Inficon Sensistor ISH2000 HySpeed Operating Instructions Manual

Hydrogen Leak Detector
Sensistor ISH2000 HySpeed
Operating Instructions
Publication: INFICON AB - Part number nind69e1-a (1203) - All information can be modified without prior notice
Hydrogen leak detector Sensistor ISH2000 HySpeed - Operating Instructions
Welcome to Sensistor ISH2000 HySpeed
Dear customer,
This manual provides user information for installing and operating the Sensistor ISH2000 HySpeed unit. For start-up installation advice please contact the supplier.
The Sensistor ISH2000 HySpeed is a development of the ISH2000 range of hydrogen leak detectors adapted for rapid automated leak detection in packaging lines. The leak detection process is built on the Sensistor technology that uses diluted hydrogen as tracer gas. The tracer gas is a safe and inexpensive standard mix of 5% hydrogen (E949) and 95% nitrogen (E941). These gases are commonly used as packaging gases, for example, and have been approved as food additives.
The Sensistor ISH2000 HySpeed comprises a compact, panel-mounted instrument and a wired sampling probe. For a complete test station, it is normally necessary to install equipment for handling the packages and for communication with the leak detection instrument.
In principle, in-line leak testing with the Sensistor ISH2000 HySpeed suits all types of packaging where it is possible to create over-pressure for the enclosed tracer gas so as to permit leak testing. All types of flexible plastic packaging, such as bottles, bags for powders and creams, bag-in-box bags, trays and tubes can be tested.
When reading this manual, please pay particular attention to Warning, Caution and Notice found throughout the text. The Warning, Caution and Notices are defined in chapter 1.1.
This product complies with the requirements of European Directives, listed in the Declaration of Conformity found on page 49 in this document. These Directives are amended by Directive 93/68/E.E.C (E.C. Marking).
Copyright/Intellectual property
The use of INFICON AB products are subject to copyright and intellectual property rights in force in any jurisdiction. All rights reserved, including copying this document in whole or in any part without prior written authorization from INFICON AB.
Though INFICON AB believes reasonable efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in the document, it may include inaccuracies or typographical errors. INFICON AB reserves the right to change the information inside the document without further notice.
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1 User information.......................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Notes and safety notices..........................................................................................................5
1.2 Document outline.................................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Conventions used in this book.................................................................................................5
2 Description of equipment............................................................................................................. 6
2.1 Sensistor ISH2000 HySpeed ..................................................................................................... 6
3 Controls and connections............................................................................................................. 7
3.1 Display ....................................................................................................................................7
3.2 Push-buttons ........................................................................................................................... 7
3.3 LEDs ........................................................................................................................................ 7
3.4 Ports and connections .............................................................................................................8
4 Precautions .................................................................................................................................. 10
4.1 When working with gas ........................................................................................................10
4.2 Hydrogen Tracer Gas for leak detection ................................................................................. 11
4.3 Interferences .........................................................................................................................11
5 Working principle........................................................................................................................ 12
5.1 Leak detection methods ........................................................................................................12
5.2 Gas sensor Technology ......................................................................................................... 12
5.3 Condition for leak detection .................................................................................................. 12
5.4 Leak detection modes............................................................................................................ 12
6 Operating the detector............................................................................................................... 15
6.1 To Detect leaks.....................................................................................................................15
6.2 To Locate Leaks .................................................................................................................... 15
6.3 To Quantify Leaks .................................................................................................................16
7 Calibrate the leak detector......................................................................................................... 17
7.1 Introduction ..........................................................................................................................17
7.2 Calibration reference ............................................................................................................. 17
7.3 Calibration procedure............................................................................................................17
7.4 Reference value by gas concentration .................................................................................... 18
8 Reference section........................................................................................................................ 19
8.1 Menu system.........................................................................................................................19
Button functions..............................................................................................................................................................19
8.2 Engineering format................................................................................................................ 19
8.3 Change Test Mode ................................................................................................................ 20
8.4 Calibration ............................................................................................................................20
Calibration intervals .........................................................................................................................................................20
Sensitivity too low for reject level .....................................................................................................................................20
High signal! Check reference!..........................................................................................................................................20
Sensor condition indicator ...............................................................................................................................................21
Calibration messages .......................................................................................................................................................21
Reference Value...............................................................................................................................................................22
Reference Unit.................................................................................................................................................................22
Calibration Time ..............................................................................................................................................................22
Minimum calibration time................................................................................................................................................23
Password protected calibration ........................................................................................................................................23
8.5 Detection Mode Settings ....................................................................................................... 23
To detect leaks ................................................................................................................................................................23
To locate leaks.................................................................................................................................................................24
Background compensation ..............................................................................................................................................24
Sensitivity ........................................................................................................................................................................24
Auto Range .....................................................................................................................................................................25
Direct Sensitivity Adjustment............................................................................................................................................25
Audio Threshold ..............................................................................................................................................................25
