BMW K1100LT Service Manual

Repair Manual

K 1100 LT/RS
BMW AG Motorcycle Division After Sales
Published by BMW AG Motorcycle Division
After Sales UX-VS-2
All rights reserved. Not to be reprinted, translated or duplicated either wholly or in part without prior written permission. Errors and omissions excepted; subject to technical amendment.
Produced in Germany 5/99


This repair manual will help you to perform all the main maintenance and repair work correctly and efficient­ly. If it is consulted regularly by workshop personnel it will form a useful addition to the theoretical and prac­tical knowledge acquired at the BMW Training Centre. It is a contribution towards achieving even higher Service quality.
All information in both text and illustrations refers to motorcycles in standard condition or with genuine BMW accessories installed, and not to motorcycles which have been modified in any way to depart from the manufacturer’s specification.
The repair manual is structured in the logical sequence of the work to be performed: Removal, Disas-
sembly, Repair, Assembly, Installation.
The entire contents are divided into individual chapters, corresponding to the Construction Groups.
11 . 10
Chapter Page number within chapter
Work to be performed during an Inspection is described in Group “00”. The various inspection routines
are numbered I, II, III and IV. This numbering is repeated in the work descriptions which follow, so that work can take place without interruption.
Use of the BMW special tools needed for certain tasks is described in the work instructions.
If the need arises, repair instructions are also issued in the form of Service Information. This information is of course incorporated into the next issue of the repair manual. We also recommend, as an additional source of information, the Electronic Parts Catalogue (ETC), which contains clear and easy-to-follow illus­trations.
If the work described here is restricted to a particular equipment specification, for instance if a specific op­tional extra (OE) is fitted, this is stated in square brackets at the start of the item concerned, e.g. [LT].
Please refer to the following pages as well for a description of other symbols used and how to work with it.
BMW AG Motorcycle Division After Sales
Published by: BMW AG Motorcycle Division
After Sales UX-VS-2
D - 80788 München
All rights reserved. Not to be reprinted, translated or duplicated either wholly or in part without prior written permission. Errors and omissions excepted; subject to technical amendment.
Produced in Germany


Each chapter starts with the list of contents.
The list of contents is followed by the Technical Data table.
Chapter 00 “Maintenance and general instructions” details the handover checklist and lists all tightening torques and operating fluids.

Key to symbols

In this Workshop Manual for the K 1200 LT model, the following symbols are used; their meanings are ex­plained in the table.
Special instructions aimed at improving the work procedures
L Note:
Specific information on operating, inspecting and adjusting work for the motorcycle as well as maintenance procedures.
e Caution:
Instructions and precautions specifically intended to prevent damage to the motorcycle. Failure to comply with them could invalidate the warranty.
d Caution:
This symbol stands for precautions and measures which are essential in order to protect the rider or other persons from possibly severe or fatal injury.


