Grillo FD 1500 4WD User Manual [ru]

FD 1500 4WD
Pay attention to symbol DANGER! It points out all most dangerous operations according to the situation. All safety rules are important and therefore must be strictly observed. Always keep this handbook within the reach, read it carefully and learn how to use the equipment in a safe way. Let nobody, unprovided with necessary information, work with the equipment.
Fate attenzione al simbolo PERICOLO! Indica la presenza di principali situazioni di pericolo. Tutte le norme antinfortunistiche contenute sono importanti e vanno rispettate. Tenere sempre questo manuale a portata di mano, leggerlo attentamente ed imparare ad usare l’attrezzatura in modo sicuro. Non permettere che qualcuno operi con questa attrezzatura senza aver ricevuto istruzioni esaurienti.
Attention au symbole DANGER! Ce symbole illustre la présence des principales situations dangereuses. Toutes les normes que nous indiquons pour la prévention des accidents sont très importantes et doivent être respectées scrupuleusement. Conserver toujours avec vous ce manuel! Nous vous demandons de le lire attentivement et d’apprendre à utiliser la tondeuse en toute sécurité. Ne jamais confier la machine à d’autres personnes sans leur avoir préalablement signalé le mode d’emploi et les normes de sécurité.
Achtung - die mit dem Symbol GEFAHR gekennzeichneten Hinweise weisen auf potentielle Gefahrensituationen hin. Alle sicherheitsrelevanten Hinweise in diesem Handbuch sind sehr wichtig und müssen unbedingt befolgt werden. Bewahren Sie dieses Handbuch stets griffbereit auf, lesen Sie es aufmerksam durch, und lernen Sie, die Maschine und die gesamte Ausrüstung sicher zu benutzen. Die Maschine darf nur von Personen benutzt werden, die vorher entsprechend unterwiesen wurden.
Preste atención al símbolo ¡PELIGRO! Indica la presencia de situaciones importantes de peligro. Todas las normas de prevención accidentes detalladas son importante y ¡deben respetarse! Conserve este manual al alcance de la mano, léalo atentamente y aprenda a usar el equipamiento de modo seguro. No permita que otras personas operen con este equipamiento sin haber recibido instrucciones exhaustivas.
Take special care not to touch hot parts of the engine.
Prestate particolare attenzione a non entrare in contatto con parti surriscaldate del motore.
Veiller tout particulièrement à ne pas toucher des éléments surchauffés du moteur.
Achtung - keine heißen Motorteile berühren!
gravel or foreign bodies which may be sucked up and ejected by the blades, generating a danger. Keep people away. remove the key and read the instruction manual before attempting to carry out any maintenance or repairs to the machine.
ATTENZIONE! ORGANO TAGLIENTE. Tenere lontano mani e piedi. Non lavorare col
rasaerba sopra alla ghiaia o corpi estranei che possono essere aspirati e centrifugati dalle lame risultando molto pericolosi, tenere lontano le persone. Togliere la chiave e leggere le istruzioni prima di effettuare qualsiasi operazione di manutenzione e riparazione.
ATTENTION! ORGANE TRANCHANT. Eloigner les mains et les pieds. Ne pas utiliser la
tondeuse sur le gravier ou sur des corps qui peuvent être aspirés et centrifugés par les lames et devenir très dangereux. Les personnes doivent se trouver à une certaine distance. Enlever la clé et lire les instructions avant toute opération de maintenance et de réparation.
ACHTUNG! SCHARFE KLINGEN. Hände und Füsse fernhalten. Beim Mähen nicht über
Schotter, Steine oder andere Fremdkörper fahren, da diese durch die Drehbewegung der Messer angesaugt und weggeschleudert werden können (Verletzungsgefahr). Nicht in der Nähe von anderen Personen mähen. Vor jedem Wartungs- bzw. Reparatureingriff den Startschlüssel abnehmen und die Gebrauchsanleitung durchlesen.
¡PELIGRO! ÓRGANO CORTANTE. Mantener lejos los pies y las manos. No limpiar la
herramienta con el motor en marcha, ¡Peligro! Expulsión de objetos: mantener alejadas las personas. Atención: quitar la llave y leer las instrucciones antes de efectuar cualquier operación de mantenimiento o reparación.
SHARP PARTS. Keep hands and feet away. Do not operate the mower over
MOVING PARTS. Do not approach while the engine is running.
ORGANI IN MOVIMENTO. Non avvicinatevi con il motore in moto.
ORGANES EN MOUVEMENT. Ne pas s’approcher lorsque le moteur est activé.
SICH BEWEGENDE MASCHINENTEILE. Es ist gefährlich, sich dem laufenden Motor zu nähern.
Beware! Never touch moving universal joint. It can be very dangerous. Never maintenance making by running engine.
Attenzione! Non toccare il giunto cardanico in rotazione, crea gravi danni alla persona. Non fare manutenzione con il motore in moto.
Attention! Ne jamais toucher le joint de cardan en mouvement, il peut causer des dommages à la personne. Ne faire pas l’entretien quand le moteur marche.
Vorsicht! Nie laufendes Kardangelenk anfassen, da es gefährlich ist. Nie beim laufenden Motor Instandhaltung machen. Neigung vermeiden.
¡Atención! No tocar jamás junta cardan en movimento, porque pueden crear graves daños a la persona. No efectuar el mantenimiento con el motor en marcha.