Reject Indicator................................................................................................................................................................25
Audio Ready Pulse ...........................................................................................................................................................25
8.6 Analysis mode ....................................................................................................................... 25
To analyse leaks...............................................................................................................................................................25
Reject level ......................................................................................................................................................................25
Correlation Value.............................................................................................................................................................26
Analysis Unit....................................................................................................................................................................26
Min Presentation Time .....................................................................................................................................................26
Display Threshold.............................................................................................................................................................26
Audio Threshold ..............................................................................................................................................................26
Reject Indications.............................................................................................................................................................26
Show Reject Level ............................................................................................................................................................26
Audio Ready Pulse ...........................................................................................................................................................26
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8.7 APC Settings .........................................................................................................................26
Probe Type ......................................................................................................................................................................27
APC Time A-D .................................................................................................................................................................27
Purge Level ......................................................................................................................................................................27
8.8 Display Settings ..................................................................................................................... 27
Contrast ..........................................................................................................................................................................27
Invert Colors ....................................................................................................................................................................27
Screen Save Timeout........................................................................................................................................................27
8.9 General settings ....................................................................................................................28
Language ........................................................................................................................................................................28
Probe Button ...................................................................................................................................................................28
Probe Lamp .....................................................................................................................................................................28
Change Password ............................................................................................................................................................28
Audio Base Frequency......................................................................................................................................................28
Set Clock .........................................................................................................................................................................28
Set Date ..........................................................................................................................................................................29
Printer Port ......................................................................................................................................................................29
Info .................................................................................................................................................................................29
8.10 Service Settings .....................................................................................................................29
Show Password ...............................................................................................................................................................29
Instrument system Reset ..................................................................................................................................................29
Probe System Reset..........................................................................................................................................................29
Detector Signal Level .......................................................................................................................................................29
HySpeed Parameters ........................................................................................................................................................30
Minimum Calibration Time ..............................................................................................................................................30
Calibration Tolerance.......................................................................................................................................................30
Number of Significant Digits ............................................................................................................................................30
Debug Mode ...................................................................................................................................................................30
Service Mode...................................................................................................................................................................30
8.11 Combined Mode ................................................................................................................... 30
8.12 Probe ....................................................................................................................................30
8.13 Probe Control Port................................................................................................................. 31
Probe Control Port Connector..........................................................................................................................................31
Status signal patterns.......................................................................................................................................................32
8.14 Printer port............................................................................................................................33
Connector pin configuration............................................................................................................................................33
Selectable printer types....................................................................................................................................................34
RS232 serial communication ............................................................................................................................................36
APC driver installation......................................................................................................................................................38
8.15 Sensistor ISH2000 HySpeed installation.................................................................................. 39
Installation process ..........................................................................................................................................................39
8.16 Default parameters................................................................................................................40
9 Trouble-shooting......................................................................................................................... 42
10 Sensistor ISH2000 HySpeed specifications................................................................................ 43
11 Spare parts and accessories........................................................................................................ 46
12 Support by INFICON.................................................................................................................... 48
12.1 How To Contact INFICON ......................................................................................................48
12.2 Returning your instrument to INFICON................................................................................... 48
13 Declaration of conformity .......................................................................................................... 49
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1 User information
Read this user manual carefully before using the Sensistor ISH2000 HySpeed.
