Brief details of this edition and previous editions are listed below.
The status of each edition is shown by the code in the ”Remarks” column.
Status code in the ”Remarks” column:
ANew documentation.. . . .
BUnrevized reprint with new Order No.. . . .
CRevised edition with new status. . . . .
If actual changes have been made on the page since the last edition,
this is indicated by a new edition coding in the header on that page.
EditionOrder No.Remarks
11.00 6FC5698-2AA20-0BP0A
10.02 6FC5698-2AA20-0BP1C
This Manual is included on the documentation on CD-ROM (DOCONCD)
EditionOrder No.Remarks
11.02 6FC5298-6CA00-0BG3 C
trademarks of Siemens. Third parties using for their own purposes any other names in this document which
refer to trademarks might infringe upon the rights of trademark owners.
This documentation was produced using Interleaf 7.0.
Subject to change without prior notice.
The reproduction, transmission or use of this document or its
contents is not permitted without express written authority. Offenders
will be liable for demages. All rights, including rights created by patent
grant or registration of utility model or design, are reserved.
Siemens AG 2002. All rights reserved.
Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany
Other functions not described in this documentation might be
executable in the control. This does not, however, represent an
obligation to supply such functions with a new control or when
We have checked that the contents of this document correspond to
the hardware and software described. Nonetheless, differences might
exist and therefore we cannot guarantee that they are completely
identical. The information contained in this document is, however,
reviewed regularly and any necessary changes will be included in the
next edition. We welcome suggestions for improvement.
The present description is intended to be used as a reference manual. It
allows the operator on the machine tool to:
- access special cases in the operation of the machine correctly;
- to learn the response of the system/installation to the particular special case;
- to use the possibilities of continuing work after the special case;
- to follow notes for further references.
Object of the present description are the alarms occurring in the areas
NC kernel (NCK), Profibus, cycles and PLC.
Further alarms may occur in the HMI area (Human Machine Interface).
They are announced to the user by self-explaining alarm lines displayed
on the operator panel. These alarms are not part of this Diagnostics
For special cases in conjunction with the integrated PLC, please refer to
the relevant SIMATIC S7-200 system documentation.
NC alarms
The alarms are sorted in the Diagnostics Guide by ascending alarm
numbers with gaps between them.
Please always check the situation of the particular system/installation
carefully on the basis of the alarms occurred. Eliminate the causes for
the occurrence of the alarms and acknowledge them as described.
Otherwise, danger will result for machine, workpiece, saved settings
and - under certain circumstances - even for your health.
Alarms with alarm number 1xxx are system errors that indicate internal
error states. The internal error number transmitted provides the devel-
oper important information with regard to the error cause and the error
These system errors are not described in detail. If they occur with the
supplied control systems at all, please contact the following hotline,
specifying the alarm number, the alarm text and the internal system
The PLC must provide a sign of life within a defined period of time. If not, this
alarm is generated.
NC Start inhibited.
NC not ready.
NC Stop at alarm.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
This alarm also occurs as a consequence of PLC Stop.
(PLC Stop via Programming Tool,
PLC Stop from start-up switch,
PLC Stop caused by an alarm)
If none of the above mentioned cases exists, please contact the hotline indicated in the beginning of this publication and specify the operating system
error number.
Power ON
PLC not booted
The PLC must provide at least one sign of life within the defined period of time
after POWER ON.
NC Start inhibited.
NC not ready.
NC Stop at alarm.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
Contact the hotline indicated in the beginning of this publication.
The current position of the service switch will clear the SRAM with the
next POWER ON (general reset active)
The initialization switch is currently set to "General reset". As a consequence,
the SRAM of the module is cleared with the next module reset; as a result, the
NC data memory is lost.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
NC not ready.
Reset the initialization switch back to "1".
Use the "Cancel" key to cancel the alarm. No further operation required.
The EMERGENCY STOP request is present at the NC/PLC interface
(V 26000000.1).
NC Start inhibited.
NC not ready
10.02 1 Alarms
NC Stop at alarm
Alarm display
Interface signals are set.
Program continuation
Check whether an EMERGENCY STOP cam has been approached or an
EMERGENCY STOP button has been tripped. Check the PLC user program.
Correct the EMERGENCY STOP cause and acknowledge EMERGENCY
STOP via the PLC/NC user interface (V 26000000.2).
