Ethylene oxide is a poisonous and explosive agent.
This manual therefore has to be thoroughly studied before the
sterilizer is put into operation!
BAX002 . . . . . All manuals
Attention symbols
Some of the war nings, instruct ions and advice in this manual are so
important that we used the following special symbols to draw attention
to them:
This symbol indi cates a wa rning . Injury or even death may
result if you do not heed it.
This symbol is also used to mark out safety components
etc. See section ”Safety devices, a survey” in chapter
”Introduction” in the OPERATOR MANUAL or chapter
”Maintenance” in the SERVICE MANUAL
This symbol indicates instructions which are important, for
example to preve nt damage to the sterilizer an d/or the load
This symbol indicates important advice and hints that
make it eas ie r to work with the sterilizer.
CAX016 . . . . . GEE General
Introduction GEE
The GETINGE sterilizer type GEE is intended for sterilization of heat
sensitive goods which may be damaged by the temperature in a conventional steam sterilizer. The active sterilizing agent is ethylene oxide,
used in a process at temperatures about 50 oC.
The sterilizing agent is stored in liquid state under pressure in gas bottles. The liquid ethylene oxide is transformed into gas in a heated evaporator before it enters the sterilizer chamber.
Both the sterilizer chamber and the door(s) are equipped with jackets
in which temperature controlled water is circulated. This keeps chamber
walls and door(s) at a uniform temperature, thereby preventing condensate from forming on the walls.
A computerized control unit, thoroughly described in a separate section of this manual, controls the process from start to end. The operator
will not be able to alter any variables in the control unit program while
a process is in progress.
Parameters such as jacket and chamber temperature as well as elapsed
sterilizing time may be displayed by the operator at any time during the
CAX017 . . . . . GEE - Explosion proof
Owing to t he g eneral dangerousn ess of t he sterilizi ng agen t, some
ster ilizer main compone nts are placed in separate rooms, diff erently
classified with regard to the risk of explosion. The sterilizer pressure
vessel with its executing components and the gas bottle storage room
are classified as explosive area. Electric components in this area therefore are of the explosion proof type.
Electric temperature sensors are equipped with zener barriers while
valve actuators and signal transmitters are of the pneumatic type in this
zone. To enable for the pneumatic signals to be processed by the computer, they are converted outside the explosive area to electric signals.
CAX018. . . . . . GEE General
Guidelines of using ethyl ene oxid e as sterilant
Ethylene oxide properties
Ethylene oxide has its boiling point at 10,7 oC (51,3 oF) at atmospheric
pressure and is at room temperature a colourless, flammable gas which
is somewhat heavier than air.
Ethylene oxide is characterized by being readily reactive with many
chemicals, soluble in most organic solutions as well as solid state
organic materials and completely soluble in water at 10 oC (50 oF).
Polymerization of liquid state ethylene oxide is initiated at room temperature by acids, bases or such catalysts as dehydrated metal chlorides
or -oxides. Rust may consequently serve as a polymerization starter.
The polymerization is associated with a considerable heat production.
Uncontrolled rise of the temperature may result in evaporation of ethylene oxide and ultimately risk of explosive decomposition. A temperature rise of a few degrees only may be indicative of risk of
In contrast to the liquid state of ethylene oxide, which is relatively stable to detonating agents, gaseous ethylene oxide is highly explosive and
flammable when mixed with air. Gaseous ethylene oxide in air is readily ignited by an electric spark, sta tic electricity, an open flame or by
similar means. If heated to 571 oC (1059,8 oF) in the absence of air or
oxygen , ethy lene o xide vapour will dec ompose wi th exp losive violence. In an air mixture self ignition takes place at 429 oC (806 oF).
The health hazards when handling ethylene oxide are many.
In gaseous state the agent affects the mucous membranes already
below 100 ppm.
The lower odour detection limit for ethylene oxide is as high as about
700 ppm and for this reason it can not serve as a risk-indicator for
human exposition. Ethylene oxide has a fatiguing effect on the
organs of smell even at low concentrations.
For higher concentrations one feels sick with long periods of vomit-
ing. The gas also works narcotically.
At high gas concentrations the cornea of the eye may be injured as
well as the mucous membranes of the throat and the pulmonary alveoli.
After repeated contact there often appear an allergic hypersensitive-
• Severe inhalation poisoning causes, besides sickness and vomiting
also mental aberration, weakness, cramp, difficulty in breathing,
unconsciousness and occasionally pulmonary oedema.
• Ethylene oxide in liquid state is eating and causes b listers on the skin.
The eating is not immediate but longer contact time causes deeper
tissue decomposition.
• Liquid ethylene oxide is one of the most destructive agents to eyes.
• Ethylene oxide solved in water to 40-80% will cause more severe
injuries than pure ethylene oxide. This circumstance has caused eat
injuries on the human body on spots where ethylene oxide has dissolved in perspiration.
• Ethylene oxide is a readily reactive agent and an efficient solvent
which must be taken into consideration when selecting material for
articles and wrapping which are to be sterilized in this medium.
PVC, PTFE and polythene are not affected by ethylene oxide during the sterilization.
·Rubber, leather, polythene, polymetylmetacrylate and PVC may
absorb small quantities ethylene oxide which can be removed by
exposing the goods to vacuum for some time.
·Packing material like paper, wood, cotton, paint, ink and enamel
is usually unaffected by the gas.
