Danby DDW1802EBLS User Manual [nl]

Dear valued customer, we hope your Danby product purchase fulfills all
your requirements. Your satisfaction is our priority!
Please contact us at our toll free consumer service number for any inquiries
you may have about your new unit.
Cher(ère) client(e) important(e), nous espérons que votre produit Danby
répond à tous vos besoins. Votre satisfaction est notre priorité!
Veuillez nous contacter au numéro gratuit de service après-vente, si
vous avez des questions quelconques à propos de votre nouvel appareil.
Estimado cliente, esperamos que el producto Danby que ha comprado
satisfaga completamente sus necesidades. Su satisfacción
es nuestra prioridad!
Por favor, contáctenos gratuitamente a nuestro número de Servicio al
Cliente para cualquier pregunta que tenga sobre su nuevo electrodoméstico.
Danby 28.08.2014
Owner’s Use and Care Guide ..........................................1-11
• Welcome
• Important Safety Information
• Operation Instructions
• Care and Maintenance
• Troubleshooting
• Warranty
Guide d’utilisation et d’entretien du propriétaire.........12-22
• Bienvenue
• Consignes de sécurité importantes
• Consignes d’utilisation
• Soins et entretien
• Dépannage
• Garantie
Guía de utilización y cuidado para el propietario........23-33
• Bienvenido
• Información importante sobre seguridad
• Instrucciones de funcionamiento
• Cuidado y mantenimiento
• Solución sugerida
• Garantía
Read and follow all safety rules and operating instructions before fi rst use of this product.
Veuillez lire attentivement les consignes de sécurité et les instructions d’utilisation avant l’utilisation initiale de ce produit.
Lea y observe todas las relgas de seguridad y las instrucciones de operación antes de usar este producto por la primera vez.
Model Modèle • Modelo
Thank you for choosing Danby
We know you’re excited. We are too! However, the more familiar you are with your new appliance, the better experience you will have. We therefore strongly suggest that you read this Owner’s Manual before plugging in your new appliance. It contains important operational information that will help you make full use of the technical features available in your Danby appliance. The manual also contains information designed to enhance operating reliability and safety, as well as tips to maintaining your new appliance so that it brings you happiness for years to come.
Please visit www.danby.com to access self-service tools, FAQs and more. Should you need additional assistance, please call 1-800-26-DANBY (1-800-263-2629).
Note: You will need the below information to obtain service under warranty. To receive service, you must provide the original receipt.
Model Number:
Serial Number:
Date of Purchase:
Before you call for service, here are a few things you can do to help us serve you better:
Read this Owner’s Manual:
It contains instructions to help you use and maintain your appliance properly.
If you received a damaged appliance:
Immediately contact the retailer (or builder) that sold you the appliance.
Save time and money:
Check the Troubleshooting section at the end of the guide before calling. This section helps you solve common problems that may occur.
If you do need service, you can relax, knowing help is only a phone call away.
Tel: 1-800-26-
Important Safety Information
When loading your dishwasher, follow basic safety precautions, including the following:
Read all instructions before using the dishwasher.
Use the dishwasher only for its intended function (normal, household use only).
Use only detergents or wetting agents recommended for use in a dishwasher; do not use them for hand washing. Keep them out of the reach of children.
Safety Precautions
Locate sharp items (i.e. forks and knives) so that they are not likely to damage the door seal or any part of the interior of the unit.
Load sharp knives with the handles up to reduce the risk of injury to yourself and others (i.e. cutting yourself).
Do not wash plastic items unless they are marked “Dishwasher Safe” or the equivalent. For plastic items that are not marked, check the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Do not touch the heating element during or immediately after use.
Do not operate the dishwasher unless all enclosure panels are properly in place.
Do not tamper with the controls.
Do not abuse, sit on, or stand on the door or dish rack(s) of the dishwasher.
To reduce the risk of injury, do not allow children to operate, play in or play on the dishwasher.
Do not allow children to play around the dishwasher when opening or closing the dishwasher door.
Remove the door to the washing compartment when removing an old dishwasher for service or if you are discarding it.
Do not spray water on the appliance, it may cause electric shock or failure of electrical parts.
Use only detergent and rinse additives designed for an automatic dishwasher. Never use laundry detergent, or hand washing detergent in your dishwasher. Keep these products out of the reach of children.
Keep children away from the detergent and rinse aid, as well as from the open door of the dishwasher, as there could still be some detergent left inside.
The door should not be left open, as this could present a tripping hazard.
During installation, the power supply must not be excessively or dangerously bent or fl attened.
Do not operate your dishwasher unless all enclosure panels are properly in place. Open the door very carefully if the dishwasher is operating, there is a risk of hot water spraying out.