1.1 Notes and safety notices
This manual contains warnings and cautions concerning the safe use of the product. See definitions below.
Note: A Note is used to indicate information that is important for trouble-free and
optimal use of the Sensistor ISH2000 HySpeed.
1.2 Document outline
The document is devided in two main parts:
Getting started
Reference section The Getting started part consists of step by step case examples, explaining how to
use the Sensistor ISH2000 HySpeed in a variety common situations. The Reference section consists of in depth explanation and additional information, which completes the user manual with all relevant information.
1.3 Conventions used in this book
In this user manual the following text style (hardware command) is used for references to hardware commands or button labels, while this text style (
command) is used for references to software commands and menu choices.
Warning indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury. It is important not to proceed until all stated conditions are met and clearly understood.
Caution indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury. It is important not to proceed until all stated conditions are met and clearly understood.
Notice indicates instructions that must be followed to avoid damage to the Sensistor ISH2000 HySpeed or other equipment.
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2 Description of equipment
2.1 Sensistor ISH2000 HySpeed
Sensistor ISH2000 HySpeed is a leak test detector optimized for high speed leak testing. The model is particularly aimed at testing packages, but possible to use for other applications as well where the time allowed for a LEAK/NO LEAK decision is extremely limited. The testing speed can be up to four tests per second. The detector is designed for integrating in a packaging machine or similar applications. If you intend to make the leak test using accumulation, shell damps, scanning or by hand sniffing we recommend the standard model of Sensistor ISH2000.
Sensistor ISH2000 HySpeed is equipped with a number of powerful functions making it very easy to integrate in a semi or fully automatic test system. The functions range from output of all necessary status signals and printer/ communication port to an advanced Active Probe Control system (APC). This makes the detector capable of controlling advanced sample collecting devices down to simple test fixtures.
The model consists of one part apart from the manual, etc: Fig 2-1. Sensistor ISH2000 HySpeed
Item Description
Detector unit
User manual (not shown)
Product return form (not shown)
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3 Controls and connections
The controls and connections are discussed and shown in this chapter.
Fig 3-1. Sensistor ISH2000 HySpeed controls and indicators.
3.1 Display
The display shows:
indicator bar in Detection Mode and the figures in Analysis Mode.
seven main menus. Their positions are indicated on a horizontal scale. Change from one menu to another using the < and > buttons.
main menus have submenus, which are also indicated by horizontal scales and can be selected using the < and > buttons.
scales for setting numeric values, languages, etc.
3.2 Push-buttons
The functions of the push-buttons are shown at the lower edge of the display. In this manual the buttons are numbered, from left to right, 1, 2, 3, and 4. The push-buttons are used to:
Change from one menu item to another using the < and > buttons.
Press Enter to move down to the nearest submenu.
Press Save to save the set value.
Press Undo to restore the previously set value.
Press Esc to move up to the nearest higher level(s).
3.3 LEDs
The two LEDs indicate the status of the instrument as follows:
Green flashing slowly, during warming up phase.
Green fixed light indicates that instrument is ready and hydrogen signal is below
Item Description
1 Display
2 Loudspeaker
3 Control push-buttons
4 Earphone socket
5 Probe connector
6 LEDs
3 3 3 3
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Reject Level limit.
Red fixed light together with Reject on display means the instrument has detected a leak larger than the set Reject Level limit.
Red flashing rapidly, check message on screen. (See “Trouble-shooting” on page 42.)
