Texas instruments TI-83 PLUS LearningCheck App

TI-83 Plus LearningCheck™ App
Getting Started
Starting and Quitting Navigating
How To…
More Information
Accessing Online Help Error Messages Customer Support
4/8/03 © 2003 Texas Instruments

Important Information

Texas Instruments makes no warranty, either express or implied, including but not lim i ted to any impli ed warrant i es of merchan t ability and fi t ness for a part i cular p urpose, r egardin g any progr am s or book mater ials and makes such material s avail able solely on an “as-is” basis .
In no event shall Texas Instrumen t s be liable to anyone for special, collateral , i ncident al, or conse quent ial damages in connect i on with or arisi ng out of the purchase or use of these materials , and the sol e and exclusive liability of T ex as Inst r ument s, r egardless of th e form of act i on, shal l not exceed any ap plicable pu r chase pri ce of t his item or m at er i al. Moreover, Texas Instru m ents shal l not be l iable for an y claim of any kind whatsoever ag ai nst th e use of these mat er ials by any ot her party.
Graph i ng p r oduct applicati ons (App s) ar e licensed. See t he terms of the license agreement
for this product.
Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, Apple, and MacIntosh are tradem ar ks of t heir respective owners.
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What is the LearningCheck App?

The LearningCheck™ App for th e TI-83 Pl us lets y ou:
view assignments, inclu ding t ex t and images .
record answer s t o assignm ents on your T I-83 Plu s.
create and u s e el ect r onic resp onse forms.
Educators can also use the LearningCheck App t o as sess s t udent work; s t udents can use the LearningCheck App for self-assessment.
The Learn i ngCheck App can be used as a stan dal one App on a TI- 83 Pl us or wit h the T I-Navigator ™ cl ass r oom network ( versi on
1.0 or higher).
TI-83 Plus LearningCheck App Page 3

What You Need

Note In this guidebook , any infor mation t hat pertains to the TI-83 Plus also
pertains to the TI-83 Plus Silver E dition, unless otherwise noted.
Hardware and software Notes
TI-83 Plus or TI-83 Plus Silver Edition with v er sion 1.16 or later of the operating syste m software
Computer wit h M icrosoft® Wi ndows® 98/2000, Windows NT®, or Apple® MacIntosh® OS 7.1 or higher installed
TI-GRAPH LINK™ computer-to-device cable
TI Connect™ software, which works with most supported m odels of Fl ash-based TI graphing devic es
You can download a free copy of t he latest operating system soft ware from education.ti.com/latest
TI-GRAP H LINK cables are available for purchase from ret ail stores, online retail er s, and instructional dealers. See a list at education.ti.com/buy You may al so purchase TI-GRAP H LINK cables fr om the TI online store at
You can download free copies of TI Connect software from
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Where to Find Installation Instructions

Detailed in s t r uction s on inst al ling this and other appli cat ions are available at education.ti.com/guides Installation Instructions.
. Follow the lin k to Flash

Getting Help

The LearningCheck™ App has built-in help for each type of question. With a question di s played, sel ec t
HELP to display a help s cr een.
The instru ct i ons in t his guidebook are onl y for thi s appli cat ion. If you n eed help using the T I-83 Plu s , r efer t o i ts comprehensive guidebook at education.ti.com/guides
MENU and then select
TI-83 Plus LearningCheck App Page 5

Starting and Quitting the Application

Starting the Application

1. Press Œ to display the l i s t of ap plications on your TI-83 Plus.
2. Select
LearnChk. The appli cat i on’s information screen is
3. Press any key to contin ue. Th e

Quitting the Application

From the then select
TI-83 Plus LearningCheck App Page 6
ASSIGNMENT LIST screen, select MENU (press o) and
EXIT APP, or press y 5.



Selecting Menu Items

You can selec t m enu ite ms i n the foll owing ways.
Press † or } to highlight the menu item, and then press
Í to select it.
Press the n umber key that corresponds to the menu item.