Do not place any heavy objects on the door when it is open, as the appliance could tip forward.
When using your dishwasher, you should prevent plastic items from coming in contact with the heating element.
Please ensure that all packing materials have been properly disposed.
Use the dishwasher only for its intended function.
Dishwasher detergent is a strong alkaline and can be extremely dangerous if swallowed; avoid contact with skin and eyes and keep children away from the dishwasher when the door is open. Check that the detergent receptacle is empty at the end of each wash cycle.
Important Safety Information
Under certain conditions, hydrogen gas may be produced in a hot-water system that has not been used for two (2) weeks or more. Hydrogen gas is explosive! If the hot-water system has not been used for such a period, before using the dishwasher, turn on all hot-water faucets and let the water fl ow from each for several minutes. This will release any accumulated hydrogen gas. As the gas is fl ammable, do not smoke or use an open fl ame during this time.
This appliance must be grounded. In the event of a malfunction or breakdown, grounding will reduce the risk of electric shock by providing a path of least resistance for electric current. This appliance is equipped with a cord having an equipment-grounding conductor and a grounding plug. The plug must be plugged into an appropriate outlet that is installed and grounded in accordance with all local codes and ordinances.
Electrical Instructions
An electrical supply of 120V AC only, 60 Hz is required. For your personal safety, the appliance must be grounded. To minimize possible shock hazards, the unit must be plugged into a matching 3-prong (grounding type) electrical outlet. If the power cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer or a service professional, in order to reduce the risk of a hazard.
Operating Instructions
1. ON/OFF Button: Turns ON/OFF the power supply.
2. Display Window: Displays remaining program time,
delay time and rinse aid indicator etc.
One press of this button delays the start of the wash program by one hour up to a maximum of 24 hours delayed start.
4. Program Buttons: Used to select washing program.
3. Delayed Start Button: Press this button to set the
delayed hours for washing. You can delay the start of a wash program by up to 24 hours.
Wash Cycles
Operating Instructions
Cycle Name
ECONOMY Light Wash For lightly soiled loads, such as plates, glasses,
RINSE Rinse For dishes that need to be rinsed and dried only. Pre-rinse
Type Description Description of Cycle Detergent
Glassware and cups
For normally soiled loads such as pots, plates, glasses and lightly soiled pans. Standard daily cycle.
For heavily soiled loads, such as pots, pans, cas­serole dishes and dishes with dried food.
bowls and lightly soiled pans.
A shorter wash for lightly soiled loads. Pre-rinse
Pre-rinse Wash (52°C / 125°F) Rinse Rinse (65°C / 149°F) Drying
Pre-Rinse (50°C / 122°F) Wash (55°C / 131°F) Rinse Rinse (65°C / 149°F) Drying
Wash (50°C / 122°F) Rinse Rinse (60°C / 140°F) Drying
Rinse Rinse
Rinse (50°C / 122°F) Rinse (55°C / 131°F) Drying
4/20 gr.
4/20 gr.
20 gr.
15 gr.
GLASS Glassware For lightly soiled loads, such as glasses, crystal
and fi ne china.
SOAK Soak Use to rinse the dishes that you plan to wash later
that day.
Note: The longest wash cycle can take up to 2.5 hours.
Pre-rinse Rinse (50°C / 122°F) Rinse (55°C / 131°F) Drying
Pre-Rinse 15 gr.
15 gr.
Operating Instructions
Detergent Dispenser
WARNING: Dishwasher detergent is corrosive! Take care to keep out of the reach of children.
The dispenser must be refi lled before the start of each was cycle according to the instructions provided in the “Wash Cycles” table. Your dishwasher uses less detergent and rinse aid than conventional dishwashers. Generally, only one ta­blespoon of detergent is needed for a normal wash load. More heavily soiled items need more detergent. Always add the detergent just before starting the dishwasher, otherwise it could get damp and not dissolve properly.
Amount of Detergent to Use:
If your water is not that hard, you may also prevent the formation of deposits by adding detergent. The amount of deter­gent needed can vary due to difference in water hardness. To determine the water hardness in your area, contact your local water utility or area water softening company. The harder your water, the more detergent you may need.
Use only detergent specifi cally made for use in dishwasher. Keep your detergent fresh and dry. Don’t put powder detergent into the dispenser until you are ready to wash dishes.
Removing Hard Water Spots From Dishes:
Try the following:
Run dishes through a normal wash program.
Remove all metal dishware, such as cutlery, pans etc. from dishwasher.
Do not add detergent.
Pour 2 cups of vinegar into a bowl, set it face up on lower rack of dishwasher and run dishes through normal wash program.