3.4 Ports and connections
Sensistor ISH2000 HySpeed
Fig 3-2. Sensistor ISH2000 HySpeed ports and connections.
Item Description
1 Probe connection
2 Ground screw
3 Power connector
4 Probe control port
5 Printer port
Always connect all four wires to the Power connector to 24VDC in order to operate.
Sensistor ISH2000 HySpeed Rear View
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4 Precautions
Read this user manual carefully before using the instrument. Hydrogen Leak Detector Sensistor ISH2000 HySpeed is extremely selective. Only Hydrogen Sulphide (extremely toxic) gives a comparable response to hydrogen.
4.1 When working with gas
The normal risks associated with working with all compressed gases must be considered.
Before connecting tracer gas: confirm that the connectors or test object is designed for working at the test pressure.
Note: INFICON AB can not take any responsibility for the consequences arising from the
inappropriate use of certain test pressures.
Pure hydrogen is a flammable gas. Only use ready-made Hydrogen Tracer Gas of 5% Hydrogen in Nitrogen. This is a standard industrial gas mixture used in various industrial applications.
Note: Whenever the word Hydrogen is used in this manual it implies that the hydrogen gas is safely mixed with Nitrogen in the proportions 5% H2 ­95% N2.
Since the tracer gas mix contains no oxygen, releasing large amounts of gas in a confined space may lead to asphyxiation.
Compressed gases contain a great deal of stored energy. Always carefully secure gas bottles before connecting pressure regulator. Never transport gas bottle with the pressure regulator fitted.
Pressurising objects at too high pressures can result in a burst object. This in turn can result in serious injury or even death.
Never pressurise objects that have not previously been burst tested or otherwise approved for the chosen test pressure.
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Pressure shocks might cause strong sounds which can cause impairment of hearing. Check that all relevant legislation and safety standards are complied with before
putting Sensistor ISH2000 HySpeed into service.
4.2 Hydrogen Tracer Gas for leak detection
When pure hydrogen gas is released in air its flammability range spans from 4% to 75% of hydrogen in air. Below 4% there is insufficient chemical energy available for a flame to occur. Above 75% hydrogen there is not enough oxygen left to support a flame.
When, for example, a mixture of less than 5.5 % hydrogen in nitrogen mixes with air there is not sufficient energy to support a flame, irrespective of the ratio of air-to­gas.
When a mixture of more than 5.5 % hydrogen in nitrogen is released into air there is a region of ratios of air-to-gas where the mixture is flammable. When, for example, a mixture of 10% hydrogen in nitrogen mixes with air there is still very little energy available. Only in exceptional circumstances can a flame be self­supporting. However, such mixtures cannot detonate.
4.3 Interferences
Most tracer gas methods suffer from some sort of interference. Either the detector is sensitive to other gases or vapors, or there are other sources of the gas present to which the detector is sensitive.
Some examples of possible hydrogen sources:
Engine exhaust
Battery charging stations
Cigarette smoke
Breathing air
Human flatulence
Scratching on aluminum surfaces
Hydrogen/nitrogen mixtures containing approximately more than 15% hydrogen can detonate when mixed in certain proportions with air.
Never make your own mixtures. Only use ready­made mixtures or use a certified hydrogen/ nitrogen mixture mixer installed by your gas supplier.
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5 Working principle
5.1 Leak detection methods
Leak detection or leak testing can easily be done with help of Sensistor ISH2000 HySpeed.
By pressurizing the test object with a tracer gas, consist a mix of 5% hydrogen and 95% nitrogen, all hole and capillaries will be filled up with the tracer gas.
The tracer gas penetrates through leaks and out on the outside. On the outside the leaks position will be able to detect and the size of the leak be able to measure by the leak detector instrument with a tracer gas-sensitive probe.
