Apple iBook (14.1 LCD 600 MHz) 02-06 Service Manual

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iBook (14.1 LCD)- 600 MHz
Updated : 04-06-2002


iBook (14.1 LCD)
© 2002 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
Troubleshooting Symptom Charts/How to Use the Symptom Charts - 1
Symptom Charts

How to Use the Symptom Charts

The Symptom Charts included in this chapter will help you diagnose specific symptoms related to the product.
The steps to solve a symptom are listed sequentially. You might not need to perform every step before the symptom is solved. Start with the first step, and then test for the symptom. If the symptom persists, replace any modules you removed, go to the next step, and test again. Continue down the list until the symptom is solved.

AirPort Card

AirPort Card not recognized
The battery won't charge
1 Use Software Update in Mac OS X system preferences (or the
Software Update control panel in Mac OS 9) or see the Apple Software Updates web page to make sure the latest version of
AirPort software is installed. 2 Boot using Mac OS All extensions setting. 3 Reseat AirPort Card and make sure AirPort antenna cable is
fully connected. 4 Remove and reinstall the AirPort software. 5 Replace with known-good AirPort Card. 6 Replace logic board.


1 Remove any connected peripherals. 2 Try known-good power outlet. 3 Try known-good power adapter and power cord.
Verify that power adapter connector glows amber or green. If the power adapter light is green, turn over the computer and press the battery button. The battery lights should glow green and stay on if the power adapter is operating correctly.
4 Try known-good battery. 5 Turn off the computer. Reset the power manager by pressing
the reset button (located above and right of the Audio/Video port). Wait five seconds before continuing. Press the power button to start the computer.
Note: Make sure the reset button is not caught under the
button opening.
Troubleshooting Symptom Charts/Error Beeps - 2
Warning: Resetting the power manager will permanently remove a RAM disk, if present, and all of its contents. You will also need to reset the date and time (using the Date & Time control panel).
6 Replace battery transfer board. 7 Replace logic board.

Error Beeps

The computer automatically performs a power-on self test when it is turned on after being fully shut down (not a restart). This section describes what to do if beeps are heard during the startup.
The iBook (14.1 LCD) has one memory expansion slot that accepts a 1.25-inch (or shorter) PC-100 compliant, SO-DIMM memory card. Refer to the Memory Replacement instructions for removal and installation.
Computer beeps once at startup
Computer beeps twice at startup
Computer beeps three times at startup
Computer beeps four times at startup
1 One beep means that no RAM is detected. 2 If a RAM card is installed in the expansion slot, remove it and
put in known-good and compatible RAM and restart.
• If symptom does NOT repeat, replace RAM card.
• If symptom repeats, replace logic board.
3 If no RAM card is installed, replace logic board.
1 Two beeps means that EDO memory is installed in the
expansion slot. The iBook does not accept EDO memory.
2 Replace RAM card with known-good and compatible RAM and
• If symptom repeats, replace logic board.
1 Three beeps means that no RAM banks passed memory testing. 2 If a RAM card is installed in the expansion slot, remove it and
put in known-good and compatible RAM and restart.
• If symptom does NOT repeat, replace RAM card.
• If symptom repeats, replace logic board.
3 If no RAM card is installed, replace logic board.
1 Four beeps indicates a bad checksum for the remainder of the
boot ROM. The ROM (which is located on the logic board) is bad.
2 If a RAM card is installed in the expansion slot, remove it and
put in known-good and compatible RAM and restart.
• If symptom does NOT repeat, replace RAM card.
• If symptom repeats, replace logic board.
3 If no RAM card is installed, replace logic board.
Troubleshooting Symptom Charts/Hard Drive - 3
Related articles: 58442: Power On Self-Test Beep Definition - Part 2 95136: iBook (Dual USB): Installing or Replacing Memory

Hard Drive

Hard drive will not initialize
The internal hard drive does not spin
1 Boot from iBook Software Install CD and see if the hard drive
mounts on the desktop.
2 If in Mac OS X, boot from the Mac OS X software install CD.
Under the File menu, select Disk Utilities and initialize the disk or run Disk First Aid.
3 If in Mac OS 9, launch Drive Setup and update hard drive
4 If no hard drive is found in Drive Setup, verify the hard
drive cable connections.
5 Replace hard drive cable.(This is the same cable that attaches
to the optical drive.)
6 Replace hard drive.
recovery is required, refer to Article 31077: Hard Drive Data Recovery & Warranty Implications, for important information.
1 Disconnect any connected peripherals. 2 Try known-good power outlet. 3 Try known-good power adapter and power cord. 4 Boot from a Mac OS system CD. 5 Verify Drive Setup does not recognize the hard drive. 6 Verify cable connections.
If the computer is under warranty and data
No response from any key on keyboard
The keyboard lock is damaged or won't lock


