This Manual contains information which you should carefully observe to ensure your own personal safety
and the prevention of material damage. The notices are highlighted by a warning triangle and, depending on
the degree of hazard, represented as shown below:
indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that death or severe personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken.
with a warning triangle indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken.
without a warning triangle means that material damage can occur if the appropriate precautions are not
indicates that an undesired event or status can occur if the appropriate note is not observed.
If several hazards of different degrees occur, the hazard with the highest degree must always be given preference. If a warning note with a warning triangle warns of personal injury, the same warning note can also
contain a warning of material damage.
Qualified personnel
Start−up and operation of the device/equipment/system in question must only be performed using this documentation. The start−up and operation of a device/system must only be performed by qualified personnel.
Qualified personnel as referred to in the safety guidelines in this documentation are those who are authorized to start up, earth and label units, systems and circuits in accordance with the relevant safety standards.
Proper use
Please note the following:
The device may only be used for the applications described in the Catalog and only in combination with the
equipment, components and devices of other manufacturers as far as this is recommended or permitted by
Siemens. It is assumed that this product be transported, stored and installed as intended and maintained
and operated with care to ensure that the product functions correctly and properly.
All designations marked with the copyright notice ® are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. Other names
in this publication might be trademarks whose use by a third party for its own purposes may violate the rights
of the registered holder.
Disclaimer of liability
Although we have checked the contents of this publication for agreement with the hardware and software
described, since differences cannot be totally ruled out. Nonetheless, differences might exist and therefore
we cannot guarantee that they are completely identical. The information given in this publication is reviewed
at regular intervals and any corrections that might be necessary are made in the subsequent editions.
Siemens AG
Automation and Drives
Postfach 4848
Copyright (E) Siemens AG 2005.
Siemens AG 2005
Subject to change without prior notice.
SINUMERIK Documentation
The SINUMERIK Documentation is organized in 3 levels:
For detailed information regarding further publications about SINUMERIK 802D, as well as
for publications that apply for all SINUMERIK control systems (e.g. Universal Interface, Measuring Cycles...), please contact your Siemens branch office.
A monthly overview of publications with specification of the available languages can be found
on the Internet at:
Follow the menu items ”Support”/”Technical Documentation”/”Overview of Publications”.
The Internet edition of DOConCD − DOConWEB − can be found at:
Addressees of the documentation
Standard scope
The present documentation is aimed at the machine tool manufacturer. This publication provides detailed information required for the machine tool manufacturer to start up the SINUMERIK 802D control system.
The present Instruction Manual describes the functionality of the standard scope. Any
amendments made by the machine manufacturer are documented by the machine manufacturer.
Other functions not described in this documentation can possibly also be performed on the
control system. However, the customer is not entitled to demand these functions when the
new equipment is supplied or servicing is carried out.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call our hotline:
If you have any questions (suggestions, corrections) regarding the Documentation, please
send a fax to the following number or an e−mail to the following address:
Selecting this softkey will complete your input and accept the values you have entered.
This function is used to switch the screenform from diameter programming to radius programming.
1.2Operating areas
The functions of the control system can be carried out in the following operating areas:
PositionMachine operation
Offset/ParametersInput of offset values and setting data
ProgramCreation of part programs
Protection levels
Program ManagerPart program directory
SystemDiagnosis, start−up
AlarmAlarm and message lists
To switch the operating area, use the relevant key (hard key).
The input and modification of vital data in the control system is protected by passwords.
In the menus listed below the input and modification of data depends on the protection level
STool offsets
SWork offsets
SSetting data
SRS232 settings
SProgram creation / program correction
The calculator function can be activated from any operating area using ”SHIFT” and ”=”.
To calculate terms, the four basic arithmetic operations can be used, as well as the functions
”sine”, ”cosine”, ”squaring” and ”square root”. A bracket function is provided to calculate
nested terms. The bracket depth is unlimited.
If the input field is already occupied by a value, the function will accept this value into the
input line of the calculator.
When you press the Input key, the result is calculated and displayed in the calculator.
Selecting the Accept softkey enters the result in the input field at the current cursor position
of the part program editor and closes the calculator automatically.
1.3Accessibility options
If an input field is in the editing mode, it is possible to restore the original status using the
”Toggle” key.
