Infusion liquid only comes into contact with the syringe and associated disposable.
1.3.2. Mechanical specifications
Device operation is based on a "lead screew/nut" principle. The mechanism pushes the piston of a syringe, of a given diameter, in a linear manner.
1.3.3. Dimensions
q H x L x D120 x 330 x 155 mm.
q CarrWeight2.2 kg approximately.
1.3.4. Electrical specifications
q Power supply230V - 50-60 Hz.(Check on the pump the identification label).
q Maximum consumption23 VA.
q Fuse F2 100 mAT 250V IEC 127
q Battery6V - 1.2Ah./1.3 Ah
q External power supply12 - 15 DC - 15W
1.3.5. Electronic specifications
The Injectomat 2000 Anästhesie syringe pump is fitted with 3 circuit boards whose features vary in line
with product specifications and options.
q Motor power supply and control board.
q CPU board.
q Keyboard display board.
Operator's Guide can be obtained from our After Sales Service (see chapter 10.Useful addresses).
Page : 6NT 0928 Rev.A0
2.1.1. Functional description
In order to simplify wiring the motor power supply control board concentrates 6 functional modules,
which may be described separately:
q power supply module,
q motor control module,
q analog output module,
q disengage and anti-siphon opto switch module,
q microswitch input module,
q optional nurse call and RS232 interface module. Power supply module
The power supply module consists of a cut-out power unit. It supplies all electronic components and
charges a 1,1 Ah / 1,2 Ah backup battery from a mains voltage input or a 12/15 volt DC power source. It
generates the + 5V and Vbat voltage required by the electronic components. Finally it comprises an
ON/OFF switch controlling the various power supplies. Mains power supply
The mains power supply generates a DC voltage ranging from 10 and 16 volts for a maximum current of
1,2 A.
J1 mains input connector: 1 phase
2 neutral
Transformer:TR1(see Electrical chart), 15VA output voltage: 9 Vac
Fuse protection:F2 Principal characteristics chap1.1
Primary filtering4.7 nf 4000 V HR capacitor, type DS1510 VDE
Secondary filteringC10 Chemical Capacitor
Output voltage measured on TP3 for mains voltage: 230V measured (±± 10%)
power off:1416V dc
7 ohm charged on J4:1016V dc
primary current charged:80mA ac
Maximum voltage16 volts limited by the diode D 41
Minimum voltage10 volts limited by the mains voltage - 10% and U1(MAX 652)
voltage higher than 10 volts.
NT 0928 Rev.A0page : 7 External 12-15V AC/DC power supply
The DC power supply input is designed to provide the syringe pump with a constant, external power
source, such as a 12V battery.
Maximum input voltage± 15 volts protection against polarity inversion by the PR2 WO4 diode bridge.
Minimum input voltage± 11 volts 1.2 A limited by input voltage MAX 652 and loss, diode bridge on the PR2.
Limitation± 16 volts maximum for through D 41. Cut-out charger/controller
The controller is powered either from the mains or from an external DC power source. It generates a
maximum voltage of 6.9V VBC, as required to charge the 1.1/1.2 Ah gelified lead battery, connected to
J4, and power the electronic components.
J4 Connector:1battery +
2battery -
VBC power comes directly from the battery if neither the mains nor the external power source are connected. Otherwise power, from an external source, supplies the electronic components and charges the
battery via diode D8 and the delayed protection fuse, F1, 1.6A.
Maximum fuse resistance 0.5 Ohms
Controller operation is indicated by two signals responsible for reporting operation using an external
power source either mains power or the external DC power unit.
LDSECT 10 mA drives a diode which checks that the SECT diode is on, using a TTL signal, with + 5V
pull up collector open, mains presence active at 0.
Cut-out controller: U1(MAX 652) output voltage 7.05V 1.3 A min
Output voltage measured on J4.1
for 230 V mains:
Power OFF 3 mA charge on J4. :6.7V7VV DC
8 ohm charge on J4:6.5V7VV DC
On J4 the voltage must never exceed 7V, the maximum voltage of the charged battery.
The 6.5 minimum voltage is higher than the battery pre-alarm threshold. ON/OFF control
The VBAT and + 5V control system is implemented using the following circuits: U2 4011, U4 4528 and
an G6AK 234P flip-flop relay.
