Siemens 7XV5550-0xA00 Series Manual

Active Mini-Starcoupler
Jan. 2002
Table of content
1 APPLICATION AND SHORT FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION........................................................ 9
1.1 Technical features..................................................................................................................... 10
1.1.2 Setting parameters ........................................................................................................... 11
1.1.3 Master and Slave-interfaces............................................................................................. 11
1.1.4 Master-interfaces ............................................................................................................. 12
1.1.5 Slave-interfaces................................................................................................................ 12
1.1.7 Data format ...................................................................................................................... 12
1.1.8 Channel selection during the operation............................................................................ 12
1.1.9 Disconnection between Master- and Slave-interface ....................................................... 13
1.1.10 Internal memory for the data-transfer............................................................................... 13
1.1.11 Cascading several Mini-Starcouplers............................................................................... 14
1.1.12 Mini-Starcoupler as Master-device................................................................................... 14
1.1.13 Further Mini-Starcouplers as Slave-devices..................................................................... 14
2 TECHNICAL DATAS .................................................................................................................... 15
2.1 Hardware features ................................................................................................................... 15
2.2 Safety Tests .............................................................................................................................. 16
2.3 EMC tests ................................................................................................................................. 17
2.4 Mechanical Stress Tests........................................................................................................... 18
2.5 Climatic Stress tests ................................................................................................................. 18
2.6 Dimensions ............................................................................................................................... 19
3 ORDERING CODE........................................................................................................................ 19
4 DESCRIBTION OF THE DEVICE AND IT´S INTERFACES ........................................................ 20
4.1 General description................................................................................................................... 20
4.2 Position and assignment of the terminals................................................................................. 20
4.2.1 Auxilliary voltage X2 ......................................................................................................... 20
4.2.2 Alarm contact X7 .............................................................................................................. 20
4.2.3 Optical interfaces Tx/Rx ...................................................................................................20
4.2.4 RS232 Operating Interface X1 ......................................................................................... 21
4.2.5 RS485- Cascading Interface X5....................................................................................... 22
4.2.6 DIP-Switches S1 and S2 .................................................................................................. 22
4.3 Terminal Assignment................................................................................................................ 23
4.3.1 Auxilliary voltage terminals X2 ......................................................................................... 23
4.3.2 Alarm relay terminals (Live contact) X7 ........................................................................... 23
4.3.3 RS232-Interface X1.......................................................................................................... 23
4.3.4 RS485-Interface X5.......................................................................................................... 24
4.4 LED's......................................................................................................................................... 24
4.4.1 Green LED "RUN" ............................................................................................................24
4.4.2 Yellow LED "MASTER" .................................................................................................... 24
4.4.3 Yellow LED "SLAVE"........................................................................................................ 24
4.5 Setting of the DIP-switches....................................................................................................... 25
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5 INSTALLATION AND COMMISSIONING .................................................................................... 26
5.1 Reference to Installation ...........................................................................................................26
5.2 Connection................................................................................................................................ 26
5.2.1 Voltage for operation – Auxilliary voltage ......................................................................... 27
5.2.2 Alarm relay terminals X7 .................................................................................................. 27
5.2.3 Fibre Optic (FO) connections ........................................................................................... 27
5.2.4 RS232 connection ............................................................................................................ 28
5.2.5 Commissioning................................................................................................................. 28
5.3 Maintenance.............................................................................................................................. 28
6 MODES OF OPERATION.............................................................................................................29
6.1 How to activate the operation mode ......................................................................................... 29
6.1.1 How to select the Active Transmission Mode .................................................................. 29
6.1.2 Passiv Transmission Mode .............................................................................................. 30
6.1.3 Termination of the Active Transmission MOde ................................................................ 30
6.1.4 Time out conditions ..........................................................................................................30
