Texas instruments TI-83 PLUS, TI-73 SMILE Mathematics

TI-73 / TI-83 Plus
SMILE Mathematics
Getting Started
Starti ng and Qui t t ing the Applic ation
How To…
Play the M ini m ax Gam e Play the Box Gam e Play the Matching Fractions Game Play the Angle Game Play the Rhi no G ame
More Information
Use On-screen Options and Menus Delete the Application Install ation Error M es sag es
9/17/02 © 20 02 Texas Inst rum ents

Important Information

Texas Instruments makes no warranty, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, regarding any programs or book materials and makes such materials available solely on an "as-is" basis.
In no event shall Texas Instruments be liable to anyone for special, collateral, incidental, or consequential damages in connection with or arising out of the purchase or use of these materials, and the sole and exclusive liability of Texas Instruments, regardless of the form of action, shall not exceed any applicable purchase price of this item or material. Moreover, Texas Instruments shall not be liable for any claim of any kind whatsoever against the use of these materials by any other party.
Graphing product applications (Apps) are licensed. See the terms of the license agreement for this product.
Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, Apple, and Mac are registered trademarks of their respective owners.
Each game was developed by SMILE Mathematics of London, England. For further information abou t t he SMI LE Mat hemat ics so ftware, visit their w eb site at
© 2000 SMILE Mathematics
TI-73 / TI-83 Plus SMILE Mathematics App Page 2

What is the SMILE Mathematics Application?

The SMILE Mathematics application is a suite of five games:
Matching Fractions

Concept App

Concept applications are shared with our customers, educators, and students before product definition and testing is complete. These applications may contain software imperfections and/or incomplete coding areas. They are “alpha” software versions.
TI invites feedback from teachers and students concerning the functionality and educational value of the SMILE Mathematics App. Please send your comments and questions to concept@list.ti.com.
TI-73 / TI-83 Plus SMILE Mathematics App Page 3

What You Need

Hardware and Software Note
In this guidebook, any information that pertains to the TI-83 Plus also pertains to t he TI- 83 Plus Silver Edi tion, unl ess ot herwise noted.
TI-73 with version 1.60 or latest version of the Graph Explorer software
—or— TI-83 Plus or TI-83 Plus Silver Edition
with version 1.15 or latest version of the operating system ( OS) software
Computer with Micr osoft ® Windows® 95/98/2000, Windows NT® , or Apple® Mac® OS 7.1 or higher installed
TI-GRAPH LINK™ computer - to-device cable
TI Connect™ soft ware, whi c h works with most supported models of Flash­based TI graphing dev ices.
—or— TI-GRAPH LINK software that is
compatible with the TI-73 or the TI-83 Plus
You can download a free copy of the latest Graph Explorer or operating syste m software from
Follow the link to Operati ng Systems.
If you do not have this cable, call your distri butor, or order the cable from the TI online store
You can download free copies of TI Connect and TI-GRAPH LI NK software from
Follow the link to Connectivity Software.
TI-73 / TI-83 Plus SMILE Mathematics App Page 4

Where to Find Installation Instructions

Detailed instructions on installing this and other Apps are available at education.ti.com/guides. Follow the link to Flash Installation Instructions.
The instructions in this guidebook are only for this App. If you need help using the TI-73 or TI-83 Plus, refer to its comprehensive guidebook at
TI-73 / TI-83 Plus SMILE Mathematics App Page 5

Starting and Quitting the Application

Starting the Application

1. Press Œ to display the list of applications on your device.
2. Select SMILEMth. The SMILE Mathematics information screen is displayed.
3. Press any key to continue. The Texas Instruments version number screen is displayed.
4. Press any key to continue. The programmers’ screen is displayed.
5. Press any key to continue. The acknowledgement screen is displayed.
6. Press any key to continue. The SELECT A GAME menu is displayed.
7. Select a game and press Í. Also on this screen are two choices QUIT and INFO. Select
QUIT (o) if you need to quit the application. Select IN FO (s)
to rerun the information screens.

Quitting the Application

Select QUIT or press y 5 from the SELECT A GAME menu.
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For examp le, press

Selecting Menu Items

You can select menu items in the following ways.
Press } or to highlight the menu item, and then press Í
to select it.
— or —
Press the number key that corresponds to the menu item.

