GOES Satellite Antenna
(401.7 to 402.85 MHz)
Owner's Manual
Version 1.1
This product embodies technology that is confidential and proprietary technology of DESIGN ANALYSIS ASSOCIATES, INC.,
and which is protected by United States copyright laws and international copyright treaty provisions, and/or by contract and
applicable laws of trade secrecy. These include all Software, Printed Circuit Board Artwork, Schematic Diagrams, and
Technologies applied therein. The enclosure encasing the electronics of this instrument may not be opened without written
consent of DESIGN ANALYSIS ASSOCIATES, INC., and any attempt to do so without such written authorization constitutes a
breach of contract and will also void any applicable warranty for the product.
75 West 100 South, Logan, Utah 84321 Phone: (435) 753-2212 Fax: (435) 753-7669 Web: http://www.waterlog.com E-mail: waterlog@waterlog.com
D E S I G N A N A L Y S I S A S S O C I A T E S , I N C .

75 West 100 South, Logan, Utah 84321 Phone: (435) 753-2212 Fax: (435) 753-7669 Web: http://www.waterlog.com E-mail: waterlog@waterlog.com
D E S I G N A N A L Y S I S A S S O C I A T E S , I N C .

User Agreement/
This agreement accompanies an antenna assembly comprising circuitry and other electronic equipment
in an enclosed housing, and packaged together with written instructional materials. The packaged
electronic circuitry and instructional materials herein are collectively referred to as the “PRODUCT.”
The PRODUCT is made available from DESIGN ANALYSIS ASSOCIATES, INC., of 75 West 100
South, Logan, Utah 84321 (hereinafter referred to as “DESIGN ANALYSIS”), and contains information
and embodies technology that is confidential and proprietary to DESIGN ANALYSIS, and the
availability and use of the PRODUCT is extended to you, the USER, solely on the basis of the terms of
agreement which follow.
Opening the package which encloses the accompanying PRODUCT indicates your acceptance of the
terms and conditions of this agreement and constitutes an acknowledgment by you of the confidential and
proprietary nature of the rights of DESIGN ANALYSIS in the PRODUCT.
In consideration for the access to and use of the PRODUCT extended to you by DESIGN ANALYSIS
and to protect the confidential and proprietary information of DESIGN ANALYSIS, USER agrees as
LOG® Warranty
(a) USER agrees that they will not remove from the exterior of the housing of the PRODUCT any
safety warnings or notices of proprietary interest placed thereon by DESIGN ANALYSIS.
(b) USER agrees that they shall not disassemble or otherwise reverse engineer the PRODUCT.
(c) USER agrees to treat the PRODUCT with the same degree of care as USER exercises in relation to
their own confidential and proprietary information.
USER may enjoy these rights only as long as their possession of the PRODUCT shall continue to be
rightful. These rights will cease if the PRODUCT is returned to DESIGN ANALYSIS under the terms of
any redemption offer, warranty, or money-back guarantee, or if USER transfers the PRODUCT to
another party on terms inconsistent with this agreement.
(b) What is Covered
DESIGN ANALYSIS warrants that for a period of twelve months from the time of purchase the
functions to be performed by the PRODUCT will be substantially in compliance with USER
documentation. DESIGN ANALYSIS also warrants that the PRODUCT will be free from
defects in materials and workmanship for a period of ONE YEAR from the date of purchase.
(b) What USER Must Do
If the product fails to satisfy the above warranty, USER must notify DESIGN ANALYSIS in
writing within the applicable period specified above and reasonably cooperate with the directions
they received from DESIGN ANALYSIS.
User Agreement/W
LOG® Warranty W-1