6.1.5 Test aid for the data connection ....................................................................................... 31
6.2 Activation of the Setting Mode .................................................................................................. 31
6.2.1 With DIGSI – cable 7XV5100-4 (Bridged between pin 7-8) ............................................ 31
6.2.2 With Zero-Modem Cable (Not bridged between pin 7-8) .................................................32
6.2.3 With standard parameters 9600 Baud, 8N1 (recommended).......................................... 32
6.3 Setting of the interfaces ............................................................................................................ 33
6.3.1 With the terminal program "Hyper-Terminal" ................................................................... 33
6.3.2 The main setting dialogue / Change language................................................................. 34
6.3.3 Changing the parameters of a port (interface) ................................................................. 35
6.3.4 Saving parameters ........................................................................................................... 38
6.3.5 Termination of the Setting mode...................................................................................... 38
7 CHANGE THE FIRMWARE IN THE DEVICE............................................................................... 39
7.1 Warnings................................................................................................................................... 39
7.2 How to change the firmware ..................................................................................................... 39
8 APPLICATIONS TOGETHER WITH SIPROTEC RELAYS ......................................................... 40
8.1 SIEMENS-Relays of version 1/2 together with DIGSI V3 ......................................................... 40
8.1.1 Functional limitations with V1 / V2 protection devices...................................................... 44
8.2 SIEMENS-Relays of version 1/2 and 3 together with DIGSI V3 .............................................. 45
8.2.1 Operation with DIGSI 4.3x................................................................................................ 46
8.3 SIEMENS-Relays of version 1/2/3 and SIPROTEC 4 relays together with
DIGSI V3 or DIGSI 4................................................................................................................. 48
8.3.1 Operation with DIGSI 4.3x................................................................................................ 49
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General Instructions
This manual includes the information required for the normal use of the products described therein. It is intended for technically qualified personnel which has been specially trained or has special knowledge in the fields of protection-, instrumentation-, control-, and automatic control engineering (called automation in the following). The knowledge and the technically correct translation of the safety instructions and warnings included in this manual are a prerequisite for the safe installation and commissioning, as well as for safety during operation and maintenance, of the product described. Only qualified personnel, as defined in the following explanation, possess the technical knowledge required to interpret correctly and to put into action for each individual case the safety instructions and warnings given in this document in a general manner. This manual is an integral part of the scope of delivery. However, it cannot take into account every detail on all types of the described product and also every possible case regarding installation, operation or maintenance. If further information is desired or in case special problems should arise, which are not treated adequately in this document, it is possible to obtain additional details from the local Siemens office or from the addresses stated in the back of this manual. Additionally, we point out that the content of this product documentation is not part of or modifies any previous or existing agreement, promise, or legal relationship. All obligations by Siemens result from the respective purchase order which also includes the complete and exclusively valid warranty provision. The contractual warranty regulations are neither extended nor limited by the statements in this document.
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Safety Notes
These operating instructions contain notes that are to be complied with for your personal safety as well as to avoid property damages. These notes are marked by a triangular warning symbol and the different degrees of danger are categorized as follows:
Disregard of the corresponding precautionary measures will cause death, severe bodiliy injury or considerable property damage.
Disregard of the corresponding precautionary measures may cause death, severe bodiliy injury or considerable property damage.
Disregard of the corresponding precautionary measures may lead to slight bodiliy injury or minor property damage
Shall draw your attention to special information on the product, product handling or the corresponding section of the documentation.
Qualified personnel
Commissioning and operation of the equipment is to be performed by qualified personnel only. In the context of safety notes in this manual, the term qualified personnel refers to persons authorized to perform commissioning, grounding and labelling of devices, systems and electrical circuits.
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Intended Use
Please observe the following
The device must be operated only within the scope of its intended use according to these operating instructions and in connection with third-party equipment or compounds recommended or accepted by Siemens. Faultless and safe operation of the product require proper transport, storage, mounting and installation as well as careful operation and maintenance.
Explanation of the symbols at the device:
Warning of a danger. Please read the documentation. To be operated only by qualified personnel.
Double insulation
Exclusion of liability
The contents of this document have been reviewed on their compliance with the hardware and software described therein. Yet, deviations cannot be excluded, so that we cannot guarantee full compliance. The specifications in this document are, however, reviewed at regular intervals. Necessary corrections will be included in the next edition. You are invited to send us your suggestions for improvement.
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Copyright Siemens AG 2000. All rights reserved.
Transmission or reproduction of this document, as well as the use and forwarding of its contents is not permitted without express written authority. Offenders will be liable for damages. All rights, including rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design, are reserved.
Subject to technical changes without notice.
Version changes:
First issued on 08.02.2001
Changes introduced on 14.01.2002:
6.3.3 Timeout-time 00:00:00 (infinite) cancelled.
Page 37 Timeout-times must be graded.
8.1.1 Functional limitations of protection devices V1/2
8.2.1 Operation with DIGSI 4.3x
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1 Application and short functional description

