and all TRAKTOR Forum Users!
Special thanks go to the beta test team, who were invaluable not just in tracking down bugs, but in making this a better product!
NATIVE INSTRUMENTS GmbH Schlesische Str. 28 D-10997 Berlin Germany
NATIVE INSTRUMENTS North America, Inc. 5631 Hollywood Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90028 USA
© Native Instruments GmbH, 2007. All rights reserved.

1. Welcome Words

Dear Customer,
Thank you for choosing TRAKTOR 3! As a legal owner of this software you contribute to the maintenance of the software and to the creation of future updates. Since spring 2007 TRAKTOR 3 has a new brother called TRAKTOR Scratch. Version TRAKTOR 3.3 merges both worlds by connecting the intuitiveness of turntable controlled playback with the powerful sync and loop tools for which TRAKTOR is known. This happens af ter 8 years of TRAKTOR history, initiated by a group of three developers in 1999. In these years, the software has grown to a serious project
that covers a large variety of user proles from dance to hip hop and from bedroom to main oor.
We wish you a great and successful time when driving TRAKTOR 3! Friedemann Becker
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2. System Requirements

For latest system requirements, compatibility and support of the latest operating systems please see our website at: http://ww
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3. Installation

This chapter explains you in an easy step-by-step explanation how to install TRAKTOR 3 on your computer.

3.1 Start – The Splash Screen

Insert the TRAKTOR 3 CD in the CD-drive of your computer.
On a PC, double-click on “My Computer” then double-click on the TRAKOR 3
to open the content of the CD. Double-Click Traktor_3_Installation_
On a Mac, the TRAKTOR 3 CD ICOn will be displayed on the desktop. Click on
it to open the content of the CD. Click on Traktor_3_Installation_Menu.
This starts the TRAKTOR 3 Splash Screen that lets you choose between different possible actions. Follow the forthcoming chapters to make the right decisions regarding the needed installations for your package and the right order of these installations.
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3.2 Windows XP Installation

This section describes the installation and the uninstall processes on a Windows PC.

3.2.1 Installing TRAKTOR 3

On the Splash Screen, choose InsTAll TRAKTOR 3.
A dialog opens that welcomes you to the installation of TRAKTOR 3. Click on
nexT to proceed. In the next window, you are prompted to agree to the license agreement. Click
on I ACCepT to proceed. The next window lets you choose an installation folder. Click n
with the default installation folder.
to proceed
TRAKTOR 3.3 – 7
In the next screen you can choose a program group where the TRAKTOR 3 icon
will be added to. You should leave it in the default path and proceed with nexT. Now the installation is running. At the end of this process, a dialog asks you
whether you want to see the Welcome.pdf, create a shortcut on the desktop, start TRAKTOR 3 now and/ or start the NI SERVICE CENTER Setup. Choose the options you want, and then click on FInIsh to nish the installation.

3.2.2 Uninstalling TRAKTOR 3

To uninstall TRAKTOR 3 from your computer, use the following steps:
Open C:\Program Files\Native Instruments\Traktor DJ Studio 3.
Double-click the UnwIse tool to begin un-installation.
Choose AUTOmATIC from the following dialog.

3.2.3 Installing NI SERVICE CENTER

On the Splash Screen, choose InsTAll nI seRvICe CenTeR.
A dialog opens that welcomes you to the installation of NI Service Center. Click
on nexT to proceed. In the next window, you are prompted to agree to the license agreement. Click
on I ACCepT to proceed. The next window lets you choose an installation folder. Click nexT to proceed
with the default installation folder. On the next screen you can choose a program group where the TRAKTOR
Scratch icon will be added to. You should leave it in the default path and proceed with nex T. Now the installation is running. At the end of this process, a dialog asks you
whether you want to start the SERVICE CENTER now, open the Readme or create a shortcut on the desktop. Choose the options you want, and then click on FInIsh to nish the installation.
Please alway s r efer to
Please alway s r efer to
the Readme le on the
the Readme le on the
installation CD as it contains last
installation CD as it contains last
minute information not available
minute information not available
in the printed manual.
in the printed manual.
TRAKTOR 3.3 – 8

3.3 Mac OS X Installation

This section describes the installation and the uninstall processes on a Macintosh computer.