Headlines for the work described in the chapter........................................... with the relevant page number
X Tightening torques:
Values are stated if they differ from DIN EN 24 014 or DIN 912 ISO industrial standards.
BMW AG Motorcycle Division Maintenance Schedule K 75 RT/K 1100 RS/LT
(from 1993 onlys)
Customer Registration No.
Order No. Signature of mechanic
Change oil when engine at regular operating temperature, renew oil filter element Change oil in gearbox, final drive and telescopic fork
Clean inductive sensor at rear wheel
BMW Inspection
BMW Service
10000 km/
6000 miles
BMW Inspection
Grease upper/lower clutch cable nipples and side/centre stand pivots Renew intake air cleaner element Renew fuel filter element
Check hose clips on fuel and cooling system for leaks and take up slack if necessary Check coolant level and concentration, and top up if necessary
Renew coolant after at least every 2 years * Check brake pads and discs for wear, renew if necessary *
Check front/rear brake fluid level, top up if necessary *) [b SI 00 027 95 (716)] Check brake system with regard to function, leaks; repair/renew as required *
Renew brake fluid at least once a year
Check sensor gap for ABS at front and rear, adjust if necessary Check sensor/pulse wheel for ABS at front and rear for contamination, clean if necessary
6) 5)
Check operation of electric side stand switch (angle) Check clutch operating clearance, adjust if necessary Check free travel at throttle and cold-start (choke) cables, adjust if necessary Renew spark plugs Read out MOTRONIC fault memory Check valve clearences, adjust if necessary Check steering head bearing play, adjust if necessary *
8) 5)
Check battery acid level, top up with distilled water if necessary Clean and grease the battery posts, if necessary Take up slack at bolts and nuts:
– power unit to frame – suspension strut mounts – side/center stand pivot –rear wheel studs
Apply silicone spray to guide rods of adjustable windshield (only K 1100 LT, K 75 RT) Check idle speed, throttle synchronisation and CO value, adjust if necessary Final inspection with safety/operating check:
– condition of tyres and wheels, tyre pressures – lights and signal systems – telltale and warning lights – clutch and gear shift – handbrake and footbrake, ABS –steering – instruments – test ride, if necessary
Recommendation: In severe operating conditions, grease the throttle twistgrip and steering head bearings at least every 30,000 km (18,000 miles) *
at least every 6 months; if motorcycle is used only for short journeys or at outside temperatures below 0°C, every 3 months, and at least every 3,000 km (1,800 miles)
at least once a year
in very dirty or dusty conditions, renew the intake air cleaner element every 10,000 km (6,000 miles), or even more frequently if necessary
normally every 40,000 km (24,000 miles), but if fuel is of poor quality every 20,000 km (12,000 miles)
K 75 models only
only motorcycles with ABS
only motorcycles with catalytic converter
on all K models, renew the lining on the chain tensioner rail every 60,000 km (36,000 miles)
invoiced as a separate item
20 000 km/
12 000 miles
Annual Service
Order No. 01 71 9 799 131 UX-VS-2, 12/98 Printed in Germany
BMW AG Motorcycle Division Pre-delivery Check K 75 RT/K 1100 RS/LT
(from 1993 onlys)
Customer Registration No.
Order No. Signature of mechanic
Inspect crates on receipt for signs of damage
– unpack – check scope of delivery – install front wheel –complete –clean
–remove – add battery acid – charge – grease the terminal posts – re-install (mark date)
BMW Pre-delivery check
Check complete specification delivery:
– tools – handbooks and documents –keys – optional extras
Check front and rear wheel brake fluid levels (only disc brake)
Check switch function of electrically-operated side stand (angle)
Check torque setting of the rear wheel retaining studs
Check tyre pressure
Fuel the motorcycle
Safety/operating check as final inspection:
–idle speed – clutch, gear shifting – steering – front and rear brakes, ABS – telltale and warning lights, instruments, lighting and signalling equipment – adjust the headlight – test ride, if necessary
Order No. 01 71 9 799 131 UX-VS-2, 12/98 Printed in Germany


Group / Chapter
00 Maintenance and general instructions ................................................. 00.1
11 Motor........................................................................................................ 11.1
12 Engine electrics ...................................................................................... 12.1
13 Fuel preparation and control ................................................................. 13.1
16 Fuel tank and lines.................................................................................. 16.1
17 Radiator ................................................................................................... 17.1
18 Exhaust system ....................................................................................... 18.1
21 Clutch....................................................................................................... 21.1
23 Gearbox.................................................................................................... 23.1
31 Front fork ................................................................................................. 31.1
32 Steering.................................................................................................... 32.1
Group / Chapter
33 Rear wheel drive ..................................................................................... 33.1
34 Brakes ...................................................................................................... 34.1
36 Wheels and tyres..................................................................................... 36.1
46 Frame ....................................................................................................... 46.1
51 Equipment................................................................................................ 51.1
61 General electrical equipment ................................................................ 61.1
62 Instruments.............................................................................................. 62.1
63 Lights........................................................................................................ 63.1

