TI-83 Plus
Conic Graphing
Getting Started
Start here
How To…
Start and Quit Conic Graphing
Use Conic Window and Conic Zoom
Graph and Trace a Conic Section
Graphing a Circle Graphing a Hyperbola
Graphing an Ellipse Graphing a Parabola
More Information
Deleting Conic Graphing Customer Support
Error Recovery Glossary
11/6/02 © 2000–2002 Texas Instruments

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TI-83 Plus Conic Gr aphi ng Page 2

TI-83 Plus Conic Graphing Page 3
Where to Find Installation Instructions
You can find detailed instructions on installing this and other free
Flash applications in the guides section of education.ti.com.
Follow the link to Flash Installation Instructions.
Installing this application requires TIGRAPH LINKË software
and link cable. You can purchase a link cable from the online
store. After you enter the store, follow the links to Computer
Software, then TI-GRAPH LINK.
You can download a free copy of the latest version of TIGRAPH
LINK software from the software section of education.ti.com.
Follow the links to Connectivity Software, then TI-GRAPH LINK.

TI-83 Plus Conic Graphing Page 4
What is Conic Graphing?
Conic Graphing is a TI83 Plus calculator software application
that you can use to graph the four basic conic sections. The
conic equations can be in function, parametric, and polar forms.
Conic Graphing does not address degenerate cases of conic
sections where the plane passes through the vertex resulting in a
point, line, or two intersecting lines.

TI-83 Plus Conic Graphing Page 5
Starting and Quitting Conic Graphing
1. Press
n to display the list
of applications on your
2. Press ` or h to move the
cursor to Conics and press
¯. The
menu is displayed.
From the
main menu:
Select QUIT.
From any other screen:
Press \ [QUIT].
Values you input in Conic
Graphing are saved in an
application variable (AppVar) when
you exit the application. The next
time you run the application, the
last values you entered will be

TI-83 Plus Conic Graphing Page 6
Getting Started
Work through this exercise to become familiar with the basic features of the Conic
Graphing application. In this exercise, you trace the trajectory of Haley’s comet.
One of the more common uses of conics is to show the orbits of
planets and other astronomical bodies. Planets have closed
orbits that are almost circular, while comets have highly elliptical
orbits. For example, Haley’s comet follows a long path out from
the sun, but passes very close to the sun when it returns to the
solar system. It has a major axis of 36.18 astronomical units, and
an eccentricity of 0.97 (Larsen, Hostetler, and Edwards. 1997,
821). You can use Conic Graphing to trace the trajectory of
Haley’s comet.
To complete this exercise, you need to set your calculator to
radian mode before you start the Conics application. To do this:
1. Press
2. Move the cursor to Radian, and press ¯.
Press s to exit the mode screen.

TI-83 Plus Conic Graphing Page 7
1. We know the following: r =
1+e sin
, e = 0.97, and
2a ≈ 36.18. Find p, the halfway point of the distance from the
focus to the directrix.
2a ≈ 36.18 ≈ r1+ r2,then
36.18 ≈
Thus, p = .551
2. Select ELLIPSE from the
main menu.
3. Press
to display the
4. Select POL to change the mode to polar.
5. Select Man so that you can manually change window
6. Select ESC to return to the
7. Press hto select equation 4, R =
1 + e sin (T)

TI-83 Plus Conic Graphing Page 8
8. Enter these parameters for e and p, as defined above in step
1: e = 0.97, p = .551
9. Press
to display the
10. Select Zoom Conic so that the aspect ratio on the screen is
square. The graph of the ellipse is drawn.
The center (0,
) is
the sun. The graph
shows the path
around the sun.
To see this graph,
, and
select ZStandard,
then press
and select ZoomIn.
with the
cursor near the

TI-83 Plus Conic Graphing Page 9
11. Press
to exit the graph screen.
12. Press
e ?
to find the foci. One focus is the sun at
distance 0, angle
, ≈ 1.5708 radians. (If the calculator is in
degree mode, the distance is 0 and the angle is 90 degrees.
To change to degree mode, you must exit Conic Graphing.)
13. Press
to trace the trajectory.
Conic Graphing does not allow for continuous tracing. For
example, after you trace the entire ellipse, the tracing stops. You
can then press the opposite direction arrow to trace the object in
the opposite direction.

TI-83 Plus Conic Graphing Page 10
Variables Used or Modified by the Application
Conic Graphing modifies various calculator and window
• Y-vars in the list below are modified, but are not restored
when you exit the application.
• Real number variables in the list below are modified, but are
restored after you exit the application.
• If any of the variables were archived, Conic Graphing
unarchives them, but does not archive them again after you
exit the application.
Variables used or modified
Parametric equation editor: X1T, Y1T, X2T, Y2T
Polar equation editor: r1
Real number
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R,
S, T, U, W, X, Y, Z,
See the TI83 Plus manual Getting Started section for more
information about variables.

