Silvercrest SKAS 1000 B1 Operating instructions

Silvercrest SKAS 1000 B1 Operating instructions


Coffee Maker SKAS 1000 B1

Coffee Maker


Operating instructions












ID-Nr.: SKAS 1000 B1-06/11-V1

IAN: 68663

SKAS 1000 B1











Safety instructions


Intended Application


Delivery Contents




Appliance Overview


Setting up and connecting to the power supply




Before the first usage .......................................................................................................................


Fill with ground coffee ....................................................................................................................


Fill the appliance with water ...........................................................................................................


Modifying the aroma .......................................................................................................................


Switching On and Off......................................................................................................................




Scale removal






Technical data


Warranty and Service




Read the operating instructions carefully before using the device for the first time and preserve this booklet for later reference. Pass this manual on to whoever might acquire the device at a future date.

- 1 -


Safety instructions

Risk of electrocution!

Connect the coffe machine only to correctly installed and earthed power sockets. Ensure that the voltage supplied through the power socket tallies completely with the details given on the appliance rating plate.

Remove the plug from the wall socket when you move the coffee machine, fill it with water, if it malfunctions, before cleaning it and when it is not in use.

Under no cirmstance may the coffee machine be submersed in liquids. Do not expose the appliance to humidity and do not use it outdoors. Should liquids enter the housing, unplug the appliance power socket from the power socket immediately and arrange for it to be repaired by a qualified technician.

Never touch the coffee machine, the power cable or the plug when your hands are wet.

To disconnect, always pull the plug itself out of the power socket, do not pull on the power cable.

Do not fold or crush the power cable.

To avoid potential risks, arrange for a defective appliance to be checked and possibly repaired by qualified technicians, or contact our Customer Service Department.

Arrange for defective power plugs and/or cables to be replaced as soon as possible by a qualified technician or by our Customer Service Department to avoid the risk of injury.

Do not use an extension cable.

Risk of fire!

Do not leave the coffee machine unattended when it is in use.

NEVER operate the coffee machine without mains water and NEVER fill it to more than the Max. marking.

Do not use an external timing switch or a separate remote control system to operate the appliance.

Risk of personal injury!

NEVER use the glass jug of the coffee machine in a microwave oven.

This appliance is not intended for use by individuals (including children) with restricted physical, physiological or intellectual abilities or deficiences in experience and/or knowledge unless they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety or receive from this person instruction in how the appliance is to be used.

Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the device.

Risk of Burns!

NEVER touch the hot surfaces of the coffee machine, especially the heating plate and the glass jug.

Risk of scalds!

This symbol warns you about escaping steam. Risk of scalding!

Please follow the safety instructions

Do not hold your hands in the rising steam.

Always close the filter container before switching on, there exists a risk of scalds from steam and hot water.

- 2 -

NEVER use the glass jug of the coffee machine in a microwave oven.

Do not move the coffee machine during the brewing process.

Remove the jug first when the brewing process is complete and the filter has fully drained itself.


You can prepare hot filter coffee with the coffee machine.Brewed coffee can be kept warm in the jug by leaving it on the heating plate with the appliance switched on.

Risk of stumbling!

• Lay the power cable in such a way that no one

Appliance Overview

can tread on or trip over it.


• Do not use an extension cable.

1 Filter insert

Warning regarding appliance

2 Aroma selector switch

3 Water tank lid


4 Water volume indicator

• NEVER operate this appliance when it is empty

5 On/Off switch with integrated control lamp

(without water). If you do, the glass jug could

6 Measuring spoon


7 Filter holder


8 Coffee exit

Intended Application

The coffee maker is intended exclusively for brewing coffee. This coffee maker is intended exclusively for use in private households. Do not use it commercially. This appliance is intended only for indoor use.

Pay heed to all of the information in this operating manual, especially the safety instructions. All other uses are deemed to be improper and may result in property damage or even in personal injury. We shall not accept liability for damages caused due to improper use of the appliance.

Delivery Contents

Coffee Maker

Glass jug

Measuring spoon

Operating Instructions

Setting up and connecting to the power supply

Risk of electrocution!

Under no circumstances should the appliance be located close to water, especially sinks and waterfilled vessels. Use the coffee machine only on a dry surface. The proximity of water presents a danger, even when the appliance is switched off. After use, always remove the plug from the power socket.

Risk of fire!

Never locate the coffee machine close to sources of heat.

The appliance could be damaged.


To avoid damage to the coffee machine and its place of location, use the coffee machine only on a level and heat-resistant surface.

- 3 -

Remove all packaging materials from the appliance.

Place the appliance on a dry, flat and heat-resis- tant surface.

