VeullIezlire attentiven_enttes
conslgnesde s6curit_et les
seguddady lasinstruccionesde
operaclOnantesde usar este
Owner's Manual ..........................
, Safety Instructions
• Insta!iation
• Operation
• Care and Maintenance
Manuel d'utilisation .......................
• Consignes de s_cufit_
• Installation
, Foncttonnement
• Sorns et entretien
Manual del propietario .................... •
Inslruccionesde seguridad
° JnstalaciSn
o Operaci6n
• Cuidado yMantenfmlento
DanbyProductsUmitsd, POBox 1778,Ontario,CanadaNIH 6Z9
DanbyProductsInco,POBox669, Findlay,Ohio,USA 45839-0669
Inrl I I ......... '[llq'lllttlll i' .......... . ............
This appliance was designed for use in
dome.s1_households{_In{endedfor storing
bsver_geao Thisappffance is not des|gned |or
commemial uas/ap#lcations.
Before P_tling Into Use................................ 4
We Carefor theEnvironment
Tips for Energy Savings
!-mflortaat ........................................................ 5
Disposing of Worn OutApplia_c_
Placing and Installation ................................... 6
Choosing theRight Place
Placing the F_ee-sla_ding Appl]anc_
Connection to Power Supply
Description of Ihe Appliance ........................... 7
leafmotions for Use 3
Operalion Control........................................ _i
Maintenance and Cleaning .......................... 10
Automatic Defrosting or'theRsfrJgerator
Cleaningthe App|ianc_
Switch Off theApplianc_ When Hot In Use
Chalqging the Direction of Opening
the Door. ........................................................ 11
'frouble-Shoottng Guide .............................. 12
I ' I'll I1'IIII I' I ......................
0 Before Putting .hlto Use ..........................
• Before connecllng the appliance to the
electrical supply, leave it stand Jot about 2
hours, which wilt reduce a possibifilyof
mallunctions inthe cooling system due to
transport handling.
- Clean the appliance, and be thorough,
especially in the interior (See Cleaning and
• In case the Inlet)or accessories are not
correctly placed, rearrange them as described
inchapter "Description of the Appliance"
Instructions for Use
These instruclions for use are intended for the
user° They describe the appllance and
procedures for safe and proper use..These
instructionswere prepared for vadoue
types/modelsof refrigerators and certain
tolerances (functions and accessories) may not
beapplicable for the model you selected.
= Our products use environmerdaiiy fdendly
packaging, which can be either recycled or
disposedof in an environmentally fdendly
manner. To Ihis end, tndiv{duafpackaging
matedafeare clearly ma_ked.
,_These Instrucllonsare printed either on
recycled paper or chlorine free bleached paper.
• The refrigerating system onthis app_ance is
filledwtlh refrigerant and eli, If theappliance Is
damaged, handle it with care and dispose of it
in accordance w)th environmental protegee
refrigerator as soon as ice/Host layers reach 3-
5 mm (1/8" -3/16") thick.
= If the door gaeket is damaged and!or not
sealing properly, energy consumptionwill be
substantially higher. To restore efficiency,
replace the door gaskeL
• The condenser grill locatedon the {exterior)
rear waif should always be kept clean, free of
dust and {mpurilies° (sea cleaning the
,, Always consider Instructions stated In sections
Posiltonthgand Energy SavingTips, other,_se
energy consumption isincreased.
• Try not to open the door too often, especially
when the weather is hot and humid.Once you
open thedoor, close tl as soon as possible.
This is especially important for all updght
• Every new and then check Ifthe appliance Is
sulfic[enlly venliJated(adequate air eireulat_on
behind the appliance).
,, Set thermostat from higher to lower se_llngs as
soonas possible (ibis will depend on the load
conditions of the appliance and ambient
temperatures etc).
• Accumulation of toe and frost layers (tear wall
evaporator) increase energy consumption,so II
may be necessary to clean (deftest) Ihe
4 Instructions for Uee
• If you bought thisappliance to replace an older
appliance equipped witha lock the! cannot be
opened from the inside {lock, bolt), make sure
the lock mechanism Is broken and ;or
permanently disabled before discarding the
unit. This will make tt Impossible {or children to
accldentaKy lock themselves Inside the
appliance and suffocate.
• AJway_ keep keys to appliances (with buill-in
rocks)out of the reach of chHdren_This will
prevent them lmm being accidentally locked
Inside the appliance.
• This appliance must be properly connected to
an elec{dcalpower supply. (see: Connecting to
the Electrical Supply).
