Toggle the display between
machining and programming
Soft keys for selecting functions on
Shifting between soft-key rows
Alphanumeric keyboard
File names, comments
DIN/ISO programming
Programming modes
Test run
Program/file management,
TNC functions
Select or delete programs and files,
external data transfer
Define program call, select datum
and point tables
Select MOD functions
Display help text for NC error
messages, call TNCguide
Display all current error messages
Machine operating modes
Manual operation
Electronic handwheel
Positioning with manual data input
Program run, single block
Program run, full sequence
Show calculator
Navigation keys
Move highlight
Go directly to blocks, cycles and
parameter functions
Potentiometer for feed rate
and spindle speed
Feed rateSpindle speed
TNC 640 | User's Manual for DIN/ISO Programming | 3/2014
Cycles, subprograms and
program section repeats
Define touch probe cycles
Define and call cycles
Enter and call labels for
subprogramming and program
section repeats
Enter program stop in a program
Tool functions
Define tool data in the program
Call tool data
Special functions
Show special functions
Select the next tab in forms
Up/down one dialog box or button
Entering and editing coordinate
axes and numbers
Select coordinate axes or enter
. . .
. . .
them in a program
Decimal point / Reverse algebraic
Programming path movements
Approach/depart contour
FK free contour programming
Straight line
Circle center/pole for polar
Circular arc with center
Circle with radius
Circular arc with tangential
Chamfer/Corner rounding
Polar coordinate input /
Incremental values
Q-parameter programming/
Q-parameter status
Save actual position or values from
Skip dialog questions, delete
Confirm entry and resume dialog
Conclude block and exit entry
Clear numerical entry or TNC error
Abort dialog, delete program
TNC 640 | User's Manual for DIN/ISO Programming | 3/2014
Controls of the TNC
TNC 640 | User's Manual for DIN/ISO Programming | 3/2014
About this manual
About this manual
The symbols used in this manual are described below.
This symbol indicates that important information
about the function described must be considered.
This symbol indicates that there is one or more
of the following risks when using the described
Danger to workpiece
Danger to fixtures
Danger to tool
Danger to machine
Danger to operator
This symbol indicates a possibly dangerous situation
that may cause light injuries if not avoided.
This symbol indicates that the described function
must be adapted by the machine tool builder. The
function described may therefore vary depending on
the machine.
This symbol indicates that you can find detailed
information about a function in another manual.
Would you like any changes, or have you found any
We are continuously striving to improve our documentation for you.
Please help us by sending your requests to the following e-mail
TNC 640 | User's Manual for DIN/ISO Programming | 3/2014
TNC model, software and features
TNC model, software and features
This manual describes functions and features provided by TNCs as
of the following NC software numbers.
TNC modelNC software number
TNC 640340590-04
TNC 640 E340591-04
TNC 640 Programming Station340595-04
The suffix E indicates the export version of the TNC. The export
version of the TNC has the following limitations:
Simultaneous linear movement in up to 4 axes
The machine tool builder adapts the usable features of the TNC to
his machine by setting machine parameters. Some of the functions
described in this manual may therefore not be among the features
provided by the TNC on your machine tool.
TNC functions that may not be available on your machine include:
Tool measurement with the TT
Please contact your machine tool builder to become familiar with
the features of your machine.
Many machine manufacturers, as well as HEIDENHAIN, offer
programming courses for the TNCs. We recommend these courses
as an effective way of improving your programming skill and
sharing information and ideas with other TNC users.
User's Manual for Cycle Programming:
All of the cycle functions (touch probe cycles and
fixed cycles) are described in the Cycle Programming
User’s Manual. Please contact HEIDENHAIN if you
require a copy of this User's Manual. ID: 892905-xx
TNC 640 | User's Manual for DIN/ISO Programming | 3/2014
TNC model, software and features
Software options
The TNC 640 features various software options that can be enabled by your machine tool builder. Each option is to
be enabled separately and contains the following respective functions:
Software option 1 (option number 08)
Rotary table machining
Coordinate transformation
Software option 2 (option number 09)
3-D machining
HEIDENHAIN DNC (option number 18)
Display step (Option number 23)
Programming of cylindrical contours as if in two axes
Feed rate in distance per minute
Working plane, tilting the ...