3.3.1 Installing TRAKTOR 3

On the Splash Screen, choose InsTAll TRAKTOR 3.
The next screen shows the license agreement. Click on COnTInUe to proceed.
In the next window you can choose an installation destination. Click COnTInUe
to proceed with the default path. In the next window you can choose the installation type. Click on I
proceed. When the installation is nished a new window informs you that you can com-
plete the installation process by clicking on QUIT.

3.3.2 Uninstalling TRAKTOR 3

To uninstall TRAKTOR 3 from your computer, please delete the following les
/Applications/Traktor DJ Studio 3/Library/Preferences/com.native-instruments.TraktorDJStudio3. plist
Please alway s r efer to
Please alway s r efer to
the Readme le on the
the Readme le on the
installation CD as it contains last
installation CD as it contains last
minute information not available
minute information not available
in the printed manual.
in the printed manual.
TRAKTOR 3.3 – 9

3.3.3 Installing NI SERVICE CENTER

On the Splash Screen, choose InsTAll nI seRvICe CenTeR.
The next screen shows the license agreement. Click on COnTInUe to proceed.
In the next window you can choose an installation destination. Click COnTInUe
to proceed with the default path. The next window lets you ins tall the Flash Player that is needed for the
SERVICE CENTER. Click on Install to proceed. After the installation, the window close s an you are back to the splash
TRAKTOR 3.3 – 10

4. First Steps with TRAKTOR

This chapter helps you a lot if you are a rst time user. It covers the start of the
software, the registration and the audio setup. After this chapter you are able to dive into the funky features of TRAKTOR!

4.1 Starting the Software

mAC Os x: Go to “Macintosh HD” > “Applications” > “Traktor DJ Studio 3”
and double-click on the TRAKTOR DJ Studio 3 program icon.

4.2 Registration and Product Authorization

A registration and product authorization of TRAKTOR 3 is mandatory. This chapter guides you through the registration process. Before continuing further in this manual, you should rst install NI SERVICE CENTER on your computer. A step-by-step installation guide is provided within the separate Setup Guide booklet included in your TRAKTOR package. If you did not install the NI SERVICE CENTER right away from the Splash Screen, you will
nd information about how to install the application on your hard drive and a step-
by-step introduction to the SERVICE CENTER application in this Setup Guide. You can use the SERVICE CENTER to register and activate your copy of TRAKTOR via the Internet. The SERVICE CENTER also includes an Update Manager that helps
: Go to “Start” > “All Programs” > “Native Instruments” > “Traktor DJ Studio 3” and click the TRAKTOR DJ Studio 3 program icon.
TRAKTOR 3.3 – 11
you download the most recent version of TRAKTOR. You should check regularly for updates to TRAKTOR for best performance and compatibility with other audio applications.

4.2.1 Demo Mode

When you start TRAKTOR for the rst time, you will see the following screen:
Choose A
Guide for more information about the NI SERVICE CENTER and activating
TRAKTOR. Note that you have to restart TRAKTOR to change from D into FUll mODe. Click on BUy to purchase a copy of TRAKTOR in the NI online shop or at a
dealer in your area. Your standard internet browser will be opened and the Native Instruments website will open.
to start the NI SERVICE CENTER right away. Consult the Setup
emO mODe
TRAKTOR 3.3 – 12
Choose RUn D
are in DemO mODe from the DemO mODe graphic in the TRAKTOR heADeR. Once you have decided to purchase a product, all you need do is unlock the demo version by entering a valid serial number – it then instantly becomes the full version.
The DemO mODe has the following restrictions:
Audio processing stops after 30 minutes
Audio recording disabled
Native Mix Recording disabled
Fixed broadcasting stream name
to run TRAKTOR in D
emO mODe
. You can see whether you

