Technical Application
Strada delle Cascinette, 424/34
10156 Torino (TO) - I taly
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ed. 02/2012
Revi - 10/2012
Bodybuilders instructions
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SectionParagraphDescriptionRevision date
3IndexModification to textOctober 2012
33.4.2Modification to textOctober 2012
33.9Modification to table 3.11 and textOctober 2012
33.14.3Modification to text
55.4.9Modification to table 5.19October 2012
Appendix BIndexModification to textOctober 2012
Appendix BB.4.1Modification to textOctober 2012
Modification to figure 3.23
October 2012
Update data
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Update data
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This publication provides data, specifications and instructions for fitting out and converting vehicles. Its contents are directed at
qualified and specialised personnel.
The Bodybuilder is responsible for the project and its execution and must guarantee conformity with the both legal requirements
and those given in this publication.
Any modification, conversionor outfitting not listed in this manual andwhich is not expressly authorised inwriting by Iveco shall result
in theexclusion of any responsibilityfor Iveco, and, inparticular, where the vehicleis covered by aguarantee, shall result inan immediate lapse of the guarantee.
IVECO is available to provide any information necessary for the work to be performed and to provide instructions for any cases
and situations not covered in this publication.
Before commencing any work, it is necessary to:
-check manuals and documentation are at hand for the vehicle model on which work is to be performed;
-ensure that all personal protection devices (goggles, helmet, gloves, shoes etc.), as well as tools and equipment, lifting and trans-
port equipment, etc., are available and in good working order;
-ensure that the vehicle is parked in a safe condition.
When any work has been completed, the conditions of functionality, efficiency and safety required by IVECO must be restored.
Contact the Assistance Network if any adjustments or fine tuning of the vehicle are necessary.
The information contained in this publication may not becompletely in line with modifications which IVECO may see fit tointroduce
at any time for technical or commercial reasons, or to ensure vehicles meet new legal requirements.
In the event of disagreement between the information contained herein and the actual vehicle, please contact the relevant Product
Manager before performing any work.
Symbols - warnings
Danger for persons
Missing or incomplete observance of these prescriptions can cause serious danger for persons’ safety.
Danger of serious damage for the vehicle
Partial orcomplete nonobservance of theseprescriptions can causeserious damagesto the vehicleand sometimesguarantee lapse too.
General danger
It includes the dangers of above described signals.
Environment protection
It indicates correct behaviour in order that vehicle use is environmentally friendly as much as possible.
It indicates an additional explanation for a piece of information.NOTE
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Page header and footer interpretation
Vehicle typeSection title
Section number -
page number
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Chapter title
Basic edition -
month year
General specifications
Chassis modifications2
Fitting superstructures3
Power Take Offs4
Special instructions for electronic subsystems5
Appendix B - Daily CNG and CNG with Recovery ModeB
Index of section
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Index of section
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General specifications
1.1Aim of the requirements1-3
1.2Technical documentation available via computer1-3
1.3IVECO authorisation1-3
1.4Request for approval1-4
1.6Legal provisions1-4
1.7Multi Stage Type Approval - Collaboration (only for EU nations, Switzerland and Turkey)1-5
1.9Quality System management1-6
1.10Prevention of accidents1-7
1.11Choice of material to use: Ecology - Recycling1-7
1.12Vehicle management c/o Bodybuilder1-8
1.12.1Acceptance of the chassis1-8
1.12.3Delivery of the vehicle to the final Customer1-8
1.13Vehicles identification1-9
1.14Trademarks and logos1-9
1.15Dimensions and masses1-10
1.15.1General specifications1-10
1.15.2Determining the centre of gravity of the body and payload1-11
1.15.3Observing the permitted weights1-15
1.16Instructions for correct operation of vehicle components and accessibility1-16
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Aimof the requirements
1.1Aim of the requirements
The aim of this publication is to supply data, specifications and instructions for fitting out and converting original IVECO vehicles
in order to guarantee their operation, safety and reliability.
These Requirements also indicate the following for Bodybuilders:
-the quality level to be attained;
-work safety obligations;
-their obligations in respect of objective product liability.