Use the RESET key to cancel the alarm. Restart the part program.
Program continuation
Channel %1 machine data %2 contains a gap in the axis assignment
%1 = channel number
%2 = string: MD identifier
The assignment of a machine axis to a channel using the MD 20070
AXCONF_MACHAX_USED must be carried out without gaps. Any gaps will be
detected when the system boots (POWER ON) and be displayed as an alarm.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
NC not ready.
NC Start inhibited.
NC Stop at alarm.
Please inform the authorized personnel/customer service.
Configure MD 20070 AXCONF_MACHAX_USED for the axis assignment of
the channel without gaps, i.e. with ascending axis indices, a machine axis has
to be assigned until zero (no machine axis) is entered for the first time. In this
case, all MDs that have higher indices must also be loaded with zero.
The sequence order of the machine numbers is not relevant.
Assignment of the channel axes to the machine axes
Channel %1 machine data %2[%3] contains an axis not defined in the
%1 = channel number
%2 = string: MD identifier
%3 = index: MD array index
Only axes activated in the channel via MD 20070
may be declared geometry axes via
gx ... Geometry axis index k ... Channel axis no.
kx ... Channel axis index m ... Machine axis no.
10.02 1 Alarms
Program continuation
MD 20050
(contains channel axis no. k) (contains machine axis no. m)
Geometry Axis
1. Channel Channel Axis
MD 20070
1. Channel
0 1 0 1
1 2 1 2
2 3 2 3
3 4
4 5
Assignment of the geometry axes to the channel axes
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
NC not ready.
NC Start inhibited.
NC Stop at alarm.
Please inform the authorized personnel/customer service.
Check MD 20050
MD 20070 AXCONF_MACHAX_USED and correct them if necessary.
The basis is the MD array MD 20070 AXCONF_MACHAX_USED in which the
machine axis number to be controlled by this channel is entered channelspecifically. The resulting "channel axes" are assigned a name by MD 20080
AXCONF_CHANAX_NAME_TAB and assigned to a geometry axis via MD
20050 AXCONF_GEOAX_ASSIGN_TAB by entering the relevant channel axis
in this MD array for each geometry axis.
Power ON
Program continuation
Channel %1 machine data %2 axis %3 defined as a geometry axis repeatedly
%1 = channel number
%2 = string: MD identifier
%3 = axis index
An axis may be defined as a geometry axis only once.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
NC not ready.
NC Start inhibited.
NC Stop at alarm.
Correct MD 20050
Power ON
Power ON
Machine data %1[%2] contains an illegal identifier
1. The identifier must be an NC address letter (A, B, C, I, J, K, U, V, W, X, Y,
Z), possibly with a numerical extension.
2. The identifier must start with 2 random uppercase letters, but not with the
$ character (reserved).
3. The identifier must not be a vocabulary word of the NC language (e.g.
Program continuation
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
NC not ready.
NC Start inhibited.
NC Stop at alarm.
Please inform the authorized personnel/customer service.
Enter the identifier for user-defined names in the displayed MD using the correct syntax.
Machine axes: MD 10000 AXCONF_MACHAX_NAME_TAB
Power ON
Program continuation
Channel %1 Machine data %2[%3] contains an illegal identifier
%1 = channel number
%2 = string: MD identifier
%3 = index: MD array index
When defining the names in the channel-specific tables for geometry axes and
channel axes, one of the following syntax rules has been violated for the identifier to be entered:
1. The identifier must be an NC address letter (A, B, C, I, J, K, U, V, W, X, Y,
Z), possibly with a numerical extension.
2. The identifier must start with 2 random uppercase letters, but not with the
$ character (reserved for system variables).
3. The identifier must not be a vocabulary word of the NC language (e.g.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
NC not ready.
NC Start inhibited.
NC Stop at alarm.
Please inform the authorized personnel/customer service.
Enter the identifier for user-defined names in the displayed MD using the correct syntax.
When defining the names in the NC tables (arrays) for machine axes, an
identifier was used which already exists in the control system.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
NC not ready.
10.02 1 Alarms
NC Start inhibited.
NC Stop at alarm.
Program continuation
Please inform the authorized personnel/customer service.
Select a string for the identifier to be entered which is not yet used in the system (max. 32 characters).