4.3 Audio Setup

It is recommended to use TRAKTOR 3 with a multi-channel audio interface so that you can pre-listen to a track in your headphones before bringing it into the main mix. However, you can also use your built-in soundcard and run TRAKTOR 3, but without the ability to pre-listen (or CUe) tracks. Multiple audio interfaces are not supported.
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4.3.1 Setting up a Multi-Channel Sound Card

Click on the pReFeRenCes button to open the pReFeRenCes window.
In the pReFeRenCes menu, double-click on AUDIO seTUp in the tree on the left.
Click on sOUnDCARD.
Click the arrow to drop down the A
menu and select the sound card you want to use. Windows sound cards often come with different types of drivers. TRAKTOR 3
requires a fast response of the audio signal, and you should therefore use the ASIO drivers that come with your sound card (if available). For Mac OS X, simply select the name of your soundcard.
4.3.2 ConguringtheOutputsofaMulti-ChannelSoundCard
Open “Preferences” > “Audio Setup” > “Output Routing”
Make sure mIxeR mODe is set to Internal.
Monitor Outputs
The m
controlled by the phvOl (Phones Volume) and phmIx (Phones Mix) knobs in the internal mixer of TRAKTOR 3.
Click the arrow next to m
card. Click the arrow next to mOn ITOR RIgh T and choose Output 2 of your sound
card. You can now monitor or pre-listen to tracks through the outputs 1 and 2 of your
sound card. Click on mOnO, if you want to merge both channels into one channel.
are used to pre-listen to a track by headphones. They are
) and choose Output 1 of your sound
It is useful to assign Outputs 1
It is useful to assign Outputs 1
and 2 for monitoring, as many
and 2 for monitoring, as many
sound cards with headphone s
sound cards with headphone s
connectors identify them as
connectors identify them as
Outputs 1 and 2.
Outputs 1 and 2.
TRAKTOR 3.3 – 14
Master Outputs
The m
is an output pair directed at the audience. It is controlled by the
ChAnnel FADeRs and the CROssFADeR in the internal mixer of TRAKTOR 3.
Click the arrow next to m
AsTeR leFT
) and choose Output 3 of your sound
card. Click the arrow next to mA sTeR RI ghT and choose Output 4 of your sound
card. The m
of TRAKTOR are now routed through outputs 3 and 4 of
your sound card.
Booth Outputs
The BOOTh OUTpU T is an additional output pair directed to the DJ booth.
In large rooms, the sound can be reected and delayed, making exact beatmatching
imprecise or impossible at all. Extra booth boxes help you mix tighter. The B
you don’t see the BOOTh panel, read more on page 5.4.4 (Details Section).
Click the arrow next to BOOTh leFT (mOnO) and choose Output 5 of your sound
card. Click the arrow next to BOOTh RIghT and choose Output 6 of your sound card.
The m
your sound card. Click on mOnO, if you want to merge both channels into one channel.
is controlled by the B
panel in the D
section. If
of TRAKTOR are now routed through outputs 5 and 6 of
TRAKTOR 3.3 – 15
Record Outputs
The ReCORD OUTpUT is an additional output pair you can use for the recording function of TRAKTOR 3. It is controlled by the A section. If you don’t see the A
panel in the D
panel, read more on page 5.4.4 (Details
Click the arrow next to R
) and choose Output 7 of your sound
card. Click the arrow next to ReCORD RIghT and choose Output 8 of your sound card.
The m
of TRAKTOR are now routed through outputs 7 and 8 of
your sound card.

