BeneVision TM80
Telemetry Monitor
Service Manual
Intellectual Property Statement
Mindray) owns the intellectual property rights to this product and this manual. This
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convey any license under the patent rights of Mindray, nor the rights of others.
Mindray does not assume any liability arising out of any infringements of patents or
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Mindray intends to maintain the contents of this manual as confidential information.
Disclosure of the information in this manual in any manner whatsoever without the
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Release, amendment, reproduction, distribution, rent, adaptation and translation of
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, and are the registered trademarks or
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This posting serves as notice under 35 U.S.C.§287(a) f or Mindray patents:
For this manual, the issued Date is January 2019 (Version: 3.0).
© 2017-2019 Shenzhen Mindray Bio-Medical Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved
TM80 Telemetry Monitor Service Manual I
This manual describes all features and options. The equipment may not
have all of them. Contact Mindray service department for any questions.
Manufacturer’s Responsibility
Contents of this manual are subject to changes without prior notice.
All information contained in this manual is believed to be correct. Mindray shall not
be liable for errors contained herein nor for incidental or consequential damages in
connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this manual.
Mindray is responsible for the effects on safety, reliability and performance of this
product, only if:
All installation operations, expansions, changes, modifications and repairs
of this product are conducted by Mindray authorized personnel;
The electrical installation of the relevant room complies with the
applicable national and local requirements;
The product is used in accordance with the instructions for use.
This manual is for biomedical engineers or technicians responsible for
troubleshooting, repairing, and maintaining the telemetry monitoring
II TM80 Telemetry Monitor Service Manual
Return Policy
In the event that it becomes necessary to return a unit to Mindray, follow the
instructions below.
1. Obtain a return authorization.
Contact the Mindray Service Department and obtain a Mindray Customer Service
Authorization Number. The Mindray Customer Service Authorization Number must
appear on the outside of the shipping container. Return shipments will not be
accepted if the Mindray Customer Service Authorization Number is not clearly
visible. Please provide the model number, serial number, and a brief description of
the reason for return.
2. Freight policy
The customer is responsible for freight charges when this product is shipped to
Mindray for service (including any relevant customs fees or other freight related
3. Return address
Please send the part(s) or equipment to the address offered by Customer Service
TM80 Telemetry Monitor Service Manual III
Contact Information
Manufacturer: Shenzhen Mindray Bio-Medical Electronics Co., Ltd.
Address: Mindray Building, Keji 12th Road South, High-tech Industrial
park, Nanshan, Shenzhen 518057,P.R.China
E-mail Address:
Tel : +86 755 81888998
Fax: +86 755 26582680
Distributor: Mindray DS USA, Inc.
Address: 800 MacArthur Boulevard, Mahwah, New Jersey 07430, USA
Tel : 1.800.288.2121, 1.201.995.8000
IV TM80 Telemetry Monitor Service Manual
Manual Purpose
This manual provides detailed information about the assembling, dissembling,
testing and troubleshooting of the equipment to support effective troubleshooting
and repair. It is not intended to be a comprehensive, in-depth explanation of the
product architecture or technical implementation. Observance of the manual is a
prerequisite for proper equipment maintenance and prevents equipment damage
and personnel injur y.
This manual is based on the maximum configuration. Therefore, some contents may
not apply to your device. If you have any question, please contact our Customer
Service Department.
Intended Audience
This manual is for biomedical engineers, authorized technicians or service
representatives responsible for troubleshooting, repairing and maintaining the
TM80 Telemetry Monitors.