This system is powered, at all times, by the VBC voltage. System:
3 inputs:
TONON keydry contact/GND
TOFFOFF keydry contact/GND
CDALIMactive TTL signal with voltage cut-out
2 ouputs:
VBATBattery power/mains power.
OFFTTL signal collector, + 5V PULL-UP open, OFF key pressed down, active at 0
Page : 8NT 0928 Rev.A0 Operation:
Press TON briefly to turn power on.
Press TOFF continuously (5s<t<7s) to turn power off during a technical Failure.
Press OFF 3 seconds to power OFF via CDALIM micro signal.
The device can set ON or OFF via an external. Master module using the CD ON or CD OFF signal. VBAT and + 5V power supply
VBAT voltage corresponds to mains voltage taken directly from the power unit/charger. Voltage is not
controlled. It powers the display system and the motor, both of which are heavy duty energy consumers.
This voltage is available on TP1 and J2
The + 5V ± 5% is generated, using VBAT voltage, by the NS 2931 V3 controller low drop-out 0.6V for a
100 mA output current.
It is thus possible to make the best possible use of the battery.This voltage is available on TP2.
The 5V rise time must be greater than 100 ms to allow for the RESET function on the CPU board. Motor control module
The control module of step by step motor is equipped with a gear reduction of 89.286. which makes the
double threaded screw 2 mm turn.
- One motor step is equivalent to 0.8233 µm of linear displacement of the driving bloc.
- One motor turn is equivalent to 22.4 µm of linear displacement of the driving bloc. Motor control
Injectomat 2000 Anästhesie motor control is implemented by a stepper motor driver, dual pole control
module for a motor - UBB 5N model - (11.5 Ohm coil) built using an ST L293E IC7 motor control circuit.
It features two functional modules:
The motor control electronic parts, built around the L293E U13 circuit, optimizes consumption and opti-
mal motor torque according to the pump flow rate. Input signals
These signals are generated by the CPU board microprocessor and available on J02.
They drive the U15 ULN2803 circuit. Output signals
These signals are connected to the motor coils via J5 connector.
Phase AA Motor phase controlJ2.5
Phase BB Motor phase controlJ2.6
Phase CC Motor phase controlJ2.7
Phase DD Motor phase controlJ2.8
IMotor current reduction controlJ2.9
B00STBooster activation and regulation currentJ2.10
NT 0928 Rev.A0page : 9 Booster module
BOOST = 0 The motor is powered via VBAT voltage.
BOOST = 1 Booster function activated, the motor is powered at 12 Volts.
L2 reactor, D18 diode, C15 capacitor and T8 transistor assembly allows a voltage of 12 V +/- 2 volts to
be obtained from VBAT.
This voltage is available on TP5.
The uncoupling frequency, 100 kHz, is generated by U9 oscillator, the booster is activated when the
boost line is at 1. Soft-start module
The soft-start module, which is designed around the T9 transistor and C21 capacitor allows the pick up
current of the uncoupling elevator to be limited when BOOST goes to 1. Current regulation module
BOOST = 1 and I = 1 regulation motor current module is activated.
The regulated current in the motor is 240 mA +/- 10% per motor phase.
The signals amplitude and current image are available in TP6 and TP7.
The current image of each coil is compared to a fixed level, which is implemented from the Divider
bridge using R31, R41/R37 and R42.
The control is achieved through the U11 toggle, via a divider bridge by inhibition or confirmation of the
L293E control H bridge driving the CE1 and CE2 inputs.
The calibrating frequency of 25 kHz is supplied by the U10 toggle. Reduction current module
When the Boost signal sets at 0, the I line is used as current reducer.
I = 1The H divider bridge is controlled by the A, B,C and D lines.
I = 0The H divider bridge is inhibited, the coils are not forwarded.
According to its rotation frequency (step/second), the motor is driven in one of the 3 control modes.
ModeFrequency motor (step/second) Control description
Phase 1from 0 to 32.3Current reduction one ON supply
Phase 2from 32.3 to 90No current reduction and regulation, one ON supply
Phase 3from 90 to 850Current reduction, booster ON two supply
Page : 10NT 0928 Rev.A0 Analog output module
The analog output module is built around a 10 bit, 5 channel analog/digital converter (MC 145053 U17)
with an SPI bus.