4.3.3 Verifying the Audio Setup

To verify the correct setup of your output channels, play one of the included DemO TRACKs:
In the TRee wInDOw on the left, double-click on plAylIsT/ mIxes, then double-click
on DemO TRACKs to open the DemO plAylIsT. Right-/ Ctrl-Click on a DemO TRACK in the lIsT wInDOw and choose Load Track in
Deck A. This will load the track in DeCK A, and the track wAveFORm will be dis- played. Click the p
speakers. If the w
your AUDIO seTUp is incorrect - refer to the following paragraph and verify your built-in sound card settings. If the w
built-in speakers, you may have accidentally moved a knob or fader in the mixer and turned down the volume.
button underneath D
does not scroll from right to left after you press the p
does scroll from left to right, but you hear no sound on your
A. You should hear output from your
TRAKTOR 3.3 – 16

4.4 Test Drive TRAKTOR 3

Now that the sound card is congured and TRAKTOR is up and running, let’s have
a little fun by doing a quick mix. For this, we use the DemO TRACKs that come with TRAKTOR 3. The D
are your virtual turntables, and they behave just like any DJ turntable available on the market. This means that you can not only play back, stop, scroll forward and backward through your tracks, but you can also change the tempo of a track. This makes it possible to match the tempo of two titles and then mix from one to the other just like you would with two turntables and a mixer!

4.4.1 Test Driving on the Included Demo Tracks

We start by loading tracks in DeCK A and B and letting them play.
Click and hold on the rst DemO TRACK in the lIsT wInDOw and drag it into DeCK
A. The selected track will load into DeCK A and the track wAveFORm will appear in the DeCK wAveFORm DIsplAy. Click and hold on the second DemO TRACK in the lIsT wInDOw and drag it into
DeCK B. The track wAveFORm will appear in the wAveFORm display of DeCK B. Make sure the C
the track playing in DeCK A will be heard. Click the plAy button underneath DeCK A.
The track in D
the le info section in the upper part of the deck along with other useful infor­mation. Underneath D
to play, but you won’t hear it in the main mix.
B, click the p
on the mixer is all the way to the left, so that only
A will begin playing and the track tempo will be displayed in
button. The D
in D
B will begin
TRAKTOR 3.3 – 17
The two tracks will most likely have different tempos and you will need to synchronize their tempo and beat. You can observe current beat offset in the phAse meTeR above the waveforms of both decks.
Click the synC button above DeCK B.
The tempo of the track in DeCK B now matches the tempo of DeCK A.
Click, hold and drag the CROssFADeR slowly to the right.
You will hear the track from DeCK B slowly blend in with the track in DeCK A,
eventually becoming the main audible track.

4.4.2 Test Driving on Your own Music

You now have learned enough to make a few mixes with the included tracks.
As you probably already have a collection of music les on your hard drive, you
might want to test drive TRAKTOR 3 with your own music. Nothing is simpler than that.
Open a window of the Mac Finder or the Windows Explorer containing the tracks
that you want to play. Click and hold one of your tracks and drag it from the external window to the
TRAKTOR 3 window and into DeCK A. After a short loading time you see the w
display. Click and hold one of your tracks and drag it form the external window to the
TRAKTOR 3 window and into DeCK B. Play and mix the tracks as you have learned in the previous section.
of your track building up in the
You may not be able to
You may not be able to
use the Sync function
use the Sync function
wit h you r own tracks as their
wit h you r own tracks as their
tempo has to be analyzed in order
tempo has to be analyzed in order
for this function to work properly.
for this function to work properly.
Read more about the import and
Read more about the import and
the BPM detection of TRAKTOR
the BPM detection of TRAKTOR
3 on page 54 (Beatgrids).
3 on page 54 (Beatgrids).
TRAKTOR 3.3 – 18

5. User Interface

5.1 Features and Terminology

Before we dive into the wealth of features and options, let’s get an overview about
the most important elements of TRAKTORs interface and where to nd the most
basic features!

