and LookAhead (B1)
Output of Auxiliary Functions to
the PLC (H2)
Tool Compensation (W1)
Measuring (M5)
Compensation (K3)
Traversing to Fixed Stop (F1)
11.03 Edition
Kinematic Transformations (M1)
Various Interface Signals (A2)
PLC User Interface
Various Machine Data
Glossary, Index
Printing history
Brief details of this edition and previous edition are listed below.
The status of each edition is shown by the code in the “Remarks” column.
Status code in the “Remarks” column:
ANew documentation.. . . . .
BUnrevised reprint with new Order No.. . . . .
CRevised edition with new status. . . . . .
If actual changes have been made on the page since the last edition, this is indicated by
a new edition coding in the header on that page.
EditionOrder No.Remarks
11.006FC5 697-2AA10-0BP0A
10.026FC5 697-2AA10-0BP1C
11.036FC5 697-2AA10-0BP2C
This Manual is included on the documentation on CD ROM (DOCONCD)
trademarks of Siemens. Third parties using for their own purpose any other names in this document which
refer to trademarks might infringe upon the rights of trademark owners.
This publication was produced with Interleaf V 7.
The reproduction, transmission or use of this document or its
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will be made liable for damages. All rights, including rights created by
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Siemens AG 2003. All rights reserved.
Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany
Other functions not described in this documentation might be
executable in the control. This does not, however, represent an
obligation to supply such functions with a new control or when
We have checked that the contents of this document correspond to
the hardware and software described. Nonetheless, differences might
exist and therefore we cannot guarantee that they are completely
identical. The information contained in this document is, however,
reviewed regularly and any necessary changes will be included in the
next edition. We welcome suggestions for improvement.
The descriptions of functions are only valid for or up to the specified software release. When
new software releases are issued, the relevant descriptions of functions must be requested.
Old descriptions of functions can only partially be used for new software releases.
Other functions not described in this documentation might be executable in the control. This
does not, however, represent an obligation to supply such functions with a new control or
when servicing.
Technical notes
The following notations and abbreviations are used in this Documentation:
PLC interface signals -> IS ”Signal name” (signal data)
Example:IS ”Feed override“ (VB380x 0000)
The variable byte is in the range “at axis“, “x” stands for the axis:0 axis 1
Machine data -> MD MD_NR: MD_NAME
Setting data -> SD SD_NR: SD_NAME
The headlines of the individual chapters/sections are added by a code designation in brak-
kets (e.g. Chapter 1: EMERGENCY STOP (N2)). This code designation is used in references to individual Chapters/Sections.
Explanation of the code designations
In the chapters/sections of each Description of Functions, the data and/or signals are explained which are important for the function discussed. Within these explanations provided in the
form of tables, some terms and abbreviations are used, which are explained here.
Default value:
This is the default value of the machine/setting data when loading the standard machine data.
Range of values (minimum/maximum values):
specifies the input limits. If no range of values is specified, the data type defines the input limits, and the field is marked with ”***”.
1 aixs 2
n axis n+1.
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Activation of changes:
Changes in machine data, setting data or the like come not immediately into effect in the control system. The conditions for activation are therefore always specified. The possibilities used
are listed below by their priority:
POWER ON (po)Turning off/turning on the power supply
or softkey “StartUp/Normal” on HMI
NEW_CONF (cf)”RESET” key on the control unit
RESET (re)”RESET” key on the control unit
immediately (im)after input of a value
Protection level:
There are the protection levels 0 to 7 whereby the interlock for protection levels 1 to 3 can be
canceled by setting a password and the interlock for protection levels 4 to 7 via the IS “Protection level” (e.g.: keyswitch position). Protection level 0 cannot be accessed (see Chapter “Various Interface Signals”).
The operator has only access to information that corresponds to this particular protection level
and the lower protection levels. The machine data are assigned different protection levels by
default and are marked by a Write/Read value (e.g. 4/7).
Note: In this document, the machine and setting data of protection levels 2 to 7 are documented. Notes on machine data of protection level 1 are only provided in special cases (expert
The unit refers to the default setting (see Section “Velocities, Setpoint/Actual Value System,
Closed-Loop Control“).
If the MD has no physical unit as the basis, the field is marked with ”-”.
