Sirona SIM MODULAR Operating Instructions Manual

SIM 2015 simulation unit operating instructions
Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Table of Contents
Operating Instructions Simulation Unit SIM MODULAR

Table of Contents

General Information................................................................................................. 9
1.1 Dear customer, ............................................................................................ 9
1.2 Contact information ...................................................................................... 9
1.3 Notes on these operating Instructions.......................................................... 10
1.3.1 General information about this operating manual ........................... 10
1.3.2 Scope of these operating Instructions............................................. 10
1.3.3 Other valid documents .................................................................... 10
1.4 Intended use................................................................................................. 11
1.5 Formats and symbols used .......................................................................... 11
Safety instructions ................................................................................................... 12
2.1 Identification of the danger levels................................................................. 12
2.2 Information on the unit.................................................................................. 12
2.3 On-site installation........................................................................................ 13
2.4 Installing the simulation unit ......................................................................... 13
2.5 Media quality ................................................................................................ 13
2.6 Maintenance and repair................................................................................ 14
2.7 Maintenance................................................................................................. 14
2.8 Trouble-free operation.................................................................................. 14
2.9 Vacuum system............................................................................................ 15
2.10 Intermittent operation ................................................................................... 15
2.11 Ventilation slots ............................................................................................ 15
2.12 Fresh water bottle......................................................................................... 15
2.13 User interface ............................................................................................... 16
2.14 Care, cleaning, and disinfecting agents ....................................................... 16
2.15 Wireless phone interference......................................................................... 16
2.16 Modifications and extensions of the system................................................. 16
2.17 Electrostatic discharge ................................................................................. 17
2.18 Dismantling/Installation ................................................................................ 18
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Table of Contents Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Operating Instructions Simulation Unit SIM MODULAR
Unit description........................................................................................................ 19
3.1 Technical data .............................................................................................. 19
3.2 System overview .......................................................................................... 22
3.3 Treatment position LEFT.............................................................................. 24
3.4 Headrest....................................................................................................... 25
3.4.1 Double-jointed head support ........................................................... 25
3.4.2 Adjusting the double articulating headrest ...................................... 26
3.5 Foot control .................................................................................................. 27
3.5.1 Pneumatic foot switch ..................................................................... 27
3.5.2 C+ electronic foot switch ................................................................. 28
3.6 Dentist element ............................................................................................ 29
3.6.1 TS dentist element hanging hoses.................................................. 29
3.6.2 CS dentist element with swivel arms............................................... 30
3.6.3 Instrument positions ........................................................................ 31
3.6.4 Standard EasyPad user interface.................................................... 32 EasyPad display and status displays ............................... 32 Fixed keys ........................................................................ 33
3.6.5 Comfort EasyTouch user interface.................................................. 35 Touch screen.................................................................... 36 Fixed keys of the EasyTouch user interface..................... 38
3.7 Assistant element ......................................................................................... 39
3.7.1 Instrument positions ........................................................................ 40
Operation................................................................................................................. 41
4.1 Putting the simulation unit into operation ..................................................... 41
4.1.1 Initial Operation ............................................................................... 41
4.1.2 Selecting a user profile.................................................................... 43
4.2 Concept of the user interface ....................................................................... 44
4.2.1 Standard EasyPad user interface.................................................... 44
4.2.2 Comfort EasyTouch user interface.................................................. 46 Virtual function keys ......................................................... 46 Sub-screens and settings screens ................................... 46 Status column................................................................... 47
4.3 Foot control .................................................................................................. 48
4.3.1 Pneumatic foot switch ..................................................................... 48