Circle in 3 axes with tilted working plane (spacial arc)
Motion control with minimum jerk
3-D tool compensation through surface normal vectors
Using the electronic handwheel to change the angle of the swivel head
during program run without affecting the position of the tool point.
(TCPM = Tool Center Point Management)
Keeping the tool normal to the contour
Tool radius compensation perpendicular to traversing and tool direction
Linear in 5 axes (subject to export permit)
Communication with external PC applications over COM component
Linear axes down to 0.01 µmInput resolution and display
Rotary axes to 0.00001°
Dynamic Collision Monitoring (DCM) software option (option number 40)
Collision monitoring in all
machine operating modes
The machine manufacturer defines objects to be monitored
Three warning levels in manual operation
Program interrupt during automatic operation
Includes monitoring of 5-axis movements
TNC 640 | User's Manual for DIN/ISO Programming | 3/2014
TNC model, software and features
DXF Converter software option (option number 42)
Extracting contour
programs and machining
positions from DXF data.
Extracting contour sections
from plain-language
Adaptive Feed Control (AFC) software option (option number 45)
Function for adaptive feedrate control for optimizing
the machining conditions
during series production
KinematicsOpt software option (option number 48)
Touch-probe cycles for
automatic testing and
optimization of the machine
Mill-Turning software option (option number 50)
Functions for milling/turning
Supported DXF format: AC1009 (AutoCAD R12)
For contours and point patterns
Simple and convenient specification of reference points
Select graphical features of contour sections from conversational
Recording the actual spindle power by means of a teach-in cut
Defining the limits of automatic feed rate control
Fully automatic feed control during program run
Backup/restore active kinematics
Test active kinematics
Optimize active kinematics
Switching between Milling/Turning mode of operation
Constant cutting speed
Tool-tip radius compensation
Turning cycles
Extended Tool Managment software option (option number 93)
Extended tool management, python-based
Remote Desktop Manager software option (option number 133)
Windows on a separate computer unitRemote operation of
external computer units
(e.g. Windows PC) via the
TNC user interface
Synchronizing Functions software option (option number 135)
Real Time Coupling (RTC)
Incorporated in the TNC interface
Coupling of axes
TNC 640 | User's Manual for DIN/ISO Programming | 3/2014
Cross Talk Compensation (CTC) software option (option number 141)
TNC model, software and features
Compensation of axis
Position Adaptive Control (PAC) software option (option number 142)
Changing control
Load Adaptive Control (LAC) software option (option number 143)
Active Chatter Control (ACC) software option (option number 145)
Fully automatic function for chatter control during machining
Determination of dynamically caused position deviation through axis
Compensation of the TCP
Changing of the control parameters depending on the position of the
axes in the working space
Changing of the control parameters depending on the speed or
acceleration of an axis
Automatic determination of workpiece weight and frictional forcesDynamic changing of control
Continuous adaptation of the parameters of the adaptive precontrolling
to the actual weight of the workpiece during machining
TNC 640 | User's Manual for DIN/ISO Programming | 3/2014
TNC model, software and features
Feature Content Level (upgrade functions)
Along with software options, significant further improvements
of the TNC software are managed via the Feature Content Level
upgrade functions. Functions subject to the FCL are not available
simply by updating the software on your TNC.
All upgrade functions are available to you without
surcharge when you receive a new machine.
Upgrade functions are identified in the manual with FCL n, where n
indicates the sequential number of the feature content level.
You can purchase a code number in order to permanently enable
the FCL functions. For more information, contact your machine tool
builder or HEIDENHAIN.
Intended place of operation
The TNC complies with the limits for a Class A device in
accordance with the specifications in EN 55022, and is intended for
use primarily in industrially-zoned areas.
Legal information
This product uses open source software. Further information is
available on the control under
Programming and Editing operating mode
MOD function
License Info soft key
TNC 640 | User's Manual for DIN/ISO Programming | 3/2014
TNC model, software and features
New functions
New Functions 34059x-02
DXF files can be opened directly on the TNC in order to extract
contours and point patterns ("Programming: Data transfer from DXF
files or plain-language contours", page 229).
The active tool-axis direction can now be activated in manual
mode and during handwheel superimposition as a virtual tool axis
("Superimposing handwheel positioning during program run: M118
", page 340).
