Welltech SS7 User Manual

Dialogic® SS7 Protocols
ISUP Programmer's Manual
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The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein are the trademarks of their respective owners. Publication Date: Document Number: U04SSS, Issue 15
February 2008
Dialogic® SS7 Protocols ISUP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Revision History............................................................................................................7
1 About this Publication .........................................................................................9
1.1 Introduction...........................................................................................................................9
1.2 Abbreviations......................................................................................................................... 9
1.3 Related Documentation ......................................................................................................... 10
1.4 Feature Overview ................................................................................................................. 11
2 General Description...........................................................................................13
2.1 Module Overview..................................................................................................................13
2.2 Module Configuration ............................................................................................................ 13
2.2.1 Customizing ISUP variants......................................................................................... 14
3 Internal Data Structures ...................................................................................17
3.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................... 17
3.2 Global Ram Data Structure .................................................................................................... 17
3.3 Circuit Group Data Structure.................................................................................................. 17
3.4 Per Circuit Data Structure...................................................................................................... 17
4 Interface to System Services.............................................................................19
4.1 System Functions ................................................................................................................. 19
4.2 Timer Operation ................................................................................................................... 19
5 Interface to MTP................................................................................................21
6 Interface to Application.....................................................................................23
6.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................... 23
6.2 Application Message - Header Format...................................................................................... 23
6.2.1 Transmit Request ..................................................................................................... 23
6.2.2 Receive Indication .................................................................................................... 24
6.3 Application Message - User Data Format .................................................................................. 25
6.4 Parameter Extension Mechanism ............................................................................................ 26
6.5 Application Messages to ISUP................................................................................................. 26
6.5.1 Alerting Request....................................................................................................... 28
6.5.2 Application Transport Request.................................................................................... 30
6.5.3 ‘Generic’ Charge Request .......................................................................................... 31
6.5.4 Circuit Seized Request .............................................................................................. 31
6.5.5 Collection Charging Request ...................................................................................... 32
6.5.6 Confusion Request.................................................................................................... 32
6.5.7 Continuity Request ................................................................................................... 32
6.5.8 End-to-End Message Request..................................................................................... 33
6.5.9 Exit Request .......................................................................................................... 33
6.5.10 Facility Request........................................................................................................ 33
6.5.11 Facility Response...................................................................................................... 35
6.5.12 Forward Transfer Request.......................................................................................... 36
6.5.13 Identification Request ............................................................................................... 36
6.5.14 Identification Response ............................................................................................. 36
6.5.15 Information Request................................................................................................. 37
6.5.16 Loop Back Acknowledgement Request......................................................................... 38
6.5.17 Loop Prevention Request........................................................................................... 39
6.5.18 Network Resource Management Request ..................................................................... 39
6.5.19 Overload Request..................................................................................................... 40
6.5.20 Pre-Release Information Request ............................................................................... 40
6.5.21 Proceeding request ...................................................................................................41
6.5.22 Progress Request...................................................................................................... 42
6.5.23 Release Response..................................................................................................... 43
6.5.24 Release Request....................................................................................................... 44
6.5.25 Request Information Request .....................................................................................45
6.5.26 Resume Request....................................................................................................... 45
6.5.27 Segmentation Request ..............................................................................................46
6.5.28 Setup Request..........................................................................................................46
6.5.29 Setup Response .......................................................................................................49
6.5.30 Subsequent Directory Number Request ....................................................................... 52
6.5.31 Suspend Request...................................................................................................... 52
6.5.32 Unrecognised Message Request.................................................................................. 53
6.5.33 User Information Request.......................................................................................... 53
6.6 Application Messages from ISUP ............................................................................................. 54
6.6.1 Alerting Indication .................................................................................................... 56
6.6.2 Application Transport Indication ................................................................................. 59
6.6.3 ‘Generic’ Charge Indication ........................................................................................59
6.6.4 Circuit Seized Indication............................................................................................60
6.6.5 Collection Charging Indication....................................................................................60
6.6.6 Confusion Indication ................................................................................................. 60
6.6.7 Continuity Indication.................................................................................................61
6.6.8 End-to-End Message Indication ..................................................................................61
6.6.9 Exit Indication..........................................................................................................61
6.6.10 Facility Indication ..................................................................................................... 62
6.6.11 Facility Confirmation ................................................................................................. 63
6.6.12 Forward Transfer Indication .......................................................................................64
6.6.13 Identification Indication............................................................................................. 64
6.6.14 Identification Confirmation.........................................................................................65
6.6.15 Information Indication............................................................................................... 65
6.6.16 Loop Back Acknowledgement Indication ...................................................................... 66
6.6.17 Loop Prevention Indication.........................................................................................67
6.6.18 Network Resource Management Indication................................................................... 67