4.3.2 C+ electronic foot switch ................................................................. 49
4.4 Simulation unit.............................................................................................. 51
4.4.1 Triggering an immediate movement stop ........................................ 51
4.4.2 Manually moving the patient simulator............................................ 52
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Table of Contents
Operating Instructions Simulation Unit SIM MODULAR
4.5 Dentist element ............................................................................................. 53
4.5.1 Maximum load capacity.................................................................... 53
4.5.2 Positioning the dentist element ........................................................ 55
4.5.3 Fixed keys on the dentist element.................................................... 56
4.5.4 Placing the instruments in their holders ........................................... 57
4.5.5 X-ray image viewer .......................................................................... 59
4.5.6 General instrument functions ........................................................... 60 Instrument functions on the EasyPad................................ 60 Instrument functions on the EasyTouch ............................ 62 Saving instrument settings ................................................ 65 Setting the amount of spray water..................................... 65
4.5.7 3-way standard and SPRAYVIT E syringe....................................... 66 Safety instructions ............................................................. 66 Using the standard 3-way syringe..................................... 66 Using the 3-way SPRAYVIT E syringe.............................. 67
4.5.8 Turbine / air motor / other air-driven instruments ............................. 68 Using the highspeed handpiece........................................ 68 Setting the light of the highspeed handpiece .................... 68
4.5.9 Electric motor ................................................................................... 72 BL ISO E motor ................................................................. 72 Setting the speed on the EasyPad.................................... 73 Setting the speed on the EasyTouch ................................ 75 Setting the direction of rotation.......................................... 77
4.5.10 Integrated torque control .................................................................. 78 Integrated torque control on the EasyPad......................... 79 Integrated torque control on the EasyTouch ..................... 85
4.5.11 SIROSONIC L scaler ....................................................................... 90 Safety instructions ............................................................. 90 Setting the intensity on the EasyPad................................. 90 Setting the intensity on the EasyTouch............................. 93
4.5.12 Mini LED curing light ........................................................................ 95
4.5.13 SiroCam F/AF/AF+ intraoral camera................................................ 95
4.5.14 Timer function .................................................................................. 96 Timer function on the EasyPad ......................................... 96 Timer function on the EasyTouch...................................... 96
4.6 Assistant element.......................................................................................... 98
4.6.1 Maximum load capacity.................................................................... 98
4.6.2 Positioning........................................................................................ 98
4.6.3 Suction handpieces.......................................................................... 98
4.6.4 3-way standard and SPRAYVIT E syringe....................................... 100
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Table of Contents Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Operating Instructions Simulation Unit SIM MODULAR
4.6.5 Mini LED curing light ....................................................................... 101 Safety instructions ............................................................ 101 Symbols on the mini LED ................................................. 102 Connecting the Mini L.E.D................................................ 102 Functional description....................................................... 102 Operating the Mini LED .................................................... 104 Technical data .................................................................. 105
4.7 Stand-alone water supply............................................................................. 106
4.7.1 Water supply with fresh water bottle ............................................... 107 Fresh water bottle (water bottle system) option on support
tube D65 Fresh water bottle option on support tube........................ 109
4.7.2 Water supply through the disinfection system................................. 112 Switching to stand-alone water supply on the EasyPad... 112 Switching to stand-alone water supply with the
4.8 Operating light .............................................................................................. 116
4.8.1 Switching the operating light on/off ................................................. 116
4.8.2 Setting the brightness and sensor control of the LEDview.............. 117
4.9 SIVISIONdigital video system ..................................................................... 118
4.9.1 SIVISION monitor............................................................................ 119
4.9.2 SiroCam F/AF/AF+ intraoral camera............................................... 120 Safety instructions ............................................................ 120 Functional description....................................................... 120 Connecting the SiroCam F / AF / AF+ intraoral camera... 121 Operating SiroCam F / AF / AF+ intraoral camera ........... 123 Focusing SiroCam AF / AF+ intraoral camera.................. 123 Focusing the SiroCam F intraoral camera........................ 123 Using the camera with SI Video ....................................... 124 Using the camera with SIDEXIS....................................... 126 Technical camera data ..................................................... 128
4.10 Operation with a PC ..................................................................................... 129
4.10.1 SIVISION program .......................................................................... 130 Starting PC communication.............................................. 130 Communication with the media player.............................. 131 Communication with Microsoft PowerPoint ...................... 131 Communication with SIDEXIS.......................................... 132
