siemens 840Di User Manual

Function Manual
Brief description
Detailed description
Supplementary conditions
Data lists
Valid for
SINUMERIK 840D sl/840DE sl SINUMERIK 840Di sl/840DiE sl SINUMERIK 840D powerline/840DE powerline SINUMERIK 840Di powerline/840DiE powerline SINUMERIK 810D powerline/810DE powerline
Software Version
NCU system software for 840D sl/840DE sl 1.3 NCU system software for 840D sl/DiE sl 1.0 NCU system software for 840D/840DE 7.4 NCU system software for 840Di/840DiE 3.3 NCU system software for 810D/810DE 7.4
Safety Guidelines
This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert symbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are graded according to the degree of danger.
indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken.
with a safety alert symbol, indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken.
without a safety alert symbol, indicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that an unintended result or situation can occur if the corresponding information is not taken into account.
If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will be used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to property damage.
Qualified Personnel
The device/system may only be set up and used in conjunction with this documentation. Commissioning and operation of a device/system may only be performed by qualified personnel. Within the context of the safety notes in this documentation qualified persons are defined as persons who are authorized to commission, ground and label devices, systems and circuits in accordance with established safety practices and standards.
Prescribed Usage
Note the following:
This device may only be used for the applications described in the catalog or the technical description and only in connection with devices or components from other manufacturers which have been approved or recommended by Siemens. Correct, reliable operation of the product requires proper transport, storage, positioning and assembly as well as careful operation and maintenance.
All names identified by ® are registered trademarks of the Siemens AG. The remaining trademarks in this publication may be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owner.
Disclaimer of Liability
We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software described. Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, the information in this publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent editions.
Siemens AG
Automation and Drives Postfach 48 48 90437 NÜRNBERG GERMANY
Order No.: 6FC5397-0BP10-2BA0 Ⓟ 12/2006
Copyright © Siemens AG 2006. Technical data subject to change

Table of contents

1 Brief description......................................................................................................................................... 7
2 Detailed description ................................................................................................................................... 9
2.1 Key PLC CPU data for 810D, 840D and 840Di .............................................................................9
2.2 Reserve resources (timers, FC, FB, DB, I/O) ..............................................................................16
2.3 Starting up hardware configuration of PLC CPUs .......................................................................17
2.4 Starting up the PLC program .......................................................................................................22
2.4.1 Installing the basic program for 810D, 840D ...............................................................................22
2.4.2 Application of basic program........................................................................................................24
2.4.3 Version codes ..............................................................................................................................25
2.4.4 Machine program .........................................................................................................................25
2.4.5 Data backup.................................................................................................................................26
2.4.6 PLC series startup, PLC archives:...............................................................................................26
2.4.7 Software upgrades.......................................................................................................................28
2.4.8 I/O modules (FM, CP modules) ...................................................................................................29
2.4.9 Troubleshooting ...........................................................................................................................30
2.5 Linking PLC CPUs to 810D, 840D...............................................................................................31
2.5.1 General ........................................................................................................................................31
2.5.2 Properties of PLC CPUs ..............................................................................................................31
2.5.3 Interface on 810D and 840D with integrated PLC .......................................................................32
2.5.4 Diagnostic buffer on PLC .............................................................................................................34
2.6 Interface structure ........................................................................................................................36
2.6.1 General ........................................................................................................................................36
2.6.2 PLC/NCK interface.......................................................................................................................36
2.6.3 Interface PLC/HMI .......................................................................................................................42
2.6.4 PLC/MCP/HHU interface .............................................................................................................45
2.7 Structure and functions of the basic program ..............................................................................49
2.7.1 General ........................................................................................................................................49
2.7.2 Startup and synchronization of NCK PLC....................................................................................51
2.7.3 Cyclic operation (OB1).................................................................................................................51
2.7.4 Time-alarm processing (OB 35)...................................................................................................54
2.7.5 Process interrupt processing (OB 40)..........................................................................................54
2.7.6 Response to NC failure................................................................................................................54
2.7.7 Functions of the basic program called from the user program ....................................................56
2.7.8 Symbolic programming of user program with interface DB .........................................................59
2.7.9 M decoding acc. to list .................................................................................................................60
2.7.10 PLC machine data .......................................................................................................................65
2.7.11 Configuration of machine control panel, handheld unit ...............................................................69
2.8 SPL for Safety Integrated.............................................................................................................78
2.9 Assignment overview ...................................................................................................................78
2.9.1 Assignment: NC/PLC interface ....................................................................................................78
2.9.2 Assignment: FB/FC......................................................................................................................78
2.9.3 Assignment: DB ...........................................................................................................................79
Basic logic functions: PLC Basic program powerline (P3 pl) Function Manual, 11/2006, 6FC5397-0BP10-2BA0
Table of contents
2.9.4 Assignment: Timers .................................................................................................................... 81
2.10 Memory requirements of basic PLC program for 840D .............................................................. 81
2.11 Supplementary conditions and NC VAR selector ....................................................................... 84
2.11.1 Supplementary conditions........................................................................................................... 84 Programming and parameterizing tools...................................................................................... 84 SIMATIC documentation required............................................................................................... 86 Relevant SINUMERIK documents .............................................................................................. 86
2.11.2 NC VAR selector ......................................................................................................................... 87 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 87 Description of Functions.............................................................................................................. 90 Startup, installation...................................................................................................................... 99
2.12 Block descriptions ..................................................................................................................... 100
2.12.1 FB 1: RUN_UP Basic program, startup section ........................................................................ 100
2.12.2 FB 2: Read GET NC variable.................................................................................................... 109
2.12.3 FB 3: PUT write NC variables ................................................................................................... 117
2.12.4 FB 4: PI_SERV General PI services ......................................................................................... 125 Overview of available PI services ............................................................................................. 128 General PI services................................................................................................................... 129 Tool management services....................................................................................................... 134
2.12.5 FB 5: GETGUD read GUD variable .......................................................................................... 150
2.12.6 FB 7: PI_SERV2 General PI services ....................................................................................... 156
2.12.7 FB 9: MzuN Control unit switchover.......................................................................................... 160
2.12.8 FB 10: Safety relay (SI relay).................................................................................................... 166
2.12.9 FB 11: Brake test ...................................................................................................................... 170
2.12.10 FB 29: Signal recorder and data trigger diagnostics................................................................. 176
2.12.11 FC 2: GP_HP Basic program, cyclic section............................................................................. 180
2.12.12 FC 3: GP_PRAL Basic program, interruptcontrolled section .................................................... 182
2.12.13 FC 7: TM_REV Transfer block for tool change with revolver.................................................... 185
2.12.14 FC 8: TM_TRANS transfer block for tool management ............................................................ 189
2.12.15 FC 9: ASUB startup of asynchronous subprograms................................................................. 197
2.12.16 FC 10: AL_MSG error and operating messages....................................................................... 200
2.12.17 FC 12: AUXFU call interface for user with auxiliary functions .................................................. 202
2.12.18 FC 13: BHGDisp display control for handheld unit ................................................................... 203
2.12.19 FC 15: POS_AX positioning of linear and rotary axes .............................................................. 207
2.12.20 FC 16: PART_AX positioning of indexing axes......................................................................... 211
2.12.21 FC 17: YDelta star/delta changeover........................................................................................ 215
2.12.22 FC 18: SpinCtrl spindle control ................................................................................................. 219
2.12.23 FC 19: MCP_IFM transmission of MCP signals to interface..................................................... 230
2.12.24 FC 21: transfer PLC NCK data exchange................................................................................. 238
2.12.25 FC 22: TM_DIR Direction selection for tool management ........................................................ 247
2.12.26 FC 24: MCP_IFM2 Transmission of MCP signals to interface.................................................. 250
2.12.27 FC 25: MCP_IFT transfer of MCP/OP signals to interface ....................................................... 254
2.12.28 FC 26: HPU_MCP Transfer of HPU/HT6 signals to the interface............................................. 257 FC 26: HPU_MCP Transfer of HPU/HT6 signals to the interface............................................. 257 MCP selection signals to the user interface.............................................................................. 260 Checkback signals from user interface for controlling displays................................................ 262
2.12.29 FC 19, FC 24, FC 25, FC 26 source code description.............................................................. 263
2.13 Signal/data descriptions ............................................................................................................ 265
2.13.1 Interface signals NCK/PLC, MMC/PLC, MCP/PLC .................................................................. 265
2.13.2 Decoded M signals.................................................................................................................... 265
2.13.3 G Functions............................................................................................................................... 267
2.13.4 Message signals in DB 2........................................................................................................... 269
Basic logic functions: PLC Basic program powerline (P3 pl)
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Table of contents
2.14 Programming tips with STEP 7 ..................................................................................................272
2.14.1 General ......................................................................................................................................272
2.14.2 Copying data..............................................................................................................................272
2.14.3 ANY and POINTER....................................................................................................................273 POINTER or ANY variable for transfer to FC or FB...................................................................273 General ......................................................................................................................................275 Use of POINTER and ANY in FC if POINTER or ANY is available as parameter.....................275 Use of POINTER and ANY in FB if POINTER or ANY is available as parameter.....................277
2.14.4 Multiinstance DB ........................................................................................................................278
2.14.5 Strings........................................................................................................................................280
2.14.6 Determining offset addresses for data block structures ............................................................281
3 Supplementary conditions ..................................................................................................................... 283
4 Examples............................................................................................................................................... 285
5 Data lists................................................................................................................................................ 287
5.1 Machine data..............................................................................................................................287
5.1.1 NC-specific machine data ..........................................................................................................287
5.1.2 Channelspecific machine data...................................................................................................287
Index...................................................................................................................................................... 289
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Table of contents
Basic logic functions: PLC Basic program powerline (P3 pl)
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Brief description