ETO- steri li zation gene rally
The reason for the very rigorous directions for use and handling of ethylene oxide is that the substance, which from several points of view is
very dangerous also in low concentrations, can be spread to the work
area by a ccident, carelessnes s, unexpect ed malfunction of the equipment etc.
In the daily use of a gas sterilizer no gas escapes to the operato
premises. The only occasion when very small quantities may be
detected close to the sterilizer is when the sterilized goods is taken out
from the chamber, because some of the material has absorbed a certain
quantity of gas. No matter how small the amount might be, it must never
be neglected.
Ethylene oxide is po isonou s, exp losi ve, canc ero genic and
suspiciously mutati ng.
GETINGE AB has devoted great care in the design of the ethylene
oxide sterilizer in order to obtain entire personal and material safety, not
only in the regular use of the sterilizer, but also in such extraordinary
situations as can reasonably be predicted.
An indispensable condition in achieving the safety aimed
at, is that the written advise regarding installation and
operation of the sterilizer and accessory equipment is
strictly followed and that its original technical performance
is maintained by regular service as long as the steri lizer is
in use.
There is concentrated ethylene oxide in:
The ethylene oxide is stored as a liquid under pressure in gas bottles or
cylinders, each one containing a gas quantity sufficient for several sterilisation processes.
The ethylene oxide is withdrawn from the cylinder not until a defined
stage in the sterilization process is reached. The fluid ethylene oxide is
converted into gas state in a heated evaporator before it enters the sterilizing chamber.
After the gas has influenced the goods for a stipulated time, it is pumped
out of the sterilizer chamber by a water ring type vacuum pump. The gas
is collected in a tank which also holds the recirculating sealing water for
the pump. Gas and water are separated in the tank from which the gas is
lead through an exhaust pipe to a destruction unit or into the open air.
The exhaust pipe must, if led into the open air terminate minimum 3 m
above ground level at a minimum distance of 7,5 m from human whereabouts, windows, air intakes etc.
There is ethylene oxide residuals in:
During the humidification stage, steam is admitted to the chambe
where it condensates. This increases the water content of the tank why
the excess water is allowed to escape through an overfl ow wit h g a s trap.
This escaping water contains solved ethylene oxide which continuously
evaporates. Close above the floor drain should therefore be arranged a
ventilation hood, sized so as to be able to ventilate the whole service
compartment with an air change of 10 times per hour. The air inle
should be placed near the ceiling.
In spite of the use of an efficient post-treatment process there remain
unacceptable gas quantities in the sterilized goods. The goods has to be
degassed for a period of time which depends on the type of material in
goods and wrapping as well as the ambient temperature. The air should,
in this room, be changed 10 times per hour in diagonal direction from
the ceiling towards the floor, so arranged that the air is moved away
from the operator. With this arrangement, airing the goods for a longer
period of time is allowed to take place in the same room as the unloading side of the sterilizer.
Ethylene oxide free is:
Under regular operating conditions, there is no free ethylene oxide
present in this room. There are however the same requirements on the
ventilation here as on the unloading side, because if a process has to be
aborted, access to the goods has to be gained from the loading side.
(Only sterilized goods should be handled on the clean side).
Ventilation system
Exhaust from different rooms has to be made through a separate ventilation system. Alternatively the exhaust could be connected to an existing ventilation system, prov ided this does not wor k according to the
recirculation principle.
Warnin g posters
Gas storage
Start of a sterilization process should be blocked as long as the ventilation system is not working.
Any room opened for ethylene oxide sterilization should be used exclusively for this purpose and must not be used as a common working area
or be u tilize d as a bre ak-room for employee s. Post ed not ice should
allow authorized personnel only admission to the sterilizer room.
At the entrance or door to rooms where ethylene oxide is handled, a
warning poster with information about the kind of room-activity should
be posted. The sterilizer should be equipped with poster(s) informing
about risk- , handlin g- and pro tectiv e in structio ns a ccordi ng to local
Not more g as than the every-day need sh ould be stored in the room
where the sterilizer is situated. For storing larger quantities of gas cylinders or bottles, take advice from the local fire authorities.
Requirement on the operator
The ethylene oxide sterilizer must be operated by specially educated
personnel only. The education should besides the ”push button information” comprise:
• General information about ethylene oxide properties
• Knowledge about the sterilizer principle function
• Knowledge about the ventilation system
• Knowledge about the symptoms at the beginning of an ethylene
oxide poisoning
• First aid to an ethylene oxide exposed person
• Measures in case of an ethylene oxide leak
• Knowledge about how to fight an ethylene oxide fire
Data for fire fighting
Explosive mixture with air 2,6-100% of volume
• Ignition temperature 429
C (806 oF)
• The gas is somewhat heavier than air
In case of accidents
Do not use open flame
• Smoking is not allowed
• Use sparkless tools and explosion proof electric equipment
• Make tight if possible
• Use atomizing water nozzle to damp formation of gas
• Drains should be covered and floors below the sterilizer floor evac-
• Keep the gas bottles cool by spraying atomized cold water if they are
in a fire
• Do not extinguish burning gas if it is not absolutely necessary
• Extinguish with atomized water or powder if absolutely necessary
First aid
• Rinse eyes in copious quantities of water for at least 15 min. if the
agent has come in contact with the eyes
• Pull off contaminated clothes
• Wash contaminated skin with copious quantities of water
• Do not apply artificial respiration
• Call for a doctor when symptom arise which could result from con-
tact with ethylene oxide in eyes or on skin
The sterilization gas
The sterilant is a mixture consisting of:
CAX042 . . . . . GEE General
Ethylene oxide as a sterilizing agent
Properties of ethylene oxid e
Ethylen e oxi de boi ls at 10.7°C at a tmospher ic press ure an d at room
temperature is a colourless and combustible gas which is slightly heavier than air.