Remember that collaboration with IVECO startswith the assumptionth at the Bodybuilderwill use their technical and organisational
capacities to the maximum and that work will be performedin a technically perfect fashion. What follows is by no means exhaustive
and is limited to indicating the basic rules and precautions allowing the technical in itiative to be developed.
Any faults or defects caused by complete or partial failure to comply with these Requirements shall not be covered by guarantees
on the chassis and mechanical assemblies.
1.2Technical documentation available via computer
The following technical documents are available on the Internet at
-Directives for transformation and equipping of vehicles;
-technical cards;
-chassis cab diagrams;
-chassis diagrams;
-other specifications concerning the vehicle ran ge.
The Body Builder shall submit the modification and/or fitting to the competent authorities for approval.
1.3IVECO authorisation
Modifications or conversions listed in and performed with full respect for these Requirements do not require specific
On the contrary, the following can be performed only with IVECO authorisation:
-particular modifications of the wheelbase;
-work on the brake system;
-modifications to the steering;
-modifications to the stabiliser bars and the suspension;
-changes to the cab, cab supports, locking and tipping devices;
-changes to the intake systems, engine exhaust and SCR components;
-fitting of retarders;
-fitting of PTOs;
-changing tyre size;
-modifications to coupling devices (hooks, articulations).
Aim of the requirements
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Request forapproval
1.4Request for approval
Requests for authorisation, when necessary, must be sent to the relevant IVECO market departments.
The Bodybuilder must supply vehicle data (c ab, wheelbase, protrusion, ch assis no.) with suitable supporting documentation
(drawings, calculations, technical report etc.) illustrating the proposed work, mission and conditions of use for the vehicle. Anything
which differs from these instructions must also be highlighted on the drawings.
When work has been finished, the Bodybuilder will then be responsible for obtaining definitive approval from the relevant authorities.
IVECO authorisation exclusively regards the tech nical/conceptual feasibility of the proposed modifications and/or outfitting.
The Bodybuilder is therefore responsible for:
-the choice of materials;
-the project and work meeting any specific requirements supplied by IVECO as well as regulations in force in the country the
vehicle is destined for;
-any effects on th e vehicle’s operation, safety, reliability and, in general, the good performance of the vehicle;
-of the supply of spare parts for a minimum period of 10 years starting with the latest preparation of an order and for all parts
and components that are installed.
1.6Legal provisions
The Bodybuilder must ensure that the finished product conforms, without exception, with all applicable laws both at
municipal/autonomous/national level for each country in which it is to be registered or driven (Highway Codes, Official Regulation s
etc.) and at an international level (European Union directives, UN/Geneva ECE regulations etc.). It must also respect all the
requirements concerning accident prevention, instructions for assistance, the environment, etc.
Requirements regarding prevention of accidents or legislative indications given in these Requirements may be considered the most
important, but in no case do they replace or eliminate the Bodybuilder’s obligation and responsibility to keep th emselves correctly
For this reason, IVECO shall not be held responsible for consequences due to errors caused by incorrect understanding or
interpretation of any laws in force.
Request for approval
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Multi Stage Typ eAp proval ---Collaborati on (only for EU nati ons, Switz erland and Tu rkey)
1.7Multi Stage Type Approval - Collaboration
(only for EU nations, Switzerland and Turkey)
Annex XVII to Direc tive 2007/46/EC deals with Multi Stage Type Approval.
This procedure requires each Manufacturer to be responsible for type approval and production conformity of systems,components
and ”independent technical units” produced or installed on the vehicle by them.
The Manufacturer of the base vehicle is defined as ”First stage Manufacturer”,while the Bodybuilder is defined as the ”Second stage
Manufacturer” or later.