1 Remove any connected peripherals. 2 Boot from a Mac OS system CD to verify that it is not a
software problem.
3 Turn off the computer. Disconnect the keyboard connector and
inspect connectors. 4 Replace keyboard. 5 Replace logic board.
1 Verify that keyboard is installed properly so the lock lines up
with the notch in the top case. 2 Replace keyboard.
Troubleshooting Symptom Charts/Modem - 4


No modem dial tone 1 Check that the correct modem is selected. In Mac OS X, check
Network Setup. In Mac OS 9, check the Modem control panel. 2 Verify known-good analog (not digital) telephone line. 3 Verify known-good RJ11 telephone cable. 4 Verify RJ11 cable is not plugged into Ethernet port. 5 Inspect RJ11 connector and modem port for pin damage. 6 Verify RJ11 telephone cable is firmly installed in the modem
port. 7 If using Apple Remote Access, select Ignore Dial Tone in the
Modem control panel. If the modem connects with this settings
selected, try another phone line. If using a terminal or
communications program, enter atx1 to disable tone
detection. To reset the modem back to the factory settings,
enter atz. 8 Verify modem 2-pin connector is plugged into modem
correctly. 9 Replace the modem 2-pin connector cable. 10 Replace modem.
The optical drive does not accept CD or DVD disc (mechanical failure)
The disc icon does not show up on the desktop, or a dialog box appears to initialize disc
The FireWire or USB port is not recognizing devices

Optical Drive

1 Verify disc is not warped. 2 Verify disc is properly seated in the carrier. 3 Replace optical drive.
1 Verify the correct type of disc is being used. 2 Try cleaning the disc. It may not mount if dirty or scratched. 3 Try a different disc. 4 Select “Mac OS All” in the Extensions Manager control panel
and restart. 5 Replace optical drive cable. (This is the same cable that
attaches to the hard drive.) 6 Replace optical drive.


1 Completely shut down, then press the power button to start
the computer. 2 Use Software Update in Mac OS X system preferences (or the
Software Update control panel in Mac OS 9) to verify that the
latest software is installed.
Troubleshooting Symptom Charts/Sound - 5
3 Use Apple System Profiler to verify that the computer is
recognizing the bus. 4 For USB, test ports with an Apple keyboard or mouse. 5 For FireWire, test by connecting another computer in
FireWire Target Disk Mode. Refer to article 58583: How to
Use FireWire Target Disk Mode. 6 Verify that drivers are installed properly for third party, if
needed. 7 If in Mac OS 9, boot with Mac OS All extension set. 8 Try other port if available. 9 Try a different cable. 10 If self powered make sure that the power supply is connected
and device's LED indicates that it is getting power. 11 Replace logic board.
A USB device not recognized by computer
If you are trying to use a serial device with a USB/Serial adapter, check with the manufacturer of the adapter for compatibility. 1 Completely shut down, then press the power button to start
the computer.
2 Try known-good Apple USB keyboard or mouse to verify the
port is working properly. 3 Verify current driver for the device is installed. 4 If a camera, turn on camera after initiating download with
camera application. 5 Try the other USB port. 6 Try different USB device on same port. 7 Eliminate chain by plugging in only one peripheral. 8 If in Mac OS 9, select “Mac OS All” in the Extensions
Manager control panel and restart. 9 If in Mac OS 9, troubleshoot extensions and perform a clean
installation of system software. 10 Replace logic board.


Distorted sound from speakers
No sound from speaker(s)
1 Verify sound is correct with external speakers/headphones.
If sound is correct, replace top case. 2 In Mac OS X check balance. 3 Compare same sound with two different units to make sure
that sound is actually distorted. 4 Replace logic board.
1 Use the Software Update control panel to verify that the latest
audio update has been installed.
Troubleshooting Symptom Charts/Startup - 6
2 Press the F3 key (with the fn key pressed and not pressed) to
verify that mute mode is not enabled. 3 Press the F4 or F5 key (with the fn key pressed and not
pressed) to check the volume setting. 4 Verify no external speakers or headphones are plugged in. 5 Check the speakers tab on the Sound control panel to confirm
that the software is correctly seeing that there are no
external speakers or headphones connected. 6 Shutdown computer and restart. 7 Reset PRAM (Press the power button, then hold down the
Option-Command-P-R keys until you hear the startup chime
at least one additional time after the initial startup chime). 8 Verify that the speaker cable is connected properly to logic
board. 9 Replace top case. 10 Replace logic board Related article: 58463: iBook: Sound Capabilities
The computer will not power on


