In all communications with INFICON, please specify the information given on the product nameplate. For convenient reference copy that information into the space provided below.
This document applies to products of the Stripe CDG045Dhs
Part numbers of standard products are indicated below. OEM
products have other part numbers and different parameter
settings (e.g. factory setting of setpoint) as defined in the
corresponding ordering information.
2tina84e1-a (2019-07)
The part number (PN) can be taken from the product nameplate.
If not indicated otherwise in the legends, the illustrations in this
document correspond to gauges with DN 16 ISO-KF vacuum
connection. They apply to gauges with other vacuum connections by analogy.
We reserve the right to make technical changes without prior
tina84e1-a (2019-07)3
Intended Use
The temperature compensated Capacitance Diaphragm Gauges
of the Stripe CDG045Dhs series are intended for absolute
pressure measurement of gases in their respective pressure
ranges (→ 2).
Ideally the measurement values can be read out digitally via
EtherCAT interface or analog. The gauges can also be operated
in connection with an INFICON Vacuum Gauge Controller (VGC
series) or another appropriate controller.
Functional Principle
A ceramic diaphragm is deflected by pressure. The deflection is
measured capacitively and converted into a digital or into an
analog linear output signal by the digital electronics. The digital
output signal can only be read out via the EthreCAT interface.
The output signal is independent of the gas type.
Very accurate pressure measurement is achieved by heating the
sensor to a constant temperature of 45°C which results in a compensation of changes in the ambient conditions and a reduced
deposition of process products and by-products in process applications.
Stripe™ INFICON Gmb H
Swagelok Marketing Co.
EP 1070239 B1, 1040333 B1
US Patents 6528008, 6591687, 7107855, 7140085
4 tina84e1-a (2019-07)
Scope of Delivery
1× gauge Stripe CDG045Dhs
1× pin for adjusting settings via buttons
1× Calibration Test Report
1× Operating Manual German
1× Operating Manual English
tina84e1-a (2019-07)5
Product Identification 2
Validity 2
Intended Use 4
Functional Principle 4
Trademarks 4
Patents 4
Scope of Delivery 5
1 Safety 8
1.1 Symbols Used 8
1.2 Personnel Qualifications 8
1.3 General Safety Instructions 9
1.4 Liability and W arranty 9
2 Technical Data 10
3 Installation 16
3.1 Vacuum Connection 16
3.2 Power Connection 19
3.2.1 D-sub, 15-pin Connector 20
3.2.2 EtherCAT Connector 21
3.2.3 Mini USB Type B Connector (Diagnostic Port) 22
4 Operation 23
4.1 Status Indication 23
4.2 Zeroing the Gauge 24
4.2.1 <ZERO> Adjustment 24
4.3 Switching Functions SP1, SP2, ATM, Status 28
4.4 Activating the Factory Setting (Factory Reset) 34
4.7 Diagnostic Port (USB Interface) 35
4.8 EtherCAT Operation 35
5 Deinstallation 37
6 Maintenance, Repair 39
6 tina84e1-a (2019-07)
7 Returning the Product 39
8 Disposal 40
Further Information 41
EU Declaration of Conformity 43
For cross-references within this document, the symbol (→ XY)
is used, for cross-references to further documents, listed under
"Further Information", the symbol (→ [Z]).
tina84e1-a (2019-07)7
Skilled personnel
1 Safety
1.1 Symbols Used
Information on preventing any kind of physical injury.
Information on preventing extensive equipment and environmental damage.
Information on correct handling or use. Disregard can lead to
malfunctions or minor equipment damage.
<…> Labeling
1.2 Personnel Qualifications
All work described in this document may only be carried out by
persons who have suitable technical training and the necessary experience or who have been instructed by the end-user
of the product.
8 tina84e1-a (2019-07)
1.3 General Safety Instructions
• Adhere to the applicable regulations and take the necessary
precautions for the process media used.
Consider possible reactions with the product materials.
• Adhere to the applicable regulations and take the necessary
precautions for all work you are going to do and consider the
safety instructions in this document.
• Before beginning to work, find out whether any vacuum components are contaminated. Adhere to the relevant regulations
and take the necessary precautions when handling contaminated parts.
Communicate the safety instructions to all other users.
1.4 Liability and Warranty
INFICON assumes no liability and the warranty becomes null
and void if the end-user or third parties
• disregard the information in this document
• use the product in a non-conforming manner
• make any kind of interventions (modifications, alterations etc.)
on the product
• use the product with accessories not listed in the product
The end-user assumes the responsibility in conjunction with the
process media used.
Gauge failures due to contamination are not covered by the
tina84e1-a (2019-07)9
Measurement range
→ "Validity"
0.01 … 0.05 F.S.
0.2% of reading
0.1 … 1100 F.S.