Using On-Screen Options

To select an option from the bottom of the screen, press the graphing key directly below the option.
s to rerun the information screens.
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The Minimax Game

Minimax is a game for two players. Five digits are presented, one at a time, and used to create a three-digit and a two-digit number. Each presented digit can be placed in any available position, but once placed, it cannot be moved.
Before any digits are presented, an operation (addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division) is chosen, and also a target (minimum or maximum). The aim for each player is to create the arrangement of three-digit and two-digit numbers, combined according to the chosen operation, which produces the better result according to the chosen target, minimum or maximum.
For example, if addition and minimum are the chosen operation and target, and the five presented digits are 4, 6, 9, 2, and 5, the arrangement below of player AAA produces a better result than the arrangement of player BBB.
Player AAA: 629 + 45 = 674 Player BBB: 954 + 26 = 980 (the lower value is 674, so AAA wins)
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Starting the Minimax Game

1. From the SELECT AN OPERATION menu, choose one of the following:
2. Then, from the SE LEC T A MODE menu choose:
3. Next, from the INPUT PLAYER NAME screen, enter a three letter identifier for each player.

Enter Player Names

Press } and to cycle the display through the available letters, in alphabetical order, and press | and ~ to move the cursor between the positions for each letter. When three letters have been chosen, press Í to confirm your choice.
Three letters for the second player are entered in the same way, and then the game automatically launches.
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Playing the Minimax Game

The aim is to minimize
This box shows the
This box identifies
the curr ent pl ayer.
The chosen operation
This mark indicates where
The c urr ent pla yer’s
The opening screen looks similar to the illustration below.
the result.
name is highlighted.
the digit is placed when you press Í.
current digit to be placed .
is addition.
Five spaces for digits are presented. Each player must try to place the digits so that the final result is as high or low as possible. The digits are presented one at a time, with those still to come unseen until presented. The indicator mark is moved to the available locations by pressing ~ or |. Press Í to place the digit in the location currently indicated by the marker position. The marker only moves to available positions.
As each game ends the option to QUIT (o) the game or PLAY
(p) is selected from the on-screen option at the
bottom of the screen.
TI-73 / TI-83 Plus SMILE Mathematics App Page 10

Addition and Subtraction

Indicates wr ong result.
If you chose 1:ADDITION or 2:SUBTRACTION, add or subtract the numbers and enter the answer in the space provided. Below is an example of an addition screen:
If either of the entered results is incorrect, the word WRONG appears on screen to indicate the error. Press TRY AGAIN (r) on-screen option and enter a new answer for that calculation. You have three chances to input the correct answer before the correct answer is displayed.
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Once the entered results are correct, the winner or a draw is
In this example,
Winner is declared.
DRAW is declared.

Multiplication and Division

After choosing 3:MULTIPLICATION or 4:DIVISION, you are then asked to select MINIMUM NUMBER (smaller) or MAXIMUM NUMBER (bigger) by pressing } or †. Press Í to c onfirm your selection. Once all the values have been positioned, the result is automatically calculated for you. You must then select the smaller or bigger result, depending on whether you previously selected MINIMUM NUMBER or MAXIMUM
. Press Í to confirm your selection.
Player AAA arrived at the bigger result.
If both players arrive at the same result, press the DRAW ? (r) option.
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The Box Game

Box is a game based on the relative positions of values along a number line.
A player is presented with nine values, one at a time, each to be placed into one of nine positions. Only one value can occupy each position and once placed, a value cannot be moved. The position of each value must represent its relative size, between the overall highest and lowest values. If, when a value is presented, there is no position available to maintain the required order, then the value is discarded.
The game can be played by two players. Each player completes an arrangement of the nine presented values. The player discarding the fewest values (and hence, placing the most values) wins. In the one-player game, the choices attributed to the second player are made automatically by the application.
The game can be played using either integer values, decimal values, or negative values, according to the options selected.
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Starting the Box Game

1. From the SELECT A BOX GAME menu choose one of the following:
2. Next the SELECT A BOX MODE menu defines a range for the nine values to be placed. For example, in 1:BOX (WHOL E
choose either 1:0 T O 100 or 2:0 T O 1000.
3. Then from the NUMBER OF PLAYERS screen choose:
4. From the INPUT PLAYER NAME screen, enter a three letter identifier for each player.

Entering Player Names

Press } or to cycle the display through the available letters, in alphabetical order, and press | or ~ to move the cursor between the positions for each letter. When three letters have been chosen, press Í to confirm your choice. The game automatically launches.
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