the vehicle, which must be delivered complet e wit h it
also in case of resale.
aprilia s.p.a. reserves th e right to m odify i ts model s
at any time, without prejudice to the main characteristics here describ ed.
All rights as to electronic storage, reproduction and
total or partial adaptation, with any means, are reserved for all Countries.
The mention to products or services supplied by third
parties is made o nly for i nformati on purpo ses and i s
not binding in any cas e.
aprilia s.p.a takes no responsibility as to the performance or the use of said prod ucts.
First edition: february 1995
Reprint: september 1995, february 1997 ,
january 1998, december 1 998,
february 1999, jan uar y 2000, november 200 0
Before starting the en gine, car efully read this man ual, paying particular attention to the chapter "RIDING
SAFELY". Your and other people’s safety depends
not only on your quickness of reflexes and on your
agility, but also on wha t you k now ab out t he veh icle,
on its efficiency and on your k nowledge of th e basic
information for RIDING SAFELY.
Therefore, get a thorough knowl edge of the v ehicle,
in such a way as to be able to drive in the traffic safely.
For the control s and rep airs not expr essly des cribed
in this manual, for the purchase of aprilia Genuine
Spare Pa rts , a cc e ssor i es a nd ot her pr od uct s , a s we ll
as for specific t echnical advice, contact only aprilia
Authorized Outlets and Official Dealers, who can ensure you reliable and prompt servicing.
Thank you for choos ing aprilia. We wish you a nice
Carefully obse rve the instructions prece ded by the
following warnin g si gns:
In this manual the various versions are indicated by
the following symbols:
Safety norms and regulations to protect
the driver and other people from severe
the vehicle.
When asking your Dealer for spare parts, specify
the spare par ts code indicated on the SPARE
Write down the identificatio n code in the space
here below, in orde r to remember it al so in case of
loss or deterioration of the label.
The label is positioned under the saddle.
injuries or grave ri sks .
Indications to make the operations easier.
Technical information.
The operations preceded by this symbol
To drive the vehicl e it is necessary to be in poss ession of all
the requireme nts prescr ibed by law (dr iving licen ce, minim um
age, psychophysical ability, insurance, state taxes, vehicle
registration, number plate, etc.).
Gradually get to know the vehicle by driving it first in areas with
low traffic and/or private areas.
The use of medi cins, alcohol and dr ugs or psychotrop ic substances notably increases the risk of accidents.
Be sure that you are in good psychophysical conditions and fit
for driving and pay particular attention to physical weariness
and drowsi ness.
Most road accide nts ar e caus ed by the driver ’s lack of exp erience.
NEVER lend the v ehicle to be ginner s and, in a ny case, make
sure that the driver has all the requirements for driving.
Rigorously obs erve all road s igns an d nationa l and loc al roa d
Avoid abrupt movements that can be dangerous for yourself
and other peopl e (for exa mple: rear ing up o n the bac k whee l,
speeding, etc.), and give due consideration to the road surface, visibility and ot her driving conditions.
Avoid obstacles that could damage the vehicle or make you
lose control.
Avoid riding in the slipstream create d by preceding vehicles in
order to in crease your speed.
Always drive with both hands o n t he handlebars and both feet
on the footrests, in the correct driving posture.
Avoid standing up or stretching your limbs while driving.
The driver sho uld pay atte ntion a nd avoid d istrac tio ns cau sed
by people, things and movements (never sm oke, eat, drink,
read, etc.) while driving.
Use only the vehicle’s specific fuels and lubricants (indicated
in the "LUBRICANT CH ART"); check all oil, fuel and coo lant
levels regularly.
If the vehicle has been involved in an accident, make sure that
no damage has occurred to the control levers, pipes, wires,
braking system and vi t al parts.
If necessar y, have the veh icle inspe cted by an aprilia Official
Dealer, who should carefully check the frame, handlebars,
suspensions, safety parts and all the devic es that you canno t
check by you rs el f .
Always remember to report any malfunction to the technicians
to help them in their work.
Never use the veh icle when th e amo unt of dam ag e it has suffered endanger s your safety.
Never cha nge the position, inclination or colo ur of: number
plate, direction indicators, lights and horns.
Any modif ication of the en gine or of othe r members whi ch is
aimed at increasing the speed or the power of the vehicle is
prohibited by the law; in fact, any modification resulting in an
increase of the maximum speed or of the engine displacement
would change the scooter into a motorcycle, which implies the
following obligations for the owner:
– new homologation;
– new registration;
– appropriate driv in g lic ense.
Further, sa id modificatio ns cause the lo ss of the insuran ce
cover, since insurance policies expressly prohibit to make
technical changes aimed at increasing the vehicle performance levels.
