Mercedes Gleclasscoupe 2016 Owner's Manual

Option Packages
Premium Package
• Panorama r oof
• Blind Sp ot Assist
• Lane Keeping Ass ist
• Rear center-ar mrest pass- through
• Household -t ype 115 -volt power outlet
• harman/kardon LOGIC7® sound sy stem
Rear Climate Package
• Heated r ear seat s
• 3- zone climate control
Convenience Package
• Soft -close do ors
• Heated and coole d front cuphold ers
Standard OptionalNot avail able
G L E  4 5 0 
GLE 63 S
Parking Assist Package
• PARKTRONIC with Active P arking A ssist
• Surround View System
Driver Assistance Package
GLE 450 requires P remium P ackage
• Active B lind Spo t Assist6
• Active L ane Keeping Assi st
PLUS with C ross -Traffic As sist
• PRE -SA FE® Brake with Pedestrian Recognition
Night Package
• 22" AMG® cross -spoke wh eels, B lack3
• Gloss B lack exterior accents
with Steering As sist7
G L E  4 5 0 
GLE 63 S
Individual Options
ACTIVE CU RVE SYSTEM Required wi th 22" wheel s AMG Dynamic Per formance Exhaust
Trailer hitch MAGIC VISION CONTROL Carbo n fiber engine cover
Illumi nated bru shed aluminum running boards 22" AMG multis poke wheels3 22" AMG twin 5 -sp oke wheels3 21" AMG 10- spoke whe els
Heated steering wh eel 3-positi on memor y system for front pass enger seat Ventilated front sea ts14 GLE 450 requires l eather Multic ontour fr ont seats wi th massage feature and
comfort-t ype hea d restraints Cabin -air p urif icatio n system
Bang & Olufsen BeoS ound® Premium So und Syste m Rear Seat Ente rtai nment sys tem, or syst em prewiring
(Class III)
No charg e
GLE 450 requires l eather
G L E  4 5 0 
GLE 63 S
Specifications GLE 450 AMG Coupe AMG GLE 63 S Coupe
Accele ration , 0–60 mp h
AMG - enhanc ed 3.0 -liter biturbo Direc t Injecti on V- 6
Handcr afte d AMG 5.5 -lit er bitur bo Direc t Injecti on V-8
362 hp @ 5,500–6,000 r pm 577 hp @ 5,500 rpm
384 lb -ft @ 2,000–4,200 rpm 561 lb-ft @ 1,750–5,250 rpm
9- speed automatic with shi ft paddles
5.6 sec 4.2 sec
Performance -oriented 4 with 40 :60 fro nt/rear torq ue split
all-w heel dri ve
7-sp eed AMG S PEEDSH IFT® PLUS with shi ft paddles
Performance -oriented 4 with 40 :60 fro nt/rear torq ue split
matic all - wheel dr ive
GLE 450 AMG Coupe AMG GLE 63 S Coupe
Wheels, front — rear
Tires , front — rear
Curb weig ht
Cargo capacity
AMG tw in 5 -sp oke, 10.0x21" — 11.0 x21" AMG cro ss- spoke, 10.0x22" — 11.5x22"
275/45R21 — 315/40R21, all- seaso n 285/40ZR22 — 325/35ZR22, high- performance
AIRMATIC® with Adaptive Dam ping Sys tem (ADS Pl us) and 4 -wheel level contro l
Rack- and-pinion with electromechanical power as sist and sport -tune d Direct- steer
AMG AIRMATIC with A DS Plus, 4- wheel leve l contro l and ACTI VE CURV E SYSTEM
Rack- and-pinion with electromechanical power as sist and sport -tune d Direct- steer
4,894 lbs 5,18 0 lbs
23.0 cu ft (beh ind rear sea t)
60.7 cu ft (rear seats folded, floor -to - ceiling)
23.0 cu ft (beh ind rear sea t)
60.7 cu ft (rear seats folded, floor -to - ceiling)
1  Stated r ates of ac celer ation ar e estima ted base d upon ma nufact urer ’s track r esults a nd may va ry 
depen ding on mo del, env ironm ental an d road su rfac e condi tions, d rivi ng styl e, elev a tion an d  vehicle load. 
2  No syst e m, rega rdless o f how adv anced , can over come the l aws of phy sics or c orrec t carel ess 
driv i ng. Plea se alwa ys wear yo ur seat be lt. Dri ver’s d eliber ate stee ring inp uts wil l overr ide the  inter ventio n of Cros swind A ssist .