00 Maintenance and general instructions

Contents Page
Tightening torque .........................................................................................................................3
Table of operating fluids .........................................................................................................10
Key to maintenance intervals ..............................................................................................11
Changing engine oil ..................................................................................................................11
Inspections I, II, III, IV
Changing oil in transmission (gearbox) ..........................................................................11
Inspections I, III, IV
Changing oil in rear wheel drive ........................................................................................12
Inspections I, III, IV
Changing oil in telescopic fork ...........................................................................................12
Inspection I, III, IV
Renewing intake air cleaner ................................................................................................12
Inspection III
Renewing fuel filter ...................................................................................................................13
Inspection III
Cleaning inductive pulse generator at rear wheel drive .......................................13
Inspections I, III, IV
Checking brake pads, brake discs for wear and renewing if necessary ....14
Inspection II, III Front wheel brake Rear wheel brake
Checking brake fluid level and correcting if necessary .......................................15
Inspections I, II, III Checking brake fluid level Adding brake fluid
Checking brake system ..........................................................................................................15
Inspection III
Checking ABS sensor spacing and adjusting if necessary ................................15
Inspections I, II, III Front sensor Rear sensor
Renewing brake fluid ...............................................................................................................16
Renewing front brake fluid Renewing rear brake fluid
Contents Page
Checking function of electric switch on side stand
and adjusting if necessary ....................................................................................................17
Inspections I, II, III
Checking clutch clearance and adjusting if necessary ........................................18
Inspections I, III
Reading out Motronic defect code memory ...............................................................18
Inspections II, III
Checking increased starting speed (choke) and adjusting if necessary ....19
Inspections I, III Checking increased starting speed
Checking valve clearance and adjusting if necessary ..........................................20
Inspections I, III
Adjusting valve clearance .....................................................................................................20
Removing sprockets Removing camshafts Installing camshafts Installing sprockets Installing cylinder head cover
Checking steering bearing play and adjusting if necessary ..............................23
Inspection III
Lubricating guide pins, adjustable screen ...................................................................24
Inspections III, IV
Checking idle speed, synchronising
and CO value and adjusting if necessary ......................................................................25
Inspections I, II, III, IV Adjusting idle speed Adjusting CO value without catalytic converter