The machine manufacturer can now define any areas on the
machine for collision monitoring ("Dynamic Collision Monitoring
(software option)", page 351).
Writing and reading data in freely definable tables ("Freely definable
tables", page 377).
The Adaptive Feed Control (AFC) function has been integrated
("Adaptive Feed Control Software Option (AFC)", page 357)
New touch probe cycle 484 for calibrating the wireless TT 449 tool
touch probe (see User's Manual for Cycles).
The new HR 520 and HR 550 FS handwheels are supported
("Traverse with electronic handwheels", page 458).
New machining cycle 225 ENGRAVING (see User’s Manual for
Cycle Programming)
New Active Chatter Control (ACC) software option ("Active Chatter
Control (ACC; software option)", page 370).
New manual probing cycle "Center line as datum" ("Setting a center
line as datum ", page 503).
New function for rounding corners ("Rounding corners: M197",
page 346).
External access to the TNC can now be blocked with a MOD
function ("External access", page 553).
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TNC model, software and features
New Functions 34059x-02
The maximum number of characters for the NAME and DOC fields
in the tool table has been increased from 16 to 32 ("Enter tool data
into the table", page 164).
The columns AFC and ACC were added to the tool table ("Enter tool
data into the table", page 164).
Operation and position behavior of the manual probing cycles has
been improved ("Using 3-D touch probes ", page 482).
Predefined values can now be entered into a cycle parameter
with the PREDEF function in cycles (see User’s Manual for Cycle
The status display has been expanded with the AFC tab ("Additional
status displays", page 76).
The FUNCTION TURNDATA SPIN turning function has been
expanded with an input option for maximum speed ("Program
spindle speed", page 432).
A new optimization algorithm is now used with the KinematicsOpt
cycles (see User’s Manual for Cycle Programming).
With Cycle 257, circular stud milling, a parameter is now available
with which you can determine the approach position on the stud
(see User's Manual for Cycle Programming)
With Cycle 256, rectangular stud, a parameter is now available with
which you can determine the approach position on the stud (see
User's Manual for Cycle Programming).
With the "Basic Rotation" probing cycle, workpiece misalignment
can now be compensated for via a table rotation ("Compensation of
workpiece misalignment by rotating the table", page 496)
TNC 640 | User's Manual for DIN/ISO Programming | 3/2014
TNC model, software and features
New functions 34059x-04
New special operating mode Retraction ("Retraction after a power
interruption", page 540).
New graphic simulation ("Graphics ", page 522).
New MOD function "tool usage file" within the machine settings
group ("Tool usage file", page 555).
New MOD function "set system time" within the systems settings
group ("Set the system time", page 557).
New MOD group "graphic settings" ("Graphic settings",
page 552).
With the new syntax for the adaptive feed control (AFC) you
can start or end a teach-in step ("Recording a teach-in cut",
page 362).
With the new cutting data calculator you can calculate the spindle
speed and the feed rate ("Cutting data calculator", page 139).
In the TURNDATA function, you can now define the effect of
the tool compensation ("Tool compensation in the program",
page 434).
Now you can activate and deactivate the active chatter
compensation (ACC) by soft key ("Activating/deactivating ACC",
page 371).
New if/then decisions were introduced in the jump commands
("Programming if-then decisions", page 271).
The character set of the fixed cycle 225 Engraving was expanded
by more characters and the diameter sign (see User's Manual for
Cycle Programming).
New fixed cycle 275 trochoidal milling (see User’s Manual for Cycle
New fixed cycle 233 ENGRAVING (see User’s Manual for Cycle
In the drilling cycles 200, 203 and 205 the parameter Q395 BEZUG
DEPTH REFERENCE was introduced in order to evaluate the T
ANGLE (see User's Manual for Cycle Programming).
The probing cycle 4 MEASURING IN 3-D was introduced (see
User's Manual for Cycle Programming).
TNC 640 | User's Manual for DIN/ISO Programming | 3/2014
TNC model, software and features
Changed functions 34059x-04
The turning tool table was expanded by the column NAME ("Tool
data", page 435).
Now up to 4 functions are allowed in an NC block ("Fundamentals",
page 328).