The RESET key must be used in all channels of this mode group to cancel this
Program continuation
Program continuation
Channel %1 Identifier %2 used repeatedly in machine data %3
When defining the names in the channel-specific tables for geometry axes and channel axes, an identifier was used which already exists in the control
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
NC not ready.
NC Start inhibited.
NC Stop at alarm.
Please inform the authorized personnel/customer service.
Select a string for the identifier to be entered which is not yet used in the system (max. 32 characters).
Power ON
Channel %1 Missing identifier in machine data %2[%3]
%1 = channel number
%2 = string: MD identifier
%3 = index: MD array index
Due to the axis configuration in MD 20070 AXCONF_ MACHAX_USED and MD 20050 AXCONF_GEOAX_ASSIGN_TAB,
an axis identifier is expected for the MD displayed.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
NC not ready.
NC Start inhibited.
NC Stop at alarm.
Please inform the authorized personnel/customer service.
Check the axis configuration and enter the missing axis identifier in the MD or if you wish the axis to be omitted - specify machine axis 0 for this channel axis
in MD 20070 AXCONF_MACHAX_USED. If the axis is a geometry axis which
will not be used (with exclusively 2-axis machining, e.g. with turning machines),
the channel axis 0 must additionally entered in MD 20050
AXCONF_GEOAX_ASSIGN_TAB for the appropriate geometry axis.
The use of the axis identifier specified in the displayed MD is not consistent
with the axis configuration of the channel specified in MD 20070
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
NC not ready.
NC Start inhibited.
NC Stop at alarm.
Please inform the authorized personnel/customer service.
Check the identifiers used in MD 10000 AXCONF_
MD 20050 AXCONF_GEOAX_NAME_TAB and correct them if necessary.
Even address: Identifier to be changed
followed by an odd address: New identifier
will cancel the ROT function in the control system
Power ON
Default machine data have been loaded
Booting with the default values by:
• operator action (e.g. start-up switch)
• MD 11200 INIT_MD
• loss of the retentive data
• operator action - booting with saved data, without saving the data first
Alarm display.
After the default machine data have been loaded, the particular MD for your
particular system/installation must be entered/loaded.
Use the "Cancel" key to cancel the alarm. Reload your own machine data.
Program continuation
Program continuation
Data backup copy has been loaded
The used data saved to flash have been loaded into the SRAM.
Alarm display.
Reload your own machine data.
Use the RESET key to cancel the alarm.
Battery-backed memory is restored from backup copy (risk of data loss !)
When booting, a possible inconsistency has been detected in the batterybacked memory.
The battery-backed memory was initialized using the last backup copy. As a
result, the changes in the battery-backed memory carried out since the last
update of the backup copy are lost. The cause of this procedure is to be
searched for in exceeding of the buffer time. Please make sure that the required on-time of the control system, which is specified in your Start-up Guide,
is not exceeded.
The current backup copy of the battery-backed memory was created using the
internal data backup carried out last using the softkey "Save data" in the HMI.
Alarm display
Interface signals are set.
NC Start inhibited
The control system uses internal physical units (mm, degrees, s, for distances
to go, velocities, accelerations and the like). With programming or data backup, some of these values are input/output using other units (rpm, m/s2, etc.).
The conversion is carried out using scaling factors which can be entered (system-specific MD array 10230 SCALING_FACTORS USER_DEF[n] (n ... index
numbers 0 ... 10) if the relevant masking bit is set to "1".
If the masking bit is set to "0", the scaling is carried out using the internal default factors.
The following machine data influence the scaling of other MDs:
MD 10220
MD 10250
MD 30300 IS_ROT_AX
After these data have been changed, the NC must be rebooted. Only then the
input of dependent data will be executed correctly.
Alarm display.
Please inform the authorized personnel/customer service.
If the alarm has been displayed after downloading a consistent MD file, the
download operation must be repeated and the NC is rebooted. (Scalingdependent machine data in the file are always put in front of the scaling factors).
Use the "Cancel" key to cancel the alarm. No further operation required.
Program continuation
Machine data %1 (and possible further) not changed due to missing access rights %2
%1 = string: MD identifier
%2 = write protection level of the MD
When executing a TOA file, it has been tried to program a data whose protection level is higher than the access authorization currently set at the control
The relevant data has not been programmed.
This alarm is only generated with the first write access violation detected.
Alarm display.