Tightening torque

Model K 1100 LT K 1100 RS Connection Nm
11 Engine
Cover plate/freewheel cage at countershaft gear 10
Oil – water pump
Oil pressure switch 40 Temperature sensor/screw plug 9 Pressure relief valve 40 Impeller 33 Pump housing to crankcase 10 Cover to pump housing 10 (3-Bond 1209)
Intermediate flange
Thrust plate at intermediate flange 9 (Loctite 243) Intermediate flange at crankcase 9
Pinion/rotor flange at crankshaft 50 Main bearing cap to crankcase 50
Connecting rod
Big end cap Wrench angle 80 °
Input shaft
Front bearing 18 Rear bearing 40
Engine block
Crankshaft cover 9 Lower part, outer 10 Oil sump 10 Oil filter cover 10 Oil drain plug 30
Cylinder head
Cylinder head bolts (SI 11 062 95 (697) Short thread (from 6/93 to 11/94):
Wrench angle, 1st stage Wrench angle, 2nd stage
Long thread (since 12/94):
Wrench angle, 1st stage Wrench angle, 2nd stage
64° 42°
75° 75°
Cylinder head cover 9
Bearing cap 9 (Apply a thin coat of 3-Bond 1209 only at cor-
ners and butt edges)
Chain sprockets 54
Model K 1100 LT K 1100 RS Connection Nm Timing chain
Chain tensioner 9 Slide rail at camshaft bearing cap 9
Timing case cover
Timing case cover 10 (3-Bond 1209) Cover for Hall-effect signal transmitter 9 Screw plug 40
Clutch housing to output shaft
Tighten to Release and re-tighten to Wrench angle 50°
Housing cover 19
Alternator to intermediate flange 22 Driver 33
Starter motor
140 50
Starter motor to gearbox 9
Mixture preparation
Intake stub pipe 9 Fuel injection rail 9
Cooling system
Coolant stub pipe at cylinder head 9 Temperature sensor at coolant stub pipe 30
Air cleaner
Lower part of air cleaner housing 21
12 Engine electrical system
Starter to transmission 9 Positive lead to starter 5
Alternator to intermediate flange 22 Clutch housing 50 Base plate 3,5 Setting ring 2,5 Hall generator cover 9
Ignition coils to intermediate flange 5
Spark plug 20
Model K 1100 LT K 1100 RS Connection Nm
13 Fuel preparation and control
Injection rail 9 Intake stub pipe 9
Lower section of air cleaner housing 21
Intake air line 9
Motronic control unit 5
17 Radiator
Connecting screw, temperature sensor 9 Fastening, thermostat cover 3 Radiator to frame 9 Coolant stub pipe to cylinder head 9 Temperature sensor to coolant stub pipe 30
18 Exhaust System
Exhaust system to cylinder head 21 Front silencer (muffler) 12 Exhaust system holder to footrest plate 33 Exhaust system to holder/footrest plate 9 Retaining bracket to gearbox 41 Oxygen sensor Hand-tight
21 Clutch
Clutch housing to output shaft
tighten to loosen and retighten to tightening angle 50°
Housing cover 19
(with Loctite 243)
140 50
Model K 1100 LT K 1100 RS Connection Nm
23 Transmission
Transmission cover to transmission 9 Machine screw for neutral stop 13 Stud bolt, selector shaft 17 (Loctite 243) Transmission to intermediate flange 16 Frame mounting to transmission 45 Bearing mount to transmission 41 (Loctite 243) Starter motor to transmission 9 Positive lead to starter motor 5 Fixed bearing of swinging arm to transmission 9 Swinging arm bearing journal (loose bearing) 7,5 Locknut of bearing journal 41 Fixed bearing rear wheel drive in swinging arm 150 (clean thread + Loctite 2701) Bearing pin, loose bearing rear wheel drive in swinging
arm Locknut, loose bearing rear wheel drive in swinging
arm Suspension strut to frame/rear wheel drive 51 Brake caliper 32 Hinterradschrauben 105 Exhaust to cylinder head 21 Silencer to holder/footrest plate 9 Front silencer to transmission 12 Footrest plate to transmission 15
31 Front fork
Oil filler plug 10 Oil drain plug 3,5 Spring support bearing 20 Locking tube 65 Hexagon nut 65
7 (clean thread + Loctite 2701)
105 (clean thread + Loctite 2701)
Clamping screws of fork bridges 15 Bottom screw fitting 47 Handlebar clamp block 22 Fork stabilisor 22
Model K 1100 LT K 1100 RS Connection Nm
32 Steering
Clamping screws for handlebar fitting 5 Clamping screws 22 Clamping block to fork bridge 16
33 Rear wheel drive
Threaded ring 118 (clean thread + Hylomar SQ 32M) Hexagon nut, drive bevel gear 200 (clean thread + Loctite 273) Housing cover 35 Swinging arm fixed bearing to transmission 9 Swinging arm bearing journal, loose bearing 7 (clean thread + Loctite 2701) Locknut, loose bearing 41 Fixed bearing rear wheel drive in swinging arm 150 (clean thread + Loctite 2701) Bearing pin, loose bearing rear wheel drive in swinging
arm Locknut, loose bearing rear wheel drive in swinging
arm Strut to rear wheel drive 43 Spring strut to frame/rear wheel drive 51 Brake disc to rear wheel drive 21 Brake caliper to rear wheel drive 32 Wheel bolts: 1st stage
2nd stage Oil drain plug 23 Oil filler plug 23 Inductive sensor to rear wheel drive 2,5
7 (clean thread + Loctite 2701)
105 (clean thread + Loctite 2701)
50 105
Model K 1100 LT K 1100 RS Connection Nm
34 Brakes
ABS pulse wheel 4 ABS sensor front/rear 4 Brake caliperto sliding tube/rear wheel drive 40 Brake line to brake caliper 18 Bleed screws at brake caliper front 14 Bleed screws at brake caliper rear 11 Brake hose to distributor 18 Brake hose to master brake cylinder 18 Brake disc to front wheel 24 Brake disc to rear wheel drive 21 Foot brake cylinder to foot rest plate 25 Locknut, adjusting screw foot brake cylinder 9 Distributor to fork bridge 6 Brake caliperto sliding tube/rear wheel drive 9 ABS unit to mounting 9 Bleed screw at ABS unit 9 Master brake cylinder to foot rest plate 9 Mounting pin to handbrake lever 8
36 Wheels and tyres
Quick-release axle threaded connection 33 Quick-release axle clamp screws 14 Brake caliper to fork slider tube/rear wheel drive 32 Wheel studs (tighten in the order stated):
1. All studs handtight
2. Preload the outer wheel studs in a crosswise pattern
3. Tighten the central stud
4. Tighten the outer studs
50 105 105
Model K 1100 LT K 1100 RS Connection Nm
46 Frame
Frame to engine 45 Fairing support bracket to frame 9 Suspension strut to frame/rear wheel drive 51 Handlebar to clamping block 22 Clamping screws of fork bridge 15 Locking tube 65 Hexagon nut 65 Centre stand to bearing block 41 Side stand to bearing block 41 Footrest plate 15 Brake line to handbrake cylinder 11 Brake line to distributor 11
51 Equipment
Handlebar clamping blocks 22 Shear bolts
61 General electrical equipment
Central earth (ground) 9 Motronic control unit 5
to shear point (~ 20 )