5.2 Gas sensor Technology
The Sensistor ISH2000 HySpeed leak detector is using an extremely sensitive hydrogen gas sensor based on a microelectronic field effect transistor (MOS-FET).
The gas sensitivity appears when hydrogen absorbs into the sensor through a metal alloy (metal hydride) layer.
Only hydrogen can diffuse into the metal and this makes the sensors practically insensitive to other substances that do not contain free hydrogen molecules.
The signals from the sensors are processed by a microprocessor which also controls the sensor temperature with high accuracy, and other sensor diagnostics in order to ensure perfect functionality. It also automatically compensates for background gas.
5.3 Condition for leak detection
To use the leak detector the test object must be filled and pressurized by tracer gas (95% N
/ 5% H2) to get a gas flow through the leak. The tracer gas is a standard welding gas of industry quality, easy to obtain at low cost. The generic name is Forming Gas. Appropriate gas filling equipment can be obtained from the leak detector supplier.
Be careful of how tracer gases are handled after use. Released tracer gas contaminates the surrounding air with hydrogen and can complicate the following measurements for a time. Ensure that the tracer gas is ventilated away from the target area, preferably to the outside of the building.
5.4 Leak detection modes
The detector operates in three modes:
The leak locating mode (Detection Mode), mainly used for detecting and locating
leaks but not quantifying them.
The hydrogen measurement mode (Analysis Mode) measures the concentration of
The Combined Mode, (default mode) which is a combination of Detection and
Analysis mode.
The Detection Mode operates continuously while the Analysis Mode determines the hydrogen concentration (and calculates a corresponding leak rate) in a step measurement. Detection Mode gives no numbers. It therefore needs no actual
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calibration. The sensitivity of the sound signal and the moving bar on the display is set manually or automatically, see below.
When using the instrument in Analysis Mode, it must be calibrated as described. See “Calibrate the leak detector” on page 17 in order to give correct figures.
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6 Operating the detector
6.1 To Detect leaks
If all you wish to do is to detect the presence of a leak, that is, find out whether there is a leak or not, then use the Detection Mode (or use the detection bar in Combined Mode). The definition of Leak/No Leak will then simply be ”A leak is a leak when it can be detected by the detector, set to a specific sensitivity”.
To set up:
The operation in Detection Mode is not quantitative. The audio and visual signal will increase and decrease with the gas concentration. Therefore, there is no actual calibration to be done, but rather a setting of the sensitivity to a desired level.
A typical set-up procedure for Detection Mode is:
Set up a reference leak which corresponds to the smallest leak you wish to detect.
Put the probe close to the reference leak and note approximately what reaction you get (no reaction, small, medium, high, full scale) within the first few seconds.
Set the sensitivity. This can be done permanently under the menu Detection Mode Settings or temporarily as a Direct Sensitivity Adjustment on the display (unless you have set this function to OFF under the Detection Mode Settings menu).
There is also an Auto ranging function which can be selected under the Detection Mode Settings menu.
Note: If the Detection Mode is used and the alarm function is required to be
activated at a particular calibrated level, then the unit must be calibrated in accordance with the instructions, see “Calibrate the leak detector” on page 17. The reason for this is that the alarm is based on the Analysis Mode when the Detection Mode is displayed.
6.2 To Locate Leaks
Note: The Detection Mode (or use the detection bar in Combined Mode) is used
to locate leaks. This mode is semi-quantitative, that is, it gives an audio and visual signal which increases as a leak is approached (a higher gas concentration) and decreases as you move the probe away from the leak. It does not display figures. In this mode of operation leaks can easily be detected using a sensitivity which can be preset. See “To locate leaks” on page 24 and “Direct Sensitivity Adjustment” on page 25.
Leaks can be located very accurately, even when there are other leaks nearby. If, for example, you are trying to locate a leak on a product and the product has a major leak, then you will get an audio signal as soon as the probe is placed close to the product. When the probe is moved around and over the product, the signal will increase as the probe approaches the leak. If the signal goes out of scale, simply reduce the sensitivity setting to bring the signal within the scale. Working with the sensitivity setting this way you will be able to locate multiple leaks that are in close proximity to each other.