3  Lower as pect ra tio tire s and acco mpany ing whee ls prov ide sub s tanti ally inc rease d treadw ear, 
increa sed tir e noise an d reduc ed ride c omfor t. Ser ious whe el and ti re damag e may occu r if  the vehi cle is op erated o n rough or d amaged r oad sur face s or upon e ncounte ring ro ad debr is  or obst acles. T hese ti res are no t design ed for us e on snow an d ice. Wi nter tir e s mounte d on  appro priate ly sized a nd appr oved whe els are r ecomm ended fo r driv ing in tho s e condi tions.   In lieu of a s pare ti re, GLE C oupe mo dels are p rovid ed with T IREFIT s ealant a nd a por table   air pump . All 22" w heels in clude h igh- perf orman ce tire s, and re quire op tional AC TIVE C URVE   SYSTEM on G LE 450 AMG.
4  COLLI SION PR EVENT ION ASS IST PLUS m ay not be su ffic i ent to avo id an acci dent. It d oes not 
react to c erta in stati onar y object s, nor re cogniz e or pred i ct the cu rvatu re and/or la ne layou t  of the roa d or ever y movem ent of veh icles ah ead. It is t he dri v er’s re sponsi bilit y at all ti m es  to be atte ntive to t raf fic and roa d condi tions, a nd to prov ide the s teeri ng, bra king and ot her  driv i ng input s neces sar y t o retain c ontro l of the veh icle. Dr ivers a re caut ioned no t to wait fo r t he  system ’s aler ts befor e braki ng, as tha t may not af ford s uffic ient tim e and dis tance to b rake safe ly.  Autono mous br aking is av ailab le at spee ds bet ween app roxima tely 5 an d 65 mph for mo ving  vehicl es, or 5 an d 31 mph for st ationa ry obje cts.
5  Driv ing whil e drowsy o r distr acted is d angero us and mus t be avoi ded. La ne Keepi ng Assis t may be 
insuf ficie nt to aler t a fatig ued or dis tract ed driv er of lane d rift a nd cann ot be reli ed on to avo id an  accide nt or ser ious inj u ry. Lan e Keepin g Assis t operat es at spe eds abov e approx imatel y 37 mph.
6  Blind S pot Ass ist may not b e suf ficient t o avoid all  a ccide nts invo lving ve hicles i n your bl i nd spot  
and doe s not esti mate the s p eed of ap proac hing vehi cles. It m ust not b e used as a s ole subs titute  
for dri ver awar eness a nd check ing of sur round ing traf fic co nditio ns. Bli n d Spot As sist op erates a t  speed s above ap proxi m ately 20 m ph.
7  DISTRO NIC PLU S® adapti ve crui se contr ol is no su bstitu te for act ive dri ving inv olvem ent. It do es 
not adap t cruis ing spee d in resp onse to st ationa ry obj ects, no r does it p redict t he cur vatur e and  lane lay out of the r oad ahe a d or the mo vement o f vehicl es ahead . It is the dr iver ’s respo nsibil ity  at all tim es to be at tentiv e to traf fic and ro ad cond itions , and to pro vide th e steer ing, br aking an d  other dr iving i nputs n ecess ary to re tain con trol of t he vehic le. Dri vers are c autio ned not to w ait for  the DIST RONIC P roxim ity War ning Sys tem befo re brak i ng, as th at may not a ffor d suffi cient ti me  and dist ance to b rake safe ly. Braki ng effe ctive ness als o depen ds on pro per bra ke mainten ance,  and tire a nd road c onditi ons.
8  Rear view cam era and S urrou nd View S ystem do n ot audib ly noti fy dri ver of nea rby obje cts and 
are not a su bstit ute for act ively c heckin g around t he vehic le for any o bstac les or pe ople. Im ages  displa yed may b e limite d by camer a field of v iew, weat her, light ing cond itions a nd the pr esence o f  dirt , ice or sn ow on the ca meras . 
9  While t he navig ation sy stem pro vides d irecti onal as s istan ce, the d river m u st rema in focus ed on 
safe dr iving b ehavio r, includ ing payi ng atten tion to tr affic a nd stre et signs . The dri ver sho uld util ize  the sys tem’s audi o cues wh ile dri ving and s hould o nly cons ult the m ap or vis ual disp lays onc e the  vehicl e has bee n stoppe d in a safe p lace. Ma ps do not co ver all ar eas or all r outes wi thin an ar ea.