Place the glass jug on the heating plate in the appliance.

Open the filter holder 7.

Place the filter insert 1 in such that the coffee exit 8 projects through the opening.

Close the filter holder 7.

Finally, insert the plug into the power socket.


Before the first usage


Never fill the water tank with a total volume of more than 12 cups of mains water.

NEVER fill the water tank with less than 3 cups of water. Otherwise, the coffee machine could be damaged. Use the markings on the water-fill indicator 4.

Unplug the coffee machine immediately after use. The appliance is completely free of electrical power ONLY when it is unplugged.

Fill the water tank only with mains water. Using anything else could damage the appliance.

1.Open the glass jug and the water tank lid 3.

2.Carefully rinse the glass jug with mains water. Fill the water tank with mains water. Pay heed to pouring the water slowly into the water tank, so that it can run through both tank openings.

Empty it again by carefully tipping the appliance over a sink and allowing the mains water to pour out.

3.Fill the glass jug with 12 cups of mains water.

4.Pour the water completely into the water tank.

5.Close the water tank.

6.Place the emptied glass jug on the heating plate.

7.Switch the coffee machine on with the On/Off switch 5 (I). The integrated control lamp glows. Wait until the brewing process is complete.

8.Empty the glass jug.

9.Switch the coffee machine off with the On/Off switch 5 (O). The integrated control lamp goes out.

10.Wait until the appliance has cooled down.

Subsequently, you can use the coffee machine for the brewing of ground coffee.

Fill with ground coffee

1.Swing the filter holder 7 to the side. The filter bag 1 must be put in.

2.Place a filter bag (size 1x4) with folded over sides into the filter compartment 1.

3.Fill it with the measuring spoon 6.

- 4 -


Place approx. one heaped measuring spoon of ground coffee in per cup. Should the coffee be preferred a little weaker, you can reduce the amount of coffee per cup.

4.Close the filter holder 7. Ensure that the coffee throughflow 8 lies in the middle and above the glass jug.

Fill the appliance with water


Use only freshly drawn mains water to brew coffee!

1.Open the water tank cover 3.

2.Fill the glass jug with water.


Never fill the water tank with a volume greater than 12 cups of water. Never fill the water tank with a volume of less than 3 cups of water. If you do, the appliance could be damaged. Use the marker on the water volume indicator 4.

3.Pour the amount of water required for the volume of ground coffee into the water tank. Use the marker on the water volume indicator 4. Ensure that the water is poured in slowly, so that it can run between the two water tanks openings.

4.Close the water tank cover 3.

Modifying the aroma

Select the desired coffee strength on the aroma

selector switch 2. The setting gives strong coffee, the setting gives mild coffee.

Switching On and Off

When you are ready to switch the coffee machine on, place the On/Off switch 5 at the position “On” (I). The integrated control lamp glows.

When you are ready to switch the coffee machine off, place the On/Off switch 5 at the position “Off” (O). The integrated control lamp goes out.

Remove the plug from the mains socket if you are intending to discontinue using the coffee machine.


If you do not switch the coffee machine off with the On/Off switch 5 after the brewing process, the coffee is kept warm on the hot plate until you do switch the coffee machine off.

We recommend however to drink the coffee freshly brewed.


In order to obtain an optimal taste result from every brewing process you should clean the coffee machine after every use.

• Remove the plug from the mains socket.

Risk of electrocution!

Before you clean the Coffee Maker you MUST remove the plug from the power socket. Under no circumstances may the appliance be immersed in water or held under running water during cleaning.

- 5 -

Risk of Burns!

Always wait until the coffee maker has cooled down before cleaning it. There is a risk of being burnt and the appliance could be damaged.


Do not use household detergents or sharp/pointed objects to remove soiling. These could damage the appliance.

Wipe the housing of the coffee machine and the glass jug with a soft cloth lightly moistened with a soapy solution. At the same time remove any deposits that may have settled in the glass jug.

After every usage remove the filter bag 1 from the filter holder 7.

Rinse it under flowing water.

Clean the measuring spoon 6 in a mild soapy solution and then rinse it with clear water.

Dry all parts thoroughly with a tea towel before taking the appliance back into use.

Scale removal

The mineral content (hardness) in the water causes, over a period of time, a calcification of the coffee machine. This calcification impairs the appliance in its function and diminishes the quality of the brewed filter coffee.

Enquire at your local waterworks about the hardness level of your mains water.The need for decalcification comes early in hard water areas, somewhat later in soft water areas.

Use a decalcifier designed for household appliances and pay heed to the usage instructions.

1.Switch the coffee machine off and allow it to cool down completely.

