My desire to create video games dates back to the arrival of 3D real time. I remember
how many possibilities suddenly opened up because of this new technology. I saw it as a
new means of expression where the world could be pushed to its limits. It was my way of
exploring new horizons.
I felt like a pioneer filmmaker at the start of the 20th Century: grappling with basic
technology, but also being aware that there is everything left to invent - in particular a new
language that is both narrative and visual.
To be honest, the ten years that followed didn’t satisfy my hunger. I was under the
impression that video games were only exploiting a tiny part of their amazing creative
potential, because they concentrated on "Action" and totally neglected a fundamental
element of all human experience – emotion. The technology, meanwhile, was moving
much faster.
Fahrenheit is my contribution to the transformation of video games into a true form of
expression that conveys emotion. The solutions I offer are not the only ones, but
Fahrenheit's huge merit is that it asks real questions and offers concrete answers.
It shows how it’s possible to create an interactive experience that is more than just killing
monsters in corridors and shooting crates to find ammunition. It shows that it’s possible to
create experiences that are richer and deeper. It shows that it’s also possible to tell a story
and play a game without sacrificing either the interactivity or the narrative.
I hope you, as skilled or occasional players, will enjoy the experience that we have tried to
create here. If you hold prejudices against video games, I hope that Fahrenheit will help
you reconsider your judgment. I also hope that more people will be tempted to explore
this new creative path, injecting their own inspiration, talent and ambitions.
Interactivity is still in its infancy. There is still everything left to invent.
Fahrenheit has been a huge part of our lives these last two years and has proved to be a
vast human and intellectual adventure for the whole Quantic Dream team, one that has
forced us to question many of the principles that we
previously took as read.
I will consider myself fortunate if, like the books,
films, and songs that have made lasting impressions
on you, Fahrenheit could leave some small trace too.
David Cage
The Fahrenheit DVD-ROM game has a ReadMe file where
you can view both the License Agreement and updated
information about the game. We strongly
encourage you to read this file in order to
benefit from changes made after this manual
went to print.
To view this file, double-click on it in the
Fahrenheit directory found on your hard disk
(usually C:\Program Files\Atari\Fahrenheit).
You can also view the ReadMe file by first
clicking on the Start button on your
Windows® taskbar, then on Programs, then
on Atari, then on Fahrenheit, and then on
the ReadMe file.
Start Windows® 2000/XP.
1. Insert the Fahrenheit DVD-ROM Disc
into your DVD-ROM drive.
2. If AutoPlay is enabled, a title screen should appear. If
AutoPlay is not enabled, or the installation does not
start automatically, click on the Start button on your
Windows® taskbar, then on Run. Type D:\Setup
and click on OK. Note: If your DVD-ROM drive is
assigned to a letter other than D, substitute that
3. Follow the remainder of the on-screen
instructions to finish installing the Fahrenheit
DVD-ROM game.
4. Once installation is complete, click on the Start
button on the Windows® taskbar and choose
Programs/Atari/ Fahrenheit/Fahrenheit to start
the game.
You must have the Fahrenheit DVD-ROM
Disc in your DVD-ROM drive to play.