Fig. 1
12 12
20 5 17 11 16
7 7
1. Feed pedal
2. Reverse pedal
3. Emergency brake pedal
4. Ignition key
5. Slow gears/speed gears lever
6. Throttle
7. Cutting deck lift lever
8. Grass catcher lift lever
9. Grass catcher over-turn lever
10. Steering wheel position adjustment lever
11. Parking brake
12. Cutting height adjustment pin
13. Fuel tank cap
14. Hydraulic oil tank cap
15. Armrests adjustment
16. Back adjustment lever
17. Seat position adjustment lever
18. Seat shock absorber adjustment lever
19. Seat height adjustment knob
20. Socket 12 V
21. Turbine inspectioning gate lever
22. Vortew precleaner
23. Deck inspectioning lifting lever
1. Pedale avanzamento
2. Pedale retromarcia
3. Pedale freno di emergenza
4. Chiave avviamento
5. Leva marce ridotte veloci
6. Leva acceleratore
7. Leva sollevamento piatto
8. Leva sollevamento cesto
9. Leva ribaltamento cesto
10. Leva regolazione posizione volante
11. Leva freno di stazionamento
12. Perni regolazione altezza di taglio
13. Tappo carburante
14. Tappo serbatoio olio idraulico
15. Regolazione braccioli
16. Leva regolazione schienale
17. Leva regolazione posizione sedile
18. Leva regolazione ammortizzatore sedile
19. Pomello regolazione altezza sedile
20. Presa 12 V
21. Levetta portello ispezione turbina
22. Prefiltro Voltex
23. Leva aggancio ispezione piatto
1. Pédale avancement
2. Pédale de marche arrière
3. Pédale frein d’urgence
4. Clé de démarrage
5. Levier vitesses réduites/vitesses accélérées
6. Accélérateur
7. Levier de soulevement de la tondeuse
8. Levier de soulevemant du bac
9. Levier renversement du bac
10. Levier réglage position volant de direction
11. Levier frein de stationnament
12. Dispositif réglage hauteur de coupe
13. Bouchon du réservoir à carburant
14. Bouchon du réservoir huile hydraulique
15. Réglage des accoudoirs
16. Levier de réglage position dossier
17. Levier de réglege position siège
18. Levier réglage amortisseurs siège
19. Bouton de réglage hauteur siège
20. Prise de courant 12 V
21. Levier porte inspection turbine
22. Pre-filtre Vortex
23. Levier soulevement inspection tondeuse
1. Pedal avance
2. Pedal marcha atrás
3. Pedal freno de emergencia
4. Llave arranque
5. Palanca marchas bajas/altas
6. Palanca acelerador
7. Palanca elevador plato
8. Palanca elevador cesto
9. Palanca volcado cesto
10. Palanca regulación posición volante
11. Palanca freno de estacionamiento
12. Pernos regulación altura del corte
13. Tapón carburante
14. Tapón depósito aceite idráulico
15. Regulación brazos
16. Palanca regulación respaldo
17. Palanca regulación posición asiento
18. Palanca regulación amortiguador asiento
19. Mando regulación altura asiento
20. Toma de corriente 12 V
21. Palanca ventanilla inspección turbina
22. Prefiltro Voltex
23. Palanca inspección plato
1. Vorschub Fusshebel
2. Rückwärtsganghebel
3. Notbremse Fusshebel
4. Zündschlussel
5. Langsame Gänge/schnelle Gänge Hebel
6. Gashebel
7. Hebel zum Anheben des Mähdecks
8. Hebel zum Anheben des Korbes
9. Korbe Kippen Hebel
10. Lenkrad Position Regelung Hebel
11. Feststellbremse Hebel
12. Schnitthöhe Regelung Bolzen
13. Tankdeckel
14. Hydraulisch Ölschraubdeckel
15. Armlehnen Regelung
16. Rückenlehne Regelung Hebel
17. Sitz Position Regelung Hebel
18. Sitz Stossdämpfer Regelung Hebel
19. Sitzhöhe Regelung Knopf
20. Steckdose 12 V
21. Laufrad Inspektion Gatter Hebel
22. Vortex Vorreiniger
23. Mähdeck Inspektion zum Anheben Hebel
47023 CESENA (FC) - ITALIA - Via Cervese, 1701
FD 1500 4WD
1330 910 420
Deck lift lever: forward position, deck floats and adjusts to the terrain: central position deck remains in fixed position; backward position deck lifts up.
Leva sollevamento piatto: posizione in avanti il piatto è flottante e segue il terreno, centrale il piatto rimane in posizione, indietro il piatto si solleva.
Levier de soulèvement du plateau: position en avant le plateau est flottant et s’adapte au terrain; position centrale: le plateau mantien sa position; position arrière: le plateau se soulève.
Hebel zum Anheben des Mähdecks, vordere Position: schwimmendes Deck, das sich den Bodenunebenheiten anpasst; mittlere Position: Deck festgestellt; hintere Position: Deck wird angehoben.
Basket lift lever
Leva sollevamento cesto
Levier de soulèvement du bac
Hebel zum anheben des Grasbehälters
Basket tipping lever
Leva ribaltamento cesto
Levier de renversement du bac
Hebel zum umkippen des Grasbehälters
WARNING! TURNING GEARS! Keep ypur hands away and check that there is no tool running, not even by force of inertia.
ATTENZIONE! PERICOLO ORGANO ROTAZIONE! Tenere lontano le mani assicurandosi che non ci siano parti in movimento, neanche per inerzia.
ATTENTION! ORGANE EN ROTATION! Ne approcher pas les mains et s’assurer qu’il n’y ait aucun organe en mouvement, même par inertie.
ACHTUNG! ROTIERENDE KLINGE! Hände fernhalten und sicherstellen, dass alle Maschinenteile stehen bzw. zum Stillstand gekommen sind.
Min/max throttle
Acceleratore min/max
Accelerateur min/max
Min/max Gashebel
Parking brake
Freno di parcheggio
Frein de stationnement
Noise level
Livello sonoro
Socket 12V
Presa 12V
Prise de courant 12V
Steckdose 12V
Slow and fast speed
Marcia ridotta e veloce
Vitesse lente et rapide
Untersetz und Schnellgänge
BEWARE! Never touch moving universal joint. It can be very dangerous. Never maintenance making by running engine.
ATTENZIONE! Non toccare il giunto cardanico in rotazione, crea gravi danni alla persona. Non fare manutenzione con il motore in moto.
ATTENTION! Ne jamais toucher le joint de cardan en mouvement, il peut causer des dommages à la persone. Ne faire pas l’entretien quand le moteur marche.
VORSICHT! Nie laufendes Kardangelenk anfassen, da es gefährlich ist. Nie beim laufenden Motor Instandhaltung machen. Neigung vermeiden.
Emergency brake pedal
Pedale freno di emergenza
Pedal frein d’urgence
Notbremse Fusshebel
DANGER! MACHINE ROLLOVER: Do not use this machine on slopes greater then 18° (32%).
PERICOLO! RIBALTAMENTO DELLA MACCHINA: Non usare questa macchina su pendii superiori a 18° (/32%).
DANGER! RENVERSEMENT DE LA MACHINE: Ne pas utiliser cette machine sur des pentes supérieures à 18° (32%).
GEFAHR! UMSTÜRZEN DER MASCHINE: Die Maschine nicht an Hängen mit einer Neigung über 18° (32%).
WARNING! DANGER! Read carefully the instruction manual. ATTENZIONE! PERICOLO! Leggere il manuale istruzioni. ATTENTION! DANGER! Lire le manuel d’instructions.
ACHTUNG! GEFAHR! Lesen die Gebrauchsanleitung.
WARNING! SHARP PARTS. Keep hands and feet away. Do not operate the mower over gravel or foreign bodies which may be sucked up and ejected by the blades, generating a danger. Keep people away. Remove the key and read the instruction manual before attempting to carry out any maintenance or repairs the machine.
ATTENZIONE! ORGANO TAGLIENTE. Tenere lontano mani e piedi. Non lavorare col rasaerba sopra alla ghiaia o corpi estranei che possono essere aspirati e centrifugati dalle lame risultando molto pericolosi, tenere lontano le persone. Togliere la chiave e leggere le istruzione prima di effettuare qualsiasi operazione di manutenzione e riparazione.
ATTENTION! ORGANE TRANCHANT. Eloigner les mains et les pieds. Ne pas utiliser la tondeuse sur le gravier ou sur des corpes qui peuvent être aspirs et centrifugés par les lames et devenir très dangereux. Les personnes doivent se trouver à une certaine distance. Enlever la clé et lire les instructions avant toute opration de maintenance et de réparation.
