Crosshair – You can choose the shape of your crosshair by cycling
through the selections, or you can choose to have no crosshair
at all.
Language – You may select the text and voice language of the game.
Subtitles – There are three settings for the subtitles. Cinematic Only
will show subtitles only during a cinematic cut scene. On will show
subtitles for any dialogue being spoken during game play and cut
scenes. Off will not display any subtitles during the game.
Default Settings
This menu option resets all settings to their defaults. You will be
asked to confirm this decision.
This sub-menu of the LCARS system gives images and
biographies of the Voyager Senior Staff, Hazard Team
Alpha Squad and Beta Squad.
Senior Staff – Portraits and biographical information
for Captain Janeway, Commander Chakotay, Lt.
Commander Tuvok, Lt. Torres, Ensign Paris, Ensign
Kim, the Doctor, Seven of Nine, and Neelix.
Alpha Squad – Portraits and biographical information
for Lt. Foster, Ensign Munro, Crewman Chang, Crewman Biessman,
Crewman Murphy, Crewman Chell, and Crewman Jurot.
Beta Squad – Portraits and biographical information for Crewman
Oviedo, Crewman Lathrop, Crewman Odell, Crewman Csatlos, Crewman
Jaworski, Crewman Nelson, and Crewman Laird.
A homage to all of the people at Raven Software, Activision and a
dozen other companies who worked together to bring you Star Trek:
Voyager—Elite Force.
Selecting the Exit Program icon will bring up a screen that asks if
you are sure that you want to quit the game. Select No or Main Menu
if you want to return to the LCARS menu system. Select Yes if you
want to exit the game and return to your desktop environment.
Within this sub-menu you can customize your audio options. The
volume of different types of sounds in the game can be raised or
lowered, depending on your gameplay preference. You can change
the following settings:
Effects Volume – A slider that allows you to change the sound
volume of weapon, explosion, and other ambient in-game sound
Music Volume – A slider that allows you to change the sound
volume of music.
Voice Volume – A slider that allows you to change the sound
volume of character voices.
Sound Quality – Choose between High or Low settings. Switching
modes will cause the system to restart. This is normal.
A3D – Allows you to select A3D audio if your sound card supports
it. If you’re not sure if your sound card supports A3D, set this
option to Off.
Game Options
Within this sub-menu, you can customize various game options.
You can change the following settings:
Light Flares – The engine’s use of Light Flares or “halos” can be
set to On or Off. Turning Light Flares Off will increase performance
on low-end video cards.
Sync Every Frame – This option evens out the performance of
various graphics cards at the possible expense of performance. This
option can be turned On or Off.
Identify Target – Toggles the ability to identify a target with
descriptive text phrases On or Off. The ability to identify a target
can be turned On or Off.
Dynamic Lights – This option can be turned On or Off. Dynamic
lights are system resource intensive. Turning them Off will increase
game performance.
Wall Marks – Wall damage and decals from weapon fire can be
turned On or Off. Turning wall marks Off will increase performance
on low-end video cards.