4.10.2 USB interfaces ................................................................................ 135
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Table of Contents
Operating Instructions Simulation Unit SIM MODULAR
4.11 Configurating the simulation unit (setup)....................................................... 136
4.11.1 Configurating the simulation unit on the EasyPad ........................... 136 Access the Setup program ................................................ 136 Setting the time and date .................................................. 137 Presetting the timer ........................................................... 137 Setting the purging time for the purge function ................. 138 Setting the purging time for the autopurge function .......... 138 Adjusting the cleaning agent mixture for chemical suction hose cleaning Coupling suction to the 4-way foot switch. ........................ 138 Switching afterblow on/off ................................................. 139 Switching on/off the foot control function for intraoral camera focus the key sound on/off ......................................... 139 the service function............................................. 139
4.11.2 Configuring the simulation unit on EasyTouch................................. 140 Opening the setup dialogs................................................. 140 Setting the time and date .................................................. 141 Configuring control options................................................ 142 Configuring the network connection .................................. 145 Opening the service function............................................. 145
Care, cleaning and maintenance by the user........................................................... 146
5.1 Basics............................................................................................................ 146
5.1.1 Intervals............................................................................................ 146
5.1.2 Care, cleaning, and disinfecting agents ........................................... 148
5.1.3 Conduct a microbiological water test ............................................... 148
5.2 Surfaces ........................................................................................................ 150
5.2.1 Clean/disinfect surfaces ................................................................... 150
5.2.2 Disinfect user interfaces................................................................... 151
5.2.3 Sterilize silicone mats and handle covers ........................................ 152
5.2.4 Clean the foot switch........................................................................ 153
5.2.5 Disinfect the tray .............................................................................. 153
5.3 Instruments and instrument hoses ................................................................ 154
5.3.1 Rinse water lines.............................................................................. 154
5.3.2 Purge the water lines (purge function) ............................................. 154 Purge function on the EasyPad......................................... 155 Purging function on the EasyTouch .................................. 156
5.3.3 Automatically purge water lines (autopurge function) ...................... 160 Autopurge function on the EasyPad.................................. 161 Autopurge function on the EasyTouch .............................. 165
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Table of Contents Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Operating Instructions Simulation Unit SIM MODULAR
5.3.4 Lubricate, disinfect/sterilize the simulation unit ................................ 169 Treatment instruments ...................................................... 169 Cleaning and sterilizing the standard 3-way syringe......... 169 Disinfecting/sterilizing Mini L.E.D. curing light................... 170 Cleaning/disinfecting the SiroCam F / AF / AF+ intraoral
5.3.5 Change the cotton wool roll on the turbine hose and oil collector.... 171
5.4 Vacuum system............................................................................................. 173
5.4.1 Purge the vacuum system................................................................ 173
5.4.2 Cleaning the suction hoses .............................................................. 173 Suction hose cleaning with “suction hose cleaning” option 173 Suction hose cleaning without “suction hose cleaning”
5.4.3 Cleaning suction hoses and suction system .................................... 175
5.4.4 Sterilize/disinfect the suction handpieces ........................................ 178
5.4.5 Empty the central suction sieve. ...................................................... 179
5.4.6 Cleaning and disinfecting the suction hoses .................................... 179
5.5 Refilling DENTOSEPTP disinfectant............................................................ 180
5.6 Change the water and air filters .................................................................... 182
5.7 Clean the filter insert of the wet suction device............................................. 183
5.8 Empty the sediment container....................................................................... 186
5.9 Emptying the collector of the air jet pump ..................................................... 188
5.10 Sanitizing....................................................................................................... 190
5.10.1 Sanitizing with the supply module .................................................... 191 Sanitizing on the EasyPad ................................................ 192 Sanitizing on the EasyTouch............................................. 196
5.10.2 Sanitizing with the fresh water bottle................................................ 203
5.10.3 Biofilm removal by the service technician ........................................ 208
Maintenance by the service engineer....................................................................... 209
6.1 Inspection and maintenance ......................................................................... 209
Disposal.................................................................................................................... 210
Index......................................................................................................................... 211
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 1General Information
Operating Instructions Simulation Unit SIM MODULAR 1.1Dear customer, ...