Table of operating fluids

Item Use Order number Quantity
Optimoly MP 3 High-performance lubricating paste 07 55 9 062 476 100 g tube Optimoly TA High-temperature assembly paste 18 21 9 062 599 100 g tube Silicone grease 300, heavy Damping grease 07 58 9 058 193 10 g tube
Retinax A
Contact spray Contact spray 81 22 9 400 208 300 ml spray
3-Bond 1209 Surface sealant 07 58 9 062 376 30 g tube Loctite 574 Surface sealant 81 22 9 407 301 50 ml tube Curil K 2 Heat-conductive sealant 81 22 9 400 243 250 g can Hylomar SQ 32 M Permanently elastic sealant 81 22 9 400 339 100 g tube
Adhesives and retaining agents
Loctite 648 Surface sealant (narrow gap) 07 58 9 067 732 5 g bottle Loctite 638 Surface sealant (wide gap) 07 58 9 056 030 10 ml bottle Loctite 243 Thread retainer, medium-strength 07 58 9 056 031 10 ml bottle Loctite 270 Thread retainer, strong 81 22 9 400 086 10 ml bottle Loctite 2701 Thread retainer, strong 33 17 2 331 095 10 ml bottle Loctite 454 Cyanacrylate adhesive (gel) 07 58 9 062 157 20 g tube 3-Bond 1110 B Surface sealant 07 58 9 056 998 5 g tube
Wheel, steering head and taper roller bearing grease
81 22 9 407 710 100 g tube
Brake cleaner Brake cleaner 83 11 9 407 848 600 ml spray
Testing agents
Penetrant MR 68
Developer MR 70
Crack testing agent for aluminium housings
Crack testing agent for aluminium housings
81 22 9 407 494 500 ml Spray
81 22 9 407 495 500 ml spray

Key to maintenance intervals

– Inspection at 1000 km (600 miles)I – BMW Service at 10,000 km (6000 miles))II – BMW Inspection at 20,000 km (12,000 miles)III – BMW Annual Service IV
Replace O-ring in cover, if necessary.
X Tightening torques:
Oil drain plug................................................ 18 Nm
Cover to oil sump........................................... 6 Nm

Changing engine oil

Inspections I, II, III, IV

[RS] Remove lower section of fairing.
Oil content ................................ 3.50 l (6.16
Oil content with filter change....... 3.75 l (6.6
See service data for oil grades................Seite 00.3
Changing oil in transmission (gearbox)

Inspections I, III, IV

11 4 650
Change oil at operating temperature.
Oil drain plug (1).
Remove oil filter cover retainer (2).
Unscrew oil filter with special wrench
BMW No. 11 4 650.
L Note:
Coat sealing ring on new oil filter element with oil. Screw in oil filter handtight, take note of hint at filter.
Drain off oil with engine at operating tempera-
ture. Oil drain plug (1)
Oil filler plug (2)
L Note:
Renew sealing rings.
X Tightening torques:
Oil drain plug................................................ 20 Nm
Oil filler plug ................................................. 20 Nm
Oil filling capacity .................... 0.85 l (1.496
See service data for oil grades................Page 00.3

Changing oil in rear wheel drive

Inspections I, III, IV

Drain off oil with drive at operating temperature.
Oil drain plug (1)
Oil filler plug (2)
Pump out oil by compressing forks several times.
Screw in oil filler plugs.
Lift vehicle with lifting gear, BMW No. 00 1 510,
until the front wheel can move freely.
L Note:
The load on the front wheel must be relieved to en­sure as much air as possible flows in before the fixed tubes are closed off with the filler plugs so as to provide additional damping.
Fill with specified quantity of oil.
Close off fixed tubes.
Oil capacity, left.................................... 0.35 - 0.01 l
............................................(0.616 -0.0176
Oil capacity, right................................. 0.40 – 0.01 l
...........................................(0.704 - 0.0176
See service data for oil grades................Page 00.3
X Tightening torque:
Oil filler plugs ............................................... 20 Nm
L Note:
Fill oil only up to the bottom-most thread turn of the filler hole.
Oil content:
Initial filling ................................0.25 l (0.44
Oil changes............................. 0.35 l (0.616
See service data for oil grades ............... Page 00.3
X Tightening torques:
Oil filler plug ................................................ 23 Nm
Oil drain plug................................................23 Nm

Changing oil in telescopic fork

Inspection I, III, IV

Support motorcycle on stand.
Unscrew oil filler plugs.