6.6.19 Overload Indication...................................................................................................68
6.6.20 Pre-Release Information Indication .............................................................................68
6.6.21 Proceeding Indication................................................................................................ 69
6.6.22 Progress Indication................................................................................................... 70
6.6.23 Release Confirmation ................................................................................................ 71
6.6.24 Release Indication .................................................................................................... 71
6.6.25 Request Information Indication .................................................................................. 72
6.6.26 Resume Indication....................................................................................................73
6.6.27 Segmentation Indication............................................................................................ 73
6.6.28 Setup Confirmation...................................................................................................74
6.6.29 Setup Indication.......................................................................................................76
6.6.30 Subsequent Directory Number Indication.....................................................................78
6.6.31 Suspend Indication ...................................................................................................79
6.6.32 Unrecognised Message Indication ............................................................................... 79
6.6.33 User Information Indication ....................................................................................... 79
6.7 Parameter Definitions............................................................................................................ 80
6.7.1 Called Party Number .................................................................................................86
6.7.2 Calling Party Number ................................................................................................86
6.7.3 Cause Indicators.......................................................................................................87
6.7.4 Custom Parameter....................................................................................................88
6.7.5 Message Data ..........................................................................................................88
6.7.6 Number of Metering Pulses ........................................................................................89
6.7.7 Tariff Type ..........................................................................................................89
6.7.8 Unrecognised Parameter............................................................................................90
6.8 Use of Call Control Primitives..................................................................................................90
6.8.1 Call Clearing Procedure .............................................................................................90
6.8.2 Call Collision Procedure ............................................................................................. 91
6.8.3 Hop Counter Procedure ............................................................................................. 94
6.8.4 Continuity Testing..................................................................................................... 95
6.8.5 Malicious Call Identification (MCID) Supplementary Service ......................................... 108
DialogicTP®TP SS7 Protocols ISUP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
6.8.6 Message Segmentation ........................................................................................... 109
6.8.7 Automatic Circuit Group Blocking ............................................................................. 109
6.8.8 BICC Application Transport...................................................................................... 111
7 Management Interface ....................................................................................113
7.1 Introduction....................................................................................................................... 113
7.2 Circuit Group Supervision Control Request............................................................................. 114
7.3 Circuit Group Supervision Control Confirmation ...................................................................... 115
7.4 Circuit Group Supervision Control Indication .......................................................................... 116
7.5 Circuit Group Supervision Status Indication............................................................................ 117
7.6 Local Overload Request ....................................................................................................... 118
7.7 Remote Point Code Status Indication..................................................................................... 119
8 Non-Primitive Interface...................................................................................121
8.1 Configure Request .............................................................................................................. 121
8.2 Configure Circuit Group Request........................................................................................... 126
8.3 Configure Timers Request.................................................................................................... 136
8.3.1 Timer default values ............................................................................................... 138
8.4 End Circuit Group Request ................................................................................................... 140
8.5 Variant Initialisation............................................................................................................ 141
8.6 Custom Parameter Configuration .......................................................................................... 142
8.7 Change Circuit Group Configuration Request .......................................................................... 143
8.8 Read RAM Request.............................................................................................................. 145
8.9 Read Circuit Group Request ................................................................................................. 145
8.10 Read Circuit Request........................................................................................................... 146
8.11 Read Revision Request ........................................................................................................ 146
8.12 Read Circuit Group Status Request ....................................................................................... 147
8.13 Read Circuit Group Data Request.......................................................................................... 150
8.14 Read Circuit Group Identity Request ..................................................................................... 151
8.15 Send Maintenance Event Mask Request ................................................................................. 152
8.16 Send Software Event Mask Request ...................................................................................... 153
8.17 Trace Mask Configuration Request ........................................................................................ 154
8.18 Send Selective Trace Event Mask Request.............................................................................. 157
8.19 Maintenance Event Indication............................................................................................... 158
8.20 Software Event Indication.................................................................................................... 162
8.21 Management Event Indication .............................................................................................. 165
8.22 Trace Event Indication......................................................................................................... 166
8.23 Selective Trace Event Indication ........................................................................................... 167
8.24 Heartbeat Request/Indication............................................................................................... 169
Appendix A: ISUP National Variants .........................................................................171
A.1 German ISUP..................................................................................................................... 171
A.2 UK ISUP ............................................................................................................................ 172
A.3 Japan (TTC) ISUP ............................................................................................................... 173
A.4 Nortel RLT ......................................................................................................................... 174
A.4.1 Nortel RLT (ANSI)................................................................................................... 174
A.4.2 Nortel RLT (ITU)..................................................................................................... 175
A.5 Italian ISUP ....................................................................................................................... 176
A.6 French ISUP....................................................................................................................... 177
A.7 China ISUP ........................................................................................................................ 178
A.8 Finnish ISUP ...................................................................................................................... 180
A.9 BICC................................................................................................................................. 180