Figure 1.1
A specific contract, known as a ”Technical Agreement” must be drawn up on the basis of this Directive between IVECO
(Manufacturer of the base vehicle) and a Bodybuilder who intends to apply for Multi Stage Type Approval; this details the contents
and reciprocal obligations.
a) IVECO has th e responsibility to make available, in agreed form, type-approval documentation (EC/ECE type approval) and
technical information necessary for correct realisation of the outfitting and/or conversion of the vehicle (manuals, drawings,
b) the Bodybuilder has the following responsibilities:
• design and realisation of modifications on the base vehicle received from IVECO,
• re-attainment of type approval for systems previously approved when such type approvals must be updated due to modifica-
tions made to the base vehicle,
• ensuring all national/international laws and regu lations are complied with for all modifications performed, in particular as
regards the country which the vehicle is destined for,
• presenting the modifications made to a technical service for evaluation,
• appropriate documentation of modifications made, giving clear evidence that the aforementioned laws and regulations have
been respected (e.g. type-approval/testing documentation).
Before signing the Technical Agreement, IVECO reserves the right to visit the Bodybuilder in order to ensure they are qualified to
perform the outfitting/conversion requested by the agreement.
The contents of the Technical Agreement can be evaluated in detail upon request to the person responsible for relations with
Bodybuilders in the relevant market.
Multi Stage Type Approval - Collaboration (only for EU nations, Switzerland and Turkey)
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Guarante es
A guarantee that work has been performed to required standards must be given by the Bodybuilder who realised the
superstructure or modifications to the ch assis, in full respect of the requirements listed in these Directives.
IVECO reserves the right to declare void its own warran ties for the vehicles where:
-unauthorised outfitting or conversions have been performed;
-an unsuitable frame has been used for the required conversion or application;
-the regulations, specifications and instructions which IVECO provides for work to be performed correctly have not been
-original spare parts or components made available by IVECO for specific operations have not been used;
-safety requirements are not respected;
-the vehicle is used for any other purpose than that for which it was designed.
1.9Quality System management
For some time I VE CO has been promoting Q uality System development and train in g for Bodybuilders.
This is a requirement due not only to regulations on product responsibility, but also to ever increasing quality requirements, new
organizational forms in the various sectors and the never-ending drive for greater efficiency.
IVECO therefore consider that Bodybuilders should have:
-organization charts for func tions and responsibilities;
-quality objectives and indicators;
-technical design documentation;
-process documentation, including testing;
-product improvement plan, obtained also with correct ive actions;
-after sales service;
-staff training;
ISO 9001 certification, while not obligatory, is considered by IVECO to be extremely important.
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Preventi onof accide nts
1.10Prevention of accidents
Do no allow unauthorised personnel to work on or operate the vehicle.
It is forbidden to use the vehicle if its safety devices have been tampered with or damaged.
Structures and devices applied to the vehicles must conform to current requirements for accident
prevention and safety regulations in each Country where the vehicles are to be used.
All technical precautions must also be taken to avoid functional faults and defects.
Compliance with these regulations will be the responsibility of the manufacturers of the structures and devices.
Seats, upholstery, seals, protective panels etc. can represent a potential fire hazard if exposed to an
intense heat source.
Arrange for their removal before working with welding equipment and flames.
1.11Choice of material to use: Ecology - Recycling
The choice of materials to be used must be carefully considered in the stu dy an d design phase also from an ecological and
recycling point of view.
In this regard, the following should be kept in mind:
-the use of materials which are damaging to health, or in any case potentially hazardous is forbidden, for example those containing
asbestos, lead, halogen additives, CFCs, c admium, mercury, hexavalent chromium etc.;
-it is recommended to u se materials which produce a limited quantity of waste when worked and which allow easy recycling
after their first use;
-mutually compatible components should be usedfor compositesynthetic materials, also providing for potential use with salvaged
components. Arrange for markings required by current regulations;
-batteries contain substances which are very damaging to the environment. The Service Network can be contacted when
replacing batteries they are equipped for correct disposal of old batteries in full compliance with the law.
In order to comply with directive 2000/53 EC (ELVs), IVECO forbids installation of components
containing lead, mercury, cadmium and hexavalent chromium; exceptions are made for the cases
allowed for by Annex II of this directive.