TI-83 Plus Conic Graphing Page 11
Conic Settings
You can graph conic sections in function, parametric, or polar
mode, based on your requirements. The Conic Graphing
application restores the calculator to the original mode (before
you started the application) when you exit the application.
Plots functions where Y is a function of X
Plots relations where X and Y are functions of
Plots functions where R is a function of
You can also select automatic or manual window settings.
Automatic changes the viewing window settings so that the
conic section is displayed, no matter where it is on the graph.
You cannot access window or zoom settings to change them
Manual allows you to change the window and zoom settings
manually. If the conic section is graphed outside of the
viewing window, you must manually change the settings so
that it will be displayed in the viewing window.

TI-83 Plus Conic Graphing Page 12
From any Conic Graphing screen:
1. Press
. The
creen is displayed.
2. Press
or _ to highlight a graphing type mode and press
to select it.
3. Press h to move to
4. Press a or _ to highlight AUTO (automatic) or MAN (manual)
and press
to select it.
5. Press
to select ESC to save the settings and return to the
previous screen.

TI-83 Plus Conic Graphing Page 13
Conic Graphing Options
Selecting Options
To select an option at the bottom of a Conic Graphing screen,
press the graphing key directly below the option.
• Select INFO to display the information screen, which contains
the application version number.
• Select QUIT to exit Conic Graphing.
• Select ESC to go back one screen.
Press a
key to
select an

TI-83 Plus Conic Graphing Page 14
Window and Zoom Settings
settings screen allows you to modify the
window characteristics. This screen is similar to the calculator’s
windowsettings screen. You can change individual window
parameters as needed.
1. Make sure that the conic graphing type mode is set correctly
(to function, parametric, or polar, depending on what the
equation requires).
2. Make sure the window settings mode is set to MAN.
3. Select a conic section from the
main menu: CIRCLE,
4. Select an equation.
You can only access the CONIC WINDOW screen after you
have selected an equation to graph.
You can only access the CONIC WINDOW screen if the mode
is set to MAN.
5. Set the parameters (for example, provide H, K, and Rfor the
first circle equation in function mode).

TI-83 Plus Conic Graphing Page 15
6. Press
7. Change the window parameters as needed.
8. Press Rto return to the previous screen.
Smallest x value to be
displayed in the viewing window
Largest x value to be displayed
in the viewing window
Spacing between the tick marks
on the x-axis
Smallest y value to be displayed
in the viewing window
Largest y value to be displayed
in the viewing window
Spacing between the tick marks
on the y-axis
Smallest T value (step) to

TI-83 Plus Conic Graphing Page 16
Largest T value to evaluate
Step increment
Polar mode
equations and
1 and 2)
Smallest Tvalue (angle) to
evaluate in radians/degrees
Largest Tvalue to evaluate in
stepTincrement in radians/degrees
Conic Graphing allows you to graph a partial conic section. To
do this, you must modify Tmin, Tmax, or Tstep (in parametric
mode) or Tmin, Tmax, or Tstep (in polar mode, for the ellipse and
circle equations 1 and 2 only).

TI-83 Plus Conic Graphing Page 17
settings screen allows you to adjust the viewing
window of the graph quickly. This screen is similar to the
calculator’s zoom settings screen. Zoom settings that do not
apply to conic sections are not displayed.
Zoom Conic
is a new zoom setting that applies only to Conic
Graphing. It changes the viewing window so that you can see the
important characteristics of the conic section, regardless of the
conic section’s position on the graph. The following table
describes how Conic Graphing changes the calculator default
variables, based on the zoom setting you choose.
You can only access the CONIC ZOOM screen after you have
selected an equation to graph.
You can only access the CONIC ZOOM screen if the mode is
set to MAN.

TI-83 Plus Conic Graphing Page 18
Changes the zoom parameters so that you can see the
important characteristics of the conic section in the
viewing window, regardless of conic section’s position on
the graph. Also, changes the viewing window so that
Y, which makes the graph of a circle look like a
circle. (Otherwise, it would look like an ellipse.)
Zoom In
Magnifies the graph around the cursor.
Zoom Out
Views more of the graph around the cursor.
Draws a box to define the viewing window.
Changes the viewing window based on the current
window variables so that #X=#Y, which makes the graph
of a circle look like a circle. (Otherwise, it would look like
an ellipse.) The midpoint of the current graph (not the
intersection of the axes) becomes the midpoint of the
new graph.
Sets the standard window variables: Xmin = 110,
Xmax = 10, Ymin = 110, Ymax = 10.

TI-83 Plus Conic Graphing Page 19
To see how different zoom settings affect the graph:
1. Make sure that the conic mode is set correctly (to function,
parametric, or polar, depending on what the equation
2. Select a conic section from the
main menu.
3. Select an equation.
4. Enter values for each of the required parameters listed. Use
and hto move from one parameter to the next.
If you enter a value that is invalid for the specific equation, an
error screen displays when you attempt to graph the conic
5. Press
6. Select
Zoom Conic
and view the graph.
7. Press
8. Select other zoomsettings to see the differences in the
graph. The graph is displayed after a zoomsetting is
selected (except for zoom settings that require another entry,
such as
Zoom In
Zoom Out