General Information

Customer service center In the event of technical queries, please use our online contact form at
Manufacturer's address Sirona Dental Systems GmbH

Dear customer, ...

We are pleased that you have purchased the Sirona simulation unit SIM MODULAR.
Our aim is to recognize our customers' demands in good time and to create innovative solutions. Together with your trade partner, you have configured the unit to suit your individual tastes. The new hub of your training center is tailored to your personal needs.
With SIM MODULAR you have selected a simulation unit that stands for easy operation, high-quality design, and cost effectiveness.
These operating Instructions are designed to assist you prior to initial use and whenever you require information later on.
We wish you a great deal of success and pleasure with SIM MODULAR.

Contact information

Worldwide customer servic e In the navigation bar, go to the menu commands
Manufacturer's address (worldwide)
Fabrikstrasse 31 64625 Bensheim Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 6251/16-0 Fax: +49 (0) 6251/16-2591 e-mail:
"Customer Service Center"
and then click the
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1General Information Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
1.3Notes on these operating Instructions Operating Instructions Simulation Unit SIM MODULAR

Notes on these operating Instructions

1.3.1 General information about this operating manual

Observe the Operating Instructions Please familiarize yourself with the unit by reading through these
Keep documents safe Always keep the Operating Instructions handy in case you or another
Online portal for technical documents We have set up an online portal for the Technical Documents at http://
Help If you reach an impasse despite having thoroughly studied the Operating
Observe the Operating I nstructions
Operating Instructions before putting it into operation. It is essential that you comply with the specified warning and safety information.
Storage of documents, online portal, hel p
user require(s) information at a later point in time. Save the Operating Instructions on the PC or print them out.
If you sell the unit, make sure that the Operating Instructions are included with it either as a hard copy or on an electronic storage device so that the new owner can familiarize himself with its functions and the specified warning and safety information. There, you can download these operating instructions and further documents. Please complete the online form if you would like a hard copy of a particular document. We will then be happy to send you a printed copy free of charge.
Instructions, please contact your dealer.

1.3.2 Scope of these operating Instructions

System versions These operating instructions apply to the following treatment centers:
● SIM MODULAR simulation workstation
Equipment options This document describes the full version of your system. It may therefore
cover components that are not included in the system you purchased.

1.3.3 Other valid documents

Other valid documents The simulation workstation can be equipped with additional components
that are described in separate sets of operating instructions. The instructions as well as any warning and safety information contained therein also must be observed.
Separate operating instructions exist for each of the following products:
● Treatment instruments and accessories
● LEDview operating light
● Monitor
● Phantom heads
● Curing light
● Microscope
● Intraoral camera
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 1General Information
Operating Instructions Simulation Unit SIM MODULAR 1.4Intended use

Intended use

The simulation workstation is used for the training and education of dental students, as well as for continuing education at universities, clinics, and training institutes. It is a laboratory workstation that may not be used to treat living persons. Before each use, the user must ensure that the units are functionally reliable and in good condition.
To prevent injuries or damage due to improper use, the product may only be operated in accordance with the manufacturer’s operating instructions.
If the unit is not used in accordance with the operating instructions, this may have a negative effect on the recommended protective measures.
This device is not intended for operation in areas subject to explosion hazards and only allowed for indoor use.
Follow the instructions!
If the instructions for operating the unit described in this document are not observed, the intended protection of the user may be impaired.

Formats and symbols used

The formats and symbols used in this document have the following meaning:
1. First action step
2. Second action step
Alternative action
➢ Individual action step
See "Formats and symbols used [ → 11]"
● List Designates a list.
"Command / menu item" Indicates commands, menu items or
Prompts you to do something.
Identifies a reference to another text passage and specifies its page number.
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2Safety instructions Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
2.1Identification of the danger levels Operating Instructions Simulation Unit SIM MODULAR

Safety instructions


Identification of the danger levels

To prevent personal injury and material damage, please observe the warning and safety information provided in these operating instructions. Such information is highlighted as follows:
An imminent danger that could result in serious bodily injury or death.
A possibly dangerous situation that could result in serious bodily injury or death.
A possibly dangerous situation that could result in slight bodily injury.
A possibly harmful situation which could lead to damage of the product or an object in its environment.
Application instructions and other important information.
Accompanying documents
Electrostatic discharge (ESD)
Tip: Information on making work easier.

Information on the unit

Accompanying documents
Meaning: When operating the unit, observe the operating instructions.
Meaning: The accompanying documents are available on the homepage of Sirona.
Connector pins or sockets bearing ESD warning labels must not be touched or interconnected without ESD protective measures. See also "Electrostatic discharge" [ → 17] and "Electromagnetic compatibility".
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 2Safety instructions
Operating Instructions Simulation Unit SIM MODULAR 2.3On-site installation

On-site installation

The on-site installation must have been performed according to our requirements. The details are described in the document "Installation Requirements".

Installing the simulation unit

Installation must be carried out by authorized personnel according to the installation instructions.