Appendix B: Messages Currently Supported by the ISUP Module..............................183
B.1 ITU-T Messages.................................................................................................................. 183
B.2 ITU-T Parameters............................................................................................................... 184
B.3 ANSI T1.113 Messages........................................................................................................ 188
B.4 ANSI T1.113 Parameters ..................................................................................................... 189
Appendix C: Message Type Table..............................................................................191
Appendix D: ISUP Configuration Option Settings......................................................193
Appendix E: ISUP Repeat Parameters.......................................................................197
Appendix F: Timer Services ......................................................................................199
F.1 Keep Time ......................................................................................................................... 199
F.1 Timer Expiry ...................................................................................................................... 200
Index .............................................................................................................201
Figure 1. Notation used for Parameter Specifications ................................................................. 85
Figure 2. Format of the Called Party Number Parameter.............................................................86
Figure 3. Format of the Calling Party Number Parameter............................................................ 86
Figure 4. Format of the Cause Indicators Parameter ..................................................................87
Figure 5. Format of the Custom Parameter...............................................................................88
Figure 6. Format of the Message Data Parameter ......................................................................88
Figure 7. Format of the Number of Metering Pulses Parameter.................................................... 89
Figure 8. Format of the Tariff Parameter .................................................................................. 89
Figure 9. Format of the Unrecognised Parameter.......................................................................90
Figure 10. Example of an External Call Collision where this End of the Circuit is Master....................92
Figure 11. Example of an External Call Collision where this end of the Circuit is Slave...................... 93
Figure 12. Example of an Internal Call Collision .......................................................................... 93
Figure 13. Example of a Successful Continuity Check Request Message Received............................96
Figure 14. Example of a Continuity Check Request Message Received (Unsuccessful Continuity Check
followed by Successful Continuity Check).................................................................... 97
Figure 15. Example of a Successful Continuity Check Received During Incoming Call Set Up ............98
Figure 16. Example of an Unsuccessful Continuity Check Received During Incoming Call Set Up .......99
Figure 17. Example of a Continuity Check Request Message Received (ANSI)...............................100
Figure 18. Example of a T36 Expiry......................................................................................... 101
Figure 19. Example of a Successful Continuity Check Request Message Sent ................................ 103
Figure 20. Example of a Continuity Check Request Message Sent (Unsuccessful Continuity Check
Followed By Successful Continuity Check) ................................................................. 104
Figure 21. Example of a Continuity Check Success Outgoing Call Set Up...................................... 105
Figure 22. Example of a Continuity Check Success during Outgoing Call Set Up............................ 106
Figure 23. Example of a Call collision where the Incoming Call has Priority ................................... 107
Figure 24. Example of a Reset Circuit Received During a Continuity Test Call................................ 108
Table 1. All Application Messages sent by the ISUP Module to the User Application....................... 54
Table 2. Release Cause Values used in the Release indication sent to the Application when Cal l
Processing Timers Expire ..........................................................................................87
Table 3. ISUP Module Confirmation Message Statuses............................................................. 113
DialogicTP®TP SS7 Protocols ISUP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Revision History
Issue Date Description
15 February 2008 Minor alterations to sections 6.5.30 and 6.6.30. 14 January 2008 Rebranded and reformatted, plus minor changes and updates. 13 June 2006 Support for Bearer Independent Call Control (BICC) added.
New messages added: Change Circuit Group Configuration Request, Read Circuit Group Data Request and Read Circuit Group Identity Request.
Options ISPF_24PC, ISPF_PC_SIZE and ISPX1GOP_16PC updated. New module option, ISPF_16CID, added in ISP_MSG_CONFIG to maintain backward
compatibility and support 64k configurations. Support for tracing of Configuration Request and Heartbeat request messages. Support for location value in Release cause.
12 July 2003 Branding changed: references to System7 removed. Support for French ISUP, China
11 August 2001 Support for user custom optional parameter.
10 December 1999 Continuity check and circuit seized added.
9 July 1998 Point code length, SIO value, UCIC option and timer values may now be configured on
ISUP, and Finnish ISUP added. MPM added. Redirecting parameter now supported in TTC IAM.
Support for MCID supplementary service. APM and PRI message definitions corrected. Support for ITU-T 1997. New software event (15). New group options for the user part unavailability procedure and selective tracing added. New parameter in Configure Circuit Group Request message for hop counter procedure added. New timer T4 and T38 added. New maintenance events for the hop counter procedure and the user part unavailability procedure added. New Selective trace event request mask and Selective trace event indication messages. Generic CRG message now supported. Appendix E added. Editorial changes.
Enhanced remote point code status indication. Additional circuit states report added in read circuit group status. New software event added. ISUP configuration option settings added. Table of messages added. Minor editorial changes.
a circuit group basis, allowing both ITU and ANSI circuit groups to be supported at the same time. Added new circuit group option to remove ST digit from end of Called party number sent to network and another circuit group option to add ST digit to end of Called party number sent to user. User teleservice information and Freephone indicators parameters are now supported. Generic number supported in Release message. Message tracing now supported New maintenance events added to report invalid group messages received.
Revision History
Issue Date Description
8 May 1997 A circuit group may now be ended without having to restart the module. This allows
7 September 1996 Now supports ITU-T 1992 messages and parameters (whilst allowing Blue Book only
6 May 1996 Now supports ANSI operation as a run-time configuration option.
5 April 1996 Call clearing mechanism modified to require a response from the application in all
4 April 1996 Backward call indicators in ANM sent to ISUP module are now optional and if omitted
3 August 1995 New messages added: ISP_MSG_STATUS_IND, ISP_MSG_OVLD_REQ,
2 February 1994 1 September 1993
the application to dynamically configure and end individual circuit groups as required. The local status of a circuit may now be read. New primitives have been added to allow enabling and disabling of all maintenance and software events. New support for Temporary Trunk Blocking procedures (Overload_ind added) and Charging procedures (Charge_req and Charge_ind added). New circuit group option for Q.767 formatting of cause parameter.
operation using a run-time configuration option. Table of supported parameters added. Optional support for T34 (segmentation), pass-along messages, and message and parameter compatibility handling added. New module option to allow reporting of errors in application messages sent to ISUP.
Circuit group configuration message parameter definitions changed to allow the optional use of 24bit point codes.
cases and to require the application to wait for a Release confirmation from the ISUP module before commencing a new call. Use of the most significant bit of the call reference to indicate an outgoing call removed. Ability to configure and re-configure all protocol timer values at run-time added. Additional optional parameters added: Redirection information, Redirection number, Redirecting Number and Signalling point code. Optional support for UCIC message and timer T35 added. Read call request message removed. This revision of the manual describes the operation of the ISUP protocol module with a core revision number of V2.00 and later.
ISUP will not insert any default. Original called number and User service information parameters added to setup request and setup indication. Forward transfer message and Call offering message (Italian network only) added. Support for dual instance of ISUP (ISPF_DUAL) added. Per-circuit group adjacent module_id’s and instance numbers added to circuit-group configuration message.
ISP_MSG_CGSS_IND. Parameters added to user primitives: access transport, user to user information, user to user indicators New user primitive types added: Facility_req, Facility_resp, Facility_ind, Facility_conf, User_info_req, User_info_ind Circuit group query added to circuit group supervision control request. Additional circuit group options defined
Note: The latest release issue of this guide can be found at:
Dialogic® SS7 Protocols ISUP Programmer's Manual Issue 15