TM80 Telemetry Monitor Service Manual V
VI TM80 Telemetry Monitor Service Manual
Table of Contents
1 Safety ......................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.1 Safety Information ..................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.1.1 WARNINGS ....................................................................................................................... 1-2
1.1.2 Cautions ........................................................................................................................... 1-3
1.1.3 Notes ................................................................................................................................. 1-4
1.2 Equipment Symbols .................................................................................................................. 1-4
2 Overview .................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.1 Product Overview ....................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.2 Key Features ................................................................................................................................. 2-2
2.3 Introduction to TM80 Telemetry Monitoring System ........................................................ 2-2
2.3.1 Module Configurations for the TM80 Telemetry Monitor ................................... 2-3
2.3.2 Connection Diagram of the TM80 Telemetry Monitor ......................................... 2-4
2.4 Architecture of the TM80 Telemetry Monitoring System ................................................. 2-5
3 Installation ................................................................................................................. 3-1
3.1 Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 3-1
3.1.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 3-1
3.1.2 Business Types ................................................................................................................ 3-2
3.1.3 Installation Process ....................................................................................................... 3-4
3.2 Network Requirements of the TM80 ..................................................................................... 3-8
3.2.1 Requirements for Network Feasibility ...................................................................... 3-9
3.2.2 Configuration Requirements for WLAN of TM80 ................................................. 3-18
3.3 Configuration of Cisco Network Devices............................................................................ 3-21
3.3.1 Recommended Devices ............................................................................................. 3-21
3.3.2 Configuration Description ........................................................................................ 3-22
3.3.3 WLAN Settings .............................................................................................................. 3-23
3.3.4 CONTROLLER Settings ................................................................................................ 3-28
3.3.5 WIRELESS Settings ....................................................................................................... 3-30
3.4 Configuration of Aruba Network Devices .......................................................................... 3-35
TM80 Telemetry Monitor Service Manual 1
3.4.1 Recommended Devices ............................................................................................. 3-35
3.4.2 Login ............................................................................................................................... 3-36
3.4.3 Wireless Setting ............................................................................................................ 3-37
3.4.4 Network Setting ........................................................................................................... 3-43
3.5 Configuration of Netgear Network Devices ...................................................................... 3-44
3.5.1 Preparation .................................................................................................................... 3-45
3.5.2 Setting Single AP ......................................................................................................... 3-46
3.5.3 Wireless Settings (5G) ................................................................................................. 3-52
3.5.4 Setting Multiple APs ................................................................................................... 3-55
3.6 Network Deployment Planning ............................................................................................ 3-58
3.6.1 Tools and Resources .................................................................................................... 3-58
3.6.2 Environmental Survey ................................................................................................ 3-58
3.7 Network Deployment Implementation .............................................................................. 3-63
3.7.1 Preparations before Equipment Installation ........................................................ 3-63
3.7.2 Roaming Consideration ............................................................................................. 3-64
3.7.3 Services Provided During and After Installation ................................................. 3-64
3.8 Network Verification ................................................................................................................ 3-65
3.8.1 Tools and Resources .................................................................................................... 3-65
3.8.2 Wi-Fi Signal Calibration .............................................................................................. 3-65
3.8.3 Confirm Network Feasibility ..................................................................................... 3-66
3.8.4 Network Verification Process .................................................................................... 3-67
3.9 Configuring WLAN Settings of TM80 ................................................................................... 3-68
3.9.1 WLAN Setup .................................................................................................................. 3-69
3.9.2 EAP Setup ...................................................................................................................... 3-70
3.9.3 EAP Certificate Management ................................................................................... 3-71
3.9.4 WLAN TEST .................................................................................................................... 3-79
3.9.5 5G Band Channels ....................................................................................................... 3-82
3.10 Network Verification with TM80 ......................................................................................... 3-82
3.10.1 Test Preparation ......................................................................................................... 3-82
3.10.2 Connecting a TM80 to the Central Station ......................................................... 3-83
3.10.3 Test Preparation ......................................................................................................... 3-84
3.10.4 Coverage Confirmation ........................................................................................... 3-84
2 TM80 Telemetry Monitor Service Manual
3.10.5 TM80Acceptance Confirmation ............................................................................. 3-86
3.11 Appendices .............................................................................................................................. 3-87
3.11.1 TM80 Wi-Fi Network Requirement Table ............................................................. 3-87
3.11.2 Environmental Survey Table ................................................................................... 3-91
3.11.3 Network Acceptance Table ..................................................................................... 3-96
3.11.4 TM80 Verification Confirmation Table ............................................................... 3-102
