Apple FINAL CUT STUDIO BOX Installation

Myriad v2.0
Installing Your Software
The following information is intended to get you up and running as quickly as possible and covers these topics:
About the Contents of Your Final Cut Studio Box (p. 2)
About Onscreen Help (p. 5)
Upgrading Mac OS X and QuickTime (p. 6)
Installing Final Cut Studio on a Mac OS X v10.3 (Panther) System (p. 6)
Installing Final Cut Studio on a Mac OS X v10.4 (Tiger) System (p. 8)
Installing Content (p. 10)
Registering Final Cut Studio (p. 14)
Contacting AppleCare Support (p. 15)
Be sure to also review the Final Cut Studio installation disc. For the latest information on Final Cut Studio, go to the Final Cut Studio website at
Before You Install Final Cut Studio
document on the
About the Contents of Your Final Cut Studio Box
Your Final Cut Studio box contains software and documentation to enhance your video and audio production experience.

Installation and Content Discs

Final Cut Studio includes all of the installation and content discs required to install Final Cut Pro 5, Soundtrack Pro, Motion 2, DVD Studio Pro 4, LiveType 2, Cinema Tools 3, and Compressor 2. Also included with Final Cut Studio is a tutorial disc for use with the included of each disc’s contents.
Final Cut Studio Installation Disc
This disc contains the files necessary to install Final Cut Pro, LiveType, Cinema Tools, and Compressor. It is the first disc you will use to install Final Cut Studio. It also contains the following files and folders:
Apple Pro Training Final Cut Studio Tutorials
Before You Install Final Cut Studio:
things to do before you install the applications. Be sure to read this before installing Final Cut Studio.
Install Final Cut Studio icon:
Documentation folder:
Final Cut Studio applications. Many of the PDF documents contain an access page with links to additional documents and related Apple websites.
Extras folder:
LiveType Extras:
EDL Access:
Head Leaders for Cinema Tools:
a project using leaders.
DVX-100 Audio Sync Tool:
Audio Sync Tool.
Apple Qmaster Nodes.mpkg:
which is an application you can use to configure a distributed encoding network. See the Distributed Processing Setup link on the page for information on installing and configuring Apple Qmaster nodes.
This folder contains the following additional Installers, applications, and
A folder that contains documentation and the EDL Access application.
This folder contains PDF documentation for all of the
A folder that contains documentation and samples of LiveFonts.
This document provides system requirements and
Double-click this icon to begin the installation process.
A folder that contains documentation, movies, and
A folder that contains documentation and the DVX-100
An Installer for Apple Qmaster distributed processing,
manual. Following is a description
Compressor 2 User Manual
Soundtrack Pro Installation Disc
This disc contains the files necessary to install Soundtrack Pro. It also contains the following files and folders:
Before You Install Soundtrack Pro:
things to do before you install the application and its accompanying utilities. This is used only when installing Soundtrack Pro as a standalone application. See the
You Install Final Cut Studio
This document provides system requirements and
document on the Final Cut Studio installation disc instead.
Install Soundtrack Pro icon:
Documentation folder:
Double-click this icon to begin the installation process.
This folder contains PDF documentation Soundtrack Pro. The document contains an access page with links to additional documents and related Apple websites.
Apple Loops for Soundtrack Pro Disc
This disc contains an extensive library of sound effects and loops using the Apple Loops format.
Motion Installation Disc
This disc contains the files necessary to install Motion. It also contains the following files and folders:
Before You Install Motion:
This document provides system requirements and things to do before you install the application and its accompanying utilities. This is used only when installing Motion as a standalone application. See the
Final Cut Studio
Install Motion icon:
document on the Final Cut Studio installation disc instead.
Double-click this icon to begin the installation process. The
Before You Install
installation process will first install the applications, and then launch the Motion content Installer.
Install Motion Content icon:
Double-click this icon to install the Motion content if you
chose not to install it when you installed Motion.
Documentation folder: Manual
contains an access page with links to additional documents and related
Contains PDF documentation for Motion. The
Motion User
Apple websites.
DVD Studio Pro Installation Disc
This disc contains the files necessary to install DVD Studio Pro. It also contains the following files and folders:
Before You Install DVD Studio Pro 4:
This document provides system requirements and things to do before you install the application and its accompanying utilities. This is used only when installing DVD Studio Pro as a standalone application. See the
You Install Final Cut Studio
Install DVD Studio Pro 4 icon:
Install DVD Studio Pro 4 Content icon:
document on the Final Cut Studio installation disc instead.
Double-click this icon to begin the installation process.
Double-click this icon to install the
DVD Studio Pro content if you chose not to install it when you installed DVD Studio Pro.
Documentation folder:
DVD Studio Pro User Manual
This folder contains PDF documentation for DVD Studio Pro.
contains an access page with links to additional
documents and related Apple websites.
Extras folder:
Contains the Installer for Apple Qmaster distributed processing, which is an application you can use to configure a distributed encoding network. See the Distributed Processing Setup link on the
Compressor 2 User Manual
access page for
information on installing and configuring Apple Qmaster.
The Extras folder also contains an Install DVD Studio Pro Content icon. You can double-click this to begin the installation process for DVD Studio Pro templates and transitions if you chose not to install them when you installed DVD Studio Pro.
Template Intro Movies folder:
versions of several movies to be used with the Apple templates that come with DVD Studio Pro.
LiveType Media Discs
These discs provide media content for LiveType, including LiveFonts, templates, objects, and textures. Each disc includes an Installer for its contents.
Apple Pro Training Final Cut Studio Tutorials Disc
This disc provides content to support the manual.
Apple Pro Training Final Cut Studio DVD Tutorials Disc
This disc provides content to support DVD-based video training for the Final Cut Studio applications.
This folder includes documentation and NTSC and PAL
Apple Pro Training Final Cut Studio Tutorials