15g 20g
1. Main Wash Detergent
2. Dispenser Lid Lever
3. Pre-wash Detergent Compartment
4. Rinse Aid Level Indicator
5. Rinse Aid Compartment
6. Detergent Compartment Lid
Rinse Aid Dispenser
Note: Using Rinse Aid is optional, however it is recommended.
To open the dispenser, turn the cap to the “open” (left arrow) position and lift out.
Pour the rinse aid into the dispenser, being careful not to over fi ll.
Replace the cap by inserting it aligned with “open” arrow and turning it to the “closed” (right arrow) position.
The rinse aid is released during the fi nal rinse to prevent water from forming droplets on your dishes that can leave spots and streaks. It also improves drying by allowing water to “sheet” off the dishes.
Your dishwasher is designed to use liquid rinse aids. The rinse aid dispenser is
located inside the door next to the detergent dispenser. To fi ll the dispenser, open the cap and pour the rinse aid into the dispenser until the level indicator turns completely black. The dispenser holds about 100 ml of liquid rinse aid.
Be careful not to overfi ll the dispenser, this could cause over sudsing. Wipe
away any spills with a damp cloth. Don’t forget to replace the cap before you close the dishwasher door. If you have soft water, you may not need rinse aid as it may cause a white fi lm to develop on your dishes.
Operating Instructions
Rinse Aid Dispenser
A measured amount of rinse aid is released during the fi nal rinse. As with detergent, the amount of rinse aid needed for your dishes depends on the hardness of the water in your area. Too much rinse aid can result in lather or foaming and can cause cloudiness or streaks on your dishes. If the water in your area is very soft, you may not need rinse aid. If you do, you can dilute the rinse aid with an equal amount of water.
The rinse aid dispenser has four (4) settings. Always start with the dispenser set on “3.” If spots and poor drying are problems, increase the amount of rinse aid dispensed by removing the dis­penser lid and rotating the dial to “4.” Increase the dose of rinse aid if there are drops of water or lime spots on the dishes after washing. Reduce it if there are sticky white stains on your dishes or a blue tinged fi lm on glassware or knife blades.
When to Refi ll the Rinse Aid Dispenser:
If you have a rinse aid warning light, a snowfl ake symbol will appear in the display screen when the rinse aid dispenser needs to be refi lled.
If there is no rinse aid warning light on the control panel, you can judge the amount of rinse aid by the following means. The black dot on the rinse aid dispenser indi­cates the amount of rinse aid in the dispenser. As the rinse aid diminishes, the size of the black dot decreases. You should never let the rinse aid get below the 1/4 full level. As the rinse aid diminishes, the size of the black dot on the rinse aid level indicator changes.
Full 1/4 Full(Refill)
3/4 Full Empty 1/2 Full
Loading Dishwasher Racks
For best performance, follow these loading guidelines. Features and appearance of racks and silverware baskets may vary from your model.
How to use the Upper Rack:
The upper rack is designed to hold more delicate and lighter dishware, such as, glasses, coffee and tea cups and saucers, as well as plates, small bowls and lightly soiled shallow pans. Position the dishes and cookware so that they do not get moved by the spray of water. The upper rack can be adjusted for height by moving the other wheels (that are already on the rack) into the rails.
1. Cups
2. Saucer
3. Glasses
How to use the Lower Rack:
We recommend that you place large items in the lower rack - pots, pans, lids, serving dishes and bowls, as shown. It is preferable to place serving dishes and lids on the side of the racks in order to avoid blocking the rotation of the top spray arm. Pots, serving bowls etc., must always be placed top down. Deep pots should be slanted to allow water fl ow. The bottom rack features fold down tine rows so that larger or more pots and pans can be loaded.
4. Serving Bowl
5. Bowl
6. Small Plates
7. Serving Plate
8. Large Plates
9. Silverware Basket
Operating Instructions
Silverware Basket
Silverware should be placed in the silverware basket with handles at the bottom. If the rack has side baskets, the spoons should be loaded individually in the appropriate slots. Long utensils should be placed in the horizontal position at the front of the upper rack.
Warning - Do not let any item extend beyond the bottom of the basket.