ACHTUNG! SCHARFE KLINGEN! Hände und Füsse fernhalten. Beim Mähen nicht über Schotter, Steine oder andere Fremdkörper fahren, da diese durch die Drehbewegung der Messer angesaugt und weggeschleudert werden können (Verletzungsgefahr). Nicht in der Nähe von anderen Personen mähen. Vor jedem Wartungs- bzw. Reparatureingriff den Startschlüssel abnehmen und die Gebrauchsanleitung durchlesen.
Cutting height regulation
Regolazione altezza di taglio
Régulation hauteur de coupe
Schnitthöhe Regelung
Matricule plate
Targhetta matricola
Plaque de matricule
Matrikel Plakette
WARNING! SHEAR DANGER! Keep people away. ATTENZIONE! PERICOLO CESOIAMENTO! Mantenere a distanza le persone. ATTENTION! DANGER CISAILLEMENT! Les personnes doivent se trouver à une certaine distance.
ACHTUNG! SCHREREN GEFAHR! Nicht in der Nähe von anderen Personen mähen.
Dear Customer, Thank you for having purchased our Grillo FD 1500 4WD we are confident that this machine will fully satisfy all your requirements. To use and maintain the mower at its best, we urge you to read and observe carefully the directions given in this handbook; this will ensure the best possible results and will also safeguard your investment. Please keep this handbook in a safe place. It should accompany the machine throughout its working life.
CAUTION! Read carefully before turning the motor on. The following warnings are important for operator safety!
Caution is the main safeguard in preventing accidents! We urge you to read the warnings that follow when using the mower, before starting any work at all. Improper use of the mower and its equipment can be dangerous; to reduce the risks to the minimum, observe the necessary precautions set out below:
1) Read the whole of this manual before turning on and using the mower for the first time.
2) Pay particular attention to the warnings and safety labels set out around the mower.
3) The mower blade is very dangerous when rotating, never allow hands or feet underneath the mower
4) Before allowing others to use the machine, make sure they are aware of the safety precautions and how it is used.
5) Before turning on the machine, make sure there are no persons around it; especially small children.
6) Before driving the machine in reverse, make sure there are no persons or obstacles in the way.
7) Do not allow passengers to ride on the machine.
8) Do not operate the machine when tired or after drinking alcohol.
9) Check the condition of the ground before mowing. Make sure there are no stones, sticks or other objects, which could be run over and become a danger when projected.
10) Before starting work, always change into suitable working clothes, gloves, boots and goggles.
11) Before getting off the mower, turn off the motor, disengage the PTO, remove the ignition key and lower the cutting deck to its down position.
12) Always drive slowly along uneven paths.
13) Keep the speed down when driving down slopes.
14) Do not allow underage children to operate it; use is prohibited to children under 16 years old.
15) Do not drive in reverse at high speed.
16) It is dangerous to operate the steering wheel abruptly with the motor at full power.
17) Fill the tank with fuel before starting the engine. Only refuel outdoors, always turn off the engine,
keep away from sparks or naked flames, do not smoke!
Do not remove cap on the fuel tank when the engine is hot. Always replace the cap on the fuel tank and those on fuel containers properly.
18) Do not allow any fuel spillage and after filling the tank wipe away any spilled fuel before starting the engine.
19) Do not operate the mower near to ditches or verges which could collapse under the weight of the machine, especially when the surface is loose or wet.
20) Always turn slowly when driving downhill.
21) Do not tamper with the safety devices or disable them.
22) Do not operate the mower over gravel which could become sucked up and drawn into the blade, becoming very dangerous.
23) If you have children, hide the ignition key after using the machine.
24) Never attempt any repairs, adjustments or cleaning with the engine running.
25) Never allow anyone to check the machine while you are seated at the controls with the engine running.
26) Do not rest heavy loads on the seat, the starter safety device could become disengaged.
27) The user is always liable for any damage caused to third parties.
28) Any improper use whatsoever will invalidate the warranty and exonerate the manufacturer from all responsibility.
29) Deformed or damaged blades must always be replaced, never just repaired.
30) Always use original Grillo spares and accessories.
31) Only work in sunlight or under effective artificial lighting.
32) Do not stop when working up or down slopes.
33) If the fuel tank has to be emptied, only do so outdoors.
34) CAUTION: to avoid the risk of fire, keep the engine compartment, exhaust, discharge outlets, battery, tank
area and fuel pipes free of grass, leaves, dirt, etc..
35) Do not store the machine inside any building where the engine fumes can reach naked flames, sparks or
bare electrical wires.
36) Replace worn or damaged exhausts.
37) Only store fuel in suitable containers designed for the purpose.
38) Be very careful when working close to a road.
39) Do not change the engine settings, especially the maximum number of revs.
40) If any impact with a foreign object occurs, disengage the blade, turn off the engine, remove the ignition key
and examine the lawnmower, if the machine vibrates have it repaired.
41) Allow the engine to cool before putting the machine away in a closed environment.
42) Do not move the machine without the deck, because it may turn over and be very dangerous.
43) Do not lift the basket when the machine is moving.
44) Lift and empty the basket only when the machine is motionless and on e flat ground.
45) During the work wear the special acoustic protection (ear-caps).
47023 CESENA (FC) - ITALIA - Via Cervese, 1701
FD 1500 4WD
1330 910 420
The Grillo FD 1500 4WD is provided with an ID plate showing the serial number, located on the back of the chassis.
This handbook provides the instructions for using the lawnmower. For a correct basic maintenance contact your Local Dealer.
Original spares should always be used as these are the only ones which offer safety and interchangeability. Each order should include the machine serial number and the code of the spare part needed. For engine spares, refer to the information in the specific manual.
The warranty is subject to the terms and conditions stated on the card. As regards the engine and the battery, the individual manufacturers’ conditions apply.
1 set of lawnmower blades 1 set of belts 1 engine air filter 1 engine oil filter 1 throttle cable 2 instrument panel fuses
Always state the machine serial number and the code of the spare part needed. Contact our service centres or the factory direct. Our address is: GRILLO S.p.A. Via Cervese 1701 – 47023 CESENA (FC) ITALY Tel. 0039 – 0547 – 633.111 / Fax 0039 – 0547 – 632.011 Web site: / e-mail:
MODEL: hydrostatic tractor mower with front deck. ENGINE: Kubota V1505, diesel 1498 c.c. (34 HP) 4 cylinders, radiator cooling, provided with automatic device
for radiator cleaning.
