Pilz PNOZ mmc1p ETH User Manual

PNOZmulti Modbus/TCP
PNOZmulti Modular Safety System
Operating Manual — No. 1002104-EN-01
This document is a translation of the original document.
All rights to this documentation are reserved by Pilz GmbH & Co. KG. Copies may be made for internal purposes.
Suggestions and comments for improving this documentation will be gratefully received.
Pilz®, PIT®, PMI®, PNOZ®, Primo®, PSEN®, PSS®, PVIS®, SafetyBUS p®, SafetyEYE®, SafetyNET p®, the spirit of safety® are registered and protected trademarks of Pilz GmbH & Co. KG in some countries.
SD means Secure Digital.


Contents Page
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Validity of documentation 1-1
1.1.1 Retaining the documentation 1-1
1.2 Overview of documentation 1-2
1.3 Definition of symbols 1-3
1.4 System requirements 1-4
Chapter 2 Communication via Modbus/TCP
2.1 Modbus/TCP - Basics 2-1
2.2 Modbus/TCP with PNOZmulti 2-2
Chapter 3 Modbus/TCP - Data areas
3.1 Overview 3-1
3.2 Function codes 3-2
3.3 Data transfer limits 3-3
3.4 Assignment of data areas 3-4
3.4.1 Virtual inputs 3-4
3.4.2 Control Register 3-5
3.4.3 Virtual outputs 3-6
3.4.4 LEDs 3-7
3.4.5 Configuration 3-7
3.4.6 State of the inputs from the base unit and
expansion modules
3.4.7 State of the outputs from the base unit and
expansion modules
3.4.8 LED status 3-12
3.4.9 Diagnostic word, element types 3-14
3.4.10 Current state of the virtual inputs 3-22
3.4.11 State of process data 3-23
3.5 Updating the data areas 3-24
3.6 Bit addressing in a Register 3-25
Chapter 4 Application example
4.1 Modbus subscriber 4-1
4.2 Data exchange via Modbus/TCP 4-2
4.3 Device configuration 4-5
4.3.1 Modular safety system PNOZmulti 4-5
4.3.2 PSSu system in the automation system PSS 4000
4.3.3 Operator terminal PMI 4-9
Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Felix-Wankel-Straße 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: +49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: pilz.gmbh@pilz.de
Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Felix-Wankel-Straße 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany
Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: +49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: pilz.gmbh@pilz.de

1 Introduction

1.1 Validity of documentation

11000IntroductionIntroduction1-1.1Validity of docume ntation1100Validity of documenta tion1-Einf Einleitung
This operating manual explains the function and operation, describes the installation and provides guidelines on how to connect the product .

1.1.1 Retaining the documentation

Retaining the documentation1-Einf Aufbewahren
This documentation is intended for instruction and should be retained for future reference.
Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Felix-Wankel-Straße 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: +49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: pilz.gmbh@pilz.de
1 Introduction

1.2 Overview of documentation

1.2Overview of documentation1200Overview of documentation1-Einf_Uebersicht_über_die_Doku_6_Inbetriebnahme
1 Introduction
The introduction is designed to familiarise you with the contents, struc­ture and specific order of this manual.
2 Overview
This chapter provides information on the product's most important fea­tures.
3 Safety
This chapter must be read as it contains important information on safety and intended use.
4 Function Description
This chapter describes the product's mode of operation.
5 Installation
This chapter explains how to install the product.
6 Commissioning
This chapter describes the product's commissioning and wiring.
7 Operation
This chapter describes how to operate the product and gives tips in the case of a fault.
8 Technical Details
This chapter contains the product's technical details and order refer­ence.
Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Felix-Wankel-Straße 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: +49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: pilz.gmbh@pilz.de
1 Introduction

1.3 Definition of symbols

1.3Definition of symbols1300Definition of symbols1-Einfhrung Zeichen
Information that is particularly important is identified as follows:
This warning must be heeded! It warns of a hazardous situation that poses an immediate threat of serious injury and death and indicates preventive measures that can be taken.
This warning must be heeded! It warns of a hazardous situation that could lead to serious injury and death and indicates preven­tive measures that can be taken.
This refers to a hazard that can lead to a less serious or minor injury plus material damage, and also provides information on preventive measures that can be taken.
This describes a situation in which the product or devices could be damaged and also provides information on preventive meas­ures that can be taken.
This gives advice on applications and provides information on special features, as well as highlighting areas within the text that are of particular importance.
Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Felix-Wankel-Straße 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: +49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: pilz.gmbh@pilz.de
1 Introduction

1.4 System requirements

1.4System requirements1400System requirements1-Systemvoraussetzungen Modbus
` PNOZmulti Configurator: From Version 7.1.0 ` Base unit PNOZ m0p ETH: From Version 1.0 ` Base unit PNOZ m1p ETH: From Version 2.1 ` Base unit PNOZ m2p ETH: From Version 1.0 ` Base unit PNOZ m3p ETH: From Version 1.0 ` Expansion module PNOZ mmc1p ETH from Version 1.0
Please contact Pilz if you have an older version.
Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Felix-Wankel-Straße 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: +49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: pilz.gmbh@pilz.de

