TANDBERG D13202 User Manual

Dataport Command Interface User Guide
Software version G1.0
D13202 Rev 01
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TANDBERG GW Dataport Command Interface User Guide
Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................................3
232 PORT.................................................................................................................................................4
2.1. H
2.2. C
2.3. T
4. THE TANDBERG GW COMMANDS.........................................................................................7
4.1. I
4.2. T
4.3. P
4.1.1. Command format....................................................................................................................7
4.1.2. Command types.......................................................................................................................7
4.2.1. System Configuration Commands........................................................................................... 9
4.2.2. General GW Commands.......................................................................................................18
4.2.3. System Status Commands...................................................................................................... 22
4.2.4. Debug Commands................................................................................................................. 28
4.2.5. Special Commands................................................................................................................30
..................................................................................................................... 32
...................................................................................................................... 5
............................................................................................................... 31
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TANDBERG GW Dataport Command Interface User Guide
1. Introduction
The TANDBERG GW Dataport Command Interface User Guide contains guidelines on how to use the textual command interface supported by the GW. The Dataport Command Interface can be accessed through Telnet via the LAN interface or through RS-232 by connecting a serial cable to the se rial interface connec tor, re fe rre d to a s the Dataport (ref. chapter 2). Three Telnet sessions can be connected to the GW at the same time in addition to the RS-232 connection.
If, after reading this manual, you require additional information concerning the use of the TANDBERG GW Dataport Command Interface, please contact your l ocal TANDBE RG dealer who will be able to supply you with relevant information for special applications.
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TANDBERG GW Dataport Command Interface User Guide
2. Connecting to the Dataport Command Interface through the RS-232 port.
The RS-232 port is a 9-pin, female, D-sub connector located on the back of the GW. The port is configured as a DCE (Data Communications Equipment). The RS-232 port is default set to 9600 baud, 8 databits, none parity and 1 stopbit from factory. The RS-232 port is also referred to as the Dataport.
2.1. Hardware And Cabling
The pin outs for the RS-232 are defined in the following table (the DTE, Data Terminal Equipment, could be a PC or other device capable of serial communication).
Pin no Signal Description Direc tion
1 CD Carrier detect To DTE 2 RD Receive data To DTE 3 TD Transmit data From DTE 4 DTR Data terminal ready From DTE 5 Ground 6 DSR Data set ready To DTE 7 RTS Ready to send From D TE 8 CTS Clear to send To DTE 9 RI Ring indicator To DTE
NOTE! A straight through cable should be used between the TANDBERG GW’s RS-232 port and the DTE.
The figure below illustrates the recommended cable-wiri ng scheme for connectin g the GW to a PC through RS-232.
DCE, 9 pin DTE, 9 pin
1 CD 1 CD 2 RD 2 RD 3 TD 3 TD 4 DTR 4 DTR 5 GND 5 GND 6 DSR 6 DSR 7 RTS 7 RTS 8 CTS 8 CTS 9 RI 9 RI
DTR and RTS are ignored. DSR, CD, and CTS are always asserted, while RI is not used.
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TANDBERG GW Dataport Command Interface User Guide
2.2. Configuring The Dataport From The Web Interface
Click on System Configuration tab and then the Dataport button. The Dataport can be configured by setting baudrate, parity, databits and stopbits.
If communication cannot be established between the PC/terminal and the TANDBERG GW’s Dataport the following should be checked:
Verify that the serial cable is a straight through 9-pin to 9-pin cable
Confirm that the configuration of the PC/terminal’s serial RS-232 port is identical to
the configuration of the TANDBERG GW RS-232 port.
Verify that the PC/terminal’s serial RS-232 port is working properly by connecting it
back-to-back to another PC/terminal and send characters in both directions
It requires a null-modem cable to perform this test
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TANDBERG GW Dataport Command Interface User Guide
3. Connecting to the Datport Command Interface using Telnet
The TANDBERG GW has two LAN ports. Co nnect ion to the Dataport Command Interface via Telnet should be done through LAN port 1.
The GW’s Telnet server provides access to the Dataport Command Interface through a 10/100 base T network interface supporting the TCP/IP protocol.
When connected to the GW, the Telnet client will receive a welcome message similar to the following:
Welcome to TANDBERG TANDBERG GW Release G1.0 SW Release Date: 2003-07-01
NOTE! If the TANDBERG GW is protected by an IP password you will be prompted to enter this password before you can access the Dataport Command Interface via Telnet.
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TANDBERG GW Dataport Command Interface User Guide
4. The TANDBERG GW Commands
4.1. Introduction
Typing ‘?’ or ‘help’ when connected to the Dataport Command Interface will return a list of valid commands. The commands are used to control the functions of the GW. A command may be followed by a set of parameters and sub-commands. This chapter gives a description of the valid commands for the GW.
4.1.1. Command format
Typing ‘?’ or ‘help’ after a command will result in a usage text being displayed. Usage t ext gives information about the command format, i.e. valid parameters, sub-commands etc. An example is shown below (the user input is shown in bold).
prichan ?
usage: prichan <PRI interface> max <number> or: prichan <PRI interface> high <number> or: prichan <PRI interface> low <number> or: prichan <PRI interface> search <high/low>
PRI interface - a/b/c/d number : 1..23
are arguments upon which the command will operate. Required parameters ar e denoted by: < >, while optional parameters are denoted by: [ ]. The possible values for a given parameter are separated with slashes ( / ). For some parameters, only the parameter name is supplied within the brackets. In these cases a specific parameter value i s to be substituted for the parameter name. The possible values to be substituted for a parameter name are often supplied below if it is not obvious what the possible values are.
are commands grouped together within a command. Different sub-command s
within a command may have different parameter sets. In the example above: max, high, low,
search are sub-commands to the command prichan.