About this Publication

1.1 Introduction

The ISUP module is a software implementation of the Signalling System Number 7, ISDN User Part (ISUP). In addition to supporting major ISUP variants such as ITU-T recommendations Q.761-Q.764, Q.767, ETSI standard ETS 300 356-1, and ANSI T1.113 the ISUP module supports national variants including German ISUP and Japanese TTC ISUP. It is also possible for the user to customize existing variants by adding or deleting parameters. The ISUP module supports, as a purchasable option, the BICC (Bearer Independent Call Control) protocol which is treated as a variant in its own right.
This document is the Programmer's Manual for the ISUP module. It is intended for use by users developing their own application programs that will interface with and use the functionality provided by the ISUP module.
The module uses the services provided by the Message Transfer Part (MTP) to exchange signaling messages with remote signaling points. It supports a number of both-way telephony circuits. The circuits can be divided into a number of circuit groups; each group may be assigned different attributes allowing the user considerable flexibility in the configuration of the module.
The ISUP module is event driven and uses standard structured messages for inter-process communication. It is intended to be used in conjunction with the MTP module either on hardware platforms or on user supplied hardware. However, the software is portable and the well-defined message structure and the independent nature of the module allows ISUP to be used with alternative MTP implementations if required.
This manual gives an overview of the internal operation of the ISUP module and defines the structure of all messages that can be sent to, or issued by, the module. It also describes all the configuration parameters.
on page 183 lists the ITU-T ISUP and the ANSI T1.113 ISUP messages and
parameters that are currently supported by the module.
Appendix B

1.2 Abbreviations

ANSI American National Standards Institute BICC Bearer Independent Call Control CIC Circuit Identification Code DPC Destination Point Code ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network ISUP ISDN User Part ITU International Telecommunication Union MTP Message Transfer Part OPC Originating Point Code SS7 Signalling System Number 7
Section 1 About this Publication

1.3 Related Documentation

[1] ITU-T recommendation Q.730, ISDN Supplementary services [2] ITU-T recommendation Q.761, Signalling System No.7 ISDN User
part functional description
[4] ITU-T recommendation Q.763 Signalling System No.7 ISDN User part
[6] ITU-T recommendation Q.765 (2000), Signalling System No. 7 –
[7] ITU-T recommendation Q.767, Application of the ISDN user part of
[9] ANSI recommendation T1.113, Signalling System No.7 Integrated
[11] German ISUP Specification: Zeichengabe im ZZN7 Version 3.0.0 [12]
[13] [14]
[16] [17] [18] [19] [20] Finnish ISUP Specification: SFS 5779 Signalling in the public switched
ITU-T recommendation Q.762, Signalling System No.7 ISDN User part general functions of messages and signals
format and codes ITU-T recommendation Q.764, Signalling System No.7 ISDN User
part signalling procedures
Application transport mechanism
CCITT signalling system No. 7 for international ISDN interconnections ETSI standard 300 356-1, Integrated Services Digital Network
(ISDN); Signalling System No.7
Services Digital Network (ISDN) User Part UK ISUP Specification: PNO-ISC Specification Number 007 ISDN User
Part (ISUP)
ITU-T recommendation Q.850, Usage of cause and location in the Digital Subscriber Signalling System No.1 and the Signalling System No.7 ISDN User Part
Italian ISUP Specification: Specifica Tecnica N.763 Nortel RLT (ANSI) Specification: Digital Switching Systems UCS DMS-
250 SS7 RLT Feature Application Guide UCS12 297-2621-345 Preliminary 04.01 August 1999
Nortel RLT (ITU) Specification: 411- 2131-199 Standard 08.04 August 1998 Wireless Networks DMS-MTX Software Delta for Planners MTX07
Japan (TTC) ISUP Specification: JT-Q761-JT-Q764 and JT-Q850 U10SSS, Software Environment Programmer's Manual French ISUP Specification: SPIROU 1998 – 002-005 edition 1 China ISUP Specification: YDN 038 (1997)
telephone network (PSTN). ISDN User Part ISUP Version 2 of the national Signalling System No. 7. Application of ITU-T recommendations Q.761. Q.764 and Q.766 in Finland (1994)
ITU-T Recommendation Q.1901, Bearer Independent Call Control Protocol
ITU-T Recommendation Q.1902.1, Bearer Independent Call Control protocol (Capability Set 2): Functional description
Dialogic® SS7 Protocols ISUP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
[23] ITU-T Recommendation Q.1902.2 (2001), Bearer independent Call
Control protocol (CS-2) and Signalling System No. 7 – ISDN User Part general functions of messages and parameters
[24] ITU-T Q. Recommendation 1902.3 (2001), Bearer i n dependent call
control protocol (CS-2) and signalling system No. 7 – ISDN user part formats and codes
[25] ITU-T Recommendation Q.1902.4 (2001), Bearer independent call
control protocol (CS-2) basic call procedures
[26] [27]
ITU-T Recommendation Q.1902.5 (2001), Exception ITU-T Q.765.5 (2000), Signalling System No. 7 – Application
transport mechanism: Bearer Independent Call Control (2000)

