This guide is a brief overview of the Storm Central site and its basic features. Storm
Central is a cloud data collection service for a new era of data loggers and data
collection platforms. This means that wherever your data loggers are located, their realtime data can be accessed 24/7/365. Please refer to waterlog.com/storm or contact your
sales representative for more information. Updated manuals, brochures, and technical
notes are available.
For additional assistance, please contact us at
+1.435.753.2212 or sales@waterlog.com

Storm Central Getting Started Guide
Get to Know Storm Central............................................2
Obtain Access to Storm Central....................................4
Collect Data with Storm Central (Cell Modem)...........6
Collect Data with Storm Central (GOES)....................10
Review and Download Data.......................................14
Set up Alarms.................................................................14

Get to Know Storm Central
Storm Central is a cloud data collection
service for a new era of data loggers and
data collection platforms. This means that
wherever your data loggers are located,
their real-time data can be accessed
24/7/365. Frequent field visits to your site
will become a thing of the past!
Storm Central was originally built for the
WaterLOG Storm data logger, allowing
data from a remote Storm to be pushed to
the Storm Central server, using a GSM or
CDMA cellular modem, in near real-time.
Additional WaterLOG and non-WaterLOG
data loggers and controllers are now also
capable of pushing data into Storm Central using a cellular modem with minimal effort.
Sites using GOES to transmit their data can also be set up within Storm Central to have their data
retrieved, decoded, and made easily accessible. Both WaterLOG ASCII (SHEF) and Pseudo-Binary
formats are fully supported.
Once data has been collected and stored in Storm Central, it is immediately visible within the
simple and intuitive Storm Central interface. Data is presented graphically as well as tabularly on
the same page. Downloading data is also just a button-click away.
Recently added to Storm Central is the ability to generate simple-to-complex Alarm conditions
based on the data collected. Icons on your map can change colors and notifications via e-mail or
SMS (text message) can be sent, alerting you of an alarm condition.
Storm Central was built with you in mind. From automatic data collection, to notifications about
alarm conditions, Storm Central can save you time and prevent costly visits to your site while
simplifying your job at the same time.
In addition to existing features, Storm Central comes with WaterLOG’s commitment to
improvement and sustainability. You can expect additional features to be added regularly to
Storm Central based on customer requests and your input. Let us know how we can improve
Storm Central and we’ll help you make it yours.