Either set the required access level via the password or delete the appropriate
machine data from the MD file.
Use the "Cancel" key to cancel the alarm. No further operation required.
%1 Machine data could not be changed with access right %2
%1 = number of MD
%2 = set access right
When executing a TOA file, it has been tried to program a data whose protection level is higher than the access authorization currently set at the control
The appropriate data have not been programmed.
This alarm is issued when acknowledging alarm 4075. It can only be canceled
with POWER ON.
Either set the required access level via the password or using the keyswitch or
delete the appropriate machine data from the MD file.
Power ON
New value %1 of MD %2 not set; requests %3 bytes too much %4 memory.
%1 = new value of the machine data
%2 = machine data number
%3 = number of bytes requested in excess
%4 = type of memory
It was tried to assign the specified memory-configuring machine data a new
The change will not be executed, since it would result in deleting the user
memory. The change requires more user memory than provided.
The third parameter specifies the number of bytes by which the maximum user
memory has been exceeded.
The fourth parameter specifies the type of the memory whose limit is exceeded:
"D" stands for the dynamic or non-backed user memory (there are, e.g. the
LUD variables, this also includes the IPO buffer size). The size of this memory
type is defined by the current memory configuration and by the value of
"S" stands for the static or battery-backed user memory (typically, there are the
part programs, but also the compensation data, R parameters, tool data); this
memory type is also defined by the current memory configuration and by the
value of MD 18230 MM_USER_MEM_BUFFERED.
Alarm display.
If the change was not desired, then simply continue.
In this case, the alarm will not have any negative influence.
How this error is corrected depends on the access right and on the current NC
memory configuration:
The change as planned to be done is not possible in this way -> try once more
using a smaller value. When doing so, watch how the value of the byte number
Buying more memory? This possibility depends on the model you are using.
The NC user memory is possible set smaller than possible. Provided the appropriate access right, the MD (see above) can be changed.
Use the "Cancel" key to cancel the alarm. No further operation required.
More than <n> errors have occurred when the control system has booted.
Alarm display.
NC Start inhibited
Set the machine data correctly.
10.02 1 Alarms
Program continuation
Program continuation
IPO cycle factor increased to %1 ms
%1 = string (new IPO cycle)
The IPO cycle divider was set to a value which was no integer
multiple of the position control divider.
The divider (MD 10070 IPO_SYSCLOCK_TIME_RATIO ) was increased.
In the case of systems working with Profibus DP,
IPO_SYSCLOCK_TIME_RATIO has been modified due to the changed DP
cycle (MD 10050 SYSCLOCK_CYCLE_TIME ) in SDB1000.
Alarm display.
The machine data 10070 IPO_SYSCLOCK_TIME_RATIO was adapted accordingly.
Use the RESET key to cancel the alarm. Restart the part program.
Increase PLC clock to %1 ms
The PLC clock divider was set to a value which was no integer multiple of the
IPO clock divider.
The divider (MD
Alarm display.
Adapt the machine data accordingly.
Power ON
) was increased.
Program continuation
Program continuation
Servo clock changed to %1 ms
%1 = string (new servo cycle)
In the case of systems working with Profibus DP, IPO10060
_SYSCLOCK_TIME_RATIO has been modified in SDB1000 due to the
changed DP cycle (MD 10050 SYSCLOCK_CYCLE_TIME ).
Alarm display.
The machine data 10060 POSCTRL_SYSCLOCK_TIME_RATIO was adapted
Use the RESET key to cancel the alarm. Restart the part program.
Sysclock changed to %1 ms
%1 = string (new PLC cycle)
The MD 10050 SYSCLOCK_CYCLE_TIME has been modified due to the
changed DP clock in SDB1000.
Alarm display.
The machine data 10050 IPO_SYSCLOCK_CYCLE_TIME was adapted accordingly.
Use the RESET key to cancel the alarm. Restart the part program.
Error in DP clock of SDB1000
%1 = string (new PLC cycle)
The DP clock in SDB1000 is faulty and can no longer be set.
The default value of $MN_SYSCLOCK_CYCLE_TIME will be set.
Channel %1 Invalid M function subroutine call configured
In MD 10715
function, an M function was specified which is occupied by the system and
cannot be replaced by a subroutine call (M0 to M5, M17, M19, M30, M40 to
M45, M70). With the external language active, M96 – M99 are also disabled
Alarm display.