Ethylene oxide is characterised by r eactivity wit h many che micals,
solubility in most organic solutions as well as in organic solids and complete solubility in water at 10°C.
The polymerisation of ethylene oxide in liquid form is initiated at
room temperature by acids, bases or catalysts such as dehydrating metal
chlorides or oxides. Rust can consequently give rise to polymerisation.
The polymerisation is associated with significant heat production. A
rise in temperature of just a few degrees may be a sign of a risk o
Unlike ethylene oxide in liquid form, which is relatively stable in relation to explosion initiators, gaseous ethylene oxide which is mixed with
air is extremely explosive and combustible. Gaseous ethylene oxide is
readily ignited by electric sparks, static electricity, naked flames etc. If
ethylene oxide is heated to 571°C in the presence of air or oxygen, the
ethylene oxide vapour disintegrates explosively. Spontaneous ignition
occurs in an air mixture at 429°C.
The handling of ethylene oxide poses many health hazards.
• In gaseous form the substance already affects the mucous mem-
branes at concentrations below 100 ppm.
• The lower odour limit for ethylene oxide is very high - 700 ppm - and
therefore cannot be used as an indicator of exposure hazard. Ethylene
oxide strains the olfactory organs even at low concentrations.
• People exposed to higher concentrations suffer from nausea and
vomiting over long periods. The gas also has a narcotic effect.
• At high ethylene oxide concentrations the cornea of the eye, the
mucous membranes of the throat and the alveoli of the lungs may be
• Allergic hypersensitivity often occurs after repeated contact.
• Severe poisoning through inhalation in addition to nausea and vom-
iting also causes mental confusion, a state of weakness, convulsions,
respiratory difficulties, unconsciousness and in some cases pulmonary oedema.
• Ethylene oxide in liquid form is corrosive and causes blisters on the
skin. The corrosive reaction does not occur immediately, but prolonged contact leads to disintegration of the deeper tissues.
• Ethylene oxide in liquid form is an extremely hazardous substance
for the eyes.
• A 40 percent aqueous solution of ethylene oxide causes more severe
damage than pure ethylene oxide. Corrosive damage has occurred in
cases where ethylene oxide has been dissolved in sweat.
• Ethylene oxide is an extremely reactive substance and an effective
solvent, which must be borne in mind when choosing the material of
items and packaging sterilized in this medium.
PTFE and polyethylene are not affected by ethylene oxide during
·Rubber, leather, polyethylene, polymethyl methacrylate and PVC
may absorb small quantities of ethylene oxide, which can be
removed by keeping the material under vacuum for a time.
·Packaging materials such as paper, wood, cotton, paint, ink and
enamel are generally not affected by the gas.
General information on ETO sterilization
The reason for the extremely strict instructions on the use and handling
of ethylene oxide is that this substance, which is many ways is very hazardous even at low concentrations, may be spread within the workroom
by accident, through carelessness, unexpected equipment faults and so
No discharges of gas in the operator room occur in the daily operation
of a gas sterilizer. The only occasion when small quantities of gas may
be detected close to the sterilizer is when the sterilized items are
removed from the chamber, as the material may have absorbed a certain
amount of gas. Regardless of how small the quan tities in volved are,
they must never be ignored.
Ethylene oxide is toxic, explosive, carcinogenic and suspected of causing mutations.
GETINGE AB has put great emphasis on personal and material safety
in designing the ethylene oxide sterilizer, not just with routine operation
in mind but also to deal with exceptional situations that can be reasonably predicted.
It is an essential requirement, for the intended level of
safety to be achieved, that the writ te n instru cti ons for
installation and ope ration o f the steriliz er and add itional
equipment are strictly complied with and that technical
performan ce i s main tai ned by re gula r s erv icin g duri ng t he
time the sterilizer is in use.
There is concentrated ethylene oxide in:
Ethylene oxide is stored in the form of liquid under pressure is gas bottles or cylinders, which contain a quantity of gas sufficient for several
sterilization processes.
Ethylene oxide is not taken from the cylinder until the sterilization process has reached a particular point. Liquid ethylene oxide is gasified in a
heated evaporator and is then conveyed into the sterilization chamber.
After the gas has acted on the items for the specified time, the gas is
pumped out of the sterilization chamber by a vacuum pump of the
water-ring type. The gas is collected in a tank which also contains the
circulating sealing water for the pump. Gas and water are separated in
the tank and the gas is conveyed through an outlet pipe to the cleaning
unit or outside the building. The mouth of an outlet pipe discharging
into the atmosphere must be at least 3 m above ground level and at least
7.5 m from areas where people spend time or where there are windows,
air intakes and so on.
There are ethyle ne oxide residues in:
During the moistening phase vapour is released into the chamber. The
vapour condenses on the load until the load has reached the correct tem-
perature. This increases the liquid level in the gas separator tank. This
liquid contains ethylene glycol and dissolved ethylene oxide which continuously evaporates. Liquid is drained off from the tank when the liquid level becomes too high. The tank is emptied through the valve in the
This liquid must be disposed of in accordance with local safety regulations.