4 Product Principles ...................................................................................................... 4-1
4.1 System Composition.................................................................................................................. 4-1
4.2 System Signal Flow .................................................................................................................... 4-4
5 Testing and Maintenance ........................................................................................... 5-1
5.1 Recommended Maintenance and Test Frequency ............................................................ 5-2
5.2 Inspection before Daily Use ..................................................................................................... 5-2
5.3 Preventative Maintenance Procedures ................................................................................. 5-3
5.4 Parameter Test ............................................................................................................................. 5-3
5.4.1 ECG Tes t ............................................................................................................................ 5-3
5.4.2 Resp Test .......................................................................................................................... 5-5
5.4.3 SpO2Tes t ........................................................................................................................... 5-6
5.4.4 NIBP Tests ......................................................................................................................... 5-7
5.5 Miscellaneous Tests .................................................................................................................. 5-10
5.5.1 Visual Inspection .......................................................................................................... 5-10
5.5.2 Power-On Tes t .............................................................................................................. 5-11
5.5.3 Nurse Call Test .............................................................................................................. 5-11
5.5.4 Electric Safety Test ....................................................................................................... 5-11
5.5.5 Network Print Test ....................................................................................................... 5-12
5.5.6 Battery Check ............................................................................................................... 5-12
6 Hardware Upgrade ..................................................................................................... 6-1
6.1 Adding the SpO2 Function ....................................................................................................... 6-1
6.2 Adding the NIBP Module (BP10) ............................................................................................. 6-1
6.3 Adding the Number of the TM80 Telemetry Monitors ..................................................... 6-2
TM80 Telemetry Monitor Service Manual 3
6.4 Extending Coverage .................................................................................................................. 6-3
7 Troubleshooting ......................................................................................................... 7-1
7.1 Common Faults ........................................................................................................................... 7-1
7.1.1 The TM80 Failed to Connect to the Central Station .............................................. 7-1
7.1.2 The TM80 Are Offline Frequently ............................................................................... 7-2
7.1.3 The TM80 Cannot Be Powered On............................................................................. 7-2
7.1.4 The Working Duration of Battery Becomes Short ................................................. 7-3
7.2 Technical Alarms ......................................................................................................................... 7-3
7.3 Other Faults ................................................................................................................................ 7-12
7.4 Error Codes ................................................................................................................................. 7-17
8 Disassembly ............................................................................................................... 8-1
8.1 Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 8-1
8.2 Disassembling the TM80 .......................................................................................................... 8-2
8.3 Disassembling the BP10 ........................................................................................................... 8-9
9 Maintenance Materials ............................................................................................... 9-1
9.1 Overview of Maintenance Materials ...................................................................................... 9-1
9.2 TM80 Front Housing Assembly (Wi-Fi) .................................................................................. 9-2
9.3 TM80 Rear Housing Assembly(Wi-Fi) .................................................................................... 9-3
9.4 TM80 Main Unit (Wi-Fi) .............................................................................................................. 9-5
9.5 BP10 Front Housing Assembly ................................................................................................ 9-6
9.6 BP10 Rear Housing Assembly ................................................................................................. 9-7
9.7 BP10 Main Unit ............................................................................................................................ 9-8
9.8 Exploded View of Central Charger ......................................................................................... 9-9
A Electrical Safety Inspection....................................................................................... A-1
A.1 Electrical Safety Tests for the TM80, BP10, and Central charger .................................... A-1
A.2 Power Cord Plug ........................................................................................................................ A-2
A.3 Device Enclosure and Accessories ........................................................................................ A-3
A.4 Device Labeling ......................................................................................................................... A-4
4 TM80 Telemetry Monitor Service Manual
A.5 Earth Leakage Test .................................................................................................................... A-4
A.6 Patient Leakage Current .......................................................................................................... A-6
A.7 Mains on Applied Part Leakage ............................................................................................. A-9
A.8 Patient Auxiliary Current ...................................................................................................... A-12
A.9 Scheduled Electrical Safety Inspection ............................................................................ A-14
A.10 Electrical Safety Inspection after Repair ........................................................................ A-14
A.11 Electrical Safety Inspection Form..................................................................................... A-15
TM80 Telemetry Monitor Service Manual 5
6 TM80 Telemetry Monitor Service Manual
1 Safety
1.1 Safety Information
Indicates a potential hazard or unsafe practice that, if not avoided,
could result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a potential hazard or unsafe practice that, if not avoided,
could result in minor personal injury or product/property damage.
Provides application tips or other useful information.
TM80 Telemetry Monitor Service Manual 1-1
The TM80 Telemetry Monitor must be operated by medical personnel
inhospitals or medical institutions.