Prevention of accidents
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Vehicl em anagement c/oBod ybuilde r
1.12Vehicle management c/o Bodybuilder
1.12.1Acceptance of the chassis
Bodybuilders receiving a chassis/vehicle from IVECO or a Dealer must perform a preliminary check, notifying th em of any missing
accessories or damage ascribable to the transporter.
To keep the c hassis/vehicle in full working order even when in the workshop for an extended period, maintenance operations
set out for pre-established times may be necessary.
The expenses for performing these operations are borne by whoever owns the vehicle at that time (Bodybuilder, Dealer or
If the vehicle is not to be used for an extended period, it is recommended to disconnect the battery’s
negative terminal in order to maintain optimum charge.
1.12.3Delivery of the vehicle to the final Customer
Before delivering t he vehicle, the Bodybuilder must:
-prepare your execution (vehicle and/or equipment) and check its functionality and safety;
-perform the checks laid out in the Pre-Delivery Inspection (PDI) list available from the IVECO network for the items regarding
the work performed (obviously the other items in the ODI will remain the responsibility of the Dealer as per guarantee booklet);
-measure the voltage of the batteries using a digital multimeter (2 digit decimal), bearing in mind that:
a) the optimum value is 12.5 V,
b) between 12.1 V and 12.49 V, the battery must be trickle charged,
c) with values lower t han 12.1 V the battery must be c hanged.
The batteries must be maintained at regular intervals (refer to IVECO Std 20-1812 and/or IVECO Std 20-1804) until delivery
to the Customer/Dealer in order to avoid problems such as insufficient charge, short circuit or c orrosion.
IVECO reserves the right to invalidate the battery guarantee if the required maintenance procedures are not respected.
-perform (in the case of vehicle conversion) an on-the-road functional test. IVECO Service must be notified of any defects or
snags in order to check if th ere are valid conditions for insertion in the PDI expenses;
-prepare and deliver to the end Cust omer t he necessary instructions for servicing and maintenance of the conversion and any
additional components installed;
-record the new data on the plates provided;
-give confirmation that the jobs done correspond to the indications supplied by the vehicle Manufacturer and to the legal
-draft a warranty the regards the modifications introduced.
Vehicle management c/o Bodybuilder
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Vehicl es iden tificati on
1.13Vehicles identification
The commercial designation of IVECO vehicles is not the same as the type approval (homologation) designation. Two types
of commercial designation are shown below with the meaning of the codes used:
-mechanicCACab without rear wall
CCSLightened chassis
CNGCNG engine
1.14Trademarks and logos
Factory branding, marks and names must not be altered or removed from their original positions, since the originality of the
vehicle’s image must be protected.
Application of branding for the conversion or outfitting must be authorised. If present, th ey may not be placed immediately next
to IVECO branding.
IVECO reserves the right to withdraw branding and markings whenever the outfitting or transformation should bear characteristics
which do not conform with those required; the Bodybuilder shall t ake full responsibility for the vehicle in this case.
Instruction for added assemblies
The Bodybuilder must provide necessary instruct ions for servicing and maintenance of additional installed
components/assemblies upon delivery of the vehicle.
All units making up a single order must be equipped with components of the same brand, model and quality.
Vehicles identification
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1.15Dimensions and masses
1.15.1General specifications
The vehicle dimensions and permitted weights on the axles are shown on the drawings, on the technical descriptions and more
generally on the documents on the IVECO official website. The kerb weights refer to vehicles with standard equipment. Special
equipment may in volve considerable modification to the weight and its distribution on the axles.
Weighing the chassis
It must be remembered that variations in mass of ±5% for 29L, 35S, 35C models and ±3% for 40C to 70C models are possible.
It is therefore, advisable to weigh the vehicle in the chassis cab condition before fitting the body and equipment and establish the
weight distribution on the axles.
Body conversions
The body building limits for each model are mainly defined by the following:
-weight distribution on the axles;
-width of the mirrors used;
-position of the rear under run-bar.
Greatervalues in compliancewith the weights permittedon the axlesmay beauthorized byIVECO aftermodifyingsuch components
as the chassis, un der run-bar, mirrors, etc.