1 Remove any connected peripherals. 2 Try known-good power outlet. 3 Try known-good power adapter and power cord. 4 Remove battery. 5 Press Caps Lock key to see if light on key comes on. If it does,
hold power button down for six seconds to shut down the
computer and restart. 6 Reset the power manager by pressing the reset button
(located above and right of the Audio/Video port). Wait five
seconds before continuing. Press the power button to start the
Make sure the reset button is not caught under the button
Warning: Resetting the power manager will permanently remove a RAM disk, if present, and all of its contents. You will also need to reset the date and time (using the Date & Time control panel).
7 Disconnect keyboard completely. Inspect connectors. Restart
with keyboard disconnected. 8 Remove any additional RAM 9 Remove AirPort Card. 10 Try known-good DC board. 11 Verify power button is connected properly to logic board, if
Troubleshooting Symptom Charts/Video - 7
power button is not functioning correctly or damaged, replace
the top case. 12 Replace logic board.
At startup, a dialog box comes up stating: “kernel panic” in Mac OS X or “Built-in memory test has detected an error” in Mac OS 9
No video on an external device with RGB cable adapter
No video on an external device with Apple A/V cable
1 If a RAM card is installed in the expansion slot, remove it and
• If symptom repeats, replace logic board.
• If symptom does not repeat, replace RAM card with known­good RAM card and restart.
2 If no RAM card is installed, replace logic board. Related article 95136: iBook (Dual USB): Installing or Replacing Memory


1 If in Mac OS 9, in Resolution Control Strip, verify that
monitor is being recognized. If so, select resolution.
2 If running Mac OS X, verify that this issue is also in Mac OS
3 Verify monitor that is used in testing is known-good and is
supported by this computer. 4 Try known-good RGB adapter. 5 Replace logic board.
1 Make sure you are using an Apple A/V cable. 2 If viewing a DVD, make sure to connect directly to the TV and
not through a VCR. 3 Verify TV is setup properly with correct source. 4 Try different TV. 5 Make sure to connect directly to the TV and not through a VCR. 6 Replace Apple A/V cable. 7 Replace logic board.
The display is rolling (PAL instead of NTSC)
1 Verify that you are using Apple's A/V Video Cable (the pin out
is different than off-the-shelf cables that look similar).
Refer to Article 88040: Composite Video Cable Not
Interchangeable With Similar Cables, for important
information. 2 If in Mac OS 9, go to Monitors control panel and change the
resolution from a PAL setting to an NTSC setting. 3 Try a different TV. 4 Try a different A/V Cable. 5 Replace logic board.
Troubleshooting Symptom Charts/Misc. Symptoms - 8
No display, or dim display, but computer appears to operate correctly
The computer runs with battery, but not with the power adapter plugged into wall outlet
1 Remove any connected peripherals. 2 Try known-good power outlet, power adapter and power cord. 3 Press the F2 (with the fn key pressed and not pressed) to
increase the screen brightness setting. 4 Reboot the computer—hold down the Control and Command
keys and press the Power button, or press and hold the Power
button for 5 to 10 seconds to shut down the computer, then
press the Power button to restart. 5 Verify backlight cable and LVDS cable connections are seated
properly and that the cables are not damaged (refer to display
assembly replacement instructions). 6 Replace display assembly. 7 Replace logic board.