Media quality

The air and water supplies must meet the requirements specified in the installation requirements. In addition, the optional fresh water bottle or empty disinfectant tank can be used as a water container.
Use only drinking water and dry oil-free hygienically clean air in this simulation workstation. As the owner of the simulation workstation, you are generally responsible for the water quality.
Please note that drinking water, e.g., water from bottles, must never be filled into the disinfectant tank of the simulation workstation (due to the minerals contained therein). Aqua purificata or aqua destillata can be used as distilled water. Water from bottles can be used without any restrictions for the fresh water bottle.
Microorganisms can multiply in the water. These microorganisms could increase the risk of damage to one’s health.
➢ Sirona recommends to never operate the simulation unit without
➢ Mix fresh water for the stand-alone water supply every day. At the
end of the work day, the fresh water bottle must be emptied.
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2Safety instructions Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
2.6Maintenance and repair Operating Instructions Simulation Unit SIM MODULAR
Authorized technical personnel and spare parts

Maintenance and repair

In the interest of the safety and health of users and third parties, it is necessary that maintenance work is carried out to ensure the operational safety and reliability of the product.
The owner is responsible for making sure that all maintenance activities are performed.
As manufacturers of laboratory equipment for training purposes we stress the importance of having maintenance and repairs performed only by ourselves or by agencies expressly authorized by us and replacing faulty components with original spare parts or Sirona-approved accessories.
We suggest that you request a certificate showing the nature and extent of the work performed from those who carry out such work; it must contain any changes in rated parameters or working ranges (if applicable), as well as the date, the name of the company and a signature.
In the event that the system owner fails to fulfill its obligation to perform maintenance activities or ignores error messages, Sirona Dental Systems GmbH cannot assume any liability for any damage thus incurred.


Despite the outstanding quality of your simulation workstation and regular care by the user, in the interest of operational safety, it is essential to perform preventive maintenance at scheduled intervals.
In order to ensure the operational safety and reliability and to avoid damage due to natural wear, as the operator you must have your system checked regularly by an authorized service engineer.
Please contact Sirona to obtain a maintenance offer.

Trouble-free operation

Use of this unit is permissible only if it works properly without malfunctions. If trouble-free operation cannot be ensured, the unit must be taken out of service, checked by authorized technicians for malfunctions and, if necessary, repaired or replaced.
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 2Safety instructions
Operating Instructions Simulation Unit SIM MODULAR 2.9Vacuum system

Vacuum system

Suction of aluminum or other metal oxides prohibited
The suction removal of aluminum and other metal oxides from blasting devices via the automatic separator built into the simulation unit is prohibited! This would result in extreme wear and clogging of the vacuum and drain lines.
Separate suction
A separate vacuum system must be used in connection with metal oxide blasting devices. Simulation units equipped with a central wet suction system are generally suitable for suction removal of the above material. However, make sure to observe the instructions provided by the manufacturer of your vacuum system.
Suction of steel abrasives permissible
No restrictions apply when using salt blasting devices in connection with Sirona simulation units. However, in such cases, make sure that the system is subsequently flushed with an adequate amount of water.
To clean the vacuum system, a suction hose connection is optionally integrated in the supply module. Water is pumped into a container behind the suction hose intake and suctioned off from there, see “Vacuum system [ → 173]”.
The unit can be optionally operated with an air jet pump (Air Venturi) instead of a suction device.

Intermittent operation

Continuous operation with intermittent loading corresponding to the dental mode of working.

Ventilation slots

Under no circumstances may the ventilation slots on the unit be covered, since otherwise the air circulation will be obstructed. This can cause the unit to overheat.
Do not spray liquids such as disinfectants into the ventilation slots. This may lead to malfunctions. Only wipe to disinfect these areas.

Fresh water bottle

SIM 2015 fresh water bottle
The simulation unit can be equipped with a fresh water bottle for stand­alone water supply of the instruments. Switching between the fresh water bottle and public drinking water supply is another equipment option.
Use only Sirona fresh water bottles, see “Spare parts, consumables”! Compressed air is added to the bottle when it is screwed into the holder. Beverage bottles could burst.
Misshapen, scratched, or discolored fresh water bottles must be replaced immediately. Do not use fresh water bottles after the expiry date. The date is marked on the bottle.
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2Safety instructions Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
2.13User interface Operating Instructions Simulation Unit SIM MODULAR

User interface

The dentist element of your simulation unit can be equipped with a control panel with seven-segment displays (EasyPad) or a pressure-sensitive monitor (EasyTouch).
The touchscreen must not be operated with pointed objects such as ball­point pens, pencils, etc. Such objects could damage or scratch its surface. Operate the touchscreen only by pressing it gently with your fingertip.