2.Place the scale removal product in the water tank.

3.Insert the stipulated volume of water.

4.Place the glass jug on the heating plate.

5.Switch the coffee machine on with the On/Off switch 5.

6.Wait until the brewing process is completed. Switch the coffee machine off and remove the plug from the mains power socket.

7.Carefully rinse the glass jug with mains water. Fill the water tank with mains water.

Pay heed to pouring the water slowly into the water tank, so that it can run through both tank openings. Empty it again by carefully tipping the appliance over a sink and allowing the mains water to pour out.

8.To finish, complete two brewing processes with just mains water, as described in the section "Before the first usage".

When completed, you can continue to use the coffee machine.

- 6 -



Possible causes and





The coffee machine

• The plug is not inserted

does not switch on.

into the power socket.


Insert the plug into a


power socket.


• A domestic electrical


fuse is defective. Check


the domestic fuses and,


if necessary, renew the


defective one.


• The power socket is de-


fective. Try another wall




• The coffee machine is


possibly defective.


Arrange for the coffee


machine to be checked


over by specialists.



The quality of the

• The coffee machine is

brewed coffee is

calcified. Decalcify the


coffee machine.




Do not dispose of the appliance in your normal domestic waste. This product is subject to the European directive 2002/96/EC.

Dispose of the appliance through an approved disposal centre or at your community waste facility.

Observe the currently applicable regulations.

In case of doubt, please contact your waste disposal centre.

Dispose of the packaging materials in an environmentally responsible manner.

Technical data

Mains voltage:

230 V ~, 50 Hz

Nominal power:

1000 W

Coffee filter bags:

Size 1 x 4

- 7 -

Warranty and Service


Service Great Britain



Tel.: 0871 5000 720 (£ 0.10/Min.)

The warranty for this appliance is for 3 years from



the date of purchase. The appliance has been ma-





IAN 68663

nufactured with care and meticulously examined be-




fore delivery. Please retain your receipt as proof of


Service Ireland

purchase. In the event of a warranty claim, please


Tel.: 1890 930 034

make contact by telephone with our Service Depart-


(0,08 EUR/Min., (peak))

ment. Only in this way can a post-free despatch for


(0,06 EUR/Min., (off peak))

your goods be assured.



The warranty covers only claims for material and





IAN 68663

manufacturing defects, but not for transport dama-




ge, for wearing parts or for damage to fragile com-



ponents, e.g. buttons or batteries. This product is for


private use only and is not intended for commercial




use. The warranty is void in the case of abusive and



improper handling, use of force and internal tampe-



ring not carried out by our authorized service



branch. Your statutory rights are not restricted in any




way by this warranty.

The warranty period will not be extended by repairs




made under warranty. This applies also to replaced




and repaired parts. Any damage and defects extant




on purchase must be reported immediately after un-




packing the appliance, at the latest, two days after




the purchase date. Repairs made after the expira-




tion of the warranty period are subject to payment.




- 8 -





Määräystenmukainen käyttö








Sijoitus ja kytkennät




Ennen ensimmäistä käyttöä ...........................................................................................................


Kahvijauheen lisääminen...............................................................................................................


Veden täyttäminen .........................................................................................................................


Aromin säätäminen ........................................................................................................................


Virrankytkentä ja -katkaisu.............................................................................................................






Toimintahäiriöiden korjaaminen




Tekniset tiedot


Takuu ja huolto




Lue käyttöohje ennen ensimmäistä käyttökertaa huolellisesti läpi ja pidä sitä lähettyvillä myös myöhemmissä käytöissä. Jos myyt laitteen, anna ohje myös seuraavalle omistajalle.

- 9 -



Sähköiskun vaara!

Liitä kahvinkeitin ainoastaan määräysten mukaan asennettuun ja maadoitettuun pistorasiaan. Varmista, että tyyppikilvessä mainittu jännite vastaa verkkopistokkeen jännitettä.

Vedä verkkopistoke pistorasiasta, kun liikutat tai täytät kahvinkeitintä, kun esiintyy häiriö, ennen laitteen puhdistusta sekä silloin, kun et käytä sitä.

Älä missään tapauksessa upota kahvinkeitintä nesteeseen. Laitetta ei saa altistaa kosteudelle eikä sitä saa käyttää ulkona. Jos laitteen koteloon kuitenkin sattuu pääsemään nestettä, irrota välittömästi laitteen verkkopistoke pistorasiasta ja anna pätevien alan ammattilaisten korjata laite.

Älä kosketa kahvinkeitintä, virtajohtoa tai pistoketta, kun kätesi ovat märät.