Misc. Symptoms

1 Try known-good power outlet. 2 Try known-good power adapter and power cord.
Verify that power adapter connector glows amber or green. If the power adapter light is green, turn over the computer and press the battery button. The battery lights should glow green and stay on if the power adapter is operating correctly.
3 Reset the power manager by pressing the reset button
(located above and right of the Audio/Video port). Wait five seconds before continuing. Press the power button to start the computer.
The computer runs when plugged into a wall outlet but not on battery power
Make sure the reset button is not caught under the button opening.
Warning: Resetting the power manager will permanently remove a RAM disk, if present, and all of its contents. You will also need to reset the date and time (using the Date & Time control panel).
4 Replace DC board. 5 Replace logic board. Related article 88133: iBook (Dual USB): Using PowerBook G4 Adapter
1 Reseat battery to verify battery is seated correctly with
battery lock engaged. 2 Try known-good charged battery. 3 Reset the power manager by pressing the reset button
(located above and right of the Audio/Video port). Wait five
seconds before continuing. Press the power button to start the
Troubleshooting Symptom Charts/Misc. Symptoms - 9
Note: Make sure the reset button is not caught under the
button opening.
Warning: Resetting the power manager will permanently remove a RAM disk, if present, and all of its contents. You will also need to reset the date and time (using the Date & Time control panel).
4 Replace battery transfer board. 5 Replace logic board.
The cursor does not move when you are using trackpad
The cursor intermittently does not move or moves erratically
1 Verify that no USB device is connected. 2 Boot from a Mac OS system CD to verify that it is not a
software problem. 3 Reset the power manager by pressing the reset button
(located above and right of the Audio/Video port). Wait five
seconds before continuing. Press the power button to start the
Note: Make sure the reset button is not caught under the
button opening.
Warning: Resetting the power manager will permanently remove a RAM disk, if present, and all of its contents. You will also need to reset the date and time (using the Date & Time control panel).
4 Check trackpad cable and connection to the logic board (see
separate Top Case replacement instructions for location
under RAM shield). 5 Replace top case. 6 Replace logic board.
User must touch with the surface of only one finger at a time and point directly down on the trackpad surface. 1 Clean trackpad surface (with computer off, using a non-
static-inducing material).
2 Completely shut down, then press the power button to start
the computer.
3 Reset the power manager by pressing the reset button
(located above and right of the Audio/Video port). Wait five seconds before continuing. Press the power button to start the computer.
Make sure the reset button is not caught under the button
Warning: Resetting the power manager will permanently remove a RAM disk, if present, and all of its contents. You will
Troubleshooting Symptom Charts/Misc. Symptoms - 10
also need to reset the date and time (using the Date & Time control panel).
4 Try unit on battery power. If problem goes away, replace
power adapter.
5 Place a Mac OS system CD in the optical disc drive, press the
start button and hold down the “C” key. Check the cursor movement, to see if the problem is software.
6 Check trackpad cable and connection to the logic board (see
separate Top Case replacement instructions for location
under RAM shield). 7 Replace top case. 8 Replace logic board.
The microphone is not working
The latching mechanism that holds the display closed is not working
1 If in Mac OS 9, check the Sound control panel and verify that
the selection for input is the built-in microphone. 2 Check the signal level and level meter and adjust the gain. 3 If in Mac OS 9, remove Sound Preferences from the
Preferences folder and restart. 4 Reset PRAM (Press the power button, then hold down the
Option-Command-P-R keys until you hear the startup chime
at least one additional time after the initial startup chime). 5 Verify microphone cable connection to logic board. 6 Replace display assembly (which includes the microphone). 7 Replace logic board.
Note: As the display closes against the top case, a hook in the top of
the display housing should be magnetically pulled down into a slot in the top case, and secured. When the latch button is pushed, the hook should release and retract into the display housing, allowing the display to open. 1 Verify hook operation by exercising the latch mechanism. 2 If the hook does not operate properly, replace the display
assembly. 3 If the latch or latch button does not operate properly, replace
the top case assembly.
AirPort Card installed and received a -3278 error
1 Check to make sure using the latest version of AirPort
software. 2 Completely shut down, then press the power button to start
the computer. 3 Reseat AirPort Card and make sure AirPort antenna cable is
fully connected. 4 Remove and reinstall the AirPort software. 5 Replace with known-good AirPort Card. 6 Replace logic board.
LCD anomalies Go to : Pixel anomalies
A certain number of pixel anomalies are inherent in liquid crystal display technology and vary by many factors, including type of technology.
Many anomalies observed by customers are considered normal or are the result of lint or dust particles resting on the front of the display. It is important to understand what type of anomaly a customer sees in order to determine whether further analysis is necessary. In many cases all that may be necessary is a gentle cleaning of the display face using the provided cleaning cloth.