1.4 Feature Overview

Key features of the ISUP module include:
Software implementation of ITU-T recommendation Q.761-Q.764 (1997).
Software implementation of ITU-T recommendation Q.767 (1992).
Software implementation of ETSI standard ETS 300 356-1 (1995).
Software implementation of ANSI T1.113-1995.
Software implementation of ITU-T recommendation Q.1901, Q1902.1-
Q.1902.5 (2001).
Message oriented interface.
Configuration options on a per-circuit group basis.
User configuration of all protocol timers.
Support for both en-bloc and overlap address signaling.
Support for Suspend and Resume.
Full user control of Circuit Supervisory functions - Reset, Blocking,
Unblocking and Query.
Support for circuit group as well as individual circuit supervision messages.
Support for supplementary services.
Built-in generation of Automatic congestion control parameter.
Ability to add or delete optional parameters to define a custom ISUP
Debug tracing of messages exchanged with the user and MTP.
Ability to send and receive CRG messages for ITU based variants.
Section 1 About this Publication
Dialogic® SS7 Protocols ISUP Programmer's Manual Issue 15

2 General Description

2.1 Module Overview

The ISUP module implements full ISDN User Part functionality. This includes Call Processing Control (CPC), Circuit Supervision Control (CSC) and Signalling Procedure Control (SPRC) all of which are fully supported. In addition, the module implements some Call Control functionality to provide a clean interface with the user that is defined entirely in terms of ISUP messages.
Each circuit is identified internally by a Circuit Identifier (cid). Circuit Identifiers range from zero up to one less than the total number of circuits. A circuit must be assigned to a circuit group before it can be used.
Circuit groups allow a number of circuits to be configured with common attributes. They are identified by the group identifier (gid) which ranges from zero to one less than the total number of circuit groups. Each circuit group must be assigned an Originating Point Code (OPC) and a Destination Point Code (DPC), the Circuit Identification Code (CIC) of the first circuit in the group and the Circuit Identifier (cid) that will be used for this circuit. Further circuits may be included in the group providing that the CIC of the last circuit is no more than 31 greater than the first CIC. The circuits do not need to lie in a contiguous block. The Circuit Identifier cid for each additional circuit will have the same offset from the first cid as the CIC has from the first CIC. Each circuit group also has a number of options such as Outgoing/Incoming Call Priority selection and whether the module is the controlling exchange for certain timers and features.
All protocol primitives between the application and the ISUP module use a Call Reference (call_ref) to identify the circuit used for the call. The call reference is identical to the Circuit Identifier (cid) with the exception that for messages issued by the ISUP module relating to outgoing calls the most significant bit of the call_ref is set to one when the ISUP module is configured for 32768 circuits or less, and the ISPF_16CID flag is set to 0. In all other cases (more than 32768 circuits configured, or ISPF_16CID flag set to 1), the cid is identical to the call_reference. The ISUP module now ignores the setting of the most significant bit of the call_ref and it is recommended that existing applications which placed significance on this bit be modified to ignore it also.

2.2 Module Configuration

The module is configured for operation by the user in three stages. Initially, a global configuration message must be sent to the module to configure environment dependent parameters (in general these parameters will be fixed for any single application).
Then, an optional message to set the values of protocol timers is issued. Finally, a configuration message is required for each circuit group before attempting to originate or accept calls.
The variant of ISUP (e.g. ITU-T, ANSI, national variants or BICC) to be used for circuits in a group is specified by a configuration parameter in the circuit group configuration message.
Section 2 General Description
Depending on the platform that ISUP is running, some or all of these configuration messages may be generated based on text based configuration files (config.txt). In such cases the user does not need to generate the individual configuration messages. Refer to the product documentation for the specific product for further information.