0.15% of reading
1 … 1100 F.S.
0.0025% F.S./ °C
Temperature effect on span
0.01% of reading / °C
0.003% F.S.
Gas type dependence
(measurement signal)
Measurement range
0 … +10 V
(limited to +10.5 V)
Relationship voltage-pressure
Output impedance
0 Ω (short-circuit proof)
Loaded impedance
>10 kΩ
Measurement rate
1 kHz
(analog output signal)
2 Technical Data
Temperature effect on zero
0.01 … 0.02 F.S.
0.05 … 0.5 F.S.
Output signal analog
Voltage range –5 … +10.5 V
Step response time 3)
Delay time
(digital output signal, EtherCAT
→ ISO/WD 15725-1
Non-linearity, hysteresis, repeatability at 25 °C ambient operating
temperature without temperature effects after operation of 2 h.
Increase 10 … 90 % F.S.R.
Depending on pressure range, conductance vacuum connection and the
default filter setting.
10tina84e1-a (2019-07)
0.0100% F.S./ °C
0.0050% F.S./ °C
2 … 20 ms 4)
2 ms
≤5 V
contact (→ 24)
>1 s … <5 s
Setting range SP1 & SP2
1 … 99% F.S.
Hysteresis 5)
1% F.S.
High Trip Point
floating (NO)
LED lit solid
LED off
Status relay
mon (pin 5)
warming up, error
USB cable type A/mini B
Resistance R
13.2 kΩ referenced to supply common
Remote Zero Adjust digital input for zero adjust-
ment with external switching
External switching contact
30 V (dc) / <5 mA (dc)
Switching functions setpoints SP1& SP2, AT M,
Setting range ATM Factor 0.5 … 1.1 from ATM
Switching characteristics 5) Low Trip Point (default)
Relay contact 30 V (dc) / ≤0.5 A (dc)
Relay contact 30 V (dc) / ≤0.5 A (dc)
connected to supply com-
closed measurement mode
open no supply voltage
Diagnostic port
The hysteresis and the switching characteristics can be programmed via
the serial interface or the diagnostic port.
tina84e1-a (2019-07)11
Mini USB type B, 5-pin
EtherCAT interface
→ [9], [10]
Data rate
100 Mbps
Note address
explicit device identification
Physical layer
100Base-Tx (IEEE 802.3)
input and output
or higher)
Cable length
≤100 m
For further information on the EtherCAT interface → [5], [6]
has to be fused 6).
±15 V (dc)
at operating temperature
≤9 W
Fuse to be connected 6)
1.25 AT
voltage and overload.
Specification, data format,
communication protocol
→ [7], [8]
EtherCAT connector 2×RJ45, 8-pin, socket
Cable 8-pin, shielded, Ethernet
Patch Cable (CAT5e quality
The gauge may onl y be connected to power supplies, instruments or control devices that conform
to the requirements of a grounded protective extralow voltage (PELV). The connection to the gauge
Supply voltage
at the gauge
Power consumption
while being heated
+14 … +30 V (dc) or
≤14 W
The gauge is protected against reverse polarity of the supply
INFICON controllers fulfill this requirement.
12tina84e1-a (2019-07)
Electrical connection
15-pin D-sub, male
Sensor cable
15-pin plus shielding
≤15 m (0.25 mm²/conductor)
≤75 m (0.25 mm²/conductor)
≤135 m (0.25 mm²/conductor)
≤1.0 Ω).
Grounding concept
→ "Power Connection"
stainless steel AISI 316L
Internal volume
≤4.2 cm3
0.01 … 0.5 F.S.
1.3 bar | 130 kPa
Bursting pressure (absolute)
6 bar | 600 kPa
Admissible temperatures
≤110 °C at the flange
at +40°C
3000 m NN
Degree of protection
IP 30
Cable length
Supply voltage 15 V
≤ 8 m (0.14 mm²/conductor)
Supply voltage 24 V ≤43 m (0.14 mm²/conductor)
Supply voltage 30 V ≤88 m (0.14 mm²/conductor)
For longer cables, larger conductor cross-sections are required
Materials exposed to vacuum ceramics (Al2O3 ≥99.5%),
Admissible pressure (absolute)
1000 / 1100 F.S.
1 … 500 F.S.
4 bar | 400 kPa
2.6 bar | 260 kPa
–20 °C … +85 °C
+10 °C … +40 °C
Relative humidity ≤80% at temperatures
≤+31 °C, decreasing to 50%
Use indoors only, altitude up to
Mounting orientation
0.01 … 0.05 F.S.
0.1 … 1100 F.S.
standing upright or horizontal
standing upright to horizon-
tina84e1-a (2019-07)13
½¨ tube
DN 16 CF-R
837 … 897 g
Dimensions [mm]
14 tina84e1-a (2019-07)
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