Data type:
The following data types are used in the control system:
Floating point value (64-bit value )
Input limits from +/-4.19*10
to +/-1.67*10
Integer values (32-bit value)
Input limits from -2 147 483 648 to +2 147 483 648 (decimal),
as a hexadecimal value: 0000 to FFFF
Integer values (8-bit value)
Input limits from -128 to +127 (decimal), as a hexadecimal value: 00 to FF
Boolean value: TRUE (1) or FALSE (0)
consisting of a maximum of 16 ASCII characters (uppercase letters, digits and underscore)
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Example machine data
MD numberMaximum speed setpoint
Default: 110.0Min. input limit: 0.0Max. input limit: 200.0
Change valid after NEW_CONFProtection level: 2/7Unit: %
Data type: DOUBLEValid from SW release:
For detailed explanations on occurring alarms, please refer to:
References: ”Diagnostics Guide“.
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SINUMERIK 802D, 802D base line
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SINUMERIK 802D, 802D base line
6FC5 697-2AA10-0BP2 (11.03) (DF)
1.1Brief description
We would like to draw the machine manufacturer’s attention to his duty to observe the relevant international and national standards (see notes on standards further below in the text).
The SINUMERIK 802D supports the machine manufacturer in implementing the EMERGENCY STOP function according to the specifications in this Description of Functions. The
EMERGENCY STOP function (tripping, sequence and acknowledgement) is the sole and only
responsibility of the machine manufacturer.
The following standards are relevant for the EMERGENCY STOP function:
EN 292 Part 1
EN 292 Part 2
EN 418
EN 60204 Part 1:1992 Section 10.7
The VDE 0113 Part 1 is only valid for a transition period and is replaced by EN 60204.
EMERGENCY STOP in the control system
The following arrangements are provided in the control system to support the machine manufacturer in implementing the EMERGENCY STOP function:
Initiation of the EMERGENCY STOP sequence in the NC via the PLC input.
The EMERGENCY STOP sequence in the NC will decelerate all axes and spindles in the
NC as fast as possible.
The EMERGENCY STOP status cannot be canceled by unlocking the EMERGENCY
STOP button. Resetting the control device will not result in a restart.
After the EMERGENCY STOP status has been canceled, it is not necessary to reference
axes or synchronize spindles (the positions are corrected).
A mushroom button (with one normally closed and normally open contact each), further referred to as EMERGENCY STOP button, is installed in the Siemens machine control panel
(MCP) for the 802D.
SINUMERIK 802D, 802D base line
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1.2EMERGENCY STOP sequence
1.2EMERGENCY STOP sequence
The actuation of the EMERGENCY STOP button or a signal directly derived from it must be
carried to the control (PLC) as a PLC input. In the PLC user program, this PLC input must be
passed on to the NC to the IS ”EMERGENCY STOP“ (V2600 0000.1).
Resetting of the EMERGENCY STOP button or a signal directly derived from it must be carried to the control (PLC) as a PLC input. In the PLC user program, this PLC input must be
passed on the NC to the IS “Acknowledge EMERGENCY STOP” (V2600 0000.2).
Sequence in the NC
In the control system, the predetermined sequence (as per EN 418) of internal functions for
the EMERGENCY STOP status is as follows:
1. The part program execution is interrupted. All axes and spindles are stopped along defined
braking ramps according to MD 36610: AX_EMERGENCY_STOP_TIME.
2. The IS ”802-READY” (V3100 0000.3) is reset.
3. The IS ”EMERGENCY STOP active” (V2700 0000.1) is set.
4. Alarm 3000 is set.
5. The servo enable is disabled after an axis/spindle-specific time that can be set in MD
36620: SERVO_DISABLE_DELAY_TIME (servo enable cutout delay) has been elapsed.
In this context, make sure that 36620: SERVO_DISABLE_DELAY_TIME must be specified
at least as large as MD 36610: AX_EMERGENCY_STOP_TIME.
Sequence on the machine
The EMERGENCY STOP sequence on the machine is exclusively defined by the machine
manufacturer. The following must be observed in conjunction with the sequence in the NC:
The sequence in the NC is started using the IS ”EMERGENCY STOP“ (V2600 0000.1).
After the axes and spindles have been stopped, the power supply must be interrupted acc.
to EN418.
