Apple PowerBook 200 series Service Manual

Service Source

PowerBook 200 Series

PowerBook Duo 210, PowerBook Duo 230, PowerBook
Duo 250, PowerBook Duo 270c, PowerBook Duo 280,
Service Source


PowerBook 200 Series
Basics System Overview - 1

System Overview

PowerBook Duo System

The PowerBook Duo system includes the following products:
• PowerBook 200 Series computer, shown at left (PowerBook Duo 210/ 230/250/270c/280/
Figure: PowerBook Duo 210/230/250/270c/280/280c
• PowerBook 2300 Series computer (PowerBook Duo 2300c)
Basics System Overview - 2
• PowerBook Duo Floppy Adapter
• PowerBook Duo Dock/ Duo Dock II/Duo DockPlus
• PowerBook Duo MiniDock
This manual includes information about the PowerBook 200 Series computers and the floppy adapter.
For information about the
Duo Dock/Duo Dock II/
Duo Dock Plus
Duo Floppy
Duo MiniDock
Duo 210/230
PowerBook 2300 Series, Duo Docks, or the Duo MiniDock, refer to the
Basics System Overview - 3
appropriate PowerBook Duo manual.
The floppy adapter shown at left is replaced by whole unit exchange. Ordering information is included in the Service Source parts database.
Figure: Duo Floppy Adapter
Basics Self-Threading Screws - 4
Machine Screw
Self-Threading Screw

Self-Threading Screws

installed self-threading screws could damage the PowerBook Duo. Thread the screws properly and do not overtighten them.
to the circuitry, do not use magnetic screwdrivers when working on Apple systems.
To prevent damage
Basics Self-Threading Screws - 5
The PowerBook 200 systems use both machine screws and self-threading screws. Be aware when you are replacing a self-threading screw, and follow these guidelines:
• Never overtighten self­threading screws.
• Before tightening down a self-threading screw, back the screw off slightly to be sure it is threaded properly.
Basics Self-Threading Screws - 6
Self-threading screws are used to install the following modules and replacement parts:
• Hard drive
• Trackball assembly
• CPU stiffener and logic board
Hard Drive
Trackball Assembly
Logic Board
Service Source
PowerBook 200 Series
Specifications Processor - 1


CPU 210

CPU 230/250/270c

CPU 280/280c

Coprocessor (270c Only)

Motorola 68030 microprocessor 25 MHz
Motorola 68030 microprocessor 33 MHz
Motorola 68LC040 microprocessor 66/33 MHz
Motorola 68882 floating-point coprocessor
Specifications Processor - 2


32-bit internal registers 32-bit address/data bus supports 4 GB of address with justified
8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit data transactions
Specifications Memory - 3


RAM 210/230/250

RAM 270c

RAM 280/280c

4 MB RAM soldered on the logic board Expandable to 24 MB Requires 70 ns or faster RAM chips
4 MB RAM soldered on the logic board Expandable to 32 MB Requires 70 ns or faster RAM chips
4 MB RAM soldered on the logic board Expandable to 40 MB Requires 70 ns or faster RAM chips
1 MB
Specifications Memory - 4



256 bytes of parameter memory
CMOS custom chip supported by long-life (up to 2 years) lithium
Specifications Disk Storage - 5

Disk Storage

Floppy Drive

Hard Drive

External 1.4 MB floppy drive (same drive is used with
PowerBook 100)
Requires Duo Floppy Adapter or Duo MiniDock
2.5-in., internal, 17 mm high
Specifications I/O Interfaces - 6

I/O Interfaces

Docking Connector



152-pin processor-direct slot (PDS connector for attaching
expansion devices
32-bit expansion bus
RS-422 serial port; mini DIN-8 connector
Optional internal modem/telephone jack RJ-11 domestic; mini DIN-8 international
Specifications I/O Devices - 7

I/O Devices




Built-in standard Apple keyboard 63 keys domestic; 64 keys ISO Caps-locked LED Soft power-on switch
2.5 mm travel, 18 mm vertical and horizontal pitch Two-level tilt adjustment
19 mm diameter, dua button Apple Desktop Bus (ADB) interface
Built-in electret, omnidirectional microphone
Specifications Sound and Video - 8

Sound and Video

Sound Generator

Video Display 210/ 230

Apple sound chip provides four-voice/8-bit sound, sampled at 11
or 22 kHz
Monophonic sound in and sound out
9 in. (229 mm) diagonal screen Flat-panel, film-compensated supertwist nematic (FSTN) liquid
crystal display 1, 2, and 4 bits per pixel 16 level grayscale at 4 bits per pixel 640 lines by 400 pixels CCFL on-demand backlight Adjustable brightness and contrast controls
Specifications Sound and Video - 9

Video Display 250

Video Display 270c

Video Display 280

9 in. (229 mm) diagonal screen Flat-panel, color, active-matrix, liquid crystal display CCFL on-demand backlight 640 lines by 400 pixels; 16 shades of gray
9 in. (229 mm) diagonal screen Flat-panel, color active-matrix, liquid crystal display CCFL on-demand backlight 640 lines by 480 pixels; 8 bits; 256 colors
9 in. (229 mm) diagonal screen Backlit, active-matrix, grayscale display 640 lines by 400 pixels; 16 shades of gray
Specifications Sound and Video - 10