NC Start inhibited
Interface signals are set
NC not ready
NC Stop at alarm
Configure an M function in MD 10715 M_NO_FCT_CYCLE, which is not occupied by the system (M0 to M5, M17, M19, M30, M40 to M45, M70).
Illegal configuration of the function "Block display with absolute values"
The function "Block display with absolute values" was configured illegally:
- An illegal block length was set via $MC_MM_ABSBLOCK:
When booting, the machine data is checked for the following range of values:
0, 1, 128 ... 512
- An illegal display range was set via
$MC_MM_ABSBLOCK_BUFFER_CONF[]. When booting, the machine data is
checked for the following upper/lower limits:
In case of violation of the limits, alarm 4152 is issued.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
Channel not ready.
NC Stop at alarm.
NC Start inhibited.
for configuring the subroutine call via M
Dimension the block length/display range within the permitted limits.
Channel %1 Invalid M function number configured for spindle switching
%1=channel number
In MD 20094 SPIND_RIGID_TAPPING_M_NR for configuring the M function
number for switching the spindle to the axis mode, an M function was specified
which is occupied by the system and cannot be used for switching (M1 ... M5,
M17, M30, M40 ... M45).
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
NC not ready.
NC Start inhibited
NC Stop at alarm
Configure an M function in MD 20094 SPIND_RIGID_TAPPING_M_NR, which
is not occupied by the system (M1 to M5, M17, M19, M30, M40 to M45, M70).
10.02 1 Alarms
Program continuation
Program continuation
Program continuation
Channel %1 Illegal M auxiliary function number in %2%3; MD reset
%1 = channel number
%2 = machine axis identifier
%3 = MD index if necessary
A number which is occupied by the system and cannot be used for an assignment was specified for configuring an M function.
(M0 ... M5, M17, M30, M40 ... M45 and - when working with ISO dialect - also
The value used by the user has been reset by the system to the default value.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
Channel not ready.
NC Start inhibited in this channel
NC Stop at alarm.
Configure an M function in the specified machine data, which is not occupied
by the system (M0 ... M5, M17, M30, M40 ... M45 and - when working with ISO
dialect - also M98,M99).
Use the RESET key to cancel the alarm. Restart the part program.
Channel %1 M auxiliary function number %2 used repeatedly (%3 and %4)
%1 = channel number
%2 = M auxiliary function number
%3 = machine axis data identifier
%4 = machine data identifier
A number in the specified machine data was used repeatedly for configuring an
M function.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
Mode group not ready.
Channel not ready.
NC Start inhibited in this channel
NC Stop at alarm.
Check the specified machine data and provide for an unambiguous assignment of the M auxiliary function numbers.
Channel %1 Geometry axis %2 may not declared a rotary axis
%1 = channel number
%2 = axis name:
The geometry axes constitute a Cartesian coordinate system; therefore, the
declaration of a geometry axis as a rotary axis will result in a definition conflict.
NC not ready.
NC Stop at alarm.
NC Start inhibited.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
Please inform the authorized personnel/customer service.
Remove the rotary axis declaration of this machine axis.
10.02 1 Alarms
To do so, determine the geometry axis index for the displayed geometry axis
via the machine data array 20060 AXCONF_GEOAX_NAME_TAB. The channel axis number is stored in the MD array 20050
AXCONF_GEOAX_ASSIGN_TAB via the same index. The channel axis number minus 1 results in the channel axis index under which the machine axis
number is found in the MD array 20070 AXCONF_MACHAX_USED.
%1 = channel number
%2 = axis name, spindle number
If you wish to operate a machine axis as a spindle, this machine axis must be
declared as a rotary axis.
NC not ready.
NC Stop at alarm.
NC Start inhibited.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
Please inform the authorized personnel/customer service.
Set the rotary axis declaration for this machine axis in the axis-specific
MD 30300 IS_ROT_AX.
%1 = channel number
%2 = axis name, spindle number
The spindle exists in the channel repeatedly.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
NC not ready.
NC Start inhibited.
NC Stop at alarm.
Please inform the authorized personnel/customer service.
The spindle axis number is stored in the axis-specific MD array 35000
SPIND_ASSIGN_TO_MACHAX. Which channel this machine axis / spindle will
be assigned can be seen from the machine axis index. (The machine axis
number is to be found in the MD array 20070 AXCONF_MACHAX_USED).
