programming modes
Soft keys for selecting functions on
Shift between soft-key rows
Typewriter keyboard for entering letters and symbols
File names
Machine operating modes
Manual Operation
Electronic Handwheel
Positioning with Manual Data Input
Program Run, Single Block
Program Run, Full Sequence
Programming modes
Programming and Editing
Test Run
Program/file management, TNC functions
Select or delete programs and files
External data transfer
Define program call, select datum and point tables
Select MOD functions
Display help text for NC error messages
Display all current error messages
Show pocket calculator
Moving the cursor, going directly to blocks, cycles and
parameter functions
Go directly to blocks, cycles and parameter functions
Move highlight
Override control knobs for feed rate/spindle speed
S %
F %
Programming path movements
Approach/depart contour
FK free contour programming
Straight line
Circle center/pole for polar coordinates
Circle with center
Circle with radius
Circular arc with tangential connection
Chamfering/Corner rounding
Tool functions
Enter and call tool length and radius
Cycles, subprograms and program section repeats
Define and call cycles
Enter and call labels for subprogramming and
program section repeats
Program stop in a program
Define touch probe cycles
Coordinate axes and numbers: Entering and editing
. . .
. . .
Decimal point / Reverse algebraic sign
Polar coordinate input/
Select coordinate axes or
enter them into the program
Incremental dimensions
Q parameter programming/Q parameter status
Save actual position or values from calculator
Skip dialog questions, delete words
Confirm entry and resume dialog
Conclude block and exit entry
Clear numerical entry or TNC error message
Abort dialog, delete program section
Deleting individual characters
Special functions / smarT.NC
Show special functions
No function
Up/down one dialog box or button
TNC Model, Software and Features
This manual describes functions and features provided by TNCs as of
the following NC software numbers.
TNC modelNC software number
TNC 320340 551-03
TNC 320 programming station340 554-03
The machine tool builder adapts the usable features of the TNC to his
machine by setting machine parameters. Some of the functions
described in this manual may therefore not be among the features
provided by the TNC on your machine tool.
TNC functions that may not be available on your machine include:
Probing function for the 3-D touch probe
Rigid tapping
Returning to the contour after an interruption
In addition, the TNC 320 also has options that can be enabled by your
machine tool builder.
Hardware options
Additional axis for 4 axes and open-loop spindle
Additional axis for 5 axes and open-loop spindle
Software option 1
Cylinder surface interpolation (Cycles 27, 28 and 29)
Tilting the machining plane (Cycle 19 and 3-D ROT soft key in the
manual operating mode)
Please contact your machine tool builder to become familiar with the
features of your machine.
Many machine manufacturers, as well as HEIDENHAIN, offer
programming courses for the TNCs. We recommend these courses as
an effective way of improving your programming skill and sharing
information and ideas with other TNC users.
Touch Probe Cycles User’s Manual:
All of the touch probe functions are described in a separate
manual. Please contact HEIDENHAIN if you need a copy of
this User’s Manual. ID: 661 873-10
Feature content level (upgrade functions)
Along with software options, significant further improvements of the
TNC software are managed via the Feature Content Level upgrade
functions. Functions subject to the FCL are not available simply by
updating the software on your TNC.
All upgrade functions are available to you without
surcharge when you receive a new machine.
Upgrade functions are identified in the manual with FCL n, where n
indicates the sequential number of the feature content level.
You can purchase a code number in order to permanently enable the
FCL functions. For more information, contact your machine tool
builder or HEIDENHAIN.
Intended place of operation
The TNC complies with the limits for a Class A device in accordance
with the specifications in EN 55022, and is intended for use primarily
in industrially-zoned areas.