Video Display 280c

8.4 in. diagonal, backlit, active matrix color display 640 lines by 480 pixels for 256 colors, or 640 lines by 400
pixels for thousands of colors
Specifications Electrical - 11


Main Battery 210/ 230

Main Battery 250/ 270c

NiMH (nickel-metal-hydride), 0.95 Ah Approximately 2-4 hours of usage before recharging (depending
upon use) Recharge time: approximately 2 hours 500 power cycles capacity
NiMH (nickel-metal-hydride), 1.5 Ah Approximately 2-3 hours of usage before recharging (depending
upon use) Recharge time: approximately 2 hours 500 power cycles capacity Uses 4/5 A size battery cells
Specifications Electrical - 12

Main Battery 280/ 280c

PRAM Battery

Power Adapter

NiMH (nickel-metal-hydride), 1.6 Ah Approximately 2-3 hours of usage before recharging (depending
upon use) Recharge time: approximately 2 hours 500 power cycles capacity
3 V lithium backup battery 500 power cycles capacity
Input: 85-270 VAC line voltage, 47-63 Hz Output: 24 VDC, 1.04 A Can be used anywhere in the world with the appropriate power
Specifications Physical - 13


Dimensions 210/230/ 250/280

Dimensions 270c/ 280c

Weight 210/230/250/ 280

Weight 270c/280c

Height: 1.4 in. (36 mm) Width: 8.5 in. (216 mm) Depth: 10.9 in. (277 mm)
Height: 1.5 in. (36 mm) Width: 8.5 in. (216 mm) Depth: 10.9 in. (277 mm)
4.25 lb. (1.9 kg) with battery
4.8 lb. (2.1 kg) with battery
Specifications Environmental - 14


Operating Temperature

Storage Temperature

Relative Humidity

Operating Altitude

50–104° F (10–40° C)
-40 to 116° F (-40 to 47° C)
20–95% noncondensing
0–15,000 ft. (0–4722 m)
Specifications Other - 15


Express Modem

SCSI Disk Adapter

Internal 14,400-baud modem with fax send/receive capability at
9600 baud 300–14,400 bps data transmission rates 2400/4800/7200/9600 bps transmission rates Full duplex operation; asynchronous or framed modes Error correction: V.42 compliance (MNP2-4) Data compression: V.42bis (4 to 1 compression) and MNP-5 (2
to 1 compression) Requires 300K of system RAM Built-in support for internal modem when in docking systems
Enables connection between PowerBook Duo computer and desktop
Macintosh (Duo system appears as a hard drive on desktop) Requires Duo MiniDock
Service Source


PowerBook 200 Series
Troubleshooting General/ - 2


The Symptom Charts included in this chapter will help you diagnose specific symptoms related to your product. Because cures are listed on the charts in the order of most likely solution, try the first cure first. Verify whether or not the product continues to exhibit the symptom. If the symptom persists, try the next cure. (
If you have replaced a module, reinstall the original
module before you proceed to the next cure.)
If you are not sure what the problem is, or if the Symptom Charts do not resolve the problem, refer to the Flowchart for the product family.
For additional assistance, contact Apple Technical Support.
Troubleshooting Power Manager Reset/ - 3

Power Manager Reset

If a unit crashes or experiences power problems, reset the power manager chip by pressing the rear power switch for 30-45 seconds.
If resetting the power manager chip does not solve the problem, reset the code for the power manager chip by removing all power sources and letting the unit sit for 10 minutes. (Take out the battery and disconnect the AC adapter and the internal backup battery.) This forces the PowerBook Duo to reload the power manager code from the system software.
Troubleshooting Symptom Charts/Startup - 4

Symptom Charts


RAM failure occurs (eight-tone error chord sequence sounds after startup chord)
Hardware failure occurs (four-tone error chord sequence sounds after startup chord)
1 Check RAM expansion card connection. 2 Replace RAM expansion card. 3 Replace logic board.
When replacing the logic board, check that the EMI clips are securely attached to the CPU stiffener. The “CPU Stiffener” topic in Take Apart helps you locate and identify the two EMI clips. If both clips are not secure, replace the CPU stiffener.
1 Disconnect hard drive data cable and reboot system. If
startup sequence is normal, reseat cable and retest. 2 Replace hard drive. 3 If the system is connected to an external floppy drive,
disconnect drive and reboot system. If startup sequence is
Troubleshooting Symptom Charts/Startup
normal, reseat cable and retest.
- 5
1 Replace floppy drive. 2 Replace logic board.
are securely attached to the CPU stiffener. The “CPU Stiffener” topic in Take Apart helps you locate and identify the two EMI clips. If both clips are not secure, replace the CPU stiffener.
When replacing the logic board, check that the EMI clips
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