Fig. 1-4Calculator
Characters permitted for input
+, −, *, / Basic arithmetic operations
S Sine function
The X value (in degrees) in front of the input cursor is replaced by the sin(X) value.
O Cosine function
The X value (in degrees) in front of the input cursor is replaced by the cos(X) value.
The X value in front of the input cursor is replaced by the X
R Square root function
The X value in front of the input cursor is replaced by the √⎮ value.
( ) Bracket function (X+Y)*Z
Calculation examples
100 + (67*3)100+67*3−> 301
sin(45_)45 S −> 0.707107
cos(45_)45 C −> 0.707107
√44 R −> 2
(34+3*2)*10(34+3*2)*10−> 400
To calculate auxiliary points on a contour, the calculator offers the following functions:
SCalculating the tangential transition between a circle sector and a straight line
SMoving a point in the plane
TaskInput −> Result
4 Q−> 16
SConverting polar coordinates to Cartesian coordinates
SAdding the second end point of a straight line/straight line contour section given from an
angular relation
This function is used to calculate a point on a circle. The point results from the angle of the
tangent created, as well as from the radius and the direction of rotation of the circle.
Fig. 1-5
Enter the circle center, the angle of the tangent and the circle radius.
Use the G2 / G3 softkey to define the direction of rotation of the circle.
Use this softkey to calculate the abscissa and ordinate values. The abscissa is the first axis,
and the ordinate is the second axis of the plane. The abscissa value is copied into the input
field from which the calculator function has been called, and the value of the ordinate is copied into the next following input field. If the function has been called from the part program
editor, the coordinates are saved with the axis names of the selected basic plane.
Example: Calculate the intersection point between the circle sector
and the straight line
in plane G18.
Given:Radius: 10
Circle center: Z 147 X 103
Connection angle of the straight line: −455
Result:Z = 154.071
X = 110.071
This function calculates the Cartesian coordinates of a point in the plane, which is to be connected to a point in the plane (PP) on a straight line. For calculation, the distance between
the points and the slope angle (A2) of the new straight line to be created with reference to
the slope (A1) of the given straight line must be known.
Fig. 1-6
Enter the following coordinates or angles:
Sthe coordinates of the given point (PP)
Sthe slope angle of the straight line (A1)
Sthe distance of the new point with reference to PP
Sthe slope angle of the connecting straight line (A2) with reference to A1
Use this softkey to calculate the Cartesian coordinates which are subsequently copied into
two input fields following one after another. The abscissa value is copied into the input field
from which the calculator function has been called, and the value of the ordinate is copied
into the next following input field.
If the function has been called from the part program editor, the coordinates are saved with
the axis names of the selected basic plane.
This function converts the given polar coordinates into Cartesian coordinates.
Fig. 1-7
Enter the reference point, the vector length and the slope angle.
Use this softkey to calculate the Cartesian coordinates which are subsequently copied into
two input fields following one after another. The abscissa value is copied into the input field
from which the calculator function has been called, and the value of the ordinate is copied
into the next following input field.
If the function has been called from the part program editor, the coordinates are saved with
the axis names of the selected basic plane.
Use this function to calculate the missing end point of the straight line/straight line contour
section whereby the second straight line stands vertically on the first straight line.
The following values of the straight line are known:
Straight line 1:
Starting point and slope angle
Straight line 2:
Length and one end point in the Cartesian coordinate system
This function is used to select the given coordinate of the end point.
The ordinate value or the abscissa value is given.
The second straight line is rotated in the CW direction or in the CCW direction by 90 degrees
relative to the first straight line.
The missing end point is calculated. The abscissa value is copied into the input field from
which the calculator function has been called, and the value of the ordinate is copied into the
next following input field.
If the function has been called from the part program editor, the coordinates are saved with
the axis names of the selected basic plane.
Fig. 1-9
Add the drawing above by the value of the center circle in order to be able to calculate the
intersection point between the circle sector of the straight line. The missing coordinate of the
center point is calculated using the calculator function
, since the radius in the tan-
gential transition stands vertically on the straight line.
The radius stands at an angle of 90° turned CW on the straight−line defined by the angle.