The sequence in the NC has no influence on the PLC I/Os (digital outputs). If you wish
individual outputs to have a certain status in case of EMERGENCY STOP, the machine
manufacturer must implement the appropriate functions in the PLC program.
To interrupt the power supply, is the sole and only responsibility of the machine manufacturer.
If you wish the sequence in the NC in case of EMERGENCY STOP not to be carried out as
defined, the IS “EMERGENCY STOP” (V2600 0000.1) may not be set until an EMERGENCY
STOP status defined by the machine manufacturer in the PLC user program is reached. Until
the IS “EMERGENCY STOP” is not yet set and no other alarm is pending, all IS are active in
the NC. Thus, any manufacturer-specific EMERGENCY STOP status is possible.
SINUMERIK 802D, 802D base line
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1.3EMERGENCY STOP acknowlededgement
1.3EMERGENCY STOP acknowlededgement
Acknowledging EMERGENCY STOP
The EMERGENCY STOP status will only be reset if first the IS “Acknowledge EMERGENCY
STOP” (V2600 0000.2) and then the IS “Reset” (V3000 0000.7) is set. When doing so, make
sure that the IS ”Acknowledge EMERGENCY STOP” and the IS ”Reset” must be set together
at least as long as the IS “EMERGENCY STOP active” (V2700 0000.1) has been reset (see
Fig. 1-1).
V2600 0000.1
IS ”Acknoweledge
V2600 0000.2
V2700 0000.1
V3000 0000.7
The IS ”Acknowledge EMERGENCY STOP” has no effect.
The IS ”RESET” has no effect.
The IS ”Acknowledge EMERGENCY STOP” and ”RESET” will reset ”EMERGENCY STOP active.
Fig. 1-1Resetting EMERGENCY STOP
Resetting the EMERGENCY STOP status:
resets the IS ”EMERGENCY STOP active”;
connect servo enable;
set the IS ”Position control active“;
set the IS ”802-READY”;
clear alarm 3000;
cancel the part program execution.
The PLC I/Os must be brought again by the PLC user program to the appropriate status required to operate the machine.
It is not possible to reset the EMERGENCY STOP status with the IS ”Reset” (V3000 0000.7)
alone (see diagram above).
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1.4Data descriptions (MD, SD)
Power ON
Power ON (turning off/turning off the power supply) will clear the EMERGENCY STOP status,
except the IS ”EMERGENCY STOP” (V2600 0000.1), which remains set.
1.4Data descriptions (MD, SD)
Axis-specific machine data
MD numberServo enable cutout delay
Default: 0.1Min. input limit: 0.02Max. input limit: ***
Change valid afterNEW_CONFProtection level: 2/2Unit: s
Data type: DOUBLEValid from SW release:
Meaning:Maximum time delay for cancellation of “Servo enable” after faults.
Application example(s)The speed control of the drive should be maintained for this time to make sure that the axis/spindle
Special cases, errors, ......CAUTION: If the servo enable cutout delay is set too small, the “Servo enable” is already canceled
Related to ....IS ”Servo enable” (V380x 0002.1)
The speed enable (servo enable) of the drive is canceled internally in the control system at the
latest after a set delay time if the axis / spindle is moving.
The entered delay time acts due to the following events:
in case of errors resulting in immediate axis stop
if the IS “Servo enable” is canceled from the PLC.
Once the actual speed reaches the zero speed range (MD 36060: STANDSTILL_VELO_ TOL),
“Servo enable” is disabled for the drive.
The time should be set as large as the axis / spindle needs to come to a standstill from maximum
traversing velocity or speed.
If the axis / spindle is already at a standstill, “Servo enable” is disabled for the drive immediately.
can come to a standstill from maximum traversing velocity or speed. For this time, the cancellation
of “Servo enable” should be delayed for an axis/spindle moving.
even if the axis/spindle is still traversing. In this case, it is suddenly stopped with setpoint 0.
The time set in this MD should therefore be greater than the time of the braking ramp in case of
error statuses (MD 36610: AX_EMERGENCY_STOP_TIME).
MD 36610: AX_EMERGENCY_STOP_TIME (time of braking ramp in case of error statuses)
Edge evaluation: noSignal(s) updated: cyclicallySignal(s) valid from SW release:
Signal state 1 or edge
change 0 - - >1
Related to ....IS ”EMERGENCY STOP” (V2600 0000.1)
The NC is set to the EMERGENCY STOP status and the EMERGENCY STOP sequence in the
NC is started.