- Always disconnect Ihe appliance from power
supply before replacing light bulb, cleaning
and/or attempting any repairs. NOTE: Service
shouldbe carded out by qualified service
personnsl only.
• Do nol defrost the appllsnce using other
electd_ spplisncesldevices (l,eohair dryer) and
never attempt to remsvelsorape leewith sharp
tmplementslob]ecle Use only enclosed tools
(not aH models) or tools recommended by the
• For the sake of the environment be careful not
to damage the rsar walt o{ the appliance or any
part al the refrigeratingsealed system when
moving the appliance.
• The refrigerating systsm on fh[s appliance ts
fitted with refrigerant and oil If the appliance is
damaged, handle it with care end dispose of it
in accordance with environmental protection
requirements (See We Care for the
• The rating plate of the appliance contains
information specific to the model you
pumhasado(ire. Model,Serial, Electrical
requirements etco3 The rating p[ata isusually
!coated inside the appliance or on the extedor
rear walt,
• When your appliance finally wears out, dispose
of it in accordance with environmental
protecllen requirements. If the appliance Is
inclusivea doer lock mechanism, please make
sure the lock is broken and lot' permanentty
disabled (or remove door completely) before
the old unit is d[scardedo This wi!l make
it impossible for childrento accidentally took
themselves tnside the applience and suffocate.
Instrucllons forUse 5
Place the appliance in a dry and regularly
ventilated teem Allowed ambient temperature
depends on the model (class) of the appliance
and isstaled on the _ating p tats of the appliance,
Never place the appliance near heal emitting
devices (e,g. cooker=radiator, water heater or
simiiar devices) and do not expose it to direct
SN {sub-normaD
N (normal)
ST (sub-tropica!)
T (tropical)
• Place the appliance firmly on a solidbaseflioor.
Some appliances have adjustable feet on the
lower frontsldes; use them to level the
,, Two (condenser) spacers are prey[dad and
must be attached to the upper edge of the
condenser, thus preventing the appliance from
being Installed too oIose to the walt. The
space_" are manufactured with=deaf stand-off
clearances (23ram - 2Bmm 17/8" -, 1-1/8%)
Insta!l spacers corresponding to your
The appnanceshould be positioned at least 3 cm
(1o1")from electricor gas cookers and at least 30
cm (11") from the oil or coal stoves, ff this te not
possible, use an appropriate [nsulaticn
Behindthe appliance there should be treespace
of 200 cm_ (31" sq, In.) to assure adequate
ventilation el the condenser unit, Kitchen
cupboardssuspended directlyabove thefrldge
require a minimum cieerance of 5cm (2_).
Ambtent temperature ................................
from + "_O°Cto + 32"0 / 50_F 1ogD_F
from + 'I6°C to + 32"0 / 61eF 1o 9O_'F
from + 18"0 to ÷ 38"0 t 65-" to 1 DOfF
from ÷ '18"{3to + 43_0/65 _to110_F
Connect the appliance wilh the cable and piug to
the power supptysocket outlet witha ground
terminal (safsb]socket).
Required nomlna_voltage and frequency are
Indicated on the rating plate,
The connection to the mains supply and earlhlng
have to be made according to currentstandards
end regutatlons,The appliance resists temporary
voltage reference up to -15 to +1o %.
Grounding Instructions
For your personal safety, thts el_l_llanoe must
_ln the event of a rnstlunction or
breakdown,grounding will reduce the risk el
electric shock by providing a path of least
resistance for eIeclric current. T his appliance is
equipped wilh a power cord having an equipment
grounding conductor and grounding plug_The
plug must bs connected into an appropriate wail
oulFetthat is installed and grounded in
accordance withallexisting local codes and
ordinances_ Consult a quaIif{edelectrician or
serviceman 11the grounding instructionsare not
clearly understood, or ;1doubt exist as towhether
the app[lance is properly grounded.
6 instructionsfor Use
I ....................
Description of the Applianc e .............
(1) Wine Rack (9pcs)
The number of shelves may van] depending on
model purchased.
When the shelves am placed on the shel! guides
inside the appliance, they are protected from
being accidentaJly pulled a[I theway ouL To
remove a shelf, liltup the back of the shell and
pull it forward. The shelves should be positioned
on every second shelf euppoWguide staffing from
the top guide,,
It is recommended to store (keep) red wines on
the upper (highest) [eveis of the wine cooler, as
temperatures at this level are usuallyseveral
degrees higher (warmer} then temperatures
generated at the middle and lower level positions.