10  All M erced es- Benz mb race® serv ices op erate on ly wher e cellul ar and Gl obal Pos ition ing Syste m 
satell ite sign als are av ailabl e, whic h are prov ided by t hird par ties a nd not wit hin the co ntrol o f  Merce des- Benz U SA, LLC. F ive yea rs of the m brace C onnect p ackage ar e inclu ded with n ew­vehicle sales and leases at an authorized Mercedes-Benz dealer. Subscriber Ag reement is required  for ser vice tob eactiv e.Somese rvic esareon lyavail ableonse lectve hicles .YourPIN is r e quire d  in orde r t o usecer tains ervi ces.Som eser v icesma ybelimit edorres tricte dinsome a r eas. Ap ps  may be int roduc edandup datedatva ryi n gdates,a ndmayals orequi reavehic lesof tware u pdate.  Drive r is resp onsibl eforcom plyingw ithtra fcan dotherla ws.Seey ourdeal erorMBU m/ mbrac e for deta ils,in cludin galistofco mpatib lesmar tpho nes.Str eamingI nterne t-bas ed featu res 
requir e an acti ve subs c ripti on to the mb race Ent erta in Packag e. Conne ction m a y be limi ted by  cellular signal.  
11  Uns ecure d cargo ca n becom e hazar dous in a co llisio n. Alwa ys secur e cargo u sing the fl oor-
mounted tie-downs. 12  Ex tra -cos t option .  13  Read O perat or’s Man ual befo re towin g. In som e states , after market t raile r brakes ar e requir ed. 
See deal er for det ails. 14  Uph olster y choi ces, fr ont seat d esign an d head re strai nt type v ary w ith mult iconto ur seat an d 
ventil ated seat o ption s. Pleas e visit M BUSA .com/GLE o r see you r dealer. 
©2015 Mer cedes - Benz U SA, LLC  303 Per imeter C enter No rth, At lanta , GA 3034 6 • 1-800- FOR -M ERCEDES • MB Marketi ng Commu nicat ions. Al l illust ratio ns and sp ecific ations c ontain ed in this b rochu re are bas ed  on the lat est prod uct info rmati on avail able at th e time of p ublica tion. Me rcede s-B enz res erve s the  right to m ake change s at any tim e, witho ut noti c e, to col ors, ma terial s, equi pment, s pecifi catio ns and  model s. Any var iatio n s in colo rs show n are due to r eprod uction v ariat ions of th e printi ng proc ess.  Illust ratio ns may inc lude tes t situat ions. S ome vehi cles may b e shown w ith non -U. S . equip ment.  Some veh icles ar e show n with opt ional eq uipme nt. Bang & O lufse n and Beo Sound a re regis tered  trade marks of B ang & Olu fsen a/s. ha rman/ka rdon an d LOGIC7 are r egiste red tra demar ks of Har man  International Industries, Inc.
60  MC-15-1055
Power is a concept that’s never taken lightly at Mercedes-AMG — whether creating it, wielding it, or 
reveling in it. Every horsepower unleashed from beneath the hood of an AMG vehicle is the result  
of decades spent intensifying the way fuel, air and pressure turn a spark into passionate fireworks. 
Each pound-foot of torque must be dispatched to the pavement with efficient expertise. And every 
ounce of strength must be communicated to the driver with the clarity that breeds confidence and 
begets control. Racing is the blood coursing through every member of the AMG team, and every  
vehicle in the AMG stable. What they learn, test and advance on the track finds its way to the street. 
It’s why a new line of vehicles called AMG Sport is a natural extension of AMG’s allure. And why  
the indomitable spirit of a sport utility vehicle is a perfect match for the irresistible style of a sport 
coupe in the new GLE Coupes. One should never take power — or the power of seduction — lightly.
Introducing the GLE 450 AMG and AMG GLE 63 S Coupes.
Standa rd and availabl e equipment var ies by model.  Please see back of brochure.
Please see end n otes on back cover.
If you’re tempted to say the new GLE 450 AMG Sport is half coupe/half SUV, wait  
until you’ve opened it up. A Mercedes-Benz coupe is not defined by the number 
of doors it has, but how many it can open: Like its Autobahn-blazing ancestors, it 
will introduce you to new realms of performance, and welcome you into a world 
of exquisitely crafted luxury. Likewise, what defines a Mercedes -Benz SUV is its 
pioneering spirit: Peerless innovation and the fearless capability to bring it to the  
world — more so, to your world. Once you drivetheuniquelyconfident,versatile 
GLE 450 AMG, you’ll know: It’s 100% coupe, 100%SUV,andpureMercedes-Benz.
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