Update: About Your Computer’s System Software
Your computer’s hard disk contains Mac OS 7.6.1, an updated version of
system software recently released by Apple Computer. Apple regularly
updates the Mac OS to deliver new features and to improve performance and
reliability. The new features of Mac OS 7.6.1 make it easier to connect to the
Internet, enhance your computer’s multimedia capabilities, and increase your
productivity. This document describes some of the most recent advances. It
also shows the new look given to some software items that appear in your
computer’s user manual.
References in the computer’s manual still apply to setup, basic software use,
the CD-ROM drive, and other hardware issues. Continue to use that manual
when questions come up, when you need troubleshooting tips, or if you ever
need to reinstall the computer’s system software.
Utility and desktop software
m Apple System Profiler, which is available in the Apple (K) menu, provides
detailed information about your current hardware and software
m New version of the Extensions Manager control panel: This improved
version makes it easier to turn extensions on and off. It also provides
detailed information about each software item listed, makes it easier to
create sets of extensions, and features a By Package command you can use
to group items used by specific software components.