These levels ere better suited for storing white
wines, The inledor light (when switched on) _tso
contributes to k,_eptng upper level temperatures
Note: Wine racks ere Intended for storingbellies
only, a total o! 5 bellies per rack. (maximum
weight per rack 7o3kgo1161be)
Instructions for Use 7
Defrost Water Outlet (2)
The Interior of the refrigeratoris ccoted with
cooling pIate ]ncorperated in the rear watt. Under
the plate is a channel and drain culler aIlow_ng
defrost water to drain. They should always be
kept free and clean. [[ the drain outlet does
become blocked, use a plastic straw to clean it.,
Illumination in the Interior of the
The light lor illuminallng 1he [ntertot of the
relrigeretor rs con|rolled by a "manually" operated
err'of! switch only,,This tight switchIs located on
the side of the thermostat houstng (upper r_ght
side cabinel) NOTE: Some models may be
inclusive of a "door"mounted lightswitch,
However, please nolo this is.a noq-funellone!
on this parlicular modal wine cooler.
8 lnstractfonsfor Use
............................. I I IIIIIIl'lll'lllllllllllllllll
Operation,,,,€ontrol ................
The temperature of the refiigerator iscontrotied
by setting the thermoslat knob (upper right slde
of cabinet) to the desired setting_
Turn the knob from STOP (0 = off) posltton
towards7. (7 = coldest setting / 1 = warmest
• Higher settings on the control knob (towards 7)
produce lower temperatures Lower seltings on
the control knob produce wam_er temperatures..
When the (room) ambient temperatures are
notmat, we recommend the medium (#4)
= Changes in (room) arnblsnt temperatures wI{I
affecttemperatures in the interior el the
refrigerator (adjust thsrmoelat sattlng
• Temperatures inside the refrigerator are also
elfected by the frequency of door openings_
, In the STOP (@= off) positionthe compressor
will not operate (the cooling system is off.
(lightbulb / light switch remain operable)
P_ u_ tO
[nstrucllons for Use 9
Maintenance Cleaning........................
• Donot forget Iocleanalsothedefrostwater
receptacleabovethe refrigeratorcompressor
There Is no need to defrost the refrigerator,
because ice depositing on the inner back wag
defrost's automatically+
Ice build-up on Iha laserback wall during
compressor operation is normal; (accumulated
ks will defrostautomaticallyafter the campmssor
has cycled of0 The defrost water collects inside
the drain trough passtng throughthe drain cutter
in the Inr_erback wall onto a drain pan located
above the compressor where [1evaporates,
When cleaning [scomplete, connect the
appliances to the electrical supply, and turn the
Dlscon nest the power supply before oleanfng
the appliance.
Do not use coarse or aggressive cleaning
agents/solvents as they can damage the surface
o! components,
= Clean the exlerio_ with water and a mild
{dishwashing) detergent.
Varnished surfaces are cleaned withsoft cloth
and an alcohol based c[ean+ngagent (for
example giass c+eanem)+You may also use
aisohoI (ethanol orIsoprophylio alcohol)°
The application of abrasive and specially
aggressive otaanem_ such as the stainless
steel cleanem, is not appropriate Ior the
cleaning of plasticand coated parts°
= Remove detachable accessories from the
interiorof the appliance and o+eanwith water
end iiquid detergent Plasticparts cannot be
washed in dishwasher
,, You can also wash the Interior of the
appliance with lukewarm water, In which you
added one or two epasntuls of vinegar.
_,Every now and then wipe the condenser on
the rear wail. Usa so_tnan-metal brush or
vacuum eleaner_
control knob to the riesimd ee_tlng.
Ifyou do not intend to use the refrigerator for
longtime periods, set the thermostat knob to the
STOP (1)= off) posilian, disconnect the pawer
supply,remove contents, defrost and clean the
Interior, Leave the door sllghtly open to avoid
unpleasant odoTs and mildew°
10 Instructions for Usa
I I ' I'lll II' II IIIIIII I I I I ' I Ill'l
Changing the Direction of Opening the Door
ffyou find the direction of opening the door on
the refrigerator Inconvenient, it *;an be changed.
Hotes on the opposite side ofthe cabinet have
already been prepared In the factory,
• Unscrew the kick-plate downwards and pull it
towards you.
• Unscrew the tower hinge and remove the door
• Remove the hinge plugs located on the
opposite (top) side of the cebineL
• Remove the htnge plug from the top edge of
the door end re-install it on the opposite side,
• Unscrew and remove upper hinge and remove
doorbushing and re-tnslall on the opposite
• Re-Install lhe cabinet plugs,
• Re.Install the door on the cabinet,
• Re-Install the lower hinge on the oppOsite side
o!the cabinet. (make sure door panel Is
• Unscrew door handte and replace on opposite
NOTE: Some screws may be covered v,_th
plasticcaps and must be removed to expose
• Check the gasket, ttshouldn'tbe creased and it
shouldsea[ well
1 7
Upper hinge cover
2 Upper hinge
,3Lower hlnge
4 Kick plate or control pane[
6 Cover plate of the lower hinge
6 Fixture plug of the door hinge
7 Doer hinge fixlure
instructionsfor Use 11
I ..............................................