The NC is not in the EMERGENCY STOP status.
The EMERGENCY STOP status is (still) active, but can be reset using the IS ”Acknowledge
IS ”EMERGENCY STOP active” (V2700 0000.1)
The EMERGENCY STOP status will only be reset if first the IS ”Acknowledge EMERGENCY
STOP“ and then the IS ”Reset” (V3000 0000.7) are set. When doing so, make sure that the IS
“Acknowledge EMERGENCY STOP” and the IS ”Reset” must be set together at least as long
as the IS ”EMERGENCY STOP active” (V2600 0000.1) has been reset.
Resetting the EMERGENCY STOP status:
resets the IS ”EMERGENCY STOP active”;
connects “Servo enable”;
sets the IS ”Position control”;
sets the IS ”802-Ready”;
lcears alarm 3000;
aborts the part program execution.
IS ”EMERGENCY STOP active” (V2700 0000.1)
IS ”Reset” (V3000 0000.7)
V2700 0000.1EMERGENCY STOP active
Interface signalSignal(s) to NC (PLC - - -> NC)
Edge evaluation: noSignal(s) updated: cyclicallySignal(s) valid from SW release:
Signal state 1 or edge
change 0 - - >1
Related to ....IS ”EMERGENCY STOP” (V2600 0000.1)
SINUMERIK 802D, 802D base line
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The NC is in the EMERGENCY STOP status.
IS ”Acknowledge EMERGENCY STOP” (V2600 0000.2)
1.6Data fields, lists
1.6Data fields, lists
1.6.1Interface signals
V2600 0000.2Acknowledge EMERGENCY STOP
V2700 0000.1EMERGENCY STOP active
Mode signal range
V3000 0000.7ResetK1
1.6.2Machine data
36610AX_EMERGENCY_STOP_TIMEDuration of braking ramp in case of error statusesA3
SINUMERIK 802D, 802D base line
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Axis Monitoring (A3)
2.2Motion monitoring functions
2.2Motion monitoring functions
2.2.1Contour monitoring
The principle of functioning of the contour monitoring is based on the permanent comparison
of measured actual position value and the actual position value calculated from the NC position setpoint. To calculate the following error in advance, a model is used which simulates the
dynamic properties of the position control including feedforward control.
To make sure that the monitoring system does not respond already in the case of slight
speed variations (caused by load changes), a tolerance band is permitted for the maximum
contour deviation.
If the permissible actual value deviation entered in MD 36400: CONTOUR_TOL (contour monitoring tolerance band) is exceeded, an alarm is output, and the axes are stopped.
The contour monitoring is active for axes and a position-controlled spindle.
If the contour error is too large, the following will occur:
Alarm 25050 ”Contour monitoring” is output.
The axis/spindle concerned is stopped with rapid stop (with open position feedback loop)
via a speed setpoint ramp.
The duration of the braking ramp is defined in the MD 36610: AX_EMERGENCY_STOP_TIME (duration of braking ramp in case of error statuses).
If the axis/spindle interpolates with other axes/spindles, these are stopped by rapid stop
with reduction of the following error (position setpoint = constant).
Increase tolerance band of monitoring function in MD 36400.
The real servo gain factor must correspond to the desired servo gain factor set in
MD 32200: POSCTRL_GAIN (servo gain factor).
With an analog spindle, check
MD 32260: RATED_VELO (rated motor speed) and
MD 32250: RATED_OUTVAL (rated output voltage).
Check optimization of speed controller.
Check smooth running of axes.
Check machine data for traversing movements (feedoverride, acceleration, max. veloci-
ties, ... )
SINUMERIK 802D, 802D base line
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2.2.2Positioning monitoring
To make sure that an axis is positioned within a specified time, the time configured in MD
36020: POSITIONING_TIME (exact stop fine time delay) is started after a motion block has
been ended (set point has reached the target), and after this time has elapsed, it is checked
whether the axis has reached its set position within the tolerance of MD 36010: STOP_LIMIT_FINE (exact stop fine).