2 Communication via Modbus/TCP

2.1 Modbus/TCP - Basics

22000Communication via Modbus/TCPCommunication via Modbus/TCP2-2.1 Modbus/TCP - Basics2100 Modbus/TCP - Basics2-ModbusTCP_Modbus/TCP Allg-1
Modbus is an open fieldbus standard published by the User Group MODBUS-IDA (see www.Modbus-IDA.org).
Application Layer
(RFC 793)
(RFC 791)
Industrial Ethernet
Physical Layer
Modbus/TCP is a protocol based on Industrial Ethernet (TCP/IP over Ethernet). It is a protocol with Client/Server communication. Data is transferred via a request/response mechanism using function codes (FC).
Modbus/TCP is connection-oriented, i.e. before usable data is trans­ferred via Modbus/TCP, a connection must first be established between two Modbus/TCP interfaces. The initiator of the connection is called the Client. The communications partner with which the Client establishes the connection is called the Server. Whether a connection on a device assumes the role of Client or Server is defined when a connection is con­figured. As a result, the Server/Client role only applies for the used con­nection.
Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Felix-Wankel-Straße 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: +49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: pilz.gmbh@pilz.de
2 Communication via Modbus/TCP

2.2 Modbus/TCP with PNOZmulti

2.2Modbus/TCP with PNOZmulti2200Modbus/TCP with PNOZmulti2-ModbusTCP_Modbus/TCP Allg-2-PNOZmulti
All base units from the modular safety system PNOZmulti that have an Ethernet interface (PNOZ m1p ETH from V2.1) support Modbus/TCP. The same applies for the base units PNOZmulti Mini in conjunction with a communication module with Ethernet interface.
A PNOZmulti base unit can manage a max. of 8 Modbus/TCP connec­tions. The PNOZmulti is always the Server in a connection. The Clients in the connections may be various devices, e.g. PC (PNOZmulti Config­urator), control system, display unit. They can access the modular safety system PNOZmulti simultaneously.
The virtual I/Os plus all the information that is polled during fieldbus communication are contained in data areas. The data is accessed di­rectly. It's no longer necessary to switch via table/segment.
The configurations required for Modbus/TCP are fully pre-configured in the PNOZmulti operating system. All that's necessary in the PNOZmulti Configurator is to activate the virtual inputs and outputs (see PNOZmulti Configurator's online help, under "Display and edit module selection").
On a modular control system PNOZmulti, port number "502" is fixed as the default for data exchange via a Modbus/TCP connection. It is not displayed in the PNOZmulti Configurator and cannot be modified.
Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Felix-Wankel-Straße 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: +49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: pilz.gmbh@pilz.de

3 Modbus/TCP - Data areas

3.1 Overview

33000Modbus/TCP - Data areasModbus/TCP - Data areas3-3.1Overview3100Overview3-ModbusTCP_Modbus/TCP-Datenbereiche-PNOZmulti
A modular safety system PNOZmulti supports the following Modbus/ TCP data areas:
Data area Modbus syntax Example
Coils (Bit) 0x00000 … 0x65535 [read/write]
Discrete Inputs (Bit) 1x00000 … 1x65535 [read only]
Input Register (Word/16 Bits) 3x00000 … 3x65535 [read only]
Holding Register (Word/16 Bits) 4x00000 … 4x65535 [read/write]
0x[xxxxx] 0x00031
(virtual input i31)
1x[xxxxx] 1x08193
(virtual output o1)
3x[xxxxx] 3x00002
(virtual inputs 32 ... 47)
4x[xxxxx] 4x00805
(project name, 1st character)
Addressing for PNOZmulti systems starts at “0”. On devices from other manufacturers, addressing can start at “1”. Please refer to the operating manual provided by the relevant manufacturer.
Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Felix-Wankel-Straße 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: +49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: pilz.gmbh@pilz.de
3 Modbus/TCP - Data areas

3.2 Function codes

3.2Function codes3200Function codes3-ModbusTCP_Function Codes-PNOZmulti
The following function codes (FC) are available for communication with the modular safety system PNOZmulti via Modbus/TCP:
Function code Function
FC 01 Read Coils The Client in a connection reads bit data from the Server in the con-
nection, data length 1 Bit, content: input/output data (data received from 0x)
FC 02 Read Discrete Input The Client in a connection reads bit data from the Server in the con-
nection, data length 1 Bit, content: input/output data (data received from 1x)
FC 03 Read Holding Register The Client in a connection reads word data from the Server in the
connection, data length 1 Word, content: diagnostic word (data received from 4x)
FC 04 Read Input Register The Client in the connection reads word data from the Server in the
connection, data length 1 Word, content: diagnostic word (data received from 3x)
FC 05 Write Single Coil The Client in the connection writes to one bit datum in the Server in
the connection, data length = 1 Bit, content: input data (send data to 0x)
FC 06 Write Single Register The Client in the connection writes to one word datum in the Server
in the connection, data length = 1 Word, content: input data (send data to 4x)
FC 15 Write Multiple Coils The Client in the connection writes to multiple bit data in the Server
in the connection, data length 1 Bit, content: input data (send data to 0x)
FC 16 Write Multiple Registers The Client in a connection writes to multiple word data in the Server
in the connection, data length = 1 Word, content: input data (send data to 4x)
FC 23 Read/Write Multiple Reg-
The Client in a connection reads and writes multiple word data within a telegram (receive data from 3x and send data to 4x)
Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Felix-Wankel-Straße 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: +49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: pilz.gmbh@pilz.de
3 Modbus/TCP - Data areas

