Apple Qadministrator 4 User Manual

Apple Qadministrator 4
User Manual
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Welcome to Apple Qadministrator5Preface
About Apple Qadministrator5 About the Apple Qadministrator Documentation6 Additional Resources6
Using Apple Qadministrator9Chapter 1
The Apple Qmaster Distributed Processing System10 Creating Clusters with Apple Qadministrator11 Modifying and Deleting Clusters with Apple Qadministrator14 Monitoring Cluster Activity15 Accessing Activity Logs16 Setting Preferences16

Welcome to Apple Qadministrator

You can use This Computer Plus and QuickClusters for most distributed processing needs. Apple Qadministrator allows you to manually create and manage specialized clusters.
This preface covers the following:
About Apple Qadministrator (p. 5)
About the Apple Qadministrator Documentation (p. 6)
Additional Resources (p. 6)

About Apple Qadministrator

The Apple Qmaster distributed processing system provides an efficient solution to your transcoding and rendering needs, handling all the work distribution and processing for you, behind the scenes. Apple Qmaster and the Apple Qmaster features of Compressor manage the processing across designated computers. They subdivide the work for speed, route the work to the computers with the most available computing power, and direct the processing.
The Apple Qmaster system uses the processing capacity of your network computers for a wide range of tasks, including transcoding and rendering for digital visual effects software packages such as Apple Shake, Adobe After Effects, and Autodesk Maya.
Compressor includes This Computer Plus and QuickCluster features that make it easy and quick to set up a distributed processing system that meets the needs of most users. It also includes Apple Qadministrator for those users in large facilities that need to set up dedicated distributed processing systems shared with multiple clients.
Important: Apple Qadministrator 4 is designed to work closely with Final Cut Pro X and
later and Motion 5 and later. All mentions of Final Cut Pro and Motion in this document refer to these versions.

About the Apple Qadministrator Documentation

The Apple Qmaster distributed processing system comes with various documents that help you get started as well as provide detailed information about each of the applications. (To access onscreen help for an application, open the application and choose the application’s help from the Help menu.)
Compressor User Manual: This comprehensive document describes the Compressor interface, commands, and menus and gives step-by-step instructions for using Compressor and accomplishing specific tasks. It is written for users of all levels of experience. The “Apple Qmaster and Distributed Processing” chapter is the primary documentation for the Apple Qmaster distributed processing system. The chapter explains how to set up and maintain a distributed processing network for use with Compressor or digital visual effects software packages. It includes information on preparing a distributed processing network, creating and administering clusters of computers, monitoring batches, and using the system from the command line. The Compressor User Manual is available in Compressor Help.
Apple Qadministrator User Manual: This document describes the Apple Qadministrator application, providing details on creating and managing specialized clusters. The Apple Qadministrator User Manual is available in Apple Qadministrator Help. (To open Apple Qadministrator, choose Administer Clusters from the Apple Qmaster menu in Compressor.)
Share Monitor User Manual: This brief document describes how to usethe Share Monitor application to monitor the transcoding progress of batches and jobs. The Share Monitor User Manual is available in Share Monitor Help, Compressor Help, and Apple Qmaster Help. Share Monitor is also included with Final Cut Pro and Motion.
Apple Qmaster User Manual: This document describes the Apple Qmaster client application only. This is a specialized application for submitting jobs with Shake, Autodesk Maya, and other digital visual effects software packages. The Apple Qmaster User Manual is available in Apple Qmaster Help. ( To open Apple Qmaster, choose Create Rendering Jobs from the Apple Qmaster menu in Compressor.)

Additional Resources

Along with the documentation that comes with the Apple Qmaster software, there are a variety of other resources you can use to find out more about the Apple Qmaster distributed processing system.
Compressor Websites
For general information and updates, as well as the latest news on Compressor, go to:
6 Preface Welcome to Apple Qadministrator
+ 12 hidden pages