5.1.1 Application Menu

The Application Menu gives access to basic functions and information about the software.
The Application Menu is
The Application Menu is
not visible in Fullscreen
not visible in Fullscreen
mode, therefore all File and View
mode, therefore all File and View
options can be reached directly
options can be reached directly
from the TRAKTOR graphical user
from the TRAKTOR graphical user
int er fac e. How eve r, th e He lp
int er fac e. How eve r, th e He lp
menu can only be accessed from
menu can only be accessed from
the Application Menu.
the Application Menu.
TRAKTOR 3.3 – 19
Preferences: Opens the pReFeRenCes window.
Audio Setup: Opens the sOUnDCARD sub-menu of the pReFeRenCes.
MIDI Setup: Opens the mIDI InTeRFACes sub-menu of the pReFeRenCes.
Exit: Closes the program. If there is audio on the m
will have to conrm the closing after a warning message.
playing, you
Layouts: Choose from 10 different layouts that can be customized, renamed
and saved to your convenience. Congure Layouts: Check and uncheck different options and see how the GUI
changes. Find a detailed description on page 5.4.3 (Layouts). Fullscreen: Switches to F
chapter 5.4.7 (Miscellaneous Display Options).
UllsCReen mODe
. Read more about F
UllsCReen mODe
Launch Service Center: Opens the NI SERVICE CENTER, where you can down-
load updates and register your products. Read more about the NI SERVICE CENTER in the separate Setup Guide installed in the NI SERVICE CENTER program folder. Open Manual: Opens the TRAKTOR 3 user manual.
Visit TRAKTOR 3 on the web: Opens the TRAKTOR 3 website on the NATIVE
INSTRUMENTS website. About TRAKTOR 3: Opens the A
about the software such as the exact version number, the serial number and the license type as well as the credits. You can close it by clicking on it.
window. It contains valuable information
You can also open the
You can also open the
About window by click-
About window by click-
ing on the TRAKTOR 3 logo.
ing on the TRAKTOR 3 logo.
TRAKTOR 3.3 – 20

5.1.2 Header

The Header of TRAKTOR 3 is located directly beneath the Application Menu. The elements contained in the Header give access to basic functions of the application.
Clicking on the TRAKTOR 3 Logo opens the A information about the software such as the version number, the serial number and the license type as well as the credits. You can close it by clicking on it.
window. It contains valuable
You can also open the
You can also open the
Ab out window in the
Ab out window in the
Help section of the Application
Help section of the Application
TRAKTOR 3.3 – 21
System Monitor
In the middle of the heADe R you’ll see several displays that give you valuable information about the status of your system:
mIDI: This displays the status of the connected device (green: a midi device is
connected and working; grey: no device is connected or a device is not working properly). AUDIO: This displays the status of your sound card. A green LED means, the
selected sound card is connected, a red LED means, the selected sound card is not connected. CpU: Indicates how much of the CPU-Capacity is available in TRAKTORs in-
ternal audio engine. It gives you information about how stressed your system is, and how much headroom you have until you reach the capacity limit. If the bar is fully lit, you most likely will experience audio dropouts. mAsTeR: Displays the mAsTeR OUTpUT le vel.
BAT: Gives you quick information about how much power your battery has left;
useful if you’re working in FUllsCReen mODe. ReC: If you are recording it turns green. If the input is clipping it turns red.
Reduce the recording gain if the input is clipping.
This displays the time depending on your computers time; useful if you are working in FUllsCReen mODe.
Layout Selector
This drop-down menu is used to switch between different screen lAyO UTs in TRAKTOR 3. Read more about l AyOUTs in chapter 5.4.3 (Layouts).
Preferences Button
This button opens the p 3 to your personal needs. Read more in chapter 19 (Preferences).
dialog, which allows you to congure TRAKTOR
TRAKTOR 3.3 – 22
Tooltips/ Console
This button toggles the TOOlTIps/ COnsOle window on and off. In TOOlTIp mODe it displays information about a particular feature and is especially useful for the new user. Hover your mouse arrow over any control feature of the TRAKTOR interface to get information about a feature. In C
OnsOle mODe
it displays software status information. Different to the other panels, you can open and close the T
individually via the T
C in the upper right corner of the Tooltip panel to switch between T
button in the Header. Click on the small
COnsOle mODe.
Fullscreen Button
Use this button to switch to F FUllsCReen mODe in chapter 5.4.7 (Miscellaneous Display Options).
UllsCReen mODe
. Read more about how to congure
NI Logo
Clicking on the nI l logo.
opens the A
window, like clicking on the TRAKTOR