”Exact stop coarse and fine“ see:
References:Chapter ”Continuous -Path Mode, Exact Stop and LookAhead”
Axis Monitoring (A3)
2.2Motion monitoring functions
V or s
active tolerance in case of zero
speed or clamping monitoring
Actual value
Fig. 2-1Interrelation between positioning, zero speed and clamping monitoring
Interface signal
”Clamping process
running“ (V380x
“Exact stop fine” - interface signal
“Exact stop coarse“ - interface signal
The positioning monitoring is always enabled after a “setpoint-dependent” completion of motion blocks (setpoint has reached the target).
The positioning monitoring is active for axes and a position-controlled spindle.
The positioning monitoring is disabled after the specified ”Exact stop limit fine” has been reached or after output of a new setpoint position (e.g. when positioning to ”Exact stop coarse“
followed by a block change).
SINUMERIK 802D, 802D base line
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Axis Monitoring (A3)
2.2Motion monitoring functions
If the limit value for “Exact stop fine” has not yet been reached after the positioning monitoring time has elapsed, the following action is carried out:
Alarm 25080 ”Positioning monitoring” is output.
The axis/spindle concverned is stopped with rapid stop (with open position control loop)
via a speed setpoint ramp.
The duration of the braking ramp is defined in MD 36610: AX_EMERGENCY_STOP_TIME (duration of braking ramp in case of error statuses).
If the axis/spindle interpolates with other axes/spindles, these will be stopped by rapid
stop with reduction of the following error (specification of partial position setpoint = 0).
Error cause/error elimination
Too small position controller gain - -> change machine data for position control gain
MD 32200: POSCTRL_GAIN(servo gain factor)
Positioning window (exact stop fine), positioning monitoring time and position control gain
are not matched another to one - -> change machine data:
MD 36010: STOP_LIMIT_FINE (exact stop fine),
MD 36020: POSITIONING_TIME (exact stop fine delay time),
MD 32200: POSCTRL_GAIN (servo gain factor)
General rule
Large positioning window - -> a relative short max. positioning monitoring time can be
Small positioning window - -> a relatively long positioning monitoring time must be selec-
Small position control gain - -> a relatively long max. positioning monitoring time must
be selected
High position control gain - -> a relatively short max. positioning monitoring time can be
The size of the positioning window will influence the block change time. The smaller these tolerances are chosen, the longer will last the positioning process and the longer it will last until the next
command can be executed.
SINUMERIK 802D, 802D base line
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2.2.3Zero speed monitoring
After a motion block has been completed (position setpoint has reached target), it is monitored whether the axis is no more away from its setpoint position than specified in MD 36060:
STANDSTILL_POS_TOL (standstill tolerance) after the delay time that can be parameterized
in MD 36040: STANDSTILL_DELAY_TIME (standstill monitoring delay time) has elapsed.
Otherwise, an alarm is generated.
See Fig. 2-1
The zero speed monitoring is always active after the “Standstill monitoring delay time” has
elapsed, provided that no new traversing command is active.
The standstill monitoring is active for axes and a position-controlled spindle.
Axis Monitoring (A3)
2.2Motion monitoring functions
The response of the monitoring function has the following effect:
Alarm 25040 ”Standstill monitoring” is output.
The axis/spindle concerned is stopped with rapid stop (with open position control loop) via
a speed setpoint ramp. The duration of the braking ramp is defined in MD
36610: AX_EMERGENCY_STOP_TIME (duration of braking ramp in case of error statuses).
If the axis interpolates with other axes/spindles, these will be stopped by rapid stop with
reduction of the following error (specification of partial position setpoint = 0).
Error cause/error elimination
Position control gain too large (vibrations of servo loop) - ->change machine data for con-
troller gain MD 32200: POSCTRL_GAIN (servo gain factor)
Standstill window too small - -> change machine data
Axis is mechanically pushed off position - -> eliminate cause
2.2.4Clamping monitoring
If you wish the axis to be clamped at the end of the positioning process, the clamping monitoring can be activated using the IS “Clamping monitoring running” (V380x 0002.3).
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Axis Monitoring (A3)
2.2Motion monitoring functions
This can be necessary because it is possible that during the clamping process the axis has
been pushed off its setpoint position farther than permitted by the standstill tolerance. The
amount by which the setpoint position can be left is specified in MD 36050:
CLAMP_POS_TOL (clamping position tolerance at interface signal “Clamping running“).