For continued safe use of the TM80 Telemetry Monitor, the
instructionsgiven in this manual must be followed. But instructions in
this manual inno way supersede established medical procedures.
To avoid explosionhazard, do not use the TM80 Telemetry Monitor in
the presence of oxygen-rich atmospheres, flammable anesthetics, or
other flammableagents.
The TM80 Telemetry Monitor is not to be used in the vicinity of
electrosurgicalunits because such use may interrupt or interfere with
thetransmission of signals from the TM80 Telemetry Monitor.
Do not use the TM80 Telemetry Monitor in conjunction with Electro
SurgicalUnit (ESU).
Do not expose the TM80 Telemetry Monitor to a Magnetic Resonance
(MR) environment.
We recommend that the latest WPA2-PSK security encryption mode
beused when the TM80 Telemetry Monitor is in use.
Auditory alarm signal sound pressure levels that are less than
ambientlevels can impede operator recognition of alarm conditions.
1-2 TM80 Telemetry Monitor Service Manual
1.1.2 Cautions
Do not let the display of the TM80 Telemetry Monitor directly touch
thepatient’s skin when the display is on.
When the Central Station presents the alarm”Offline”, check
thenetwork connection status.
When disposing of the packaging material, be sure to observe the
applicablelocal waste control regulations and keep it out of children’s
Mindray takes no responsibility for controlling the radio frequency
environmentin a hospital. If interference for the operating frequency
oftelemetry equipment exists, the telemetry equipment performance
willbe affected. Exercise caution when selecting the operating
frequency ofall the wireless equipment in a hospital as this is very
important to avoidmutual interference among them.
Magnetic and electrical fields are capable of interfering with the
properperformance of the TM80 Telemetry Monitor. For this reason
make surethat all external equipment operated in the vicinity of the
TM80 TelemetryMonitor comply with the relevant EMC requirements.
Mobile phone,X-ray equipment, micro-wave oven, interphone, or MRI
equipment are apossible source of interference as they may emit
higher levels of electromagneticradiation.
TM80 Telemetry Monitor Service Manual 1-3
1.1.3 Notes
Put the TM80 Telemetry Monitor in a location where you can easily
seethe screen and access the operating controls
The software of the TM80 Telemetry Monitor was developed in
compliancewith IEC60601-1-4. The possibility of hazards arising from
softwareerrors is minimized.
This manual describes all features and options. Your equipment may
nothave all of them.
Keep this manual in the vicinity of the equipment so that it can be
obtained conveniently when needed.Provides application tips or
other useful information.
1.2 Equipment Symbols
See TMS60 Telemetry Monitoring System/TM80 Telemetry Monitor Operator’s
Manual for information about the symbols used on this product and its packaging.
1-4 TM80 Telemetry Monitor Service Manual
2 Overview
2.1 Product Overview
The TM80 telemetry monitor is intended for use on Adult and Pediatric patients over
three years old to monitor ECG, Resp, SpO
physiological data can be reviewed locally on the display of the monitor. The
CentralStation will support ECG, Heart Rate, SpO2, NIBP, Resp, Pulse Rate, Arrhythmia
analysis, QT monitoring, and ST Segment Analysis for the TM80.
The TM80 telemetry monitor can only be admitted by the Central Monitoring
System (CMS) whose version is 03.00 or above.
The TM80 Telemetry Monitormust be operated by medical personnel
inhospitals or medical institutions.
, and NIBP physiological data. The
The TM80 Telemetry Monitor is not designed for monitoring critically
As the TM80 Telemetry Monitortransmits data wirelessly, there
mightbe a risk of data loss.
The TM80 Telemetry Monitorcan be powered by a rechargeable
lithium-ion battery (P/N 022-000196-00 )or three AA batteries (P/N
Misuse or improper maintenance of the rechareable lithium-ion
batterycan cause a battery to overheat during use.
High temperatures can cause burns to the TM80. Refer to Chapter 13
Battery of BeneVision TMS60 Telemetry Monitoring System/TM80
Telemetry Monitor Operator’s Manual (P/N 046-007056-00) for the
maintenance methods.