Positioning of lights and side mirrors is normally expected for widths up to 2350 mm.
Dimensions and masses
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1.15.2Determining the centre of gravity of the body and payload
Positioning on the longitudinal plane
The examples given below may be used to determine the position of the superstructure’s centre of gravity and the payload.
The technical documentation specific to each model(chassis cab drawing)give the positions permitted with thevehicle in itsstan dard
form. The masses and positioning of the single components of the vehicle are given in the chassis and weight distribution diagram.
Figure 1.2
⋅ L
W = Body + payload (kg)
W1 = Reaction to portion of W bearing on front axle (kg)
W2 = Reaction to portion of W bearing on rear axle centre line (kg)
L1 = Distance of the centre of gravity from the rear axle centre line (mm)
L= Wheelbase (mm)
respectively L1 = L −
W2 ⋅ L
Example of calculation of the load barycentre position
Consider a 40C13 vehicle with a wheelbase of 3,450 mm with:
1. GWW= 4,200 kg (permitted maximum: 1,900 kg on the front and 3,100 kg on the rear)
2. KERB WEIGHT = 1,955 kg (1,340 kg on the fro nt axle, 615 kg on the rear)
The permitted maximum load (body + payload) will be W = 4,200 - 1,955 = 2,245 kg. Let us calculate the position of the center
of gravity in which the maximum permitted on the front axle is achieved. Let us assume an uniform distributed load .
In this case, out of 2,245 kg. W
= 1,900 - 1,340 = 560 kg will affect the front axle, while the remaining W2= 2,245 - 560 = 1,685
kg will affect the rear axle.
Thus, the following will be obtained:
= 560 kg
1. W
2. L= 3450 mm
3. W= 2245 kg
=W1x L / W = 860 mm
The center of gravity of the load (Body + payload) must not be more than 860 mm far from the rear axle; otherwise, the front
axle would be overloaded.
Dimensions and masses
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In terms of the effects of dividing the payload on the axles, consider that it is evenly distributed, with the exception of cases where
the shape of the loading bed would result in it being distributed differently.
Regarding any equipment, the actual position of the centre of gravity must be used.
When creating the superstructure or containers, loading and unloading systems for goods must be created which avoid excessive
variations on the payload distribution and/or excessive loads on the axles, with instru ctions supplied for end users if necessary.
Figure 1.3
Uniform load distributionUneven load distribution
Figure 1.4
Uniform load distributionUneven load distribution
(beware of axle loads and minimum axle ratio)
Dimensions and masses
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Height of centre of gravity
For chassis cab and unladen vehicles, the height of the centre of gravity is given on the specific technical documentation for each
model (chassis cab diagram).
When the vehicle is complete with a superstructure and fully laden, this h eight must co mply with the maximum values permitted
by national or international regulations, particularly ECE Directive 13 on longitudinal stability and ECE Directive 111 on transverse
stability while in motion.
The following cases may arise:
a) fixed loads
b) mobile loads
c) loads that involve high aerodynamic actions
a) Fixed loads
Check when fully laden:
Figure 1.5
Wc . Hc + Wb . Hb
Ht =
Wc + Wb
(Wc + Wb) . Ht − Wc . Hc
Hb =
Wc = Chassis cab vehicle kerb weight
Hc = Height of centre of gravity of chassis cab vehicle (laden condition)
Wb = Body and payload
Hb = Height of centre of gravity of body and payload in relation to ground
Wt = Vehicle weight when fully loaded
Ht = Height of centre of gravity of vehicle with full load
To check the vehicle with its body but no payload use the above formula but for Wb use only the vehicle unladen weight (The
position for Hc will depend on the load and deflection of the suspension).
Dimensions and masses
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The following table shows the maximum approximate heights indicating the overall cent re of mass (payload + body and/or
equipment), with reference to the vehicle’s transverse stability.
Table 1.1
ModelsCentre of mass height (mm)
35C (front transverse leaf spring)1800
35C (front longitudinal bar) - 40C1900
45C - 50C1950
60C - 65C - 70C2050
b) Mobile loads
In specifications where the load may move laterally when cornering (e.g. suspended loads, liquid transport, animal transport, etc.),
dynamic transverse forces may be generated that are high enough to affect vehicle stability.