Trouble-Shooting Guide
i iiiiii ,... i iiiiiiii 1,111 iJ
Sometimes you may coma across a problem (s)
that are minor and In most cases does not
require aservice call Su0h problems are usually
the result of improper handling and!or installation
of the appliance+
Please refer to the below traubM-ehootlng guide
to assistyou in identifying some of the possible
causes (things to check) ff you are _nable to
corm_ the problems as ouffined in thlo guide,
agent inyour area and ask for assistance, or call
out TOLL FREE number and ask for assistance;
1 800 26 DANBY {1800 263 2629|
Should the ice/frostaccumulation on the beck
wall mash a thickness exceeding 3-5 ram,
(t/8" - 3/16 _)the refrigeratorshould be defrosled
Sat the thermostat knob 1othe STOP 10= off)
positionand leave the doer open., Never use
electric devices (Le halt dryer) to defrost the
refrigerator and do not attempt 1o(remove)
scrape the tceflrost [ayers with sharp objects.
When defrosting is complete, turn thethermostat
knob to desired position and close the relrigemtor
[ncreased Ice formation may be cau0ed by one of
the following:
- the door does does not close prepady (clean
the gasket If it ts contaminated, replace the
gasket tf it ts damaged);
- the door isfrequently opeaed orwas lelt 0pan
too long;
The Appliance Fails to Operate
After Connecting to Power Suppiy
• Check the power cord for visible damage.
• Check the power supply at the electrical oulJet
(blown fuse/ctrcuil breaker)
• Make sure theappliance is switched on.,
(thermostat knob in operating position)
Continuous Operation of the
Cooling System
• The door Isfmquengy opened or left open for
longperiodsof time.
• The door is netproperly closed
Check lot gaps between the door gasket and
Check door gasket for any vislb[adamage.
, The reason may be inadequate ventilation el
the compressor and condenser (assure
adequate air circulationand vApeoff the
Ice Formation on the Inner Rear
Wall of Refrigerator Cabinet
Under normal operating conditions, them is no
need to defrost the refrigerator, ice/Frost
deposillng on the inner back wall will delmst
automatically alter the compressor has cycled off.,
Ice/Frost build-up on the inner back wall during
compressor operation is normal,, DefrOst water
colMots inside Ihe drain trough passing through
the drain outlet In the back wall and into a drain
pan +oceted above the compressor where it
Water is Leaking From the
• Check f[ the drain ouiMt is blocked.
{clean blockage wlth a plaslio straw)
,, Excessive icebuild-up on the mar wall of the
reldgeratoro (t[umoff re[rigerator and defrost
Noise Related Problems
Cooltng in refrigerating-freezing appItances is
made possible by cooling the system using a
compresso_"and is responsible for producing
ceda]n no_selevels, This ts a lnormal,eond!tlo,n_.
How noisy the appliance Is depends on where it
isprosed,how It is used and how old the
appliance [a.Also during operation, certain
noise levels are a naturat by-product of
rafflg stunt (gas) clrcuMtlng throughoutthe
cooling system. 7i'h_sIs a normel condition.
• Immediately after starting lhe appliance,
operationof thecompressor and the flowof
refrigerant may be louder than usual which
does not mean that semstbJng is wrong with
the appliance..Gradually thenoise will be
€ Sometimes unuauel end stronger noise is
heard, which is rather unusual for the
appliance. This noise is ellen as a resull of
improper Installation,
- The appliance must be level and installed on
a solidbase/floor.
- it should not touch the walls orcupboards+
-. Check if the accessories inside [he app_ance,
are positioned correctly, diSCcheck that
bottlesor other vessels are not touchingeach
other causing rattling andlor vibrations,
12 instructions for Use
Bulb Replacement
Beg'erereplacing the light bulb, disconnect the
appliance l_om the power supptF
Press the cover at the rear side (same direction
as arrow I) and remove the plastic cover (same
direction as arrow 2L Unscrew light bulb and
replace° (use E14, max+10 W Ught Bulb only),
Don't forget: Iha old tight bulb does not belong to
organic waste+Usa proper disposal methods.
NOTE: The manufacturer's warranty does not
cover the re.olacement of Ileht bulbs•
instructions for Use 13