2.2.1 Customizing ISUP variants

The ISUP module supports a variant-based mechanism that enables the user to select a custom-reserved variant thus permitting the ISUP module to send and receive proprietary parameters (in supported ISUP messages only) to and from the network. The following messages are required for this mechanism:
Variant Initialisation message (0x5712)
Custom Parameter Configuration message (0x5713)
Refer to details.
The variant-based mechanism may be initialized as follows:
1. Configure the ISUP module using the Configure Request message
2. Two ‘custom’ variant values are specifically reserved for this procedure
Section 8.6 on page 142 and Section 8.7 on page 143 for further
(0x7700) as described in
Section : 2.2 Module Configuration on page 13.
as shown in the following table (refer to the <variant> parameter in
Section : 8.2 Configure Circuit Group Request on pa ge 126):
Value Mnemonic Meaning
0xfd ISPGVAR_CUST02 Custom variant CUST02 0xfe ISPGVAR_CUST01 Custom variant CUST01
Configure a circuit group and select one of the available custom variant values using the Configure Circuit Group Request message (0x7701). The Configure Circuit Group Request message may be sent at any stage after the ISUP module has been configured; it is not necessary to wait until after the custom variant and parameters have been configured.
3. Initialize a custom variant using the Variant Initialisation message (0x5712) and specify the ISUP variant e.g. ISPGVAR_ITU92 upon which the custom variant is based. The Variant Initialisation message may be sent at any stage after the ISUP module has been configured but it must be sent before the Custom Parameter Configuration message (described in the next step).
4. Configure the custom parameter using the Custom Parameter Configuration message (0x5713). The Custom Parameter Configuration message may be sent at any stage after the ISUP module has been configured but it must be sent before the sending and receiving of any customized parameters.
Dialogic® SS7 Protocols ISUP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
The Custom Parameter Configuration message should be sent when a proprietary parameter is to be added to, or removed from, an existing ISUP message. A separate Custom Parameter Configuration message is required and must be sent for each ISUP message to which the proprietary parameter is to be added, or from which it is to be omitted.
Section 2 General Description
Dialogic® SS7 Protocols ISUP Programmer's Manual Issue 15

3 Internal Data Structures

3.1 Introduction

This chapter describes the internal data structures that are used by the ISUP module to assist the user in understanding the operation of the module. It is not necessary to acquire detailed knowledge of these structures in order to use the module.

3.2 Global Ram Data Structure

The entire data storage used by the module is contained in a single structure. This structure contains global configuration settings, per circuit storage, circuit group configuration data, and per-call storage all relating to operation of the ISUP protocol. It also contains internal event queues, timer control structures and internal buffers for message processing.

3.3 Circuit Group Data Structure

Each circuit group has a data structure within the global ram structure that contains the user supplied configuration parameters for the circuit group (e.g. Signaling Point Codes, Circuit Identification and Configuration Options). The information in the circuit group data structure applies to all circuits in the circuit group.

3.4 Per Circuit Data Structure

Each circuit has a data structure within the global ram structure that is used to store the current state of state machines associated with the circuit and any current call details.
Section 3 Internal Data Structures
Dialogic® SS7 Protocols ISUP Programmer's Manual Issue 15

4 Interface to System Services

4.1 System Functions

In addition to the primitive interfaces and the management interface to the ISUP module (which are described in later sections) the module requires a few basic system services to be supplied by the underlying operating system. In most cases, this is achieved by the use of the appropriate Development package.
The following functions are used for inter-task communication:
GCT_send Send a message to another task. GCT_receive Receive the next message from the module’s input queue, blocking the task if
GCT_grab As GCT_receive, but no blocking if no message is ready.
The following functions are required for message allocations for inter-task communication:
getm Allocate a message from the system. relm Release a message back to the system.
no message is ready.

4.2 Timer Operation

In order to provide internal implementation of the ISUP protocol timers the module needs to receive a periodic timer tick message. This is generated either by the on-board timer module or the tick and tim binaries supplied as part of the development package.
The following action request message is issued by the ISUP module:
KEEP_TIME Issued by ISUP to initialize timer services.
The ISUP module expects the following notification on a periodic basis from the timer module:
TM_EXP Issued by the timer module to notify of periodic timer tick.
The format of these messages is described in Appendix F: Timer Services on
page 199
Section 4 Interface to System Services
Dialogic® SS7 Protocols ISUP Programmer's Manual Issue 15

5 Interface to MTP

The ISUP module interfaces with the Message Transfer Part (MTP) using the following primitives, all of which are defined in ITU-T Recommendation Q.704.
MTP-TRANSFER-REQ Transmit message to MTP MTP-TRANSFER-IND Receive message from MTP MTP-PAUSE Remote point code unavailable indication from MTP MTP-RESUME Remote point code available indication from MTP MTP-STATUS Signaling point congested or Remote user unavailable indication
from MTP
The message format used to convey these primitives is defined in the MTP3 Programmer's Manual.
The ISUP module is usually used in conjunction with the MTP module. However, the use of primitives in accordance with Q.704 ensures that it can also be integrated with other MTP implementations if required.
To provide further flexibility the ISUP module supports the use of both T_FRAMEs and R_FRAMEs or the use of MSGs for MTP-TRANSFERs between the ISUP and MTP.
T_FRAMES and R_FRAMES are most useful when the ISUP module is running on the same processor as MTP, whilst MSGs are generally used when the ISUP module is running on a different processor than the one used for the MTP, or in conjunction with an MTP other than the Dialogic
A module configuration option (ISPF_TFRM) allows the user to select between sending T_FRAMEs or sending MSGs. Receipt of both R_FRAMEs and MSGs is supported in either mode.
SS7 Protocols.
Section 5 Interface to MTP
Dialogic® SS7 Protocols ISUP Programmer's Manual Issue 15

6 Interface to Application

6.1 Introduction

All primitives at the application interface (i.e. between the ISUP module and the user) are passed by sending messages between the modules. Each message is of type MSG as defined in the Software Environment Programmer’s Manual.
The basic structure of each message (irrespective of the message type) is the same. The message contains a message header, the length of the user data and the user data. The message must be contained in a single buffer that should be allocated by the sending module (using the getm function) and either released (using the relm function) or passed to another module by the receiving module. The getm and relm functions are described in
Interface to System Services on page 19.
The first sub-section of this chapter describes the format of the message header associated with each type of message and the next section describes the format of the user data contained within the message.