The PLC basic program organizes the exchange of signals and data between the PLC user program and the NCK (Numerical Control Kernel), HMI (Human-Machine Interface) and MCP (Machine Control Panel) areas. A distinction is made between the following groups for signals and data:
Cyclic signal exchange
Eventdriven signal exchange
Cyclic signal exchange
The cyclically-exchanged signals consist primarily of bit arrays.
They contain commands transmitted from the PLC to the NCK (such as start or stop) and
status information from the NCK (such as program running, interrupted, etc.).
The bit fields are organized into signals for:
– Mode groups – channels
– Axes/spindles – General NCK signals
The cyclic exchange of data is performed by the basic program at the start of the PLC cycle (OB1). This ensures that the signals from the NCK remain constant throughout the cycle.
Event-driven signal exchange NCK → PLC
PLC functions that have to be executed as a function of the workpiece program are triggered by auxiliary functions in the workpiece program. If the auxiliary functions are used to start execution of a block, the type of auxiliary function determines whether the NCK has to wait before executing the function (e.g. during a tool change) or whether the function is executed in parallel to machining of the workpiece (e.g. for tool preparation on milling machines with chaintype magazines).
Data transfer must be as fast and yet as reliable as possible, in order to minimize the effect on the NC machining process. Data transfer is therefore controlled by alarms and acknowledgments. The basic program evaluates the signals and data, acknowledges this to the NCK and transfers the data to the application interface at the start of the cycle. If the data do not require user acknowledgment, this does not affect NC processing.
Basic logic functions: PLC Basic program powerline (P3 pl) Function Manual, 11/2006, 6FC5397-0BP10-2BA0
Brief description
Event-driven signal exchange PLC → NCK
An "eventdriven signal exchange PLC → NCK" takes place whenever the PLC passes a request to the NCK (e.g., traversal of an auxiliary axis). In this case, the data transfer is also controlled by acknowledgment. When performed from the user program, this type of signal exchange is triggered using a function block (FB) or function call (FC).
The associated FBs (Function Blocks) and FCs (Function Calls) are supplied together with the basic program.
User messages are acquired and conditioned by the basic program. A defined bit field is used to transfer the message signals to the basic program. The signals are evaluated there and entered in the PLC diagnostics buffer on the occurrence of the message events. If a control unit is present, the messages are displayed on the operator interface.
Note The function of the machine is largely determined by the PLC program. Every PLC program
in the working memory can be edited with the programming device.
Basic logic functions: PLC Basic program powerline (P3 pl)
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Detailed description