5.1.3 Details Section

The Details Section is the part directly underneath the Header.
This window is fully customizable and used to display the messages window as well as many different pAnels controlling TRAKTOR 3. Find a detailed explanation of all DeTA Ils pAnel s in chapter 5.4.4 (Details Section).
TRAKTOR 3.3 – 23

5.1.4 Decks

The Decks have a header showing File Info, Phase Meter, Pitch Bend Buttons, Master, Slave and Sync Buttons, a detailed waveform, a graphical track overview (Stripe) and a few playback control buttons underneath. They are referred to as Deck A and C for the left decks and Deck B and D for the right decks.
Read a detailed explanation of all DeCK features in chapter 9 (Controlling the Decks).
TRAKTOR 3.3 – 24

5.1.5 Browser

The Track Browser of TRAKTOR 3
On the left you see the B
eARCh wInDOw
and the U
ROwseR TRee wInDOw
, the p
, which contains – top down – the
RevIew plAyeR
, the B
ROwseR TRee
and the BROwseR BUTTOns as well as the sTATUs BAR and the pROgRess BAR. On the right you see the lIsT wInDOw with the customizable BROwseR COlUmns and the FAvORITes. All detailed information about the B
can be found in chapter 6 (Using the
Track Browser).

5.2 Knob and Fader Control

Although each knob and slider in TRAKTOR has its own unique purpose, their behavior is generally the same. You can control each knob or slider with your mouse or by using a MIDI controller or keyboard shortcuts – called hOTKeys, explained later in chapter 14 (MIDI and Hotkeys).
TRAKTOR 3.3 – 25

5.2.1 Knob and Fader Control

All knobs and faders in TRAKTOR are either controlled by dragging the mouse, by using the mouse wheel or by clicking the small p
and m
buttons next to the
knob. Dragging the mouse is a good way to make dynamic changes, whereas the
and m
buttons allow more subtle changes and are better suited to set a
knob to a specic value. Using the scroll wheel can be used for very ne adjustments
or for changing the parameter by steps.

5.2.2 Basic Control

Mouse Drag
Hold your mouse arrow over a knob, then click, hold and drag the mouse up or
down. This will move to the knob clockwise or counter-clockwise.
Click, hold and drag a knob horizontally. The knob will adjust within a ner
range. Double-Click on the knob to return it to its default setting.

5.2.3 Advanced Control

Besides the standard mouse click functions explained above, TRAKTOR 3 offers advanced functions utilizing p right mouse button. If you have a track pad or mouse without a second button, you can utilize these functions by pressing and holding the CTRl key of your computer keyboard while clicking.
and m
buttons, the mouse wheel and the
TRAKTOR 3.3 – 26
Plus and Minus Buttons and Mouse Wheel
Each click on the plUs (+) button next to a knob moves the value of the knob
incrementally up. Each click on the mInUs (-) button next to a knob moves the value of the knob
incrementally down. Turning the mouse wheel will adjust the parameter by one increment for each
step of the wheel.
TRAKTOR 3 offers ve sensitivities for the incremental control of parameters:
Right-/ Ctrl-Click on the p
button to open a menu of ve sensitivity options:
min, ne, default, coarse, switch. Select one of the options.
Click the p
and m
buttons or use the mouse wheel to see how the be­havior of the knob has changed. The small bar of dots below the knob – only visible, when you hover over the
control – change accordingly. One single dot remains if you have chosen min, the full bar of 9 dots appears,
if you have chosen switch.
Right-/ Ctrl-Click Functions
Right-/ Ctrl-Click + hold and drag a knob. A g
although the knob itself will not move. Keep holding the right mouse button, then left-click and hold. This will bring
the knob to the value of the ghOsT pOInTeR. Keep holding the right mouse button and let go the left mouse button. The
knob will return to its last position and the red ghOsT pOInTeR remains visible. If you want the knob to stay at the value of the g
the right mouse button after the knob has reached the value of the ghOsT p
. The red g
hOsT pOInTeR
will disappear, and you can depress the left
mouse button as well.
hOsT pOInTeR
hOsT pOInTeR
will appear in red,
, simply release
TRAKTOR 3.3 – 27