The Active Mini-Starcoupler is designed for universal use in applications with serial interfaces, where one or several devices with different serial baudrate and data frame shall be linked together. It´s an active, serial port-switcher, where you can switch from one or more selectable input interfaces (Master interfaces) with an ASCII sequence to one output interface (Slace interface). With a terminal program or a customer specific software on a PC, 128 Slave-interfaces can be selected from a central unit (normally a PC) and the communication between the central unit and the device runs over the port-switcher. At each Slave-interface one not addressable device or several by protocol addressable devices can be connected. Even the remote control via a modem connected to a Master-interface is possible. For each Slave-interface a channel number is parametrized in the Active Mini-Starcoupler. Furthermore the serial data format, the baudrate and the data frame can be set individually for each Slave-interface. No hardware handshake for the serial interfaces is supported. The data­traffic between the master unit at the Master-interface to the devices at the Slave-interfaces must be controlled by a user defined protocol (e.c. protocol with device addresses or ASCII-protocol with XON/XOFF sequences).
Through the wide range power supply, which allows the connection to all common types of AC voltage supplies (AC: 110V / 230V) and DC batteries (DC: 24V –250V) and through the electromagnetic, disturbance free optical interfaces, the Active Mini-Starcoupler has favourite design features for the use in the industrial field and for serial applications together with protection and substatation control.
It allows the central and remote interrogation :
- Of non-addressable devices. Each at one Slave-interface (e.c. devices with ASCII – protocol like relays of version 1 or 2 from SIEMENS).
- Of several addressable devices with common interface parameters on one Slave-interface (Over protocol identified devices like relays of version 3 and 4 from SIEMENS)
- Common operation with non–addressable and addressable devices in a communication topology from a master unit.
- Of devices with different baudrate and data frame.
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1.1 Technical features
One local RS232 interface with 9 pole Sub-D socket for the setting procedure or for normal data exchange. The interface don´t support hardware handshake during normal operation. Only in a special setting mode the hardware handshake is provided.
5 optical duplex interfaces (transmit and receive connector) for the connection to multimode fibre optic cables (FO) with FSMA- or ST plugs. The data-exchange must be realized in a half-duplex mode with a continuous data stream of less than 254 Byte (max. byte­length for one continuous data stream in one direction).
Settable idle state ´Light ON´ or ´Light OFF´ for each of the optical interfaces. Factory setting is ´Light OFF´. This state is equal with those of the optical interfaces from relays from SIEMENS.
Wave length of the optical interfaces is 820 nm.
The maximum distance between devices connected optically with
multimode-FO (62,5/125 µm) is 1,5 km (approx. 1 mile).
Individually settable async. baud rates of 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 und 115200 Baud for each interface.
Individually settable data frames 8N1, 8N2 und 8E1 for each interface.
Wide range power supply with 24 V – 250 V DC and 110 / 230 V AC.
LED indication for operation and date transfer from the Master to the Slave-interface..
One RS485-interface for cascading in a half-duplex-mode between several Active-Mini-Starcouplers. Transmitting and receiving datas at the same time is not possible via this interface.
Through cascading the whole configuration can be extended up to 128 Slave-interfaces.
Plastic housing for 35 mm top-hat rail mounting.
1.1.1 Interfaces
The Active Mini-Starcoupler has at it´s bottom side a 9 pole RS232 interface. This interface is used for parametrization and for central local access from a PC.
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At it´s front side five optical interfaces with a transmit (Tx) and receive (Rx) connector as FSMA- or ST-type are located. This interfaces allow an interference free connection to the optical interfaces of further Active Mini-Starcouplers or optical interfaces of devices / relays. The light idle state ON or OFF for each optical interface can be set by a terminal program in the Active Mini-Starcoupler by software.
For the cascading of Active Mini-Starcouplers it has at the bottom side a serial RS485 bus-interface, where several devices can communicate via an elecrical half duplex two wire RS485 bus. The bus termination resistance is set with a DIP-switch to ON or OFF. For the first and last device at the RS485 bus it must be set to ON, OFF for the other devices between.
1.1.2 Setting parameters
The setting of parameters work by a simple terminal program (e.g. Hyperterm from WINDOWS®) via the DIGSI – cable 7XV5100-4, which connects the RS232 interface from the Active Mini-Starcoupler with one serial PC-interface. The programming dialogue runs in the terminal program and the paramerters stored in the device. English and German is available for this setting dialogue. No special operational software is required.
If the switch S2.1 is set to ON, the setting dialogue runs with 9600 Baud (baudrate) and 8N1 (data format) after switching OFF and ON the power supply of the device, even the interface has been set to Master-mode and therefore may have other interface parameters. 8N1 and 9600 Baud have to be set in the terminal program for the PC interface connected with the device. After switching ON the power supply, with S1.1 in ON state, the device is in the setting mode. If the datas of the serial interface remain unchanged during this setting procedure, they are valid again with there existing values, when the setting mode is left by the user.
Parameters are stored unerasable against loss of power supply in an
PROM in the device.