FUEL TANK: 40 lt. – HYDAULIC OIL TANK: 35 lt. HOURLY CONSUMTION: 6.5 lt. STARTER: electric 12V. TRACTION: hydraulic, 4 drive wheels (integral and permanent also in case of sharp bend). DIFFERENTIAL LOCKING WITH PUSH BUTTON GEARBOX: hydrostatic transmission with 4 hydraulic engines on 4 wheels. STEERING SYSTEM: hydraulic drive with steering wheel. CLUTCH: electromagnetic for PTO, with magnetic blade brake. SPEED: from 0 to 20 Km/h continously variable (double speed range: 0-11 / 0-20). WHEELS: front 24 x 12.00-12; rear 20 x 10.00-10. MOTORISED BAFFLE PROVIDING FULL AND EVEN GRASS CATCHER FILLING. GRASS CATCHER: 900 lt. DISCHARGE HEIGHT: 210 cm – REAR PROJECTION: 500 mm. TURBINE: Ø 40 cm with hydraulic engine provided with a safety valve avoiding damages due to foreign
objects, independent deck activation.
AUTOMATIC FEATURES: automatic disengagement of blades, when the grass catcher is full. BRAKE: hydraulic service and parking brake. HYDRAULIC DECK LIFT AND BASKET EMPTYING. SEAT: super comfort adjustable and sprung seat with arm-rests. STEERING WHEEL: fixed on steering column with height and tilt adjustment. STEERING RADIUS: 36 cm. ACCESSORIES: cutting deck with grass catcher 155 cm with anti-shock discs, weight 180 Kg. HOURLY MOWING CAPACITY: 11,500 m2/h. SIZE (with cutting deck): LENGTH: 3,420 mm – WIDTH: 1,620 mm – HEIGHT: 1,790 mm. SIZE (without cutting deck): LENGTH: 2,500 mm – WIDTH: 1,320 mm. CLEAR SPAN FROM THE GROUND: 170 mm. DISTANCE BETWEEN AXLES: 1,260 mm. WEIGHT : 1,150 Kg.
1) Make sure the machine is complete and that it has not suffered any damage during transit.
2) Check the levels of the engine oil (fig. 3), hydrostatic transmission (fig. 4).
3) Check the tyre pressures:
Front wheels 24 x 12.00 - 12 (1.4 BAR) Rear wheels 20 x 10.00 - 10 ( Deck wheels (1,5 BAR)
4) Check the battery voltage, it must not be less than 12 Volts; recharge if necessary.
If a dry battery has been supplied with separate acid, to put the machine into service proceed as follows:
1) pour in the acid and wait 2 hours;
2) charge the battery with a charger set to 12 Volts on a slow charge for 2 hours. Caution, if this procedure is not observed this could lead to the battery deteriorating and the acid leaking out during work.
1.4 BAR)
The gas released by the battery is explosive, so keep it away from naked flames or sparks. Check the level of the liquid at regular intervals and keep the terminals greased with Vaseline.
- Do not invert the battery poles.
- Do not run the lawnmower without the battery, as it is equipped with a charge regulator.
- Be careful not to cause any short circuits.
Change the engine oil and filter after the first 30 hours of work. Check for oil leaks or loose screws, especially those that retain the blades, the wheels and the hydraulic pipes. Adjust the tension on the drive belts (fig. 5).
Before turning on the engine always check that:
- the radiator liquid is up to the level;
- the engine cooling intake grilles are clear (fig. 7)
- the engine oil is up to the level (fig. 3);
- the hydraulic oil is up to the level;
- the feed and reverse motion pedals (fig. 1 n° 1 e n°2) are in the stop position;
- the impeller reverser is in the neutral position (fig. 2 n° 9);
- the PTO insertion reverser is in the neutral position (fig. 2 n°8);
- the air filter is clean (fig. 8);
- the strainer inside the grass catcher is clean (fig. 9);
- the cutting deck, turbine and grass entry ducts are clean.
Fill the fuel tank using a funnel fitted with a very fine mesh filter (fig. 10).
Put the key into the ignition switch (fig. 2 n° 4); turn it to the right to warm-up; when the plug light goes out, turn another time the key and release it as soon as the engine starts. To switch off the engine turn the key to the “0” position.
Lift the deck from the ground. Adjust the cutting height, using the special pins on the deck (fig.1 n° 15/16/17/18/19) and on the steering wheel (fig. 1 n°10). Put the cutting deck into a low position (fig. 1 n° 7), set the machine into the slow gear (fig. 1 n° 9), than set properly the throttle (do not connect the blades having the engine at high RPM), fig. 1 n°6 (please remind the engine must be at half power). Now start first the turbine (fig. 2 n°9) and then the PTO (fig. 2 n°8). Start always before the turbine and than the blades some mt. before starting cut the grass, so both the cutting deck and the loading mains. Gently press the speed presetting pedal (fig. 1 n° 1) and start work. The pedal (fig. 1 n° 2) is used for the reverse motion. When the grass catcher is full, a sensor automatically disengages the blade rotation to avoid blocking up the grass entry ducts; pulling the lever (fig. 1 n° 6) , the basket is lifted upwards and operating the lever, the basket is emptied. Use the 4 pins (fig. 1 no. 10) to adjust the cutting height
The machine can also be used under harsh conditions without any risk of jamming up. Certain measures must be taken and all devices must be adjusted properly.
1. Before starting work check that the deck and the entry ducts are perfectly clean without any dried grass or
2. Check the terrain before mowing, that there are no stones, sticks or foreign objects.
3. While mowing keep the engine at maximum revs., adjust the speed to suit the height of the grass.
when coming across tall thick clumps of grass, slow down.
4. Sharpen the lawnmower blades regularly; the cut will be better and the engine will not have to work so hard.
5. After emptying the grass from the catcher, always engage before the turbine and after the blades a few
metres before reaching the grass to be cut, this will clean the deck and the grass entry ducts.
6. Keep the grid inside the catcher clean.
7. If the grass is wet or very tall, do not cut in the lowest position, but at a mid-way height.
8. Check the tension on the belts that work the deck; using the adjuster if necessary (fig. 13).
9. Check that the blades are not worn, especially the fins that push the grass into the entry duct.
Be careful
10. Check the vanes on the entry turbine for wear.
11. Check that no foreign objects have clogged the turbine.
12. Check the rotation of the duct inside the grass catcher.
13. Check that the blades disengage automatically when the grass catcher is full; to do this, turn the ignition key,
turn on the panel without starting the engine, engage the PTO blades (fig. 1 no. 2) and touch by hand the vane fitted to the duct sensor (fig. 14). The PTO should now disengage.
14. Check the engine revs. (2800 rpm diesel engine).
15. Always mow with the engine at maximum revs; if the engine revs drop, slow down for a while, to allow the
engine to reach the right level again.
16. Check that the blades are fitted properly.
17. Check that the entry duct fits correctly and is aligned inside the turbine.
18. CAUTION! To make easier a comfortable driving, the feed pedals and the reverse pedals (fig. 1 n°1 e n°2)
are endowed with power steering assembled on a pump; during the work on a climb, press the pedal, without stressing the engine.
19. The lawnmower FD 1500 is a cold hydrostatic machine, so it absorbs more power, after e few minutes the
efficiency will be optimal. We inform you that the changeable delivery pump and the hydrostatic engines are of optimal quality and high efficiency: the minimal loss is 5%.