See Fig. 2-1
The clamping position monitoring is activated by the interface signal ”Clamping process running”. It replaces the standstill monitoring during the clamping process.
The clamping position monitoring is active for axes and a position-controlled spindle.
If during the clamping process the axis is pushed off its position farther than permitted by the
clamping position tolerance, the following will occur:
Alarm 26000 ”Clamping position monitoring” is output.
The axis/spindle concerned is stopped with rapid stop (with open position control loop) via
a speed setpoint ramp. The duration of the braking ramp is defined in
MD 36610: AX_EMERGENCY_STOP_TIME (duration of braking ramp in case of error
If the axis/spindle interpolates with other axes/spindles, these will also be stopped by ra-
pid stop with reduction of the following error (specification of partial position setpoint = 0).
2.2.5Speed setpoint monitoring
The speed setpoint monitoring checks whether the setpoint specification does not exceed the
maximum permissible speed for the drives specified in MD 36210: CTRLOUT_LIMIT (maximum speed setpoint). If necessary, it is limited to this value, and the axis/spindle is stopped
and an alarm is output.
For the axes, the maximum speed setpoint (as a percentage) is above the speed at which the
velocity defined in MD 3200: MAX_AX_VELO is reached (100%). This also defines the control margin.
With an analog spindle, the maximum output speed cannot be greater than the speed reached at a maximum setpoint output voltage of 10V (100%).
The speed setpoint consists of the speed setpoint of the position controller and the feedforward control value (if feedforward control is active).
SINUMERIK 802D, 802D base line
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Feedforward control value
Axis Monitoring (A3)
2.2Motion monitoring functions
Fig. 2-2Speed setpoint monitoring
Position controller
Speed setpoint
to speed
The speed setpoint monitoring is always active for axes and for a spindle.
The following will occur if the maximum speed setpoint is exceeded:
Alarm 25060 ”Speed setpoint limitation” is output.
The axis/spindle concerned is stopped with rapid stop (with open position control loop) via
a speed setpoint ramp.
The duration of the braking ramp is defined in MD 36610: AX_EMERGENCY_STOP_TIME (duration of braking ramp in case of error statuses).
If the axis interpolates with other axes/spindles, these will be stopped by rapid stop with
reduction of the following error (specification of partial position setpoint = 0).
Error causes
Note: At the access level “Expert mode” (protection level 1), a delay time can be set in
MD 36220: CTRLOUT_LIMIT_TIME, after which the alarm is generated, stopping the axes.
This time is zero by default.
The beginning limitation of the speed setpoint makes this servo loop non-linear. Generally,
this results in path deviations when an axis dwells in a speed setpoint limitation. Therefore, a
control margin must be set (see Section 3.3.4 “Speed setpoint output”).
A measuring error circuit or a drive error exists in the measuring circuit.
Too high setpoints specified (accelerations, velocities, reduction factors)
Obstacle in working area (e.g. coming into contact with the work table)
Tachogenerator adjustment with analog spindle has not been carried out correctly or a
measuring circuit or drive error exists.
SINUMERIK 802D, 802D base line
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Axis Monitoring (A3)
2.2Motion monitoring functions
2.2.6Actual velocity monitoring
The actual velocity is monitored for exceeding of a permissible limit value entered in MD
36200: AX_VELO_LIMIT (threshold value for velocity monitoring).
The actual velocity monitoring is always active if the active measuring circuit that has been
activated via the iS “Position measuring system 1” (V380x 0001.5) provides actual values, i.e.
is still below the imit frequency.
The actual velocity momnitoring is active for axes and for a spindle.
The following will occur if the “Threshold value for velocity monitoring” is exceeded:
Alarm 25030 ”Actual velocity alarm limit”
The axis/spindle concerned is stopped with rapid stop (with open position control loop) via
a speed setpoint ramp.
The duration of the brake ramp is defined in MD 36610: AX_EMERGENCY_STOP_TIME
(duration of braking ramp in case of error statuses).
If the axis/spindle interpolates with other axes/spindles, these will also be stopped by ra-
pid stop with reduction of the following error (specification of partial setpoint = 0).
Notes for fault finding
Check actual values.
Check position control direction.
Check MD 36200: AX_VELO_LIMIT (threshold value for velocity monitoring).
In the case of an analog spindle, check speed setpoint cable.
SINUMERIK 802D, 802D base line
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