Printed Documentation

You can find the following printed instructional material in your Final Cut Studio box:
Final Cut Pro 5 User Manual:
application and is organized into several volumes:
Volume 1—Interface, Setup, and Input:
interface and the elements of a project, and provides instructions for setting up your editing system, capturing footage to your computer, and importing files.
Volume 2—Editing:
organizing your footage, creating a rough edit, and fine-tuning your edit using advanced trimming techniques. Also includes instructions for multicamera editing using powerful new multicamera editing tools.
Volume 3—Audio Mixing and Effects:
enhancing your video using the elaborate effects capabilities of Final Cut Pro. Topics include adding transitions and filters, creating motion effects, compositing and layering, creating titles, and color correcting your footage. Also covers real­time playback and rendering.
Volume 4—Media Management and Output:
projects and media files, exchanging projects between editing systems, and outputting completed projects. Also contains detailed explanations of settings and preferences and information on video formats, frame rate, and timecode.
Final Cut Pro 5 Getting Started:
you get started using it.
Final Cut Pro 5 Quick Reference:
and modifier keys.
Provides comprehensive information about the
Explains the basics of the Final Cut Pro
Discusses each part of the video editing process, including
Provides instructions for mixing audio and
Provides information about managing
Provides an introduction to Final Cut Pro and helps
Provides information on keyboard shortcuts, tools,
Soundtrack Pro User Manual:
including planning your project, preparing assets, and using Soundtrack Pro.
Motion 2 Getting Started:
started using it.
DVD Studio Pro 4 User Manual:
including planning your project, preparing assets, and using DVD Studio Pro.
Final Cut Studio Workflows:
applications together and summarizes postproduction workflows.
Apple Pro Training Final Cut Studio Tutorials:
using the Final Cut Studio applications.
Provides information on the audio creation process,
Provides an introduction to Motion and helps you get
Provides information on the DVD creation process,
Provides information on using the Final Cut Studio
Provides basic and advanced tutorials for

About Onscreen Help

Onscreen help (available in the Help menu) allows you to access information onscreen while you’re working in any of the Final Cut Studio applications. Onscreen user manuals are available here, as well as links to other documentation and related Apple websites.

Onscreen User Manuals

Onscreen user manuals for each of the Final Cut Studio applications can be accessed from each application’s Help menu.
To access the onscreen user manual for an application:
In the application, choose the application’s user manual from the Help menu.

Late-Breaking News

Most of the Final Cut Studio applications have a Late-Breaking News document that contains information about issues with third-party hardware and software and other known issues. This information can be accessed from the Help menu.
You must be connected to the Internet in order to download the Late-Breaking
News document.
To access Late-Breaking News for an application:
In the application, choose Help > Late-Breaking News.
A PDF file of the current version of that application’s Late-Breaking News document is downloaded to your hard disk and opened in Preview.

New Features

Most of the Final Cut Studio applications have a New Features document describing features that have been added or enhanced since the last version. This information is found in the New Features section of onscreen help.
To access the New Features document for an application:
In the application, choose Help > New Features.
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