2.1 Key PLC CPU data for 810D, 840D and 840Di

The tables below show the performance range of the PLC CPUs and the scope of the basic PLC program relative to the various controller types.
Type of control: 810D and 840D
Key CPU data
810D / 840D 810D / 840D 810D / 840D PLC CPU
MLFB Memory for user and basic
Data block memory Like user memory Like user memory Up to 96 KB Memory submodule no no no Bit memories 2048 2048 2048/ 4096 with PLC
Timers 128 128 128 Counters 64 64 64 Clock memories 8 8 8 Program/data blocks
Max. data block length 16 KB 16 KB 16 KB Max. block length FC, FB 16 KB 24 KB 24 KB Inputs/outputs
(address capacity)
- digital
- analog
Integrated PLC CPU314
64, 96, 128 KB 64, 96 128, 160, 192, 224,
1, 10, 20, 35, 40, 80-82, 85, 87, 100, 121-122 1-127 1-127 1-127
768 64
Integrated PLC CPU315-2DP
6ES7 315-2AF00-0AB0
256, 288 KB (dependent on option)
1, 10, 20, 35, 40, 80-82, 85-87, 100, 121-122 1-127 1-127 1-127
1024/1024 64
Integrated PLC CPU315-2DP master/slave
6ES7 315-2AF01-0AB0 96, 160, 224, 288, 352, 416,
480 kByte (dependent on option)
operating system 03.10.13 or later
1, 10, 20, 35, 40, 80-82, 85-87, 100, 121-122 0-255 0-255 1-399
1024/1024 64
Basic logic functions: PLC Basic program powerline (P3 pl) Function Manual, 11/2006, 6FC5397-0BP10-2BA0
Detailed description
2.1 Key PLC CPU data for 810D, 840D and 840Di
810D / 840D 810D / 840D 810D / 840D Inputs/outputs 1)
- digital
- analog
Processing time
- Bit commands (I/O)
- Word commands PDIAG (Alarm S,SQ) no no yes PROFIBUS N/A Master Master/Slave Number of PROFIBUS
slaves programmable block
communication PBK Consistent Data to standard
slave via SFC 14, 15
1) Subrack 0 is integrated in the NC. Subracks 1 to 3 are available for I/O devices.
Subrack 0 is not available for I/O devices:
from I/O byte 32 onwards from PI/PO byte 384 onwards
0.3 ms/kA 1-4 ms/kA
Min. 16, max. 64
no no yes
N/A 26 26
Through optional configuring of I/O devices:
from I/O byte 0 onwards from PI/PO byte 272 onwards
0.3 ms/kA 1-4 ms/kA
SDB 2000 ≤ 8 KB
Through optional configuring of I/O devices:
from I/O byte 0 onwards from PI/PO byte 272 onwards
0.3 ms/kA 1-4 ms/kA
Min. 16, max. 64 SDB 2000 ≤ 32 KB
I/O expansion
810D / 840D 810D / 840D 810D / 840D PLC CPU
MLFB I/O modules 24 24 24 PROFIBUS DP modules N/A yes yes Interfaces (MPI) 1 1 1
Integrated PLC CPU314
Integrated PLC CPU315-2DP
6ES7 315-2AF00-0AB0
Integrated PLC CPU315-2DP master/slave
6ES7 315-2AF01-0AB0
Types of control: 840Di, 810D and 840D
Key CPU data
840Di 810D 840D PLC CPU
MLFB Memory for user
and basic program
Data block memory Like user memory Like user memory Up to 96 KB Memory submodule no no no Bit memories 4096 4096 4096 Timers 128 128 256 Counters 64 64 256
Integrated PLC 315-2DP master/slave
6ES7 315-2AF03-0AB0 64, 96, 128, 160, 192, 224,
256 KB
Integrated PLC 315-2DP master/slave
6ES7 315-2AF03-0AB0 64, 96, 128, 160, 192, 224,
288 KB
Integrated PLC 314C-2DP master/slave
6FC5 314-6CF00-0AB0 96, 160, 224, 352, 416, 480
KB (dependent on option)
Basic logic functions: PLC Basic program powerline (P3 pl)
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Detailed description
2.1 Key PLC CPU data for 810D, 840D and 840Di
840Di 810D 840D Clock memories 8 8 8 Program/data blocks
Max. length of data block 16 KB 16 KB 16 KB Max. block length FC, FB 24 KB 24 KB 24 KB Inputs/outputs
(address capacity)
- digital
- analog Inputs/outputs 1)
- digital
- analog
Processing time
- Bit commands (I/O)
- Word commands PDIAG (Alarm S,SQ) Yes Yes Yes PROFIBUS Master Master/Slave Master/Slave Number of PROFIBUS
slaves Max. number of PROFIBUS
slots programmable block
communication PBK Consistent Data to standard
slave via SFC 14, 15
1) Subrack 0 is integrated in the NC. Subracks 1 to 3 are available for I/O devices.
1, 10, 20, 35, 40, 80-82, 85-87, 100, 121-122 0-255 0-255 1-399
1024/1024 64
Through optional configuring of I/O devices: from I/O byte 0 onwards from PI/PO byte 272 onwards (Profibus only)
0.3 ms/kA 1-4 ms/kA
Max. 64 SDB 2000 ≤ 32 KB
256 256 256
Yes Yes Yes
26 26 32
1, 10, 20, 35, 40, 80-82, 85-87, 100, 121-122 0-255 0-255 1-399
1024/1024 64
Through optional configuring of I/O devices: from I/O byte 0 onwards from PI/PO byte 272 onwards
0.3 ms/kA 1-4 ms/kA
Max. 64 SDB 2000 ≤ 32 KB
1, 10, 20, 35, 40, 80-82, 85-87,100, 121-122 0-255 0-255 1-399
1024/1024 64
Through optional configuring of I/O devices: from I/O byte 0 onwards from PI/PO byte 272 onwards
0.1 ms/kA
0.25-1.2 ms/kA
Max. 32 SDB 2000 ≤ 32 KB
I/O expansion
840Di 810D 840D PLC CPU
MLFB I/O modules PROFIBUS only 24 24 PROFIBUS DP modules Yes Yes Yes Interfaces (MPI) 1 1 1
Basic logic functions: PLC Basic program powerline (P3 pl) Function Manual, 11/2006, 6FC5397-0BP10-2BA0
Integrated PLC 315-2DP master/slave
6ES7 315-2AF03-0AB0
Integrated PLC 315-2DP master/slave
6ES7 315-2AF03-0AB0
Integrated PLC 314C-2DP master/slave
6FC5 314-6CF00-0AB0
Detailed description
2.1 Key PLC CPU data for 810D, 840D and 840Di
Types of control: 840Di and 840D
Key CPU data
840Di 840D PLC CPU
MLFB Memory for user
and basic program Data block memory Max. 256 KB Max. 256 KB Memory submodule no no Bit memories 32768 32768 Timers 512 512 Counters 512 512 Clock memories 8 8 Program/data blocks:
Max. length of data block 32 KB 32 KB Max. block length FC, FB 64 KB 64 KB Inputs/outputs 1)
(address capacity in bytes):
- digital / - analog
- incl. reserved area
- process image Note: The inputs/outputs above 4096 are reserved for integrated drives.
Inputs/outputs 2) (addressing):
- digital
- analog
Machining time:
- Bit commands (I/O)
- Word commands PDIAG (Alarm S,SQ) Yes Yes PROFIBUS Master/Slave Master/Slave Number of PROFIBUS