IMPORTANT : Providing a replacement display to satisfy a customer may not be effective because the
replacement display may have more or different types of visible anomalies than the original display, and still be within specifications.
Knowledge Base Article 22194 can be indicated to customers as public explanation from Apple side.
Industry standards used by all manufacturers are specifying a certain number of minor defects, as generally accepted or creating an acceptable situation. This means that the level of quality in the industry includes some level of pixel-defect.
The following sentences can be used with customers’ complains
Copied from SONY documentation (Sony VAIO web Support)
• High precision technology is used to manufacture these LCDs to maintain a high standard of operation. However in all LCD panels there may be a small number of pixels that do not change color. This is a normal occurrence for all LCD displays from all manufacturers and should not be noticeable or objectionable under normal operation.
• Sometimes the pixels are noticeable only during booting or on an all white or all black screen.
• The LCD screen is manufactured using high precision technology. However, there may be some tiny black spots and/or bright spots (red, blue or green in colour) that constantly appear on the LCD screen. These spots occur normally in the manufacturing process and do not effect the recorded picture in any way. Effective number of pixels is 99.99% or more.
Copied from COMPAQ documentation (Compaq FAQ on Compaq’s web Support)
• Note that if you have the smallest number of dead pixels, your replacement display panel may have more, use your judgement before deciding that you have a defective panel.
Copied from DELL documentation (Dell web :
• The liquid crystal display (LCD) screens built into portable computers and flat-panel monitors are manufactured using rigid quality control standards. These manufacturing standards ensure that the LCD screen is clear and viewable.
• During the manufacturing process, it is not uncommon for one or more pixels to be fixed in an unchanging state. The visible result is a fixed pixel that appears as an extremely tiny discolored spot, either a dark spot or a bright spot.
Copied from TOSHIBA documentation (Toshiba web Support)
• Due to current manufacturing methods and the high number of transistors in the TFT Color LCD, a few nonconforming pixels may be visible. There are over a million transistors in a typical TFT screen. When any one of those transistors is not lighting as designed, the pixel is called nonconforming. Nonconforming pixels typically appear as tiny colored dots (red, blue, green, etc.) or as black dots in contrast to the projected background color of the LCD module.
• Quality inspections, performed by the LCD module manufacturers, include limits for nonconforming pixels. Nonconforming pixel limits (10 to 18 pixels) are set solely by the LCD module manufacturers and not by specific computer manufacturers. These limits are defined by the manufacturing processes and are specific to screen characteristics which include : * physical size of module. * display type (SVGA, XGA, VGA). * screen resolutions available.
• LCD Module manufacturers continually strive to upgrade processes used in manufacturing as well as the Quality Specifications which include the limits on nonconforming pixels allowed for LCD modules for use in portable computer displays.
Pixel anomalies
When speaking with Apple Technical Support, it may be necessary to use a pocket microscope, jeweler's loupe, or other magnifying device to properly identify and count each subpixel anomaly.
Displaying all white, red, green, and blue screens makes locating and viewing pixel anomalies easier. A subpixel that is always on should be referred to as a bright subpixel anomaly. A subpixel that is always off should be referred
to as a dark subpixel anomaly. When necessary, portable and display products may be dispatched for evaluation by the Apple Repair Center.
Go to : LCD anomalies
Replacement Instructions
Follow the instructions in this sheet carefully. Failure to follow these instr uctions could damage your equipment and void its warranty.
Note : Written and video instructions covering customer-installable parts are available at­parts/.
War ning : During this procedure, keep small parts away from children.
Tools Required
• Coin
• #0 Phillips screwdriver
• Jeweler’s flat-blade screwdriver (if keyboard is locked)
• Small soft cloth (if an optional AirPort Card is installed)
Opening the Computer War ning : Always shut down your computer before opening it to avoid damaging its internal components or
causing injury. After you shut down the computer, the internal components can be ver y hot. L et the computer cool down before continuing.
1. Place your computer on a clean, flat surface.
2. Shut down your computer and wait thirty minutes before continuing.
3. Disconnect the power cord and any other cables connected to the computer.
4. Close the computer, turn it over, and locate the battery latch (Figure 1). Use a coin to turn the batter y latch 1/4 turn clockwise to unlock the battery. Gently remove the battery. Removing the battery will prevent you from accidentally tur ning on the computer. War ning : Removing the battery before shutting down your computer may result in data loss.
5. Turn over the computer.
6. Raise the display so you can access the keyboard.
1B073-0614 Rev. E iBook (Dual USB - Late 2001 - 14.1 LCD - 16 VRAM - 14.1 LCD 16 VRAM) - Keyboard


