Garmin G1000 System Overview

System Overview
for the Beechcraft A36/G36
Record of Revisions
Revision Date of Revision Revision Page Range Description
A 7/19/05 ----------- Initial release
Garmin G1000 System Overview for the Beechcraft A36/G36 190-00571-00 Rev. A
No. 1 GIA 63
Integrated Avionics Unit
System Inegration Processors
I/O Processors
AFCS Mode Logic
Flight Director Calculations
Servo Communication
No. 2 GIA 63
Integrated Avionics Unit
System Integration Processors
I/O Processors
Servo Communication
GTX 32
or GTX 33
High-Speed Data Bus (Ethernet)
GEA 71
Air Data
Vertical Speed
GRS 77
Rate of Turn
GMU 44
GPS Output
GPS Output
GSA 81
Pitch Servo
Autopilot Calculations
GSA 81
Pitch Trim Servo
Autopilot Calculations
GSA 81
Roll Servo
Autopilot Calculations
GSA 81
Yaw Servo
Autopilot Calculations
This System Overview Pilot’s Guide provides a basic description of the G1000 System as it pertains to the Beechcraft A36/G36. The description includes the Garmin Automatic Flight Control System (AFCS).


System. A G1000 system block diagram is given in Fig­ure 2.2.1. Refer to the Pilot’s Guide Appendices for LRU specifications.
This section gives a brief description of the G1000
Figure 2.2.1 G1000 System Block Diagram
GDU 1040/GDU 1043 – The G1000 features two displays, the GDU 1040 and GDU 1043. The GDU 1040 is a 10.4-inch LCD display with 1024 x 768 resolution and is configured as a Primary Flight Display. The GDU 1040 displays the Flight Director command bars, system annunciations and alerts, pilot-selectable references, and flight information. The GDU 1043 is configured as a Multi Function Display which contains the dedicated AFCS keys and GPS/Navigation controls. The displays com­municate with each other through a high-speed data bus (HSDB) Ethernet connection. Each display is also paired via an ethernet connection.
GMA 1347 – Installed between the MFD and PFD, the GMA 1347 integrates NAV/COM digital audio, intercom system and marker beacon controls. The GMA 1347 communicates with both GIA 63s using an RS-232 digital interface. The GMA 1347 also controls manual display reversionary mode.
GIA 63 – There are two GIA 63s. The GIA 63 func- tions as a main communication hub, linking all LRUs with the PFD and the MFD displays. Each GIA 63 contains a GPS receiver, VHF COM/NAV/GS receiv­ers, and system integration microprocessors. Each GIA 63 is paired with a respective display through an ethernet connection. The GIAs are not paired together and do not communicate with each other directly.
Each GIA 63 also contains the AFCS software
which controls the Flight Director. During normal operation, the GRS 77 AHRS and GDC 74A Air Data Computer send attitude and air data information to the GIA 63s. This information, combined with GPS and other system data, is used by the Flight Director and Autopilot. Flight Director commands are calculated within the #1 GIA 63 and are sent to the PFD for display and mode annunciation. Flight information is also sent to the GSA 81 servos for Autopilot operation. A GIA #1 failure results in the loss of the AFCS system. Any GIA 63 failure results in loss of the Autopilot function.
GRS 77 – The GRS 77 is an Attitude and Heading Reference System (AHRS) that provides aircraft attitude and heading information to both the G1000 displays and the GIA 63s. The unit contains advanced sensors, accelerometers and rate sensors. In addition, the GRS 77 interfaces with both the GDC 74A Air Data Computer and the GMU 44 Magnetometer. The GRS 77 also utilizes GPS signals sent from the GIA 63. Attitude and heading infor­mation is sent using an ARINC 429 digital interface to both GDU 1040s and GIA 63s. AHRS modes of operation are discussed later in this document.
GMU 44 – The GMU 44 Magnetometer measures local magnetic field information. Data is sent to the GRS 77 AHRS for processing to determine air­craft magnetic heading. This unit receives power directly from the GRS 77 and communicates with the GRS 77 using an RS-485 digital interface.
190-00571-00 Rev. AGarmin G1000 System Overview for the Beechcraft A36/G36
GDC 74A – The GDC 74A Air Data Computer processes information from the pitot/static system as well as the outside air temperature (OAT) sensor. The GDC 74A provides pressure altitude, airspeed, vertical speed and OAT information to the G1000 system, and communicates with the GIA 63s, GDU 1040s and GRS 77 using an ARINC 429 digital interface.
GEA 71 – The GEA 71 receives and processes signals from the engine and airframe sensors. Sensor types include engine temperature and pressure sensors as well as fuel measurement and pressure sensors. The GEA 71 communicates with both GIA 63s using an RS-485 digital interface.
GTX 33 – The GTX 33 is a solid-state, Mode-S transponder that provides Modes A, C and S opera­tion. The GTX 33 is controlled through the PFD and communicates with both GIA 63s through an RS-232 digital interface.
SA 81 AFCS Servos – Four GSA 81 servos are used for automatic control of the aircraft flight control surfaces. One servo is used for the each of the following:
Each servo moves its respective aircraft control
surface in response to commands generated by internal servo calculations. For pitch trim, the servo positions the aircraft pitch trim surface in response to commands generated by automatic and manual electric pitch trim calculations. Calculations are performed using data sent through the common serial data bus from the GIA 63. Manual Electric Pitch Trim is also provided in response to the Manual Electric Trim (
MET) switch.

Optional Equipment

This System Overview only covers the baseline configuration of the G1000. Descriptions and procedures relating to optional equipment is covered in the G1000 Optional Equipment Pilot’s Guide. Consult a Garmin authorized service center for A36/G36 optional equipment availability and configuration.
• Pitch
• Roll
• Pitch Trim
• Yaw
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