Irrota laite verkkovirrasta ainoastaan pistokkeesta vetämällä. Älä vedä johdosta.

Älä taivuta tai purista sähköjohtoa.

Anna viallinen laite välittömästi pätevälle huoltoliikkeelle korjattavaksi tai käänny huoltopalvelumme puoleen, jotta vaaroilta vältyttäisiin.

Anna valtuutetun ammattihenkilöstön vaihtaa vaurioitunut verkkojohto tai verkkopistoke välittömästi uuteen vaarojen välttämiseksi.

Älä käytä jatkojohtoa.

Tulipalon vaara!

Pidä toiminnassa olevaa kahvinkeitintä silmällä.

Älä koskaan käytä kahvinkeitintä ilman vesijohtovettä, äläkä koskaan täytä laitetta Max-merkin- tää enempää.

Älä käytä laitetta ulkoisen ajastimen tai erillisen kaukovaikutusjärjestelmän avulla.


Älä käytä kahvinkeittimen lasikannua mikroaaltouunissa.

Tätä laitetta ei ole tarkoitettu sellaisten henkilöiden (mukaan lukien lapset) käyttöön, joiden rajoitetut, fyysiset, aistilliset tai henkiset kyvyt tai kokemuksen ja/tai tiedon puute estävät käytön, lukuun ottamatta tilanteita, joissa heitä valvoo turvallisuudesta vastaava henkilö tai joissa he ovat saaneet tältä ohjeita laitteen käytöstä.

Lapsia on valvottava ja on varmistettava, etteivät he leiki laitteella.

Palovammojen vaara!

Älä milloinkaan kosketa kahvinkeittimen kuumia pintoja, varsinkaan kuumennuslevyä tai lasi-kannua.


Tämä symboli varoittaa esiintyvästä höyrystä. Palovammavaara! Noudata turvaohjeita:

Älä pidä käsiäsi laitteesta nousevassa vesihöyryssä.

Sulje laitteen suodatinpidike aina ennen laitteen päällekytkemistä. Nouseva höyry ja kuuma vesi voivat aiheuttaa palovamman vaaran.

- 10 -

Älä käytä kahvinkeittimen lasikannua mikroaaltouunissa.

Älä liikuta kahvinkeitintä, kun se on käytössä.

Ota kannu pois vasta sitten, kun keittäminen on päättynyt ja suodatin on tyhjä.


Kahvinkeittimellä voi valmistaa kuumaa suodatinkahvia. Valmista kahvia voi pitää lämpimänä päälle kytketyn laitteen lämpölevyllä.


Sijoita verkkojohto siten, että sen päälle ei voi astua tai ettei siihen voi kompastua.

Älä käytä jatkojohtoa.

Laitevaurioiden vaara!

Älä koskaan käytä laitetta tyhjänä (ilman vettä). Muutoin lasikannu voi haljeta.

Määräystenmukainen käyttö

Kahvinkeitin on tarkoitettu ainoastaan kahvin valmistamiseen. Tämä kahvinkeitin on tarkoitettu ainoastaan käytettäväksi kotitalouksissa. Laitetta ei saa käyttää kaupalliseen tarkoitukseen. Laitetta saa käyttää vain sisätiloissa. Noudata tämän käyttöohjeen kaikkia ohjeita, erityisesti turvaohjeita. Mikä tahansa muu käyttö on määräysten vastaista ja saattaa johtaa esinetai henkilövahinkoihin. Valmistaja ei ota vastuuta vahingoista, jotka johtuvat määräystenvastaisesta käytöstä.


1 Suodatinkori

2 Arominvalintakytkin

3 Vesisäiliön kansi

4 Vesimäärän näyttö

5 Virtakytkin ja integroitu merkkivalo

6 Mittalusikka

7 Suodatinpidike

8 Kahvinvalutin

Sijoitus ja kytkennät

Sähköiskun vaara!

Älä missään tapauksessa sijoita kahvinkeitintä veden, kuten tiskialtaan tai vedellä täytettyjen astioiden, läheisyyteen. Käytä kahvinkeitintä ainoastaan kuivalla alustalla. Veden läheisyys aiheuttaa mahdollisen vaaratilanteen, myös silloin, kun laite ei ole päällä. Irrota siksi verkkopistoke jokaisen käyttökerran jälkeen.


Tulipalon vaara!


Älä aseta kahvinkeitintä lämpölähteiden läheisyy-




Laite saattaa vahingoittua.





Käytä kahvinkeitintä ainoastaan tasaisella ja


kuumuutta kestävällä alustalla, jotta laitteen ja käyt-


töpaikan vaurioilta vältyttäisiin.

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+ 29 hidden pages