Figure 1
7. Make sure the keyboard locking screw, located in the small plastic tab to the left of the Num L ock key (Figure 2), is not in
the locked position. Your iBook comes with the keyboard unlocked, so unless you or someone else locked the keyboard, you can skip this step.
To unlock the keyboard, turn the screw 1/2 turn.
8. Release the keyboard by pulling down on the keyboard release tabs (located to the left of the F1 and F12 keys) (Figure 3),
then lift the top portion of the keyboard up slightly, and toward the display.
9. Flip the keyboard over and lay it on the palm rests and trackpad (Figure 4).
2 B073-0614 Rev. EiBook (Dual USB - Late 2001 - 14.1 LCD - 16 VRAM - 14.1 LCD 16 VRAM) - Keyboard
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
10. Touch a metal surface on the inside of the computer to discharge any static electricity, as shown (Figure 5). Important : To avoid electrostatic discharge damage, always ground yourself by touching the computer’s framework before
you touch any parts or install any components inside the computer. To avoid static electricity building back up in your body, do not walk around the room until you have completed the installation and closed the computer.
Removing the Installed Keyboard
1. If your computer has the optional AirPort Card installed, unlatch the flexible wire holder that secures the card (Figure 6).
2. Use the pull-tab on the card to remove it from the slot. (You do not need to disconnect the antenna.) Note : To avoid scratching the computer’s case, place a sof t cloth between the AirPort Card and the surface of your iBook.
3. If an AirPort Card is not installed, unlatch the flexible wire holder to release the AirPort Card antenna cable.
4. Remove the screws that secure the RAM shield (Figure 7).
3B073-0614 Rev. E iBook (Dual USB - Late 2001 - 14.1 LCD - 16 VRAM - 14.1 LCD 16 VRAM) - Keyboard
Figure 5
Figure 6
Figure 7
5. Lift the RAM shield out of the computer. Carefully pulling up on the wire holder may help to remove the shield (Figure 8).
6. Locate the keyboard cable connector (Figure 9).
7. Firmly grasp the cable as shown in the illustration.
8. Carefully pull straight up on the cable until the connector releases.
Important : Pull straight up, do not twist or pull the cable sideways. Note : If needed, use your fingers to pry up the connector from side to side.
9. Set the keyboard aside.
Installing the Replacement Keyboard
1. Lay the replacement keyboard in the correct orientation over the keyboard opening, then flip it toward you and lay it face
down on the palm rests and trackpad to expose its connector cable.
2. Firmly insert the keyboard cable connector into its connector on the computer.
4 B073-0614 Rev. EiBook (Dual USB - Late 2001 - 14.1 LCD - 16 VRAM - 14.1 LCD 16 VRAM) - Keyboard
Figure 8
Figure 9
3. Insert the RAM shield (Figure 10).
4. Verif y that the end of the wire of the wire holder (where it is attached to the RAM shield, on the keyboard side) does not
catch on the side of the compartment. The screw holes on the shield and computer should align and the shield should lay uniformly flat.
5. Verif y that the AirPort antenna cable routes through the notch in the RAM shield without pinching.
6. Replace the RAM shield screws.
7. If you do not have an AirPort Card, flip down the wire holder over the AirPort Card antenna cable and secure it by inserting
the prongs of the holder into the slots in the RAM shield (Figure 11).
8. If you have an AirPort Card, gently slide it (with the AirPort ID number and bar code facing up) under the wire bracket and
securely into the AirPort Card slot.
9. Use the wire holder to secure the AirPort Card in place by inserting its prongs into the slots in the RAM shield (Figure 12).
5B073-0614 Rev. E iBook (Dual USB - Late 2001 - 14.1 LCD - 16 VRAM - 14.1 LCD 16 VRAM) - Keyboard
Figure 10
Figure 11
Figure 12
Closing the Computer