slaves Max. number of PROFIBUS
slots DP master system no. DP 1 1
Integrated PLC 317-2DP master/slave
6FC5 317-2AJ10-0AB0 128 to 768 KB 128 to 768 KB
10, 20-21, 32-35, 40, 55-57, 80, 82, 85-87, 100, 121-122 0-2048 0-2048 1-2048
4096/4096 8192/8192 256/256
Through optional configuring of I/O devices: from I/O byte 0 onwards from PI/PO byte 272 onwards (Profibus only)
≤ 0.03 ms/kA
0.1 ms/kA
max. 125 max. 125
512 512
Integrated PLC 317-2DP
master/slave 6FC5 317-2AJ10-1AB0
10, 20-21, 32-35, 40, 55-57, 80, 82, 85-87,100, 121-122 0-2048 0-2048 1-2048
4096/4096 8192/8192 256/256
Through optional configuring
of I/O devices: from I/O byte 0 onwards from PI/PO byte 272 onwards
≤ 0.03 ms/kA
0.1 ms/kA
Basic logic functions: PLC Basic program powerline (P3 pl)
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Detailed description
2.1 Key PLC CPU data for 810D, 840D and 840Di
840Di 840D DP master system no.
MPI/DP programmable block
communication PBK Consistent Data to standard
slave via SFC 14, 15
1) Notice!: The inputs/outputs above 4096 are reserved for integrated drives.
2) Subrack 0 is integrated in the NC. Subracks 1 to 3 are available for I/O devices.
2 N/A
Yes Yes
128 128
I/O expansion
840Di 840D PLC CPU
MLFB I/O modules PROFIBUS only 24 PROFIBUS DP modules 1 (2) 1 Interfaces (MPI) 1 (0) 1
Integrated PLC 317-2DP master/slave
6FC5 317-2AJ10-0AB0
Integrated PLC 317-2DP
master/slave 6FC5 317-2AJ10-1AB0
Note Number of PROFIBUS slaves
Because SDB 2000 and other SDBs must be stored by the PLC operating system in the static RAM area, which the Profibus ASIC can also access, the information from SDB2000 can continue to be transferred to the NCK and the PLC basic program in conditioned form (CPI interface). This is necessary for controlling the drives and PROFIsafe modules on Profibus. A memory area defined by the PLC is available for these data structures. Its size is limited by the maximum number of slots. This means that during loading, SDBs with fewer slaves than listed above may be rejected. A slot is usually a slave module or the slave itself. Only in a module with both I and Q areas does one module count as 2 slots. It is, therefore, not possible to specify the size of SDB 2000 exactly. It is only possible to say whether the configuration is permssible after the SDB container has been loaded into the CPU. The values specified in the tables mentioned above are therefore only intended as guidelines. If the configuration is impermissible, a request for a general reset is issued when the SDBs are loaded. The cause of the configuring error can be found in the diagnostic buffer on completion of the general reset.
Basic logic functions: PLC Basic program powerline (P3 pl) Function Manual, 11/2006, 6FC5397-0BP10-2BA0
Detailed description
2.1 Key PLC CPU data for 810D, 840D and 840Di
PLC versions
In SW 3.5 and higher on the 840D, version 6 (version code 35.06.03) is installed with PLC 314 and version 3 (version code 35.03.03) with PLC 315-2DP or higher.
These versions are compatible with the corresponding SIMATIC CPU300. All modules and software packages approved by SIMATIC for these versions and CPUs are therefore suitable. Modules that can only be installed in subrack 0 are the exception (modules FM NC and FM 357 are also exceptions).
Version code: XX.YY.ZZ
YY: Firmware transfer increment
ZZ: Internal increment
PLC 315-2DP with MLFB 6ES7 315-2AF00-0AB0: 04.02.14 PLC 315-2DP with MLFB 6ES7 315-2AF01-0AB0: 03.10.23 PLC 314: 07.02.12
HMI version display
The PLC module, the PLC operating system version and the module code appear in the last line of the HMI version display.
PLC module PLC operating system version Module code S7 PLC_315-2DP system 03.10.23 1200
Module codes
The table below shows the relationship between the module code and the corresponding PLC module, the suitable PLC operating system and its current software version:
Module code PLC module Suitable PLC operating systems
(corresponding SIMATIC MLFB) 0208 PLC 314 6ES7 314–1AE0–0AB0 07.02.12 1008 PLC 3152DP with ASPC 2 Step C 6ES7 315–2AF00–0AB0 04.02.14 1100 PLC 3152DP with ASPC 2 Step D 6ES7 315–2AF01–0AB0 03.10.23 1200 PLC 3152DP with ASPC 2 Step E 6ES7 315–2AF01–0AB0 03.10.23 6ES7 315–2AF03–0AB0 FW1.2 12.30.10 1400 PLC 314C2DP with IBC 16 6ES7 314–6CF00–0AB0 FW1.0.2 10.60.20 2200 PLC 317-2DP with IBC 32 6ES7 317–2AJ10–0AB0 FW2.1 20.71.15 MCI 1 (840Di) PLC 3152DP with ASPC 2 Step E 6ES7 315–2AF03–0AB0 FW1.0 04.20.36 MCI 2 (840Di)
PLC 317-2DP with IBC32 6ES7 317–2AJ10–0AB0 FW2.1 20.70.17
PLC operating system SW version
Basic logic functions: PLC Basic program powerline (P3 pl)
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Detailed description
2.1 Key PLC CPU data for 810D, 840D and 840Di
810 D, 840D
The tables below show the key data of the OPI interface and the PLC basic program functionality with reference to SINUMERIK 810D, 840D and 840Di:
OPI interface
840Di 810D 840D Number N/A N/A 1
PLC basic program functions
840Di 810D 840D Axes/spindles
channels Mode groups
Status/control signals M decoders (M00-99) G group decoders Aux. function distributors Interrupt-driven output of auxiliary functions Move axes/spindles from PLC Async. subprogram interface Error/operating messages MCP and handheld unit signals via NCK Reading/writing of NC variables + + +
PI services + + + Tool management + + + Star/delta switchover + + + Display control handheld unit + + +
Depends on chosen system software package
+ + + + + +
­+ +
5 2 1 + + + + + +
­+ +
31 10 10 + + + + + +
­+ +
Basic logic functions: PLC Basic program powerline (P3 pl) Function Manual, 11/2006, 6FC5397-0BP10-2BA0
Detailed description