1.1.3 Master and Slave-interfaces

All interfaces can be set as Master or Slave interface. All Master­interfaces must have the channel number zero. The Slave-interfaces are set to a channel number between 1 and 254. Via an ASCII – sequence the channel is selected and afterwards the data traffic is switched from the Master to the selected Slave-interface.
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1.1.4 Master-interfaces
In one device more than one interface can work as Master-interface, set all with channel number zero. If several interfaces are set as Master­interfaces, they must have the same interface properties like data frame and baudrate. All received datas at one Master-interface are transmitted with the same data frame and baudrate to the other Master-interfaces of the device and Master-interfaces of cascaded devices.
1.1.5 Slave-interfaces
All interfaces, which have been as Slave-interfaces, must be programmed with a unique channel number between 1 and 128. It´s not allowed to have equal channel numbers for Slave-interfaces in a topology of serveral devices, which is e.g. cascaded via the RS485 interface or a Master-interface. Each Slave-interface can have it´s individual baudrate and data format.
1.1.6 Baudrates
All interfaces can set to 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 und 115000 Baud.
1.1.7 Data format
All interfaces can set to: 8N1 (1 Start bit, 8 data bits, No parity bit, 1 Stop bit), 8N2 (1 Start bit, 8 data bits, No parity bit, 2 Stop-bits) and 8E1 (1 Start bit, 8 data bits, Even parity bit, 1 Stop-bits).

1.1.8 Channel selection during the operation

Slave-interfaces must be selected via the Master-interface with a channel selection command during normal operation. This switches an active data connection between Master- and Slave-interface for the serial data traffic. The entry for the selected channel number (one out of 1-128) is done in the terminal program during the operation mode beside the Prompt REMOTE> and terminated with a RETURN.
REMOTE>2 <CR – Carrige RETURN> selects channel number 2
If the selected channel number has been identified by the Active Mini­Starcoupler and the channel is routed from the Master- to the Slave-port successfully, the device is in an Active Transmission Mode and answers to the terminal program or the application software with:
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REMOTE>Connected to port # 3 To deselect type BYE
All Master-interfaces are routed to the selected Slave-interface, e.g. the Active Mini-Starcoupler transforms baudrate and data frame according the settings for those interfaces. Only one active connection can be opened at the same time. All other Slave-interfaces are not connected and in an passive mode. Received datas at the Master-interface are send only to all other connected Master-interfaces and the selected Slave-interface.
After the Ative Transmission Mode is activated the operational software e.g. DIGSI is started on the PC. This software exchange serial datas between the PC and the serial interface of a device, which has been connected to the Slave-interface of the Active Mini-Starcoupler. This data transfer runs via the Master- and Slave-interface of the Active Mini­Starcoupler, where it transforms the serial datas.
After the PC software application is finished, the connection between Master- and Slave-interface should be terminated. This can be done by the software, if the disconnection string is implemented in the software (e.g. DIGSI 3). If not, it can be done again with the terminal program. A timeout set for the interfaces also leads to an automatic release of the Active Transmission Mode. If within the timeout duration no datas are exchanged Master- and Slave-interface get disconnected.

1.1.9 Disconnection between Master- and Slave-interface

After the entry of ´BYE´ (without RETURN) after approx. 2 s the actual selected Slave-port is disconnected from the Master-interface. The
Active Mini-Starcoupler switches from the Active Transmission Mode into the normal operation mode, where it waits for new commands. Because all Master-interfaces hear the ´BYE´ command, if several Mini-
Starcouplers are cascaded together e.g. via their RS485 interface, they know that they must be ready now for new channel selection commands.

1.1.10 Internal memory for the data-transfer

The data-transfer between the interfaces of an Active Mini-Starcoupler runs in full-duplex mode. If serveral devices are cascaded via the RS485 interface it works only half-duplex. Because different baud rates and data formats can be set for the interfaces, it takes different time to transmit and receive datas from there. So an uninterrupted data transfer
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is not possible all the time. The maximum telegram length is 255 byte. The device is able to store this amount of bytes. If more than 255 bytes are in the internal buffer, because much more datas are received at one interface before they can be transmitted over the other interface, datas get lost. If a telegram is received gapless, there is no garanty that it is transmitted gapless over the other interface. The transmission of the first byte over one interface begins as soon as it is received over the other interface. This avoids delay times caused by the device.