Care, cleaning, and disinfecting agents

Unsuitable care and cleaning agents may corrode the surface of the unit or impair function.
Use only care, cleaning and disinfecting agents approved by Sirona! For more information, see "Care, cleaning, and disinfecting agents" [ → 148].

Wireless phone interference

To ensure safe operation of the unit, the use of possible wireless phones (cell phones) must be prohibited in the operating area.

Modifications and extensions of the system

Modifications to this unit which might affect the safety of the operator, users or other persons are prohibited by law.
For reasons of product safety, this product may only be operated with original Sirona accessories or third-party accessories approved by Sirona. The user assumes the risk for the use of non-approved accessories.
If any equipment not approved by Sirona is connected, it must comply with the applicable standards:
● DIN EN 61010-1 Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use
● DIN EN 61326-1 EMC requirements for laboratory equipment
● DIN EN 60950-1 Safety for information technology equipment (e.g., PC, monitor)
The simulation unit monitor must fulfill the requirements of the IEC 60950­1 standard.
If a system is created with the installation, the creator is responsible for ensuring the conformity of the system, e.g., in accordance with directive 2006/42/EC.
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 2Safety instructions
Operating Instructions Simulation Unit SIM MODULAR 2.17Electrostatic discharge

Electrostatic discharge

Protective measures
Electrostatic discharge (abbreviated: ESD – ElectroStatic Discharge)
Electrostatic discharge from people can damage electronic components when the components are touched. Damaged components usually have to be replaced. Repairs must be performed by qualified personnel.
Measures to protect against ESD include:
● Procedures to avoid electrostatic charging via
– air conditioning
– air humidification
– conductive floor coverings
– non-synthetic clothing
● discharging the electrostatic charges from your own body through contact with
– a metallic unit casing
– a larger metallic object
– any other metal part grounded with the protective earth
Endangered regions are indicated on the unit by the ESD warning label:
We recommend that all persons working with this system are made aware of the significance of the ESD warning label. A training course should also be held to inform users about the physics of electrostatic charges.
Physics of electrostatic charges
An electrostatic discharge requires prior electrostatic charging.
There is a danger of electrostatic charges building up whenever two bodies rub against each other, e.g. when:
● walking (soles of shoes against the floor) or
● moving (chair casters against floor).
The amount of charge depends on several factors: The charge is:
● higher at low air humidity than at high air humidity, and
● higher with synthetic materials than with natural materials (clothing, floor coverings).
The following rule of thumb can be applied to assess the transient voltages resulting from an electrostatic discharge.
An electrostatic discharge is:
● perceptible at 3,000 V or higher
● audible at 5,000 V or higher (cracking, crackling)
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● visible at 10,000 V or higher (arc-over)
2Safety instructions Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
2.18Dismantling/Installation Operating Instructions Simulation Unit SIM MODULAR
The transient currents resulting from these discharges have a magnitude of over 10 amps. They are not hazardous for humans because they last for only several nanoseconds.
Tip: 1 nanosecond = 1/1,000,000,000 second = 1 billionth of a second
Voltage differentials exceeding 30,000 volts per centimeter may lead to a charge transfer (electrostatic discharge, lightning, arc-over).
Integrated circuits (logical circuits and microprocessors) are used in order to implement a wide variety of functions in a device. The circuits must be miniaturized to a very high degree in order to include as many functions as possible on these chips. This leads to structure thicknesses as low as a few ten thousandths of a millimeter. Integrated circuits that are connected to wires leading externally are therefore particularly at risk from electrostatic discharge.
Even voltages that are imperceptible to the user can cause breakdown of the structures, thus leading to a discharge current that melts the chip in the affected areas. Damage to individual integrated circuits may cause malfunction or failure of the unit.