2.2 Reserve resources (timers, FC, FB, DB, I/O)

2.2 Reserve resources (timers, FC, FB, DB, I/O)
Reserved components
The components below are reserved for the basic program:
Component Reserved range Timers T0 - T9 Functions (general) FC 0 - FC 29 Functions (in ShopMill/ShopTurn) FC 0 - FC 35 Function blocks FB 0 - FB 29 Data blocks (general)1) DB 1 - DB 62; DB 71 - DB 80 Data blocks (in ShopMill/ShopTurn) 1) DB 1 - DB 62; DB 71 - DB 89
1) The data blocks for channels, axes/spindles and tool management functions that are not activated may be assigned as required by the user.
PLC 317-2DP
PLC CPU: PLC 317-2DP are reserved for further number bands for SIEMENS applications referring to FC, FB, DB and I/O areas.
FC, FB and DB
Component Reserved range Functions FC 1000 - FC 1023 Function blocks FB 1000 - FB 1023 Data blocks DB 1000 - DB 1099
I/O range
Component Reserved range Address area 256 - 271 1) Inputs/outputs 4096 upwards2)
1) Reserved for the NC module and future expansions
2) Reserved for integrated drives However, diagnostics addresses for modules can only be placed in the uppermost address range, as suggested by STEP7.
Basic logic functions: PLC Basic program powerline (P3 pl)
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Detailed description

