Lowara Servitec Degassing Unit
Installation, Operating and
Maintenance Instructions
Declaration of Conformity
Lowara pumps UK declare that the Servitec degassing unit conforms to the requirements of the Machinery
Safety Directive 89/392/EEC.
Conforming to the UK Health & Safety Requirements S.I. 1992 No 3073 S.I. 1994 No 2063
Water supply (Water fittings) regulations 1999
Simple pressure vessel directive 87/404/EEC
Code of practice for heating and chilled water systems BS7074 (parts 1, 2 & 3)
Signed: Position: Engineering manager Date: 14-08-12 Revision
Clive Willmott
This leaflet contains information to enable the safe installation and operation of the products mentioned above.
The following instructions must be read and understood by all persons responsible for the installation, operation
and maintenance of this product.
Warning Symbols
Safety instructions where noncompliance would affect safety.
Safety instruction where electrical hazard is involved.
Safety instruction where noncompliance could cause damage to the equipment.
Instruction for safe us
This product has been designed for collecting and boosting rain water in non potable water
installations to the operating conditions shown.
This product should not be installed until this leaflet has been studied carefully.
Handling, transportation and installation of this equipment should only take place with the proper
use of lifting equipment.
This product must be stored in a frost-free dry environment.
Noise Emission
This equipment operates at a noise level lower than 70dBA.

The Lowara Servitec unit is despatched mounted on a wooden pallet and covered in a protective film, it is
recommended that the unit be retained in the protective packaging until the product is to be
installed. The unit will arrive pre-packaged and wired ready for installation.
This product has been fully run tested at our works under simulated site conditions. The unit
should be thoroughly checked for physical damage that may have been caused during transit.
If the unit is found to have damage it must be reported immediately and should not be installed.
The unit must be sited in a clean well ventilated area with good all round access, two fixing holes are
provided in the back plate allowing the unit to be wall mounted.
Electrical Connections
The cable used for the incoming supply must be of adequate size to carry the motor full load current. This is
shown on the duty plate. All non power caballing should be limited to 2.5mm².
All connections must be made using the appropriate wiring drawings for the equipment being
installed, with particular attention being paid to the supply voltages.
The supply voltage is shown on the set duty plate.
Never operate this product with the control panel front cover removed.
It is essential that this equipment is earthed to the building earth system.
Pumps operate at 230v 50Hz
All wiring should be arranged such that it enters the control section through the appropriate cable glands.
Supply 1 PE
(230 V)
Make-up motorized
ball valve
Pump 7 M1
External make-up
Common message 12 NC
(fl oating)
Not confi gured 15 +24 V DC
Water shortage 17 +24 V DC
switch 18 E1
Pressure measurement transducer
Terminal Signal Note
2 N ’servitec’ is fully wired with a shock-proof plug
5 N connected
8 N connected
13 COM wire on site (optional)
14 NO
16 E1
19 +18 V
20 AE
only for ’servitec levelcontrol’ mode
230 V wire on site
not wired up
not connected
Despite removing the mains plug, 230 V
may still be present at terminal 10, 11 12,
13 and 14, and at parts of the circuit board.

System Connections
Connect the Lowara Servitec system inlet port (marked 1) to the return leg of the circulating
system maximum temperature 70˚C, connect the system outlet port (marked 2) down stream of
the inlet port, minimum distance 500mm The connections to the main pipe should be made at the
top or side of the pipe not the bottom, this is to prevent dirt being transferred to the Servitec.
Make up water
Make up water is generally provided by a separate pressurisation unit placed in the system and
will work independently of the Lowara Servitec unit. In this case the water make up (port 3) can be
blanked off and not used. It is possible to connect a basic fill unit to the system for water make
which can be controlled by the Servitec unit, in this case the fill unit outlet should be connected the
Servitec make up port (Marked 3) maximum pressure 6 bar. The appropriate electrical connections
will also need to be made.
Initial start up
1. Check that the electrical connections are all made in accordance with local bylaws.
2. Check that the system connections have been made and the isolation valves are open.
3. Check that the pipe lines to the Servitec have been cleaned and are clear of any debris that
may have accumulated during installation.
Parameter Settings
The Lowara Servitec has two parameter setting levels, one is for service use and is password protected, and the
second is for customer use and is not protected.
During initial start up the customer parameters must be set to the system specific conditions.
From above
Main current V
circuit water
Rich in
From below as an
immersion tube
Main current V
circuit water
Rich in
Low in
Low in
Butt-welded from the
bottom not permitted
At the side
(horizontal and vertical
assembly possible)
Low in
Rich in
Main current V
circuit water

Specific system set points
The display shows the ’servitec’ type
selected; ’servitec magcontrol’ or ’servitec
levelcontrol’. The system type can be
specified here Select levelcontrol
System fill pressure