NOTE! The Dataport Command Interface is not case sensitive.
4.1.2. Command types
The commands can be divided into three major classes:
System Commands
Parameter Setting Commands
Status Commands
System Commands
are commands that initiate processes in the GW. E.g.: The command
calltransfer initiates the process of transferring a call. If the command is not syntactically correct, the G W returns ERROR. If the command is
syntactically correct, but the system is not accepting the command, *R response feedback is issued followed by ERROR. If the command is syntactically correct and the command is accepted, the GW returns OK. An example of *R response feedback is shown below in the
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TANDBERG GW Dataport Command Interface User Guide
case where the user is trying to transfer a call from an inactive GW port (the user input is shown in bold).
calltransfer 1 999999
*R Invalid gateway id
Parameter Setting Commands
are commands that set a system parameter to a specific value.
E.g.: The command ippassword sets the valid password needed to establish an IP connection with the GW to a specific value.
If the command is syntactically correct the GW returns OK, otherwise the GW returns ERROR. If *P parameter feedback is activated (ref. command feedback), and the parameter is successfully changed, the GW will return the command with the new value. An example of *P parameter feedback is shown below (the user input is shown in bold).
pardial on
*P pardial on
When issuing a Parameter Setting Command with no parameter, the GW will return the command with the current setting. E.g.:
*P pardial on
Status Commands
are commands that list different sets of system parameters. If *S status
feedback is activated (ref. command feedback), status commands are automatically called
when corresponding parameters are being changed.
4.2. The commands
The commands are divided into five groups: System Configuration Commands, General GW Commands, System Status Commands, Debug Commands and Special Commands .
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TANDBERG GW Dataport Command Interface User Guide
4.2.1. System Configuration Commands
Command: Description: defvalues set
This command is used to restore factory default settings. Issuing this command with no parameters will restore all settings except network settings and option key.
To reset al l values to fa ctory de faults the op tional par ameter
or *
should be added. Please download the parameter file, or write down the optionkey before you execute this command (issue the command
to view the current value
of the optionkey).
defvalues set [all/factory] *
Adding the optional parameter factory, the eeprom will be erased and the flash
disk will be formated.
Sets gatekeeper parameters.
NOTE! H.323 services must be set before the GW can be registered to a gatekeeper, ref. command gwh 32 3service.
h323gatekeeper <on/off>
h323gatekeeper address <ipaddress>
Sets the IP address of the gatekeeper
Example of
feedbac k:
*P h323gatekeeper on *P h323gatekeeper address
Configures the LAN interfaces when static IP address allocation is used (the command
is used to select between DHCP and static IP address allocation). NOTE! The GW needs to reboot before the changes will apply.
ipaddress [LAN interface] static <ipa ddress>
ipaddress [LAN interface] subnetmask <ipaddress>
ipaddress [LAN interface] gateway <ipaddress>
LAN interface: 1.
Number identifying the LAN interface. If this
parameter is omitted the command applies to all interfaces (only interface
is in use).
Sets the static IP address for the given LAN interface.
Sets the subnet mask variable for the given LAN interface. Subnet mask defines the network class. If the setting is the local network will support up to 256 nodes, denoting a class C network. If the setting is the local network is a class B network with 65536 addressable nodes.
gateway: Sets the gateway IP address for the given LAN interface. If a
gateway is located on the LAN and the GW needs to reach nodes through this gateway, the gateway address can be set using the gateway variable (the IP address of the gateway will be set automatically if the GW is in DHCP mode)
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TANDBERG GW Dataport Command Interface User Guide
Example of
*P ipaddress 1 static *P ipaddress 1 subnetmask *P ipaddress 1 gateway
Selects between D HCP (Dynamic Host Configuration P rotocol) or stati c IP addre s s allocation. When DHCP is selected the GW will automatically receive all the necessary information from the DHCP server. This function should be used when the GW is connected to a LAN using DHCP. When using this mode, IP-address and IP-subnet mask are not used because the DHCP server supplies these parameters.
ipassignment [LAN interface] <dhcp/static>
LAN interface: 1.
Number identifying the LAN interface. If this
parameter is omitted the command applies to all interfaces (only interface
is in use).
Example of
*P ipassignment 1 static
Sets the maximum IP packet size to be used for H.323 calls. It can be useful to reduce the packet size when packets are transmitted over links that add overlay (f.ex. VPN). Reducing the packetsize will prevent the packets from being fragmented.
ipmtu <1200-1400> Example of ipmtu feedback:
*P ipmtu 1400
Sets a password to restrict access to the GW’s webserver, telnet and ftp resources.
ippassword [LAN int er face] <password>
LAN interface: 1.
Number identifying the LAN interface. If this
parameter is omitted the given value is set for all interfaces (only interface
is in use).
password: Textstring of maximum 16 characters. If the password is
forgot ten it can b e delete d using the command
ippassword “”
through the
RS-232 port.
NOTE! The default password is “TANDBERG”.
Sets LAN port speed. NOTE! The GW needs to reboot before the changes will apply.
ipspeed [LAN interface] <speed>
LAN interface: 1.
Number identifying the LAN interface. If this
parameter is omitted the given value is set for all interfaces (only interface
is in use).
speed: auto/10half/10full/100half/100full.
The speed is either set to auto or manually from 10mb half duplex to 100mb full duplex. When set to auto the GW will automaticall
negotiate with the network and use the
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