20. The emergency brake pedal (fig. 1 n° 3) must be used only if there is a real emergency. Normally use the
feed pedals and the reverse pedal to stop the machine (fig. 1 n° 1 e n° 2).
21. CAUTION! Do not travel during the transfers, if the cutting deck is high. Use the cutting deck hydraulic lifter
only to get over the obstacles: mount on pavements or on kerbs. It is compulsory, instead, to travel on public streets with a type-tested machine, endowed with the lights system, the plate and the cutting deck up.
Use the 4 pins (fig. 11 n° 12) to adjust the cutting height. When working on terrain which is rough, has bumps or humps, it is best to use the deck in the highest cutting position to avoid impact with the blade.
Steep ground should be tackled in an up-and-down movement, being very careful at direction changes that the wheels uphill do not meet any obstacles (stones, branches, roots, etc.) which could cause loss of control over the machine. If the drive wheels tend to slip, use the hydraulic control to raise the deck slightly so that more weight is exerted on the drive wheels, therefore giving more traction. Evaluate the various conditions and be careful in the presence of damp ground and wet grass because this could cause the mower to slide. When going downhill, start off at a slow speed and avoid driving over dry or cut grass because the wheels could lose their grip. The differential gear locking (fig. 2 n° 11) must be used only in special cases, for example: if during a strong descent you want to reverse the direction of travel, to avoid the rear wheels skidding, or in case of load on motor vehicle in reverse motion with the presence of ramps. Normally do not engage the differential gear locking. Do not run any risks, check carefully the ground and if you are not so safe, avoid the slopes and do not exceed the speed-limits, which are imposed by your country laws and written also in this manual.
Always remember that the engine stops each time: the operator gets up from the seat. In addition, the engine will not start if: – the PTO reverser is engaged; – the turbine reverser is engaged; – there is no one seated at the controls; – the feed pedals and the reverse pedal are not in the stop position; – the basket is not completely lowered.
CAUTION! Stop the engine, remove the ignition key, before carrying out any cleaning, maintenance or repairs. Always wear suitable working clothes and safety gloves.
If you do the maintenance on the engine, keeping the basket up, engage the two security locking, red painted on hydraulic cylinders. Never work on the engine if you have not engage the locking (fig. 15).
Never dispose of used oil, petrol or any other type of pollutant in the environment! Proper maintenance and correct lubrication help to keep the mower working perfectly.
For the lubrication intervals follow the directions given in the engine manual; it is in any case indispensable to change the oil and the filter after the first 20-30 working hours.
For the diesel engine use SAE 15 W 40, lt. 5 (fig. 16 e fig. 17). Change the oil filter (fig. 18) and the gas oil filter (fig. 21/A). The first precaution to be taken is that the engine is maintained correctly with a clean air filter and that the engine oil is up to the level. Keep the engine compartment, the muffler and the collectors clean. Use a vacuum cleaner if possible. Check the air filter every 4 hours or even more frequently if in dusty conditions.
In order not to reduce the air needed to cool the radiator, the vent must always be kept clear. Make sure the radiator is always kept clear.
The radiator fan is worked from an hydraulic engine. If the radiator protection vents is obstructed and the cooling fluid and the hydraulic oil temperature are over 98° C, an automatic sensor inverts automatically for a few minutes the fan direction of travel, in order to clean it. This operation can be made also by hand, working for a few second the fan inverter tilting device. To check and clean the radiator fan, remove the pin.
If there will be no more liquid in the cooling system, you need to refill it, using the proper refilled plug, which is positioned in the expansion bin, in the right side of the drive seat: to uncover it, you must take off the black protection on the top of the fairing.
NB: The air bleed must be done always in the following way:
With cold engine, please take off the plug, which is used to refill, from the extension bin; loosen the bleed screw, which is located on the top of the radiator (fig. 36), till to see the cooling liquid to flow out. After that please tighten the screw and the expansion bin plug. WARNING! Do not forget to do this operation with cold engine.
Check the level in the oil-reservoir with cold engines (fig. 4): it must reach half-graduated scale. If more oil is needed, add OSO 46.
Change the oil in the hydraulic engines the first time after 500 hours and after every 1000 hours. If the oil needs topping up, use OSO 46 (fig. 6/B). The oil must be changed before the 300 hours if:
1) the oil is black;
2) the oil is a whitish colour (it is contaminated with water);
3) there is black coloured residue (partial oil deterioration).
To remove the oil undo the oil reservoir drain plug (fig. 20). To screw it (fig. 6/B), pay attention to the possible impurities, which may obstruct the circuit, causing serious problems to your machine. Quantity 34 lt. When you substitute the hydraulic oil, you must substitute also the two oil filters (fig. 21); pay attention to the filtration level. Do not increase the wheels towing hydraulic system pressure over 280 bar; the hydraulic pump and the hydrostatic engine on wheels may be damaged. To regulate the cutting deck and the basket hydraulic pressure you must work on the screw, endowed with jam nut and located on the distributor. This operation must be made in a authorized assistance centre.
Use synthetic oil LSX 75 W 90 (API GL4 + GL5; API MT1 e PG2), lt. 1,550, substitute every 300 hours. If you notice some loss of oil, check it and substitute the seal rings, to avoid the deterioration of the whole transmission.
Lubricate with grease every 40 hours the rear axle pivots, the pedals, the PTO transmission belt guide pulley, the pivot connected to 2 points of the cutting deck, basket lifter arms.
Check every 50 hours the brakes oil level in the oil pan, which is positioned on the left side of the driving seat (Fig.
40). If you need it, add brakes oil DOT4 (total quantity lt. 0,5). Check periodically the brakes system in order to be
sure there are no oil losses. How to do the cleaning if this operation is necessary: if you have the tool, please connect it in place of the oil pan plug. If you have to do the cleaning without the specific tool, use the emergency brake pedal of the machine; please do as follows:
1) Put the oil in the pan.
2) Operate for 3 times on the pedal; keeping the pedal pressed and open lightly the cleaning screws on the brake clippers in order to let the air go out.
3) Repeat the operation 2 times, until the pedal device keeps the pressure.
4) Attention please! The brake pedal must have a bit of clearance, in order not to keep the device in pressure, causing the brakes damage.
NOTE: Please use the brake pedal only in emergency case, usually in order to stop the machine you only have to release the forward and reverse gear pedals.
To the cutting deck check and maintenance proceed as follows:
1) lift hydraulically the cutting deck;
2) release the two side brackets;
3) lift the cutting deck by hand and hitch with the special lever (fig. 22). You do not need to release the universal joint and the load pipe.
When you substitute the blades, it is compulsory to substitute also the screw and respective nut (fig. 23).
Do not lock the blades to the plate: they must be without play, but free to float if they knock against something.