Use the softkey
to select the appropriate direction of rotation. Use the softkey
to define the given end point.
Enter the coordinates of the pole, the slope angle of the straight line, the ordinate angle
of the end point and the circle radius as the length.
Fig. 1-11
Result:X = 60
Z = −44.601
1.3.2Editing Chinese characters
This function is only available in the Chinese language version.
The control system provides a function for editing Chinese characters in the program editor
and in the PLC alarm text editor. After activation, type the phonetic alphabet of the searched
character in the input field. The editor will then offer various characters for this sound, from
which you can choose the desired one by entering either of the digits 1 to 9.
This operator control can be used to select, copy, cut and delete texts using special key
commands. These functions are available both for the part program editor and for input
AltLIs used to switch to the mixed notation
AltHHelp system
or info key
Use this function to search for a term in the table of contents. Type the term you are looking
for and start the search process.
Help in the ”Program editor” area
The system offers an explanation for each NC instruction. To display the help text directly,
position the cursor after the appropriate instruction and press the Info key.
For machine tools, right−handed, right−angled coordinate systems are used. The movements on the machine are described as a relative movement between tool and workpiece.
Fig. 1-15Determination of the axis directions another to one; coordinate system for programming
when turning
Machine coordinate system (MCS)
How the coordinate system is located with reference to the machine, depends on the machine type concerned. It can be rotated in different positions.
Fig. 1-16Machine coordinates/machine axes using the example of a turning machine
The origin of the coordinate system is the machine zero.
This point only represents a reference point defined by the machine manufacturer. It need
not be approachable.
The traversing range of the machine axes can by in the negative range.
The coordinate system described above (see Fig. 1-15) is also used to describe the geometry of a workpiece in the workpiece program.
The workpiece zero can be freely selected by the programmer in the Z axis. In the X axis, it
lies in the turning center.
1.5Coordinate systems
Fig. 1-17Workpiece coordinate system
Relative coordinate system
In addition to the machine and workpiece coordinate systems, the control system provides a
relative coordinate system. This coordinate system is used for setting freely selected reference points which have no influence on the active workpiece coordinate system. All axis
movements are displayed relative to these reference points.
Clamping the workpiece
For machining, the workpiece is clamped on the machine. The workpiece must be aligned
such that the axes of the workpiece coordinate system run in parallel with those of the machine. Any resulting offset of the machine zero with reference to the workpiece zero is determined along the Z axis and entered in a data area intended for the settable work offset. In
the NC program, this offset is activated, e.g. using a programmed G54 (see also Section
The programmed work offset TRANS can be used to generate an offset with reference to
the workpiece coordinate system resulting in the current workpiece coordinate system (see
Section ”Programmable work offset: TRANS”).
When you turn on the SINUMERIK 802D and the machine, please also observe the Machine Documentation, since turning on and reference point approach are machine−dependent functions.
This documentation assumes an 802D standard machine control panel (MCP). Should you
use a different MCP, the operation may be other than described herein.
Operating sequence
First, turn on the power supply of CNC and machine. After the control system has booted,
you are in the ”Position” operating area, in the Jog mode.
The ”Reference point approach” window is active.
Fig. 2-1The ”Jog−Ref” start screen
Use the Ref key on the machine control panel to activate ”reference point approach”.
The ”Reference point approach” window (Fig. 2-1) displays whether the axes are referenced
3.1Entering the tools and the tool offsets operating area”#
3.1Entering the tools and the tool offsets operating area”#
The tool offsets consist of several data describing the geometry, the wear and the tool type.
Depending on the tool type, each tool is assigned a defined number of parameters. Tools are
identified by a number (T number).
See also Section 8.6 ”Tool and tool compensation”
Operating sequences
Use this softkey to open the ”Tool offset data” window which contains a list of the tools
created. Use the cursor keys and the Page Up / Page Down keys to navigate in this list.
Fig. 3-2Tool list
Enter the offsets by positioning the
Scursor bar on the input field to be changed,
Senter the value(s)
and either press Input or use a cursor key to confirm.
For special tools, the
softkey function is provided which offers a complete parameter
list which can be filled out.
Use this softkey to determine the tool compensation data.
Determining the tool offset data manually (see Section 3.1.2)