The modulo functionality requires a rotary axis (positions in [deg]).
NC not ready.
NC Stop at alarm.
NC Start inhibited.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
Please inform the authorized personnel/customer service.
Set MD 30300 IS_ROT_AX.
Power ON
Channel %1 In current channel status, data cannot be changed from external source
%1=channel number
This data may not be entered during part program execution (e.g. setting data
for the spindle speed limitation or for the dry run feed).
Alarm display.
Change the data to be entered before starting the part program.
Use the "Cancel" key to cancel the alarm. No further operation required.
Program continuation
Computation time overflow on the IPO or position controller level, IP %1
%1 = program position
The settings for the interpolation and position control clock have been modified
prior to the last booting such that now too few computation time is available for
the cyclic tasks to be performed.
The alarm occurs immediately after booting if too few computing time is available for a task even with standing axes and the NC program not started. The
task overflow, however, may also only occur if computation-time intensive NC
functions are called during the program execution.
NC not ready.
NC Start inhibited.
NC Stop at alarm.
The NC switched to the follow-up mode.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
Please inform the authorized personnel/customer service.
Optimize the clock time in NC MD 10050 SYSCLOCK_CYCLE_TIME,
MD 10070 IPO_SYSCLOCK_TIME_RATIO more cautiously.
The test should be carried out using an NC program which constitutes a maximum possible load for the control system. For reasons of safety, the ties determined in this way should be provided with a safety reserve of 15 ... 25%.
%1 = string: MD identifier
%2 = index in the MD array
The values of the machine data must be written in the ascending sequence
NC not ready.
NC Stop at alarm.
NC Start inhibited.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
Correct the MD accordingly.
Use the RESET key to cancel the alarm. Restart the part program.
Channel %1 Invalid transformation type in transformation no. %2.
%1 = channel number
%2 = transformation name
An invalid number, i.e. a number not defined was entered in one of the machine data TRAFO_TYPE_1 ... TRAFO_TYPE_8.
This alarm will also occur if a certain transformation type is not possible for the
control system type specified.
Alarm display
Interface signals are set
NC stop at alarm
Channel not ready
Mode group not ready
NC Start inhibited
Enter a valid transformation type.
Power ON
Program continuation
Channel %1 It was tried to change the machine data of an active transformation.
%1=channel number
It was tried to change the machine data of an active transformation in order to
enable them via RESET or NEWCONFIG.
Alarm display
Interface signals are set
NC Stop at alarm at the end of the block
Interpreter stop
Set valid machine data.
Use the RESET key to cancel the alarm. Restart the part program.
Channel %1 Faulty geometry axis assignment in machine data %2[%3]
%1=channel number
%2 = name of the machine data
%3 = transformation number
The machine data TRAFO_GEOAX_ASSIGN_TAB_1/2 contains an invalid
The following error causes are possible:
- The entry refers to a channel axis not existing.
- The entry is zero (no axis) although the transformation requires the appropri-
axis as a geometry axis.
Program continuation
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
Reorganize also the correction block.
NC Stop at alarm at the end of the block.
Correct the entry in TRAFO_GEOAX_ASSIGN_TAB_1/2 or
Use the RESET key to cancel the alarm. Restart the part program.
Program continuation
Program continuation
Channel %1 Faulty channel axis assignment in machine data %2[%3]
%1 = channel number
%2 = name of the machine data
%3 = transformation number
The machine data TRAFO_AXIS_IN_1/2 contains an invalid entry.
The following error causes are possible:
- The entry refers to a channel axis not existing.
- The entry is zero (no axis) although the transformation requires the appropri-
axis as a channel axis.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
Reorganize also the correction block.
NC Stop at alarm at the end of the block.
Correct the entry in TRAFO_AXES_IN_1/2.
Use the RESET key to cancel the alarm. Restart the part program.
MD change results in reorganization of the battery-backed memory (loss
of data!)
An MD configuring the battery-backed memory was changed. Booting the NC
with the changed data will reorganize the battery-backed memory, resulting in
a loss of all battery-backed user data (part programs, tool data, GUD, LEC, ...).
Alarm display.
If the control system contains user data that have not been saved, a data
backup must be carried out before the NC is next booted. The reorganization of
the memory can be avoided by resetting the altered MD to the value during the
last booting manually.