1. Flip the keyboard back toward the keyboard opening in the case.
2. Hold the keyboard at a 45-degree angle above the keyboard opening, and insert the tabs on the bottom edge of the key-
board into the slot under the edge of the opening (Figure 13).
Important : Make sure that all the tabs are seated and that the keyboard rests flush against the edge of the opening.
3. Lay the keyboard flat into the keyboard opening.
4. Pull down on the keyboard release tabs and then press down on the top portion of the keyboard (Figure 14).
5. Let go of the keyboard release tabs to secure the keyboard in place.
6. Close the display and turn the iBook over.
7. Replace the battery into the batter y compartment. Hold the battery flush and use a coin to turn the latch counterclockwise
1/4 turn to lock the batter y into place (Figure 15).
6 B073-0614 Rev. EiBook (Dual USB - Late 2001 - 14.1 LCD - 16 VRAM - 14.1 LCD 16 VRAM) - Keyboard
Figure 13
Figure 14
Figure 15
8. Turn your iBook over and open the display.
9. Reconnect the power cord and any other cables that were connected and restart your computer.
Note : You may need to reset the date and time (using the Date & Time control panel). War ning : Never turn on your computer unless all of its inter nal and exter nal parts are in place and it is fully
reassembled. Operating the computer when it is missing parts can damage your computer or cause injury.
Apple Computer, Inc.
© 2002 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. Under the copyright laws, this document may not be copied, in whole or in part, without the written consent of Apple. The Apple logo is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Use of the “keyboard” Apple logo (Option-Shift-K) for commercial pur-
poses without the prior written consent of Apple may constitute trademark infringement and unfair competition in violation of federal and state laws. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this document is accurate. Apple is not responsible for printing or clerical er rors. Apple Computer, Inc.
1 Infinite Loop Cupertino, CA 95014-2084 USA + 1 408 996 1010
Apple and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. iBook is a trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc.
7B073-0614 Rev. E iBook (Dual USB - Late 2001 - 14.1 LCD - 16 VRAM - 14.1 LCD 16 VRAM) - Keyboard
Replacement Instructions
Follow the instructions in this sheet carefully. Failure to follow these instr uctions could damage your equipment and void its warranty.
Note : Written and video instructions covering customer-installable parts are available at­parts/.
War ning : During this procedure, keep small parts away from children. War ning : Memory cards come in various specifications. Only install memory cards that are approved for your
Tools Required
• Coin
• #0 Phillips screwdriver
• Jeweler’s flat-blade screwdriver (if keyboard is locked)
• Small soft cloth (if an optional AirPort Card is installed)
Opening the Computer War ning : Always shut down your computer before opening it to avoid damaging its internal components or
causing injury. After you shut down the computer, the internal components can be ver y hot. L et the computer cool down before continuing.
1. Place your computer on a clean, flat surface.
2. Shut down your computer and wait thirty minutes before continuing.
3. Disconnect the power cord and any other cables connected to the computer.
4. Close the computer, turn it over, and locate the battery latch (Figure 1). Use a coin to turn the batter y latch 1/4 turn clockwise to unlock the battery. Gently remove the battery. Removing the battery will prevent you from accidentally tur ning on the computer. War ning : Removing the battery before shutting down your computer may result in data loss.
5. Turn over the computer.
6. Raise the display so you can access the keyboard.
1iBook (Dual USB - Late 2001 - 14.1 LCD - 16 VRAM - 14.1 LCD 16 VRAM) - Memor y