A blunt blade pulls at the grass giving it an unsightly appearance, the cutting edges of the blades must therefore be kept sharp at all times. As the blades wear they lose their cutting efficiency and tend to become unbalanced, causing the lawnmower to vibrate; sharpen both the blades uniformly. To remove a blade-box disk, hold it firmly using safety gloves and undo the centre screw. Caution: the right disk central fixing screw has a left-handed thread (fig. 23). Before starting the machine, make you sure that the universal joint is good connected and that the stop push button is protruding.
Always replace damaged or bent blades; never try to repair them! ALWAYS USE ORIGINAL BLADES!
An even deck is essential for achieving a uniform cut over the whole lawn. With the lawnmower on a flat surface, check the tyre pressures, check the tension on the two floating springs (fig.
24), and if necessary use the screws to adjust them.
If a satisfactory parallel set up cannot be achieved, contact an Authorised Service Centre. The two floating springs also give greater traction to the drive wheels, especially on a slope. To remove the deck from the mower, undo the side bracket (fig. 11) and the two pins (fig. 25). ATTENTION! When the two pins are unhooked, please remember to keep the two cutting deck lifting arms pressed strongly, because they go off and they can be very dangerous. Unhook the two lateral springs on the charge tube and pull forward the whole cutting assembly, unscrew the load pipe from the turbine. Caution! When refitting the deck always remember to reconnect the universal joint,
the charge pipe must be screwed for 2 complete turns.
Caution! These belts are special, use original belts. To replace them the procedure as follows: loosen the tie rod and remove the clutch locking screw. If the belts remain slack even though the adjusting nut is tight, fit spacing washers between the PTO transmission and the bracket.
To set the tension use a no. 13 spanner to turn the nut that adjusts the tension spring (fig. 5). The spring must be compressed at 95 mm length.
For good results, it is important to have the perfect coupling between the grass catcher and the impeller outlet tube when the grass catcher is closed. To this purpose, the machine is provided with different adjustment devices with the following practice. Put the grass catcher in closed position. Shorter or lengthen the pistons’ stem which let the grass catcher tipping. As consequence, you can remove the gap between the grass catcher and the horizontal part of the impeller outlet tube. This operation can be put into practice by unscrewing or screwing the screw set at the bottom of the pistons’ stem. (fig. 37). Move forwards or backwards the grass catcher in a longitudinal direction in order to remove the gap between the grass catcher and the vertical part of the impeller outlet tube. This operation can be put into practice by turning out the bolts, which screw the grass catcher to the frame, by moving the grass catcher towards the slotted holes and by screwing the bolts. (fig. 38). At last, adjust the metal and rubber pads in order not to let the grass catcher in closed position swing from right to leave when working in high speeds and on irregular ground. (fig. 39).
With the key in the AVV. [ON] position the instrument panel remains off
- The battery is not providing any current - Check the connecting leads
- Check the level of electrolyte
- Recharge the battery
- Replace the fuse
The instrument panel comes on, but with the key in the ON pos., the starter motor does not turn
- The battery is not providing enough current - Recharge the battery
- No consent given to start - Speed presetting pedals in the STOP position
- Disengage the blades
- Sit in the driving seat
- Disengage the impeller
- Disengage the PTO
Difficult starting or the engine runs badly
- Carburettor problems - Clean or replace the air filter
- Check there is no air in the fuel line
- Bleed the fuel supply system
- Sediment or dirt in the fuel - Check the diesel filter and replace if necessary
The starter motor turns but the engine will not start
- No diesel flow - Check fuel level in the tank
- Check the diesel filter (and replace if necessary) Check that the breather hole in the fuel cap is not blocked
- Plugs not warmed up enough on cold engine - Wait for the plug light to go out
- The timer is not working properly - Check the connections
- Replace the timer
- The electrostop has not run its full course - Check the electrostopcourse
- Replace the electrostop
Drop in engine performance while cutting
- Advance speed too high for the grass height - Reduce speed
- Lift the cutting deck by a few notches
Engine stops when blades are engaged
- No consent given for blade engagement - Check the PTO microswitch
- Operator sitting in driving seat
- Close the basket
- Engage the slow speed
Uneven and insufficient cutting
- Cutting deck not parallel with the ground - Check tyre pressures
- Restore deck parallelism
- Blades not cutting correctly - Check blades are fitted properly
- Sharpen or replace blades
- Adjust PTO belt tensions
- Advance speed too high for the grass height and - Reduce advance speed lawn conditions
- Grass duct blocked - Remove the deck and empty the grass duct
- Check the engine revolutions, max 2800 G/1’
Vibration while working
- Blades not balanced - Balance blades or replace them if damaged
- Loose screws - Check and tighten the screws that retain the blades, the engine and the chassis
Oil light comes on
- Insufficient oil pressure - Check oil level and top up if necessary
- Change oil filter
To move the machine when the engine is switched off, you must unscrew two revolutions of the screw, which is on the hydrostatic pump (fig. 26); pay attention because in this way the efficiency of the automatic braking device is null, tow the machine at low speed and only for little distances, max 100 mt, to avoid the hydraulic pump or the engine seizing.
- Stop the machine.
- Turn off the engine and pull the parking brake.
- Lift up the lawnmower.
- Check the blade fixing screws and the deck state.
- Please check that in is not in the impeller or in the pipe.
You need keep adjusted this device wire (fig. 27). The brake is engaged pushing the handle up; to unlock push the push button and lower the handle. Use always the parking brake even if when the engine is switched off the machine is automatically braking. The engine keeps on even if the parking brake is pulled and the operator get off the driving seat.
The brake pedal must have about 3 mm of travel, before apply the brake hydraulic pump. For this reason, it has got a slotted hole rather than the hole for the mechanical connection with the pump (fig. 27).
If the machine does not stop or withdraws even if it has the pedals in the stop position, work on the pump (fig. 28). This operation must be done in a authorized service centre.
The electrical circuit is protected by fuses which, if blown, cause the whole electrical circuit to cut out. These are located:
1) left side, on the battery. The general fuse is 70 A/h (fig. 29).
2) the fuse holder box, thanks to all its functions, is on the right of the driving seat, on the fairing (fig. 30).
Once the fault has been located and repaired, replace the blown fuse with one of the same rating. Never replace a fuse with another of a different rating.
All the relays are inside the box (fig. 31), endowed with 2 connections to make the disassembly easier. A security sensor detects if the basket is in working position (fig. 32), differently the turbine and the cutting deck does not engage. If the fault still persists even after having carried out the operation described above, contact the Authorised Service Centre. Never attempt to carry out complex repairs without having the necessary means and technical knowledge available.
Check the air filter every 4 hours or more frequently if the place where you use the machine is very dusty (fig. 8). The air filter is endowed with a depression sensor, that signals on the dashboard that the filter is obstructed.
Once mowing has been completed, disengage the blades and the turbine, take off the foot from the feed pedal (fig. 1 n° 1 o n° 2), set the throttle lever to idling speed, lower the cutting deck on the ground, turn off the engine by turning the key in the “0” position and the connect parking brake (fig. 1 n° 11).