With reference to regulation ECE 111, particular attention must therefore be paid:
-to defining the height of the centre of gravity of a converted vehicle that is fully laden;
-to evaluating dynamic thrust and lateral movement of the centre of gravity;
-in considering (for liquids) the density;
-to recommending due caution in driving behaviour.
Any cases that are difficult to assess must be submitted to IVECO for approval.
c) Loads that involve hi gh aerodynamic
To conversions characterised by large height and surface area (e.g.: vehicles with large advertising panels); the height of the centre
of thrust determined by high winds must be calculated very carefully.
Even with a low centre of gravity, a converted vehicle presenting a high side area may not guarantee
sufficient transverse stability and may be exposed to the danger of rolling over.
Particular attention must therefore be paid;
-to defining the height of the centre of gravity of a converted vehicle that is fully laden;
-to evaluating aerodynamic thrust;
-to recommending due caution in driving behaviour.
Any cases that are difficult to assess must be submitted to IVECO for approval.
Using stabiliser bars
The application of supplementary or reinforced stabiliser bars, spring reinforcements or rubber parts (with respect to point 2.11)
may allow higher values for the height of the payload CG, to be defined for each individual case.
Work must be carried out after careful evaluation of the charac teristics of the conversion, the wheelbase and the division of
transverse forces on the suspension, generally regarding both the front and the rear. Work on the front axle may be necessary with
loads concentrated behind the cab (e.g. cranes) or with highly rigid superstructures (e.g.: van bodies).
Dimensions and masses
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1.15.3Observing the permitted weights
All limits given in IVECO documentation must be respected. It is essential that the maximum weight on the front axle is not
exceeded, under any loa d condition, so as to ensure the correct steering and braking characteristics regardless of the road surface
Special attention must be paidto vehicles with loads concentrated on the rear protrusion (e.g. cranes, tail lift, trailers) and to vehi cles
with short wheelbase and high CG.
Correct transverse division of loads must be ensured when positioning auxiliary units and the
superstructure. A variation of ± 4% of nominal load is permitted for each wheel (50% of the
corresponding axle load, e.g.: permitted load on axle 3000 kg, 1440 to 1560 kg load permitted for each
wheel) respecting what is permitted by the tyres, without compromising the vehicle’s braking
characteristics and stability.
Unless specifically stated otherwise for individual vehicles, the weight on the front axle must be
considered to have a minimum value of 28% of the actual weight of the vehicle (whether with
uniformly distributed loads or with loads concentrated on the rear overhang or derived from a
possible trailer).
Variations in the permissible weight
Special dispensations for maximum allowable masses may be given for special u ses; nevertheless, precise usage limitations an d
in some cases compulsory reinforcements to the vehicle have been established for these cases.
If these dispensations should exceed legal limits they must be Authorised by the Relevant Authorities.
When requesting authorisation, the following must be indicated:
-unladen weight on the axles (e.g. vehicles equipped with cran e) in c luding positions for the centre of gravity of the payload;
-proposals concerning the reinforcement of the vehicle components where necessary.
The reduction ofpermissiblevehicle weight(downrating) mayrequire workon some components such as thesuspension and brakes
and may require new weight calibration for the braking corrector; in these cases the necessary indications can be supplied.
1.16Instructions for correct operation of vehicle components and accessibility
When converting vehicles or installing any type of equipment, n o alterations must be made which would compromise correct
operation of the vehicle assemblies and components in their various work conditions.