3.3 Data transfer limits

3.3Data transfer limits3300Data transfer limits3-ModbusTCP_Grenzen Datenübertragung-PNOZmulti
The following table contains information on the maximum data length per telegram that is supported:
Data transfer Max. data length per telegram
Read data (Bit)
Read data (Bit)
Read data (Word)
Write data (Word)
Read and write data (Word)
FC 01 (Read Coils) 1 … 2000 FC 02 (Read Discrete Inputs) FC 05 (Write Single Coil) 1 Bit FC 15 (Write Multiple Coils) 1 … 1968 FC 03 (Read Holding Registers) 1 … 125 FC 04 (Read Input Register) FC 06 (Write Single Register) 1 Word FC 16 (Write Multiple Registers) 1 … 123 Words FC 23 (Read/Write Multiple Registers) Read 1 … 125 Words
Write 1 … 121 Words
There may be some restrictions in data length, depending on the device that is used. Please refer to the information stated in the operating manual of the device you are using.
Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Felix-Wankel-Straße 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: +49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: pilz.gmbh@pilz.de
3 Modbus/TCP - Data areas

3.4 Assignment of data areas

3.4Assignment of data areas3400Assignment of data areas3-ModbusTCP_Coil and Register Map-Einleitung-PNOZmulti
Data can be accessed via various Modbus/TCP data areas.
The tables below show the relationship between Modbus/TCP data ar­eas and the content of the data areas.

3.4.1 Virtual inputs

Virtual inputs3-ModbusTCP_Datenbereiche-Virtuelle Eingänge-PNOZmulti
The table below describes the Modbus/TCP data areas that contain the current state of the virtual inputs on the PNOZmulti. These are the virtual inputs that can be set by the user.
Relevant areas for the data are defined in each Modbus/TCP data area (Coils (0x), Discrete Inputs (1x), Input Register (3x), Holding Register (4x)). Read/write access will depend on the Modbus/TCP data area.
Register (3x, 4x)
0 15... 0 State of the inputs
1 31... 6 State of the inputs
2 47...32 State of the inputs
3 63...48 State of the inputs
4 79... 64 State of the inputs
5 95...80 State of the inputs
6 111...96 State of the inputs
7 127...112 State of the inputs
Coil/ Discrete Input (0x, 1x)
Content High Byte Low Byte
i15…i8 i7…i0
i31…i24 i23…i16
i47…i40 i39…i32
i63…i56 i55…i48
i79…i72 i71…i64
i95…i88 i87…i80
i111…i104 i103…i96
i127…i120 i119…i112
Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Felix-Wankel-Straße 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: +49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: pilz.gmbh@pilz.de
3 Modbus/TCP - Data areas
3.4 Assignment of data areas

3.4.2 Control Register

Control Register3-ModbusTCP_Datenbereiche-Control Register-PNOZmulti
A watchdog can be activated in Control Register 255. If no input bits are set by a Modbus/TCP subscriber within the preset time, the PNOZmulti will set the input bits to "0".
The table below describes the Modbus/TCP data areas for the watch­dog.
A relevant area for the watchdog is defined in each Modbus/TCP data area (Coils (0x), Discrete Inputs (1x), Input Register (3x), Holding Register (4x)). Read/write access will depend on the Modbus/TCP data area.
Register (3x, 4x)
255 4095...4080 Control Register See table below
High Byte WD-Trig-
Low Byte Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved
Coil/ Discrete Input (0x, 1x)
Error Mes­sage
Content High Byte Low Byte
Reserved Reserved Reserved W-Timer
Bit 2
W-Timer Bit 1
W-Timer Bit 0
Bit 15 "Watchdog Trigger": The watchdog can be triggered by setting Bit 15 constantly to "1", or by a Client writing in the input area of the 128 inputs. The state of the bit when reading is undefined. A 1 or a 0 can be read.
Bit 14 "Error Message": If this bit is set, an error stack entry is generated when the watchdog is triggered.
Bit 10 … 8 "WD Timer": If the set time for the watchdog is set, then Bit 15 must be set, or become set, at the same time.
Watchdog Timer Bit 2 Watchdog Timer Bit 1 Watchdog Timer Bit 0 Watchdog time
000Timer deactivated 001100 ms 010200 ms 011500 ms 1001 s 1013 s 1105 s 11110 s
Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Felix-Wankel-Straße 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: +49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: pilz.gmbh@pilz.de
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