Because of the potential risk of leaks, the whole servicing room must be
ventilated, with the air changed at least 10 times an hour. The extraction
point must normally be located at the floor drain and the air intake close
to the ceiling.
Despite an effective post-treatment process, unacceptable quantities of
gas remain in the sterilized items. The items therefore have to degassed
during a time which depends on the type of item and p ackaging concerned and the ambient temperature. The complete quantity of air in the
room should be changed 10 times an hour in a diagonal direction from
the ceiling to the floor so that the air moves in the direction away from
the operator. With this arrangement it is permissible to air the items for
a longer time in the room serving as the discharge side for the sterilizer.
There is no ethylene oxide in:
Under normal operating conditions there is no free ethylene oxide in
this room. The ventilation requirements are nevertheless the same as on
the discharge side, as the items have to be handled from the charging
side if the process stops. (Only sterilized items may be handled on the
clean side.)
Ventilation system
The discharge from different rooms must be conveyed via separate ventilation systems. The discharge can alternatively be connected to an
existing ventilation system, provided this operates according to the
recirculation principle.
The start of the process must be blocked for the time the ventilation system is not working.
The rooms used in connection with the ethylene oxide sterilization must
be dedicated to this purpose, and must not be used as general workrooms or rest rooms for t he personnel. A notice stat ing that only authorized personnel have access to the sterilizer room must be posted up.
Warning notice
A warning notice must be posed up at the entrance or on the doors to the
rooms where ethylene oxide is handled, containing information on the
type of activity taking place in the rooms. The sterilizer should be provided within one or more notices containing hazard, handling and protection instructions in accordance with local regulations.
Gas storage
No more gas than is required to meet the daily requirement may be kept
in the sterilizer room. Local fire safety authorities must be consulted on
the storage of larger quantities of gas cylinders or bottles.
Requirements to be met by the operator
Only specially trained personnel may handle the ethylene oxide sterilizer. The training must go further than "press the button" information
and cover the following:
• general information on the properties of ethylene oxide
• knowledge on the basic function of the sterilizer
• knowledge on the ventilation system
• knowledge on the symptoms of incipient ethylene oxide poisoning
• first aid for persons exposed to ethylene oxide
• action to be taken in the event of an ethylene oxide leak
• knowledge on how to control an ethylene oxide fire
Firefighting information
Explosive mixture with 2.6-100% a i r
• Ignition temperature 429°C
• The gas is slightly heavier than air.
If an acciden t happ ens
Do not use a naked flame
• Smoking is prohibited
• Use non-sparking tools and explosion-proof electrical equipment
Seal the leak if possible
• Stop the formation of gas using water through a nozzle
• Cover the outlets and evacuate the storeys of the building below the
floor of the sterilizer room
• If the gas bottles are exposed, cool them by spraying cold water
• Do not extinguish burning gas unless absolutely necessary
• If it is necessary to extinguish, use sprayed water or powder.
First aid
• If the agent has entered the eyes, rinse with very copious amounts of
water for at least 15 minutes
• Take off clothes contaminated with gas
• Wash exposed skin with very copious amounts of water
• Go not give artificial respiration
• Contact a doctor if symptoms occur which may be due to ethylene
oxide having come into contact with the eyes or skin
Sterilization gas
The sterilizing medium is a mixture of:
CAX019. . . . . . 10/90 ETO/CO2
10% ethylene oxide C2H4O
90% carbon dioxide CO2
The gas mixtu re is stored as a li quid in gas bo ttles wi th a pressure
about 51 bar (740 psig) at room temperature. The gas has to be taken out
as a liquid which usually is done via a dip pipe from the bottom of the
bottle. This arrangement calls for an upright position of the bottle while
withdrawing the gas.
Consult your gas supplier regarding how to place the bottle to ens ure tha t only t he liq uid stage is withdrawn from
the bottle.
CAX023. . . . . . 20/80 ETO/CO2
20% ethylene oxide C2H4O
80% carbon dioxide CO
The gas mixtu re is stored as a li quid in gas bo ttles wi th a pressure
about 49 bar (700 psig) at room temperature. The gas has to be taken out
as a liquid which usually is done via a dip pipe from the bottom of the
bottle. This arrangement calls for an upright position of the bottle while
withdrawing the gas.
Consul t your gas su pplier regarding how to place the bottle to ensure that only the liquid stage is withdrawn from
the bo ttle.
CAX025 . . . . . 30/70 ETO/CO2
30% ethylene oxide C2H4O
70% carbon dioxide CO
The gas m ixture is stored as a liquid in gas bottles with a pressure
about 40 bar (600 psig) at room temperature. The gas has to be taken out
as a liquid which usually is done via a dip pipe from the bottom of the
bottle. This arrangement calls for an upright position of the bottle while
withdrawing the gas.
Consul t your gas su pplier regarding how to place the bottle to ensure that only the liquid stage is withdrawn from
the bo ttle.
CAX027 . . . . . 90/10 ETO/CO2
90% ethylene oxide C2H4O
10% carbon dioxide CO
The gas m ixture is stored as a liquid in gas bottles with a pressure
about 7 bar (100 psig) at room temperature. The gas has to be taken out
as a liquid which usually is done via a dip pipe from the bottom of the
bottle. This arrangement calls for an upright position of the bottle while
withdrawing the gas.
Consul t your gas su pplier regarding how to place the bottle to ensure that only the liquid stage is withdrawn from
the bo ttle.