New Functions with 340 55x-03
The TNC now also supports datum management with the preset
table (see “Datum management with the preset table,” page 54)
The TNC now also supports the tilting functions on machine tools
with swivel heads and/or tilting tables (see “Tilting the Working
Plane (Software Option 1),” page 60 and see “WORKING PLANE
(Cycle 19, software option 1),” page 346)
Cycle 240 Centering added (See “CENTERING (Cycle 240)” on page
Cycle 208 Helical Finish Milling: The type of milling (climb or up-cut)
can now be selected (See “BORE MILLING (Cycle 208)” on page
Cycle 209 Tapping with Chip Breaking: Fast retraction added (See
“TAPPING WITH CHIP BREAKING (Cycle 209)” on page 237)
Touch Probe Cycles 400 to 405 for automatic measurement and
compensation of workpiece misalignment added (see Touch Probe
Cycles User’s Manual)
Touch Probe Cycles 408 to 419 for automatic datum setting added
(see Touch Probe Cycles User’s Manual)
Touch Probe Cycles 420 to 431 for automatic workpiece
measurement added (see Touch Probe Cycles User’s Manual)
Touch Probe Cycles 480 (30) to 483 (33) for automatic tool
measurement added (see Touch Probe Cycles User’s Manual)
Cycle 19 Working Plane and 3-D ROT (See “Tilting the Working
Plane (Software Option 1)” on page 60)
Backspace dialog key (See page 32)
Manual Operation and Setup
Positioning with Manual Data Input
Programming: Fundamentals of File
Management, Programming Aids
Programming: Tools
Programming: Programming Contours
Programming: Miscellaneous Functions
Programming: Cycles
Programming: Subprograms and
Program Section Repeats
Programming: Q Parameters
Test Run and Program Run
MOD Functions
Technical Information
1 Introduction ..... 29
1.1 The TNC 320 ..... 30
Programming: HEIDENHAIN conversational format ..... 30
Compatibility ..... 30
1.2 Visual Display Unit and Keyboard ..... 31
Visual display unit ..... 31
Sets the screen layout ..... 32
Operating panel ..... 32
1.3 Operating Modes ..... 33
Manual operation and electronic handwheel ..... 33
Positioning with Manual Data Input ..... 33
Programming and Editing ..... 34
Test Run ..... 34
Program Run, Full Sequence and Program Run, Single Block ..... 35
WORKING PLANE (Cycle 19, software option 1) ..... 346
8.8 Special Cycles ..... 354
DWELL TIME (Cycle 9) ..... 354
PROGRAM CALL (Cycle 12) ..... 355
ORIENTED SPINDLE STOP (Cycle 13) ..... 356
TOLERANCE (Cycle 32) ..... 357
9 Programming: Subprograms and Program Section Repeats ..... 361
9.1 Labeling Subprograms and Program Section Repeats ..... 362
Labels ..... 362
9.2 Subprograms ..... 363
Operating sequence ..... 363
Programming notes ..... 363
Programming a subprogram ..... 363
Calling a subprogram ..... 363
9.3 Program Section Repeats ..... 364
Label LBL ..... 364
Operating sequence ..... 364
Programming notes ..... 364
Programming a program section repeat ..... 364
Calling a program section repeat ..... 364
9.4 Separate Program as Subprogram ..... 365
Operating sequence ..... 365
Programming notes ..... 365
Calling any program as a subprogram ..... 365
9.5 Nesting ..... 366
Types of nesting ..... 366
Nesting depth ..... 366
Subprogram within a subprogram ..... 366
Repeating program section repeats ..... 368
Repeating a subprogram ..... 369
9.6 Programming Examples ..... 370
10 Programming: Q-Parameters ..... 377
10.1 Principle and Overview ..... 378
Programming notes ..... 379
Calling Q parameter functions ..... 379
10.2 Part Families—Q Parameters in Place of Numerical Values ..... 380
Example NC blocks ..... 380
Example ..... 380
10.3 Describing Contours through Mathematical Operations ..... 381
Function ..... 381
Overview ..... 381
Programming fundamental operations ..... 382
10.4 Trigonometric Functions ..... 383
Definitions ..... 383
Programming trigonometric functions ..... 384
10.5 Calculating Circles ..... 385
Function ..... 385
10.6 If-Then Decisions with Q Parameters ..... 386
Function ..... 386
Unconditional jumps ..... 386
Programming If-Then decisions ..... 386
Abbreviations used: ..... 387
10.7 Checking and Changing Q Parameters ..... 388
Procedure ..... 388
10.8 Additional Functions ..... 389
Overview ..... 389
FN14: ERROR: Displaying error messages ..... 390
FN 16: F-PRINT: Formatted output of text and Q parameter values ..... 394
FN18: SYS-DATUM READ Read system data ..... 399
FN19: PLC: Transferring values to the PLC ..... 407
FN20: WAIT FOR: NC and PLC synchronization ..... 408
FN29: PLC: Transferring values to the PLC ..... 410
FN37:EXPORT ..... 410
10.9 Accessing Tables with SQL Commands ..... 411
Introduction ..... 411
A Transaction ..... 412
Programming SQL commands ..... 414
Overview of the soft keys ..... 414
SQL BIND ..... 415
SQL SELECT ..... 416
SQL FETCH ..... 419
SQL UPDATE ..... 420
SQL INSERT ..... 420
SQL COMMIT ..... 421
SQL ROLLBACK ..... 421
10.10 Entering Formulas Directly ..... 422
Entering formulas ..... 422
Rules for formulas ..... 424
Programming example ..... 425
10.11 String Parameters ..... 426
String processing functions ..... 426
Assigning string parameters ..... 427
Chain-linking string parameters ..... 427