New soft keys for value transfer have been introduced in the pocket
calculator ("Operation", page 136).
The distance-to-go display can now also be displayed in the input
system ("Position Display Types", page 558).
Cycle 241 SINGLE-LIP DEEP HOLE DRILLING was expanded
by several input parameters (see User's Manual for Cycle
Cycle 404 was expanded by the parameter Q305 NUMBER IN
TABLE (see User's Manual for Cycle Programming).
In the thread milling cycles 26x an approaching feed rate was
introduced (see User's Manual for Cycle Programming).
In Cycle 205 Universal Pecking you can now use parameter Q208
to define a feed rate for retraction (see User's Manual for Cycle
TNC 640 | User's Manual for DIN/ISO Programming | 3/2014
TNC model, software and features
TNC 640 | User's Manual for DIN/ISO Programming | 3/2014
1First Steps with the TNC 640....................................................................................................... 49
Acknowledging the power interruption and moving to the reference points..........................................50
1.3Programming the first part..................................................................................................................51
Selecting the correct operating mode.................................................................................................... 51
The most important TNC keys................................................................................................................51
Creating a new program/file management............................................................................................. 52
Defining a workpiece blank.................................................................................................................... 53
Program layout........................................................................................................................................ 54
Programming a simple contour...............................................................................................................55
Creating a cycle program........................................................................................................................ 57
1.4Graphically testing the first part.........................................................................................................59
Selecting the correct operating mode.................................................................................................... 59
Selecting the tool table for the test run.................................................................................................59
Choosing the program you want to test................................................................................................ 60
Selecting the screen layout and the view.............................................................................................. 60
Starting the test run................................................................................................................................61
1.5Setting up tools.................................................................................................................................... 62
Selecting the correct operating mode.................................................................................................... 62
Preparing and measuring tools............................................................................................................... 62
The tool table TOOL.T............................................................................................................................ 63
The pocket table TOOL_P.TCH................................................................................................................64
Selecting the correct operating mode.................................................................................................... 65
Clamping the workpiece......................................................................................................................... 65
Datum setting with 3-D touch probe...................................................................................................... 66
1.7Running the first program................................................................................................................... 67
Selecting the correct operating mode.................................................................................................... 67
Choosing the program you want to run................................................................................................. 67
Start the program....................................................................................................................................67
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Setting the screen layout........................................................................................................................71
Control Panel...........................................................................................................................................72
2.3Modes of Operation..............................................................................................................................73
Manual Operation and El. Handwheel....................................................................................................73
Positioning with Manual Data Input........................................................................................................73
Test Run.................................................................................................................................................. 74
Program Run, Full Sequence and Program Run, Single Block................................................................74
Displaying externally generated files on the TNC.................................................................................108
Data Backup.......................................................................................................................................... 108
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3.4Working with the file manager......................................................................................................... 109
Overview: Functions of the file manager............................................................................................. 110
Calling the file manager........................................................................................................................ 111
Selecting drives, directories and files...................................................................................................112
Creating a new directory...................................................................................................................... 113
Creating a new file................................................................................................................................113
Copying a single file..............................................................................................................................113
Copying files into another directory......................................................................................................114
Copying a table..................................................................................................................................... 115
Copying a directory............................................................................................................................... 115
Choosing one of the last files selected................................................................................................116
Deleting a file........................................................................................................................................117
Deleting a directory...............................................................................................................................117
Renaming a file..................................................................................................................................... 119
Display of errors....................................................................................................................................145
Open the error window........................................................................................................................ 145
Closing the error window..................................................................................................................... 145
Saving service files............................................................................................................................... 149
Calling the TNCguide help system....................................................................................................... 150
4.8TNCguide context-sensitive help system.........................................................................................151
Circle center I, J................................................................................................................................... 213
Circular path C around circle center CC............................................................................................... 214
CircleG02/G03/G05 with defined radius............................................................................................... 215
Circle G06 with tangential connection..................................................................................................217
Example: Linear movements and chamfers with Cartesian coordinates.............................................. 218
Example: Circular movements with Cartesian coordinates.................................................................. 219
Example: Full circle with Cartesian coordinates................................................................................... 220
TNC 640 | User's Manual for DIN/ISO Programming | 3/2014
Types of nesting....................................................................................................................................255