Use the "Cancel" key to cancel the alarm. No further operation required.
The reset behavior of the 6th or 8th G group has been defined in MD 20110
RESET_MODE_MASK, bit4 and bit5 to date; now, this setting is made in MD
10.02 1 Alarms
To be able to handle "old" data backups with full compatibility, the "old" values
are taken from MD 20110 RESET_MODE_MASK and entered in MD 20152
Program continuation
Alarm display.
Use the "Cancel" key to cancel the alarm. No further operation required.
Program continuation
Program continuation
Communication job cannot be executed
The communication job (data exchange between NC and HMI,
such as loading of an NC part program) cannot be carried out due to insufficient memory. Cause: Too many parallel communication jobs.
Alarm display.
No remedial action possible - the operator action that resulted in the alarm
message must be repeated. Use "Cancel" to cancel the alarm.
Use the "Cancel" key to cancel the alarm. No further operation required.
Memory mapping was carried out using the default machine data
The memory management was not able to carry out the mapping of the NC
user memory using the values in the machine data. The reason is that the
entire memory is used by the NC user both as a dynamic memory and a static
memory (e.g., for: number of tool offsets, number of directories and files, etc.).
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
NC Start inhibited.
NC Stop at alarm.
Redefine the memory mapping.
It is not possible to specify a certain MD as an alarm cause for the NC user
memory mapping. Therefore, the MD that has caused the alarm must be determined on the base of the default values in the machine data and by modifying the user-specific memory mapping step by step.
In most cases, not only an individual MD is selected too large, and it is therefore recommended to reduce the memory area in several MDs correspondingly.
Use the RESET key to cancel the alarm. Restart the part program.
The data management has detected an error in the boot sequence. A possible
reason is that the specified data block was not created. The type of the error
can be derived from the error number. An error number >100000 indicates to a
persisting system error. Otherwise, the user memory area has been dimensioned too small. In this case, the (user) error numbers have the following
10.02 1 Alarms
Error number Explanation
1 No more memory capacity
2 Number of maximum possible symbols exceeded
3 Index 1 outside the valid range of values
4 Name already exists in the channel
5 Name already exists in the NC
If the alarm occurs after loading cycle programs, macro definitions or definitions for global user data (GUD), the machine data for the user memory configuration have been dimensioned not correctly. In all the other cases, modifications to machine data that are already correct result in errors in the user
memory configuration.
The following block names (2nd parameter) are known in the NC (both system
and user data blocks in total; if problems occur only in the user data blocks, as
a rule, these can be eliminated by user intervention)
_N_NC_OPT - system-internal: Option data, NC-global
_N_NC_SEA - system-internal: Setting data, NC global
_N_NC_SEA - system-internal: Machine data, NC global
_N_NC_SEA - system-internal: 'cross error compensation'
_N_NC_PRO - system-internal: Protection areas, NC-global
_N_NC_GD1 - user: 1st GUD block defined by
_N_SGUD_DEF, NC-global
_N_NC_GD2 - user: 2nd GUD block defined by
_N_MGUD_DEF, NC-global
_N_NC_GD3 - user: 3rd GUD block defined by
_N_UGUD_DEF, NC-global
_N_NC_GD4 - user: 4th GUD block defined by
_N_GUD4_DEF, NC-global
_N_NC_GD5 - user: 5th GUD block defined by
_N_GUD5_DEF, NC-globally
_N_NC_GD6 - user: 6th GUD block defined by
_N_GUD6_DEF, NC-globally
_N_NC_GD7 - user: 7th GUD block defined by
_N_GUD7_DEF, NC-globally
_N_NC_GD8 - user: 8th GUD block defined by
_N_GUD8_DEF, NC-globally
_N_NC_GD9 - user: 9th GUD block defined by
_N_GUD9_DEF, NC-globally
_N_NC_MAC - user: Macro definitions
_N_NC_FUN - user: Cycle programs
c = channel number
a = machine axis number
t = TOA unit number
There are further internal system data blocks with identifiers.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
NC not ready.
NC Start inhibited.
NC Stop at alarm.
Either correct the machine data or undo the changes.
Please inform the authorized personnel/customer service.