The gas m ixture is stored as a liquid in gas bottles with a pressure
about 4 bar (60 psig) at room temperature. The gas has to be taken out
as a liquid which usually is done via a dip pipe from the bottom of the
bottle. This arrangement calls for an upright position of the bottle while
withdrawing the gas.
Consult your gas supplier regarding how to place the bottle to ens ure tha t only t he liq uid stage is withdrawn from
the bottle.
The gas mixtu re is stored as a li quid in gas bo ttles wi th a pressure
about 3,5 bar (51 psig) at room temperature. The gas has to be taken out
as a liquid which usually is done via a dip pipe from the bottom of the
bottle. This arrangement calls for an upright position of the bottle while
withdrawing the gas.
Consult your gas supplier regarding how to place the bottle to ens ure tha t only t he liq uid stage is withdrawn from
the bottle.
CAX020. . . . . . GEE general
It is important that the sterilant is withdrawn as liquid from the containers and that the liquid is completely vaporised prior to introduction
of the vapour into the sterilizing chamber. The mixture fed into the sterilizing chamber will then have the specified ethylene oxide content and
the dangers associated with flammable vapours will be re du ced.
CAX021. . . . . . 10/90 ETO/CO2
If, on th e other han d, vapour is withdrawn from the contai ner top,
fractioning of the two components of the mixture will take place and initially the vapour will contain more carbon dioxide than the liquid, since
CO2 being the more volatile component. Such vapour will have reduced
steri lizing propert ies since t he propor tion of eth ylene ox ide will be
reduced. As evaporation of the liquid progresses the remaining liquid
will be enriched with ethylene oxide and ultimately the vapour off-take
from the container will have an ethylene oxide content in excess of 10%
and hence will be more flammable.
CAX024. . . . . . 20/80 ETO/CO2
If, on th e other han d, vapour is withdrawn from the contai ner top,
fractioning of the two components of the mixture will take place and initially the vapour will contain more carbon dioxide than the liquid, since
CO2 being the more volatile component. Such vapour will have reduced
steri lizing propert ies since t he propor tion of eth ylene ox ide will be
reduced. As evaporation of the liquid progresses the remaining liquid
will be enriched with ethylene oxide and ultimately the vapour off-take
from the container will have an ethylene oxide content in excess of 20%
and hence will be more flammable.
CAX026 . . . . . 30/70 ETO/CO2
If, on the other hand, vapour is withdrawn from the container top,
fractioning of the two components of the mixture will take place and initially the vapour will contain more carbon dioxide than the liquid, carbon dioxide being the more volatile component. This vapour will have
reduced sterilizing properties since the proportion of ethylene oxide will
be reduced. As evaporation of the liquid progresses the remaining liquid
will be enriched with ethylene oxide and ultimately the vapour off-take
from the container will have an ethylene oxide content in excess of 30%
and hence will be more flammable.
CAX028 . . . . . 90/10 ETO/CO2
If, on the other hand, vapour is withdrawn from the container top,
fractioning of the two components of the mixture will take place and initially the vapour will contain more carbon dioxide than the liquid, carbon dioxide being the more volatile component. This vapour will have
reduced sterilizing properties since the proportion of ethylene oxide will
be reduced. As evaporation of the liquid progresses the remaining liquid
will be enriched with ethylene oxide and ultimately the vapour off-take
from the cont ainer will h ave an ethy lene oxid e con tent in e xcess of
CAX030 . . . . . 10/90 ETO/Freon
If, on the other hand, vapour is withdrawn from the container top,
fractioning of the two components of the mixture will take place and initially the vapour will contain more dic hlorodifluoromethane tha n the
liquid, since CCl2F2 being the more volatile component. Such vapour
will have reduced sterilizing properties since the proportion of ethylene
oxide will be reduced. As evaporation of the liquid progresses the
remaining liquid will be enriched with ethylene oxide and ultimately the
vapour off-take from the container will have an ethylene oxide content
in excess of 10% and hence will be more flammable.
CAX032 . . . . . 12/88 ETO/Freon
If, on the other hand, vapour is withdrawn from the container top,
fractioning of the two components of the mixture will take place and initially the vapour will contain more dic hlorodifluoromethane tha n the
liquid, since CCl2F2 being the more volatile component. Such vapour
will have reduced sterilizing properties since the proportion of ethylene
oxide will be reduced. As evaporation of the liquid progresses the
remaining liquid will be enriched with ethylene oxide and ultimately the
vapour off-take from the container will have an ethylene oxide content
in excess of 12% and hence will be more flammable.
CAX022. . . . . . GEE general
The pressure within a container gives an inaccurate information about
the quantity of liquefied gas held by the container. The only satisfactory
way of checking the contents of cylinders and drums is by weighing,
and this method should be used to determine whether a container is
empty. A simple means to get continuous informat ion about the ga s
content of the bottle is to keep it standing on a scale while withdrawing
the gas.
The gas bottle storage room has to be well ventilated with change of air
at least ten times per hour in the direction from ceiling towards floor.
CAX002. . . . . . GEC general
Introduction GEC
Sterili zer type GEC is the coll ective desi gnation of a ra nge of
GETINGE high pressure sterilizers usi ng c irculating process water as
heat transfer media. GEC-sterilizers are available with vertically or horizontally sliding automatic doors. Both single and double ended types
The GEC-sterilizers are intended for sterilization of liquids contained
in pressure tigh t glass or plastic containers which resist pouring with
water. If the sterilizer is equipped with a vacuumpump it may also serve
as an ordinary steam sterilizer suitable for sterilization of utensils, containers, textiles etc.