The following SPI CLK, SI, SO, CSADC bus signals are available on connector J2:
In addition the component generates an end of conversion signal (EOC).
The CDANA signal, which is active when set to 1, controls the transistor T14 IRFD 9120 which digitally
drives VREF. This voltage supplies the sensors and serves as a reference value for the ADC convertor.
All the test points are concentrated on connector J9.
Measurement of VREF on J9.7
VREF Pulsated signal of 5Volt ± 0.25V.
Convertor input:
ANOVBAT battery voltage measurement.
AN1not in use
AN2 internal occlusion gauge bridge
AN4Absolute potentiometric position sensor Battery voltage measurement
VBAT voltage is measured using a peak detection circuit comprising D19, R59, R60 and C23 in order to
overcome the lower voltage created by the motor's pulsing demand for current.
The voltage is available on J9.3.
For VBAT = 6.5V, V(J9.3)= 4V ± 10% motor running at 150 ml/h Gauge bridge interfaces
The only Injectomat 2000 Anästhesie includes a force sensor fixed on the pusher. Force sensor characteristics
Sensor technicalComplete bridge with 4 gauges
Impedance350 Ohms ± 15% or 1 KOhms ± 15%
Measurement range0 to 150 N
Surcharge250 N
< ± 10mV
Sensibility8.5 to 12 mV at 150 N
zero derivation Operation
85 µV /year
The force sensor generates a differential voltage proportional to the force sensor applied on the driving
bloc. This force is amplified by a gain of 200 +/- 20% via an amplifier built around U18 TLC 251. The
potentiometer P1 allows the offset to be compensated and for any other offset to be reset from the beginning. The sensor measurement chain transfer function can be defined by calibrating the sensor with
two known forces.
AN3 J9.4 Pulsated amplitude signal sets at 0.6 V +/- 0.05 V for no force applied on the driving bloc Force sensor connector
J8.1VREFGauge bridge power supply (+)
J8.2S(-)Out put Gauge bridge (-)
J8.3S(+)Out put Gauge bridge (+)
J8.4GNDGauge bridge power supply (-)
NT 0928 Rev.A0page : 11 Driving bloc position sensor
The absolute position of the driving bloc is obtained by a potentiometric sensor driven by a movement
of the driving bloc.
The transfer function of the sensor can be characterised by calibration in two known positions.
The sensor is powered by a pulsated voltage. The output is filtered by R62 and C22 linked directly to the
q A motor rotation detection switch
q A syringe position head detector switch Motor rotation opto
The opto switch is mounted on a disk which is pierced with a hole and assembled on the motor.
It is used to check motor rotation, the opto diode is controlled in pulse mode to save energy.
The optical switch is connected on J5.
ControlT11 transistorCurrent limitation (R51) at 8mA
OutputT10 transistorTTL level
J2.14Control signal CDOPT1activate at 1
J2.11Output signal SOPT1activate at 1
J5.7Diode anode
J5.8Diode cathode
J5.10Transistor transmitter
J5.9Transistor collector
TdONmax 100 µsec
TdOFFmax 200 µsec
An anti-rebound device made of U20 flip-flop, reshapes the SOPT1 signal.
The CDOPT1 and SOPT1 are emitted by the CPU board, and available on J2 connector Anti-siphon opto switch
The opto switch is mounted on the plunger holder, it is used to check the presence or not of the syringe
It is connected on J8 connector.
ControlT12 TransistorCurrent limitation (R52) 8mA
OutputT13 TransistorTTL level
Control signalCDOPT2activate at 1J2.15
Output signal SOPT2activate at 1J2.12
Anode diodeJ8.6
Cathode diodeJ8.5
Transistor transmittercommon groundJ8.10
Transistor collectorJ8.7
SOPT20VAnti - siphon present
SOPT25VAnti - siphon missing
Page : 12NT 0928 Rev.A0
J8 is the ribbon cable linking the occlusion, disengagement and position sensors located on the syringe
pump driver.
