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Publication information
Manual Part NumberPublication Date
015-018-201 B
015-018-201 C
July 1992
August 2007
Introduction 5
Major Components 6
Control Panel Valves 7
Specifications 9
How the Pressure Intensifier Works 10
The Area Ratio 11
Operation 13
Operating the Control Panel Valves 15
Purging and Filling the Fluid Lines 16
Fill the Fluid Reservoir 17
Purge and Fill the Pressure Intensifier 20
Pressurize the Intensifier 22
Purge and Fill the Lower Pore Line 24
Purge and Fill the Reference Volume 1 Lines 26
Purge and Fill the Balance and Upper Pore Lines 29
Purge and Fill the Reference Volume 2 Lines 32
Purge and Fill the Low Pressure Reservoir Line 35
Purge and Fill the Reservoir Return Line 38
Refill the Pressure Intensifier 41
Running a Steady State Flow Test 44
Fill the Pressure Intensifier 45
Purge and Fill the Pore Pressure Lines 49
Refill the Pressure Intensifier 53
Prepare to Run a Test 56
End the Test 58
Running a Transient Permeability Flow Test 59
Fill the Pressure Intensifier 60
Purge and Fill the Pore Pressure Lines 63
Refill the Pressure Intensifier 67
\Prepare to Run the Test 70
End the Test 77
This manual documents the Model 286.31 Transient Permeability Pore Pressure
The 286.31 pressurizes fresh, distilled water up to 10,000 psi (69 MPa). The
pressurized fluid is applied to a specimen installed in a triaxial cell to test its
is a removable cap that allows air trapped in the system to escape; also the
fill point for manually filling the reservoir.
fluid reservoir
control panel
identification label
pressure intensifier
actuator manifold
houses the 286.31. It has leveling casters and a rear access door.
holds the system’s distilled water in a clear acrylic container.
has the valves needed to operate the 286.31. Valves are identified by name
and placed in front of a hydraulic schematic of the 286.31 and T riaxial Cell.
lists unit specifications such as pressure, reservoir capacity, and fluid type.
is an servovalve controlled actuator that operates a pump which boosts pore
pressure fluid up to 10,000 psi (69 MPa).
is the connection point for hydraulic components.
responds to system control signals to operate the pressure intensifier’s
reference volumes
are two high pressure reservoirs used during transient permeability tests.
controls the flow of fluid from the Reservoir into the Pressure
controls the flow of fluid into the Fluid Reservoir when the 286.31 is
connected to a fluid supply.
is normally kept closed.
control the filling and pressurization of Reference Volumes 1 and 2.
apply Reference Volume 1 and 2 pressures to the Pressure Transducer
when open.
protect the pressure transducer from damaging high pressures. It is
normally left open. When closed it exposes this transducer to the
pressure differential between Reference Volumes 1 and 2.
apply Reference Volume 1 and 2 pressures to the specimen in the
triaxial cell when open.
The 286.31’s Pressure Intensifier develops the 10,000 psi (69 MPa) pressures
applied to your specimen. The pressure transformer is the part of the Intensifier
that develops this pressure.
The pressure transformer’s principle: low pressure applied to a large area
produces a large force. Apply this force over a smaller area and you will produce
a higher pressure.
The hydraulic power supply forces hydraulic fluid into the transformer’s low
pressure input side. The resulting force (F) is the product of the supply side’s
large piston area (A
) multiplied by the pressure of the hydraulic fluid from the
The force produced (F) transfers to the fluid in the output side. The resulting
pressure (P2) is the product of the force (F) divided by the output side’s smaller
piston area (A
•You accidentally draw air into the Pressure Intensifier
Special equipment needed —
•distilled water — at least 2 gallons (8 litres)
•1% Triton® wetting solution
•Teflon® thread sealing tape
The 286.31 is designed to operate as part of an integrated system that typically
includes —
•a Test Controller with closed-loop control electronics
•a hydraulic power supply
•a triaxial cell or pressure vessel installed in a load unit
•a confining fluid pressure intensifier
T o become familiar with your system, make a trial run of the test you want to run.
Familiarize yourself with the controls and indicators used in each step, without
The following warning, caution, and note apply during all steps.
You will be working with very high pressures — The spray from a leak could
cut your skin.
The 286.31 develops intensely high pressures (10000 psi/69 MPa). Broken lines
or fittings could produce a skin cutting spray.
Stop if you can’t build up to test pressure. You may have a leak somewhere.
Reduce pressure to zero, then find and repair the leak.
Fluid hotter than 165°F/75°C can damage the acry lic flui d res erv oi r an d its
Watch the temperature of the confining fluid in your triaxial cell —
especially if your cell has heaters. The confining fluid will heat the pore
Wait for the confining fluid temperature to cool below 165°F/75°C before
drawing the pore fluid back into the 286.31 reservoir.
Use only distilled water in the 286.31—
Use any other fluid and you can wreck its seals.
NoteAdding a 1% T riton wetting solution to the distilled water will lubricate the
Most of the steps in this section involve opening and closing valves on the
286.31’s control panel. The pictures that follow in this section will show you
which valves to open and close. The figure below is the key to these pictures.
Operating the Control Panel Valves
A full turn opens a valve completely but still lets you shut it quickly. It takes only
light force to shut the valve completely, though using more force won’t hurt it.