Adaptation to respectively task is made mainly by selecting type of
software for the control unit. The sterilizer control unit is computerized
and provides possibilities for a large number of processes, all characterized b y a very go od acc uracy in c ontrolling the p rocess p arameters.
Both instantaneous and set values for a proceeding process may be displayed on request.
The software which controls the processes can be fixed programmed
in the control unit to combine quickness with safety in the production
lines. When it comes to odd type of works, most process parameters can
be set from time to time by the operator.
Reprogramming of the control unit can be made at site.
The automatic doors are provided with safety devices to protect the
The sterilizer chamber, made of acid proof stainless steel is covered
externally to about half its area by seal-welded u-profiles which serve
both as stiffening bars for the pressure vessel and, for vacuum-cycles,
as a steam jacket containing temperature con trolled steam heating for
the chamber walls.
The GEC-type steri lizers should be sup plied with el ectrici ty, cold
water, process water, compressed air and steam. If central steam is not
avai la b le o r t h e r e are rea son s not to use i t , sma l l GEC-u nits can be
equipped with an electric steam generator.
CAX014 . . . . . GEV general
Introduction GEV
The GEV sterilizer is characterized by one or more ventilators, arranged
at the sterilizer chamber ceiling, to keep the chamber atmosphere in violent circulation.
The utilized compartment is made of comparatively thin stainles
steel sheet and is centrically located in a surrounding pres sure v essel.
The space between the utilized compartment and the pressure vessel is
filled at each sides with a pack of tubes which are flown through by cold
water, or in some cases by steam.
The ventilators make the chamber atmosphere pass through the pipe
pack in direction from the ceiling towards the floor, thereby being
cooled or heated depending on the medium passing through the pipes.
The flow through the load will consequently go in the dire ction from
below and upwards.
The special feature of the ventilator sterilizer renders it unique properties. Besides the sterilizer functioning as a common steam sterilizer, it
also works excellent with support pressure, created through the admission of compressed air into the chamber. The turbulent flow caused by
the ventilators will efficiently homogenize the chamber atmosphere so
as to create a uniform temperature all over the chamber. Without the
ventilator stirring effect a stratification between steam and air would
easily take place with big temperature gradients as a consequence.
Sterilizing products being sensitive to moisture can be treated in ventilator sterilizers which are heated by steam passing through the packs
of pipe. The heat produced is transferred to the goods when the ventilator circulates the air trapped in the chamber. The process can be complemented with support pressure created by compressed air.
The principle described in the paragraph above is also used as a drying
procedure, for instance if an extremely dry load is required after a steam
By letting cold water through the pipe-pack an efficient cooling of the
load will be obtained. Also the cooling process can be complemented
with support pressure created by compressed air.
CAX035. . . . . . GEVC general
Introduction GEVC
Sterilizer type GEVC is the collective designation of a range of
GETINGE high pressure sterilizers capable of using either circulating
process water or circulating air as heat transfer media. GEVC-sterilizers
are available w ith vertically or horizon tally sliding autom atic doors.
Both single and double ended types exist.
The GEVC-sterilizers are designed for sterilization of most types of
products. The sterilizer can run both GEC-cycles and GEV-cycles.
GEC-cycles are often intended for sterilization of liquids contained in
pre s s u r e tigh t g l a s s or plast i c conta i ners whi c h resist p o ur i ng with
water. In this case circulating water is used as heat transfer media. A
centrifugal pump is used for circulating the water.
GEV-cycles are used when the re is a d emand for a package for the
product. Also this type of cycles can be used for sterilization of liquids
in sealed containers. For GEV-cycles air and steam are used as heat
transfer media. One, or several, fans are used to keep the chambe
atmosphere in violent circulation.
If the sterilizer is equipped with a vacuumpump it may also serve as
an ordinary steam sterilizer suitable for sterilization of utensils, containers, textiles etc.
Adaptation to respectively task is made mainly by selecting type of
software for the control unit. The sterilizer control unit is computerized
and provides possibilities for a large number of processes, all characterized by a very good accuracy in controlling the process parameters.
Both instantaneous and set values for a proceeding process may be displayed on request.
The software which controls the processes can be fixed programmed
in the control unit to combine quickness with safety in the production
lines. When it comes to odd type of works, most process parameters can
be set from time to time by the operator.
Reprogramming of the control unit can be made at site.
The a utomatic doors ar e provided with safety devi ces to protect the
The GEVC-type sterilizers should be supplied with electricity, cold
water, process water, compressed air and steam. If central steam is not
available or there are reasons no t to use it, smal l GEVC-units can be
equipped with an electric steam generator.
CAX015 . . . . . GE Ph.div. general
Introduction GE
Sterilizer type GE is the collective designation of a range of GETINGE
high pressure sterilizers using steam and v acuum in the process for ster-
iliz ation. GE-ster ilizers are avai lable w ith v ertica lly or hor izontally
sliding doors. Both single and double ended types exist.
The GE-sterilize rs are intended for steriliz ation of materia ls in the
health service as well as in the pharmaceutical industry. The type o
materials include: instruments, utensils, glass, plastic, leather and textiles. Some sterilizers have special programs for sterilization of hot and
cold liquids. The all dominating sterilizing agent is steam with a temperature of 120-135 °C.