2.3 Starting up hardware configuration of PLC CPUs

2.3 Starting up hardware configuration of PLC CPUs
General procedure
STEP 7 is used to define the hardware configuration for a PLC CPU, including the associated I/O.
The procedure to be followed is shown below:
1. Load tool box to PG/PC
2. Create a new project (File, New, Project)
3. Insert, Hardware, SIMATIC 300 station
4. Select SIMATIC 300 station1 with mouse
5. Open object by right-clicking with the mouse to start the HWConfig
6. Destination system, load to PG, the hardware equipment complement is read back from
the central system
7. Configure distributed I/Os
8. Insert PLC basic program The addresses for the I/O modules can be changed if necessary (permissible only on certain
PLC CPUs, e.g. PLC 3152DP). As an alternative, the entire hardware configuration can be entered manually (see also
appropriate STEP7 documentation). The notices below must be observed.
STEP7, Version 3
With STEP7 Version 3 and higher, the hardware configuration of the SINUMERIK components must be defined via the entries in SIMATIC\RACK 300. The install or setup program of the basic program on the tool box diskettes is required for this purpose.
STEP7 Version 5.1 SP2 and Toolbox 6.03.02
With STEP7 V5.1 SP2 and Toolbox 6.03.02 or later, the SINUMERIK components are stored under SIMATIC 300\SINUMERIK. The current hardware expansion for STEP 7 can also be found under eSupport. Current path (02/13/2004): sinumerik_software > 840d/810d/fm-nc > patches & fixes > plc > Hardware_fuer_STEP7 > Hardware upto NCU*.5/CCU3/840Di_MCI2 > V6.5.2.0
CCU1 810D CPU 6FC5 410-0AA00-0AA0 6ES7 314-1AE01-0AB0 810D/840D with PLC314 CCU2 810D CPU 6FC5 410-0AA01-0AA0 6ES7 314-1AE01-0AB0 810D/840D with PLC314 CCU1 810DE CPU 6FC5 410-0AY01-0AA0 6ES7 314-1AE01-0AB0 810D/840D with PLC314 CCU2 810D CPU 6FC5 410-0AX02-0AA0 6ES7 314-1AE01-0AB0 810D/840D with PLC314 SINUMERIK 810DE Light
CCU1 module with system software (export)
6FC5 410-0AY00-0AA0 6ES7 314-1AE01-0AB0 810D/840D with PLC314
Comparable SIMATIC CPU MLFB included
Selection from STEP7 hardware catalog
Basic logic functions: PLC Basic program powerline (P3 pl) Function Manual, 11/2006, 6FC5397-0BP10-2BA0
Detailed description
2.3 Starting up hardware configuration of PLC CPUs
SINUMERIK 810D CCU2 module with system software (standard)
561.2 without system software
SINUMERIK 840D NCU 571 (export version)
SINUMERIK 840D NCU 571 (export version) with PROFIBUS DP
571.2 (export version) with PROFIBUS DP
571.2 without system software
SINUMERIK 840D NCU 572 6FC5 357-0BA20-0AE0 6ES7 314-1AE01-0AB0 810D/840D with PLC314 SINUMERIK 840D NCU 572 6FC5 357-0BA20-1AE0 6ES7 314-1AE01-0AB0 810D/840D with PLC314 SINUMERIK 840D NCU 572 6FC5 357-0BA21-0AE0 6ES7 315-2AF00-0AB0 840D with PLC3152AF00 SINUMERIK 840D NCU 572 6FC5 357-0BA21-1AE0 6ES7 315-2AF00-0AB0 840D with PLC3152AF00 SINUMERIK 840D NCU
572.2 (export version) with PROFIBUS DP
572.2 without system software
572.3 without system software
SINUMERIK 840D NCU 572 (export version)
SINUMERIK 840D NCU 572 (export version)
SINUMERIK 840D NCU 572 (export version) with PROFIBUS DP
SINUMERIK 840D NCU 572 (export version) with PROFIBUS DP
572.2 (export version) with PROFIBUS DP
SINUMERIK 840D NCU 572 with digitizing
572.2 with digitizing and PROFIBUS DP
6FC5 410-0AX02-1AA0 6ES7 315-2AF01-0AB0 810D/840D with PLC3152AF01
6FC5 356-0BB11-0AE0 6ES7 315-2AF01-0AB0 810D/840D with PLC3152AF01
6FC5 357-0BA10-0AE0 6ES7 314-1AE01-0AB0 810D/840D with PLC314
6FC5 357-0BA11-0AE0 6ES7 315-2AF00-0AB0 840D with PLC3152AF00
6FC5 357-0BA11-1AE0 6ES7 315-2AF01-0AB0 810D/840D with PLC3152AF01
6FC5 357-0BB11-0AE0 6ES7 315-2AF01-0AB0 810D/840D with PLC3152AF01
6FC5 357-0BA21-1AE1 6ES7 315-2AF01-0AB0 810D/840D with PLC3152AF01
6FC5 357-0BB21-0AE0 6ES7 315-2AF01-0AB0 810D/840D with PLC3152AF01
6FC5 357-0BB22-0AE0 6ES7 315-2AF01-0AB0 10D/840D with PLC315-2AF01
6FC5 357-0BY20-0AE0 6ES7 314-1AE01-0AB0 810D/840D with PLC314
6FC5 357-0BY20-1AE0 6ES7 314-1AE01-0AB0 810D/840D with PLC314
6FC5 357-0BY21-0AE0 6ES7 315-2AF00-0AB0 840D with PLC3152AF00
6FC5 357-0BY21-1AE0 6ES7 315-2AF00-0AB0 840D with PLC3152AF00
6FC5 357-0BY21-1AE1 6ES7 315-2AF01-0AB0 810D/840D with PLC3152AF01
6FC5 357-0BA24-0AE0 6ES7 314-1AE01-0AB0 810D/840D with PLC314
6FC5 357-0BA24-1AE0 6ES7 315-2AF01-0AB0 810D/840D with PLC3152AF01
Comparable SIMATIC CPU MLFB included
Selection from STEP7 hardware catalog
Basic logic functions: PLC Basic program powerline (P3 pl)
18 Function Manual, 11/2006, 6FC5397-0BP10-2BA0
Detailed description
2.3 Starting up hardware configuration of PLC CPUs
572.2 without system software
SINUMERIK 840D NCU 572 (export version) with digitizing
572.2 (export version) with digitizing and PROFIBUS DP
SINUMERIK 840D NCU 573 6FC5 357-0BA30-0AE0 6ES7 314-1AE01-0AB0 810D/840D with PLC314 SINUMERIK 840DE NCU
573 (export version) SINUMERIK 840D NCU 573
with digitizing SINUMERIK 840D NCU 573
(export version) with digitizing
SINUMERIK 840D NCU 573 (export version) with PROFIBUS DP
SINUMERIK 840D NCU 573 (export version) with PROFIBUS DP
573.2 (Pentium Pro) up to 12 axes with PROFIBUS DP
573.2 (Pentium Pro) up to 31 axes with PROFIBUS DP
573.2 without system software
573.2 Pentium II without system software
573.2 (Pentium Pro) for digitizing with PROFIBUS DP
573.2 without system software
6FC5 357-0BB24-0AE0 6ES7 315-2AF01-0AB0 810D/840D with PLC3152AF01
6FC5 357-0BY24-0AE0 6ES7 314-1AE01-0AB0 810D/840D with PLC314
6FC5 357-0BY24-1AE0 6ES7 315-2AF01-0AB0 810D/840D with PLC3152AF01
6FC5 357-0BY30-0AE0 6ES7 314-1AE01-0AB0 810D/840D with PLC314
6FC5 357-0BA31-0AE0 6ES7 314-1AE01-0AB0 810D/840D with PLC314
6FC5 357-0BY31-0AE0 6ES7 314-1AE01-0AB0 810D/840D with PLC314
6FC5 357-0BA32-0AE1 6ES7 315-2AF00-0AB0 840D with PLC3152AF00
6FC5 357-0BY32-0AE1 6ES7 315-2AF00-0AB0 840D with PLC3152AF00
6FC5 357-0BA33-0AE0 6ES7 315-2AF00-0AB0 840D with PLC3152AF00
6FC5 357-0BY33-0AE0 6ES7 315-2AF00-0AB0 840D with PLC3152AF00
6FC5 357-0BA32-1AE0 6ES7 315-2AF01-0AB0 810D/840D with PLC3152AF01
6FC5 357-0BA33-1AE0 6ES7 315-2AF01-0AB0 810D/840D with PLC3152AF01
6FC5 357-0BB33-0AE0 6ES7 315-2AF01-0AB0 810D/840D with PLC3152AF01
6FC5 357-0BB33-0AE1 6ES7 315-2AF01-0AB0 810D/840D with PLC3152AF01
6FC5 357-0BA31-1AE0 6ES7 315-2AF01-0AB0 810D/840D with PLC3152AF01
6FC5 357-0BB31-0AE0 6ES7 315-2AF01-0AB0 810D/840D with PLC3152AF01
Comparable SIMATIC CPU MLFB included
Selection from STEP7 hardware catalog
Basic logic functions: PLC Basic program powerline (P3 pl) Function Manual, 11/2006, 6FC5397-0BP10-2BA0
Detailed description
2.3 Starting up hardware configuration of PLC CPUs
573.2 (Pentium Pro) (export version) for 12 axes with PROFIBUS DP
573.2 (Pentium Pro) (export version) for 31 axes with PROFIBUS DP
573.2 (Pentium Pro) (export version) for digitizing with PROFIBUS DP
SINUMERIK 840Di 6FC5 220-0AA00-1AA0 6ES7 315-2AF03-0AB0 810D/810Di with PLC315-2AF03 SINUMERIK 840Di with PK
573.4 SINUMERIK 810D CCU3 6FC5 410-0AY03-0AA0 6ES7 315-2AF03-0AB0 810D/840D with PLC315-2AF03 SINUMERIK 840D NCU
6FC5 357-0BY32-1AE0 6ES7 315-2AF01-0AB0 810D/840D with PLC3152AF01
6FC5 357-0BY33-1AE0 6ES7 315-2AF01-0AB0 810D/840D with PLC3152AF01
6FC5 357-0BY31-1AE0 6ES7 315-2AF01-0AB0 810D/840D with PLC3152AF01
6ES7 315-2AF03-0AB0 810D/810Di with PLC315-2AF03,
6FC5 357-0BB22-0AE0 with operating system
6FC5 357-0BB22-0AE0 with operating system
6FC5 357-0BB33-0AE2 6ES7 315-2AF01-0AB0 810D/840D with PLC3152AF01
6FC5 357-0BB33-0AE2 with operating system
6FC5 357-0BB23-0AE0 6ES7 314-6CF00-0AB0 810D/840D with PLC314C-2DP
6FC5 357-0BB34-0AE1 6ES7 314-6CF00-0AB0 810D/840D with PLC314C-2DP
6FC5 357-0BB11-0AE1 6ES7 315-2AF03-0AB0 810D/840D with PLC315-2AF03
6FC5356-0BB11-0AE1 6ES7 315-2AF03-0AB0 810D/840D with PLC315-2AF03
6FC5357-0BB12-0AE0 6ES7 314-6CF00-0AB0 810D/840D with PLC314C-2 DP
6FC5356-0BB12-0AE0 6ES7 314-6CF00-0AB0 810D/840D with PLC314C-2 DP
6FC5357-0BB35-0A E0 6ES7 317-2AJ00-0AB0 810D/840D with PLC317-2 DP
6FC5 222-0AA02-1AA0 6ES7 317-2AJ00-0AB0 810Di with PLC317-2 DP
Comparable SIMATIC CPU MLFB included
03.10.23: 6ES7 315-2AF01-0AB0
12.30.07: 6ES7 315-2AF03-0AB0
12.30.07: 6ES7 315-2AF03-0AB0
Selection from STEP7 hardware catalog
PK bus 810D/840D with PLC3152AF01
810D/840D with PLC315-2AF03
810D/840D with PLC315-2AF03 (as of STEP7 V5.0 and Toolbox
(as of STEP7 V5.0 and Toolbox
(STEP7 V5.1 SP3 and higher and Toolbox 06.03.02)
(STEP7 V5.1 SP3 and higher and Toolbox 06.03.02)
(STEP7 V5.2 SP1 and higher and Toolbox 06.05.02)
(STEP7 V5.2 SP1 and higher and Toolbox 06.05.02)
Basic logic functions: PLC Basic program powerline (P3 pl)
20 Function Manual, 11/2006, 6FC5397-0BP10-2BA0
Detailed description
2.3 Starting up hardware configuration of PLC CPUs
Note On the SINUMERIK 810D or 840D, SIMATIC subrack 0 is integrated in the NC. The
following components are plugged into this subrack:
- Slot 2: The integrated PLC (PLC 314 or PLC 315-2DP)
- Slot 3: An IM 360
- Slot 4: The FM NCU. With PLC 314, NC software version 3.5 and higher, the FM NCU must also be defined if further MPI (C bus) devices are included in subrack 1 to subrack 3 (e.g., FM modules with C bus connection). The properties of the FM NCU must not be changed, as process interrupts (e.g. auxiliary functions) of the NCU may, in this case, no longer function.
Figure 2-1 Hardware configuration of row 0 on 810D, 840D
Basic logic functions: PLC Basic program powerline (P3 pl) Function Manual, 11/2006, 6FC5397-0BP10-2BA0
Detailed description