Using On-Screen Options

Each screen di s plays one or more
option s along t he bott om of the
screen. T o select an option, press th e graphing key dir ectly b elow the option.
For example, press s to select NEXT.
TI-83 Plus LearningCheck App Page 7

Using the TI Keyboard

To do this …
Select menu items Use the up and down arrow keys to highlight a
menu it em, and then press Enter to sel ec t it. —or— If t he menu item is numbered, type the number
that corresponds to it. Quit the application ¥ Q Select on-screen
¥ plus the number that cor r esponds to the
graphing key di r ec tly below the option:
¥ 1 = o
¥ 2 = p
¥ 3 = q
¥ 4 = r
¥ 5 = s
You can also press the Tab key on the key boar d
to select the
TAB on-screen option.
TI-83 Plus LearningCheck App Page 8

Distributing Assignments to a TI-83 Plus

Use TI Con nect™ software and a TI-GRAPH LINK™ cabl e to
distribute assi gnmen ts from a computer to a T I-83 Plu s .
Use a TI-GRAPH LINK unit-to-unit cable to distribute
assign m ents from one TI-83 Pl us to anot her.
Use the TI-Navigator™ cl as sr oom network (version 1.0 or
higher) to di stribute assig nment s to all devices that are connect ed t o t he wirel ess hubs.
TI-83 Plus LearningCheck App Page 9

Completing an Assignment


When you start
the LearningCheck™ App, the ASSIGNMENT LIST screen displays t he titl es of t he assignments , i n alphabeti cal order, th at ar e currently i nstalled on the T I-83 Plus.
After you sel ec t an assignment and enter your u s er informati on, the I t em List disp l ays the t itle of each i t em in th e ass i gnmen t . You select the first item in the list, and then navigate through the assign m ent, ans w er i ng q uestion s or r eadi ng exp l anatory i tems, as required by the instructions.
Assignment title
Explanatory items— instructions, for example—are not numbered.
Questions are numbered sequentially.
TI-83 Plus LearningCheck App Page 10
An answer file is aut om at i cally cr eat ed for each assignment and
and then return to the same location within the assignment the
is associated w i t h you r username. Your resp onses to it em s i n the assign m ent are stored in th i s appli cat ion variable (AppVar ) file. The AppVar name i s t he same as th e assi gnment App Var name, except that it begins with the letter U.
Example: Your assig nment, Real Nu m bers and O perations, has the file name REALNUM.8xk. T he answer fi l e name is UREALNUM.8xk.
Another AppVar, NavPl ay , is created when you compl ete an assignment. NavPlay stor es i nformation about your progress through the assignment so that you can exit th e assignment
next time you access it .
If you delete NavPlay, t his information i s l ost, and you will return to the beginning of the assignment the next time you access it. Deleting NavPlay does not af fect the answer f ile.
TI-83 Plus LearningCheck App Page 11

Opening and Navigating through an Assignment

scroll thr ough t he
1. Start
the LearningCheck™ App. The ASSIGNMENT LIST screen displays the t i t les of the assignments that are curr ently installed on th e TI-83 Plus.
Press }or †to list of
Tip Select INFO on the ASSIGNMENT LIST screen t o display
infor mation about the assignment, such as the AppVar name (*.8xv), number of items, and any other info that the assignment creator suppli ed.
2. Move the cursor t o an assignment and press Í. The
ASSIGNMENT SIGN IN dial o g box is di splayed.
TI-83 Plus LearningCheck App Page 12
3. Typ e your u s er name and then p re ss Í to display t he It em List screen for th e assi gnmen t .
The username can be 3 – 32 characters long, and can only contain l etters, numbers, and spaces.
Entering a username is like wri ting your name on y our assignment. Be sure t o r emember your username so that you can return to y our assignment l ater, if necessary.
4. Move the curso r to the first item that you want t o view , and then press Í.
TI-83 Plus LearningCheck App Page 13
5. Answer the ques t i on or read the explanatory i tem. See th e followin g section for detailed i nstru ct i o ns on how to answer various ty pes of quest i ons.
Press y and select NEXT to go to t he pr evious question.
NEXT to skip a question. You can return to it later.
6. Use the following options to continue navigating through the assign m ent.
To display the next item, select NEXT, or press y ~.
To check your answer, select CHK. This option may not be
available, depending on the purpose of the assignment. The CHK option is not available on response forms.
To display the previous item, select MENU and then select
PREVIOUS ITEM, or press y |.
To return to the Item List screen, select MENU and then
select ITEM LIST, or press y z.
To get help on how to navigate within a question, select
MENU and then select HELP.
To pause the application, select MENU and then select
TI-83 Plus LearningCheck App Page 14
To return to the ASSIGNMENT LIST screen, select MENU and
then select ASSIGNMENT LIST.
When you h ave reach ed t he end of th e ass i gnmen t, the Item Li st screen is disp l ayed.
TI-83 Plus LearningCheck App Page 15

Answering Multiple-Choice Questions

Response choices for multip l e-choice qu est i ons are displayed either in a lis t followin g the q uestion or on an im age. Some multiple-choice question s al l ow you t o s el ect only one response option; other s allow y ou to select m or e t han on e.
Option but tons indicate that you can only select one r esponse option.
Check boxes indicate that you c an select mor e than one response option.
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