The CDOPT2 and SOPT2 signals are emitted by the CPU board and available on J2 connector.
The opto diode is powered by pulsated voltage in order to save energy. Micro switch module Disengagement micro - switch
The microswitch is mounted on the driving bloc ribbon cable. The center point of the microswitch is connected to the ground.
This is implemented by a monostable inverter relay RL2, whose two contacts and common point are
available on J6 connector, the relay is driven by the BUZ signal which also drives the buzzer on the
display board.
J6.6common point
J6.7contact normally open cut out power 24V/ 1A
J6.8contact normally shut RS 232 option
The RS232 option interface RXD1 and TXD1 signals, in compliance with the V24 standard, signals
come from the UART 2691 serial link external controller on the CPU board. It is implemented using a
U19 LT 1180 CS circuit, associated with +/- 12V voltage generator, C31, C32, C33, C34 capacitors. This
circuit is operational only if the pins 2 and 5 of J6 are short-circuited.
J6.1output transmits data TX1
J6.2+5V (DSR)
J6.3input receives data RX1
J6.5confirmation (DTR)
J6.18RTS Configuration link and Master plug
The syringe pump Injectomat 2000 Anästhesie may be fitted to master module connected to the SUB 15
points plug located on the pump rear panel.
The module master communication link is done by the RX2 and TX2 signals.
J6.13+VBATMaster power
J6.14RX2Receive data
J6.15TX2Transmit data
J6.16GNDMaster ground
J6.9CD-ONSyringe pump ON via master
J6.10CD-OFFSyringe pump OFF via master
J6.12I-SECTMaster led main signal
J6.11I-OPTOMMotor rotation opto master control signal
J6.19BUZInjectomat buzzer command signal
NT 0928 Rev.A0page : 13
2.1.2. Description of connectors J1 mains connector
2Phase J2 board / CPU connection
1+ 5V controlledpower supply
2GNDpower supply
3+ VBATpower supply
4GNDpower supply
5phase Amotor control
6phase Bmotor control
7phase Cmotor control
8phase Dmotor control
9I signalmotor control
10BOOST signalbooster command
11sopt1opto rotation module out put
12sopt2opto anti-siphon module out put
13not in use
14cdopt1opto rotation control module
15cdopt2opto anti-siphon module control
16OFFsignal off key pressedON/OFF
17SECTmains power on signal power supply
18CDALIMpower cut signal
19LDSECTmains LED control
20CTSclear to send
21DEB/OFFdisengage signal active, set to 0
22RTSrequest to send
23OCC/OFFocclusion signal active, set to 0
24BUZnurse call relay control
25EOCend of conversion ADC
26CSADCselection bus SPI ADC
27CLKclock bus SPI ADC
28SIdata IN bus SPI ADC
29SOdata out bus SPI ADC
30CDANAanalog sensor power control
31RX2receive data TTL line 2
32TX2transmit data TTL line 2
33TXD1transmit data TTL line 1
34RXD1receive data TTL line 1
36TONON key
37+ VBATpower supply
38GNDpower supply
39+ 5Vpower supply
40GNDpower supply
Page : 14NT 0928 Rev.A0 J3 potentiometric sensor connector
2center point
3GND J4 internal battery connector
2 J5 motor connector
7opto rotation anode diode/ + 5V
8opto rotation cathode diode
9opto rotation collector transistor
10opto rotation transmitter transistor / GND
battery +
battery - J6 rear panel connector
The connector on the rear panel concentrates signals from the external gauge bridge, the optional
RS232 series link, the nurse call relay output and the configuration series link.
1TX1transmit data line 1
2+ 5Vpower supply
3RX1receive data line 1
4GNDpower supply
5DTRinterface confirm
6APP-INF COMnurse call relay common point
7APP-INF NOnurse call relay normally open
8APP-INF NFnurse call relay normally closed
9CD ONexternal ON
10CD OFFexternal OFF
11I-OPTONmotor control out put
12I-SECTmain led
13+ V BATexternal power plug
14RX 2receive data line 2
15T X 2receive data line 2
16GNDpower supply
17CTSclear to send
18RTSRequest to send
19BUZbuzzer external control J7 external DC power supply connector
1External power +/2External power -/ + J8 pump ribbon cable connector
The pump ribbon cable connector concentrates all the signals from the sensors located in the plunger:
disengage microswitch, gauge bridge and anti-siphon opto switch.