For the reasons stated above, the failure to comply with the
tampering prohibition is punished by law with appos ite sanctions (including the confiscation of the vehicle), which, according to the case , can be com bined with the sa nction s provide d
for not using the crash helmet and/or the number plate, for the
violation of fiscal obligations (ownership tax) and with penal
sanctions provided for using the ve hicle without driving license.
Never race with ot her vehicles.
Avoid off-road driving.
Before starting, always wear a correctly fastened crash helmet. Make sure that it is homologated, in go od shape, of the
right size and that the visor is clean.
Wear protective clothing, preferably in light and/or reflecting
colours. In this way you will make yourself more visible to the
other drivers, th us notably red ucing the risk of be ing knocked
down, and you will be more protected in case of fall.
This clothing should be very tight-fitting and fastened at the
wrists and ankle s. Strings, belt s and ties shou ld not be hang ing loose; prevent these and other objects from interfering with
driving by getting entangled with moving parts or driving
Do not keep objects that c an be dan gero us in case of fall , for
example pointed objects like keys, pens, glass vials etc. in
your pockets (the same recommendations also apply to passengers).
The owner of the vehicle is responsible for the choice, installation and use of any accessory.
Avoid installing accessories that cover horns or lights or that
could impair their functions, limit the suspension stroke an d
the steering angle, hamper the operation of the controls and
reduce the di stance f rom the ground and th e ang le of in clination in turns.
Avoid using accessories that hamper access to the controls,
since this can prolong reaction times during an emergency.
Large fairings and windscreens as sembled on the v ehi cl e can
produce aerodynamic forces capable of compromising the stability of the vehi cle while driving.
Make sure that the equipment is well fastened to the vehicle
and not dangerous during driving.
Do not install electrical devices and do not modify those already existing to avoid electrical overloads, because the vehicle could suddenly stop or there could be a dangerous current
shortage in the horn and in the lights. aprilia recommends the
use of “aprilia genuine accessories”.
Be careful and moderate when loadin g your luggage.
Keep any luggage loaded as close as possible to the centre of
the vehicle and dist ribute the l oad unifo rmly on b oth side s, in
order to reduce imbalance to the minimum.
Furthermore, make sure that the load is firmly secured to the
vehicle, especially during long trips.
Avoid hanging bu lky, heavy and/or dan gerous objects on the
handlebars, mudguards an d forks, bec ause the ve hicle might
respond mor e sl owly in turns and i t s m anoeuvrability could be
unavoidably im paired.
Do not place bags t hat are too bu lky on the veh icle sides and
do not ride with the cr ash helmet hanging from its string, because it could hi t peo ple or ob stac les mak ing y ou los e co ntrol
of the vehi cle.
Do not carry any bag if it is not tightly secured to the vehicle.
Do not carry bags which protrude too much from the luggage-
rack or which cover the lights, hor n or indicators.
Do not carry an imal s or childr en on the glov e com p artme nt or
on the luggage-rack.
Do not exceed the ma xi m um l oad allowed for each side -b ag.
When the vehicle is overloaded, its stability and its manoeu-
Direction indicator warning light (
Total kilometres od om et erIt indicates the total number of kilometres covered.
SpeedometerIt indicates the driving speed.
Fuel level indicatorIt indicates the approximate fuel level in the tank.
Low beam warning light (
High beam warning light
- U -
Low fuel warning light (
j)It comes on when the ignition switch is in position "n" and the
start push butt on “
tioning of the bulb.
If the light does not come on during the starting, provide for replacing t he bulb.
If the war ning li ght comes on a nd does not go out after the start push button "
that the mixer oil reserv e is being us ed; in this case, top u p
the mixer oil tank, see p. 26 (MIXER OIL TANK).
it comes on during normal functioning, this means
r“ is pressed, thu s checking the proper func-
r" has been released, or if
c)It blinks when the direction indicators are on.
b)It comes on when the headlight is in low beam pos i tion.
It comes on when the headlight in high beam position.
g)It comes on when the quantity of fuel left in the tank is about 1,5L.
The electrical parts work only when the
ignition switch is in position “
The horn is activated when t he push button is
The starter for t he cold start of the e ngine is operated by rotating the lever downwards.
To disconnec t the cold start, bring the leve r to its
initial position.
To indicate the turn to the left, move the switch to
the left; to indicate the turn to the right, move the
switch to the right.
To turn off the direction indicator, press the switch.
The electrical parts work only when the
ignition switch is in position “
When the engi ne is starte d and the ligh t switc h is in
position "•", the lights are off; when the switch is in
position "b", the dashboard lights, the parking lights
and the low be am are on.
b -
) F -
When the engi ne is starte d and the ligh t switc h is in
position "
position "
light and the low beam are on.
", the lights are o ff; when the sw itch is in
b", the dashboard l ights , the rea r park ing
a - b -
When the engine is started and the light switch is in
position "
position "
the parking lights are on; when it is in position "
the dashboard lights, the high beam and the parking
lights are on.
