Texas instruments TI-83 PLUS What Is My Angle?

TI-83 Plus
What Is My Angle?
Getting Started
What I s “ What Is My Angle?” What You Need Where to Find I ns tallation Instructions
Start and Quit the Application Use the Application Delete the Application
More Infor m a t ion
Error Recovery
2/7/02 © 2002 Texas Instruments

Important Information

Texas Instruments makes no warranty, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, regarding any programs or book materials and makes such materials available solely on an “as-is” basis.
In no event shall Texas Instruments be liable to anyone for special, collateral, incidental, or consequential damages in connection with or arising out of the purchase or use of these materials, and the sole and exclusive liability of Texas Instruments, regardless of the form of action, shall not exceed any applicable purchase price of this item or material. Moreover, Texas Instruments shall not be liable for any claim of any kind whatsoever against the use of these materials by any other party.
Graphing product applications (Apps) are licensed. See the terms of the license agreement
for this product.
Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, Apple, Macintosh, Mac, and Mac OS are trademarks of their respective owners.
TI-83 Plus What Is My Angle? Application Page 2

What Is the “What Is My Angle?” Application?

What Is My Angle? is a Handheld Software Application (App) for the TI-83 Plus that lets students practice visually recognizing and estimating geometric angles in many different scenes and contexts. What Is My Angle? makes geometry more relevant to students by illustrating angles found in the world around them. The App presents this activity in a fun, engaging game format.
The What Is My Angle? application is a concept application that TI wants to share with our customers, educators, and students before the product definition and testing are complete. It is an alpha software version, and as such, it may contain imperfections, or the coding may be incomplete.
TI invites your feedback concerning the functionality and educational value of the What Is My Angle? application. Please send your comments and questions to concept@list.ti.com
TI-83 Plus What Is My Angle? Application Page 3

What You Need

In this guidebook, any information that pertains to the TI-83 Plus also pertains to the TI-83 Plus Silver Edition, unless otherwise noted.
Hardware and software
TI-83 Plus or TI-83 Plus Silver Edition with version 1.14 or higher of the operating system software
You can download a free copy of the latest operating system software from
Follow the link to Operating Systems. Computer with Microsoft® Windows®
95/98/2000, Windows NT®, or Apple® Mac® OS 7.1 or higher installed
TI-GRAPH LINK™ computer-to­calculator cable
If you do not have this cable, call your distributor, or order the cable from TI’s online store.
TI™ Connect software, which works with all supported models of Flash-based TI graphing calculators. —or— TI-GRAPH LINK software that is compatible with the TI-83 Plus
You can download free copies of TI Connect and TI-GRAPH LINK software from
Follow the link to Connectivity Software.
TI-83 Plus What Is My Angle? Application Page 4

Where to Find Installation Instructions

The instructions in this guidebook are only for this App. If you need help using the TI-83 Plus, refer to its comprehensive guidebook at
Detailed instructions on installing this and other applications are available at education.ti.com/guides installation instructions.
. Follow the link to Flash
TI-83 Plus What Is My Angle? Application Page 5

Starting and Quitting the Application

Starting the Application

1. Press
to display the list of applications on your
2. Select
. The application’s information screen is
3. Press any key to continue. The programmer’s screen is displayed.
4. Press any key to continue. The application’s main menu is displayed.

Quitting the Application

1. From an activity screen, press
2. Press
\ 
3. From the main menu, press
by pressing the
again to return to the main menu.
\ 
\ 
to stop play.
once more, or select
TI-83 Plus What Is My Angle? Application Page 6

Getting Help

From the main menu, select
by pressing the R key.
The help screens provide an overview of the types of angles you can choose, how to input your guesses, and how the game is scored.
To go to the previous page, select
To go to the next page, select
, select
by pressing the
To quit
\ 
by pressing the
by pressing the
key, or press
TI-83 Plus What Is My Angle? Application Page 7
+ 14 hidden pages