TM80 Telemetry Monitor Service Manual 2-1
Before maintaining and repairing the TM80Telemetry Monitor,
familiarize yourself with the BeneVision TMS60 Telemetry Monitoring
System/TM80 Telemetry Monitor Operator’s Manual
2.2 Key Features
Easy for clinicians to use and comfortable for patients to wear
Low power consumption
Supports IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac and 2.4GHz/5Ghz dual Wi-Fi band
Able to be accessed to the existing wireless networks in a hospital directly
2.3 Introduction to TM80 Telemetry Monitoring System
The TM80 Telemetry Monitor consists of a transmission system, a receiving system,
and a central monitoring system (abbreviated as CMS).
The transmission system refers to the TM80 Telemetry Monitor with
optional BP10 and SAT10 SpO
the SpO
sensor connector and then plugged into the SpO2connector on
modules. The SpO2module is connected to
the TM80.The BP10 is a standalone module and communicates with the
TM80 via Mindray Patient Area Network (abbreviated as MPAN).
The receiving system refers to the Wi-Fi network, including APs, switches,
and routers. The TM80 can use the dedicated Wi-Fi network provided by
Mindray or share the hospital’s network with other devices in the hospital.
The network must comply with the wireless specifications of Mindray. For
details of specifications, refer to 3Installation .
The CMS refers to BeneVision Central Monitoring System. For details about
the Benevision Central Monitoring System, refer toBeneVision Central
Monitoring SystemOperator’s Manual (P/N H-046-010879-00) .
2-2 TM80 Telemetry Monitor Service Manual
AP array
Receive data
Data analysis
Data management
Information display
Collect and upload ECG/SpO2/
NIBP/RESP parameters
Local alarm
Local storage and review
Upload data
The following figure shows relationships among the subsystems.
2.3.1 Module Configurations for the TM80 Telemetry Monitor
The table below shows the ECG, Resp, SpO2, and NIBP configuration status for the
TM80 Telemetry Monitor.
Parameter Standard Optional
ECG Yes /
Resp / Yes
SpO2 / Yes
NIBP / Yes
TM80 Telemetry Monitor Service Manual 2-3
SpO2 module
Wired connection
2.3.2 Connection Diagram of the TM80 Telemetry Monitor
The following figures illustrates how the ECG, SpO2, and NIBP modules are
connected to the TM80 Telemetry Monitor.
The ECG and Resp collection circuit is designed inside the TM80 Telemetry Monitor.
The SpO
to the TM80 Telemetry Monitor via the SpO
Hard connection is used between the cable and the monitor. The NIBP module is a
standalone module and performs short-range wireless communication with TM80
Telemetry Monitor.
module and sensor constitute a SpO2 cable. The SpO2 module is connected
2-4 TM80 Telemetry Monitor Service Manual
Mbps Switch
1000Mbps Switch
2.4 Architecture of the TM80 Telemetry Monitoring System
The following figure illustrates the physical units of the TM80 Telemetry Monitoring
System. It shows how these devices and functional units are interconnected to form
a complete telemetry monitoring system.
The TM80 Telemetry Monitors are worn on patients. As shown in the figure above,
patients’ physiological information collected by the TM80 Telemetry Monitors is
transmitted through the low power consumption Wi-Fi modules built in the
telemetry monitors. Wireless signals are acquired by AP arrays and then are
transmitted to the CMS through the existing network system of the hospital. On the
CMS, the information is displayed, stored and processed based on a certain
algorithm and alarms are generated. In addition, patients can seek for help from
nurses on the CMS side by using the nurse call function. When a TM80 Telemetry
Monitor is connected to the CMS, doctors can view its patient information in the
ViewBed window of the CMS.
TM80 Telemetry Monitor Service Manual 2-5
2-6 TM80 Telemetry Monitor Service Manual
3 Installation
3.1 Overview
3.1.1 Introduction
TheTM80 Telemetry Monitor (hereinafter called TM80) exchanges data with the CMS
via Wi-Fi network. Wi-Fi communication is the core function of the TM80. This
chapter guides users to use the Wi-Fi communication function properly and reliably.
To ensure reliable operation of the TM80 wireless network, deploy the
network in strict accordance with relevant requirements in this manual
and keep maintaining the network properly after installingthe TM80. If
the network is not deployed according to this manual, data
transmission of the TM80 may be delayed, or even be lost, thus
resulting in clinical risks.
Customers are responsible for network management. Changing
network after installation may deteriorate the performance of the
TM80. Therefore, customers need to sufficiently assess network
change so as to avoid impact on clinical use of the TM80.