5.3 Mouse Modes

The mouse can be used to CUe, p C
OnTROl mODes
: s
, CD and v
and p
a track. There are 3 available m
. You can switch between m
OUse mODes
by pushing the respective button in the mODe DeTAIls pAnel. If you can’t nd the mOD e panel, refer to the l
chapter for learning how to insert the m
panel into one of your DeTAIl views. If you intend to often switch between m is included on each of your D
OUse mODes
, make sure that the m
pages. If you intend to use only one m
OUse mODe
you can remove the mODe panel from all your DeTAIls pages.

5.3.1 Snap Mode (Waveform)

In this mode the mouse pointer will snap to either BeATs, CUe pOInTs or BeATgRID lines.
Hold your mouse pointer over the w
BeAT and CUe pOInT. Click and hold. This snaps the cursor to the nearest B
as long as you hold the button. This is the same as CUe/ pAUse. Release the button to return to the last CUe pOInT.
To avoid returning, press the right mouse button before releasing the left one
to switch to permanent playback. Clicking on the wAveFORm with right-/ ctrl-click cues the song to the target but
starts playback only when you release the mouse button.
. Red s
points appear at each
and plays the track
TRAKTOR 3.3 – 28

5.3.2 Snap Mode (Stripe)

Select snAp from the mODe De TAIls pAnel.
Hold your mouse pointer over the sTRIpe wAveFORm.
When moving the mouse back and forth, small, red s
along the sTRIpe wAveFORm. Click to move the cursor to the snAp point in the sTRIpe wAveFORm.
points will appear

5.3.3 CD Mode (Waveform)

This triggers a stutter loop known from pitchable CD -players while clicking and holding the wAveFORm.
Click and hold on the wAveFORm.
The DeCK will play a short, consistent loop as long as you hold the mouse but-
ton. While holding the button pressed you can adjust the position of the loop by
horizontally dragging the wAveFORm. To set a CUe p
wards the beat coming from the right side until you hear the very rst millisec­ond of the beat entering the loop. Release the left mouse button and the track will pause exactly before the beat. Right-/ Ctrl-Click and hold the wAveFORm, then release the mouse button to start
right before a B
, move the loop as close as you can to-

5.3.4 CD Mode/ Vinyl Mode (Stripe)

Select either CD or vInyl from the mODe module.
Click and hold anywhere on the sTRIpe wAveFORm.
Move the mouse backward or forward. This will navigate through the s
wAveFORm similar to moving a slider.
TRAKTOR 3.3 – 29

5.3.5 Vinyl Mode

In this mode the w pointer won’t snap to beats in the wAveFORm.
Click and hold the track wAveFORm. This is like putting your hand on a vinyl
record to pause playback. While holding the mouse button, move the mouse backward and forward. This
moves the wAveFORm similar to scratching a vinyl record. Release the mouse button. The track will begin playing from the point at which
you release it. Right-/ Ctrl-Click on the wAveFORm to start and stop playback.
can be manipulated like a vinyl record and the mouse

5.4 Adjusting the Look of TRAKTOR

Whether you would like to take advantage of advanced features or simply wish to
perform basic mixing, the TRAKTOR interface can be adjusted for your specic

5.4.1 Scalability

The TRAKTOR interface can be scaled to the size of your liking:
Click + hold and drag the bottom-right corner of the TRAKTOR window. This
will expand and/ or contract the TRAKTOR interface while simultaneously resiz­ing all TRAKTOR sections.
TRAKTOR 3.3 – 30
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