Renewing intake air cleaner

Inspection III

Detach battery panel on right.
Remove right knee pad.
Detach right side section of fairing.
[LT] Take off intake air pipe.
Release clips (1) at front and rear.
Slightly raise casing cover, lift out air cleaner.
Install in the reverse order of removal.
Release left and right oil drain plug (1).
L Note:
Note installation position of air cleaner. Lettering at
rear, arrow marking “TOP-OBEN”.

Renewing fuel filter

Inspection III

If necessary, reduce fuel level with pump until fil-
ter is clear. Loosen hose clip (1) and shift towards filter.
Detach line and remove filter together with line
from the fuel tank. Change fuel filter.
L Note:
Note direction of fuel flow on filter.
Reconnect line to pump.
Install in the reverse order of removal.
L Note:
Gasket (2) must not close off the overflow hole. En­sure recesses (arrows) in gasket are fitted in correct position.
Cleaning inductive pulse generator at rear wheel drive

Inspections I, III, IV

Release securing screw (1).
If necessary lever out inductive pulse generator
and clean with rag.
X Tightening torque:
Inductive pulse generator at rear wheel....... 2.5 Nm
Checking brake pads, brake discs for wear and renewing if necessary

Inspection II, III

Front wheel brake

Measure thickness of brake disc with a microm-
Remove rear section of mudguard.
Remove brake caliper.
L Note:
It is not necessary to release the brake line at the brake caliper if only the brake pads are to be changed.
Drive out retaining pin (1).
Remove brake pads by pulling in downward
e Caution:
The brake pad thickness (arrows) must not drop be­low the minimum specified value. Change pads only as complete sets.
Min. pad thickness on carrier plate....1.5 mm (0.06 in)
Install in the reverse order of removal.
Wear limit....................................................4.5 mm

Rear wheel brake

Lever off cap from brake caliper.
Remove brake caliper.
Drive out retaining pins (1) from wheel side.
Remove brake pads by pulling upward.
Install in the reverse order of removal.
Mininum pad thickness on carrier plate....... 1.5 mm
.................................................................. (0.06 in)
Wear limit of brake disc...............................4.5 mm
................................................................ (0.177 in)
34 1 500
L Note:
Before installing the brake caliper, completely press back pistons with resetting tool (1), BMW No. 34 1 500.
Checking brake fluid level and cor­recting if necessary
Checking ABS sensor spacing and adjusting if necessary

Inspections I, II, III

Checking brake fluid level

L Note:
When checking front brake fluid level, the cover of the brake fluid reservoir must always be horizontal (see SI 00 027 95 (716)).

Adding brake fluid

Inspections I, II, III

Front sensor

Check sensor spacing with feeler gauge.
Sensor spacing.............................0.50 ... 0.55 mm
................................................ (0.0197...0.0217 in)
To adjust, release sensor (1) and set spacing
with spacer plates (shims) (2).
Take off the reservoir cover together with the
L Note:
When adding brake fluid, note the remaining brake pad thickness. If the brake pads are new, add fluid up to the MAX mark.
Add brake fluid.
Replace the diaphragm and reservoir cover in
position. Tighten the retaining screws without using undue
Brake fluid grade:
Use only brake fluid in quality category DOT 4 (e.g.
ATE “SL” brake fluid).

Checking brake system

Inspection III

Check all brake lines for damage and ensure
they are fitted in the correct position. Wipe clean all screw connections of the brake
lines. Operate brake with force and hold for a short
space of time at this point. Then inspect brake lines for any leakage points.

Rear sensor

Check sensor spacing with feeler gauge.
Sensor spacing.............................0.60 ... 0.65 mm
................................................ (0.0236...0.0256 in)
To adjust, release sensor (1) and set spacing
with spacer plates (shims) (2).