6.2 Application Message - Header Format

Two primitive message types are sent between the application and the ISUP module:
Section : 4
Transmit Request Message from application to ISUP Receive Indication Message from ISUP to application.
The message structure and parameters for each primitive are defined in the following paragraphs:

6.2.1 Transmit Request

This primitive is used by the application to send a message to the ISUP module.
Primitive Request to ISUP
Field Name Meaning
type ISP_MSG_TX_REQ (0xc700) id call_ref src Application module ID dst ISUP module ID rsp_req 0x00 hclass 0x00 status 0x00 err_info 0x00 len Number of bytes of user data parameters User data (Len bytes in length)
Section 6 Interface to Application
call_ref is used to identify the circuit or call to which the message refers. Currently, when 32768 circuits or less are configured, the most significant bit of the
call_ref is ignored by the ISUP module, and the remaining bits map
directly to the Circuit Identifier
cid so the valid range for call_ref is from 0 to one less than the number of circuits supported. If more than 32768 circuits are configured, then the call_ref is identical to the cid.
Note: Earlier revisions of the ISUP module required the most significant bit of the
call_ref to be set in all messages relating to outgoing calls.

6.2.2 Receive Indication

This primitive is used by the ISUP module to send a message to the application module.
Primitive Indication From ISUP
Field Name Meaning
type ISP_MSG_RX_IND (0x8701) id call_ref src ISUP module ID dst Application module ID rsp_req 0x00 hclass 0x00 status 0x00 err_info 0x00 len Number of bytes of user data parameters User data (Len bytes in length)
call_ref is used to identify the circuit or call to which the message refers. Currently, when 32768 circuits or less are configured and the ISPF_16CID flag is set to 0, the most significant bit of the
call_ref is set to 1 by the ISUP module for all messages relating to outgoing calls and the remaining bits map directly to the Circuit Identifier
cid. If 32768 circuits or less are configured and the ISPF_16CID flag is set to 1, or if more than 32768 circuits are configured, then the call_ref is identical to the cid.
Note: Earlier revisions of the ISUP module required the most significant bit of the
call_ref to be set in all messages relating to outgoing calls. To allow for interworking with earlier application software which make use of this bit the ISUP module continues to set the bit in all messages relating to outgoing calls for configurations with 32768 circuits or less, when the ISPF_16CID flag has been set to 0. It is recommended that existing applications be modified to ignore the setting of the most significant bit.
Dialogic® SS7 Protocols ISUP Programmer's Manual Issue 15

6.3 Application Message - User Data Format

The format of user data in transmit request and receive indication messages between the Application and the ISUP module is based on the ISUP message format specified in Q.763.
The first byte of the data is the ISUP message type. The message type values are specified in Table 4/Q.763 and the last byte of the data is zero to indicate that there are no further parameters contained within the message.
Any parameters associated with the message are placed between the message type byte and the last byte of the data. The parameter area is therefore formatted as follows:
Message Type
The parameters may be placed in any order. The first byte of a parameter is the parameter name (based on Table 5/Q.763 but specified in Section 9 of this programmer’s manual), the second byte is the length of parameter data to follow (excluding the parameter name and the length byte itself), this is followed by the parameter data which is formatted (based on Q.763) as defined in section 9. Each parameter is therefore formatted as follows:
Message Type
1 byte 1 byte ‘Length’ bytes (1 to 255)
Parameter Parameter Parameter Zero
Parameter Parameter Parameter
Note: Unlike the message format specified in Q.763, there are no 'fixed' or 'variable'
parameters where the parameter name or type are implied by their position in the message. Instead all parameters contain parameter name, parameter length and parameter data.
Within each message, there are Mandatory parameters, which must always be present and Optional parameters, which may or may not be present. Many of the optional values have default values, which are added by the ISUP module if not provided by the user as described in the parameter specification.
All supported application messages are listed in
Section 6.5 on page 26 and Section 6.6 on page 54. All applicable parameters for each message are
listed in the following sub-sections (refer also to Appendix A: ISUP National
on page 171) and a list of all supported parameters are provided in
Section : 6.7 Parameter Definitions on page 80.
Section 6 Interface to Application

6.4 Parameter Extension Mechanism

The CCPN_parameter type value 128 (0x80) is used as an extension parameter indicator. The parameter extension mechanism is used for all parameter types whose decimal value is greater than 255 at the common control interface. If a parameter value of 128 (0x80) is contained within a message for sending to or received from the user, the actual parameter type value (minus 256) is contained in the third byte which is subsequently followed by the length of the parameter and its data as shown below:
Name Length Data
0x80 Parameter
Length + 2
1 byte 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte ‘Length’ bytes (1 to 253)
Name - 256