2.4 Starting up the PLC program

MCP (Machine Control Panel) and HHU (HandHeld Unit)
(only for SINUMERIK 810D to SW 3.x) If the MCP or HHU is configured (deviation from the norm), an additional SIMATIC 300
station must be inserted into the machine project for each operator component. Any type of CPU must be inserted in location 2 on row 0 in this station by means of the hardware configuration (HW config.). The MPI address of the operator component must be set as the MPI address. MPI network (1) can then be marked in the SIMATIC manager. The global data can then be activated via the "Tools" menu item. The rest of the procedure is described in detail in the Commissioning Manual.
2.4 Starting up the PLC program

2.4.1 Installing the basic program for 810D, 840D

Before initial startup of the NC, an NC and PLC general reset must be carried out to initialize the relevant memory areas. To do this, set switch S3 to setting 1 and switch S4 to setting 3 and switch the control off and on again (POWER ON reset).
With Toolbox SW 6.1 and higher, the installation is performed by a WINDOWS-compliant setup program for the basic program, hardware selection in STEP7 (SINUMERIK 810D/840D option package) and the NC-Var Selector. To start the installation, run "setup.exe" in the main CD directory. You can then choose which components to install. After the installation, you can select the basic program library directly from STEP 7 (gp8x0d61, 61 is the main basic program version).
The concrete version of the basic program can be scanned for the object properties of the library or the program folder in the comment field.
From software version 3.7 to version 4.2, installation is carried out using INSTALL.BAT (INSTALL1.BAT, INSTALL4.BAT). This program installs the basic program and additional files for the relevant STEP7 version. With automatic installation in STEP 7 V3 and higher, the TYP, GSD and meta files in the hardware catalog are also augmented and updated. The hardware components of the SINUMERIK system are then also available for hardware configuration under STEP 7. This eliminates the need for unzipping, mentioned below. The basic program is supplied in zipped format as a project for STEP 7 Version 1.x or as a library for STEP 7 Version 2.x and subsequent versions.
The OB source programs, including standard parameterization, interface symbols and DB templates for handheld unit and M decoding functions are enclosed in the SIMATIC project or SIMATIC library of the basic program.
STEP 7 must be installed before the basic program.
Basic logic functions: PLC Basic program powerline (P3 pl)
22 Function Manual, 11/2006, 6FC5397-0BP10-2BA0
Detailed description
2.4 Starting up the PLC program
STEP7 V1.x
The basic program is stored as a compressed file with the name GP840D.EXE (or GP810D.EXE and GPFMNC.EXE) in the main directory on the diskette. The basic program (GP840D.exe) must be copied to the main directory (root) of a drive (e.g., c:\) and then called. The project structure required for the basic program is generated automatically. The catalog name of the basic program is GP840Dxy.S7A. In this case, xy stands for the basic program version.
STEP7 V2.x, 3.x
Note When STEP 7 V1 is used, the GP840Dxy.S7A catalog must be copied to the root directory.
Any existing catalog with the same name GP840Dxy.S7A must be deleted beforehand.
The basic program is stored as a compressed file with the name "GP840D.EXE" in directory S7V2.840 or S7V2.810 or S7V2 on the basic program diskette. The basic program (GP840D.exe) must be copied to subcatalog "S7LIBS" of STEP7 V2 (step7_v2) or subsequent versions thereof and then called. The library structure required for the basic program is generated automatically. The catalog name of the basic program is GP840Dxy. In this case, xy stands for the basic program version. The file "MET.EXE" must be copied to the basic catalog of STEP 7 and called from there via the DOS window with "MET.EXE –O".
Note The name GP840D specified above refers to the basic program of the SINUMERIK 840D.
The basic program is named GP810D on the SINUMERIK 810D and GPFMNC on the FM­NC. With effect from SW 4.2, the basic program for 810D and 840D is combined. It is now called GP8x0D.
Basic logic functions: PLC Basic program powerline (P3 pl) Function Manual, 11/2006, 6FC5397-0BP10-2BA0
Detailed description
2.4 Starting up the PLC program

2.4.2 Application of basic program

A new CPU program (e.g., "Turnma1") must be set up in a project by means of the STEP7 software for each installation (machine).
The catalog structures of a project and the procedure for creating projects and user programs are described in the relevant SIMATIC documentation.
A network link to the PLC must be activated for the machine CPU program under menu items "Edit", "Configuration". This is done in the "Services", "Parameterize" menu followed by selection of the MPI parameters.
• "Networked"
"MPI subnetwork number = 0"
"CPU MPI Addr = 2" The following must be copied into the CPU program for the machinespecific program files:
1. The basic-program blocks (FCs, FBs, DBs, OBs, SFCs, SFBs, and UDTs) ("File",
"Manage Project" menu in the Step7 program editor).
2. File GPOB840D.AWL (or GPOB810D.AWL or GPOBFMNC.AWL) and other STL (AWL)
files if appropriate must also be copied from the basic program catalog into the CPU program. The OBs contained in this file are the basis for the user program with the associated basic program calls. Existing user blocks must be copied as STL files to the newly created CPU program (catalog name CPU1.S7D) and compiled.
3. We also recommend that the symbolic names are transferred with the files from the basic
program package using the symbol editor.
The basic-program blocks are copied using the SIMATIC Manager and "File"/"Open"/"Library".
The following sections must be copied from the library: AP off: FCs, FBs, DBs, OBs, SFC, SFB, UDT and the SDB container.
For the 810D, the SDB container includes:
The source_files (SO):
– GPOB810D or GPOB840D – Possibly MDECLIST, HHU_DB and others
Symbol table (SY)
Basic logic functions: PLC Basic program powerline (P3 pl)
24 Function Manual, 11/2006, 6FC5397-0BP10-2BA0
Note The SDB container is only included for these control variants.
Detailed description
2.4 Starting up the PLC program
Compatibility with STEP 7
No interdependencies exist between the basic program (including older program versions) and currently valid versions of STEP 7.

2.4.3 Version codes

Basic program
The version of the basic program is displayed on the version screen of the HMI software along with the controller type.
User Program
The user can define his/her own version code for the PLC user program in any data block in the form of a data string containing a maximum of 54 characters. The data can contain a text of the user's choice. Parameter assignments for this string are made via a pointer in FB 1. Parameterization requires symbolic definition of the data block.
References:: /FB1/ Function Manual, Basic Functions; PLC – Basic Program (P3); Chapter: Block Description

2.4.4 Machine program

The machine manufacturer creates the machine program using the library routines supplied with the basic program. The machine program contains the logic operations and sequences on the machine. The interface signals to the NC are also controlled in this program. More complex communication functions with the NC (e.g., read/write NC data, tool-management acknowledgments, etc., are activated and executed via basic-program FCs and FBs). The machine program can be created in different creation languages (e.g., STL, LAD, CSF, S7 HIGRAPH, S7GRAPH, SCL). The complete machine program must be generated and compiled in the correct sequence. This means that blocks that are called by other blocks must generally be compiled before the blocks, which call them. If blocks that are called by other blocks are subsequently modified in the interface (VAR_INPUT, VAR_OUTPUT, VAR_IN_OUT, VAR) as the program is developed, then the call block and all blocks associated with it must be recompiled. This general procedure applies analogously to instance data blocks for FBs. If this sequence of operations is not observed, timestamp conflicts occur when the data are retranslated into STEP7. In some cases, therefore, it may not be possible to recompile blocks, creating problems, for example, with the "Block status" function. It is moreover advisable to generate blocks in ASCIISTL by means of the STEP7 editor when they have been created in the ladder diagram or in single statements (incremental mode).
Basic logic functions: PLC Basic program powerline (P3 pl) Function Manual, 11/2006, 6FC5397-0BP10-2BA0
Detailed description
2.4 Starting up the PLC program

2.4.5 Data backup

The PLC-CPU does not save any symbolic names, but instead data type descriptions of the block parameters:
the data types of the global data blocks.
Note No sensible recompilation is possible without the related project for this machine. This
especially affects, for instance the function status of the block or the necessary changes done in the PLC-CPU programs later. It is, therefore, necessary to keep a backup copy of the STEP7 project located in the PLC CPU on the machine. This is a great help for the service case and saves unnecessary consumption of time in restoring the original project.
If the STEP7 project exists and has been created according to the instructions given above, then symbols can be processed in the PLCCPU on this machine. It may also be advisable to store the machine source programs as AWL files in case they are required for any future upgrade.
The source programs of all organization blocks and all instance data blocks should always be available.