Renewing brake fluid

Renewing front brake fluid

Remove the break pads
e Caution:
Do not tilt the brake caliper when removing or install­ing, or the brake pads could be damaged.
Take off the brake fluid reservoir cover complete
with the diaphragme. Add brake fluid.
e Caution:
While renewing the brake fluid, its level must not drop below the MIN mark, or else air will be drawn into the brake circuit. If this happens, the brake system will have to be bled.
Connect a suitable vessel to the bled screws on
the brake caliper to trap the escaping brake fluid, and open the bleed screw by half a turn.
Hold the handbrake lever in to maintain the
braking pressure and open the bleed screw, at the same time pulling the hanbrake lever up firmly.
e Caution:
Do not release the handbrake lever until the bleed screw has been closed.
Close the bleed screw, then release the hand-
brake lever. Allow brake fluid to escape from both brake cal-
ipers in succession until it is clear and free from air bubbles. Close the bleed screw.
Install the brake pads/brake calipers.
L Note:
When adding brake fluid, note the thickness of the brake pads. If the pads are new, add fluid up to the MAX mark.
Brake fluid level = Max mark.
Place the diaphragm and reservoir cover back in
position. Tighten the retaining screws without using undue
force. Make a functional check on the brakes and bleed
the brake system if necessary.
34 1 500
Using piston resetting tool, BMW No. 34 1 500,
press the pistons fully back into the brake cali­pers. Take out the piston resetting tool and insert
spacer, BMW No. 34 1 520. Press the pistons back in the second brake cali-
per, but do not remove the piston resetting tool. Close the bleed screw.
Apply the hadbrake lever several times until
braking pressure is felt to build up.

Renewing rear brake fluid

The rear brake caliper does not have to be re-
mov-ed, nor its pistons forced back. Continue the procedure as described for front
brake fluid renewal.
e Caution:
Do not release the brake pedal until the bleed screws have been closed.
Checking function of electric switch on side stand and adjusting if nec­essary

Inspections I, II, III

Place motorcycle on centre stand on even sur-
face or lifting platform. Spray switching kinematics of the side stand with
quick-action cleaner and fold in and out several times. Completely fold out side stand and mark position
on ground surface.
Make a second marking at distance “a” and a
third marking at distance “b”.
“a”................................................... 95 mm (3.74 in)
“b”................................................... 50 mm (1.97 in)
Fold in side stand and start engine.
Slowly fold out side stand, the engine must stall
in the area of dimension “b”.
If the engine does not stall, the switch must be
checked and replaced if necessary.
e Caution:
Bending the contact spring can result in malfunc­tioning of the switch. Therefore:
Never bend the contact spring!
Operate starter while slowly folding in the side
stand; the engine must start up in area “b”.
If the engine does not start up or if the side stand
is difficult to move, check the switch or disas­semble the side stand.
Checking clutch clearance and adjusting if necessary

Inspections I, III

Detach clutch cable at clutch release lever (1).
Slightly push back rubber sleeve (2).
With the aid of setting gauge,
BMWNo.213500,set dimension “b” with ad­justing screw at clutch hand lever.
Dimension “ B ” ..... 75 ± 1 mm (2.952 ± 0.03937 in)
Set dimension “A” with adjusting screw at clutch
hand lever.
Lock adjusting screw (5) with knurled nut (3).
Dimension “A” ........ 4 ± 0.5 mm (0.157 ± 0.0197 in)
e Caution:
Adjust to take up wear only at the adjusting screw on the clutch release lever.
Reattach clutch cable at clutch release lever.
Using box spanner, BMWNo.213610,release
locknut (6) of adjusting screw (7) at clutch re­lease lever. Unscrew adjusting screw by one to two turns,
then screw in until pressure can be felt. Lock adjusting screw with locknut.

Reading out Motronic defect code memory

Inspections II, III

Carry out this job only on motorcycles with cata-
lytic converter.
L Note:
To read out Motronic defect code memory, see the booklet entitled:
“BMW Diagnosis, Motronic 2.1 with oxygen-sensor control” (order No. 01 70 9 798 970).
Checking increased starting speed (choke) and adjusting if necessary

Inspections I, III

Checking increased starting speed

Remove the left battery cover.
Move the increased starting speed device up to
its limit stop (stage 2).
e Caution:
Screw (2) is secured with lacquer and must not be reset.
L Note:
Stop face (1) must make contact with screw (2) and the wire cable must have zero play; failing this, cable play must be adjusted.
Check stop face (1).
Move the increased starting speed device up to
its limit stop (stage 2). Loosen locknut (3).
Press the lever with stop face (1) against screw
(2). Turn adjusting screw (4) to obtain zero play in the
cable. Tighten locknut (3).
Checking valve clearance and adjusting if necessary