1. Salad Forks
2. Teaspoons
3. Soup Spoons
4. Dinner Forks
5. Knives
6. Serving Spoons
7. Serving Fork
2 4 5 1 4 5 1 2 4 5 1
------------­ 2 4 5 1 4 5 1 2 4 5 4
------------­ 2 4 5 7 3 5 2 3 3 1
------------­ 2 3 3 1 3 3 1 2 3 6 6
Turning on the Appliance
Starting a Wash Cycle:
1. Make sure that the plug for the appliance is inserted into the wall socket.
2. Make sure that the water supply is turned on to full pressure.
3. Load the dishwasher (see “Loading Dishwasher Racks”).
4. Pour in the detergent (see “Detergent Dispenser”).
5. Press the ON/OFF button and choose a desired wash cycle by pressing the program button, the wash cycle will be­gin.
Cancelling or Modifying a Wash Cycle:
A cycle that is underway can only be modifi ed if it has only been running for a short time. Otherwise, the detergent may have already been release and the appliance may have already drained the wash water. If this is the case, the detergent dispenser must be refi lled (see “Detergent Dispenser”). Press the ON/OFF button and the ON light will turn off. Select the desired cycle setting (see “Starting a Wash Cycle”).
Forgot to Add a Dish?
A forgotten dish can be added any time before the detergent cup opens.
1. Pull the door handle.
2. Do not open the door until the water spray action stops. Steam may rise out of the dishwasher.
3. Add forgotten dish(es).
4. Push the door closed and press the program button for the program you have already chosen, the dishwasher will resume working after 10 seconds.
Filtering System
1. Main Filter: Food and soil particles trapped by this lter are pulverized by a special jet on
the lower spray arm and washed down the drain.
2. Coarse Filter: Larger items, such as pieces of bone or glass, that could clog the drain are trapped in the coarse fi lter. To remove an item caught in this fi lter, gently squeeze the tabs on top of this fi lter and lift it out.
3. Fine Filter: This fi lter holds soil and food residue in the sump area and prevents it from being re-deposited on the dishes during a cycle.
1. Upper Rack
2. Spray Arms
3. Lower Rack
4. Main Filter
5. Detergent Dispenser
6. Cup Shelf
7. Silverware Basket
8. Coarse Filter
9. Rinse Aid Dispenser
10. Drain Hose
11. Junction Box
12. Leveling Leg
Operating Instructions
Front View
Front View
Back View
Care and Maintenance
To clean the control panel, use a lightly dampened cloth then dry thoroughly. To clean the exterior use a cleaner that is appropriate for cleaning appliances. Never use sharp objects, scouring pads or harsh cleaners on any part of the dish­washer.
Protect Against Freezing:
If your dishwasher is left in an unheated place during the winter, ask a service technician to:
1. Cut off electrical power to the dishwasher and remove fuses or trip circuit breaker.
2. Turn off the water supply and disconnect the water inlet pipe from the water valve.
3. Drain the water from the inlet pip and water valve (use a pan to catch the water).
4. Reconnect the water inlet pipe to the water valve.
5. Remove the plastic sump cover in the bottom of the tub and use a sponge to soak up the water in the rubber boot.
Cleaning the Spray Arms:
It is necessary to clean the spray arms regularly, as hard water chemicals will clog the spray arm jets and bearings. To remove the spray arm, unscrew the nut and take out the washer on top of the spray arm and remove the arm. Wash the arms in soapy, warm water and use a soft brush to clean the jets. Replace after rinsing them thoroughly.
Cleaning the Filters:
For best performance and results, the fi lter assembly must be cleaned.
• Inspect the fi lters for obstructions every time the dishwasher has been used.
By unscrewing the coarse fi lter, you can remove the fi lter system. Remove any food remnants and use a cleaning brush to clean the fi lters under running water.
Follow Steps 1 to 3 to remove the fi lter system. Follow Steps 3 to 1 to reinstall the fi lter system.
Warning - Never run the dishwasher without the fi lters in place.
Care and Maintenance
Cleaning the Door:
To clean the edge around the door, you should use only a soft, warm, damp rag. To prevent penetration of water into the door lock and electrical components, do not use a spray cleaner of any kind. Also, never use abrasive cleaners or scour­ing pads on the outer surfaces because they will scratch the fi nish. Some paper towels can also scratch or leave marks on the surface.
How to Keep your Dishwasher Running Properly
After Every Wash:
After every wash, turn off the water supply to the appliance and leave the door slightly ajar so that moisture and odors are not trapped inside.
No Solvents or Abrasive Products:
To clean the exterior and rubber parts of the dishwasher, do not use solvents or abrasive cleaning products. Use only a cloth and warm, soapy water. To remove spots or stains from the surface of the interior, use a cloth dampened with a warm water and vinegar solution, or a cleaning product made specifi cally for dishwashers.
When you go on Holiday:
When you go on holiday, it is recommended that you run a wash cycle with the dishwasher empty and then remove the plug from the socket, turn off the water supply and leave the door of the appliance slightly ajar. This will help the seals last longer and prevent odors from forming in the appliance. Seals - One of the factors that cause odors to form in the dish­washer is food that remains trapped in the seals. Periodic cleaning with a damp sponge will prevent this from occurring.
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