Clean the deck, the entry ducts, the turbine and the basket. Do not wash the engine compartment with water under pressure, use compressed air or a vacuum cleaner.
The towing bar is located in the rear part of the machine. You can tow compacting rollers and driven trailer max weight 4 q in the plain.
Store the machine in a dry environment, sheltered from the elements and, if possible, covered up. If the mower will not be used for a long period (more than one month), disconnect the red lead from the battery and follow the directions given in the engine manual; in addition grease all the joints. Check regularly that the battery voltage has not dropped below 12 Volts and if it does so, recharge it.
The lifting hooks (fig. 34) location permits that the machine with the mounted cutting deck is perfectly balanced if it must be lifted up with the crane. If the machine is carried with a camion or with a towed trailer, put the cutting deck in a low position, connect the parking brake and tie it to the mean of transport through ropes, cables, or chains.
The grass shredder (fig. 41) is very useful for cleaning countryside with tall, wild grass. Allows the cut product to be shredded making collection unnecessary. It comes equipped as standard with “Y” shaped hoes, also suitable for shredding small pruned branches. It can be fitted with grass blades to give a cutting quality equal to that of the lawnmower, or converted into scarifier by changing the hoes with expulsion vanes. Applied in the same way as the lawnmower, be careful to fit the universal joint onto the grooved shaft. Check regularly the tension on the belts at the side of the grass shredder (fig. 45). If the grass shredder vibrates, check the hoes.
CAUTION! If the grass is very high and you notice a power excessive absorption, it is advisable to take off the contra-rotating blade, which is positioned in the inner part of the grass shredder transmission. You can disassembly also the front wheels and the respective supports, if they would be cumbersome for the finishing in narrow places; so that you will work using the grass shredder leaned against the rear roller. Attention! During the work, please keep people faraway; do not work with the implement upon the gravel or foreign bodies, which could be thrown faraway, becoming very dangerous.
The 3 blades 160 cm. LPM cutting deck (fig. 42) has got 3 different functions:
1) Lateral discharge;
2) Rear discharge;
3) Mulching.
In order to go from a function to another one, it is not necessary to change the blades, but only the augers, which are located in the inner part of the cutting deck (fig. 43). Cutting width: 1600 mm. Total dimension with the assembled lateral deflector: 1920 mm. Total dimension with the disassembled lateral discharge deflector: 1700 mm. Choose the more suitable function, considering the places where you have to work and the grass height. We kindly advise you to use the mulching configuration if you have to cut grass, which is 10/12 cm high; the rear configuration if you do not want that the cutting grass is thrown on streets or paths and the lateral configuration if the grass is not very high and you have to use it in wide spaces, so that you can work, always throwing the cutting grass upon the grass which has still to be cut. In this way the cutting deck cuts several times the grass, grinding it finely (pay attention not to work when the engine is stressed). Lubrify with grease every 40 hours the blade shafts (fig. 44). Check periodically the belt tension and eventually adjust the spring register (fig. 44). Substitute the angle transmission every 300 hours, using synthetic oil LSX 75W90 (international brand API GLA+GL5; API MT1 and PG2; MIL-L-2150 D).
Regarding the safety regulations, please follow the collection cutting deck instructions.
Gentile Cliente, nel ringraziarla per la fiducia e la preferenza accordata al nostro Grillo FD 1500 4WD confidiamo che l’uso di questa sua nuova macchina risponda pienamente alle sue esigenze. Per l’impiego ottimale e per la sua manutenzione nel tempo, la preghiamo di leggere attentamente e seguire scrupolosamente le indicazioni di questo libretto; ciò le consentirà di ottenere i massimi risultati e salvaguardare la sua spesa. La preghiamo di conservare questo libretto, che dovrà sempre accompagnare la macchina.
ATTENZIONE! Leggere attentamente prima di avviare il motore. Le seguenti avver­tenze sono importanti per l’incolumità dell’operatore!
La prudenza è l’arma principale nella prevenzione degli incidenti! La preghiamo vivamente di leggere con attenzione le seguenti avvertenze nell’uso del rasaerba, prima ancora di iniziare il lavoro. L’uso improprio del rasaerba ed il suo equipaggiamento possono risultare pericolosi; per ridurre queste possibi­lità osservare le precauzioni necessarie di seguito riportate:
1) Leggere interamente questo manuale prima di accendere e mettere in movimento il rasaerba.
2) Dare particolare attenzione alle ammonizioni e alle etichette di sicurezza attorno al rasaerba.
3) La rotazione della lama del rasaerba è molto pericolosa, non mettere mai le mani o i piedi sotto al piatto
4) Prima di fare lavorare con la macchina altre persone bisogna metterle al corrente delle norme di sicurezza
e di come si usa.
5) Prima di accendere la macchina verificare che non ci siano persone intorno; specialmente bambini.
6) Prima di partire con la macchina in marcia indietro controllare che non ci siano persone od ostacoli.
7) Non permettere passeggeri sulla macchina.
8) Non usare la macchina quando si è affaticati e non bere alcolici.
9) Controllare il terreno prima di procedere alla rasatura, che non vi siano sassi, bastoni o corpi estranei, che
potrebbero essere scagliati lontano, e quindi molto pericolosi.
10) Prima di iniziare il lavoro, indossare indumenti appropriati da lavoro, guanti, scarponi, occhiali.
11) Prima di scendere dal rasaerba, spegnere il motore, disinserire la PTO, rimuovere la chiave d’avviamento e
abbassare il piatto tosaerba nella posizione più bassa.
12) Sui viali sconnessi viaggiare a bassa velocità.
13) Sulle pendenze, in discesa moderare la velocità.
14) Non fare lavorare ragazzi troppo giovani; vietato l’uso ai minori di 16 anni.
15) Non fare retromarcia col motore accelerato.
16) È pericoloso azionare il volante di guida bruscamente, col motore a massimo regime.
17) Prima di avviare il motore riempire il serbatoio di carburante. Fare rifornimento di combustibile solo
all’aperto, spegnere sempre il motore, stare lontano da scintille o fiamme, non fumare! Non rimuovere il tappo serbatoio carburante quando il motore è caldo. Riposizionare in modo sicuro il tappo del serbatoio e dei contenitori di carburante.
18) Evitare fuoriuscite di combustibile e dopo aver riempito il serbatoio pulire ogni fuoriuscita sulla macchina
prima di avviare il motore.
19) Non operare col rasaerba vicino a fossati o banchine che si possono rompere sotto il peso della macchina,
specialmente quando la superficie è staccata o bagnata.
20) In discesa curvare sempre lentamente.
21) Non manomettere o disattivare i dispositivi di sicurezza.
22) Non lavorare col rasaerba sopra alla ghiaia che viene aspirata e centrifugata dalla lama, risultando molto
23) Se avete dei bambini, quando non usate la macchina, nascondete le chiavi di avviamento.
24) Non fare nessun tipo di regolazione o pulizia col motore in moto.
25) Non fare controllare la macchina da nessuno mentre siete seduti alla guida col motore in moto.