", the lights are off; when the sw itch is in
b", the dashboard li ghts, the low bea m and
) C - U -
Fig. 6
When the sta rt push button is pr essed and one
of the brake lev ers (front or rear ) is activated a t
the same ti me , th e s ta rte r m ake s the engi ne ru n.
For the starting procedure, see p. 34 (S TARTING).
Fig. 7
Fig. 8
The ignition switch is positioned on the right side,
near the steering c olumn.
compartment and the saddle lock. Two keys are
supplied togeth er with the veh icle (on e spare key) .
The key (1-Fig. 8) operates the ignition
switch/steering lock, the battery/tool kit
Never turn the key to position “s” in running conditions, in order to avoid losing contr ol of th e v ehicle.
To lock the steering:
◆ Turn the handleb ar com pletely leftwards.
◆ Turn the key (1) to position “m” an d pr ess it.
◆ Release the key and turn it to position “s”.
◆ Extract the key.
The steering is locked. It is nei-
Steering lock
ther possible to start the engine, nor to switch on the lights.
Neither the engine, nor the
lights can be switched on.
The engine and the lights can
be switched on.
It is possible to remove
the key.
It is possible to remove
the key.
It is not possible to remove the key.
To unlock and lift the saddle:
◆ Insert the key in the saddle lock (1).
◆ Turn the key clockwise and raise the saddle (2).
the crash helmet/glove compartm ent .
◆ To lock the sa ddle, lower and p ress it (withou t exer-
Before lowering and locking the saddle,
make sure that you have not left the key in
ting too much pressure), thus making the lock snap
Before lea ving, ma ke su re that t he sa ddle is
Thanks to the crash helmet/glove compartment, you no
longer have to carry the crash helmet or other objects
with you every time you p ark the ve hicle. The compartment is positioned under the saddle. To reach it:
◆ Raise the saddle, see (UNLOCKING/ LOCKING T HE
Maximum allowed weight: 2.5 kg.
properly locke d.
Do not load t he crash helmet/g love compartment too much.
Special hooks for the positioning of a lock
have been provided unde r the sa ddle.
Fig. 9
Fig. 10
Fig. 11
Fig. 12
This compartment is positioned in the lower part of the
vehicle, between the footrests.
To reach it, procee d as follows:
◆ Insert the key (2) in the lock.
◆ Rotate the key (2) clockwise, pull it and remove the
cover (3).
The tool kit (1) includes:
n. 1 tool case
n. 1 25 mm spark plu g socket spanner
n. 1 socket spanne r r od
n. 1 8/10 mm socket sp anner
n. 1 double-end ed, cr oss -/ c ut -h eaded screwdriver
n. 1 screwdriver handle
To lock the co ver (3) , lower i t and rot ate the key an ticlockwise.
Maximum allow ed w e ig ht: 1.5 kg.
Do not hang excessively bulky bags or
parcels to th e hook, as this m ay seriously
vehicle or the movement of your feet.
The bag hook (1) is position ed on the front part of the
inner shield.
Max. allowed weight: 1.5 kg.
compromise the manoeuv rability of the
The fuel used for inter nal comb ust ion engines is extremely inflammable and in
It is important to carry out the refuelling and the
maintenance o per at i ons in a well-ve nt ilated area,
with the engine off.
Do not smoke while r efuelling or near fuel vapours, in any case avo id any contact with nak ed
flames, sparks and any ot her h eat source to prevent the fuel fr om catchin g fire or fr om explodi ng.
Further, prevent fuel from flowing out of the fuel
filler, as it c ould catch f ire when gettin g in contact with the red-hot sur fa ces of the engine.
In case some fuel has accidentally been spilt,
make sure that the area has completely dried and
before starting the vehicle verify that there is no
fuel inside the fuel filler nec k.
Since petrol expands under the heat of the sun
and due to the effects of sun radiation, never fill
the tank to the brim.
Screw the plug (1) up carefully after refuelling.
Avoid any contact of the fuel with the skin and
the inhalation of vapours; do not swallow fuel or
pour it from a receptacle into another by means
of a tube.
particular conditions it can become ex-
Use only prem ium grade petro l ( 4 Stars U), in conformity with the DIN 51600 s tandard, min. O. N. 98
(N.O.R.M.) and 88 (N.O.M.M.).
Use only unleaded pe trol, in conformity wit h the
DIN 51607 standard, min. O. N. 95 (N.O.R.M. ) an d 85
FUEL TANK CAPACITY (reserve include d) : 6
To refuel, proceed a s follows:
◆ Lift the saddle, see p. 23 (UNLOKKING/LOCKING
◆ Unscrew and remove the fuel tank pl ug ( 1).
◆ Refuel.
Fig. 13
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