Adaptation to respectively task is made mainly by selecting type of
software for the control unit. The sterilizer control unit is computerized
and provides possibilities for a large number of processes, all characterized b y a very go od acc uracy in c ontrolling the p rocess p arameters.
Both instantaneous and set values for a proceeding process may be displayed on request.
The software which controls the processes can be fixed programmed
in the control unit to combine quickness with safety in the production
lines. When it comes to odd type of works, most process parameters can
be set from time to time by the operator.
Reprogramming of the control unit can be made at site.
The automatic doors are provided with safety devices to protect the
The sterilizer chamber, made of acid proof stainless steel is covered
externally to about half its area by seal-welded u-profiles which serve
both as stiffening bars for the pressure vessel and as a steam jacket containing temperature controlled steam heating for the chamber walls.
The GE-type sterilizers sho uld be supplied with electricity, cold
water, compressed air and steam. If central steam is not available or
there are reasons not to use it, GE-units can be equipped with an electric
steam generator.
CAH017 . . . . . Introduction to GE sideways-opening, Hospital
Autoclave type GE
Getinge Autoclave type GE is the designation of a series of high-pre ssure autoclaves with horizontal, automatic sliding doors in single-door
and double-door versions..
The autoclaves are intended for the sterilization of equipment both in
hospitals and industry. Adaptation to the particular functions concerned
is done through the selection of control equipment. This is based on a
microprocessor and consequently offers a very large number of types of
process, all characterized by exception al accuracy in the regulation of
the process parameters. The operator can call up on a display information on the current process, current process phase and the actual values
of the parameters while the process is in progress.
The totally dominant sterilization medium is steam with a temperature
of 121 - 134 °C. Material which is damaged by this temperature may be
sterilized, in certain autoclave models, in formalin vapour at 65 - 80 °C.
Mos t types of items ca n be steri lized i n the GE au toclaves , using
adapted programs:
Instruments, machine parts, glass, plastic, rubber, leather, textiles, cold
and hot liquids in open or ventilated containers and small pressure-tight
liquid-filled containers of stable shape.
European standard EN 285 specifies the use of fixed programs only.
However, the control equipment of GE autoclaves allows the programs
to be made variable during the time testing is in progress.
If the autoclave is not covered by European standard EN 285, all the
programs are variable.
As door operation is controlled automatically as well as the processes,
it is not a long step to automation of the handling of items for sterilization. The control unit is therefore prepared for the control of autoclaves
with automatic loader and/or unloader.
As in other Getinge double-jacketed autoclaves, the external surface
of the chamber is half-covered with all-welded U-sections. These
stiffen the flat walls of the pressure vessel, and at the same time accommodate the steam which keeps the chamber walls warm in order to minimize condensation in the chamber. The design principle means that all
welds are available for visual inspection after the thermal insulation has
been removed.
A vacuum pump of the water-ring type removes air, steam and condensate from the chamber and door-gasket groove. The sealing wate r of
the pump is taken from an open pump which in some cases also supplies
the feed-water pump with water on autoclaves with a built-in steam generator.
The condenser between the chamber and the vacuum pump converts
waste steam to water. The decrease in volume contributes substantially
to increasing the efficiency of pump operation an d protecting the pump
and discharge lines against high temperatures.
A well-damped d ischarge system after the vacuum pump and welldimensioned thermal insulation around the chamber mean that the auto-
clave has a minimal effect on the surroundings where it is installed,
making it easy to position.
GE autocl aves have to be supplied with ele ctricity, col d water, compressed air and steam. When steam is supplied from a central steam-production plant, its distribution is required to be well insulated and
dewatered. The pressure in the line has to be reduced to the correct level
and the line has to be fitted with a safety valve. In addition, the steam
plant must produce a quality of steam which is suitable in the context of
If there is no steam network or there are reasons for not using the
steam network, the autoclave can be fitted with a built-in electric steam
generator (certain models only) or a stand-alone steam generator which
is installed in the service room.
CAX036 . . . . . GED general
Introduction GED
Steril izer type GED is t he collective de signation of a ra nge of
GETINGE high pressure disinfection autoclaves using steam and vacuum in the process for disinfection.
The GED operate at the temperature 105 oC, or for heat sensitive goods
at 75 oC. In both cases steam serves as a disinfection agent, in the latter
case under vacuum. Very heat sensitive material can be disinfected in
specially designed GED´s by means of formaldehyde at 65 oC.
Since the process include vacuum stages, the control unit is equipped
with a process for automatic leak rate test.
Jacket tempe ratures below 100 oC are enabled by using subat mospheric steam, produced by intermittent evacuation of the jacket.
The processes are based upon the GETINGE principle with pulsating
prevacuum, known for its air purging abilities.
Adaptation to respectively task is made mainly by selecting type of
software for the control unit. The sterilizer control unit is computerized
and provides possibilities for a large number of processes, all characterized b y a very go od acc uracy in c ontrolling the p rocess p arameters.
Both instantaneous and set values for a proceeding process may be displayed on request.
The software which controls the processes can be fixed programmed
in the control unit to combine quickness with safety in the production
lines. When it comes to odd type of works, most process parameters can
be set from time to time by the operator.
Reprogramming of the control unit can be made at site.
The automatic doors are provided with safety devices to protect the
The sterilizer chamber, made of acid proof stainless steel is covered
externally to about half its area by seal-welded u-profiles which serve
both as stiffening bars for the pressure vessel and as a steam jacket containing temperature controlled steam heating for the chamber walls.