Note: Working inside a confined space such as, for example, a cabinet or a narrow
passage on a combustion engine there is a risk that the background concentration accumulates to levels close to the upper detection limit of the detector. In such case it will not be possible to locate leaks as easily as in open spaces.
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Hint: It is good practice to detect a leak, locate it, and immediately remove the probe to avoid saturation. The probe is not damaged by the exposure but it will recover more slowly. After excessive exposure it will be less sensitive for a short period of time.
6.3 To Quantify Leaks
The Analysis Mode (or use the analysis figures in Combined Mode) is used for measuring the size of a leak (or the concentration of a gas sample). To be able to do this measurement and obtain correct values, the instrument must first be calibrated using the calibration function.
In the Analysis Mode the detector determines the gas concentration from the change, as the probe goes from being exposed to background to being exposed to a certain gas concentration. The detector does not continuously monitor the gas concentration but takes just one reading instead. Another suitable alternative name for this mode could be Sampling Mode. It is important to keep this in mind when using the detector in this mode.
In Analysis Mode the probe should be moved directly from a background situation to the test point. The size of the leak in PPM, or any other selected units, is shown on the display. The probe can and should be removed from the measuring point as the measured value steadies and remains on the display. The period during which the measured value is displayed can be adjusted in the Analysis Mode Settings menu.
The leak detector operates in the range 20 - 50000 ppm (0,002-5%) H2.
• Do not open detector! Service of this equipment may only be carried out by ser­vice organisations authorised therefore by INFICON, Sweden.
• If the detector gets outer damage it must be controlled and repaired by service organisation authorised by INFICON.
• Do not expose the probe to a hydrogen concentration higher than 0.1 % when the instrument is not put into operation, this might damage or destroy the probe sensor.
Note:• When the instrument is put into operation the sensor withstands
temporary exposure to hydrogen concentration up to 100%. Avoid long exposures to high concentrations.
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7 Calibrate the leak detector
7.1 Introduction
The leak detector is the instrument and the probe together.
This section of the user manual consists of step by step examples about how to calibrate the detector in the most common cases. For more about the calibration routine see the reference section.
The instrument must be calibrated by using the integrated calibration function to make sure it displays the correct values in Analysis Mode. After calibration the instrument will show the correct measured values on the display in
Analysis Mode.
The calibration parameters will be stored into the probe or in the Combox.
7.2 Calibration reference
There is a possibility to calibrate the detector by Reference Gas concentration.
A Reference contains a well-defined concentration of Hydrogen gas in ppm mixed by air or some inert gas. If you use premixed Reference gas a Certificate will normally follow the gas bottles. Reference Gas can be ordered from local gas suppliers.
Choose a calibration reference size, as follows recommendations:
Same or higher than the Reject Level (but maximum 10 times higher)
in the following range: 500-5000 ppm H2
Please contact the provider of the detector for help to select optimal calibration reference for your application.
7.3 Calibration procedure
Before calibration, the Reference Value in the Calibration Menu must be set. See “With reference gas concentration”.
When calibrating, expose the probe to the background air then do the following steps:
1. First Menu then Calibration/Calibrate/Enter.
2. Push the
Start button or push the probe button.
3. Expose the probe to the reference gas/leak
The probe does not have to be exposed to the to the calibration gas during the whole
Calibration Time (the time set in the Calibration menu while the bar is moving).
The instrument only measures the change as the probe goes from the background air to calibration gas.
While the calibration time bar is moving, the probe should be exposed to the calibration gas or reference leak. Then the display shows
Detecting Gas and gives
sound signals. Repeat the calibration routine until you can save the calibration. If the calibration is not saved, the instrument will revert to the previous value after one minute.
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