For example:
-free access must be guaranteed to points requiring inspection, maintenance or periodic checks (e.g. replacement of battery,
accessto air suspensioncompressor)and, with closedsuperstructures,appropriate compartments andhatches must beavailable;
-the possibility to remove the various assemblies for servicing must be maintained. Work on the transmission/clu tch or
adjustments (e.g. suspension bars) must be possible without removing important elements of the added structure;
-cooling (grille, radiator, air passages, coolin g circuit etc.), fuel supply (position of pump, filters, tubing diameters etc.) and engine
air intake must not be altered;
-soundproofing panels must not be altered or removed in order not to change the approved noise emission levels. Whenever
openings are to be made (e.g. for th e passage of lon gitudinal chassis members), they must be re-closed using materials with fireand sound-proofing characteristics equivalent to the original materials;
-adequate brake and battery case ventilation must be maintained (in particular for vans);
-when positioning mudguards and wheel arches, free movement of rear wheels must be guaranteed, also when used with snow
-when the conversion is finished,the vehicle’s headlights mustbe checked in order to ensure they are correctly adjusted.Proceed
according to the indications given in the use and maintenance manual for adjustment;
-the Bodybuilder must carefully ch oose the positioning of any loose elements (e.g. spare wheel, chocks) so as to ensure they are
safely and accessibly positioned in full respect of an y national regulations.
Instructions for correct operation of vehicle components and accessibility
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The following conventions are used in this document:
-Wheelbase: distance between the centre line of the steering axle and that of the rear axle.
This definition differs from the definition of wheelbase indicated in EC Directives.
-Rear overhang: distance between the centre line of the rear axle and the rearmost point of the chassis side members.
-Dimensions A, B and t of the chassis section: see the figure.
Figure 1.6
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Chassis modifications
2.1General standards regarding changes to the chassis2-5
2.1.1Particular precautions2-5
2.1.2Characteristics of the material to be used when modifying the chassis2-6
2.1.3Stress o n the chassis2-7
2.2Drills on the chassis2-8
2.2.1Hole positioning and dimensions2-8
2.2.2Screws and nuts2-9
2.2.4Closing holes by welding2-12
2.3Rust protection and paint2-13
2.3.1Original vehicle components2-13
2.3.2Added or modified parts2-16
2.3.3Precautio ns2-17
2.4Modification of the wheelbase2-18
2.4.1General information2-18
2.4.3Influence on steering2-18
2.4.4Influence on braking2-19
2.4.6Checking chassis stress2-20
2.4.7Cross members2-20
2.4.8Chassis reinforcements2-21
2.4.9Changes to the transmissions2-21
2.5Change of the rear overhang2-22
2.5.1General information2-22
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2.5.4Elongat ion2-22
2.6Application of the towing hook2-24
2.6.1Adjusting the vehicle for t owing2-24
2.6.2Precautions for installation2-24
2.6.3Hook types2-24
2.6.4Towing hook for central axle trailers2-25
2.6.5Rear cross member in a lowered position2-27
2.7Application of a supplementary axle2-29
2.8Changes to the transmission2-29
2.8.1Permitted lengths2-29
2.8.2Sect i on positioning2-32
2.9Changes to the air intake and engine exhaust systems2-34
2.9.2Engine exhaust2-34
2.10Changes to the engine cooling system2-35
2.11Operations on the suspensions2-36
2.12Changes to the heating/cooling sy stem2-38
2.12.1Installation of a supplementary heating system2-38
2.12.2Installation of an air conditioning system2-40
2.13Operations on sheet metal2-41
2.13.1General information2-41
2.13.2Operations on the cab2-42
2.13.3Operations on the body (vans and c ombi)2-44
2.13.4Creating deep cabs2-51
2.13.5Occupant protection2-52
2.14Changing tyre size2-53
2.15Work on the brake system2-55
2.15.2Braking corrector2-59
2.15.3ESP (Electronic Stability Program)2-61
Base — 02/2012Printed 603.95.241
2.15.4ESP system down grading2-62
2.16Electrical system: work and current draws2-64
2.17Moving components and fastening supplementary units and equipment2-65
2.18Road transport of hazardous goods (ADR)2-68
2.19Application of a retarder2-69
2.20Changes to the under-run protection bar2-70
2.21Rear under-run protection and wheelhouses2-70
2.23Side protections2-71
Printed 603.95.241Base — 02/2012
Base — 02/2012Printed 603.95.241
+ 222 hidden pages
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