TM80 Telemetry Monitor Service Manual 3-1
3.1.2 Business Types
The WLAN deployment requires certain techniques and accumulation of experience.
On the market, professional communication technical service companies such as
local agents of Cisco implement the engineering in most cases. Mindray
recommends hospitals to choose the third-party engineering deployment agencies
to complete network environment deployment in preference.
Three processing modes are provided for different circumstances:
The hospital has built its WLAN: Mindray defines specification
requirements and acceptance methods, inspects the hospital by sending
field engineers to the hospital and confirms the requirements on site. If
the hospital’s network cannot meet deployment requirements of the TM80,
Mindray informs the hospital of possible consequences such as
disconnection and requires the hospital to rectify the WLAN according to
requirements of Mindray.
The hospital builds a new WLAN to cover areas greater than 2000 square
meters for the TM80, and IT requirements are complex: Mindray
recommends that a third-party construction organization carries out
construction and completely uses the network devices and configurations
developed and verified by Mindray. Mindray defines specification
requirements and acceptance methods, inspects the hospital by sending
field engineers to the hospital and confirms the requirements on site after
the construction organization completes confirmation. The third-party
construction organization must have: documents of detailed internal
construction specifications (including construction process, safety
precautions, and construction process inspection checklist) and successful
engineering cases in schools, hotels, and even hospitals of similar scale.
3-2 TM80 Telemetry Monitor Service Manual
The hospital builds a new WLAN to cover areas less than 2000 square
meters for the TM80 and there are no other requirements except for
connection to Mindray monitors: Mindray contacts the construction
organization and completely uses the network devices and configurations
developed and verified by Mindray. Mindray defines specification
requirements and acceptance methods, inspects the hospital by sending
field engineers to the hospital and confirms the requirements on site.
Compared with the previous circumstance, Party A for network
deployment engineering is changed from the hospital to Mindray.
Mindray needs to play a greater role in supervision.
This chapter focuses on wireless network deployment requirements. The
architecture and configuration requirements of Mindray’s wired network are
described in another document.
TM80 Telemetry Monitor Service Manual 3-3
marketing or sales
service personnel
A1 Communicate with
the hospital about
intention to order
A5 Install the device
and confirm system
A6 Accept and confirm
with the hospital
A0 Provide network
A2 Communicate with the
hospital about network
requirements and ask the
hospital to perform
corresponding setting and
Pass or fail
A4 Sign the contract
A3 Do site survey
3.1.3 Installation Process Using Hospital’s WLAN
If the hospital has built its WLAN, the installation process is illustrated as follows:
3-4 TM80 Telemetry Monitor Service Manual
List of outputs
Action Output Requirements Template
Determine specific
requirements for deployment
of the TM80 network.
3.11.1TM80 Wi-Fi
Requirement Table
deployment of
the TM80
A3 Environmental
survey report
Confirm that the wireless
environment of the customer
meets requirements of the
TM80 by means of
questionnaire and
A5 Network
Confirm that the customer
network meets requirements
of the TM80 by means of
questionnaire and
Confirm the actual operation
of the sample after the sample
is installed.
If the customer network cannot meet the requirement in
3.11.2Environmental Survey Table, the service personnel should
perform pilot run of the TM80 for at least 24 hours first to ensure that
the wireless environmentis compatible before signing a contract.
Survey Table
Acceptance Table
Confirmation Table
TM80 Telemetry Monitor Service Manual 3-5
marketing or s
service personnel
A1 Communicate with
the hospital about
intention to order
A5 Install the device
and confirm system
A6 Accept and confirm
with the hospital
A0 Provide network
4 Install network
A2 Do site survey and
design network
Sign the contract
Contents in 3.11.2Environmental Survey Table are actually part of
3.11.3Network Acceptance Tab le. If service personnel have already
performed environmental survey, they can fill the survey results in
the Network Acceptance Tab le directly. Installing New WLAN for TM80
If the hospital plans to build a new WLAN for the TM80, make sure that there is at
least one idle wifi channel that is not in use. Otherwise, you can’t make Co-channel
interference meet TM80’s requirement after the new WLAN is built. The installation
process is illustrated as follows:
3-6 TM80 Telemetry Monitor Service Manual