gsk GSK218M User Manual


1.1 Serial communication

The serial communicat ion software of this GSK218M system uses Window s interface, which is used to send and receive files, or execute DNC machining from PC terminal to CNC terminal. This software can be run in Win98, WinMe, WinXP or Win2K operation systems.

1.1.1 Program start

Run the Comm. GSK218M.ex e program dire ctl y. The interface of it is as followin g:

1.1.2 Function introduction

1 File menu
The file menu involves the functions of New, Open, Save, Print and Print setting and the latest file list etc.
2 Edit menu
The edit menu involves th e fun ct ion such as Cut, Copy, Paste, Undo, Find and Replace.
3 Serial menu
It is mainly used for the opening and setting the ser i al port s .
4 Transfer m enu
It consists of three transmissio n t ypes: DNC, file s e nding and file receiving.
5 View menu
It is used for hiding and display i ng t he t ool bar and status bar
6 Help menu
It is used to view the software version.

1.1.3 Software usage

1 DNC transfer
NoteIt need to set system I/O channel to be 0.
1) Open the program file by the “OPEN” button in File menu or the button in tool column, do a further editing by this software if nec essar y;
2) Open and set the serial port, as fig.1-1-1-1 shown, select GSK218 system, the default DNC baudrate is 38400, which can be reset by the parameter (refer to GSK218M Operation Manual). The data bit has 8, stop bit has 0, and there is no parity check.
3) The sequence of the 1
and 2nd step can be exchanged which doesn’t affect the following transfer and mac hining; but t he follow ing st eps must be oper ate d by sequence, or the transfer and machining will be affected.
4) As the CNC system and machine are ready, press the
key on
5) Open the “DNC” item in Transfer type menu or p r es s t he D NC transfer button
in tool column to transfer data;
6) As Sent Bytesstops, press the
key on panel to receive data,
then press
key to start running;
7) Then operate by normal ma chining pattern;
8) During the transmission, the transfer information involving the file names, bytes, lines transferred and the transmission time and speed (bytes/s) will be displayed, which is show n as fo ll ow ing:
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