2.4.6 PLC series startup, PLC archives:

Generate series archive
Once the blocks have been loaded into the PLC CPU, a series archive can be generated via the HMI operator interface for data backup on the machine. To ensure data consistency, this backup must be created immediately after block loading when the PLC is in the Stop state. It does not replace the SIMATIC project backup as the series archive saves binary data only, and does not back up, e.g., symbolic information. In addition, no CPU DBs (SFC 22 DBs) or SDBs generated in the CPU are saved.
In Toolbox 06.03.03 and STEP 7 V5.1 and higher, the PLC series archive can be generated directly from the corresponding SIMATIC project. To do this, select the "Options" → "Settings" menu item and the "Archive" tab in STEP 7. This contains an entry "SINUMERIK (*.arc)", which must be selected to create a series startup file. After selection of the archive, select the "File" → "Archive" menu item. The relevant series archive will then be generated. If the project contains several programs, the program path can be selected. A series archive is set up for the selected program path. All blocks contained in the program path are incorporated into the archive, except for CPU-DBs (SFC 22 DBs).
The process of generating a series archive can be automated (comparable to the command interface in STEP 7, V5.1 and higher). In generating this series archive, the command interface is expanded.
Basic logic functions: PLC Basic program powerline (P3 pl)
26 Function Manual, 11/2006, 6FC5397-0BP10-2BA0
Detailed description
2.4 Starting up the PLC program
The following functions are available for this expansion: The functions (shown here in VB script) are not available until server instantiations and
Magic have been called: Functions:
Const S7BlockContainer = 1138689, S7PlanContainer = 17829889 Const S7SourceContainer = 1122308 set S7 = CreateObject("Simatic.Simatic.1") rem Instance command interface of STEP7 Set S7Ext = CreateObject("SimaticExt.S7ContainerExt") Call S7Ext.Magic("")
Function Magic(bstrVal As String) As Long Call gives access to certain functions. The function must be called once after server
instantiation. The value of bstrVal can be empty. This initiates a check of the correct Step7 version and path name in Autoexec. The functions are enabled with a return parameter of 0.
Return parameter (-1) = incorrect STEP 7 version Return parameter (-2) = no entry in Autoexec.bat
Function Magic(bstrVal As String) As Long Function MakeSeriesStartUp(FileName As String, Option As Long, Container As
S7Container) As Long "Option" parameter:
0: Normal series startup file with general reset Bit 0 = 1: Series startup file without general reset. When project contains SDBs, this
option is inoperative. A general reset is then always executed.
Bit 1 = 1: Series start-up file with PLC restart
Return parameter value:
0 = OK
-1 = Function unavailable, call Magic function beforehand
-2 = File name cannot be generated
-4 = Container parameter invalid or container block empty
-5 = Internal error (memory request rejected by Windows)
-6 = Internal error (problem in STEP 7 project)
-7 = Write error when generating series startup files (e.g., diskette full)
Basic logic functions: PLC Basic program powerline (P3 pl) Function Manual, 11/2006, 6FC5397-0BP10-2BA0
Detailed description
2.4 Starting up the PLC program
Use in script
If S7Ext.Magic("") < 0 Then
End If
Set Proj1 = s7.Projects("new") set S7Prog = Nothing
Set s7prog = Proj1.Programs.Item(1) 'if there is only one program' For i = 1 to S7Prog.Next.Count
Next Error = S7Ext.MakeSerienIB("f:\dh\arc.dir\PLC.arc", 0, Cont)'Error analysis now'
Set Cont = S7Prog.Next.Item(i)
Check block container
If (Cont.ConcreteType = S7BlockContainer) Then
Exit For
End if

2.4.7 Software upgrades

Software upgrade
Whenever you update the PLC or NCK software, always reset the PLC to its initial state first. This initial clear state can be achieved by means of a general PLC reset. All existing blocks are cleared when the PLC is reset. It is usually necessary to include the new basic program when a new NC software version is installed. The basic programs blocks must be loaded into the user project for this purpose. OB 1, OB 40, OB 100, FC 12 and DB 4 should not be loaded if these blocks are already included in the user project. These blocks may have been modified by the user. The new basic program must be linked with the user program.
To do this, proceed as follows:
1. Generate the text or source file of all user blocks before copying the basic program.
2. Then copy the new basic program blocks to this machine project (for a description, see
Subsection "Application of basic program")
3. All user programs *.awl must then be recompiled in the correct order! (See also the
"Machine program" section.) This newly compiled machine program must then be loaded to the PLC CPU using STEP
However, it is normally sufficient to recompile the organization blocks (OB) and the instance data blocks of the machine program. This means you only need to generate sources for the organization blocks and the instance data blocks (before upgrading).
Basic logic functions: PLC Basic program powerline (P3 pl)
28 Function Manual, 11/2006, 6FC5397-0BP10-2BA0
Detailed description
2.4 Starting up the PLC program
Overall reset
A description of how to perform a general PLC reset appears in the Installation and Startup Guide. However, a general reset does not delete the contents of the diagnostic buffer nor the node address on the MPI bus. Another possible general reset method is described below. This method must be used when the normal general reset process does not work.
Proceed as follows:
No. Action Effect 1 Control system is switched off 2 PLC switch setting 3 (MRES) and switch control on
again or perform hardware reset.
3 Set PLC startup switch to position 2 (STOP) and
back to position 3 (MRES).
4 Set PLC startup switch to setting 2 or 0.
NC variables
The latest NC VAR selector can be used for each NC software version (even earlier versions). The variables can also be selected from the latest list for earlier NC software versions. The data content in DB 120 (default DB for variables) does not depend on the software version, i.e., selected variables in an older software version must not be reselected when the software is upgraded.
LED labeled PS flashes slowly.
The LED labeled PS starts to flash faster.

2.4.8 I/O modules (FM, CP modules)

Special packages for STEP7 are generally required for more complex I/O modules. Some of these special packages include support blocks (FC, FB) stored in a STEP7 library. The blocks contain functions for operating the relevant module which are parameterized and called by the user program. In many cases, the FC numbers of the CP and FM module handling blocks are also included in the number range of the basic program for the 810D and 840D systems. What action can be taken if such a conflict occurs? The block numbers of the basic program must remain unchanged. The block numbers of handling blocks can be assigned new, free numbers using STEP7. These new blocks (with new FC numbers) are then called in the user program with the parameter assignments required by the function.
Basic logic functions: PLC Basic program powerline (P3 pl) Function Manual, 11/2006, 6FC5397-0BP10-2BA0
Detailed description
2.4 Starting up the PLC program

2.4.9 Troubleshooting

This section describes problems which may occur, their causes and remedies and should be read carefully before hardware is replaced.
Errors, cause/description and remedy Serial
no. error informati on
1 No connection
2 PLC cannot
3 All four LEDs
Errors Cause/description To correct or avoid errors
via MPI to PLC.
be accessed in spite of PLC general reset.
on the PLC flash (DI disaster)
The MPI cable is not plugged in or is defective. Possibly, the STEP 7 software is also not correctly configured for the MPI card.
A system data block SDB 0 has been loaded with a modified MPI address. This has caused an MPI bus conflict due to dual assignment of addresses.
A system error has occurred in the PLC. Measures: The diagnostic buffer on the PLC must be read to analyze the system error in detail. To access the buffer, the PLC must be stopped (e.g., set "PLC" switch to position 2). A hardware reset must then be performed. The diagnostic buffer can then be read out with STEP7. Relay the information from the diagnostic buffer to the Hotline / Development Service. A general reset must be carried out if requested after the hardware RESET. The diagnostic buffer can then be read with the PLC in the Stop state.
Test: Create a link with the programmer in the STEP7 editor by means of connection "Direct_PLC". A number of node addresses must be displayed here. If they do not appear, the MPI cable is defective/not plugged in.
Disconnect all MPI cables to other components. Create the link "Direct_PLC" with the programmer. Correct the MPI address.
Once the PLC program has been RESET or reloaded, the system may return to normal operation. Even in this case, the content of the diagnostic buffer should be sent to the Development Office.
Basic logic functions: PLC Basic program powerline (P3 pl)
30 Function Manual, 11/2006, 6FC5397-0BP10-2BA0
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