Converting a numerical value to a string parameter ..... 428
Copying a substring from a string parameter ..... 429
Converting a string parameter to a numerical value ..... 430
Checking a string parameter ..... 431
Finding the length of a string parameter ..... 432
Comparing alphabetic priority ..... 433
10.12 Preassigned Q Parameters ..... 434
Values from the PLC: Q100 to Q107 ..... 434
Active tool radius: Q108 ..... 434
Tool axis: Q109 ..... 434
Spindle status: Q110 ..... 435
Coolant on/off: Q111 ..... 435
Overlap factor: Q112 ..... 435
Unit of measurement for dimensions in the program: Q113 ..... 435
Tool length: Q114 ..... 435
Coordinates after probing during program run ..... 436
Deviation between actual value and nominal value during automatic tool measurement with the TT 130 ..... 437
Tilting the working plane with mathematical angles: rotary axis coordinates calculated by the TNC ..... 437
Measurement results from touch probe cycles (see also User’s Manual for Touch Probe Cycles) ..... 438
10.13 Programming Examples ..... 440
11 Test Run and Program Run ..... 447
11.1 Graphics ..... 448
Function ..... 448
Overview of display modes ..... 449
Plan view ..... 449
Projection in 3 planes ..... 450
3-D view ..... 451
Magnifying details ..... 452
Repeating graphic simulation ..... 453
Measuring the machining time ..... 453
11.2 Showing the Workpiece in the Working Space ..... 454
Function ..... 454
11.3 Functions for Program Display ..... 455
Overview ..... 455
11.4 Test Run ..... 456
Function ..... 456
11.5 Program Run ..... 458
Function ..... 458
Run a part program ..... 459
Interrupting machining ..... 460
Moving the machine axes during an interruption ..... 460
Resuming program run after an interruption ..... 461
Mid-program startup (block scan) ..... 462
Returning to the contour ..... 463
11.6 Automatic Program Start ..... 464
Function ..... 464
11.7 Optional Block Skip ..... 465
Function ..... 465
Inserting the “/” character ..... 465
Erasing the “/” character ..... 465
11.8 Optional Program-Run Interruption ..... 466
Function ..... 466
12 MOD Functions ..... 467
12.1 Selecting MOD Functions ..... 468
Selecting the MOD functions ..... 468
Changing the settings ..... 468
Exiting the MOD functions ..... 468
Overview of MOD functions ..... 469
12.2 Software Numbers ..... 470
Function ..... 470
12.3 Position Display Types ..... 471
Function ..... 471
12.4 Unit of Measurement ..... 472
Function ..... 472
12.5 Displaying Operating Times ..... 473
Function ..... 473
12.6 Entering Code Numbers ..... 474
Function ..... 474
12.7 Setting the Data Interfaces ..... 475
Serial interface on the TNC 320 ..... 475
Function ..... 475
Setting the RS-232 interface ..... 475
Setting the baud rate (baudRate) ..... 475
Set the protocol (protocol) ..... 475
Set the data bits (dataBits) ..... 476
Parity check (parity) ..... 476
Setting the stop bits (stopBits) ..... 476
Setting the handshake (flowControl) ..... 476
Settings for data transfer with the TNCserver PC software ..... 477
Setting the operating mode of the external device (fileSystem) ..... 477
Software for data transfer ..... 478
12.8 Ethernet Interface ..... 480
Introduction ..... 480
Connection possibilities ..... 480
Connecting the control to the network ..... 480
13 Tables and Overviews ..... 485
13.1 Machine-Specific User Parameters ..... 486
Function ..... 486
13.2 Pin Layout and Connecting Cable for the Data Interfaces ..... 494
RS-232-C/V.24 interface for HEIDEHAIN devices ..... 494
Non-HEIDENHAIN devices ..... 495
Ethernet interface RJ45 socket ..... 495
13.3 Technical Information ..... 496
13.4 Exchanging the Buffer Battery ..... 501
1.1The TNC 320
HEIDENHAIN TNC controls are workshop-oriented contouring
controls that enable you to program conventional machining
operations right at the machine in an easy-to-use conversational
programming language. The TNC 320 is designed for milling and
drilling machine tools with up to 4 axes (optionally 5 axes). Instead of
the fourth or fifth axis, you can also change the angular position of the
spindle under program control.
Keyboard and screen layout are clearly arranged in such a way that the
1.1 The TNC 320
functions are fast and easy to use.
Programming: HEIDENHAIN conversational
HEIDENHAIN conversational programming is an especially easy
method of writing programs. Interactive graphics illustrate the
individual machining steps for programming the contour. If a
production drawing is not dimensioned for NC, the HEIDENHAIN FK
free contour programming performs the necessary calculations
automatically. Workpiece machining can be graphically simulated
either during or before actual machining.
You can also enter and test one program while the control is running
The scope of functions of the TNC 320 does not correspond to that of
the TNC 4xx and iTNC 530 series of controls. Therefore, machining
programs created on HEIDENHAIN contouring controls (starting from
the TNC 150 B) may not always run on the TNC 320. If NC blocks
contain invalid elements, the TNC will mark them as ERROR blocks
during download.
301 Introduction
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