Follow the installation instructions
When dismantling and reinstalling the simulation unit, proceed according to the installation instructions for new installation in order to guarantee its proper functioning and stability.
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 3Unit description
Operating Instructions Simulation Unit SIM MODULAR 3.1Technical data

Unit description

Model designation SIM MODULAR simulation workstation
Power supply 230 V AC ± 10%
Rated current 1.5 A at 230 V AC
Main building fuse

Technical data

Model designation, power rati ng s
50/60 Hz
Additional max. of 6 A for external devices
Type B automatic circuit breaker
Slow-blow 100–115 V AC: 20 A
Slow-blow 220–240 V AC: 16 A
Overvoltage category II according to IEC 60664-1
Protection class I
Water quality Drinking water
Water hardness 1.4 mmol/l (=8°dH) -2.1 mmol/l (=12°dH)
Air quality Dry, oil-free, dirt-free, not contaminated.
Power ratings
Operating conditions
Average power consumption (for dimensioning an air conditioning system):
Power consumption in switched off state
On-site water pressure 2.5-6 bar ( ≥ 3 l/min)
On-site air pressure 5.5-7.5 bar ( ≥ 50 l/min)
On-site negative pressure of suction air
Waste water: max. 3 l/min
Intended use For indoor use
Ambient temperature 10°C-40°C (50°F-104°F)
Relative humidity 30%-85%
Air pressure 500hPa-1060hPa
Installation site ≤ 3000 m above sea level
Pollution degree 2 acc. to IEC 60664-1
100 W
0 W (main switch available)
P ≤ 0.18 bar ( ≥ 500 l/min)
The simulation unit is not suitable for operation in explosion hazard areas.
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3Unit description Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
3.1Technical data Operating Instructions Simulation Unit SIM MODULAR
Transport and storage conditions
Degree of protection against ingress of water
Operating mode
Year of manufacture
Temperature -40°C-+70°C (-40°F-+158°F)
Relative humidity 10%-95%
Air pressure 500hPa-1060hPa
Ordinary equipment (without protection against ingress of water)
The foot control has an IP X1 degree of protection against liquids (drip­proof).
Intermittent operation for electric motors and
1 min operation - 7 min pause (with a motor current of 1.5 A)
Intermittent operation for
30 s operation - 270 s pause hoisting motor and tilting motor of the simulation unit
(on the rating plate on the junction box)
This work station complies with the
requirements of
DIN EN ISO 12100:2011-03
DIN EN 61010-1:2011-07
DIN EN 61326-1:2013-07
This product bears the CE marking in
accordance with Directive 2014/30/EU of
the European Parliament and of the
Council of February 16, 2014 and
2006/42/EC of the European Parliament
and of the Council of May 17, 2006.
The contents of the operating
instructions may be changed at any time
without notice. The German version of
the operating instructions is binding for
the translation into other languages.
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 3Unit description
230 V ~ 1,5 A 50/60 Hz
Made in Germany
Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Fabrikstr. 31, 64625 Bensheim
Operating Instructions Simulation Unit SIM MODULAR 3.1Technical data
Simulation unit rating plate SIM MODULAR
Device type
Serial Number
Material number
CE marking
Observe the operating instructions
For disposal information, see the section “Disposal [ → 210]”
Year of manufacture
65 64 020 D3650 D3650. 04.2016
3Unit description Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
3.2System overview Operating Instructions Simulation Unit SIM MODULAR

System overview

The SIM MODULAR simulation workplace comprises the following main components:
Overview of electric height and tilt adjustment
A LEDview operating light
B Removable handle covers (left/right)
Assistant element
D Clamping lever for dummy head rotation
E Phantom head
F 4-way foot switch and electric height adjustment of the phantom
G Electronic foot control
H 22‘‘ AC monitor
I TS dentist element
J CS dentist element with swivel arm
K Supply module
65 64 020 D3650
22 D3650. 04.2016
Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 3Unit description
Operating Instructions Simulation Unit SIM MODULAR 3.2System overview
L Suction hose connection for suction hose cleaning (see “Suction
hose cleaning with “suction hose cleaning” option [ → 173]”)
M Maintenance flap for accessing the cleaning agent tank to
chemically clean the suction hoses, sediment container or filter insert for wet suction
N Water bottle system on support tube
Overview of manual height and tilt adjustment
A LEDview operating light
B Removable handle covers (left/right)
Assistant element
D Clamping lever for dummy head inclination
E Phantom head
F Clamping lever for dummy head rotation
G Foot pedal and manual height adjustment of phantom head
H Supply module
I TS dentist element
J CS dentist element with swivel arm
K Fresh water bottle on support tube
65 64 020 D3650 D3650. 04.2016
3Unit description Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
3.3Treatment position LEFT Operating Instructions Simulation Unit SIM MODULAR