6.5 Application Messages to ISUP

The following table lists all application messages (message type ISP_MSG_TX_REQ) sent to ISUP module by the user application:
Parameter Data
Alerting request ACM
Application transport request
Charge request (Generic)
Circuit seized request SZE 199 0xc7 Used to initiate a continuity test call
Confusion request CFN 47 0x2f Requests that a confusion message is
Continuity request COT 5 0x05 Indicates whether the continuity test
Collection charging request
End-to-end message request
Facility request FAR
Forward transfer request
Information request SAM 2 0x02 Subsequent address digits for overlap
APM 65 0x41 To issue an application transport
CRG 49 0x31 Carries charging information.
MPM 201 0xc9 Used to carry charging information.
PAM 40 0x28 Requests that an end-to-end message
FAC FAA 32 0x20 Used to accept or reject a facility . Facility response FRJ 33 0x21 Previously requested with a facility
FOT 8 0x08 Send forward transfer to the network.
Value Primitive Message
Dec Hex
Indicates incoming called party being alerted.
and indicates that a circuit has been seized for an outgoing call (but no address information has yet been sent).
is sent. Request activation of a particular
facility or action at another exchange.
Dialogic® SS7 Protocols ISUP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Value Primitive Message
Dec Hex
INF 4 0x04 Sends additional call information.
Identification request IDR 54 0x36 Used to request an action regarding
the MCID supplementary service.
IRS 55 0x37 Used to respond to the IDR mess age.
response Loop back
acknowledgement request
Loop prevention
LPA 36 0x24 Indicates to the network that a
continuity check loop has been applied to the circuits.
LOP 64 0x40 Use with ECT supplementary service.
request Network resource
management request
NRM 50 0x32 Request modifications to network
resources associated with a call.
Overload request OLM 48 0x30 Used to initiate temporary trunk
Pre-release information request
PRI 66 0x42 Used by the application to request end-
to-end information prior to the release of a call.
Proceeding request ACM 6 0x06 Indicates incoming called party number
is complete. Progress request CPG 44 0x2c Carries progress information. Release request REL 12 0x0c Initiates call clearing. Release response RLC 16 0x10 Confirms that application has
completed call clearing. (Used when
call clearing has been originated by the
ISUP module). Request information
INR 3 0x03 Requests additional call information.
request Resume request RES 14 0x0e Resumes suspended call. Segmentation
SGM 56 0x38 Requests that a message segment is
sent. Suspend request SUS 13 0x0d Suspends call. Setup request IAM 1 0x01 Initiates outgoing call. Setup response ANM
Subsequent Directory
SDM 67 0x43 Subsequent directory number digits for
Number Unrecognised
UMT 254 0xfe Allows an unsupported message type
message request User information
USR 45 0x2d Requests that user-to-user data is sent.
Answers incoming call.
overlap signaling
to be sent by the application.
Section 6 Interface to Application

6.5.1 Alerting Request

This primitive is used by the application to indicate that the called subscriber's phone is ringing. The primitive takes the form of an Address Complete message when it is the first backward message issued by the destination exchange or a Call Progress message after the first backward message has been issued.
First Backward Message Issued
Message type
ACM (Address Complete Message)
Mandatory parameters
Optional parameters
Backward call indicators Defaults to 0x1416 if not supplied i.e. Subscriber Free Ordinary
Subscriber, Charge Terminating access ISDN, ISDN used all the way
Access transport
Cause indicators
Call reference
Optional backward call indicators
Remote operations
Service activation
Transmission medium used
User to user indicators
May be used to accept user to user information service 1, 2 or 3 (previously requested in a set-up indication).
User to user information Discarded if user to user service 1 has not been accepted.
The following optional parameters are supported in ITU-T mode only:
Access delivery information
Application transport
Call diversion information
Conference treatment indicators
Connected number
Echo control information
Generic notification indicator
This parameter may be repeated (see
on page 197).
Appendix E: ISUP Repeat
Dialogic® SS7 Protocols ISUP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Network specific facility
Parameter compatibility information
Redirection number
Redirection number restriction indicator
UID action indicators
The following parameters are supported in ANSI mode only:
Business group
Generic digits
Information indicators
Network transport
Notification indicator
Redirection information
Issued following ACM
Message type CPG (Call Progress Message)
Mandatory parameters
Optional parameters
Access transport
Backward call indicators
Cause indicators
Call reference
Event information
Defaults to 0x01 if not supplied. i.e. ALERTING
Optional backward call indicators
Redirection number
Remote operations
Service activation
Transmission medium used
User to user indicators
May be used to accept user to user information service 1, 2 or 3
User to user information Discarded if user to user service 1 has not been accepted
The following optional parameters are supported in ITU-T mode only:
Section 6 Interface to Application
Access delivery information
Application transport
Backward GVNS
Call diversion information
Call history information
Call transfer number
Conference treatment indicators
Connected number
Echo control information
Generic notification indicator
This parameter may be repeated (see
Appendix E: ISUP Repeat
Parameters on page 197).
Generic number
Network specific facility
Parameter compatibility information
Redirection number restriction indicator
UID action indicators
The following optional parameters are supported in ANSI mode only:
Business group
Generic number (address)
Generic digits
Information indicators
Network transport
Notification indicator
This parameter may be repeated (see
on page 197).

6.5.2 Application Transport Request

Note: This message is only applicable to ITU operation.
This primitive can be issued in all call states up until release. It is used by the application to send an application transport message which is passed on in same direction without changing state.
Message type
APM (Application Transport Message)
Mandatory parameters
Appendix E: ISUP Repeat
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