1.1.11 Cascading several Mini-Starcouplers

Several Mini-Starcouplers can be linked together with the RS485­interface included in each device. It´s an electrical 2-wire bus. In this bus configration the first RS485-interface must set as a Master-interface and further RS485-interfaces must be set also as Master-interfaces with the same baudrate and data frame.

1.1.12 Mini-Starcoupler as Master-device

The Active Mini-Starcoupler which is connected close by the PC or the modem is called the Master-device. It answers in the normal operation
mode to every ↵↵↵ (Return) with the string
in the terminal program. Important is, that the parameter ´ANSWER´ for the Master-interface with channel number zero must be set to ´YES´ (It´s a must for the operation together with DIGSI).
If a modem with automatic baud rate recognizion shall be synchronized to the baud rate set for the Master-interface the paramter ´PING´ must
be set to ´YES´. Over the serial Master-interface, which is connected to the serial modem interface, every 10 seconds the modem string
´ATE0Q1´ (PING) is transmitted to the modem. This string is necessary for automatic baud rate recognizion. This works, if the Master-interface is not active connected to a Slave-interface in the Active Transmission Mode and avoids that the modem switches to an unwanted baud rate.

1.1.13 Further Mini-Starcouplers as Slave-devices

Further Mini-Starcouplers which are conneced behind the Master-device are called Slave-devices. In Slave-devices the parameters ´ANSWER´ and
´PING´ for the Master-interfaces must be set to ´NO´.
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Only this settings makes it sure that with several Mini-Starcouplers, which are linked together in a configuration, only the first one answers to
a (Return) from the terminal program or the application software with >REMOTE and only this one sends it´s PING – string to the modems
serial interface.
2 Technical datas

2.1 Hardware features

Mechanical design
Housing Dimensions Weight Degree of protection
Housing Terminals
Plastic EG90 see dimensional drawings approx. 280g according EN60529, IEC60529
IP 20 IP 20
Auxiliary voltage U
Rated input voltage
- DC voltage
- AC voltage
Class of protection (depends on input voltage)
Power consumption
- DC voltage
- AC voltage
Alarm relay
1 Relay Connector Test voltage Switching voltage (nominal value) Switching capability Switching current Indication
Connector Test voltage
24 V - 250 V DC ± 20 % 24 V - 230 V AC ± 20 % / 45-65 Hz
With U 5 W 4 W; 6 VA
MSR-Relay, 1 NC (open) contact, potential free 2-pol. Phönix terminal 3,7 kV 250 V DC 20 W/VA 1 A permanent LED green: 5 V o.k, processor in operation
9-pol. SUB-D, socket 500 V AC towards RS485-interface 2 kV AC towards other connections
= UHN; typical value
Screw terminals Test voltage
COMBICON 2-pol. 500 V AC towards RS232-interface 2 kV AC towards other connections
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Optical interfaces
Optical inputs / outputs
Optical connectors
Laser class 1 acc. EN60825-1/-2 Data flow indication
Wave length Launched power
5 transmitters, 5 receivers Factory setting: Light OFF in idle state FSMA (protective caps made of plastic) alternativ on request ST connectors
LED yellow ´Master-interface transmit datas´ LED yellow ´Slave-interface transmit datas´ 820 nm 50/125µm: -19dBm multimode fibre 62,5/125µm: -15dBm multimode fibre 200µm; -6,2dBm HCS fibre
Sensitivity Optical budget Maximum reach By software settable baud rates
By software settable data formats
2.2 Safety Tests
Safety test standards
according DIN EN 61010 Teil1 Overvoltage category Degree of pollution Fire resistance classification according to UL 94
Dielectric tests
EN61010 IEC 255-5: ANSI/IEEE C37.90.0
Voltage test (routine test) Auxiliary power to relay Auxiliary power to RS232 interface
Relay to RS232 interface
-30dBm 10dB (+3 dB system budget – safety margin)
1.5 km with 62,5/125µm multimode fibre 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 3840, 57600, 115200 Baud 8N1, 8N2, 8E1
III 2 V0
5,25 kV DC / 1s (with bypass capacitors) 3,7 kV AC / 50Hz / 1s (without bypass capacitors) 3,7 kV AC / 50Hz / 1s (without bypass capacitors)
Surge voltage test (type test)
VDE0435, Teil 303
Auxiliary power to relay
Auxiliary power to RS232 interface Relay to RS232 interface Relay to RS485 interface
5 kV (peak); 1,2/50 µs; 0,5 J; 3 pos. and 3 neg. surges in intervals of 5 s all circuits, class III (not on open contacts)
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