Insert the Star Trek® Elite ForceTMII CD #1 into your CD-ROM drive. If your
CD-ROM drive has AutoPlay enabled, click the Install button and follow
the on-screen instructions. If AutoPlay is not enabled, double-click on the
My Computer icon on your desktop. Double-click on the CD-ROM drive icon.
Follow the installation instructions. If Elite Force II does not begin
installing immediately, double click on setup.exe.
For updates to Elite Force II, please refer to
Note: You must have the Elite Force II CD (CD #1) in your CD-ROM drive in order to
play the game.
Enter CD Key
To install the game, you must have a valid CD key. Your unique CD key is
affixed on the back of the manual cover. During installation, please enter
the key exactly as it appears on the manual cover. Keep your copy of the CD
key safe and private in case you need to reinstall the game at a later point.
Never give your CD key to anyone. If you lose your CD key, you will not be
issued another one.
Tuvok will instruct you on the basics that every Hazard Team member
should know before going into the field.
To go back to the main menu, click the Main Menu button or press the
ESC key.
Load Game – This menu will allow you to load any previously saved games.
Select the game that you want to load and click on the Load button.
To delete any of your old games, select the game and click on the
Delete button. Remember, if you delete your saved game, you cannot
retrieve it later.
MultiMatch – In MultiMatch, you can play in a HoloMatch against computer
or human players.
Configure – This will take you to the Options menu where you can
customise different aspects of the game.
Exit – Exit the game.
Configuration Options
At this menu, you can choose to configure your controls, video options,
advanced video options, audio options and game options.
Latest Information
The latest information about the game is in the ReadMe file on the game
disc. Select ReadMe from the Start Menu to view this information. If you
have problems installing or playing the game, you can also find help in the
Support Info file section of the splash screen.
Double-clicking on the Star Trek®Elite ForceTMII icon on your desktop
launches the game and displays the main menu. Press the ESC key at any
time to access the main menu. If you’re currently in a game, pressing the
ESC key will give you a simplified menu.
New Game – Begin a new game. If you wish to change the difficulty level,
click on one of the skill levels (i.e., Easy, Normal, Hard or Very Hard). Note
that as the difficulty level increases, the damage that is caused by enemies
will increase as well.
To brush up on your skills or if you’re new to this type of game, we
recommend that you play the training missions. Lieutenant Commander
At this screen, you can configure your movement, attack, weapon hotkeys
and the gameplay controls. To change a key associated with a particular
command, click on the command that you want to change. When the
Press a Key prompt appears, the next key that you press will be associated
with that action.
Video Mode – Select a screen resolution for the game. Elite Force II
supports game resolutions from 640x480 up to 1600x1200.
Colour Depth – Select the colour depth of the game. You can choose from
the default setting, 16 bit or 32 bit. 16 bit colour depth is recommended
for lower end video cards.
Texture Detail – Select the level of texture detail in the game. Low texture
detail is recommended for low end video cards.
Texture Filter – Select either bilinear or trilinear filtering. Select bilinear if
you have a lower end video card.
Full Screen Checkbox – Click on this box if you want to play the game in full
screen mode.
Brightness – Move this slider to affect the brightness of the game.
You should move the slider until you can see all the gradients in the
colour bar.
Advanced – Click on this button to access the Advanced Video options.
Apply – After you make changes, click on this button to accept the changes.
Note: Backing out of the menu without clicking the Apply button will not save your
Turning on these options increases the amount of system resources used.
If you experience choppy or slow gameplay, we recommend reducing these
settings for increased system performance. For more information on these
options, please refer to the ReadMe.
Master Volume – Move the slider to the right to increase the overall volume
of the game.
Music Volume – Move the slider to the right to increase the volume of the
music in the game or to the left to decrease it.
Speaker Type – Choose from Normal Speakers, Headphones, Surround Sound
Speakers, Quad Speakers, 5.1 Speakers or 7.1 Speakers.
Sound Quality – Choose from 11 kHz, 22 kHz or 44 kHz sound quality.
It is recommended you use lower sound quality levels if you experience
sound issues.
Sound Driver – Choose the sound driver for your game here. You can choose
from Software, A3D, EAX, EAX2 and EAX3 or Autodetect. Please note that
you can only choose a sound driver if your sound card supports it. If it
does not, then the sound driver will revert to software mode. For more
information on whether or not your sound card supports the driver, please
contact your sound card manufacturer.
Reverb On – Click on this box in order to turn audio reverb on or off.
Mouse Sensitivity – Move the slider from left to right to increase the
sensitivity of the mouse.
Invert Mouse – Click on this box to turn the invert mouse function on.
Turning this function on means that you look down when you move the
mouse away from you and look up when you move the mouse toward you.
Smooth Mouse – This turns the smooth mouse function on or off.
Always Run – This option will turn the always run feature on or off.
View Kick – Enable this feature to alter the movement of players due to
weapon recoil or enemy damage.
View Bob – Choose to see side to side movements while walking.
Dialog Text – Choose when to see the dialog text.
Radar View – Choose the display mode of the radar.
Auto Switch Weapons – Automatically switch your weapon to the last one
that is picked up (multiplayer only).
Auto Switch HUD Weapons – Select this box if you want your weapons to
automatically switch as you scroll through the weapons.
Use Weapon Aim – Click on this box if you want the ability to move the
targeting cursor around the screen.
Show Crosshair – Select this box if you want to see a crosshair.
Crosshair – Click on the crosshair to change your crosshair type.
Data Rate – Select the data rate of your Internet connection.
Low Bandwidth Checkbox – Select this box if you wish to keep your
bandwidth usage to as little as possible.
Taunts Checkbox – Select this box to hear other players’ taunts.
The following is the default control configuration for Star Trek®Elite ForceTMII.
If you wish to customise your keyboard settings, go to the Configure section
and then to Control settings.
The Default Controls
Move Forward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Up Arrow or W
Move Backward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Down Arrow or S
Turn Left . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Move Mouse to the Left or Q
Turn Right . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Move Mouse to the Right or E