26) Non appoggiare pesi sul sedile, si potrebbe disattivare il dispositivo di sicurezza dell’avviamento.
27) L’utilizzatore è sempre responsabile dei danni arrecati a terzi.
28) Ogni utilizzo improprio comporta il decadimento della garanzia ed il declino di ogni responsabilità del
29) I coltelli deformati o danneggiati devono essere sempre sostituiti, mai riparati.
30) Usare sempre ricambi ed accessori originali Grillo.
31) Lavorare solo con la luce del sole o con buona luce artificiale.
32) Non fermarsi quando si lavora in salita o in discesa.
33) Se dovete svuotare il serbatoio carburante eseguite l’operazione all’aperto.
34) ATTENZIONE: per ridurre il pericolo di incendio mantenere il vano motore, la marmitta, i collettori di scarico,
la batteria, la zona serbatoio e conduttura carburante liberi da erba, foglie, polvere, ecc..
35) Non immagazzinare la macchina dentro un edificio dove i vapori del carburante possono arrivare a fiamme,
scintille o fili elettrici scoperti.
36) Sostituire le marmitte usurate o danneggiate.
37) Immagazzinare il carburante in contenitori specificatamente costruiti per questo scopo.
38) Fare attenzione quando si lavora vicino ad una strada.
39) Non cambiare le regolazioni del motore in modo particolare il numero di giri max.
40) Se si urta un corpo estraneo disinnestare la lama, fermare il motore, togliere la chiave d’avviamento e
ispezionare il tosaerba, se la macchina vibra farla riparare.
41) Far raffreddare il motore prima di mettere la macchina in locali chiusi.
42) Non spostare la macchina senza piatto tosaerba, si potrebbe impennare risultando molto pericolosa.
43) Non sollevare il cesto con la macchina in movimento.
44) Sollevare e svuotare il cesto solo a macchina ferma e su terreno pianeggiante.
45) Durante il lavoro indossare adeguati mezzi di protezione acustica (cuffie).
47023 CESENA (FC) - ITALIA - Via Cervese, 1701
FD 1500 4WD
1330 910 420
Il Grillo FD 1500 4WD è fornito di una targhetta con il numero della macchina, posizionata lateralmente sul telaio.
Questo manuale fornisce le indicazioni per l’uso del rasaerba. Per una corretta manutenzione interpellare il Rivenditore di Zona.
Si raccomanda di impiegare esclusivamente ricambi originali, gli unici che offrono caratteristiche di sicurezza e intercambiabilità. Ogni richiesta deve essere corredata del numero di matricola della macchina e il numero di codice del pezzo da sostituire. Per i ricambi del motore, attenersi a quanto indicato nel libretto specifico.
La garanzia è fornita nei modi e nei limiti indicati nell’apposita cartolina. Per quanto riguarda il motore e la batteria, valgono le condizioni previste dai rispettivi Produttori.
N. 1 serie lame rasaerba N. 1 serie cinghie N. 1 filtro aria motore N. 1 filtro olio motore N. 1 filo acceleratore N. 2 fusibili impianto
Indicare sempre il numero di matricola della macchina e il codice del pezzo da sostituire. Rivolgersi ai nostri centri presenti in ogni provincia, oppure presso le nostre officine, il nostro indirizzo è: GRILLO S.p.A. Via Cervese 1701 – 47023 CESENA (FC) Tel. 0547 – 633.111 / Fax 0547 – 632.011 Web site: / e-mail:
MODELLO: rasaerba idrostatico con piatto frontale MOTORE: Kubota V1505, diesel 1498 c.c. (34 HP) 4 cilindri, raffreddato a liquido con ventola idraulica, dotato di
dispositivo automatico di pulizia radiatore.
CAPACITA’ SERBATOIO CARBURANTE: 40 lt. SERBATOIO OLIO IDRAULICO: 35 lt. CONSUMO ORARIO: 6,5 lt. AVVIAMENTO: elettrico 12V. TRAZIONE: idraulica a 4 ruote motrici (integrale permanente anche sul raggio di sterzata stretto). BLOCCAGGIO DIFFERENZIALE A PULSANTE CAMBIO: trasmissione idrostatica con 4 motori idraulici sulle 4 ruote. SISTEMA DI GUIDA: a volante con idroguida. FRIZIONE: per P.T.O. elettromagnetica, con freno lame magnetico. VELOCITA’: da 0 a 20 Km/h con variazione continua (doppia gamma di velocità: 0-11 / 0-20). PNEUMATICI: anteriori 24 x 12.00 - 12; posteriori 20 x 10.00 - 10. DEFLETTORE MOTORIZZATO CHE GARANTISCE UN COMPLETO ED UNIFORME RIEMPIMENTO DEL CESTO. CESTO RACCOGLIERBA: 900 lt. ALTEZZA DI SCARICO: cm 210, SBALZO POSTERIORE: 500 mm. TURBINA DI CARICO: Ø 40 cm con motore idraulico dotato di valvola di sicurezza contro gli urti accidentali,
azionamento indipendente del piatto.
AUTOMATISMI: disinnesto automatico delle lame a cesto pieno. FRENO: idraulico di servizio e di stazionamento. SOLLEVAMENTO PIATTO E SVUOTAMENTO CESTO IDRAULICO. SEDILE: super confort con braccioli molleggiato e registrabile. VOLANTE: montato su colonna di guida, regolabile in altezza e inclinabile longitudinalmente. RAGGIO DI STERZATA: cm 36. ACCESSORI: piatto di taglio con raccolta cm 155 con dischi antiurto, peso 180 kg. CAPACITA’ ORARIA: 11500 m/h. DIMENSIONI (con il piatto): LUNGHEZZA: 3420 mm – LARGHEZZA: 1620 mm – ALTEZZA: 1790 mm. DIMENSIONI (senza piatto): LUNGHEZZA: 2500 mm – LARGHEZZA: 1320 mm. LUCE LIBERA DA TERRA: 170 mm. INTERASSE: 1260 mm. PESO (senza piatto): Kg 1150.
1) Controllare l’integrità della macchina e accertare che non abbia subito danni durante il trasporto.
2) Verificare i livelli olio motore (fig. 3), trasmissione idrostatica (fig. 4).
3) Verificare la pressione dei pneumatici:
Ruote anteriori 24 x 12.00 - 12 (1,4 BAR) Ruote posteriori 20 x 10.00 - 10 (1,4 BAR) Ruote piatto (1,5 BAR)
4) Controllare il voltaggio della batteria, non deve risultare inferiore al valore di 12 Volt, eventualmente provvede-
re alla ricarica. Se la batteria è stata fornita a secco con acido a parte, per la messa in opera procedere come segue:
1) inserire l’acido e attendere 2 ore;
2) caricare la batteria con un carica batteria regolato a 12 Volt su carica lenta per 2 ore. Attenzione, non rispettando questa regola si può avere il deterioramento della batteria e la fuoriuscita dell’aci­do durante il lavoro.
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