• There are two decisive machine data for cycle programs:
MD 18170 MM_NUM_MAX_FUNC_NAMES = max. number of all
cycle programs
Error number = 2 indicates that the value concerned is too small
MD 18180 MM_NUM_MAX_FUNC_PARAM = max. number of all
parameters defined in the cycle programs
Error number = 2 indicates that the value concerned is too small
(if this MD is changed, the data contained in the battery-backed memory
remain stored)
• The following applies to macro definitions:
MD 18160 MM_NUM_USER_MACROS = max. number of all
macro definitions
Error number = 2 indicates that the value concerned is too small
(if this MD is changed, the data contained in the battery-backed memory
remain stored)
• The following applies to GUD variables:
MD 18118 MM_NUM_GUD_MODULES = max. number of
GUD data blocks per area (NC/channel)
(if GD1, GD2, GD3, GD9 are to be defined, the value must be =9
and not =4)
MD 18120 MM_NUM_GUD_NAMES_NCK = max. number of all NC-
global GUD variables
Error number = 2 indicates that the value concerned is too small
MD 18130 MM_NUM_GUD_NAMES_CHAN = max. number of all
channel-specific GUD variables in the channel
Error number = 2 indicates that the value concerned is too small
MD 18150 MM_GUD_VALUES_MEM = entire value memory
of all GUD variables together
Error number = 1 indicates that the value concerned is too small
Power ON
Program continuation
Use the RESET key to cancel the alarm. Restart the part program.
Program continuation
Program continuation
Machine data changed - memory remapped
Machine data defining the NC user memory have been changed. The data
management has remapped the memory according to the changed machine
Alarm display.
No remedial action required. Re-enter the required user data.
Use the RESET key to cancel the alarm. Restart the part program.
User memory limit has been adapted
When booting, the data management checks the really existing, physical user
memory (DRAM, DPRAM and SRAM) against the values in the system-specific
machine data MD 18210
Alarm display.
No remedial action required. The new, maximum permissible value can be
read from the reduced machine data.
Use the RESET key to cancel the alarm. Restart the part program.
System has only %2 kB free user memory of the type "%3" instead of only
%1 kB
%1 = free memory capacity in kB defined for the control system model concerned
%2 = real maximum capacity of free memory in kB
%3 = memory type, "D" = not battery-backed, "S" = battery-backed
This alarm may only occur after a 'cold restart' (= NCK booting with the default
machine data). The alarm is only a note; the NCK functions are not affected.
This alarm indicates that the NCK has fewer user memory than intended by
Siemens for this control system variant. The value of the really free user memory can also be taken from the machine data
Siemens delivers the NCK with default settings which depending on the particular model provide a certain (free) memory for the specific settings of the
particular applications. Original NCK systems are set by default such that this
alarm does not occur in cold restart.
Program continuation
Alarm display.
- This message may have the following possible causes:
- The NCK is run on a hardware that is not intended for this NCK release (in
other words, that has insufficient memory capacity).
- If the particular application can manage with the remaining free user memory
(in other words, can be started up without errors), the message can also simply be ignored.
Use the RESET key to cancel the alarm.
Program continuation
TO unit %1 tool "%2" / duplo no. %3 has reached prewarning
limit with D= %4
%1 = TO unit
%2 = tool identifier (name)
%3 = duplo number
%4 = D number
Tool monitoring:
The operator is referred to the fact the specified D compensation of the
tool monitored with reference to the time or count has reached its prewarning limit.
If possible, the D number is specified; if not, the 4th parameter will be 0.
The particular type of the tool monitoring is a property of the tool (see
If you do not work with replacement tools,
the specification of the duplo number has no further meaning.
The alarm is triggered either via MMC or PLC (= OPI). The channel
context is not defined. For this reason, the TO unit is specified.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
only intended for information; the user will decide what to do.
Use the "Cancel" key to cancel the alarm. No further operation required.
Channel %1 tool "%2" / duplo no. %3 has reached prewarning
limit with D= %4
%1 = TO unit
%2 = tool identifier (name)
%3 = duplo number
%4 = D number
Tool monitoring:
The operator is referred to the fact the specified D compensation of the tool
monitored with reference to the time or count has reached its prewarning limit.
If possible, the D number is specified; if not, the 4th parameter will be 0.
The particular type of the tool monitoring is a property of the tool (see
If you do not work with replacement tools,
the specification of the duplo
number has no further meaning.
This alarm is caused within the framework of the NC program execution.