The GED- type sterilize rs should be supplied w ith electr icity, cold
water, compresse d air and st eam. If centr al steam is no t available o
there are reasons not to use it, GED-units can be equipped with an electric steam generator.
CAX033. . . . . . GEE general
The sterilizer
The ster ilizer cham ber, made of acid proof stainless steel is covered
externally to about half its area by seal-welded u-profiles which serve
both as stiffening bars for the pressure vessel, and as a double jacket
containing the medium heating the chamber walls. The design principle
makes all weld seams a ccessible for visual inspection after removal of
the heat insulation.
The gas sterilant is drawn as a liquid from bottles or cylinder containers. It is converted into a gas in a heated evaporator which is designed
to serve also as a cleaner for the gas.
Steam required for the processes should be taken from a well drained
steam supply line, or when not available from a steam generator.
The vacuum pump of water ring type takes its sealing water from a
vented tank to which it also delivers the used water. The gas leaving the
pump escapes through a exhaust pipe, connected to the water tank.
With double ended sterilizers the doors are interlocked, enabling for
one door only to be opened at a time. After an error has occurred or
whenever manual interference has taken place in the process, the
unloading door remains closed and the loading door will be the only one
giving access to the chamber.
The steri lizer should be supplied with electri city, cold water, compressed air (or nitrogen when explosion proof) and steam. When the latter is taken from a central production plant, it is essential that the
distribution piping is properly drained. If central steam is not available
or there are reasons not to use it, an electric steam generator may be supplied.
CAM007 . . . . . Introduction GE 2044
GE 2044
Sterilizer type GE 2044 is the collect ive denominatio n for a range of
GETINGE high pressure sterilizers with vertically sliding manual
doors, all with the door opening 430 x 430 millimetre
Both single and double ended types exist.
The sterilizers are intended for sterilizat ion of materials in the health
servic e as well as in the ind ustry. Adap tation to resp ective ly task is
made mainly by selecting type of control unit. This is built up around a
micro processor and therefore provides an almost endless number of
processes, all characterized by a very good accuracy in controlling the
process parameters. Both instantaneous and set values for a proceeding
process may be displayed on request.
The al l dominating s terilizing ag ent is stea m with a temperat ure of
120 - 135 °C. Material which may be damaged at this temperature can,
in some sterilizer models, be sterilized in formaldehyde vapour at 60 80 °C.
The 2044-sterilizers are intended for processing a great variety o
goods such as: instruments, utensils, glass, plastic, leather, textiles, hot
or cold liquids in open or ven ted containers and small ri gid pressure
tight liquid ampoules. This is done with dedicated programmes.
European Standard EN 285 prescribes the use of fixed programs only.
The control equipment of the 2044 sterilizers allows the programs to be
varied during testing.
The sterilizer chamber, made of acid proof stainless steel is covered
externally to about half its area by seal-welded U-profiles which serve
both as stiffening bars for the pressure vessel, and as a steam jacket containing temperature controlled steam heating the chamber walls.
A vacuumpump of the water ring type removes air, steam and condensate from the chamber. Its seal ing water i s t aken from an open tank
which also serves the feed water pump on sterilizers equipped with a
built in steam generator.
The condenser between chamber and v acuum pump converts all wa ste
steam to water. This reduction of the pump handling volume speeds up
the vacuum producing process and will save the pump and waste piping
from high temperatures.
A well silenced drain system after the vacuum pump and the well
sized thermal chamber insulation makes the sterilizer an environmentally pleasing unit, easy to locate.
The type 2044 sterilizers should be supplied with electricity, cold
water, steam and, for LAB- and for maldehyde sterilizers, also compressed air. When steam is taken from a central production plant, it is
essential that the distribution piping is properly drained.
If central steam is not available or there are reasons not to use it, an
electric steam generator, contained within the cabinet volume may be
CAM011 . . . . . Introduction to GEF-449 perFORMer
GEF-449 perFORMer
GEF-449 perFORMer is the designation of a series of GETINGE highpressu re steriliz ers with a v ertical manual sliding door, all of w hich
have a charging opening of 430 x 430 mm and a chamber depth of 940
There are both stand-alone and built-in versions.
The sterilizers a re intended for the sterilization of items in hospitals.
They are adapted to the items concerned through the choice of control
equipment. This control equipment is based on a microprocessor and
consequently offers a number of types of process, all of which are characterized by exceptional accuracy in the regulation of process parameters. The operator can call up information on the current process, current
process phase and the actual values of parameters on a display while the
process is in progress.
There are two variants of sterilizers, one for a combination of steam
and formalin sterilization and the other for formalin alone.
The sterilizing medium of the combined sterilizer is principally steam
at a temperature of 121 - 134°C. Materials which are damaged by this
temperature are sterilized in formalin vapour at 50 - 80°C.
Most types of items can be treated in the GEF-449 sterilizers, using
adapted programs:
Instruments, machine parts, glass, plastics, rubber, leather, textiles and
temperature-sensitive materials.
European Standard EN 285 for steam sterilizers spe cifies the use of
fixed programs only in steam sterilization. However, the control equipment of the GEF-449 sterilizers allows the programs to be made variable during the time testing is in progress.
As with Getinge's other double-jacketed sterilizers, the external surface of the chamber and doors is half-covered with all-welded U sections. These stiffen the flat walls of the pressure vessel, as well as
holding the steam that keeps the chamber walls and doors wa rm to minimize condensation in the chamber. (The doors are only heated in the
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