Inspections I, III

e Caution:
Never unscrew the spark plugs before measuring the valve clearance. Carbon particles may settle be­hind an exhaust valve head and falsify the measured result.
[RS] Remove bottom section of fairing .
Remove left side section of fairing.
Remove cylinder head cover.
Remove cover for Hall generator.
Only crank engine at the crankshaft (counter-
clockwise!). Measure valve clearance with feeler gauge.
Max. engine temperature 35 °C.
Determine the replacement tappet by way of
nominal/actual value comparison.
Valve clearance:
Inlet .................0.15 - 0.20 mm (0.0059 - 0.0079 in)
Exhaust ...........0.25 - 0.30 mm (0.0098 - 0.0118 in)
11 2 640
Lock chain tensioner and timing chain in position
with eccentric tensioner, BMWNo.112640. Pull back clamping pin (1), screw in eccentric pin
(2) by 3-4 turns. Push in clamping pin above the timing chain.
Fix timing chain and chain tensioner in position
by slightly turning eccentric pin in clockwise di­rection. Secure eccentric pin with locknut (3).

Adjusting valve clearance

The camshafts must be removed in order to
change the bucket tappets. Set cylinder No. 1 (timing end) to ignition TDC.
11 3 700
The setting device for the camshafts,
BMWNo.113700, must fit in the slots at the ends of the shafts. Unscrew screw plug in chain case cover.

Removing sprockets

Release retaining bolts of sprockets and remove

Removing camshafts

Remove chain guide from stud bolt.
First remove thrust bearing of camshafts to avoid
misalignment. Remove remaining camshaft bearings and lift out
camshaft. Remove bucket tappets to be changed with relay
pliers BMWNo.611250, or a magnet.
L Note:

Installing sprockets

Only the bucket tappets replaced during the 1000 km (600 miles) inspection can be re-used.

Installing camshafts

The camshafts are marked to ensure they cannot
be confused.
e Caution:
Camshaft identification. Inlet: Groove after the thrust bearing Exhaust: No groove
The camshaft bearing caps are also identified.
Inlet side: Odd numbers Exhaust side: Even numbers The order is ascending from the front (timing end)
to the rear. Install camshafts with the bearing points slightly
oiled. Evenly tighten bearing cap working from the in-
side towards the outside. Install thrust bearing (timing end) last.
X Tightening torque:
Bearing cap................................................... 9 Nm
Install lower sprocket (1) together with chain and
chain guide (2); the pin on the sprocket must en­gage in the groove on the camshaft. When installed, the marking (triangle) on the
sprocket must face upward. Then install the upper sprocket (3) with chain.
Initially, only tighten sprocket retaining bolts
e Caution:
Remove setting device before finally tightening the sprockets, otherwise the camshafts will be dam­aged.
11 3 700
Turn camshafts so that the grooves at the rear
ends are positioned vertically with respect to the cylinder head. The grooves at the front end must face the inside
towards the crankshaft. Fit setting device, BMW No. 11 3 700, and se-
cure to the bearings of the camshaft.
Remove eccentric tensioner.
Firmly tighten sprockets while holding at the hex-
agon on the camshaft.
X Tightening torque:
Sprocket to camshaft.................................. 54 Nm
Check valve clearance once again.

Installing cylinder head cover

11 1990
Fit cylinder head cover with gasket over the cen-
tring tools onto the cylinder head. Screw in all retaining bolts such that they are still
not under preload. Firmly tighten retaining bolts crosswise working
from the inside towards the outside. Remove fitted bolt and centring pin, screw in last
retaining bolt and firmly tighten.
11 1 980
Screw fitted bolt, BMW No. 11 1 980, (arrow)
into inner hole at the front. Press centring pin, BMW No. 11 1 990, with
gripper, BMWNo.005500, into locating hole under the third camshaft bearing.
X Tightening torque:
Cylinder head cover to cylinder head............ 9 Nm
Insert gasket into cylinder head cover.
L Note:
Begin installation at the crescents (1).
The marks (arrows) on the cover and gasket
must agree at the front and rear. First press in the crescent at the rear (transmis-
sion end). Lightly coat the gasket groove and the crescent
areas in the cover with oil to facilitate installation. Apply a little 3-bond 1209 in the joint area at the
top and bottom chain case cover - cylinder head (surfaces free of grease).
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