♦ Important: Disassemble the ribbon cable holder on the supply board before extracting the me-
chanical assembly from the lower housing. J9 Test Points
2out put position sensor
3out put low battery control
4out put force sensor amplifier
6out put optical switch motor control
7force and position sensor voltage Ref.
8out put optical switch syringe led detection
2.1.3. Electrical layout
(Refer to Annex 2)
2.1.4. Installation layout
(Refer to Annex 2)
Page : 16NT 0928 Rev.A0
The CPU board is fitted to Injectomat 2000 Anästhesie version, around a 80C32 microprocessor
used in open mode. It concentrates all the peripheral devices directly connected to the 80C32
bus. It is connected to the power supply board by a 40 contacts ribbon cable and to the display
board by fixed connectors. It forms a single unit, with the display board, which is fixed to the front
The CPU board uses CMOS technology in order to minimize power consumption.
Current used: 5 Volts 80 mA maximum.
2.2.1. Functional description
The CPU board comprises six functional units:
q Ram rom decoding processor
q Parallel port extensions
display/keyboard interface,
motor interface,
sensor interface.
q Asynchronous serial link
q Optical sensor RAM ROM decoding processor
Decoding is carried out by an IC3 80C32 circuit, running at 12 MHz, clocked by Q1. It is used in open
mode, with the EA*/VP line connected to GND.
Address/data de-multiplexing is carried out by a 74HC573 U3.
On this BUS are implemented:
32 Ko static RAMU6
27C010128 Ko (extension to 512 Ko)U4 Reset watch-dog
The RESET WATCH-DOG module comprises two TL7705 U10 and U11 circuits.
Operation: the U10 circuit generates RESET signals, active at 1, for the processor and the UART; RST*
active at 0 generates RESET signals for the other peripheral devices.
The signals are activate in two cases:
q when the system is powered up,
q as soon as the WATCH-DOG circuit is triggered. It remains active until the power is turned off. Reset at power-up
The TL 7705 circuit guarantees the minimum duration of the reset lines, in the active state, once the +
5V voltage has exceeded the circuit operating threshold (4.75V). It returns to the active state, if the + 5V
voltage drops below the threshold or if the RESTIN* (U11.2) is at 0. The line is driven by the WATCHDOG module.
NT 0928 Rev.A0page : 17
The duration of the reset, in the active state, at power-up is set by the C10 capacitor 220nF 100 ms.
Page : 18NT 0928 Rev.A0 Watch-dog
The WATCHDOG circuit comprises the following elements: U10, U11, C12, D2, D1, R4, C11.
When powered up the capacitor C12 is charged by the U10 circuit, via diode D1.
The charge is maintained at a threshold of over 1.5 V during operation.
The software writes, every 1 ms.This writing generates a 5V/1µs impulse on the U7.10 output, which re-
charges the capacitor C12 via a high pass peak detector circuit made up C8, D3, D2. The C12 capacitor
discharges in resistor R4.
When the software stops, the capacitor C12 completely discharges. The U11 RESTIN* line falls to 0 and
the RESET signals are activated, stopping all syringe-pump control operations in the inactive state.
Fault signals, the blinking FAIL diode and the continuous BUZZER are stuck in an active state.
WATCH-DOG trigger time is less than 400 ms. Keyboard/display interfacing Display registers
The display system is made of LED’s and of a 2 lines of 20 characters LCD graphic screen.The U7 circuit allows to address the matrix of the LED’s, the U8 circuit allows the writing and reading in the display
The LED’s matrix are DIG0 to DIG7 and SEG0 to SEG7.
The FAIL LED shows the device is failed, the command is inverted to be active by default at RESET. It
is active at 1 on the display board. The FAIL diode is out of the matrix to be able to light on when the
micropossor does not work. Buzzer
The BUZZER command is inverted and controls the transistor, T3, which is mounted as a common
transmitter. Working in parallel, the transistor collector drives the BUZZER on the display board and the
nurse call relay on the motor control power supply board. After starting the pump, the BUZZER is activated for added safety.