Treatment position LEFT

Treatment position LEFT
1. Pull off the suction hose.
2. Shut down the patient simulator.
3. Raise the dentist element to the highest position and swivel it into
the left-hand position.
4. Swing the assistant element into the right-hand position.
5. Insert the suction hose into the suction socket.
65 64 020 D3650
24 D3650. 04.2016
Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 3Unit description
Operating Instructions Simulation Unit SIM MODULAR 3.4Headrest


3.4.1 Double-jointed head support

The double articulating headrest is equipped with two rotary joints. They allow the head inclination to be manually adjusted over a wide range for maxillary/mandibular treatment. The headrest extension can be pushed in or pulled out to manually adjust it to the height of the patient.
A Head pad
B Rotary joints
C Unlock button (one-sided)
D Support bar for adjustment to patient height
For details, see "Adjusting the double articulating headrest."
65 64 020 D3650 D3650. 04.2016
3Unit description Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
3.4Headrest Operating Instructions Simulation Unit SIM MODULAR

3.4.2 Adjusting the double articulating headrest

The double articulating headrest is equipped with two rotary joints. They facilitate manual adjustment of the head inclination for maxillary/ mandibular treatments. The headrest extension can be pushed in or pulled out manually to adjust it to the height of the patient.
Head support, double-jo int force, holding force
When the lock on the double articulating headrest is released, both rotary joints lose their holding power.
➢ Place your hands in a way that avoids pinching of your fingers.
➢ Before releasing the headrest, always ensure that both joints are
securely locked!
1. Take hold of them with one hand under the headrest.
2. Use the other hand to press the release button A.
Both rotary joints are now freely movable.
3. Adjust the headrest to the desired treatment position. Then let go of the release button A.
Both rotary joints lock into place. Ensure that they are securely
positioned! The headrest is secure again.
26 D3650. 04.2016
65 64 020 D3650
Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 3Unit description
Operating Instructions Simulation Unit SIM MODULAR 3.5Foot control

Foot control

3.5.1 Pneumatic foot switch

With a pneumatic foot switch, the compressed air valve for activating the high-speed handpieces is integrated into the foot switch. The high-speed handpieces are therefore continuously adjustable. For electric motors and the SIROSONIC L scaler, the foot switch is operated as a direct starter (i.e. at a preset speed and intensity).
A Foot pedal
B Toggle switch for activating spray
C Button for chip blower
D Connecting cable
65 64 020 D3650 D3650. 04.2016
3Unit description Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
3.5Foot control Operating Instructions Simulation Unit SIM MODULAR

3.5.2 C+ electronic foot switch

The C+ electronic foot control can be set as a speed foot control or direct starter for electric motors and the SIROSONIC L scaler. The compressed air for turbines cannot be adjusted.
A Foot pedal
B Left button (spray)
4-way foot switch plate for adjusting the instruments
D Right button (chip blower)
E Positioning bar
F Connecting cable
65 64 020 D3650
28 D3650. 04.2016
Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 3Unit description
Operating Instructions Simulation Unit SIM MODULAR 3.6Dentist element

Dentist element

SIM MODULAR can be equipped with a TS dentist element (with hanging hoses) or a CS dentist element (with whip arms). All functions of the simulation unit can be operated via the control panel on the dentist element.

3.6.1 TS dentist element hanging hoses

With this TS dentist element, instruments are placed upright in the instrument holders. The instrument hoses hang freely under the dentist element.
65 64 020 D3650 D3650. 04.2016
A Optional instrument holder option (max. 5 instruments)
B Optional holder with non-slip silicone mat for 2 standard trays
Optional removable handle covers (left/right)
D Knob to release or tighten the support arm brake for adjusting
height of the dentist element (only on the right)
E Optional additional holder for intraoral camera
F EasyPad (shown here) or EasyTouch user interface
G X-ray viewer option
Support arm
3Unit description Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
3.6Dentist element Operating Instructions Simulation Unit SIM MODULAR

3.6.2 CS dentist element with swivel arms

On the CS dentist element, instruments are placed on the instrument holder horizontally and facing downwards. The instrument hoses are placed above the dentist element over the whip arms.
A Instrument holder (max. 5 instruments)
B Removable handle covers (left/right)
C Button to release the support arm brake for adjusting height
D EasyPad or EasyTouch user interface
E Holder with non-slip silicone mat
FX-ray viewer
G Whip arms
H Support arm
30 D3650. 04.2016
65 64 020 D3650
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