Figure 1
7. Make sure the keyboard locking screw, located in the small plastic tab to the left of the Num L ock key (Figure 2), is not in
the locked position. Your iBook comes with the keyboard unlocked, so unless you or someone else locked the keyboard, you can skip this step.
To unlock the keyboard, turn the screw 1/2 turn.
8. Release the keyboard by pulling down on the keyboard release tabs (located to the left of the F1 and F12 keys) (Figure 3),
then lift the top portion of the keyboard up slightly, and toward the display.
9. Flip the keyboard over and lay it on the palm rests and trackpad (Figure 4).
2 iBook (Dual USB - Late 2001 - 14.1 LCD - 16 VRAM - 14.1 LCD 16 VRAM) - Memor y
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
10. Touch a metal surface on the inside of the computer to discharge any static electricity, as shown (Figure 5). Important : To avoid electrostatic discharge damage, always ground yourself by touching the computer’s framework before
you touch any parts or install any components inside the computer. To avoid static electricity building back up in your body, do not walk around the room until you have completed the installation and closed the computer.
Removing the Installed Memory Card
1. If your computer has the optional AirPort Card installed, unlatch the flexible wire holder that secures the card (Figure 6).
2. Use the pull-tab on the card to remove it from the slot. (You do not need to disconnect the antenna.) Note : To avoid scratching the computer’s case, place a sof t cloth between the AirPort Card and the surface of your iBook.
3. If an AirPort Card is not installed, unlatch the flexible wire holder to release the AirPort Card antenna cable.
4. Remove the screws that secure the RAM shield (Figure 7).
3iBook (Dual USB - Late 2001 - 14.1 LCD - 16 VRAM - 14.1 LCD 16 VRAM) - Memor y
Figure 5
Figure 6
Figure 7
5. Lift the RAM shield out of the computer. Carefully pulling up on the wire holder may help to remove the shield (Figure 8).
6. Locate the installed memor y card and brackets that secure the card on both sides (Figure 9).
7. Carefully spread the brackets apart until the card releases on each side. Pull the card up and out of the memory slot.
Installing the Replacement Memory Card
1. Line up the notch in the replacement memory card with the small tab in the memor y slot. Hold the card at a 30-degree
angle, then push the card into the slot until it is firmly seated (Figure 10).
Note : If you feel resistance when inserting the card, try pushing one side at a time.
4 iBook (Dual USB - Late 2001 - 14.1 LCD - 16 VRAM - 14.1 LCD 16 VRAM) - Memor y
Figure 8
Figure 9
Figure 10
2. Gently push the top of the card down until the brackets snap onto both sides of the memory card to lock it into place
(Figure 11).
3. Insert the RAM shield (Figure 12).
4. Verif y that the end of the wire of the wire holder (where it is attached to the RAM shield, on the keyboard side) does not
catch on the side of the compartment. The screw holes on the shield and computer should align and the shield should lay uniformly flat.
5. Verif y that the AirPort antenna cable routes through the notch in the RAM shield without pinching.
6. Replace the RAM shield screws.
7. If you do not have an AirPort Card, flip down the wire holder over the AirPort Card antenna cable and secure it by inserting
the prongs of the holder into the slots in the RAM shield (Figure 13).
5iBook (Dual USB - Late 2001 - 14.1 LCD - 16 VRAM - 14.1 LCD 16 VRAM) - Memor y
Figure 11
Figure 12
Figure 13
8. If you have an AirPort Card, gently slide it (with the AirPort ID number and bar code facing up) under the wire bracket and
securely into the AirPort Card slot.
9. Use the wire holder to secure the AirPort Card in place by inserting its prongs into the slots in the RAM shield (Figure 14).
Closing the Computer
1. Flip the keyboard back toward the keyboard opening in the case.
2. Hold the keyboard at a 45-degree angle above the keyboard opening, and insert the tabs on the bottom edge of the key-
board into the slot under the edge of the opening.
Important : Make sure that all the tabs are seated and that the keyboard rests flush against the edge of the opening (Figure 15).
3. Lay the keyboard flat into the keyboard opening.
4. Pull down on the keyboard release tabs and then press down on the top portion of the keyboard (Figure 16).
6 iBook (Dual USB - Late 2001 - 14.1 LCD - 16 VRAM - 14.1 LCD 16 VRAM) - Memor y
Figure 14
Figure 15
Figure 16
5. Let go of the keyboard release tabs to secure the keyboard in place.
6. Close the display and turn the iBook over.
7. Replace the battery into the batter y compartment. Hold the battery flush and use a coin to turn the latch counterclockwise
1/4 turn to lock the batter y into place (Figure 17).
8. Turn your iBook over and open the display.
9. Reconnect the power cord and any other cables that were connected and restart your computer.
Note : You may need to reset the date and time (using the Date & Time control panel). War ning : Never turn on your computer unless all of its inter nal and exter nal parts are in place and it is fully
reassembled. Operating the computer when it is missing parts can damage your computer or cause injury.
Apple Computer, Inc.
© 2002 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. Under the copyright laws, this document may not be copied, in whole or in part, without the written consent of Apple. The Apple logo is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Use of the “keyboard” Apple logo (Option-Shift-K) for commercial pur-
poses without the prior written consent of Apple may constitute trademark infringement and unfair competition in violation of federal and state laws. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this document is accurate. Apple is not responsible for printing or clerical er rors. Apple Computer, Inc.
1 Infinite Loop Cupertino, CA 95014-2084 USA + 1 408 996 1010
Apple and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. iBook is a trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc.
7iBook (Dual USB - Late 2001 - 14.1 LCD - 16 VRAM - 14.1 LCD 16 VRAM) - Memor y
Figure 17
Replacement Instructions
Follow the instructions in this sheet carefully. Failure to follow these instr uctions could damage your equipment and void its warranty.
Note : Written and video instructions covering customer-installable parts are available at­parts/.
War ning : During this procedure, keep small parts away from children.
Tools Required
• Coin
• Jeweler’s flat-blade screwdriver (if keyboard is locked)
Opening the Computer War ning : Always shut down your computer before opening it to avoid damaging its internal components or
causing injury. After you shut down the computer, the internal components can be ver y hot. L et the computer cool down before continuing.
1. Place your computer on a clean, flat surface.
2. Shut down your computer and wait thirty minutes before continuing.
3. Disconnect the power cord and any other cables connected to the computer.
4. Close the computer, turn it over, and locate the battery latch (Figure 1).
Use a coin to turn the batter y latch 1/4 turn clockwise to unlock the battery. Gently remove the battery. Removing the battery will prevent you from accidentally tur ning on the computer. War ning : Removing the battery before shutting down your computer may result in data loss.
5. Turn over the computer.
6. Raise the display so you can access the keyboard.
1iBook (Dual USB - Late 2001 - 14.1 LCD - 16 VRAM - 14.1 LCD 16 VRAM) - AirPort Card

AirPort Card

Figure 1
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