BUZZ signal: J5 pin 6 and J3 pin 24 50 mA 6.75 Volts maximum. Keyboard register
The keyboard is based on a 6 x 3 matrix, with 2 separate keys - TON and TOFF - with 1 common
point (GND). They turn power ON and OFF respectively and are connected to the display board. TON
and TOFF signals only transits via the CPU board.
The columns of the keyboard are driven by the same signals as the columns in the display matrix, thus
facilitating simultaneous keyboard and display monitoring. Register U15 reads the status of the three
keyboard lines, LIG1, LIG2 and LIG3 in order to check whether a key has been activated. Motor control register
The U12 motor control register generates 4 motor phase signals, A,B,C and D, the I current control signal, the motor rotation opto control CDOPT1 signal and the BOOST BOOSTER control signal. Sensor status register
The U16 sensor status register reads the microswitch digital sensors and the syringe pump opto switch.
NT 0928 Rev.A0page : 19 SPI bus EEPROM
The SPI bus is synchronous series communication bus using various peripheral circuits. The SPI bus is
driven by the 80C32 ports.
The Injectomat 2000 Anästhesie syringe pump has 2 peripheral devices on the SPI bus:
q The EEPROM 2 Ko 24C16 U12 located on the CPU board.
q The MC 145053 analog/digital converter located on the motor board.
This bus has 2 communication lines: 80C32 (see electrical diagrams)
Micoprocessor Ports
CLKclock generated by the microprocessorP 1.1
SIperipheral to processor data (input)P 1.2 Asynchronous serial links
The Injectomat 2000 Anästhesie syringe pump is fitted with two asynchronous serial links.
RS232 optionline 1
TTL configuration serial linkline 2 RS232 serial link
The RS232 serial link is implemented using the U8 SCC2691 circuit, which controls asynchronous communication, and RS232 interface circuit which is located on the motor power supply board.
The circuit is clocked by quartz Q2 at 3.6864 MHz. It includes a programmable baud rate generator. It
generates interrupts on the ITRS232 line connected to the processor at INTO.
The SCC2691 is on the microprocessor bus. It drives the RXD1 receive data signals on J3 (pin 34) and
TXD1 transmit data signals on J3 (pin 35).
The RS232 option is reserved for dialogue with the host computer responsible for monitoring or controlling the system. TTL serial link
The TTL serial link is driven by the serial link controller inside the microprocessor. It uses one of the
internal timers to generate its baud rate, from the basis of the processor 12 MHz clock. The serial link
drives the TXD2 transmit data and RXD2 receive data lines. The input and output lines are buffered by
the U9 74HC14 buffer trigger inverter circuit.
The lines are available on J3.
TX2J3pin 33
RX2J3pin 34
This serial communication line is reserved for Injectomat 2000 Anästhesie software configuration and,
when appropriate, for connecting an external MASTER module. Opto switch sensors
Injectomat 2000 Anästhesie syringe pump opto switch sensors are for piston pressure and syringe body
presence and motor rotation.
The syringe body opto switch interface is located on the CPU board. It is implemented using transistors
T1, T2 and T3. Resistor R9 limits current in the diode to 8 mA.
Page : 20NT 0928 Rev.A0 Opto switch body syringe measurement.
qNote: The CI opto and the obturator are specific to the Injectomat 2000 Anästhesie equipped
with "flange detector" and are not compatible with previous versions.
q2 opto devices allow to detect 2 syringe sizes: 60 cc and 20 cc.
J2.1opto diode +5V anode
J2.2opto cathode common point and transistor transmitter
J2.3opto 1 transistor collector
J2.4opto 2 transistor collector
Control signal:CODPT3activate at 1driven by microprocessor line T0.
Output signal:SOPT4activate at 1register U16 D1 address $ C000
Output signal:SOPT3activate at 1register U16 D0 address $ C000
Syringe clamp detection alarm, high position10
60 cc detection11
20 cc detection01
Syringe clamp detection alarm, low position00
The motor rotation and piston presence opto switch interfaces are located on the POWER SUPPLY
BOARD. Motor rotation opto switch
Control signal:CDOPT1activate at 1
Output signal:SOPT1activate at 1